Before he got to New York the shooter shot his girlfriend and put her in critical condition.
Anyway, as is to be expected, some of the inmates in this asylum called America have declared that these police officers were shot to death because of the protest movement against police brutality and leaders such as Barack Obama and Al Sharpton.
If the former mayor of New York did not also make such an idiotic declaration, it would not even be worth commenting on. Sadly, though, what Rudy Giuliani said was indicative of the mindset of quite a few people who take the simplistic approach of placing blame for the actions of one lunatic on a just and needed movement.
What Giuliani and the other inmates don't understand, is that by trying to clean up the act of those in law enforcement we can prevent tragedies like this from happening in the future. He blames the actions of Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley on the leaders of the protest movement and the protesters themselves, but what he fails to realize is that if Darren Wilson and Daniel Pantaleo did not act they way they did, this lunatic might just have taken himself out without trying to make a political statement in the process.
But hey, as that Doobie Brothers song says, "what a fool believes he sees."
This just gets worse and worse! It seems there is no understanding of actions and consequences.
Now they are calling for stricter measures and more forceful tactics.
So as violence begets violence I guess NY will become a war zone? :(
"Sadly, though, what Rudy Giuliani said was indicative of the mindset of quite a few people who take the simplistic approach of placing blame for the actions of one lunatic on a just and needed movement."
FIELD, maybe you should remember these words the next time you blame FOX NEWS, LIMBAUGH, BECK,PALIN and other REPUBLICANS for the actions of one lunatic.
Another cop shot in Florida.
With the most violent race on the planet murdering Blacks for sport in the name of "law enforcement", it was just a matter of time before the oppressed would respond in kind.
Well, anytime someone does something like this, the proper thing to do is to look for a motive -- something that inspired them, directly or indirectly, to commit the act.
Far too often, unfortunately, people are quick to ascribe motives and to lay blame before an investigation is even carried out.
When that Congresswoman was shot in Arizona, it didn't take long at all before Sarah Palin was obviously to blame because of her map with targets on it.
This shit works the same across the board, and it really is sad. Allow an investigation to reach fruition; wait for evidence to come out; see where the nut's mind was really at and what inspired him.
It could very well be that he was directly inspired by Al Sharpton to go shoot someone. But even if that's true, Sharpton shares as much blame for that as would Grand Theft Auto would if someone stole a car, shot a hooker, and robbed an armor truck.
This is why I've long said we've been too hard as a society on Charles Manson. So, he convinced people to kill for me? You mean, like all those in-the-name-of-religion idiots and all those other idiots who are the ones actually completing the action?
If Kinky told me to go shoot up a K-Mart and I did it, should Kinky be arrested for it or blamed for it? I'd hope not. It'd be my dumb-ass dumb enough to listen and do it.
What? Blacks are now murdering blacks in the name of law enforcement?
You'd actually be a dumbass for giving Kkkuckoo the time of day.
De Blasio, Sharpton Holder, Obama and field negro have blooded on their hands.
After all, Abdullah the butcher had to get the idea from someone, somewhere.
"What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!"
Protesters from a Al Sharpton rally.
An Al Sharpton rally? Really Kkkuckoo?
You're such an idiot!!
Kinky, not saying I don't believe you, but could u provide a link to those protestors shouting "What do we want? Dead cops!" ?
Here you go.
And here:
Why would the progressive masterminds behind the whole Michael Brown/Eric Garner spectacle want cops murdered, other than out of sheer malice? Because it makes people angry and afraid, and will probably lead to more violence, thereby helping to destabilize society. Obama would not be in power if radical leftists didn’t think the time is ripe to push America over the brink into some hellish dystopia of progressives’ dreams and decent people’s nightmares.
So because neo Nazis were at Palin rallies that makes her a Nazi too?
Racist "logic" is highly illogical!!!
If the shooter had been white Giuliani et al. would be talking about mental illness and how sad it was that this fine young man never got the help he needed.
The protesters were blah, the shooter was blah sooooooo.....
Soooooo what?
Yīshēng said...
So because neo Nazis were at Palin rallies that makes her a Nazi too?
Racist "logic" is highly illogical!!!
Dr. queen, in her own words...
Highly illogical.
Yīshēng said...
Another cop shot in Florida.
With the most violent race on the planet murdering Blacks for sport in the name of "law enforcement", it was just a matter of time before the oppressed would respond in kind.
If/When Whites tire of you, you won't stand a chance.
