Smith wondered why white Americans look to Barkley's insights on matters of race when he is not a civil rights leader or a politician.
It's simple. Barkley is a buffoon who tells white folks what they want to hear. Chuck, they are laughing at you not with you. He says outrageous things and slams his own race under the guise of being brave and not being afraid to speak his mind.
Well sadly, there is nothing courageous about it, because it is the easier and safer position to take.
Barkley called the looters in Ferguson "scumbags", and he admonished them for rioting and breaking the law.
This from a guy who spit on a little girl, lost over 10 million dollars due to a gambling problem, threw a patron through a bar window, and he was also busted for DUI while cruising for sex with a prostitute.There is more of course, but my hands will get tired of all the writing I would have to do. And yet Chuck calls the looters in Ferguson "scumbags". Wow! Pot meet kettle.
Meanwhile, in Dayton, Ohio, some of Barkley's buddies in law enforcement were caught doing something really despicable.
"The world isn’t fully convinced that there needs to be retroactive thought process on who we allow to police our citizens, look no further than the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department in Dayton, OH.Not too far from where 12-year-old Tamir Rice was gunned down, five Ohio deputies of the force are being probed for some serious racially charged text messages, said to be made while on duty.
In a statement on Tuesday, Sheriff Phil Plummer said that two of the five deputies — Sheriff’s Capt. Thomas J. Flanders and Detective Michael J. Sollenberger — had been placed on indefinite paid administrative leave starting on Dec. 1. According to WDTN, Flanders is in charge of the Montgomery County Jail, and Sollenberger works with the internal affairs unit and is a member of the SWAT team. The three other deputies had not been identified by name, and had not been suspended. Sheriff Plummer said that the deputies sent racial messages on their personal phones between November 2011 and January 2013.
Some messages were sent while the men were on duty, and some messages were directed at African-American deputies, he said. “The N-word was used several times as well as other racial slurs and jokes,” Plummer noted. “Racism will not be tolerated in this office" [Source]
OK then Sheriff. If you say so.
Then there is the troubling development in the Tamir Rice story.
No, not that that the cops repeatedly lied until they found out that there was a video tape of the shooting, but the revelation that the rookie policeman who shot the child in that park was unfit to be a police officer.
“Due to this dangerous loss of composure during live range training and his inability to manage this personal stress, I do not believe Ptl Loehmann shows the maturity needed to work in our employment,” Polak concludes. “For these reasons, I am recommending he be released from the employment of the city of Independence. I do not believe time, nor training, will be able to change or correct these deficiencies.”
If only the city of Cleveland had done their due diligence like they did in the city of Independence, Tamir Rice might still be alive today.
"Well sadly, there is nothing courageous about it, because it is the easier and safer position to take."
Which is why you and the rest of the liberal media are all over him?
Actually, it's much easier and safer to mouth the liberal platitudes about saintly black victims and evil racist cops. That's the establishment view.
What's hard is speaking the truth in BRA.
Field is the one in the House.
Barkley says some of the same racist anti-black things that Whites love to hear about us. KC says the same stuff and has some followers, some who are Black and Hispanic, who stand by his racism.
It's a damn shame that it has come to this on FN, a damn shame.
Barkley hates that he is Black, and he takes it out on his own race by making them completely at fault. Some of you Negroes on FN who have joined in the party are showing your own disdain at our race. STEPHENS.
I am exhausted living as a bm:
Color arousal field won't acknowledge.
St. Louis Police, FBI investigating Friday attack on Bosnian woman as hate crime
Pucker up field.
Charles Barkley Responds to Critics: They Can ‘Kiss My Ass’
St. Louis prosecuter is at a loss to guess the motive behind the beating death of Zemir Begic by several hammer-wielding youths minutes after they were seen running down the street shouting "Fuck the white people! Kill the white people!":
Anybody here have any ideas?
At least we know it wasn't a racially-motivated hate crime that had anything to do with the coverage of the Michael Brown case, because the mayor and police spokeswoman Schron Jackson said they would not investigate it as a hate crime. So there's that.
Chuck should buy a clue. Anytime Hip Hop Mike even says it's jacked up and the biggest clue is when Ann Coulter says she likes you it's time to check the alarm clock.
The Ferguson protests are just part of the latest campaign to shift the blame for black criminality to white men.
The truth is too dangerous to acknowledge.
I believe more in "See Something, Say Something", more than "No Snitching". That being said, The Black Policeman need speak up on the Bullshit they see everyday. Shaq was given the chance to weigh in on Inside The NBA, and he refused to comment. He hid behind his law enforcement training, saying that they don't comment on other officers. Fuck that, twitter needs to get in his ass too.
to the other regulars:
IF folk were not bussed in by the cia/gov't to get their riot on...
but actually lived in that community.
folk DON'T think burning down your own community= "scumbag" behavior?
especially knowing what we should now know 'bout how the businesses WON'T be replaced/jobs coming back?
notice the Whites marching due to the Black + Hispanic male Hammer Time incident were quick to say:
we won't destroy the community we built.
i think most sane folk could agree burning down White folks' stuff would make just a tad more sense, if folk are just mad + want to make a point.
not that i advocate that at all. be clear. for those that live to misunderstand.
the Righteous souls, some even crips + blood gang members, stood AGAINST that poop where you eat madness.
i posted links here to show this.
what is interesting to me and i posted it last thread:
CBarkley can spout griminess 'bout BW to...
had he been shot/off'd by cops doing any of his long list of criminal dumb...
until he broke from the Black talking points-refused to tow the color line...
there would have been a rally+ some possible looting.
the hypocrisy kills me.
i have to laugh to keep from crying.
@11:52 PM-
um, no.
Ferguson was designed to advance the police state.
mission successful.
they got to practice on citizens their new military death toys.
i think step daddy moved up at the lodge + got paid. just as Wilson got paid.
may we all wake up + act Right soon. Yah is not pleased. the Wrath is lining up...
i am thankful for his Patience.
focusedpurpose said...
"Ferguson was designed to advance the police state."
You have an insight there.
The police state is owned by the Leftist government.
The protesters are organized by Leftist activist groups.
The entire Narrative is orchestrated by the Leftist media.
The focus of all is to manipulate the rage of the Dispossessed to smash the bourgeois Middle Class in order to secure the position of the Elite.
You have the federal government funding and coordinating with outside agitators to burn businesses and terrorize citizens, and the media twisting the facts to justify even more authoritarian control.
The State is at war with the Nation.
the Left + Right have long ago done what the people of this land refuse to do...
all serve the same master.
if they send another clinton or bush to be potus again...
the government will STILL be run by the same hidden hand.
but let the people keep up their fight:
bangs/center part
i got bored and just threw the last one in to shake things up.
i would like to go far away from people. where there are just cute little animals + silence.
for at least a year. no joke. random side note.
thank you for posting. was starting to think there was no hope here. folk just want to bicker about race which =dumb + safe.
Police abuse is likely to escalate. Cops were paranoid enough to kill people for having a hand near their waste band, playing with a toy gun, and selling a cigarette. They shot a man for getting his license to show them. That was before the protests. It was before people were as angry with the police as they are now. The police will be more paranoid now.
Imagine the police meeting hat in hand with representatives of the Ku Klux Klan after a black officer was forced to shoot a white scumbag. That would be the equivalent.
What is behind this “nationwide epidemic of police brutality”? Have racist cops suddenly begun a campaign of murder? No they have not. The “crisis” is as phony as the debunked global warming hoax.
Part of it is a simple matter of who is in charge. The Regime consists of Obama, Holder, Jarrett, et al., with their communist/black power backgrounds, and the fellow traveler “mainstream” media that hyped them into power. It should surprise no one that they side with black criminals against white defenders of law and order for ideological reasons.
A larger part is a highly effective campaign to distract the public’s attention from Obama’s increasing lawlessness, collapsing popularity, incoherent if not treasonous foreign policy, economic ineptitude, and endless scandals. The Moonbat Messiah’s wheels are coming off, so the media shouts, “Look over there, a squirrel!”
