"The court has spoken and we must respect its decision. Everyone must have the right for their response to be heard––including when they are angry and hurt––and voicing that frustration in a peaceful way helps us all rise above those forces that would hold us back and tear us down. In Ohio we are working hard to rebuild strong communities where every voice is heard and respected––and we’re making progress, but we’ve got a lot of work to do. Our statewide initiative to improve the way that communities and police work together, with better training, oversight and cooperation, is a model for the country, but we must stay at it. Even in the middle of the strong feelings many have today we can’t lose sight of how Ohio has begun to successfully come together. We are one Cleveland and one Ohio and, with God’s help, together we will keep building for ourselves and our children the kind of world that we all deserve."
Yes, we must respect the court and the rule of law. As we must respect the right of every citizen to protest and exercise their First Amendment rights.
But what we must not allow is a hypocritical politician to make a mockery of the process itself and treat the rest of us as if we have no sense.
Nothing about what is happening in Cleveland, Ohio is a "model for the country". The killing of young Tamir Rice proves that.
Well written press releases will not make the pain and anger of generational poverty and injustice go away. It will not cure the hearts of bigots who only want to wear a uniform to live out some power-trip and take part in self-aggrandizing actions.
Cleveland might win their first professional championship in fifty years. I am sure that the last thing that the powers that be in that town want is a riot to spoil the parade.
"LeBron James urged the city of Cleveland to remain calm and channel its energy into the Cavaliers' playoff run in the aftermath of a judge's decision to acquit a police officer of manslaughter in a 2012 shooting which led to the death of two African-Americans.
"For the city of Cleveland, let's use our excitement or whatever passion that we have for our sport tomorrow, for the game tomorrow night, bring it tomorrow night ... our team we'll try to do our best to give it back to them," James said following the Cavaliers' light workout today."
I love LeBron, but jump shots can't cure injustice, and just "channeling its energy" into a basketball team will not change bad policing policies.
I understand this kind of rhetoric coming from the governor. He is, after all, a politician. But I think it would have been best if the star of the Cleveland basketball team had said nothing at all.
Bill, Kinky, Josh, Lt. Commander Johnson, PilotX, Purple Cow, Yisheng
Why are there so many wankers on this site?
Why are there so many wankers on this site?
There weren't any until you showed up.
Field, for once you are right...it would have been better if LeBron had kept his damn mouth shut. He sounded like one of the uncle toms with a white ass-sucking IQ of Stephen.
Why do Negroes go against their own dignity as a black person in order to look good and be accepted by Whites?
That is so disgusting but it happens QUITE FREQUENTLY among us. We don't know who to trust when it comes to our own people. If the Whites don't get you, some Blacks will.
It sucks to be Black.
Can't wait to hear JOSH'S fair-minded unbiased non-racist brilliant comment.
TO JOSH: Please, no cursing, no vile language....Please. For once, show some class for your white race.
hold up...
"...alleged state- sanctioned killings in the city of Cleveland."
looks like someone has finally run up on a clue...
IF folk could stop bickering with racists long enough to look/listen...
they will see that some folk gloat + let folk know the orders have been given.
IF you think all of these souls are in white skin...
folk miss it, yet, again.
since the police, judge bench, medical community, churches, government, etc is swarming with these demons.
folk that HATE Yah + Black folk + humanity.
instead of hollering 'bout racism, it would make more sense to get some act + do Right.
take some of the education, resources and privilege...
and go to it.
those with the most, utterly refuse to tell the Truth or do anything about the Real.
the stuff they are supposed to be willing to lay down, just means too much.
in the meantime, it would be wise for more to act like folk know they are STILL in the land of bondage + NO one is playing.
not Yah Almighty, most importantly. nor historical enemies.
as the clock turns back to usher in the newest jim crow...
think folk will go back to their tried + true survival techniques?
or will the externally controlled + paid for rallies suffice?
while life after life is lost...
KJV Zechariah 11:4-5
4 Thus saith the Sovereign my Almighty; Feed the flock of the slaughter;
5 Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and they that sell them say, Blessed be the Sovereign; for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not.
then there is that.
complete fact.
i look and all i want to know is:
what is NOT clear at this point folk?
those that will tell the Real are ostracized. while those that major in lies...
collect nobel + other prizes.
the world hates not its own, though.
i pray, in Messiah's Name, that ALL souls will awaken + know that Yah Almighty of Abraham, Isaac and Yacob is NOT a man that He should lie.
His Word WILL be done.
those of US that know what is written are witnesses + watching it all unfold.
those of US that He created Bold...
aren't trying to be neutral.
aren't fearing the face of any man.
instead we Stand...
+ Speak when He says to do so.
Blessings all!
not a sports fan.
would urge folk to pay attention to Lebron James' hands and rituals prior to the games.
even if you don't understand..
it all means something.
all hidden in plain sight.
while folk play, bicker and fight.
we war not against the flesh. but against wickedness in high places..
to paraphrase.
Blessings all!
most valuable puppet...
signs and symbols rule the world.
not words nor man laws.
