I wonder how many of the right- wing nuts and their apologists (I see you Charles Barkley) will say that Eric Garner was a "thug" as they did with Michael Brown.
My man was selling cigarettes and trying to get his hustle on to feed his family and he ended up dead.
I am curious as to what good body cameras on police officers will do when we all watched Eric Garner being choked to death by an overzealous police officer in live and living color. (Pun intended.)
Although I suppose that if the event was not filmed we would be hearing, as we did with Darren Wilson, that this evil terrifying black monster had to be taken down before he killed all the police officers at the scene.
Now, understandably, black folks and people of conscience are upset at this
On the other side of the divide are people like the United States congressman who declared that Mr. Garner caused his own death because he is "obese." This kind of reaction is typical of certain people here in America. It's never the fault of the police officer when it involves a black defendant. Because, well, we know how those blacks are. Even when they are being killed by police officers who are unfit to do their jobs.
"Earlier, Garner’s visibly upset stepfather, Benjamin Carr, said the grand jury decision “don’t make no sense.”
“'I mean, I don't understand it,' he said. 'They lock a man up for a damn dog fight. They don't lock this son-of-a-bitch up for killing somebody.”'
Well Mr. Carr, one is a black man and the other is a dog. If you understand the pecking order of lives in America it makes a lot of sense.
The death penalty for selling loosies is ludicrous.
Eric Garner set in motion the events that led to his death by resisting arrest.
He didn't deserve to die for this, but his death was accidental.
The police should be held accountable for their actions, and they were, as this case was investigated.
If you disagree with the conclusions of this investigation, perhaps you could cite evidence that was not heard by those who conducted it.
That congressman is Peter KKKing the Statan Island cracker who's been embarrassing New Yorkers with his low brow racism for decades.
Why does an entire race of people spend all of their energy obsessing over the deaths of two criminals resisting arrest?
Both deaths were tragedies, Mr. Garner's especially so, but both were primarily the fault of the deceased.
As far as the bigger picture goes, there is no epidemic of black men being unjustifiably killed by police. It's just not happening.
So what is this all about? What deeper issues are we avoiding?
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
That congressman is Peter KKKing the Statan Island cracker who's been embarrassing New Yorkers with his low brow racism for decades.
Nothing like using racial slurs why crying about racism, huh whitey con?
Field, "Well Mr. Carr, one is a black man and the other is a dog. If you understand the pecking order of lives in America it makes a lot of sense."
Mr Field, I resent that you are assuming that Whites love their dogs more than Blacks and consequently it's ok to murder bm.
Mr Field, that simply is not true. There ARE some Whites who detest what is going on with the police in America.
It is wrong, but America lives by the rule of law. That's the bottom line. The Grand Jury has the final say, and that's that.
We just have to be patient and wait for a couple of generations to die out and new ones with fair minds without prejudice come into being.
Let's hope that happens in the future.
Field, as usual, you've said it ALL
Hmmmm. I wonder if FP still thinks this is not about race? O'Reilly sure doesn't.
"I wonder how many of the right- wing nuts and their apologists (I see you Charles Barkley) will say that Eric Garner was a "thug" as they did with Michael Brown."
Less than the leftwing nuts who will say Eric Garner was a gentle giant who was selling cigarettes and trying to get his hustle on.
Eric Garner was breaking the law.
Instead of cuffing up and going peaceful, Eric chimps out.
If not for the chimp out, Eric would still be hustling on da corner.
"It's never the fault of the police officer when it involves a black defendant."
And with field and his fellow nuts, it's never the black mans fault for anything.
With his own complicity in the crisis and commitment to the myth of white racism from which it springs, has a president ever been less suited to his moment than this one now? Not since George W Bush fumbled through his first public remarks on 9/11 have I seen a leader with less moral authority. W's sin was his callow ineptitude, stunningly revealed in crisis. He had no business being president. Barack Obama, on the other hand, has been thinking long and hard about just this, America's race problem. And there he is, at once complicit in and impotent before violence he will not condemn without qualification. His sin is duplicitous, and also revealed in crisis. He too has no business being president.
Hard to recall, but the initial appeal of Barack Obama to whites was largely as someone who would, with "soaring oratory" and personal example, reconcile blacks, finally, to America. It wasn't spoken outright, but the feeling wasn't that whites had to brought to the table, but blacks. He was supposed to be ideally suited to the purpose, as first black president. Nixon went to China; Barack would go to black America. Obama's enthusiastic white supporters should feel betrayed. It's obvious now he never intended to move black America one stubborn inch toward reconciliation.
But even if Barack Obama were capable of a road-to-Ferguson conversion to the truth--the persistence of white racism is not the problem; the persistence of black dysfunction is--he would still make a lousy witness.
