But Baltimore’s protests, often categorized as violence or riots without context, are America’s “Black Spring,” Alicia Garza explained.
So what is Black Spring? Against a backdrop of heavily armed National Guard troops and armored vehicles, Garza broke it down for NewsOne.
“What we know is that there is a Black Spring that is emerging where communities that have been under the boot of police terrorism, communities that have been attacked by poverty and unemployment are rising up, coming together and advancing new solutions and new visions and new demands to create a new world where Black peoples’ lives matter,” Garza said.
Gesturing towards the guardsmen occupying the city during Baltimore’s week-long state of emergency, Garza suggested that their very presence was state violence in action.
“[The National Guard] are standing between Black people and access to resources, they are protecting property rather than protecting the very people that make this city beautiful,” she told NewsOne.
“That is why this is a Black Spring because, quite frankly, communities who have been under the boot of occupying forces like the military and the local police force are rising up and saying ‘we’ve had enough.'”
“That is being led by young people, that is being led by women even though you may not be seeing that on television,” she added. “If we want justice for Freddie Gray, we also understand that we need to make sure people have access to food, we need to make sure people have access to quality education, we need to make sure that occupying forces leave Black communities and allow Black communities to thrive on our own terms.”
Garza, who traveled to Baltimore to support local organizations in “developing the movement growing here in Baltimore and increasingly the movement that is growing across the country,” is just one of the many women heading what is arguably the largest Black liberation movement in recent history. She, along with Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi, created #BlackLivesMatter in 2012 following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the killing of Trayvon Martin.
Citing Black women making changes in the movement, Garza also discussed what it meant for her to see Mosby, also a Black woman, hand down the charges for the officers involved in Gray’s death.
“As a Black woman, I can say that I felt personally that that sister was opening a door for young people here to advance a new set of demands that changes the landscape here in Baltimore,” she told NewsOne.
Check out NewsOne’s exclusive interview above and visit the #BlackSpring hashtag to learn more about Baltimore’s uprising". [Source]
The Field Negro education series continues.
"“What we know is that there is a Black Spring that is emerging where communities that have been under the boot of police terrorism, communities that have been attacked by poverty and unemployment are rising up, coming together and advancing new solutions and new visions and new demands to create a new world where Black peoples’ lives matter,” Garza said."
Yes! this is what I'm talking about!
BW joining in the fight instead of beating up on our people. It's so wonderful to see bw coming together with our people to bring change. There is no way we can do this without them.
I smell a BW (state prosecutor, mayor) versus BM (police commissioner) fight coming, Whuteemoos won't allow this Kumbaya moment among Blacks to last very long.
Can somebody tell me what Yisheng is saying? What the hell is "Whuteemoos"?
Blogger Yīshēng said...
I smell a BW (state prosecutor, mayor) versus BM (police commissioner) fight coming, Whuteemoos won't allow this Kumbaya moment among Blacks to last very long.
11:02 PM
Yeah, you are right. Whites still control what we do to each other. I appreciate your honesty and perception. You really know our weak spot...Whites.
Yisheng said,
"I smell a BW (state prosecutor, mayor) versus BM (police commissioner) fight coming, Whuteemoos won't allow this Kumbaya moment among Blacks to last very long."
Why do Negroes even bother? According to Yisheng, Whites won't let us get ahead anyway. All this is a waste of time.
White - Whu
Racists- tee
Mutants - Moo, Europeans are genetic mutations of Africans.
Whu-tee-moo, Whuteemoo.
Lots of ignorant people in this comment section. I feel bad for everyone who you infect.
Different protest movements help each other whether they know it or not. Now Wall Street execs might worry that something like the Occupy Movement could turn in to a Baltimore type uprising, and the Walmart Waltons of the world know that protests for living wages could turn into a Baltimore. People are fed up.
This uprising sounds good and have my blessings. Some anon said that riots change nothing. It was cited that 1960 was included in their statement. Too bad they were not there or could not see the drastic changes that society morphed into.
Our riots were different than the ones that presenting now. The biggest differences are that the police did not have the armament that they have today. Also the powers to be under the guise of "terrorism" has the network for immediate action. As a tidbit, the Blacks also had Brothers that were combat energized and did not give a damn about "all out" retaliation. Our society over the past half century had created men that will not step forward to take changes.