Lebron James will do as he is told, as per usual.
or they will erase every.single.dime.
it doesn't matter that his orders defy Good sense and human decency.
folk should focus on games, while lives are being lost + sanctioned by the "justice" system.
"those that will tell the Real are ostracized. while those that major in lies...
collect nobel + other prizes."
This makes it especially hard to follow God's Way when you are getting accolades for not telling the truth.
Even in black families the truth is not spoken. So 'why' would or should Blacks follow "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?"
And besides, how do you know God exists, that HE is real? No one has seen Him, heard Him, tasted Him, touched Him, or smelled Him.
What is a suffering bm to make of what you say? Where is your concrete proof?
Lebron is no Bill Russell, Muhammad Ali or John Carlos.
My parents instilled in me the axiom that it is more just that a thousand guilty go unpunished than that one innocent be punished. Accordingly, though it stings my sense of fairness when what appear to me to be blatantly racist crimes go unpunished, I leave those acquittals to the consciences of the jury or in this case the judge. In our system of single jeopardy there's no correction to mistaken acquittals. instead, I worry about the unjust convictions that can, must be corrected for justice to truly be served.
Once again, CNN promulgates fiction over facts, to support the "narrative".
In the article linked by FN:
"words heard in recent months in places like Ferguson, Missouri, and New York, where massive demonstrations sprung up after African-Americans died at the hands of white police officers."
"Massive" demonstrations?? Poppycock. And the recent revelations about how the entire enterprise was fake, ginned up and manufactured from the get-go are more newsworthy than CNN's fake advocacy for a fake "movement".
It gets better:
"..in Missouri, New York, Baltimore as well as Cleveland -- have caused turmoil in American cities."
Really? Where is this fictional land of "turmoil" ??
Not in McLean, VA or Bethesda, MD, or the UES in Manhattan, or Palo Alto, CA
or Dallas, TX or any other major city I've been visiting over the past few months.
No "turmoil". No "#blackbrunch" disruptions. Just business as usual. Ladies who lunch continue to lunch, capitalists and lobbyists continue to meet for drinks, the foot traffic at Neiman Marcus and Nordstroms isn't down by any measure.
CNN and it's all-star #BlackLIESMatter team live in a world of their own manufacture, not in a world of reality for the vast majority of "citizens" throughout the US and elsewhere.
The difference between the "movement" now and the "movement" back in the 60's was that blacktivists were able to earn the support and sympathy of a broad cross section of non-black supporter and voters.
The exact opposite is occurring today. With each new faux "cause" the Blacktivists embrace and try to manufacture a martyr out of a thug and irredeemable reprobate, more people become aligned against the #BlackLIESMatter ridiculousness and want an end to it.
LOL @ 3 different mofos dropping my name on Field's blog.
If I start a blog and ad that piece up on the sidebars, will y'all drop by and hit the click here?
Black people of Ohio, I realize you are not happy with the news from our courts today. But I would ask you to keep in mind that this is only one case and the entire police reform movement does not succeed or fail based on its verdict. We are still entirely committed to addressing our wonderful state's unfortunate "bad cop problem."
However, it is true the cops involved in this particular massacre are not going to face any consequences for their deranged and irresponsible actions. If hearing about this ruling has put you in a riotous mood (and not the ha-ha kind of "riotous") ... please be aware that if you burn buildings in MY state, I won't hesitate to deploy some of our nation's finest state-of-the-art military hardware to rain Shock and Awe down on your asses.
Have a nice day.
John Kasich, governor of Ohio
you either want on the wide path or will have the Strength to seek the narrow one.
life is not a popularity contest.
i cannot prove to you that Yah is Real. no one can. you will need to seek Him and get to know Him for yourself.
knowing that the just shall walk by Faith and it is impossible to please Him without it.
it is very clearly written that IF Blessed Blacks aka Yahudah/Judah in Scriptures will not bow down and worship Him/His Word...
we will bow down and worship those that hate US.
not ALL white folk hate US.
be clear.
this is not to 'cozy up'...it is to tell the Truth.
the white folk sitting at the top of the pyramid pulling the puppet strings...
mos def.
HATE them some Black folk + humanity.
you don't even have to believe to see the Truth of that statement. today folk feen for the Love of white folk harder than they wish to know Yah the Most High!
folk gotta choose what is most important, in their individual journeys.
what does it profit a man to gain the world yet lose his soul?
the world is handed into the hand of the wicked for a time...
we are to have nothing to do with wickedness..
but to shine Light on it. reprove it. evil only progresses when the Righteous refuse to act in Obedience. we are NOT to fear those that can only kill our bodies.
cowards will find this impossible to do.
i'd rather go out Standing than on my knees in coward mode.
for Real.
+free will.
ALL Praises to Most High Yah Almighty!
Yah and i respect free will. know this.
not trying to tell folk what to do, as i have been accused.
IF other folks' choices would send my soul to hell...then yes. i would be in the business of telling folk what to do.
since such is not the case, i simply Speak what is written and pray that He will compel those that belong to Him.
those rolling with the defeated one, need to know what they got going on fazes me not.
i am simply acting obedience and breaking down what we see, for those that find it more difficult to do so...
i pray in Messiah's Mighty Name that rather than despair/fear, folk will look to Him and ask Him all the questions of their heart. daring to believe that He will answer.
i am a witness...