Just as the content of his speeches and writing have gone largely unexamined by his celebrants, so too has his style. His recurring habit of juxtaposing his opponents' views with his own to lend the appearance of reasonable compromise renders his speeches flabby and even more platitudinous than they already are. Hardly what the country needs when coming to the realization that long-held convention is dead wrong.
What's called for is probably impossible--telling the truth. How do you tell a people they are poorer because they are less industrious, they are jailed more because they are more criminal, they fail at school because they are less intelligent? How does one broach that subject? What you saw tonight was a president lamely trying to walk back his demagogy of the past months and re-set the expectations of all those whose wrath he's done so much to encourage--what is needed is a leader who might, somehow, begin the process of walking back the narrative and expectations of past decades, regarding black achievement and racial equality.
Didn't take field long to turn the death of Eric Garner into a right/left/black/white/attack negros who step off the plantation issue.
What's the Democrat motto?
Never let a tragedy go to waste.
Mr Field, Kenny Smith's open letter to Charles Barkley might interest you. I think there might be a rising tide against Barkley.
I ate at a Whitey's Conspiracy in Philadelphia a few years ago. The tiny, square hamburgers were very good. But he fries were cold and greasy. But, if you're hungry enough, anything will do. I recall that I was the only white customer there that night which I found a little ironic considering the name of the place.
The manager was friendly though. He came to my table and asked me if I felt comfortable being in there. I said "sure, this is great." For some reason, he said he wanted to make sure I knew where all the emergency exits were in case there was trouble. I guess it was a fire code requirement for him to tell the customers.
I've never been to any restaurant where the employees seemed to care so much about my comfort and safety. He even offered to walk me to my car when I left. I definitely recommend Whitey's Conspiracy if you're looking for good food and caring service.
Folks, I encourage you to read the hash tag "CrimingwhileWhite" in this link.
I am sure many Whites AND Blacks can relate to the experiences. Somebody should send these tweets to Bill O'Reilly:
Anon11:15pm, ROFL!
"I definitely recommend Whitey's Conspiracy if you're looking for good food and caring service."
That's mighty white of you.
Anon 10:39 PM-
i did not say that race is not an issue. what i did say is i don't get why so many BM give themselves permission to act all brand new in america. like they just got here with NO IDEA that folk don't respect their right to live + breathe freely...
much less will kill them with immunity.
think about it.
even Rodney King was doing The.Most just before his world famous beating.
why keep putting yourselves in that situation and giving folk reasons to get it poppin' in a clear open season?
why keep focusing on the menfolk that act like run ins with the law= big joke?
rather than the death sentence under the police state it so clearly is.
some White folk will pretend the threat isn't Real until the heat gets turned up in their neighborhoods...
and it will.
i said + tried to be clear that to divide along color lines makes no sense.
we are One through His Spirit, as it is written.
what we see is affecting folk in general. as per usual, Black folk catch it the hardest + first.
until more BM get with Yah +bow down to Him/His Word, i really can't get mad at Anon from last thread that wants all the WW to run off into the brand new version of segregation with BM.
all WW that think THAT makes sense...
it has to be about the Spirit-not color.
there is a war of two worlds at play.
this is Spiritual warfare folk.
all day.
all this brand new keeps catching folk all up with no clues...
despite it all being written.
Black folk are in a clear spiritual bind.
what Bill O thinks = his business.
just please don't twist what i say.
i care for Black people- which is why i can't just focus on BM. when cops are raping + brutalizing BW and girls. the Black Ferguson cop raping the BW= not a peep. i can't get with that madness.
i am Black AND a woman. plan to ignore exactly no part of who He created me to be, so there can be this lopsided false peace.
i care for humanity which encompasses ALL hues + both genders.
i got Love for ALL folk...
even the ones that only serve to grow me in Patience + Spiritual fruits.
what i won't do is go to wailing, on manipulated cue, when folk trot out BM who are greatly contributing to their experiences.
if it were a Black girl, folk would see a way to infuse accountability into the convo. yet for some reason, when it comes to BM folk expect there not to be that convo. it is immediately a convo about color...
be clear: when i say such things, the observation is born of Love. folk that Love you will tell you the Truth.
what folk believe = free will + not my business, really.
i used to watch your Bill O clips Anon.
i confess:
i don't do that anymore. it is not my impression that he seeks to be of assistance.
not to say there are no Good White folk. always have been. Good comes in all hues= Truth. just as bad does, too. when i speak of White folk, i am speaking of the semites, too.
i can't pretend to be all in need of a clue + brand new.
been having a color doesn't matter...
but let's tell the Truth convo with church folk earlier today.
Bill O= exactly what i don't need right now.
hope you have a better Understanding of where i am coming from.