Yīshēng said...
So because neo Nazis were at Palin rallies that makes her a Nazi too?
There were never any neo Nazis at Palin rallies.
I'll never forget seeing a massive crowd of white NYPD demonstrators spitting "n***** " repeatedly at A visibly shaken David Dinkins. That confirmed what I'd pretty much already known about white New Yorkers: that just like white Southerners, their entire self-worth is their whitness. Which is of course necessarily to say that without their superiority myth's confirming privilege they've no intrinsic human value of their own.
In case anyone needs the documentation.
WOW, WC, just WOW!!
And right on time we have a lib who points his finger and screams"THEY DO IT TOO!!!!!!!1".
Two wrongs don't make it right.
Of course whitey won't denounce the protesters, or the hateful, anti-cop rhetoric coming from the left.
Tell us whitey, did you cheer when you heard two cops where killed?
I bet you did.
And field will talk about "Misplaced blame."
We know where the blame goes. on the shoulders of people like Sharpton, Holder, de Basio, Obama and people like field negro who wouldn't hesitate to blame fox news if the shooter had been white.
No worries. Karma's a bitch.
Libs will reap what they sow.
Brother Field, did you check out those links Kinky sent you? Just wanted to know if he was full of bullshit as usual.
The man is always looking for bs against black folks so I don't bother to look at any of his links.
Anyway, by some freak accident he is right will you let your folks know?
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
In case anyone needs the documentation.
"The Mayor said his source for the slurs was a Jimmy Breslin column in yesterday's Newsday."
You need better documentation. Or learn to lie better.
I've seen and heard fingers pointed back and forth all day. One name missing from the conversation is The NRA. They are the organization who wants every nut to have a gun by the way, so why are they absent from this debate?
Please provide a link to where the head of the NRA wants every nut to have a gun.
Can't? Didn't think so.
More misplaced blame..
Does anyone think we are potentially headed toward a racial war?
I mean, this is starting to get real crazy.
And it's all because of those racist grand juries and prosecutors. NO JUSTICE.
I see the silver lining in all of this mess. It's going to happen for real this time.....INTEGRATION....
Then there finally will be justice for all and security for all. Blacks and Whites will mingle together and America will finally be at peace.
The left will never stand for racial peace.
The left wants more cops killed.
More racial violence(long has it is minority on white).
field negro said...
Kinky, not saying I don't believe you, but could u provide a link to those protestors shouting "What do we want? Dead cops!" ?
6:23 PM
señor kinky said...
Here you go.
6:38 PM
And there they went.
Yīshēng said...
So because neo Nazis were at Palin rallies that makes her a Nazi too?
Racist "logic" is highly illogical!!!
But the dumbocrat media would keep saying it did.
Political partisanship is highly illogical.
Why would I chear at two people murdered? Is that what you do when someone with whom you disagree dies?
Who exactly was it calling for cop murders? Citations?
It was only a matter of time before something like this happened. I only think that had this kind of stuff happened in the 50's and 60's we could have moved forwards faster. For example, it was proven that many law enforcement officers in Mississippi were klan members so maybe if folks had taken retribution for killings of innocent civil rights workers we could have this kind of shit out of our system. I dunno. Justice delayed.......
Trying to be impartial, I'd say the conservatives won this debate in the comments. Not that people on both sides didn't make good points and the issues do go deeper than simply scoring debate points, but liberals do do the same thing. Associating the targets on Palin's website with the Gabby Giffords shooting was a good example.
Dear Mr Field, I watched the link Mr Kinky provided you.
It pained me to watch. More importantly, to hear their chant. It was as Mr Kinky said.
I hope you will be an honorable man and acknowledge Mr Kinky, and praise him for his accuracy of facts.
To date, I don't know who is more factual: Bill or Kinky? What is your opinion on this matter?
Help raise money for the families of the two executed policeman.
I know Blacks will give because they love law and order and giving to others.
Brother Pilot.. when Blacks showed any backbone they were deterred by the use of integration. i know that we were satisfied with being able to sit close to Ms Anne. We were not seeking retribution; because we did not "take" our freedoms- we were "given" them- we had not the impetus to punish our aggressors. I too think this was a mistake- remember we had gone thru centuries whereby we were killed with no consequences to the aggressors.... that should have been a reason to have some kind of true punitive actions/investigations to bring at least ONE PERSON to justice.