He will.
Blessings in Abundance to you +all!
3:19 AM-
the 60's "civil" rights was just as contrived, externally handled + subsidized.
the difference?
there wasn't a Black-ish potus, born to a white woman- how he came to be selected for office in the first place- all in White folk faces carrying out the anti-american policies of his corporate masters.
the same anti-american policies many many many corrupt wm set in place before him. seems americans notice it more when it is being done by what many insist on mislabeling as a BM. when in fact he is biracial. not that it matters, just important to note that ww do NOT birth the Black nation.
to your point..."With each new faux "cause" the Blacktivists embrace and try to manufacture a martyr out of a thug and irredeemable reprobate, more people become aligned against the #BlackLIESMatter ridiculousness and want an end to it."
ever consider THIS is the point of the psych ops to begin with?
how else will the masters that no one may criticize get the 'goy/goyim' to off each other in a race war?
divide and conquer all the way around...
Black White
Man Woman
Het Gay
Religious Heathen
take out Real Yahudah/Judah...
then humanity.
that's the failed plan.
that's what's written.
yet folk still seem rather surprised...
DC gal, gonna have to disagree with a few of your points. In the 60's there wasn't "broad support" of non-blah activists. If you were alive back then you would know there was a large segment of the country that opposed civil rights. Blah folks have never really been popular in the majority population, not sure where this new meme of white folks suddenly losing their love of our interests. Next the outrage you see is not manufactured there is actual dislike of innocent blah people being gunned down by the police. I know folks who participated in marches and demonstrations. These are everyday normal folks not paid plants (not sure who's paying demonstrators and how they advertise for openings). I have to ask are you white? If you are then how do you have such insight into our community and how would you know our feelings about certain matters? There has always been a lack of knowledge about us and certain folk rely on misinformation and cheap stereotypes.
Don't waste your keystrokes, Pilot. You're dealing with someone who believes there's neither police brutality nor protests against it in the country where she lives.
Evidently, she lives in Atlantis or Narnia or something.
why do Black people pretend not to notice all of the external handling going into all of the protesting?
in the 60's and even now?
Malcolm X was one of the few who actually told it.
KJV Genesis 15:13-14
13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.
KJV Acts 7: 6-7
6 And Yah spake on this wise, That his seed should sojourn in a strange land; and that they should bring them into bondage, and entreat them evil four hundred years.
7 And the nation to whom they shall be in bondage will I judge, said Yah: and after that shall they come forth, and serve me in this place.
folk are STILL paid to keep folk in line to this very day.
Moses did not go to pharoah and say...
let my people...
Black folk STAY falling for the okey doke;(
THIS is why i am Real Clear that i am Hebrew following Messiah.
i do not know white Jesus, after whom slave ships were named.
Messiah could NOT have been a white man. mos def not a long haired white man, as long haired men= unlawful according to what is written in Torah.
of course, there are genuinely unhappy people, thinking they are making a difference as they rage against the machine. controlled every step of the way. let 'em get off script or outside the it's ok to "protest" here lines.
others are following others...trendy with it almost.
those that lead US lead US astray...
+ lie to US all day.
WE Blacks shipped to the 4 corners of the earth are Shem. as it is written. we are the Chosen Ones as written of in Scriptures. IF we could get that and act accordingly...
it would be a new day.
but hey. let's keep repeating the fake "history" we have been fed + led to believe.
those that were Real with it...
folk are hard pressed to mention. or don't even know their names...
U r not the chosen ones, ask any Jew, they are the chosen ones. Its in the bible. Dont u ever sleep?
"Yes, we must respect the court and the rule of law. "
If only blacks knew what respect means.
This is another case in which blacks thought their black privilege allowed them to break the law/ run from the police without any consequences..
Blacks have to understand their skin color doesn't exclude them from the human race. Their race card doesn't trump the law or give them any excuse to be violent.
Since the HANDS UP!DON'T SHOOT !! lie, 6 police officers have been killed /dozens injured or shot by blacks.
Actions have consequences. The police are understandably on edge.
Gov. John Kasich deserves praise for talking down Obama's sons and daughters.
The Governor didn't give Obama's sons and daughters room to destroy, like the democrat mayor of Baltimore did.
Because of the actions of the Governor, many non-black businesses were saved. Many lives of non-blacks were saved.
Justice was served. I'm proud to be a American...
i can read and don't need to ask anyone about what is clearly written.
Black folk WILL get enough of this folly,ask somebody, at some point. surely we are sick of the nonstop lies, already?
the letter J is new to the alphabet.
Torah (Old Testament) speaks to the Hebrews. New Testament, too, for that matter.
Messiah warned of those that say they are Hebrew but are not.
Jewish scholars know, too, that Torah is not addressing all of the europeans we see today, that folk believe are the Chosen Ones of Scriptures. despite it clearly being written that the ashkenazim hail from the isles of the gentiles.
a couple of white folk decent enough to tell the Truth. maybe you and others can hear it from them?
white folk, back in the day, were on Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali and others about changing their names...
yet won't mention the name change of netanyahu who was a Mr. clearly european Mileikowsky before he changed his name. lol.
do i sleep?
on Sabbath, for a great portion of the day.