Why the eerie incapacity of underclass blacks to understand evidence, or law, or much of anything?
Thank you Whitey's so Racket. This is the friendliest blog I've seen yet. One fellow asked me if I was his Uncle Tom. I told him that, unfortunately, I wasn't. But I'd be honored if I was. It's great to see a blog the whole family can enjoy.
"Now, understandably, black folks and people of conscience are upset at this latest instance of injustice in these divided states of America. I mean isn't it ironic that the man who filmed the killing of Eric Garner was indicted but his actual killer was not?"
Sounds super shady. Internal Affairs should be investigating the officers who busted this Orta fellow and his wife. Coincidence, my ass. Intimidating witnesses to police misconduct -- that's old school.
I've been following the news lately. It seems some troubled youths are very upset with certain businesses in certain cities. I don't blame them. I had a disagreement with Sears Roebuck & Company back in 1982 and haven't shopped there since. They wouldn't honor the coupon I tried to used for a three pack of size 34 boxer shorts because they were already on sale. Even though I reminded them that it says "Satisfaction Guaranteed" over the door, they still refused. I was so ad I pull spit. I had to go home and have a glass of warm milk to calm myself down.
You should have burned Sears down. President Obama says such a reaction is
Anyone who is not happy with the Rule of Law as set down in this country, and the expectations of behavior for its residents (to be lawful and respectful of others in the commonweal) are free to leave - anytime - and find somewhere else that fits their personal vision of "utopia".
Last time I checked, no one is being held here against their will. They are free to pick up and go somewhere where their behavioral and social choices are acceptable to the majority.
People who are lawful and respectful in their daily interactions with the rest of the society should not be expected to make exceptions for those who choose to behave outside the established norms and parameters for conduct in a civil and free society.
Now great care must be taken with one who perishes under such circumstances. After his burial, do not be surprised if at night he used by the power of Satan, as we may very well believe, continually to issue forth from his grave, and to rush up and down the streets of the town, whilst the dogs howl and bay in every direction what time this evil thing is abroad. Any citizen who chance meet him will be distraught with terror and turn white, and then just before daybreak he will return to his grave. If this is observed, ten young men of singular bravery and strength must exhume this accursed corpse which must be hewn member from member and cut into small pieces, and thrown into a blazing furnace so that it might be entirely burned up and consumed. When this has been done, calm will return the the city.
As far as I know, the only cop to get fired and charged in the recent high profile shootings was the cop who told a man to show him his license, and then shot the man when he leaned in his car to get it. That trigger happy cop could claim he feared for his life. The main differences seem to be that the victim lived and he was fully cooperative with the cop. But the penalty for resisting arrest isn't death and it is still murder if you kill someone who might have survived if they didn't have health problems.
"But the penalty for resisting arrest isn't death and it is still murder if you kill someone who might have survived if they didn't have health problems."
It's not murder unless you intended to kill the individual, which almost certainly wasn't the case with Eric Garner. The cop in question was trying to subdue Garner so he could be cuffed and taken into custody, not to kill him.
Still, chokeholds are banned for use by police for a reason -- they carry too high a risk of death. It would not have been out of line to convict him of manslaughter or some other form of negligent homicide.
I don't know what reasoning the grand jury used to convince themselves to let Officer Pantaleo walk, but I doubt it had any foundation in the law.
What up, Black Cracker ass cracker?
The laws and regulations on top of regulations promoted by the Left caused this meeting this day that went horribly wrong.
You think I love the police? HA!
They're a necessary evil like lawyers!
Here's how I stay alive. I have nothing to do with them.
If I get sprayed with pepper spray it would probably end my life do to my breathing problems. Also if held down like this man was, I may suffocate also.
Field, you've gotta see that Conservatives are for this man getting his hustle on. We're pro capitalism with as little regulations as possible. AND with no social engineering with a ridiculous cigarette tax. This tragic encounter was pushed by the Left.
I'm ready to riot. Not because of racism but because this meeting should never have occurred.
Death of a Capitalist.
This should be the headline.
The State and all who support State control are responsible for this capitalist's death.
Wake up and see who are really pulling the strings and setting up a State controlled society. Carbon tax, cigarette tax, gas tax. Health control, job control. INTERNET CONTROL.
It is not the Conservatives.
This death should be a rallying cry to the free capitalists. The hustlers, black, white and yellow. We need to march soon.
Tamir Rice was buried today. His sixth grade teacher did he eulogy, broke down and cried.
Teacher said, "Tamir never missed a school day."
Very sad and evil when children are murdered by cops for playing with a toy gun in an open carry state.
Police = paid assassins. Smh!
Hisponky Senor KKKinky @10:58
O.K. You've earned your $2.50 for shitting on this blog, will you ever STFU! You ignorant tio-taco asstroll!!