When i mean investigation I don't mean the "big wolves" investigating the "other wolves". That the way we have it 50 plus years later. Still depending on the "big" wolves to prosecute his kind the "other". If the roles was reversed, knowing whites like I know them- they would not tolerate Blacks investigating Black. Pres. Obama and Mr. Holder depends on whites to make their decisions. They count for nothing but a "seat at the integrated diner". We again are happy to continue to be powerless.
At no time in this present day would I advocate indiscriminate punishment of people/policemen that had no part in the assault of my people. Most of the police we see are only trying to have a job. They have no noble cause associated with their job. I know they do get polluted with the power they have extracted from the people that pay their salaries.
Haven't gotten a chance to look at Kinky's links as yet. When I do, I will be waiting to see if the leaders of the march (Sharpton for example) were encouraging people to yell about committing acts of violence.
Of course, Kinky could save me the trouble of looking and just acknowledge that they were not.
@ field negro,
Nah, he learned his lesson from Crown Heights. He just has underlings do it now.
Besides he did nothing to stop it did he?
Meanwhile in Chicago. Only 2 confirmed dead but an astounding 27 wounded. Just think of the carnage if the bangers ever learned how to shoot. You know that the NRA isn't involved with those kind of percentages. However, that YT invented and run trauma service was humping it overtime. So ungrateful.
"Please stop lying PurpleCow.
You haven't mentioned billionaires profiting off of the Obama economy. Feel free to prove me a liar by posting a link of you talking about rich white dumbocrat billionaires profiting from the Obama economy.
Or go crickets.
Or if history is an indicator of future behavior...
You will call me cunt, talk about white asses and white dicks all the while never posting links."
Well yes Bill, you are indeed a cunt and you do indeed have a very small penis, but despite what you seem to think, none of that is relevant right now.
It's YOU who is being disingenuous, I have said on many, many, occasions that Obama is a Conservative and his primary goal has been to make the rich richer.
Now do I care if some of these billionaires choose to label themselves Democrats or Republicans? Nope, it's not relevant. They are the rich, therefor they are the oppressors, therefor they are my enemy.
They are also YOUR enemy but you are too stupid to know it, as you continue to campaign against your own class interests.
The Doobie Brothers lyric has a long beard.
As the eye, such the object. -William Blake
The eye sees what it came to see. -Goethe
Perception may be regarded as primarily the modification of an anticipation. -J. R. Beloff
Kinky, I hate to keep beating that horse u put out there, but when I see stories like the following I just naturally get a little suspicious.
NO ONE on ANY official level has called for the killing of cops.
It's simply the racists' attempts to drive the country into a race war as if that would improve their pathetic lives.
I think we like free speech when agree with it. At the end of the day people have the right to protest. I protested in the Millions March NYC last Saturday and it was peaceful as well as most of the protests throughout the country. Yes you will have agitators who will say we want dead cops, but that doesn't mean they are going to kill any cops or call for the death for them either. I do not agree with it, but they have the right to express those thoughts as long as they do not incite a riot. There was a person who was responsible for the killing of those police officers, and this means those families of the slain officers will suffer because of this horrific act. Let's not forget that that the person who committed these acts also shot and critically wounded a former girlfriend and I hope she recovers.
As what the police did at the hospital with turning their on the back as he walked in to pay his respect to the fallen officers is at least very unprofessional and unbecoming of the badge they claim with pride. It actually make citizens more uneasy to see something like this because they turn their back on Mayor who's running the city, what do you think they would do to us. One thing police officers tend to forget is that they are suppose to protect and serve the public, and we pay their salary through taxes. I want the police to show up when I call them and not violate rights of people that they are apprehending. We just have to do a better job of having a relationship between the community and police. That's what people really want. I shouldn't be afraid of the criminals and police.
According to this article at CNN,the police in NY had been alerted by the girlfriend. They had even made up wanted poster and everything already.
BUT, they neglected to radio the info to all the cops on patrol,in the street, so that they could be forewarned.
Abdullah the cop killer was fueled by hate coming from the left.
Abdullah the cop killer also threaten George Zimmerman. Joked about killing him.
Words have consequences. Just like when field tells us Fox News, Beck, Limbaugh caused violence and death. The words of Sharpton, Obama, Holder, De Blasio, field negro and many on the left have fueled the anti-cop movement in this country.
I hope the left tones down their hateful, anti-cop rhetoric. If not, more cops will be killed.
field negro said...