+ i am a fan of naps. (all varieties, really, which is why it is not an insult to me. ever;)
though midnight and 3 am oftentimes finds me standing in the gap, interceding for ALL souls, that we will awaken and walk in His Spirit and Truth.
came back over here to post Malcolm X speaking of the field negro. he cracks me up and lifts my spirits. wonder where all the Black men like him went?
in his own words...i am a Real field negro. lol.
the script has been flipped.
today we have house negroes (sp?), according to how Malcolm X broke it down...pretending to be field negroes. lol. seems like e'erbody is pretending to be what they are not.
KJV Revelation 2:9
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Hebrew, and are not, but are the synagogue of satan.
KJV Revelation 3:9
9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of satan, which say they are Hebrews, and are not, but do lie: behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
it is common knowledge among those that read, ALL colors, that the Hebrews left the Promised Land-carried away to the four corners of the earth by ship in bondage/slavery, as Black people.
through a secret agreement with european allies to put down an independent Germany, they were returned to the Promised Land as white people.
of course, some ethiopians were thrown in so racist folk would have someone to mistreat. + it is written that the ethiopians had the ark of the covenant. i feel almost certain they don't anymore.
HOW the Real Hebrews will be returned to the Promised Land and under what conditions is written. what we see and what is written do NOT correlate. it should be the biggest clue of all times.
but the nations sleep + KJV Psalm 83 sssshhhh! the Truth.
i pray you will awake. there are many that sleep even as they appear to be awake.
Making it plain
I would have to look at his arrogant face after the verdict to know that he is not done
After all for Lebron its about filling seats and when that is what its about known what else can be expected?
Making it plain: People
The LIE story of Baltimore is broader than the Mayor who cannot run again and or the GOV who will lose next time. The story of B more careful is a story of neglect, pain, terror and fear.. It is a predominately Afrikan city which has neglected its cits to the tune of gentrification.
The inside story is about a city that is almost 78% Afrikan give or take a few and the consistant neglect of the people.. All of the people, and unless and until one lives here it would be unfair to speak of issues unknown. Its like me trying to share my thoughts about cali and water..YES we all need water our bodies are 90% water. However I do not live there and thus my info would be suspect at best.
I came to B'more in the 70's and long before Harbor, camden yards AND GENTIFICATION as it is today. I saw as a young Atty what was coming down the tubes with the imbeded RACISM lack of op and fear. Baltimore, is a story of neglect, disenfranchisemen, RACISM and FEAR and when MLK was marching in PEACE the US Gov here in DC was planning Baltimores demise.
Bottom line Slowly slowly slowly over the span of about 35 yrs the people were lied to, conned, hoodwinked bamboozled and tricked into believing that allowing a few tokens to sit at the same table that all would go well NOT!
The PTB set a trap for the other PTWB to go along to get along. And while the PTWB shut thier eyes and put thier heads in the sand.. the Ravens were born and the Orioles have not had a ring since 1970? What is wrong here?
The good thing that happened was that Maryland ended Capital Punishment So I guesss now the idea becomes "Oh well" there is no exectution chamber so lets kill, wrongfully accuse, and neglect "THOSE" People lets force them to fight, lets force a race war and kill em ALL
Teach Focused
white folk, back in the day, were on Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali and others about changing their names...
yet won't mention the name change of netanyahu who was a Mr. clearly european Mileikowsky before he changed his name. lol.
@6:02, vampires don't sleep at night.
FP, "we are to have nothing to do with wickedness..
but to shine Light on it. reprove it. evil only progresses when the Righteous refuse to act in Obedience. we are NOT to fear those that can only kill our bodies.
cowards will find this impossible to do.
i'd rather go out Standing than on my knees in coward mode."
Throughout human history humans have proven it is normal for a 'human' to be afraid. Just look at the entire black community: Have you ever seen a more fearful group of people? FEAR is our first name.
Everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that we are, and have always been all mouth. Even the Muslims in the 60's talked and displayed a good game but did nothing against the wm...except kill MalcolmX.
To stand against wickedness you first have to have a conscience that is 'first' and highest within yourself. These days I am not sure if 'anyone' knows what is morally right. And if they do, they don't have the courage or the will to do the right thing.
Humans have always taken the easy the easy route. From the history of humanity, that seems to describe what it is to be human.
I hate to say it, but the human race belongs to Satan, lock, stock and barrel. I once heard a minister comment "make no mistake about it, the earth belongs to the devil." If that is the truth, then what is the point of trying to do the right thing when everybody else is caught in the web of wickedness. I mean, it's everywhere.
Are you saying I must rise above my 'human-ness' to follow God? to do the right thing? to become fearless? Was JFK, MalcolmX, Bobby Kennedy, and MLK afraid? Were those men trying to do the right thing?
I can see clearly where the devil was in the 60's and today but where was God in the 60's and where is HE now?