Aren't you late for a LaRaza/KKK rally?
Hey Granny!
Dennis Dale, u wrote a lot but said nothing. It is not Barack Obama's job to act as your priest and conscience so that you may be forgiven for all the sins of your ancestors.
That is your job.
Barack Obama is a politician who was elected
by the majority to lead this country. I would argue that he is doing an adequate job of that. Certainly not much better or worse than those who came before him.
Your problem with Barack Obama is that he doesn't look like you, and thus has no right to be the most powerful person in the free world.
All the talking points and Fox News editorials in the world will not change that fact.
"Your problem with Barack Obama is that he doesn't look like you,"
Isn't that your problem with white people field? You hate them because they don't look like you.
Field, I'm not sure this is "just" a black/white issue. Seems more like a police-can-get-away-with-murder issue. Do we need new laws, or vacating special protections on the books already?
The only criminal sentence I can remember a policeman receiving was Justin Volpe and his broom handle in the Abner Louima case. With the "perp" already in the police station.
Maybe somebody's going to think of rewriting the skewed laws that absolve the police from having to act like humans when they're "on the job."
You would know as a lawyer. Is this a possibility?
When are we going to write laws that force blacks to act like humans when they interact with the police?
Is it possible?
White privilege at it's best, ONLY a White man can have his execution delayed in Texas.
Meanwhile PLENTY of mentally ill Black men have been executed.
Sure dr. queen. ONLY white men get their executions delayed in Texas.
Only a racist like you dr. queen would post something like that. Dr. queen is retardiness at it's best.
Anyone seen the #CrimingWhileWhite? Pretty much proves what the chicken $hit racists here are too cowardly to acknowledge.
And what is that? Do tell.
While Negroes were mourning the murders of Eric Gardner and Michael Brown, a white cop shot an unarmed bm dead in Arizona.
Once again, it's the same story...another rerun:
There is an uproar by Blacks;
The cop was in a struggle with the bm.
The cop thought the bm had a gun.
The cop was forced to shoot him dead.
It was not the cop's fault.
A grand jury?
A civil rights case?
All ineffective against the establishment.
PS: It seems pretty obvious that the police state is pushing for a fight with the community to establish state and fed law against Blacks.
One would think the message would percolate down to the black underclass that forcibly resisting arrest just might get you killed.
But apparently, we have a lot of people who are a little slow on the uptake.
At least after attacking police and getting killed, Liberal America will make you a hero and create a street side shrine in your honor.
All this martyrdom of morons is not going to help things, Field. Now these idiots are going to feel emboldened to fight the cops and that they are going to be considered community heroes for doing so. More people will die, more ugly T-shirts will sold, and more businesses will be burned down during peaceful protests. Not good.
Why does the black community make heroes and martyrs out of violent criminals? Doesn't that feed the dysfunction?
The mentality that it is alright to kill people for resisting arrest is tied to the Fox News viewer mentality that begs to give up our rights and usher in the police state. Fox News promotes racism and sending your kids to war.
Limpbaugh promotes asshatery by commenting on Fox News without ever watching Fox News.
No one sends "your kids to war" more than the political party that limpaugh votes for.
Democrats don't need the help of Fox News.
I'm glad Mother Jefferson is speaking out on the grand jury decision.
Today marks the 45th year anniversary of the assassinations of Brothers Fred Hampton and Mark Clark by the Chicago Police Department and the Illinois States Attorney. No one was ever prosecuted.
Happy kill a criminal negro day to you too!
Limpbaugh said...
The mentality that it is alright to kill people for resisting arrest is tied to the Fox News viewer mentality that begs to give up our rights and usher in the police state. Fox News promotes racism and sending your kids to war.
This is YOUR police state, you fucking communist.
The Left controls the government. The Left is using the NSA to spy on all American citizens. The Left is militarizing local police forces and the DHS. The Left is using government agencies to harass political opponents. The Left is bombing Syria. The Left lives off racial acrimony. The Left is pushing to control speech on the internet.
YOU are the Goddamned problem.
As DL Hugley posted and I paraphrase "conservatives don't trust scientists who say the planet is warming, don't trust the bi-partisan Bengazi report, don't trust the government to do anything but the do trust a secret grand jury". Hmmmm, not the skeptics they pretend to be?
Is it time for the annual conservative whine fest about the war on Santa? I mean in Chicago we ONLY have two radio stations that play xmas music 24 hrs a day. Has Billo started fighting the war yet? He may be too busy reporting on that knockout game that's taking over the planet.
hi Granny!
police are paid assassins trained by Blackwater. with the full backing of the legal system to do precisely what they are doing. stockpiled ammmunition + an unofficial go get 'em!
guess it will need to happen a few more times for folk to get that clear message.