Haven't gotten a chance to look at Kinky's links as yet. When I do, I will be waiting to see if the leaders of the march (Sharpton for example) were encouraging people to yell about committing acts of violence.
The leaders of the march?
What about ALL the people chanting?
Why do you want to ignore the people and focus on only the leaders?
*IF* only you were capable of holding everyone to the same standard.
I challenge you to post links of the leaders of the tea party being racist.
I'm predicting you know better than to even pretend you could post links.
What is the reason you routinely hold rethugs to a higher standard than you hold your own party?
I understand why, I am just wondering if you could admit it.
The Purple Cow said...
It's YOU who is being disingenuous, I have said on many, many, occasions that Obama is a Conservative and his primary goal has been to make the rich richer.
You call him a conservative, never called him out for making his fellow dumbocrats rich.
Last chance to prove I didn't catch you lying again.
Post the link where you call out those rich dumbocrat billionaires.
Your inability to post the link is the proof you lied.
You lied again.
And I caught you again.
And I will catch you again!
Yīshēng said...
NO ONE on ANY official level has called for the killing of cops.
Can you cite any rethug on "ANY official level" calling for the lynching of black people?
Yet the dumbocrats used lynching images to scare black people into voting dumbocrat.
Is there a reason you aren't holding the dumbocrat party to the same high standard you hold rethugs?
Field would much rather beat dead horses instead of acknowledging the hate coming from the left fueled Abdullah the cop killer.
señor kinky said...
Words have consequences. Just like when field tells us Fox News, Beck, Limbaugh caused violence and death
At the end of the day, FN is a partisan hack. Ed Shultz, Sean Hannity, FN, etc.
Just like hannity or maddow, FN refuses to hold his party to the same standard he holds the party he hates.
Just imagine the outrage if a white guy's mom was robbed/beat by a black guy. Instead of going after the guy that robbed his mom, he went after random black people that had nothing to do with the robbery/beating.
That would be wrong and socially unacceptable on all levels.
People going after cops that didn't shot an unarmed black kid is socially acceptable to people that vote dumbocrat.
Go figure.
Gotta love those dumbocrat double standards.
People chanting kill cops.
Why didn't leaders on the left denounce hateful and violent speech BEFORE innocent cops were killed?
Why did dumbocrats wait until cops were getting ambushed to speak out against violent hate speech?
On cue, the NY Times is pulling out the mental issues excuse to deflect blame for all the chanting for dead cops.
He drifted in and out of jail and the lives of his relatives, who told the police of undiagnosed mental problems. And hours before he killed the officers, he shot an ex-girlfriend in Maryland, the police said.
Wasn't FN mocking foxnews for their labeling rethug killers as having mental issues.
I think it is safe to assume FN won't call out the NY Times for protecting a cop killer like he does for foxnews.
Bill you REALLY need job. And a dog to lick your face and make you feel loved.
"I'm gonna put wings on a pig!" and he GOES AND DOES IT!! LOLOLOLOL!! I'm truly sorry this deranged superfool killed two NON-WHITE officers.
If he felt the need to go after the pigs; he should have targeted White racist killer Pantaload-aleo himself (who waved to the camera like he was at Coney Island!!) and also Nut-House Congressional White-Supremacist, Racist, Punk-ass Peter King too!
The NYPD is a phucking gestapo and everyone knows it; WE DON'T CALL 'EM MURDER INC. FOR NOTHING!!! New Yorkers talk plenty o' shit and talk really tough, but the whole town is scared shitless of 'em. THEY ARE HOMICIDAL THUGS IN BLUE!!!
Why do you think a sociopath like PATRICK LYNCH(MOB) President of the Police Bullshit Association can shoot his mouth off the way he does and not get ANY pushback to the absolute NSWPP bullshit that comes outa his face, FROM ANYONE??!!
Hey, LYNCH(MOB)! Oh, that WASN'T a chokehold that killed Bro. Garner? the one we saw with our own eyes?? The only people who believe that sludge are Caucasian Killer Kops, their supporters and other assorted Amerikkkan Racist Whitesnakes.
You say there's blood on DeBlasio's hands??? YOU are covered in the blood of thousands of innocent Blacks, you arrogant, over-privileged Nazi phuckhead; and your authoritarian attitude, saying "How dare you not support us (PIGS) totally and unequivocally; We don't want to be held accountable for anything!!"