Aren't we fighting a losing battle? Faith for humans has usually been smaller than a "mustard seed". Why does God put any trust or faith in humans? that is like betting everything on the #13 to come up on the roulette wheel in Vegas.
I don't have much faith in humans, let alone trust.
Usually I like your take on stuff but you got this one wrong with Lebron's statement. This is his entire statement where he actually said he would take time to and then make a statement. He called for prayers for the grieving families who lost their loved ones. Why didn't you see all of that?
From the Washington Post:
LeBron James urged calm on the city of Cleveland after a policeman was acquitted in the shooting deaths of two unarmed blacks, a decision that sparked protests that resulted in 71 arrests Saturday night.
“Violence is not the answer, and it’s all about trying to find a solution for good or for bad,” James said Saturday (via ESPN). “For me, in any case, anything that goes on in our world or in our America, the only people that we should be worried about [are] the families that’s lost loved ones. You can’t get them back. You can never get them back. We should worry about the families and how they’re doing and things of that nature.”
James and the Cavaliers return to Cleveland for Game 3 of the Eastern Conference finals against the Atlanta Hawks on Sunday night and it was unclear whether there would be protests by players, as there were last year after incidents between white police and blacks raised questions about the use of force in Cleveland, St. Louis, New York and other communities. Michael Brelo was acquitted on two counts of voluntary manslaughter after he climbed onto the hood of a car and fired 49 times at its unarmed occupants after a police chase. He and 12 other officers fired 137 rounds at Timothy Russell and his passenger, Malissa Williams, who were killed after a police chase last November.
[ Michael Brelo acquitted | James, others protest ]
James, as did other athletes, wore an “I Can’t Breathe” T-shirt to support the family of Eric Garner last fall and was a leader in speaking out about Donald Sterling’s ownership of the Los Angeles Clippers last year. When he was with the Miami Heat, he and his teammates wore hoodies after Trayvon Martin was shot to death.
As of Saturday night, though, James was still studying the situation. “Obviously I’m going to take a look at it and read up on it,” James said, “and if I get more knowledge about it, then I may give a statement, I may say something. … I know my position, I know my power, I know my responsibility. I take it very seriously. So whatever ways I’m able to affect anyone’s lives for the greater good, I’m blessed and I’m happy I’m able to do that, and I don’t take it for granted.”
By Cindy Boren
Yet another vindication of law enforcement in our courts. When will you negroes stop letting yourselves get led around by your noses by this fake Leftist campaign tactic?
Cleveland Ohio
Dumbocrat mayor
Dumbocrat congresswoman
City council filled with dumbocrats
The obvious pattern continues.
I'm starting to think FieldNegro is intentionally picking all these dumbocrat controlled cities just to give me something to do when I wake up.
Thanks FieldNegro.
From the previous thread:
Anonymous Dale said...
The gestalt has completed its 180-degree shift from the Bad Old Days before the civil rights movement legitimized political violence. Now the standard lament is that violence is ineffective and, yeah, unfortunate. A blatant lie--it's effectiveness is counted on--as well as a moral obscenity. The thought of violent authority still repulses the average citizen, but no one is turning fire hoses on peaceful protesters anymore. That's why the civil rights movement has turned to crime, so to speak, adapting such as Freddy Grey to the role of martyred freedom rider.
Once the movement had to provoke violence from authorities. The violent response of authorities, it seemed at the time, exposed them for what the movement said they were. But now the violence of black rioters exposes them, for what the old segregationists said they were. What goes around actually does sometimes come around. If only we were allowed to pay attention, maybe we could do something about it.
Another relic of the Sixties works against us: the assumption black rioting and anger, no matter how far out of hand it might get, originates in legitimate grievance. But what if there is no legitimate grievance, just the anger and frustration of ill-informed, intolerant people worked into a lather by demagogues?
The subject of civil rights is infantilized, and so is our thinking about it. We've romanticized the righteousness of black anger for so long we've come to take their anger as proof of their righteousness. The angrier the more righteous. Black people sense this and provide the tears and hollering. Black and white America are locked in an anger-condescension death spiral. I almost wish I was Chinese right now.
Zachariah 11:5 Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty.
Nahum 1:3 The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked.
Give me a break Lebron and go back to slumbering, ...sigh, ... in any event, just what one should expect from someone from the Nigga Basketball Association who makes tell-lie-vision commercials for KIA!
Give Lebron a break Sage. Justice has been served, the policeman was found innocent.
Some books found with Osama bin laden...
Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies by Noam Chomsky
Oxford History of Modern War by Charles Townsend
The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers by Paul Kennedy
New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 by David Ray Griffin
In America, someone with those books on the shelf would be considered a dumbocrat.
Go figure, Osama was a dumbocrat.
What does it mean to be an American?
I have been thinking about this a lot lately as the effects of a half century of "fundamental transformation" manifest themselves. Today seems like an appropriate day to ask you what you think is the most American value
For me it is exemplified in the following:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
- From Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech, August 28, 1963
This is the most fundamental of American values: that each of us is created equal and that, through hard work and determination, we can rise above the circumstances of our birth.