Dorner died trying to tell folk, but he got written off as "mentally ill." while the folk that refuse to pay attention claim "sane"...
i am not "blaming" the parents. be clear. i am saying that increased efforts to protect lives MUST take place.
that said, any parent giving their Black son/daughter a toy gun and sending them outside to play...
at this point in the game.
i recall vividly the police killing Black folk before the roll out of the police state for toy guns. this is NOT the first time..
we Understand that the police should "serve + protect"..
how can we forget that police stations/jail cells is where we were held,'til the lynch mob assembled to come for US?
what's REALLY with all the brand new?
what happens to those that forget it?
article from Jan. '14 below clearly shows- how we started the year is how we will finish. yet we MUST be divided over color.
'cause even MLK's ticket needed to be punched over the suggestion that the poor, downtrodden, displaced, and marginalized of ALL colors needed to UNITE.
may the resident racists PLEASE take notice that the dead man = White.
and just so folk Understand, once again, Ferguson was MADE to happen. down to the cute little manipulative detail of release the verdict at night. this way there could be a cloak of darkness for the heavily scripted night of hell.
Blessings all!
Anon's post @0817 is interesting. Seems many white racists project their thoughts on others. They pretty much acknowledge that their problem with Barack is that he has the wrong paint job and then accuses Field of the same. This makes sense when you read the comments section of any story that involves race. White males project their feelings and opinions on others and can't seem to grasp the fact that not everyone thinks the same as them or that their opinions aren't the end all be all.
@12:36 PM-guess you missed the bush 1 and 2 new world order folk?
i mean it was a mantra.
that and a thousand points of light.
dig into the occult side of all of that and you will end up looking right into the face of satan.
but keep with the left/right, Black/White fight. the hidden hand is throwing you an A- ok sign, aka the 666:(
gotta go for Real.
Blessings all!
you think 'religion' is manipulative.
the Bible= political publication written by kings for the benefit of kings.
let me tell ya what is manipulative:
those with no Spiritual anchor STAY doubly manipulated.
White folk are shouting about BO dismantling their White land America.
valid observation.
Black folk are knee jerk protecting BO because of the loooong history of racism. despite there not being anything to really protect. BO threw US under the bus...
i called this madness before his first day in office.
was called EVERY name in the book.
i pray that folk will get wise to the time....
or at least not expect me to pattycake + nose wipe when folk are engaged in a spiritual battle of Biblical proportions. many so wise in their own eyes that they are on the battle field with NO Sword, no armor, no buckler, no shield.
i Love this brother:) watch what happens when a BM righteously brings it:
i got nothing but Love for him.
Bill Cosby, too. they are erasing his $. hidden in plain sight;( whale hunting...when respecting his marriage would have protected him from this type of madness;(
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
He may be too busy reporting on that knockout game that's taking over the planet.
We have a new twist on the game here in St. Louis:
Just don't tell anybody. It supposed to be a secret.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Anon's post @0817 is interesting. Seems many white racists project their thoughts on others. They pretty much acknowledge that their problem with Barack is that he has the wrong paint job and then accuses Field of the same.
Um, no. No one has acknowledged anything of the sort.
Barack Obama was elected BECAUSE he was black, not despite of it.
However, he has ruled from Day One in an overtly anti-white racist manner. White people thought America proved it was not racist by making a black guy President, and that blacks would respond by starting to be cool with whites.
But they were fools, because blacks will never be cool with whites, they will always be filled with hate because they have become the ultimate racists.
There will never be another black President.
On the same day a grand jury in the Staten Island borough of New York City declined to indict white police officer Daniel Pantaleo for placing Eric Garner in a banned choke-hold that led to the unarmed black man’s death, a grand jury in South Carolina returned a murder indictment in a case with similar overtones. In Orangeburg, S.C., a grand jury found cause to indict Richard Combs, the former police chief of Eutawville — population 300, of which about one-third is black — in the shooting death of unarmed black man Bernard Bailey, 54.
"let me tell ya what is manipulative:
"those with no Spiritual anchor STAY doubly manipulated."
I don't know. A spiritual anchor would weigh me down with preconceived ideas instead of being openminded. Shrug. Spirituality is another form of manipulation based on a human concept of "spiritual".
"Barack Obama was elected BECAUSE he was black, not despite of it."
"However, he has ruled from Day One in an overtly anti-white racist manner. White people thought America proved it was not racist by making a black guy President, and that blacks would respond by starting to be cool with whites."
Even dumber bullshit.
"But they were fools, because blacks will never be cool with whites, they will always be filled with hate because they have become the ultimate racists."
Because all the good white people wanted was to be "cool" with blah people so you didn't vote with your brains, as Kinky says, you voted with your hearts. Either you're wrong or Kinky is. I wonder which one. We'll let you guys sort it out.