I don't know if it's a degree of paranoia but more of high strung individuals who can't wait to kill/shoot somebody. I've witnessed this firsthand.
@ 12:48:
People like this?:
Even now America is for the most part a free country, not only because of the division of powers that Obama has been exploiting a supine Congress and complicit media to erode, but because power is disseminated. The cop on your street thankfully does not take orders from Eric Holder, but from local authorities answerable to the community. The purpose of making a massive media pageant out of every case of a white officer being forced to kill (or accidently killing) one of the countless black criminals who perpetually cause havoc is to provide a pretext for radicals like Obama and Holder to do to local policing what Common Core has been doing to education — centralize authority in federal hands.
This is a major step in the transition from soft to hard tyranny. Without a hard tyranny of the type that features not just damp rat-like bureaucrats but gulags and mass graves, Obama cannot achieve the full agenda — as his Weather Underground friends have explicitly stated. Like many other aspects of Obama’s promised “fundamental transformation” of America, the coming federalization of local police would be worth fighting another civil war to stop.
FP, "but let the people keep up their fight:
bangs/center part"
Has it occurred to you that human nature is to be prejudiced, greedy, angry, prideful, gluttonous, lazy, lustful, jealous and ill-willed?
I mean, they didn't make up the 7 deadly sins for nothing. Humanity has always been on the road to hell. Not because they want to but because they are blind and ignorant.
Have you ever sang or read the lyrics to "Amazing Grace?" Well, it says it all what a human being is.
But I am with you about getting away from people for a year or so.
Personally, I'd like to get away from people...period. I don't like people. I think they are the most dangerous untrustworthy animals on the planet. They have no heart. They love to do wrong, to sin, because it 'feels' good to them. They lean towards evil far more than they do towards goodness and righteousness.
"Anytime Hip Hop Mike even says it's jacked up and the biggest clue is when Ann Coulter says she likes you it's time to check the alarm clock."
When Ann Coulter says she likes you, it is time to throw yourself off a tall building, because you have officially failed as a human being.
Oh that's right blount, Barack and Holder are trying to take over using ObamaCare and the New Black Panthers. You'll be a slave soon so enjoy your last days of freedom.
"Personally, I'd like to get away from people...period. I don't like people. I think they are the most dangerous untrustworthy animals on the planet. They have no heart. They love to do wrong, to sin, because it 'feels' good to them. They lean towards evil far more than they do towards goodness and righteousness."
@ Anon 1:28am-
we= they.
all humanity being led astray.
Yah Loves US anyway.
Love= the most important Law. Love Him Love one another. it didn't say, if only the same color.
i struggle mightily with Wrath...speaking of the 7 deadlies.
i feel like Moses...
verbally murdering folk bold enough to get in the way of my freedom. or the freedom of one i Love.
though, when all is said and done, i truly DO Love people.
all hues.
i pray, with focused purpose to be a Blessing in this humanity project.
silence + small animals = fewer tests to fail.
that's all. that's what i meant when i said it.
i pray for US all in Messiah's Name.
Anonymous blount said...
blah blah blah blah blah blah......the negro in the White House is taking my freedom.......blah blah blah blah blah.....
why do these ignorant white guys come here and think ANYONE gives half a shit about the stoooopid and boring shit they post? Isn't there enough of this stoooooopidity on stormfront? Why do they feel the need to come here and bore the rest of us to tears with their ignorant blatherings?Jeeeeezus.
anon1:52a, please be careful what you say to Whites on FN. You never know what's going on with them.
Fyi, when you make comments like you do you piss them off and the next thing you know the entire black race has lost another freedom.
So, please be careful with your words wnless you are going to say favorable things about White or negative things about Blacks.
They love Barkley because he says the right things. They killed Michael Brown, TM, Eric Gardner because they didn't say the right things.
But what can we do? Nothing. When we were slaves, we had no power. Today, we have no power to live unless the wm gives it to us.
Please remember this always. I am sure some FN Negoes will agree with me.
Now wait a minute anon @ 0208, I thought Barack and Holder were taking away THEIR freedoms. Don't worry man, we'll have our white slaves any day now.
This is America. Nobody deserves to be treated as a black male.
You been itchin' for a bichin'
You been searchin' for a Beatin'
One so bloody we're a moan'
'Bout the mess that we're not ownin'
'Bout these cops and all their doin's
All the people they are screwin'
As they leave them black and blue and
Ship 'em to the local morgue
And lay 'em out upon a board
Like a frozen side of pork
Carve 'em up for a report
On the cause of his demise
Including talk of his large size
For the court to realize
That this gentle giant
Was unruly, not compliant
That these cops had no recourse
But to use their deadly force
To apply their deadly art
To shoot him in the heart
And to leave him in the street
For the neighborhood to see
To show 'em all who's boss
To show 'em what they've lost
And to warn them what will come
If the keep actin' like scum
Anon@10:13, how can Charles say that? No one has lips big enough to kiss his fat ass.
Hey Blount, as a member of the secular progressive left, I would like to say for the record that I did not get the memo. As soon as I do, however, I will be glad to let u know.
So, this seems to be par for the course: Person A says something person B doesn't like, person B not only disagrees but wants to stop person A from speaking.
Discouraging Charles Barkley from speaking is not helpful in any way, shape or form for anything, anywhere, at any place at any time.
Disagreeing with someone is one thing; attempting to discourage them from voicing an opinion is censorship.
FP, "we= they.
all humanity being led astray.
Yah Loves US anyway.
Love= the most important Law. Love Him Love one another. it didn't say, if only the same color."
What is love? If someone loves someone are they willing to help them to not lead them astray?
The love I see is Whites love their dogs but hate Blacks. And Blacks hate everybody, including themselves. This earth is not earth, it's hell that is in the process of firing up.
Day-by-day I see America suffering more and people contributing to this hellish process. I am suffering more than ever. My heart aches, my mind is confused and I wonder what this life is about?
I eat a TV Dinner.
Smith wondered why white Americans look to Barkley's insights on matters of race when he is not a civil rights leader or a politician.
You think Blacks would develop enough brains to realize your leaders make you look like complete morons. Sharpton ,Jackson, Farrkhan.
It's simple. Barkley is a buffoon who tells white folks what they want to hear. Chuck, they are laughing at you not with you. He says outrageous things and slams his own race under the guise of being brave and not being afraid to speak his mind.
Right - so you don't think thugs burning down minorty owned businesses are scumbags? You think they are heroes?
Now you know why every city, every town, every country, every place with more than 12% of blacks is a crime ridden, rat infested hell-hole . People like YOU!.
I see the LAPD is opening a 'special' investigation into whether Cosby raped a 15 year old girl back in his hay days.
Gloria Allred is involved and you can be sure Cosby is in big trouble. But all bm are in trouble. If you are born a bm in America, you are in's just a matter of 'when'.
This should make all the bm haters like KC and his female followers happy.
"Now you know why every city, every town, every country, every place with more than 12% of blacks is a crime ridden, rat infested hell-hole . People like YOU!."
9:41 AM
This must be the 'love' that FP is talking about...Yep, love is the law =white law and opinions and black hatred.
Let's face it. Love is for Whites, not Blacks.
PS. Barkley is no different from Sharpton. They both use Blacks for their own benefit.
Charles may be on to something. Overnight in the weekend Chicago shit show there are two confirmed dead and by the demo of the neighborhood, they're YBM's. Nothing like the truth to excite progressives into riots and looting, aka early Christmas shopping in the hood. Still no NRA or Tea Party members, no Republicans and YT is still absent.
@ Anonymous:
"The love I see is Whites love their dogs but hate Blacks"
I often hear the charge that white people don't like/hate black people, and I just have to scratch my head.
Can anyone be specific about which whites hate which blacks? White people were extremely instrumental in electing a black president. Twice. White people are extremely instrumental in paying the salaries of America's top-earning black stars. White people more than embrace the idea that a black man can be a sponsor for food, clothing, electronics, insurance, etc, and white people idolize the likes of LeBron James and suchlike.
Though if by "black" you mean the black people who riot and loot, then, sure, white people probably have no love for that type of person. But all in all, the idea that white people hate black people doesn't carry water.