America is - or should be - a meritocracy, not an oligarchy. I think that's why so many of us chafe at the "ruling classes" in our government, media, business, and other segments of society. And it is, of course, why most of us rebel against the trend to "protected classes" who are demanding, not "protection" from discrimination, but special treatment.
The social justice ideology teaches resentment and grows on the resulting hate. This system does not bring people together, rather we see things falling apart ever more rapidly. Divide and conquer has always been the most effective strategy for asserting control.
Today remember all those who gave their lives in service of a country that valued liberty and equality before the law.
Happy Memorial Day.
Ace Freely posted:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
- From Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech, August 28, 1963
This is the most fundamental of American values: that each of us is created equal and that, through hard work and determination, we can rise above the circumstances of our birth.
Hahaha, you guys post some funny sh#t here. More to the point, Ace, how could a people "rise above their circumstances of our birth" if they're generationally and contemporarily anchored down by Amerikan wickedness?? Just a question.
Black Sage said...
"...how could a people "rise above their circumstances of our birth" if they're generationally and contemporarily anchored down by Amerikan wickedness?"
You confuse personal failure with systematic oppression.
It is better to remain silent and have people think you are ignorant than to speak and remove all doubt.
You are responsible for your own life Sage of Blackness. Get to work.
All Black S does is smoke weed all day. it doesn't work.
Don't tell other people your problems.
Half of them won't care, and the other half will be glad.
Dear Mr. Black Sage:
Your whining is unbecoming and makes you appear less manly.
Also, my Afro is better than yours.
The gestalt has completed its 180-degree shift from the Bad Old Days before the civil rights movement legitimized political violence. Now the standard lament is that violence is ineffective and, yeah, unfortunate. A blatant lie--it's effectiveness is counted on--as well as a moral obscenity. The thought of violent authority still repulses the average citizen, but no one is turning fire hoses on peaceful protesters anymore. That's why the civil rights movement has turned to crime, so to speak, adapting such as Freddy Grey to the role of martyred freedom rider.
RESPONSE: What you refer to the Civil Rights movement was in fact a damn farce. Marting Luther King and the rest of his cronies (the Big 6) were all EFFing crooks. The Civil Rights movement was taken over by these people for personal and monetary gains from the real people who suffered the brunt of this country's wickedness of racism. By the way, do you know what GESTALTISM means? Because if you do understand this word, you're using it quite wrong.
Once the movement had to provoke violence from authorities. The violent response of authorities, it seemed at the time, exposed them for what the movement said they were. But now the violence of black rioters exposes them, for what the old segregationists said they were. What goes around actually does sometimes come around. If only we were allowed to pay attention, maybe we could do something about it.
RESPONSE: Black people were dying in the streets and economic and social suppression was the reasoning behind the marches and rebellions of the 1960's, not because the PEOPLE were welcoming violence upon their heads. Black folks weren't free in Amerika in 1619 when the first slaves walked down wooden gangplanks from the hull of a slave ship, nor after the supposed Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, definitively, they weren't free in 1960, just like we aren't free today(2015) under the helm of Barak Obomber. This is why we continue to get shot in the streets and hanged in the wooded tree lines by Edomites (Biblical name of white people).
Another relic of the Sixties works against us: the assumption black rioting and anger, no matter how far out of hand it might get, originates in legitimate grievance. But what if there is no legitimate grievance, just the anger and frustration of ill-informed, intolerant people worked into a lather by demagogues?
RESPONSE: Oh, hush your mouth! So, what you appear to be prosthelytizing is that although Blacks were slaves (and still are), we don't have any grievances. That all grievances were at some unknown point were all settled amicably resolved and therefore, extinguished. See, what you don't understand is that Amerika has a long history of engaging in demonology, witchcraft, oligarchy and hatred against the original peoples of this earth (God's people). What Amerika would like more than anything is to take the place of the Most High and supplant His caveman authority by reigning over us as god for Black folks. That's not going to happen. However, feel free to worship white men if you like, at your own risk. Just don't think the Sage man will be following in your footsteps.
The subject of civil rights is infantilized, and so is our thinking about it. We've romanticized the righteousness of black anger for so long we've come to take their anger as proof of their righteousness. The angrier the more righteous. Black people sense this and provide the tears and hollering. Black and white America are locked in an anger-condescension death spiral. I almost wish I was Chinese right now.
RESPONSE: You should be a professional comedian young man. Furthermore, you should speak your own truth and not attempt to speak someone else's truth or experience. There is nothing romantic about the "righteousness of black anger." You being divorced from reality is in fact a testament to your own statement.
You have it all wrong again. "The subject of civil rights is infantilized, and so is our thinking about it." Hahaha, you're so darn funny. How in the hell could a people contemplate civil rights when they're not even free, living on their own land codifying their own laws and so forth???? Additionally, it's not that our (black people) thinking about civil rights is infantilized, perhaps you failed to consider IT'S YOUR THINKING THAT'S INFANTILIZED!!
If you are in fact a black man, DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE???
Fake Ass Field Negro posting as Indian Guru, Yellow Magi, Wise Jew and Anon 12:54 on his own blog, GO FIGURE!! Allow the white man to put you back to sleep Fake Ass Field Negro!