"There will never be another black President."
Excuse me if I don't put much stock in anonymous predictions anymore. Romney in a landslide anyone?
The Twosqueegee Airman said...
"I don't know. A spiritual anchor would weigh me down with preconceived ideas instead of being openminded"
Says one of the least open minded partisan hacks on the planet.
Puff yourself up some more, you racist buffoon.
PX is the black Sean Hannity.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Is it time for the annual conservative whine fest about the war on Santa?
Not yet. The black whine fest is still going on. The pretend war on blacks rages on.
But when we're done with all that....
Ha ha ha! Neither introspection nor irony are big in conservative circles.
Not like Sean Hannity in that I have a college degree. QLB would be more like him in that respect.
I thought Sean Hannity finished high school.
Not that's just wrong Doc! Ha! Imma have to hit you with a penalty flag.
You thought. There's your problem dr. queen.
Dr. queen needs to be hit-just not with a penalty flag.
I'm thinking someone needs to go Adrian Peterson on her.
field negro said...
I would argue that he is doing an adequate job of that. Certainly not much better or worse than those who came before him.
Wasn't it you that just yesterday was praising Obama as the 4th best president in history?
Why the flip-flop?
Anon @8:46 am.
There is NO excuse for the lawless behavior of some group, it is NEVER "understandable", it is NEVER "okay".
Michael Brown Momma's shack up needs to arrested. What he did was no different from yelling "FIRE" in a crowded movie theatre.
So tired of underclass blacks using any excuse to behave like out of control animals.
Don't like following the law, then go live in a lawless third world shithold. Bye!
Yīshēng said...
Anyone seen the #CrimingWhileWhite?
Most telling was all these white liberals telling their stories how their black friends were arrested as they were let go, not one said he refused to be treated special.
It appears none of these white criminals refused white privilege yet they use the opportunity to bash the cops for letting them enjoy it at the expense of their black friends.
"I thought Sean Hannity finished high school."
If so, they must have graduated him on "effort points." The man's dumb as a post. His career is based around being a cheerleader for ignorance and hate. His idea of a model American is racist welfare rancher Cliven Bundy.
"It appears none of these white criminals refused white privilege yet they use the opportunity to bash the cops for letting them enjoy it at the expense of their black friends."
Uh, let's say that a cop is going to let you off with a warning for a minor offense, but not your black friend. How is the black friend helped if you demand to face the same charge? He's still screwed, but now you are as well.
The white liberals in this case are arguing that black people should have to put up with less bullshit, not that white people should put up with more bullshit.
You've sure got some weird ideas about the definition of hypocrisy, Bill.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Romney in a landslide anyone?
I got a better lie than that.
And unlike you quoting some foxnews troll, I'll quote the sitting President of the United States.
"lower your premiums by up to $2,500 per family per year."
We now know that Obama was intentionally lying.
Was your quote an intentional lie or rethug stupidity?
Anonymous said...
Uh, let's say that a cop is going to let you off with a warning for a minor offense, but not your black friend. How is the black friend helped if you demand to face the same charge?
I'm assuming your a good white democrat.
Thankfully I will never have to count on you as a friend.
#CrimingWhileWhite? Our good racist doc is taking that seriously?
Really? Something that was set up by a liberal comedian met to be a parody?
Just show how desperate racists are to take their fingers out of their collective butts and point at others they hate.
Google is so interesting.
Put in a couple words and just by looking at the websites containing or not containing the words see the bias.
Bernard Bailey
Not much about it on left leaning websites.
Eric Garner's Arrest Overseen by Female Black Sergeant
You never quite get all the facts upfront from the media, do you?
Those on the "Manslaughter" side of the fence will say this doesn't matter (and I guess will say it also doesn't matter that the two sergeants present, in command of the arrest, were given immunity in exchange for their testimony). They'll say, "Fine, so it's not about race, but it's still about excessive force."
My problem with that is: Absent the element of race, no one talks about this case, ever, at all. If Eric Garner were white, we'd've never heard a single word about this.
It's also important because Eric Holder is threatening to launch some kind of civil rights violation investigation. But given that the arrest was supervised by a black woman, it seems very hard to make the case that some White Dudes conspired to deprive a black man of his civil rights.
As Pete Hamil wrote:
"Having that black sergeant in charge of that crime scene takes race out of the equation. As awful as Pantaleo's actions appear on that video, at no time does that black sergeant order Pantaleo to stop choking Garner.
..."Any chance of a federal civil rights case will be hampered by that African-American police sergeant’s presence."