This prick reminds me so much of Fascist Frank Rizzo---another White racist pig with too much power! Look for this worthless BOS Stormtrooper to run for mayor a la Rudy Guineaani!!
Redneck Jew William(Mr. Wrong)Kristol, on ABC'S Sunday Morning Beltway-Bullshit program, opined: "Now in light of these murders maybe the protesters will show some sympathy towards the police." WTF?? Sympathy from the PROTESTORS?!?!? HAAAH!! This is the racist asswipe who sat in that very same studio a few months ago and pronounced Michael Brown's murder UNIMPORTANT!!! (Reason No. 5 of "Why the White Racist Corporate Media Sucks")!
Violence begets violence!
---M. Gandhi
It's not a matter of protecting a cop killer. First of all, you cannot protect a person who's dead. We do have however have societal problems that includes mental illness where some people in this country lack the ability to deal with issues such as mental illness because of some personal bias and ignorance about it. If he didn't kill these two cops, then he would have killed other people for whatever thing he obsessed over. Let's remember he shot his former girlfriend first.
I'm going to say that most people who are mentally ill are not violent or commit crimes. This person had a history of emotional issues along with his long arrest record. He was estranged from his family at the time he committed these heinous acts.
I have a problem with politicians who decide they want to close mental illness facilities and Rudy Giuliani was one of those politicians who shut down mental facilities in NYC and shipped upstate to a farm. The farm has since closed and we have no idea what happened or the whereabouts of these people. You also have police officers who have to deal with the mentally ill on the street, and they are not equipped or trained to deal with them. Yes so you have all these societal problems and yet want the police to provide order. This is not a good mix.
You call him a conservative, never called him out for making his fellow dumbocrats rich."
That's the only thing conservative politicians do, you dumb shit.
"Last chance to prove I didn't catch you lying again."
I must admit the thought that you, poor-dimwitted-yokel you, has ever "caught me lying" (!) is very amusing.
"Post the link where you call out those rich dumbocrat billionaires."
I don't have to, all Billionaires are the same. I don't care which billionaires slap a Dems sticker on their fat asses, it's totally fucking irrelevant.
"Your inability to post the link is the proof you lied."
No, it's proof that, unlike you, I actually have a life, and therefor I don't have time to spend during christmas week* trawling through three years worth of Field posts to find the exact day I said what to who. It's easy fro you, because every post you ever make is exactly the same as all the others. whereas I, being possessed of a complete brain and the ability to use it, post a variety of interesting stuff every single day.
*I have a wife and kids - you never will have either. But if you did, you would know there's a lot more interesting things I can be doing with them than attempting to appease an hysterical neo-fascist desperately attempting to convince his idiot buddies that he's caught me in some alleged "lie."
That white guy who posts as Die, White Devils!!! is in need of some serious therapy. Maybe if we all club together we can buy him a straight-jacket for Christmas?
Glad Bill acknowledges that it is his party, the republicans, who have a problem with blacks being treated equally under the law.
I can't wait for (the now affluent) Bling-pig Wilson's book: "How to Murder and Get Away With It for Fun, Racism and Profit!"---
-Ghostwritten by Mark Fuhrman, Dick Cheney, Charles & David Koch and Donald Sterling!
Fox News got caught splicing Al Sharpton speaking in with protesters from another time and place chanting about killing cops.
2:17 PM
Prove it
field negro said...
Glad Bill acknowledges that it is his party, the republicans, who have a problem with blacks being treated equally under the law.
Let's pretend you are right and the rethugs are my party...
How is it I can speak the truth about my party and you can;t with your party? :)
And you call me a political hack?
Psych 101
Yīshēng said...
Bill you REALLY need job.
Like a 9-5 in the same building, same office, same chair, day after day, week after week, month after month doing the same thing?
That sounds pretty barbaric.
Ever notice when a black person kills, he/she is always "troubled" and has mental issues?
This was predicted by the esteemed prophets Tupac and Paris. Rewatch Pac's "Holla if you Hear Me" video and look at the case cover for Paris' 1994 CD. I bet the same thing is going to happen, we'll have protests and things will go back to the way they were and 20 years from now this same thing will happen again. Unless of course we can learn our lesson this time but I doubt it.
I can't remember, was the right as outraged when that good white couple killed those cops out in Nevada? Were the trolls here having a hissy fit?
I can't remember, did field blame Fox News for the actions of that good white couple?
Were you outraged Kinky? What was your reaction?