Are you still kissing ass as one of the worst judges within the state of Pennsylvania? Just a question.
Black Sage said...
Blacks were slaves (and still are)
You are a slave?
Who owns you?
he's here on the Field plantation,so Field does!
Black Sage said...
Fake Ass Field Negro posting as Indian Guru, Yellow Magi, Wise Jew and Anon 12:54 on his own blog, GO FIGURE!! Allow the white man to put you back to sleep Fake Ass Field Negro!
Are you still kissing ass as one of the worst judges within the state of Pennsylvania? Just a question.
1:44 PM
He yo master!
"LeBron James urged the city of Cleveland to remain calm and channel its energy into the Cavaliers' playoff run in the aftermath of a judge's decision to acquit a police officer of manslaughter in a 2012 shooting which led to the death of two African-Americans."
Why not go to a battered women shelter and tell one of the victims to calm down and that their husband is getting courtside seats to tomorrow's game
Sage, it's three pills per day, not one.
Please up your dosage.
you would know i suppose about vampires.
if you check your tablet and the Scriptures that you've indicated you can find there...
you will see Messiah admonishing folk to stay awake + pray.
i am one such soul today. midnight + 3am...yep, prayer warrior going IN.
try to add something of substance. i have counted twice in several years...
otherwise, i might have to reach the conclusion you are the broken clock folk speak about:) just stopped in time fixated on trying to insult fp...
happy memorial day my sista!
It sucks to be Black.
12:37 AM
You are not black so shut the fuck up you white beast.
"Black people of Ohio, I realize you are not happy with the news from our courts today. But I would ask you to keep in mind that this is only one case and the entire police reform movement does not succeed or fail based on its verdict. We are still entirely committed to addressing our wonderful state's unfortunate "bad cop problem."
However, it is true the cops involved in this particular massacre are not going to face any consequences for their deranged and irresponsible actions. If hearing about this ruling has put you in a riotous mood (and not the ha-ha kind of "riotous") ... please be aware that if you burn buildings in MY state, I won't hesitate to deploy some of our nation's finest state-of-the-art military hardware to rain Shock and Awe down on your asses.
Have a nice day.
John Kasich, governor of Ohio"
3:39 AM
Aw shut the fuck up tighty whitey. You ain't gonna do shit but wipe off the keyboard and pick all the tissues up off the floor before your mammy gets home honky
Black Sage said...
Black people were dying in the streets and economic and social suppression was the reasoning behind the marches and rebellions of the 1960's, not because the PEOPLE were welcoming violence upon their heads. Black folks weren't free in Amerika in 1619 when the first slaves walked down wooden gangplanks from the hull of a slave ship, nor after the supposed Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, definitively, they weren't free in 1960, just like we aren't free today(2015) under the helm of Barak Obomber. This is why we continue to get shot in the streets and hanged in the wooded tree lines by Edomites (Biblical name of white people).
If a black President couldn't do it, I guess black people can never be free in Amerika.
Are blacks in Haiti free? How about the Congo, are they free there?
Anonymous said...
It sucks to be Black.
12:37 AM
You are not black so shut the fuck up you white beast.
6:04 PM
Let me tell you something you uncle tomming Negro. I have been Black all of my life.
If you can't relate to the fact that it sucks to be a bm in America then maybe it's YOU who is White?
Black Sage, "If a black President couldn't do it, I guess black people can never be free in Amerika."
Now see, this is where Negroes go wrong with their thinking. It takes a White President with the support of a lot of Whites to free Blacks and end racism.
That time hasn't come yet. And, according to Scripture, it won't. That's because Negroes can't 'recognize' what time it is.
I don't have much faith in humans, let alone trust.
10:27 AM
i struggle with this a LOT.
to my detriment, in retrospect, so i am prayerful that i will in due time pass the come outside my comfort zone test.
even Messiah had a solid 11:)
the rest i am going to let you keep.
on the NOI if you want to..
they were infiltrated and in many ways neutralized.
which is what happens time after time because slaves STAY for sale.
give them a few pieces of silver and they will sell the Real ones OUT!
then walk around with their chests puffed out, pretending they have $ + clout.
prior to NOI being bundled into scientology, they were doing great things.
teaching Black folk a sense of pride. how to preserve their lives. they would be extinct today, had it not been taught to move righteously.
not to ever be the aggressor.
but IF folk step with it...
they can get it.
the message was sent loud + clear.
Malcolm X wasn't down with the rank sexism, hypocrisy + male whoring.
THIS is what caused his death.
learned after the fact, folk believed that Elijah Muhammad was Yah on earth.
just as the Catholics do the Pope today...
take a guess at what's written on that front...
then connect the Yah is not pleased dots;(
suffice it to say, i don't share your outlook. probably because i know/understand what is written.
it is CLEARLY written that NO MAN will buy you...
meaning that no man will save US from this madness. in Obedience to Him/His Word...