And if black people need it proven to them through extreme and extraordinary measures that they matter to white people, that's never going to happen. Nobody's going to coddle anyone. Well, except sissy, my-feelings-matter progressive whites bathed in guilt. They will bend over backwards to placate anything non-white, just to show they're down for the cause and not like the others.
But Joe and Jane white public is pretty tame on black folks. Nobody cares one way or another until some idiots act a fool. And if black people are looking for encouragement or hugs or something, get a pet.
White people don't exist in this nation to validate feelings or to pad egos. Most people in America, and most white people, I'd argue, don't give a shit about anything outside of their own little bubbles. Of course they don't care about most blacks. They don't care about most of their neighbors either. Black folks want special treatment on this front? Want whites to go out of their way to condescend to you? Good luck.
"White people don't exist in this nation to validate feelings or to pad egos. Most people in America, and most white people, I'd argue, don't give a shit about anything outside of their own little bubbles. Of course they don't care about most blacks. They don't care about most of their neighbors either. Black folks want special treatment on this front? Want whites to go out of their way to condescend to you? Good luck"
But where is the 'LOVE' that FP is talking about? Everybody is supposed to love everybody.
But I see a justice system designed to incarcerate and murder bm. I agree that Whites don't give a shit. I mean, have you ever gave a shit about anything except for yourselves?
Look at the history, which is primarily your history of not ever giving a shit about lynchings double standard laws and denials that YOUR policemen were abusing Blacks.
No, I don't expect you to give a shit. That has been the problem since the inception of America. One group came to be free and avoid persecution and for good measure they brought Blacks in chains without rights. If that isn't perverted and evil I don't know what is.
Finally, I don't believe Jane and Joe public ARE tame on Blacks. If that were the case, why do we have racism in the extreme? Hell, Obama has experienced racist remarks and wretched disrespectful treatment from the public and he's the President.
It's as if Joe and Jane public voted in a bm so they could have a lightening rod for Whites to vent their hatred toward Blacks.
Are you saying Joe and Jane 'public' has nothing to do with this? Let me answer that for you: Joe and Jane public has a lot to do with it. The problem is you are so self-centered and selfish you don't give a shit.
You consider yourself 'good' because you voted in a black President? Did you notice what has happened in Congress, the Tea Party, the GOP, the loss of credit rating, the "Our job is to make this President a failure"....on and on. You get the picture?
If you aren't the white racists then who is? Because it is rampant across America. And if you don't give a shit then you are complicit with the rest of those wretched evil human destroyers.
My point about love is there is no love on earth, no matter how much FP claims God is love. Earth is about 'survival', not 'love'.
To Anon at 11:03
What BS. Blacks only have to look at the interracial crime rate. Even a blind man can see the obvious. Then there is the cultural behavioral problems; for instance that "no snitch policy" so pervasive in the hood. Chicago has only a 30% clearance rate for homicides. Speaking of Chicago, the 4th kill of the weekend shit show was just recorded. Official scoring of the wounded is still pending. In every city where Blacks predominate, this is the norm. Yet any YT who calls Blacks out on this is a racist and any Black, like Sir. Charles, is an Uncle Tom. Go figure.
"Hey Blount, as a member of the secular progressive left, I would like to say for the record that I did not get the memo. As soon as I do, however, I will be glad to let u know."
Do you support the federalization of local police?
>White people don't exist in this nation to validate feelings or to pad egos.<
White people exist to support blacks and to fund their own demographic replacement by third world immigrants.
I have six cans of soup left. I am a grateful man.
Giant spiders never complain. Not one word. But does anyone appreciate it?
Color arousal?
Brandon Duncan
Going to jail for having a pic of a gun on his cd cover.
While rich white hollywood democrats make millions off of movies with guns in them.
This man comes from the city and tells me my house is unsafe, I tell him "you're standing in it and you look ok." He still insists I have to move out. I tell him to go steal someone else's house. This one is mine. So what if my floors are damp. I still have a floor. My pipe is working good now. So what's the big whoop about it? These government workers make a living out of causing misery. A thousand curses should be their pay and boils their bonus!
Certain colors are known to arouse certain emotions...
Pink... Calm
Green... Serenity
Red... Passion
Blue... Compassion
White... Reverence
Black... Fear
I've owned a giant spider for three years now. As a pet, he's mostly good. He scares me something fierce but I don't have to feed him, wash him, take him to the vet. In fact, this thing would eat a vet. No joke. And did I mention he doesn't bark?
A man recently told me he saw my obituary. I told him to go kadiddle himself. At my age, that's no joking matter.
"I have six cans of soup left. I am a grateful man."
I have none, because I spent my check on shoes and a new phone. You must give me three. It's only fair.
Why not federalize all police? Under one central authority, say the president, they would be completely in control of everything. Everyone trusts our president. So he's the best one to be in charge. In fact, he want more dialogue. Imagine this. Every home has a speaker and microphone in the hallway connected directly to the nearest police station. You can hear them. They can hear you. How's that for dialogue! They'll know immediately if you need help or if you need a special visitation. Isn't that what the president wants? A closer relationship between the police and the communities they serve? This is change we can believe in.
Mr. Anonymous, I can assure you that I need every can of soup. But my blessing I offer you for free.
If you have shoes and a phone. Then, you are rich! But don't let it go to your head. Eat, pray and don't act like a jerk.
"Mr. Anonymous, I can assure you that I need every can of soup. But my blessing I offer you for free."
Greedy motherfucker. I'm a gonna break in your house and take all your soup, and beat yo crippled racist ass just cause!
I think the recent events have made one thing perfectly clear: Blacks and Whites cannot live together peacefully.
The leftist project of the last fifty plus years has succeeded in making these racial differences insurmountable. Listen to these Ferguson protesters and tell me different:
There is no going back.
I wish some of you people would stop posting in Anonymous. Just drop a name. It's not hard.
Anyway, @ Anonymous:
WTF is "racism in the extreme"?
Define these things about which you're speaking.
Obama receiving disrespectful remarks is "racism in the extreme"? George Bush was called a terrorist, hanged in effigy a thousand times, and linked by the mainstream to a terror attack that killed 3,000, while simultaneously called a liar who started a war to steal oil. Clinton was also habitually disrespected.
Obama has had it pretty light, if all he's dealing with are some racial comments. Damn. I bet any of the last three presidents would trade places with that in a heartbeat.
Dear Mr. Anonymous from 1:01 o'clock,
Before you break into my house. You should know. I'm 87 years old. I am in a wheelchair. I am mostly incontinent. And, I own, not by choice, a giant, man-eating spider. So, I hope you will reconsider your threat of invading my home and stealing my soup. Between the slippery spots on my carpet and the giant spider fangs, I feel you would have no change making it out alive. I felt I should warn you. You decide.
Obama has been coddled by the press like no other president in history. Unprecedented scandals, like using the IRS to attack political opponents and destroying and withholding evidence on multiple occasions are buried by the American press. We even have tapes released stating explicitly how Obamacare was deceitfully sold to the American public, and the media can't be bothered to mention it.
Jonathan Gruber, the chief architect of Obamacare, said on camera that the White House strategy for passing this legislation was based on lies and sleight of hand that depended on the "stupidity of the American voter".
Gruber also said on camera that not only was Obama involved in these discussions, but that Obama led these discussions.
Obamacare passed without a single Republican vote, therefore when Obama says he is depending on the stupidity of the American voter, he really means he is depending on the stupidity of the Democratic voter.
The contempt that Obama has for you has no bounds.
The truth is that Eric Holder et al. can't find one clear instance of police brutality against minorities, one in which an innocent person was killed or seriously injured through no fault of his own. The Garner case wasn't that, much less the Brown case. The closest thing I've found is the shooting of a white young man in Wisconsin by the name of Michael Bell:
It's wrong to hate. Don't let the government push you into hating your fellow citizens.
Anon @9:41, I bet most of the blacks commenting here live in a nicer home than u do, so WTF are u talking about?
Josh is interesting. I think I can find common ground with him on some issues.