What's up Field?
I've perused conservative blogs for the last day almost to a man they are calling for race war. They say that Obama, Sharpton and Holder drove them to it. I asked them when is the war going to start? When are they coming to the 'hood? Then....."crickets".
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
I can't remember, was the right as outraged when that good white couple killed those cops out in Nevada? Were the trolls here having a hissy fit?
Did you not ask if the right/trolls defended the white couple because you already knew they didn't?
uptownsteve said...
What's up Field?
I've perused conservative blogs for the last day almost to a man they are calling for race war.
What blogs did you visit?
Let me answer your question, Bill...UTS visited the same ones you visit.
XMAS is just around the corner, and still no sign of FP? What's going on with her?
She's getting ready for a WHITE Christmas :)
I don't know what kind of game you are playing, or why you think what you are doing is funny, but go look in the mirror. You will see that you are as white as Adolf Hitler, Ayn Rand and the Yorkshire Ripper.
Everybody here, every single person here knows you are white. There are 1001 clues in your ranting, starting with the cliched caricature of what you seem to think is genuine ghettospeak.
Maybe some people here get the joke, but I don't. Above all else you are without question one skull-crushingly tedious human being.
Now go away and think of a new joke.
What's up Field?
I've perused black blogs for the last day almost to a negro they are calling for killing more cops. They say racism is making them do it. I ask "when and where".... Crickets.
See how easy that was?
Adolf Hitler was a gay socialist.
Down Town Brown, please provide a link. I will wait....
Bill, I am pretty sure u are a republican. Why is that so hard to admit?
Dear Mr Field, after watching and listening to Charles Barkley's insight into the Eric Garner death, he made a lot of sense, as a bm, when he said he didn't think Garner's death was a homicide.
This was an in-depth interview with Barkley. I would love to hear your opinion about Barkley's truth about this egregious matter.
I must admit the man makes a lot of sense.
Sup Steve?
" Anonymous said...
XMAS is just around the corner, and still no sign of FP? What's going on with her?
7:39 PM"
what am i up to?
working out my salvation, while trying spirits by spirits...
understanding that He has me/US in the midst of all of this.
i am not interested to have my energy manipulated. i pray for all involved in the tragedies of this post. all of the nonstop news stories.
all lives matter and we are not to kill. pretty straight forward.
though i got a whiff of MK for some reason with Brinsley's story. Grace.
as it relates to Xmas which also factors into the carnage, it appears, on some level...
there's something a bit off with that for me.
always has been.
look up st. nick and the back story.
one dot.
then when one checks the other calendar for those that think Most High is the bad guy.
+ lucifer is the one to follow/worship. another dot. check the dates:
22 Summer Solstice: Animal and human sacrifices are made.
24 Demon revels: Male and female sacrifice.
25 Yuletide: Celebration of the birth of the sun as a young babe to the great goddess. The satanist's own birthday is very important. The satanist says: "Every man is a god if he chooses to recognise himself as one". (LaVey, the satanic bible).
what if what we see is a part of an organized ritual to harness negative energy?
then there's this:
KJV Daniel 7:25-27
25 And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
26 But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.
27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.
so much has been changed to have folk firmly under Grace if they seek to follow Yah. at least that is my prayer. Grace and Mercy for US all.
@KC- 'mental illness' with Black people and drug use more 'medical' than criminal with White people. both tragic for humanity in the long run. sometimes that appears to be code speak for manipulation and behavior modification. the foster care system yields perfect little candidates for all types of things folk can think to do to small people.
i don't know.
there are too many factors to become distracted by color.
back and forth political bickering seems pointless, really. division seems to be the only outcome. one long boxing match. i like the way Mike Tyson described it...
forgive any typos.
Blessings all!
not a war on Xmas comment either.
just my thoughts at this time of year considering all that goes into the history of the celebrations. and since someone asked;)
+ we don't even know the date of Messiah's bday...
keeping the reason for the season in the forefront as i have noticed this year, helps.
"then when one checks the other calendar for those that think Most High is the bad guy."
For a human to think GOD is bad is to lead to one's ruin. It's absurd. It's the most ridiculous and worst idea ever because it causes a spiritual death.
field negro said...
Bill, I am pretty sure u are a republican. Why is that so hard to admit?
Besides for my mocking of dumbocrats, what else gives you the impression I'm a republican?
Perhaps your illogical reasoning gives you away as a rethug Bill.
field negro said...