Even ignoring the race of the sergeant, the mere fact that a superior officer (two of them, in fact) were on site and never told Pantaleo to release the hold strongly undermines claims that Pantaleo acted "recklessly." One could still make that case, but one has to now also claim that two supervising sergeants were on scene and neither one of them noticed this "reckless" behavior, either.
i will come back when i have more time...
but this Right here:
"Barack Obama was elected BECAUSE he was black, not despite of it."
like with a White momma type of Black.
'cause when he arrived on the scene folk kept stressing that detail. made him more palatable for White folk it seemed.
considering the history of this group as it relates to Black folk, this is how i had the impression things were about to get dumb. this group used to enslave Black folk, too. though folk won't discuss that much.
mum's the word on the White mother. folk trying to give him all to US, like folk do when things go left.
ps. WW do NOT birth the Black nation.
the actual Black folk that ran for office...
were NOT selected.
it doesn't matter...but can we just tell the Truth?
maybe all folk could just start telling the Truth.
we either reject white supremacy or we don't.
if folk could stop circulating the transcript of Garner's last words that would help me also.
am i the only Black person that wants to know how folk can be breaking the law + talking 'bout what will stop that day like they are in charge?
what memo did i miss?
there is a certain protocol to be a street vendor. no?
if you are in violation at least be humble when the police approach you...again.
Pilot X...example of that missing anchor i spoke of earlier. wisdom. my friend needed some. but folk want to do whatever with no consequences it seems. at least when it comes to the menfolk. when it is girls and women folk are quick with the don't put yourself in that situation.
no doubt the consequences were quite severe + uncalled for. but they usually are for US in this nation. nothing new there, really. 3/5 human. some folk didn't REALLY change their minds. slavery was done away with EXCEPT if the law can hem folk up. yet...
folk act like they don't know.
i feel really bad for his family;( they did not get a chance to impact the outcome. i feel almost certain his wife would've suggested he turn things down a notch and put away the contraband.
ok...back to work! forgive any typos.
Blessings all!
1. Ask "The first time you ever shot a man did you like it?"
2. Hand them some coupons for Dunkin Donuts
3. Hand them some coupons to join local gyms
4. Ask if they ever use their handcuffs and Tazer for freaky S and M fun
5. Tell them the uniforms looks realistic
6. Ask if there were dogs in their graduating class at the academy
7. Ask if their police car has a toilet, ask if you can use it.
8. Ask them why their uniform is missing the armband
9. Mention their high pay and great hours
10. Thank them for keeping the public restrooms so clean
"Even ignoring the race of the sergeant, the mere fact that a superior officer (two of them, in fact) were on site and never told Pantaleo to release the hold strongly undermines claims that Pantaleo acted 'recklessly.'"
1) It's questionable how much anyone on scene, other than Pantaleo, could have done to stop this. It didn't take all that long for him to choke Garner out. There simply wasn't that much time to intervene before Garner lost consciousness.
2) In any case, other people's failure to intervene doesn't in any way relieve Pantaleo of responsibility for his actions.
3) It's completely easy to prove Pantaleo acted recklessly. He used a banned tactic to take down Garner, end of story. "Banned" means "banned." Choke-holds are forbidden for use because they are, by definition, reckless.
But the grand jury apparently simply didn't care about any of this, so they refused to indict.
Leopold Moses Kroetzberg 87, of Warm Springs Village, New Jersey, died suddenly at home on Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2014.
He was born Nov. 1, 1927, in Port Seneca, to Marty Kroetzberg and Ruth Lavine. Mr. Kroetzberg was a retired Arachnologist who published many books on spider behavior.
Mr. Kroetzberg was preceded in death by his wife of 60 years, Margaret Chana Sosnowicz Kroetzberg; and his only son, Seth Kroetzberg; and his parents.
Goodbye Leo. Thanks for making us laugh. We will miss you here.
Leo was rather flavorful, if a little tough.
But now I am hungry again. :(
A Giant Spider
Leopold. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom. RIP old friend.
Goodbye Spider Man.
Was he the cracker with the broke pipe?
@7:51 #11, Be Black.
He's the old crazy dude Lilac got kicked out of his house.
What happened to Leo? He was just here last night?
I don't know but he was complaining about going into a nursing home. I think he was very old.
A couple of black 'youths' broke into Leo's house and beat him to death with hammers. It some kind of new fad in the hood. Crazy kids!
Can we stay on topic?
Zemir, this is terrible. I'm actually in tears. He was such a sweet man. I can't understand why they would do that!
What?! Hammers?!!!
Just kids having fun. Race had nothing to do with it.
Zemir, I only saw a few of his posts but he was so kind. He had an innocence about him. My heart breaks for his family.
What's this Leo have to do with cops killing black folk?
"My heart breaks for his family."
His skull breaks for Michael Brown.