Looks like Mr. Field is especially sensitive when it comes to comments about his Black Jesus...
O'Bama's record...
Healthcare Plan failed
Stimulus Plans failed
Iraq exit strategy failed
Afghanistan exit strategy failing
Dealing with unemployment failed
Balancing the budget failed
Uniting the nation failed
Racial relations failed
Relationship with Congress destroyed
Approval of the American People record low
Inflation rates record high
International policies a joke
General image as a leader weak
Likelihood of impeachment high
Administration scandals many
Administration turnover monthly
More to come...
I guess the truth hurts.
Comment moderation coming soon...
If there is one thing I could do before I die, it would be to meet Mr. Pat Sajak and Ms. Vanna White. I would invite them over for TV Dinners but my house is a mess.
If there is one thing I could do before I die, it would be to meet Mr. Pat Sajak and Ms. Vanna White. I would invite them over for TV Dinners but my house is a mess.
Can we stay on topic here? Looks like a mess on this thread!
Watching an interesting show on PBS, "African Americans: many rivers to cross". It's a Henry Louis Gates show. A few of your trolls would benefit greatly from watching it, should be required viewing.
BTW, QLB do you have a college degree?
I am very well aware, quite true that unless they were amply supported by many examples which have taken place in our own days, and by the unimpeachable testimony of responsible persons, these facts would not easily be believed.
PBS... Pretty Boring Stuff
"A few of your trolls would benefit greatly from watching it, should be required viewing."
Yes, it should. Soon, all propaganda will be mandatory.
Really josh? You're gonna use the white people elected Barack argument as proof of a lack of disdain for blah people by whites? That is the dumbest, easily disproven argument. Fact, 90% of white voters in the southern states didnvote for him so using your own argument that speaks loudly of a certain demographic that dislike the prez for one reason or another. Secondly, take a look at the language of the white posters on this site. Other than Whitey's Conspiracy the hostile comments show a clear dislike for us blahs wouldn't you think? QLB anyone? Sorry dude, your view of reality is as skewed as your pseudo intellectual babbling.
"Obama has had it pretty light, if all he's dealing with are some racial comments. Damn. I bet any of the last three presidents would trade places with that in a heartbeat."
Your lack of observational skills is truly outstanding Josh. You must live in a bubble. How many times was W called a liar and interrupted during the State of the Union? The level of disrespect shown towards the current occupant of the WH is unprecedented. Like many whites you have a certain view of reality that is 180 degrees from the blah experience. Not to dismiss your reality but it is not the be all end all as many white males like to think their opinions are.
Just curious Josh. What do you do for a living and do you have a college degree?
For the record, Obama was elected by applying Super String Theory to the actual number of votes, then running that adjusted number through the particle collider at the CERN to get the equation x€y2/2008¥666=enough to win.
lol @ this comment section.
it is all over the place.
confession: i stopped smokin' medicinal herb. it was increasing my anxiety, frankly.
though i find i have less patience on the flip side.
i see a genuine effort to communicate underway...
with of course the distractions, some with big spiders even- back from the dead, to derail the convo.
all this means is it is time to roll up up the sleeves and go to work.
i see my name called throughout the thread. let me take a step back, a deep breath and see how i can be a Blessing that He/His Word might get the Glory.
in the interim, i pray folk get familiar:
what was once hidden is now being revealed.
there are two types of people:
1) those that serve Yah- Love.
2) those that are used + ultimately destroyed by lucifer/satan.
folk must know at some point that these two types of people come in ALL colors.
Dear FocusedPurpose, I think you Fukushima just went Chernobyl.
PilotX said..
How many times was W called a liar and interrupted during the State of the Union?
Joe Wilson's "You lie!" comment was in response to these words by President Obama:
“There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false — the reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.”
This month, the Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Burwell “called for extending Obamacare benefits to DREAM-eligible illegal immigrants.”:
“DREAMers are not able to be covered in the marketplace. And this is an issue that I think is more than a health care issue — it is an immigration issue,” Burwell said in response to a question about whether families with mixed immigration statuses can get coverage.
“And I think everyone probably knows that this administration feels incredibly strongly about the fact that we need to fix that. We need to reform the system and make the changes that we need that will lead to benefits in everything from health care to economics to so many things — a very important step that we need to take as a nation.”
So, Joe Wilson was right, Obama did lie.
If we had more politicians willing to speak the truth, we wouldn't be failing as a nation.
@ PilotX:
"Like many whites you have a certain view of reality that is 180 degrees from the blah experience. Not to dismiss your reality but it is not the be all end all as many white males like to think their opinions are.
Just curious Josh. What do you do for a living and do you have a college degree?"
I certainly did hope that was sarcasm. If not, it's pretty weak shit.
Nice job letting your racist side show through, first and foremost. And since when is being called a liar worse than being called a terrorist? Because it happened to a black man, from the mouth of a white man, that makes it too big for my bubble? Get a grip.
And who is trying to push one's reality here as the be-all, end-all? Certainly not myself; you must be projecting there. Though, as a white man, maybe I cannot grasp the black man's projections. They be too deep, yo.
For a living: I'm a writer. Degrees: Three.
What in the fuck that has to do with anything: Only you know. Or perhaps those questions were rhetorical. Knowing you, there is no motive to them; just empty bloviating to take up space -- you know, being a "grown assed man" and all that. That big ass must occupy a lot of room. Uh oh -- is that racist?
"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
You must live in a bubble. How many times was W called a liar and interrupted during the State of the Union?
Do you mean interrupted like what code pink did to bush repeatedly?
Do you ever wonder which democrat gave code pink access passes to the state of the union speech in the goal of intentionally disrupting bush?
We now know Obama did lie.
Disrespectful or truthteller?
The level of disrespect shown towards the current occupant of the WH is unprecedented.
As was clinton and bush both.
The rise of the internet now allows anyone to speak, unlike the old days of the media controlling the message.
Notice how many more camera videos are exposing cops?
Technology is not the friend of politicians and government employees.
"Why can't I just eat my waffle?"
@ PilotX:
You seem so intent on arguing with anyone whose views differ from yours that you don't actually take time to grasp what anyone is saying. In my comment to Anonymous, you completely missed the context. I let it slide nevertheless. In this, you offer a complete misrepresentation.
"You're gonna use the white people elected Barack argument as proof of a lack of disdain for blah people by whites?"
Proof? No. Evidence that people need to define what they mean when they say "white"? Hell yes. What do people mean when they say "white people"? They obviously can't mean the ones who did help Obama win election. Twice. They obviously don't mean those whites who fought and died for black freedom and civil rights. They obviously don't mean the whites who stand alongside blacks and against racist whites. Do they? Could they? Should they?
The context of my comment specifically sought a more specific understanding of what it means to say: White people hate blacks.
Which whites? Explain.
Which blacks? Explain.
The general, blanketed assertion that whites hate blacks holds no water whatsoever.
If you weren't so intent on arguing, you could flex and show that you have a modicum of critical thinking capacity to actually grasp the meaning of one's intent rather than cherry-picked, out-of-context sentences for the purposes of attempting to start a 'net beef.
Some "grown assed man" you're turning out to be. Like one of my fucking little piss-pants cousins.
B. H. Obama on White People...
"The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person, who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know, you know, there's a reaction that's been bred in our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way, and that's just the nature of race in our society."
thank for sharing your opinion.
i will file it accordingly:)
folk are here smearing Minister Farrakhan. it is a lie from the pit of hell.
he teaches more Scriptural Truth than i have heard from some of the super Christian pastors. particularly as it relates to Torah.
those Jews that would call him a lie...
will FIRST have to call their scholars a lie, for the record is clear.
though it should be said that his platform has been infiltrated by the church of scientology.
ALL churches have been infiltrated by some agent of satan.
those that pretend Farrakhan= equivalent to the KKK...
the miseducation of the "superior" nation = on display ALL day.
point to the long history of murder, mayhem, and chaos that the KKK boasts in Farrakhan/NOI's history.
that is not even to compare apples and oranges.