One BIG dif during the 60s and now is that the mass of people needed for action may not be energized if he GOV cut food/clothing/shelter for a heavily dependent population. The warriors of now may not want to risk the loss of necessities fighting a battle that will be seen by the number of devices that espouse all social activities.
I do believe there can be a segment of the Black population that can try the non-violent shame technique. But then I doubt if they want to lose what largesse the dominate group still portion out.
When the Brother made reference to the revolution not being televised- maybe he was telling us if you are to revolt you got to do things within informing CNN of your actions.
And Yes, I give props to all the women that seek change for the betterment of our race. They carry a heavy burden. Doing what they do and still have to be a mother WITHOUT the help of our playas, playas. Not my stats. Lets not hide behind our truths and weaknesses. Change these two and I believe we will be half way on the battlefield.
This post is hilarious. It's laugh out loud funny that a minority within a minority actually think that they're building a "movement" that matters to anyone outside of their own little drum circle. The only "movement" they're creating is the one they flush down the bowl every morning.
The effect of Baltimore is to highlight for the rest of the world that it is impossible to integrate uncivilized savages into a civilized country.
Billions of dollars wasted in the effort to achieve the impossible. Even Lincoln was aware the only realistic solution was to repatriate blacks back to the dark continent. We've wasted too much time and money pretending any other solution is possible or reasonable.
I do believe there can be a segment of the Black population that can try the non-violent shame technique.
Blacks generally lack the introspection to even understand shame, let alone be compelled by shame to change their animalistic, impulsive, violent behavior.
So I see this as a non-starter.
According to Foreign Policy Journal, the Baltimore conflict isn't generating any sympathy or sense that it's equivalent to anti-oppression movements: it's just "black people being black people".
IMHO, people protesting and trumpeting the BlackLivesMatter line could do wonders for their credibility if they showed the level of care and frustration for innocent black babies and teens gunned down in the ghetto over turf wars, drug deals, and somebody wanting another kid's Jordans.
I believe that, by and large, the people out protesting are genuinely upset and believe they've been dealt a bad hand. While there are undoubtedly opportunists there taking advantage, I think most people are genuine. However, this genuine outpouring of emotion seems to come only if the black victim in question died at the hands of a white person in a position of power.
If BlackLivesMatter, I think these folks need to work on making their brand more consistent.
"Europeans are genetic mutations of Africans."
Sorta yes, but scientifically no. And any person touting themselves as a doctor and biological-based researcher of cancer should know that it's not nearly that simplistic. Any permanent change to the nucleotide sequence is a mutation, and loosely speaking all genetic combinations are mutations, as no child is an exact copy of either parent.
Europeans, through natural selection, developed finer features and lighter skin. Not due to unrepaired DNA which malfunctioned in the creation of a multi-celled fetus from a single-celled organism, but through environmental changes passed down through the gene pool which were advantageous to the climate.
Natural selection also passed along genes which were advantageous because they spurred cooperation and a coming together; whereas tribespeople most likely found it advantageous to be self-centered and aggressive for dominance and resources. Therefore, the proliferation of cooperative genes never needed to be selected in some populations, wherein with other populations it was necessitated that cooperative genes made their way through the species.
Colloquially speaking it's a "mutation" for Europeans; scientifically speaking, it doesn't make the grade. These mutations were not (a) spontaneous, (b) error-prone replication of DNA, (c) introductory errors during DNA repair, or (d) induced through mutagens.
Doctor my ass...
"Have you failed to notice that I don't go DingDing when Yīshēng kicks my ass?
Have you failed to notice I don't go DingDing when FieldNegro kicks my ass?"
There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Bill admits that Yisheng and Field kick his intellectual ass on a regular basis.
The prosecution rests its case.
"Europeans, through natural selection, developed finer features and lighter skin.
Ha! Josh thinks white people have "finer features".
But he's not racist......Naaaaaahhhhh
Oh and by the way, any natural process that changes a D.N.A. sequence is a mutation.
So Josh is talking out of his grossly obese ass as usual.
Intelligent my ass....
"finer features".
Even you're not THAT fucking retarded, I hope.
I certainly hope that you're just trolling for reaction like the bitch-ass cunt you are. Because if you seriously think that's racist, well....holy shit. I feel fucking sorry for you.
"Oh and by the way, any natural process that changes a D.N.A. sequence is a mutation."
I said differently?