He will bring US out.
as it is written.
tell the Truth and shame the devil!
folk REALLY act like they did not see that the poor soul that died after a "rough ride" was a crumbled limp human BEFORE the van pulled up to transport.
somehow, the harshest charges went to Black folk.
the selected/elected officials throwing their masonic hand signs?
never folk mind...
you got your charges.
house negroes keeping folk in line.
@Black Sage- i posted the Zechariah Scripture elsewhere.
we are on the same wavelength in many respects.
Good to see you in the fields Black man.
remember to take it all in stride. folk have made deals they must fulfill..
so they can't ever really speak candidly.
FEW a really accomplished...
when Real accomplishment is to be yourself in a world that tries CONSTANTLY to make US someone else.
Blessings all!
FEW are really accomplished...
focusedpurpose said...
happy memorial day my sista!
6:03 PM
There is some serious schizoid,bi- polar disorder going on heah!
focusedpurpose said...
happy memorial day my sista!
6:03 PM
fp don't celebrate July the 4th, Flag Day, Presidents Day, Valentines, Christmas, Thanksgiving etc., etc.,.
But Memorial Day fp 's all about wishing a happy???? This some real crazyness here!!!
White Genius said...
Black Sage said...
Blacks were slaves (and still are)
You are a slave?
Who owns you?
2:36 PM
i don't believe that Black Sage is saying the HE is a slave.
i think he is addressing what is clearly written in the US Constitution.
then look at the prison system + see that there are many many many slaves today.
all colors in this prison nation. america loves her some free labor.
the bulk of them..the lost sleeping Hebrews who seem not to know who/where they are nor what time it is.
"Amendment XIII
(The Thirteenth Amendment was ratified December 6, 1865)
Section 1.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist with the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
excerpt from the United States Constitution.
slavery just looks different today…
pay attention to the laws and see that folk don't even have to be duly convicted of a crime anymore.
point this out?
@Black Sage, you seem truly upset. this is not Good. unless of course, i am reading into what you are writing...
i pray the Peace of The Most High Yah will be yours, in Messiah's Mighty Name even now.
the comment you took issue with, that was described as 'brilliant' had some sound points in it.
IF we could all stop yelling at each other long enough to hear...
we might just find that our thoughts are not that far apart.
demonic, rabidly racist folk of ALL colors are just plain peculiar to me, i must confess. lol. racism doesn't make a whit of sense since all hues come from Black...
Blessings all!
@&;13pm & 7:17 PM-
actually, a soft answer turns away wrath...
this is what you see:)
it is not a surprise that you get it twisted + confused. you must do you...
today is a h-liday, observed by many that don't understand the true history of this nation's wars.
no doubt other folk observe it. mpd is probably chowing down on a pork bbq rib now...
so it only made sense to wish my friend a happy memorial day today;)
get it?
happy monday!
i do this routinely, too.
happy sunday!
happy monday!
happy tuesday!
happy wednesday!
happy thursday!
happy friday!
Shabbat Shalom!
Blessings all!
you would know this if you knew me. but you don't...
bless you, too, my friend. thanks for sharing your little opinion.
Happy July the Fourth and Labor Day in advance to you too!
"Are blacks in Haiti free? How about the Congo, are they free there?
6:24 PM"
who is it that leads folk into captivity, globally, wherever they happen to be?
those that lead into captivity...
folk MIGHT want to cut it out. considering what is written. just sayin'. but folk are rolling with lying lucifer + believing.
@7:50pm- lol!
keep running into souls with these types of stories...
call folk names or do some research.
Truth is MUCH crazier than fiction.
Memorial Day was started by former slaves on May, 1, 1865 in Charleston, SC to honor 257 dead Union Soldiers who had been buried in a mass grave in a Confederate prison camp.
They dug up the bodies and worked for 2 weeks to give them a proper burial as gratitude for fighting for their freedom.
They then held a parade of 10,000 people led by 2,800 Black children where they marched, sang and celebrated.
know your history and text should be in quotes....
FP-do you really believe there is an Illuminati? How do you know that interview of Carolyn is true? How does that fit in with Scripture?
fp you're nuts! You and your guru
Henry Madcow.
@Anonymous 9:50pm- i believe there are many secret societies that operate among US.
i don't know if the interview with Carolyn is true. i just know that there are many now coming forward to speak of this type of MK programming...
it links to the military.
to think there are NOT those that worship lucifer= naive at best.
take my word for nothing. pray and seek the Truth...
much that was once hidden is now being done in plain sight. folk are sound asleep though.
there is a seat 666 in the UN-who do folk think will occupy it? or it is just sitting there empty for kicks and giggles?
many are acting like they can't see..
or maybe they are not acting...
@9:56pm- thank you. i find this to be a compliment from those that will only believe what they see on tv.
incidentally, Makow is NOT my guru. you stand corrected. i don't have one of those. however, he is a Jew that will tell some Truth. folk may do whatever they wish with it...
what folk can NOT do is say they have never heard it.
Blessings all!
@9:50pm- we war not against the flesh...
folk that don't know Yah exists are NOT ready to encounter the subtil, crafty serpent...
who is ALSO real and keeping up wickedness STILL.
Lebron should STFU..BTW The DOJ should bring charges against this terrorist thug cop
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