Farrakhan has been Real clear 'bout Black folk needing to turn from their wicked ways. it is Real hard to be a BM that refuses. any person for that matter, but Blacks tend to focus only on the menfolk.
IF folk are interested to better Understand and are able to sit and listen to differing views, here you go:
this video is a great segway into this statement:
IF you are credentialed + trained, yet can't find a way to positively impact your people...
it might make more sense to go on work for others and stop talking about it. that course of action= more dignified.
i am a follower of Messiah not a Muslim. yet...
i can sit and listen when folk speak. it might be time for more Americans to learn how to do this...
Blacks and Whites.
mainstream Black "leaders" just like White ones are compromised + controlled.
"The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system."
"We're the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad."
"The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries."
B. H. Obama on White People...
"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Oh, the great unifier!
B. H. Obama on the handicapped...
"No, no. I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something."
Very tactful Mr. President.
"What I was suggesting -- you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith..."
Yo! FP...
Mr. Farrakhan talks about "the a White Devil" every chance he gets. Sound like a real man of God to you? I thought God loved all races because he created all races.
"Just curious Josh. What do you do for a living and do you have a college degree?"
Like so many Affirmative Action negroes, PilotX is obsessed with credentialism. Because his diploma was just handed to him because of his race, he believes that it is the piece of paper itself that confers authority and wisdom.
Had he earned his degree, he would know that any credibility he had came from what he had actually learned.
But any familiarity with the man's posts makes it readily apparent he is incapable of critical thinking.
I have no doubt that PilotX's degree's were printed on very nice paper from an official Phoenix Online PFD. Please try to show more respect.
B. H. Obama on Capitalism...
"I do think at a certain point you've made enough money."
I have an unopened bag of Depends. I am a grateful man.
Does anyone here like to watch Wheel of Fortune? I like to watch while I eat my TV Dinner.
I just don't understand why we can't stay on topic here.
Man won't moderate his own blog is a fool. Lazy if you ask me. Hate to see how he keep his house.
"Day-by-day I see America suffering more and people contributing to this hellish process. I am suffering more than ever. My heart aches, my mind is confused and I wonder what this life is about?
9:29 AM"
America= Rome
the Wrath is lined up+ becoming more visible.
while folk are distracted by color, it should be noted that this Wrath will affect all people. world wide.
saw a pic last night with a White woman allowing a BM R&B singer to plug his iphone in her vagina to recharge.
thought instantly of KJV Lamentations 4:21-22. just as i do with KK, Azalea and others doing their self inflicted Sarah Baartman best...while high profile BM prop them up.
i am not that smart. it is just clearly written. evil bold devils must adhere to His Word + know Yah and tremble.
Anon- Almighty is NOT the author of confusion. we all suffer for the sin we are in.
when walking with Him/His Word there is a chastening process. that hurts, too. but there is a difference.
i pray that you will dial into Him/His Word and allow Him to gift you with a Sound Mind, Power and Love.
'cause He doesn't give US a spirit of fear nor is He the author of confusion.
you are quite hard on Blacks. we don't know where to look, on earth, for folk to have our backs.
we sell each other out...
historically + daily.
those that are doing it today get treated like celebrities.
pastors will come for me 'cause i will name names. when they as men of Yah should have gotten there first, frankly. the Law = same for all of US. have no fellowship with wickedness but reprove it.
+ we are constantly being negotiated by others as under paid wage slaves- afraid- to speak much less tell the Truth.
even when well paid folk are underpaid. 'cause if folk can afford to pay you 6 much are they making off of ya?
unlike the other persecuted nations...
we have not yet learned to clan up and look out for each other. it is every man for themselves.
the womenfolk don't even factor in the equation, such is the fascination with "pimping" and such.
i Believe that we can + must do better.
someone noted BCosby...
i have wondered why folk that are quick to come to the aid of BM have not bothered to note that WW have a looooooooooong, rich history of falsely crying rape. sheer manipulation.
there are many many many many many examples. now they are about to re-do the laws to get this man + erase his $ and so far it has been two high profile Black women that made a sound. though i wish they would quiet down. lol. there are too many high profile BM that Love love love them some WW. let them find their voices on this one.
yet, it still won't make a dent in some BM's WW worship.
i am pro- woman all day. yet when it comes to white supremacy, from which WW most benefit- with WM AND BM, i don't feel compelled to play. there is nothing in it for me. BM will put a WW on first + fast while reserving the BW's spot as dead last, if at all. doing all this while crying 'bout racism.
note: it ain't just WW. it is anyone that is not clearly Black that gets all that Love + admiration that = more than lip service.
so until more BM get Right with Yah + act Right...
according to what's written, suffering/death is all they may expect.
'cause Yah Himself hates ugly. so historical enemies will get to come through successfully doing the.most.
it is written in Scriptures that if folk won't bow and worship Him, He will make you bow down and worship those that hate you.
IF folk think supporting criminality = the answer. THAT'S a bad joke. what about folk suggest that BMenfolk get Right? marry the women you making babies with. raise + provide for your babies. serve Yah with your whole heart before mammon and yourselves. Love your brother. treat your sisters/daughters with the utmost respect.
then Respect + Blessings = what you may expect.
that's what's written.
IF folk took it to Scriptures- they would be less surprised.
this is really not about White people nor color. it is about US getting our spiritual houses in order. even in the midst of all our whack...
Whites + other nations emulate US. whatever we do, here they come. what if that meant the uplift of humanity? rather than all that is wrong.
before folk argue...
then come for me if there is just no Truth in you.
The entire time I was a student at Georgetown, I never once heard a White person talk about affirmative action.
But then wealthy, highly educated Whites from upper middle class to wealthy backgroundas, have NEVER felt threatened by educated Blacks.
Anon AryanKKK Blowhonky @5:59
Your "poetry" is amateurish, moronic, and bigoted. (But whaddya expect from one of Satan's children). The Internet has turned into a Shangri-la for Amerikkkan White racist, whiny, me-first, reactionary homicidal honkies like you, Darrin Wilson, and Daniel Pantload.
White racist peckerwoods really DO NOT ever intend to share this planet with anyone that doesn't resemble them; Why do you think the self-important shits have been doing everything they can since 1492 to starve, rape and kill as many non-whites as possible??
You KuKlux/Republicunts keep calling this a "free country", and denying White Skin Privilege...HAHA!! Google Joseph Houseman, 65 year old drunkhonky who last May stood in his pajama bottoms on a Michigan street, in broad daylight, with a rifle on his shoulder at parade rest, shaking his balls, and flipping off passersby and traffic;
When the porkchops arrived, they licked and sucked his ass like he was Tony Stewart; the pigs spoke to him like a White five year old, calmly, respectfully and in very soft tones.---And gave his gun back the next day. And don't ever forget about pot-bellied, gun-slingin' welfare ofay cowboy Cliven Bundy;
and young bro. Tamir Rice and John Crawford are literally blown away in 2 goddamn seconds!?!?
Ubercoon Grapehead Charles ("I luves you Massa"!) Barkley is from the 50,744 sq. mi. waste dump known as the state of Alabama; where frenchkissing the White man's ass is second nature to him and all other deep-south housecoons; it's a survival tactic. He doesn't have a functioning brain; after all, Testiclehead, Buck-dancin' Barkley went to school in Alabama! (Where the collective IQ of the whole state is a single digit!!). White reactionaries and racists absolutely love Toms that validate their hatred, bigotry and violence.
I'm so glad this goofy, ignorant Sambo never won an NBA ring. Ubercoons like him clearly don't deserve one!
And the incessant white whine about black looting and violence, basically:
History has shown us that Whitey believes murder and violence are appropriate only when HE uses them!! And then he bullshitted the history books to make it all look and sound honorable.
Caucasians are irredeemably evil!
They hate COP KILLERS--
But they love KILLER COPS!!!
P.S. Larry Elder (House Nigger Supreme) was fired this week from KKKABC-radio Los Angeles!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! All these heartbroken racist honkies; OH, BOO-HOO!! Fear not, you can still get your satisfying fix of black self-hate, coonery and buffoonery on line!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yo! FP...