You're so anxious to stalk me and troll everything I post that you don't even pay the fuck attention to what you're putting out there anymore.
It's embarrassing.
Tommy Sotomayor is right about your ilk, that's all I know.
PC, I wish you would STFU.
StillaPanther2 said...
"This uprising sounds good and have my blessings. Some anon said that riots change nothing. It was cited that 1960 was included in their statement. Too bad they were not there or could not see the drastic changes that society morphed into."
I judge by where we are today. There have been several riots that have erupted over the last 60 years. What drastic changes has society morphed into that is so positive?
As I said before, riots are nothing but another 'rerun'. They might get attention temporarily but people soon forget and go on ignoring the black problem as IS the American habit.
SAP2--"...As a tidbit, the Blacks also had Brothers that were combat energized and did not give a damn about "all out" retaliation. Our society over the past half century had created men that will not step forward to take changes."
With all the terrorism around the world I am not certain about men not stepping forward. The problem is you don't see them coming.
As I recall, the Panthers fell apart because brothers couldn't trust each other. This is the biggest problem in our community. It's been that way for a long time. We sell-out on each other; we destroy each other...it's as though we hate being Black.
The wm really has nothing to do but wait for us to destroy ourselves. We're off to a good start: We're in the process of destroying what little we have in our OWN communities.
Don't you think that is a little weird?
"I certainly hope that you're just trolling for reaction like the bitch-ass cunt you are. Because if you seriously think that's racist, well....holy shit. I feel fucking sorry for you. "
It's racist.
Yeah, because Europeans don't have finer hair than Africans, or thinner lips or noses, or fairer skin, etc. European features aren't finer than African features, according to you, I guess.
African hair is the finest hair on the planet. That's why no black women buy tumbleweave! lol
Facts of evolution: Dat's wacist!
I really did hope you were just trying to troll. The painstaking lengths you go to in order to show that you're better than all deez wacists 'round here, and you take "finer" to literally be a beauty judgment.
You cannot get any more pathetic and far reaching.
I guess you need me to be a racist. And since you can't seem to find a fucking thing to make the label stick, except to say that I'm mean to black people (because they're a protected class, according to your racist ass), you're intentionally misinterpreting a word to make it fit a completely different definition than what the context would suggest.
"Finer" isn't a judgment on aesthetics, you fucking stunad. It's an objective point of fact to describe the texture of features which evolved through
the happenstance of evolution per the environment. European hair is a finer grade, whereas African hair is a coarser grade.
And per Yishgen's brilliant way of describing it, one day an African gave birth a mutant baby -- the bosom whence sprung white Europeans. And in setting her straight, I thought I'd illuminate her on a bit of the principle of natural selection.
I had no fucking clue that someone would be stupid enough to interpret that as a judgement of comeliness per race.
But, please, by all means, continue to call that "racist."
I asked a question a few weeks ago: How stupid a person do you plan on being? With responses like yours, I see that you're not even close to the bottom of that barrel yet. I look forward to what you'll think of next.
Blogger Josh said...
Yeah, because Europeans don't have finer hair than Africans, or thinner lips or noses, or fairer skin, etc. JOSH-"European features aren't finer than African features, according to you, I guess.
African hair is the finest hair on the planet. That's why no black women buy tumbleweave! lol
Facts of evolution: Dat's wacist!
4:41 AM
JOSH, you speak the truth. Unfortunately, PC denies the truth because he 'wants' finer features and finer hair. It's obvious isn't it?
I mean, he married a ww with fine features and straight thin hair didn't he?
You see, PC doesn't have a problem with fine features, he has a problem-in his unconscious mind- with 'broad' features which he has.
FN Negroes know this that is why they lash out at you when you speak truth that pierces through their denials.
You are very good for FN. You are helping Negroes to come to a meeting with Jesus.
Re: PC: He hates his blackness. That's why he married a ww and attacks Whites on FN. I am surprised you haven't figured him out by now. Blacks on FN have known this for some time.
Don't waste your time trying to be reasonable with an unreasonable self-hating fool. He is a sad case.
"And per Yishgen's brilliant way of describing it, one day an African gave birth a mutant baby -- the bosom whence sprung white Europeans. And in setting her straight, I thought I'd illuminate her on a bit of the principle of natural selection."
Yisheng is a damn fool living in the ghetto. Haven't you figured that out yet? All Blacks on FN know that, including Field. He keeps feeding her fantasy about being a doctor.