Listen people. I was Mr. Kroetzberg's next door neighbor. He used my computer to post on many sites. I posted his obituary here because I thought he had friends here, not so you could make fun of him.
He recently found out he was losing his home and going to a nursing home. Yesterday, he took all of his pills at once and just went to sleep. Please allow this man some final dignity. I regret sharing the obit with you. Thank you.
Dear Mr. Leo's neighbor. You are a troll.
Fortunately, I eat trolls, too. I am not picky.
A Giant Spider
I actually DO think the New York case was police misconduct. On the other hand, I think Mike Brown got what he deserved, and that the verdict on Zimmerman was correct.
I also think that the "new civil rights establishment" has done a piss-poor job of picking its causes.
Civil rights today means the right to kill whitey.
Did Leo really commit suicide? Wasn't that against his religion. He said he was a Jew.
Suicide by hammer, I'm afraid to report.
I don't understand, Fields. Suicide by hammer!?
White lives don't matter.
Anybody up for a pizza?
Here I sit
All broken hearted.
Came to shit
but only farted.
10:01, What part of Haiti are you from?
The black part.
Sorry. This has little to do with the murder of Eric Garner.
Field, go look at a googlemap of Ferguson. Look at it's position in terms of the N Hanley Metrolink Station and the Norwood Hills Country Club.
Is this the reason Ferguson was allowed to burn?
Some things that seem to be about black/white are really about green. Maybe Ferguson was allowed to burn because the affluent want it. Just like they want the little towns between ATL and the Airport that are on the rail line. White flight (which includes affluent blacks) is going in reverse. They tore down historic Techwood Homes public housing.(which was actually pretty nice). Here public housing has been boarded up and abandoned. Some of the newer neighbors think that's just great. But they may be next. They're trying to kick out the Homeless Shelter that's been downtown in the same spot for many years. The affluent want to live in places they've avoided like the plaque for years. The inner city and public transportation have taken on a new value. I smell a trend.
I pulled off the road in Ferguson, MO one night in 1995 to look at a road map. I am white. Four black men started running towards my car with knives out yelling. I heard one of them say "I'm gonna kill you you mother fucking honky!" I have no doubt he would have killed me because of my skin if I had stayed. But I doubt that would have made the news.
I put my car in drive and left. I did nothing to provoked this but be there and and be white. I've never doubted the capacity of black people to be racists since that encounter. Before that, I thought racism was a white disease as I had encountered white racists.
Seeing last week's riots fit well with my memory of that horrible place called Ferguson. No wonder the police are tough there. They have to be if they are white. Whites aren't welcome there.
But whites aren't the problem in Ferguson. The worst problem facing that community is the angry, violent black man, raised from birth to hate whites, to blame whites, to prey on his own people and to loath who he is- A victim, crippled by anger, devoid of hope and falling short of ever reaching true manhood.
Anon@12:03, did u report your encounter to the police? Or did your wife waking u up make u forget about what happened?
I had no idea you couldn't sell your smokes up there. Talk about big government run a muck. Holy shit!
This guy shouldn't have died. At the point where he started saying, "I can't breathe," he was no longer resisting arrest but was rather struggling for life. The idiot-ass officers around the scene should be trained well enough to spot the fucking difference. The guy has the man's airway completely shut off.
Look, obese or not, trying to spin it that way is ridiculous. The next time a fat guy dies in a car accident, will it be because he's fat or because of the accident? If it is the hard right saying that shit, they need to stop. How many times have those folks bitched about "Guns don't kill; people kill!" Now, with their new logic, guns might kill. If the thing that kills isn't the thing that kills, but rather something else, it's hard to say WTF is going on.
Bro. Field!
There you have it; Cold blooded murder on clear HI-DEF video; "Bro. Garner died because he was obese"??? Congressional White Racist and Long Island asshole Peter King can french kiss my black ass. I'd pay cash to see NYPD choke HIS fat Republiklan ass to death!
The EMT crew on scene offered NO assistance; they just watched Mr.Garner die. Off. Daniel Pantload
should not be the only one in trouble here; ALL of the pigs and EMT goombas and Aryan bohonkies involved should be charged!
Most phucked up: After killing Bro. Garner, Ofcr. Pantload looks up, and smiles and waves to the camera!!
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! and they honesty wonder why we call them PIGS?!?!?
I am most inclined to enquire. Which are more powerful? White Devils or Black Devils? I, myself am a Vampire. Yet even as a member of the undead, I know little of these opposing monochromatic creatures. For we do not share the same regions of the depths of the earth. I am rather mobile being the proprietor of many boxes of ancestral earth in which to rest. They are place about my city some I may rest in dome secrecy.
White devils, of course!! White racism is the most powerful, destructive, self-righteous, lethal force on Earth!!
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