Mr. Farrakhan talks about "the a White Devil" every chance he gets. Sound like a real man of God to you? I thought God loved all races because he created all races.
4:04 PM"
america= Chr-stian nation.
let White folk tell it.
i Speak + teach from the Scriptures.
so before folk get angry with those of US that know the Truth + are made free...
then Speak accordingly...
go here:
then tell yourselves the Truth. locate the book of Enoch- one of the lost books of Scriptures- and see the devil described.
it is said that pics are worth a thousand words.
White folks' history = their undoing.
the little/GIANT White lie won't stand.
so, like Farrakhan, i don't need a thousand words.
devilish is how i would call it.
bottom line.
does this mean ALL?
look at the historical evidence then come back to the future...
see folk blood thirsty/blood lusting just can't wait to take life.
come with another word if you don't like...
i have tried to be clear.
in the destruction of Blacks...
Black devils do more damage.
color does not matter.
it is about His Spirit + Truth.
those that are with Him/His Word will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
it is KJV Galatians 3:28-29 all day for me. yet, i won't pretend not to see.
had a convo earlier this week with heavily conditioned super - Chr-stian WM and WW.
their social conditioning that White = Right was on full display.
as if what they thought = final word. bold enough to tell me what i "needed" to do.
when presented with Scripture proof as to why the pic of the White dude won't fly...
these two held fast to the White lie by saying...
color doesn't matter.
but we need to keep all things White.
lol. riiiight.
when i agreed and said indeed. color doesn't matter so let's tell the Truth, folk came rather undone.
i point blank asked if they knew White folk that would rather choke than bow down to an image of a big Black man with locs as Messiah?
folk got busy (WM) and had to go. this is why some WM are more than alright with me. lol.
threw a hissy (WW) with a lecture on being "honorable". lol. like white supremacy = honorable. see? mothers of the madness that fly below the radar...
there is deception and lies on both sides. Black and White. i.don't.want.none.
those that worship Him/His Word will do so in Spirit and in Truth.
when you step to me next Anon...
please kill your best BM/BW impression/impersonation. it is NOT cool to holla "yo!" at folk you don't know like that...
Black = cool.
but there are certain rules.
get familiar.
i will be waiting to hear your report/retort on what you think a better word is for the nonstop behavior some Whites perpetrate on people of color around the world- to this day.
Shabbat Shalom + Blessings to you.
Yo! FP,
You make some good points. But you neglect to account for the phenomenon of psychic ability in these matters, especially yours. What if the capacity to be psychic = prophetic is Spirit driven? Then are your points not a discussion of Devine revelation on the highest + true degree? If so, then much reverence is required in discussing them for if we are abrasive, argumentative, disrespectful, then we have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit Yah. And we know from scripture that such a don cannot be forgiven in this world or the next. So, let us be people of peace in these True+Spirit matters.
Does anyone else here like to eat pussy?
FP does
I know.
Yīshēng said...
The entire time I was a student at Georgetown, I never once heard a White person talk about affirmative action.
That was mighty white of them, to be so polite.
Because if someone like you were at Georgetown, your lack of any qualification other than a surfeit of melanin would be painfully obvious.
But of course, to point out the obvious when everyone knows the score would be in poor taste. And grounds for dismissal, no doubt.
I think Yisheng meant when she worked at the factory in Georgetown, SC. They didn't have affirmative action on the assembly line. They make all white toilets.
By the way, Yisheng,
It's not our fault that after seven years of college you ended up making toilets in South Carolina. You only have yourself to blame.
"Man won't moderate his own blog is a fool. Lazy if you ask me. Hate to see how he keep his house."
Actually, I don't. I have a white housekeeper. ;)
@5:17pm- i am not psychic or any of that...
you aren't either.
you are in no position to address me in the manner you do.
i have already told you that the "yo!" resonates as disrespect. since you don't know me like that. yet you persist. so what about you work on you?
" if we are abrasive, argumentative, disrespectful"
your opinion.
we all have them.
yours are no more valid than mine.
it is social conditioning that would lead you to believe otherwise.
that social conditioning might be White supremacy or sexism even for example. i don't presume to know you or why you do what you do.
folk give themselves many reasons to mute our voices or accuse US of being "angry" with an "attitude" the most hostile of environments.
i call it being wide awake with a few clues.
i don't suppose any folk that just Stand and Speak have been well received and this is ok by me. i am in Good company...
ps. i am not religious as folk tend to try to perpetuate it. so your attempts to mind control me = meets with failure.
in nothing have i blasphemed the Spirit. additionally, i operate under Grace.
you don't have to like the way i do me.
this is not necessary for there to be Peace.
what you don't get to do is tell me how to be me.
now, if you would like to stay on point, i would be interested to hear a more fitting word than devil.
in all of this, i seek Understanding. what is it that folk who hold the position you stepped to me with NOT get?
let's talk about that rather than you trying to mind twist + tell me how to be me...
to the perverted devils:
it's all i got.
that and a sincere prayer that you will be delivered from those perverted spirits, in Messiah's Name.
Blessings all!
Now you REALLY done did it Field!! It's one thing that you out educate AND out earn your racists trolls. But you just had to rub it in about living in a home large enough for a housekeep not to mention having a White one too.
Field, please watch your six.
field negro said...
Actually, I don't. I have a white housekeeper. ;)
Couldn't find any black women that needed a job?
my first thought = no Black folk in Philly that needed a job?
but that's just me...
back to the racism chase.
'cause Whites + others SHOULD do what we won't do for ourselves. others should Love US more than we Love ourselves. White folk should be more concerned about US working than we are ourselves.
on some level...
not sure which one yet...
but that must make sense.
'cause it seems to be the mindset behind those with the most ability to effect change.
Black Wall Street?
let's chase racism...
feels like being between worlds watching it all go down.
some Whites mad 'cause i won't scrape and bow to 'em. relax my point of view so they may relax + fast forward through centuries of history.
some Blacks mad 'cause i won't pretend that we are blameless victims + fast forward through all the evidence of our Power to rant at the death system.
focusing on Him gives me Peace in the midst of all of this. so i am Grateful.
Yo! FP,
I just have question for you. Why is a person with your obvious talent not already a member of the Psychic Friends Network?
You could be making at least $9.99 per minute.
"Couldn't find any black women that needed a job?"
How sexist of you.
As if males can't be housekeepers.
Sad. :(
"Master Fields, don't you believe in affirmative action? Or, do you consider the White maid a sort of psychological reparations? Or, did you just make that up?
I'm betting on number 3."
It's your $.
So, now Field is claiming he has a butler too. Does he wax your Rolls Royce (or your knob) or something?
"So, now Field is claiming he has a butler too. Does he wax your Rolls Royce (or your knob) or something?"
Let's just throw in a homophobe with the sexist and the gambler.
I think the truth is that Fields smuggled his auntie Aisha up from the island and gave her a broom. She may get a little pale though after cleaning up his mess.
Yisheng is a racist and a liar. And she is uneducated.
Master Field, exactly how many people do you own, I mean, employ?
Field, why are/is your maid white? You have GOT to be the only self-hating Negro with money in America who hires a white maid instead of a Black or Latino.
You really ought to shut down FN because you are a phony. Barkley doesn't have a thing on your sorry black hating ass.
Mr Field, I am glad I decided to read the comments on FN today.
So you have maids and butlers?
And you can't pay Anon Inc?
Mr Field, this is bullshit. I am letting Eric Holder know about this shit. FYI, Anon Inc is now a federal arm of the government. Your black ass is toast.
" Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yo! FP,
I just have question for you. Why is a person with your obvious talent not already a member of the Psychic Friends Network?
You could be making at least $9.99 per minute.
7:18 PM"
i guess in your mind we homies. lol.
okey doke.
nevertheless here you go...just so you know:
KJV Leviticus 19: 31- Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Sovereign your Almighty.
KJV Matthew 6:24- No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve Almighty and mammon.
hope that helps you my new hip hop friend:)
"So you have maids and butlers?
And you can't pay Anon Inc?