I mean, look at her comments and how she thinks. It's off the chart. It's ghetto thinking.
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
Oh and by the way, any natural process that changes a D.N.A. sequence is a mutation.
So Josh is talking out of his grossly obese ass as usual.
Which is why it pretty easy to pass over what he writes here which by the outline of it, are usually the longest posts by ANYONE here except Field himself.
Speaking if that, ever notice that a good Whuteemoo is a master of writing down a LOT, but not saying a GOT damn thing? As if that makes them "intelligent", yet it (VERY likely"), has NEVER once mentioned what it does for a living or studied in college??
That means two things, it's an uneducated fool on a blog with HIGHLY educated Black intellectuals and second, white privilege can't help the average Whiteemoo, which is why it's a Whuteemoo in the first place.
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
It's racist.
Trying to convince a Whuteemoo that it's a Whuteemoo is like trying to convince a piece of $hit that it doesn't stink.
Oh damn, I guess that's the same thing, my bad!!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I mean, look at her comments and how she thinks. It's off the chart. It's ghetto thinking.
Whuuuuuuuteeeeeeeeee.........Whuuuteeeeeeeeemoooooooooooooooooooooooo......Whutemoo, Whuteemoo,
Dam field, behind the times much?
Black spring break has come and gone. You don't have to guess how black spring break ended.
Violence, arrest and a disturbing video of a black woman getting raped while other blacks watched and did nothing...
“What we know is that there is a Black Spring that is emerging where communities that have been under the boot of police terrorism, communities that have been attacked by poverty and unemployment are rising up, coming together and advancing new solutions and new visions and new demands to create a new world where Black peoples’ lives matter,” Garza said."
The only "new" is the same ole same ole actions by blacks.
Blacks throw temper tantrums, destroy all non-black owned businesses they can find and bitch because they can't gets they chillins no diapers and formula.
The racial grievance industry proclaims a new day for blacks.
And yet blacks will continue to overwhelming vote for the people who's feet fill the boots on they necks, the Democrat party. Democrats are the ones who are responsible for police terrorism and the sad state of black amerikkka...
The more things change, the more they stay the same on the Democrat plantation.
Drink drink, gulp.....
>Never has anything to say
>Illustrates scientifically why someone is wrong with their "mutation" slur
>Is supposedly defeated by bare assertion; i.e. "NUH UH!"
>Laughs too hard at these supposed "intellectuals" to ever take them seriously. Juxtaposed against the worst in society who drop out before even reaching middle school, I suppose some of what you chadrools write could pass as almost average intelligence...
Whitey's Op, you DO realize that many of the Blacks here haven't "suffered" nearly as much as you and your ilk have due to Reaganomics, right?
The Purple Cow said...
"Have you failed to notice that I don't go DingDing when Yīshēng kicks my ass?
Have you failed to notice I don't go DingDing when FieldNegro kicks my ass?"
There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Bill admits that Yisheng and Field kick his intellectual ass on a regular basis.
Where did I write the words "regular basis?"
Another lie I caught you in PurpleCow.
Why in the hell do you let me keep catching you lying PurpleCow? Are you that stupid or is it pathological?
Either way, I caught you lying AGAIN PurpleCow.
You must have a good reason that you feel the need to lie even though you know I'm going to catch you again.
Ding Ding PurpleCow.
There are two obvious ignoramuses in this comment section: one lives in the UK and the other lives in DC. Both have no idea of what logic is and both are sickening. Field should kick both off FN for they insult the black race and humanity.
"Why in the hell do you let me keep catching you lying PurpleCow? Are you that stupid or is it pathological?"
PC is a compulsive liar. He hates Whites and therefore tries to injure their reputation and build up his own with lies.
The truth would only show him for what he is: A NOBODY
Josh said...
"Oh and by the way, any natural process that changes a D.N.A. sequence is a mutation."
I said differently?
It appears PurpleCow is being caught lying and making stuff up AGAIN.
The pattern continues.
Ding Ding Liar.
The are NUMEROUS Whuteemoos in this comment section: NONE are as educated as the Blacks on this blog, NONE can find a White woman to marry (which is why they despise PC, LOL!!), and NONE knows a damn thing about reading comprehension or geography.