Haven't gotten a chance to look at Kinky's links as yet.
Disingenuous fuck.
You call for white people to be murdered, and white people are murdered.
The President is trying to foment a race war, and you are right there to be a cheerleader.
Tonight a cold and moonless sky makes
Familiar thoughts a mystery,
Where, chill and strange, a ghostly presence in you awakes
Giving new eyes with which to see
Another life, a life now gone is seen,
The past from present consciousness takes hue
As you will remember vast and cloudy struggles
Your feet have wandered through
So some darkness of the mind it is
That stirs these moonless thoughts to memory
Though that gate where pass strange familiarities
Mixing secret lives with secret dreams
The source of fine impressions, up from the deep
But still below the falling plummet of your sense
Which strike beyond all Time and backward sweep
Through all intelligence they leak and weep.
As you touch the hidden life and bring it laud
And the long path of the ages see
From empty Chaos driven by the breath of God
Moved, and shaped and made an empty being.
All outward vision yields to that darkness within
Whereof no creed nor belief longer holds the key;
You only feel that you will ever, ever be
And behold the night for eternity
My dearest, dearest FP
Yīshēng said...
Perhaps your illogical reasoning gives you away as a rethug Bill.
That's it? Being in the stupid half of the country makes me a rethug?
Wouldn't it be lonely for me considering I'm pro gay marriage, pro choice, pro drugs?
Would I even be allowed in the party?
The Purple CowPie @7:51 PM...
PHUCK OFF TILL THE END OF TIME; you pretentious panty waste! This is no goddamn game, you punk-ass goosestepper!! If this is some sort of shitty little "psy-op" YOU'RE trying to run here---IT AIN'T WORKING, YOU DON'T RUN THIS BLOG, WHITENOISE!!!
You're probably just a NYPD, LAPD, CIA, NSA or some DEA gnome farting around online during methbreaks---STFU!!!
Well, I KNOW you're White because you act White: You are a self-important asshole; Trying to order others around where you clearly have no authority!! The Internet has turned into a Shangri-La for every mouse-dicked, racist Ofay on Earth!
There is no escape from Whitey's racist assholery and ethnic dicketry!! And of all the typical, colossal Caucasoid GALL!! YOU'RE the joke here, "R"-Tard! Trump!! Sterling!! Another arrogant White chickenshit trying to run a BROTHER off of a BLACK BLOG because you can't take what I'm saying?? UP YOURS, You paternalistic shit; You colorless bastards just have to try and run EVERY GODDAMN thing on Earth!
You Lie @3:34 PM...
P.S. I HOPE QUEEN LUNATIC BITCH (QLB) And her stupid running tab on Chicago shootings catches about 100 stray bullets; right in her flat White ass REAL SOON!!!!
"For a human to think GOD is bad is to lead to one's ruin. It's absurd. It's the most ridiculous and worst idea ever because it causes a spiritual death.
11:27 PM"
THAT is the point my friend.
eat of this tree, and you will surely not die.
1st lie.
everything else = just more of the same, really.
father of lies no doubt.
a couple of songs...
with Yah all over 'em as i share 'em:)
pay close attention to the lyrics.
He has set me free.
what you Believe = between you and Yah of your understanding;)
double up, one Good time, on the songs.
peep the title + the lyrics.
my earlier comment here simply addressed all the muddy water as one Faith walks it on out.
i can only see it 'cause He showed me.
folk wrote a song about it.
wanna hear it?
here you go:
don't stop.
we are moving on...
Blessings in Messiah's Mighty Name!
Dearest FP, you are clearly in denial about the spiritual transformation which took place in you upon the last Plenilunium. I performed the ancient ritual on your behalf. Yet, your denial will fade. As the length of days increase beyond the Winter Solstice, you will be unable to deny your new nature. Seek shelter from the sun. Let the night be your lover. For you have new eyes with which to behold the beauty of that beloved darkness. For you have truly become a creature of the night, espoused by its loving embrace.
anon4:35pm, you are strange, weird and full of it.
Die White Devils wrote,
P.S. I HOPE QUEEN LUNATIC BITCH (QLB) And her stupid running tab on Chicago shootings catches about 100 stray bullets; right in her flat White ass REAL SOON!!!!
You couldn't carry enough ammo to hit anything a hundred times. Just look at the Chicago kill to wounded ratio.
Queefing Lazy Bigot(QLB) @10:46PM...
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