Mr Field, this is bullshit. I am letting Eric Holder know about this shit. FYI, Anon Inc is now a federal arm of the government. Your black ass is toast."
Oh lawd!
Anon Inc.,that was all BS. Just being braggadocious. You know how it is sometimes on the Internet.
Hey, will you take a post-dated check ?
See whata mean, ROTFL!!
"Nice job letting your racist side show through, first and foremost. And since when is being called a liar worse than being called a terrorist?"
Thanks, I guess you'll be letting QLB and the other white posters have your wrath when they make racist comments? And yes if you have been paying attention, obviously you have not, the current occupant 1600 has not only been called a terrorist but an illegal immigrant, a terrorist because he allowed Bengahzi to happen, a domestic terrorist who is trying to destroy the economy and trying to take control vis a vis Holder. You can read that last one right here in these posts. You might want to rethink your writing career if your powers of observation and inability to discern sarcasm are this poor. (shrug)
FP, make sure you go see the great movie "Exodus: Gods and Kings" You might learn a few the 'true' color of Moses and his followers. By the way, God protected them against the Egyptians who, by the way were White also.
So, do you still stand by with the foolish notion that folks were Black during those times? That is all fantasy.
Why is it Blacks try to steal the show when they have none?
"They obviously can't mean the ones who did help Obama win election. Twice. They obviously don't mean those whites who fought and died for black freedom and civil rights. They obviously don't mean the whites who stand alongside blacks and against racist whites. Do they? Could they? Should they?
The context of my comment specifically sought a more specific understanding of what it means to say: White people hate blacks.
Which whites? Explain.
Which blacks? Explain"
Poor poor Josh. Ok, let's eliminate the 12 whites you refer to and go from there. Let's start with the fact that a majority of whites did not vote for Barack. An even larger percentage of white males did not vote for the prez so in that subset is where you should focus. The prez won by a coalition that included a majority of Asians, Indigenous, Latino and blah voters pulling the lever for him with the assistance of a minority of whites. For your own benefit please eliminate that talking point from your "whites are not racists" argument. When you ask what whites I would start in the south where 90% of the white vote went against the prez. Pretty good place to start no?
You also ask what blahs? My guess is most racists hate all of us with the exception of Charles Barkley. Tell ya what, we have real live racists right here on this site. Ask QLB which blah people she hates. Simple no? No need to get all theoretical or anything, just stick around and chat with some white racists or do you believe only blah people can be racists?
A guy with three degrees should be able to figure that one out huh?
Doc, I think u were right. :)
"Though, as a white man, maybe I cannot grasp the black man's projections. They be too deep, yo."
Nice job letting your racism peep through Josh. It was just a matter of time. All of you guys eventually do it so don't feel alone.
"What in the fuck that has to do with anything: Only you know. Or perhaps those questions were rhetorical. Knowing you, there is no motive to them; just empty bloviating to take up space -- you know, being a "grown assed man" and all that. That big ass must occupy a lot of room. Uh oh -- is that racist?"
Well Josh, if you can't figure out why I would want to know the educational level of a white person commenting knowingly on a blah blog I'll chalk that up to the mounting evidence you are too naive to have a valued opinion about anything. No wonder you as a writer need help sifting out sarcasm. I certainly hope you have a part-time job because if you get paid to write you're probably going to starve.
Hey QLB, see how easy that was? Josh answered his question in one post. That should motivate you, if he can get three degrees hell you should be able to get one right? (snicker)
Yeah the "they be too deep yo" line from Josh was disappointing. I actually thought that he was deeper than the petty racism that we get from so many of our trolls.
@Anon 7:54 PM-
the european Ashkenazis from the sons of Gomer...isles of the Gentiles...
have messed you up.
it is not just you either.
color doesn't matter, but folk would rather die than tell the Truth.
when you get a minute you might want to check out the miracles done with Moses as written. his hand changed from its original color to white. then back to its original color...
what color- which doesn't matter- was that?
the jews that created + own occultic h-llyweird will just never tell the Truth. what makes me saddest of all =
folk going to the movies to get an Understanding of Scriptures.
free will.
Hey, what happened to FP? Did Satan finally wear her down?
oops! I spoke too soon. Sorry FP, I guess you might be in it for the long haul after all.:)
@8:11 and 8:14pm-
no stress.
the meek shall inherit the earth = what folk see.
Yah is working on me.
satan= defeated already.
+ is only g-d to fools.
he can only be used to test me.
that's about it+ all.
Hey Josh, you may want to check these stats out. More evidence of your wrongness.
"Yeah the "they be too deep yo" line from Josh was disappointing. I actually thought that he was deeper than the petty racism that we get from so many of our trolls."
C'mon Field, you've been at this game for a while. They all show their true colors after a while. Mr. Writer was going to show his sheet sooner or later, you can tell by the whites aren't racist but blahs are tripe. Always a dead giveaway. Sympathy trolls are easy to spot. How much you wanna bet he's not a writer either? He'll be gone a=in a few days so we better have our fun with him quickly.
FP, "the meek shall inherit the earth = what folk see."
Dear FP, the meek shall inherit the earth doesn't make sense. would you mind explaining a little more?
meekness= bridled strength.
so though i could come over here and smack racist, sexist, perverted spirits...
watching them splat, like little annoying gnats...
i won't.
the meek shall inherit the earth.
Charles Ruckus Barkley is talking loud and saying absolutely nothing. You see Charles has bought into his own hype by equating his pockets being full of money with somehow a new found intellectual prowess. Ruckus has forgotten that it was his ability to dribble a basketball not his obvious low to no intellectual skills that propelled his low self worth ass to the status of media BUFFOON. Oh we have seen this behavior before from athletes to low info entertainers. For example the quote "My mere presence is a charity" or "We more popular than Jesus." to name a few. Anyone who has at least finished the sixth grade can convey what problems some of our communities have but so if you find yourself agreeing with some of the comments that Ruckus has made, so what, it's nothing that 13 million other people already knew. So Charles is enlightening no one but the ignorant hillbilly masses who believe what they want to believe anyway.
But if you notice Sir Ruckus never talks about the big picture or cause and effect and there is a reason why Charles avoids that subject like the plague, it would make the very white people whose ass Sir Ruckus is licking to quench his thirst for acceptance uncomfortable. Charles Ruckus Barkley do us all a favor and go you know what yourself.
Yo! FP,
YOu read the KJV. Don't you know that was written by white men in England in 1604? It's missing seven book too.
By the way, you would be great doing psychic readings.
Master Field, your collection of White servants is impressive. Have you started breeding them yet?
KJV Bible was NOT written by White men.
the ancient text was spliced, diced + re-mixed by a panel of White freemasons as commissioned by a perved out european king.
but those seeking may still get to Truth. in fact, the newer versions are still splicing, dicing, + re-mixing up a storm.
thanks! Yo!FP fan/stan/homie/man:) i guess the soothsaying suggestion = your best effort to share a compliment.
i will pass though...
i am with Yah + He would not be pleased, as it is written.
Blessings to you!
Dear FP,
I meant no disrespect. Rather, I felt comfortable addressing you that way because of our kinship.
You don't know it, but I know that you and I are much alike. We are the many-born. We are the immortal. We have been known by many names throughout the ages, though few have understood the truth of our existence.
Endlessly, we die and are reborn, changed yet unchanging throughout the ages. We move from lifetime to lifetime, taking up bodies as garments. We are watchers and we are wanderers. We seek knowledge and understanding above all. I see this strongly in you.
Long ago we strove the sunder the life of our body from our roving minds, for it grounded us. It held us back. It bound us to a single span of days. Through a ritual of death and rebirth, baptism, we severed our living ties and gained immortality.
Now we are freed of the life of the body, but we are irrevocably tied to the life we cut away. It sustains us and empowers us.
We thirst for life and we feed upon it. It is our greatest weakness and our greatest prize.
You see, FP, we are family from the ages. Surely, you have sensed you are different from most. Surely you know a brother when he speaks.
So, it's okay for you to find multiple ways to use petty racism in your replies, but as soon as someone else does it -- boom! It's game over. It just shows that you've been right all along, and people eventually show their true colors.