Or maybe they think the Confederates won the war and that ALL deeply southern states ie Alabama, Georgia, Florida, are "DC".
America 2015, where quasi celebrities sell books of the selfies they take.
Kim Kardashian Selfish Hardcover
The dumbing down of America.
Ghetto mama, you are sooooo pathetically sick. Do you really think anyone thinks you have a brain? No they do not.
You are amusing though....CLOWN.
Bill said, "The dumbing down of America."
It's not the people who are dumb, it's the addiction to Iphones, smartphones, texting, the internet.....that is what is destroying brains and discipline.
CNN is reporting that Obama wants a ballistic missile defense system to shoot down nuclear bombs from iran.
Isn't that the star wars system reagan talked about and dumbocrats mocked?
Obama to push for Gulf States ballistic missile defense system next week
President Barack Obama will re-engage with Gulf State allies at a summit next week on a proposal for a common ballistic missile defense system that could act as a deterrent to a potentially nuclear armed Iran, a U.S. official confirms to CNN on Wednesday.
Yīshēng said...
Whitey's Op, you DO realize that many of the Blacks here haven't "suffered" nearly as much as you and your ilk have due to Reaganomics, right?
If only that was true.Yīshēng, i love the way you wear me, but after 5 years its time for some new weave.
Why are blacks so angry and violent?
Of course field will tell us black mob attacks are just a myth.
Yisheng said something stupid again. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn.
I love it when you lick me nice and slow like your Mammy does it.
Keepin' it the family Molly, just for YOU!!!
"Where did I write the words "regular basis?"
When you did not say "on that one occasion that Yisheng kicked my sorry ass".
You're such a loser Bill.
Quote Josh-the-Wacist
">Never has anything to say"
True dat.
">Illustrates scientifically why someone is wrong with their "mutation" slur."
You did absolutely no such fucking thing.
">Is supposedly defeated by bare assertion; i.e. "NUH UH!"
No you were defeated by facts and logic - as usual.
">Laughs too hard at these supposed "intellectuals" to ever take them seriously."
Hyenas laugh, doesn't make 'em clever.
"Juxtaposed against the worst in society who drop out before even reaching middle school, I suppose some of what you chadhadrools write could pass as almost average intelligence..."
But Josh ain't racist!
Naaaaaaaaaaah couldn't be!!
FN blog is made up of people who have no solution to our human problems except to insult and berate one another.
FN is a BIG minus sign for America and humanity. NOTHING ever comes out of degrading disrespectful comments except more of it.
But then again, maybe this is where America is headed: To Hell.
"Juxtaposed against the worst in society who drop out before even reaching middle school, I suppose some of what you chadhadrools write could pass as almost average intelligence..."
What you say is a fact. Facts are not racist, they are facts, and we need to respond to facts, whether we feel shame or not, in order to grow and become better educated people.
PC is not for educating Blacks, he is for hurling stupid childish insults at Josh and Bill. Yep, that will take us a long way toward a solution...what a waste.
Looks like huckabee has entered the race. Another clown for the gop clowncar. Now the Repubs want us to have a Baptist Preacher who doesn't believe in evolution to run the country. Oh how far the gop has fallen. Only Ben Carson can save them.
Carson/Cain 16
PX, you are exactly right. Ben Carson is the man for the GOP. If Obama could do it, certainly Carson can. He was a surgeon, twice as smart as Obama.
And Cain would certainly be a smart choice. After all, he was a CEO and knows about business and the economy.
If elected, America might stand a chance to recover. Otherwise, we're dead.
"Juxtaposed against the worst in society who drop out before even reaching middle school, I suppose some of what you chadhadrools write could pass as almost average intelligence..."
You're like that guy who thinks the grocery stores are racist because the black olives are in a can while the green olives are in a jar. You find racism around every corner, under every rock.
What in the ever-lovin' fuck is even remotely racIAL in what you quoted, much less racIST?
There's nothing there to even imply race, at all, much less anything to imply something negative is being said about a race.
Again, I don't know how many times I have to say it: "Chadrools" IS NOT derogatory slang against black people. Get a hold of your fucking life, mate.
You keep telling me that I don't get it; that I don't understand. But I seem to be understanding perfectly.
TPC logic: If Josh calls a black person a bad, mean name, he's doing so only because they're black and that's racist!
That seems to be the entirety of your stance. If I call two people on this blog a cocksucker, I'm just an asshole because I said it to a white person, but I'm a racist because I said it to a black person.
Sorry, but THAT'S racist! You judging people only by their skin and holding people to completely separate standards based on nothing more than their skin color is blatantly racist.
OK boys and girls, I just want to clear something up.
Just because Josh comes to a blog about racism EVERY SINGLE DAY OF HIS LIFE to hurl abuse at any black person who attempts to engage him in debate, that doesn't mean he's a racist. O.K.?
Uh huh, no way.
Just wanted clear that up for our sane, rational, even-handed, not-at-all-racist new buddy Joshy.
"PC is not for educating Blacks, he is for hurling stupid childish insults at Josh and Bill. Yep, that will take us a long way toward a solution...what a waste."
Oh, and Josh's sock puppet isn't racist either!
"Just because Josh comes to a blog about racism EVERY SINGLE DAY OF HIS LIFE to hurl abuse at any black person who attempts to engage him in debate, that doesn't mean he's a racist."
Never in the history of your engaging with me has said engagement been about a "debate." Nothing that would even remotely qualify.
For the first 12 or so times you responded to something I said, you didn't even address me directly. You left a one-line, smug-ass, bullshit comment from your high horse, acting like a condescending cunt on a drive by. Then, after having to engage you multiple times to even get you to explain WTF you were talking about, your answer was then just long, drawn out posts of bare assertion; e.g. you were right 'cause you said you were right, and I was wrong 'cause you said I was wrong. Case in point: Your days-long "debate" with me, in which you were attempting to tell me that the words "fundamentally transform" did not mean "fundamentally transform."
So, you can play to your audience here if you want, but we both know the truth. You have never attempted to engage in debate. You've been acting like a condescending asshole toward me, taking personal digs from day fucking one of my being here -- long before I ever called your cunt-ass a cunt.
Field and I have went back and forth on a few issues, yet I've never uttered a mumbling word of disrespect in his direction. The same goes with quite a few people here whom I've had differences with.
Matter of fact, I'm not disrespectful or abusive to anyone who doesn't treat me like shit first.
And you can ramble on about how this is bullshit, but it's all on the fucking record, cataloged and can be easily traced back to show that I'm demonstrably accurate in my assessment of you as a condescending cunt who's acted that way long, long before I ever even spoke your name.
"hurl abuse" -- what a fucking joke.
As for the dude who seems to have my back, I got no clue who that is, so you can save your paranoia.
Unlike a lot of the pussies here, I don't hide my opinions behind an anonymous tag. It's always just Josh, on any blog or site I visit.
Unemployment is at a 7 year low, however more work iis needed in urban areas.
"Unemployment is at a 7 year low..."
Unemployment is calculated in a shadier way than the budget.
"So, Mr. Clinton, we're going to vote to allow you to spend X for this year's budget!"
"Thanks, guys. It's always nice to know that no matter what our initiatives are, we're the ones who create from whole cloth the amount of money we allow ourselves to spend."
"On the bright side, Mr. President, if you don't spend it all, you get to claim a surplus, as if you were exercising restraint."
"Shit, pencil me in for million-dollar speaking gigs after office. Hill, baby, lube up my sax. Daddy's home."
With unemployment, their tricks of arithmetic are tantamount to corruption.
Johnny doesn't have a job. Johnny hasn't had a job in two years. Johnny has given up on trying to find a job, content that he'll always be unemployed. Johnny no longer counts as "unemployed."
Describing the acts of violence committed by blacks whom sympathize with thugs, criminals, and degenerates, to the revolutionary processes of the "Arab Spring", is quite ludicrous. What we saw in both Baltimore and Ferguson, places where the "have-nots" are the majority, was looting and rioting directed mostly towards black people and businesses by blacks themselves, rather than at the so called oppressor of black people, i.e. the police and state. If yelling "black lives matter" as you rob and then burn down a black person's neighborhood is an act of social justice, then that speaks volumes about this so called movement's base.
If black lives matter then why did the blacks who "protested against the system" (rioted and looted), destroy their own neighborhoods? Arabs fought and died for fundamental change in their respective countries, so far those blacks who scream "black lives matter" have only helped to make the race card that much more useless.
The day black people stop rioting and looting, i.e destroying their own neighborhoods, in protest of the justified, and or unavoidable killing of a criminal, will be the day black lives truly matter.
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