Damn, yo. That be sick, son.
I live by a simple standard: Return in kind.
When you act hostile with me and take me out of context, I do the same. When you act like a racist and display a hostility toward whites, I'm going to give back in kind.
Or, let me guess, you're one of those who work on the postulate that blacks can't be racist because they don't have enough power.
Dropping your "typical white person" nonsense is petty racism, which Field didn't seem to call out. Maybe he agrees. But respond in kind with some Ebonics -- Oh, hell no, son! The streets be watchin'; time to go hard.
Exactly! Why doesn't the national media report shootings of whites by police, which are over twice as many? The national press and networks are owned by six corporations that want white people to have a false sense of security, thinking police are the only killing blacks and justify it by calling them thugs and scumbags. They're even saying that Eric Garner's weight caused his death. Anyone with asthma would've died from that chokehold! If we don't stop letting the media brainwash us and unite across all lines that separate us (race, age, gender religion, orientation, politics) we will be living under martial law soon and very soon. I live in Toledo where the water was contaminated in August and people had to drink bottled water. Why was the National Guard sent to watch the fire department dispense water to people in the city? Be prepared to see their presence more and more if we don't work together to maintain our freedom. We outnumber the 1%, so they keep us divided. It's up to us to unite around issues, not ideology, to send a clear message that unless they want us to storm the Bastille like the French peasants did, starting the French Revolution, they need to back up and give up trying to turn America into a feudal society with 99% working for subsistence wages because the 1% are racing to see who'll be the first to become a trillionaire. Billions aren't enough for these elitist money changers. Jesus isn't here to whip them out of the temple of our Constitutional Rights, but with 99 of us for each one of them, we can handle it.
You're missing the point because of politics. There's no difference in left and the or right among the 1%. The riots in Ferguson were started by people from outside the community to cover up the murder of one of the witnesses, destroy a library that was a community hub, punish the store owner whose store was robbed and who maintained that Mike Brown wasn't the one who robbed him, and to destroy black businesses which has happened historically in prosperous mostly black areas like Ferguson.
Why doesn't the national media report shootings of whites by police, which are over twice as many? The national press and networks are owned by six corporations that want white people to have a false sense of security, thinking police are the only killing blacks and justify it by calling them thugs and scumbags. They're even saying that Eric Garner's weight caused his death. Anyone with asthma would've died from that chokehold!
If we don't stop letting the media brainwash us and unite across all lines that separate us (race, age, gender religion, orientation, politics) we will be living under martial law soon and very soon. I live in Toledo where the water was contaminated in August and people had to drink bottled water. Why was the National Guard sent to watch the fire department dispense water to people in the city? Be prepared to see their presence more and more if we don't work together to maintain our freedom.
We outnumber the 1%, so they keep us divided. It's up to us to unite around issues, not ideology, to send a clear message that unless they want us to storm the Bastille like the French peasants did, starting the French Revolution, they need to back up and give up trying to turn America into a feudal society with 99% working for subsistence wages because the 1% are racing to see who'll be the first to become a trillionaire. Billions aren't enough for these elitist money changers. Jesus isn't here to whip them out of the temple of our Constitutional Rights, but with 99 of us for each one of them, we can handle it.
focusedpurpose, you are so right!
People are missing the point because of politics. There's no difference in left and the or right among the 1%.
Why doesn't the national media report shootings of whites by police, which are over twice as many? The national press and networks are owned by six corporations that want white people to have a false sense of security, thinking police are the only killing blacks and justify it by calling them thugs and scumbags. They're even saying that Eric Garner's weight caused his death. Anyone with asthma would've died from that chokehold!
If we don't stop letting the media brainwash us and unite across all lines that separate us (race, age, gender religion, orientation, politics) we will be living under martial law soon and very soon. I live in Toledo where the water was contaminated in August and people had to drink bottled water. Why was the National Guard sent to watch the fire department dispense water to people in the city? Be prepared to see their presence more and more if we don't work together to maintain our freedom.
We outnumber the 1%, so they keep us divided. It's up to us to unite around issues, not ideology, to send a clear message that unless they want us to storm the Bastille like the French peasants did, starting the French Revolution, they need to back up and give up trying to turn America into a feudal society with 99% working for subsistence wages because the 1% are racing to see who'll be the first to become a trillionaire. Billions aren't enough for these elitist money changers. Jesus isn't here to whip them out of the temple of our Constitutional Rights, but with 99 of us for each one of them, we can handle it.
Limbaugh, you are so right!
People are missing the point because of politics. There's no difference in left and the or right among the 1%.
Why doesn't the national media report shootings of whites by police, which are over twice as many? The national press and networks are owned by six corporations that want white people to have a false sense of security, thinking police are the only killing blacks and justify it by calling them thugs and scumbags. They're even saying that Eric Garner's weight caused his death. Anyone with asthma would've died from that chokehold!
If we don't stop letting the media brainwash us and unite across all lines that separate us (race, age, gender religion, orientation, politics) we will be living under martial law soon and very soon. I live in Toledo where the water was contaminated in August and people had to drink bottled water. Why was the National Guard sent to watch the fire department dispense water to people in the city? Be prepared to see their presence more and more if we don't work together to maintain our freedom.
We outnumber the 1%, so they keep us divided. It's up to us to unite around issues, not ideology, to send a clear message that unless they want us to storm the Bastille like the French peasants did, starting the French Revolution, they need to back up and give up trying to turn America into a feudal society with 99% working for subsistence wages because the 1% are racing to see who'll be the first to become a trillionaire. Billions aren't enough for these elitist money changers. Jesus isn't here to whip them out of the temple of our Constitutional Rights, but with 99 of us for each one of them, we can handle it.
PilotX, slow down, think, breath. Exhale the bad energy. Inhale the good. Visualize your green energy. Let it fill you with peace. The Cosmos is your mother, the Stars are your father. Let your love drift rise up to meet them like a nebula filled cosmos.
Nappy Headed Hoecakes said...
We outnumber the 1%, so they keep us divided.
Actually, it's about 3.8%:
one will know who to unite with based on their spirit.
your name promptly indicates to me that there might be a spirit issue. try to unite with me on that level and you run the risk of friendly fiYah;) full disclosure moment.
either that or you are grossly ignorant(unaware)/racially insensitive + will no doubt feel immensely uncomfortable when i start to help you with your condition.
though your name= bold.
when i match your boldness with a direct approach, folk will call ME-not you, mind you "abrasive, argumentative, disrespectful"...
for the record...
even the most lethargic devil would have no choice but to call what is so clearly, what it is. so you get no brownie points in the acknowledgment.
devils routinely tell the Truth then wick it.
a little twist...
that makes all the difference in the world.
that's what devils/demons are.
be clear:
i am happy to be nappy.
i am not a garden tool.
nor am i a piece of cake;)
ps. some days i don't get dressed.
but then neither does hugh hefner...
the other major player in the BCosby debacle.
trained psychologist, directly related to the bloodline family being used to bring suffering to the earth/mankind.
MK programmer/handler for the world's beautiful women of all colors. maybe folk could look there for a minute...deeper.
@Yo!FP stan/man- it is best when folk tell you that you are being perceived as disrespectful that you make the necessary adjustments.
i am not "abrasive, argumentative, disrespectful"...
i just reserve the right to be direct.
unless it is in dealing with my man. then i will work to be indirect. outside of that- i don't really owe the random soul all that.
you know?
especially in a world that could not care less about me nor my point of view. there is nothing that would lead me to believe otherwise in all the clues.
because of how you stepped to me and insisted to do it several times; i am not sure of who you serve. since Scriptures applies to all of US.
not just me.
+ you are Anon.
ALL souls never die.
which is why i don't really mince words when He tells me to Stand + Speak. there is a sense of urgency. folk that need most to hear- want to fixate on the delivery...
like this is burger king and folk get to have all things their way.
i thank you for your feedback nevertheless.
point of agreement:
it feels like i have been here before. though i won't claim to be sure.
'cause all i know for sure, at this point =
Yah is Real.
Blessings all!
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