It's just that when someone takes a black life because of their own bias or prejudice, and that someone happens to be someone who is supposed to be protecting and serving us, then we have a problem.
Anyway, once again my man David A. Love has come through with an excellent article that happens to address this particular subject.
"We pay lots of attention when police kill unarmed black people — and we should — but do we care as much when black people kill each other?
We do, and it is ok to care about both at the same time.
In a damning report on the Cleveland Police Department, the U.S. Department of Justice takes that city’s police force to task for its excessive, unnecessary and unreasonable use of deadly force. The cops in Cleveland, according to the DOJ, shoot at people who pose no threat, brutalize unarmed people and misuse stun guns. Meanwhile, the CPD has agreed to accept federal oversight and limits on how and when their officers are able to use force.
That is serious business and certainly a matter which demands our attention, whether in Cleveland, or Baltimore or Ferguson, or any other of a countless number of cities across America.
And yet, at the same time, there is a violence of a different type taking place in the community, and we need to address it. For example, in Chicago, 12 people were killed and 43 wounded, including a 4-year-old girl, during the Memorial Day weekend. This comes as Baltimore — the scene for protests and unrest of late, due to the police killing of Freddie Gray — has experienced a deadly month with 35 homicides, 108 so far this year.
Someone, somewhere is asking why black folks don’t rally in the streets when members of the community kill each other and the police are not involved. It is a fair and reasonable question.
Before we go any further, let us first dismiss those voices from Fox News and similar places who will bring up so-called “black-on-black” violence because they want to change the subject and make you forget that police brutality is a chronic problem in communities of color. They want to pretend we are not monitored, harassed and hunted down, dismiss our pain and our fear for our children’s safety and sweep the crisis of police violence and racist policies under the rug. Or, they wish to downplay the violence occurring in the white community and act as if black people are inherently violent or some special case. So, let’s not even go down that path.
But let’s get back to the violence in the black community that is not the fault of the cops but due to our own actions. Certainly, there are many who have sounded the alarm on this epidemic, of babies killing babies, of the community turning on itself, of honor students, star athletes and pregnant mothers snuffed out by a bullet, taken from us in the prime of their life, way too soon.
Further, we should keep in mind that this is a public health crisis. Homicide is the leading cause of death for young black men — more than car accidents, diseases and suicide combined, and at a rate six times higher than whites. Let that sink in for a minute.
Those who would suggest we cannot focus simultaneously on police violence and violence from the kid across the way are presenting false choices. In a way, they are two sides of the same coin, all part of a vicious cycle.
Nothing should stop the community from speaking out and demanding action in order to rein in police abuse, whether it means the federal government investigating every last police department in the land of the free, or setting uniform guidelines for law enforcement across the country.
Yet, if #BlackLivesMatter, should it matter to you who does the killing or how those lives are lost? Should it matter if the gang wears blue and carries a badge? We must get a hold of the fact that there are no gun manufacturers in the black community, and still it seems some black children can access a weapon more readily than they can find a good education or a nutritious meal.
The NRA and its wholly-owned subsidiary known as Congress, or any given state house, are playing both sides of the fence. And they care little about who gets killed so long as they are moving their product and their checks come in, and the Second Amendment has nothing to do with it. They enact laws making it easier for whites to kill blacks in the name of self-defense (Stand Your Ground) and for people to carry guns in public places (Open Carry), including in parks, schools and churches. And they maintain their poker face when children are slaughtered, as in the case of the Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting, when a gunman killed 20 children and 6 adults in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012.
If politicians and their masters in the gun lobby react with indifference when children in suburbia are murdered, one can imagine their reaction (or lack thereof) when gun violence tears apart the inner city. But if the black community does not care when black people are murdered from within, why should anyone else? And doesn’t homicide in the black community just make the racist abusive cop’s job that much easier?
In a nation plagued by racism, poverty and violence, black folks are dealing with a number of issues, including internalized racism, trauma, stress, deprivation, lack of self-esteem and lack of opportunity. Just to add to that, black families have been decimated due to the war on drugs and mass incarceration. Going after bad cops alone will not overcome these challenges.
So yes, it is OK for black America to condemn both police violence and teen and gang violence at the same time.
It is also very necessary." [Article here.]
"more readily than they can find a good education or a nutritious meal."
That right there! It all goes back to poverty!!!
That is the causal, look no further.
Jon Stewert said it well, "we expect more from our law officers than we do from gang bangers".
Blacks are too accepting of mediocrity.
Interesting story. I've been to McDonalds twice in the last week. The first time the manager and most of the staff was black. Service was slow and unprofessional. The second time the manager and most of the staff was latino. Service was fast and pleasant. Blacks can't even do fast food right.
"When we say that"black lives matter" we mean that "black lives matter" regardless of who is taking them. This includes other black people."
What we are really saying is that only Black Lives Matter.
If we thought white lives also mattered, we'd say "All Lives Matter". But we don't.
It's like how Black on Black crime is always decried. As if it were worse than black on white crime.
How can we expect other people to care about blacks when we so clearly only care about ourselves?
No, Lilacpr, it's not "poverty". There are lots of places that are more impoverished and have less material comforts than any "urban" community in the USA without the same level of depravity and criminality.
No matter where they are in the world, it is clear that Afros have difficulty assimilating into Western culture.
The problem can't be resolved until the real problems are honestly addressed, instead of making excuses for poor choices and impulsive behavior.
lilacpr2000 said...
"That right there! It all goes back to poverty!!!"
Poverty does not create the ghetto. Rather, a ghetto culture of violence, sex, and drug use creates poverty.
lilacpr2000 said...
That right there! It all goes back to poverty!!!
Race is correlated to crime much more strongly than poverty.
And no one in America is truly poor. The poorest people here have HDTV's, smart phones, and $100 sneakers. Between homeless shelters, food stamps, welfare, and free school meals, no one need be hungry.
Poverty is relative, and America's poor are pretty well-off.
good post FN.
folk may act like it is just the poor if they so choose.
folk make up 'street cred' lies in order to get caught up- from "good" families.
@Limpbaugh- "gang bangers" and other Black folk that will kill another Black without a moment's hesitation are racking up waaaaaay more casualties. the body count is staggering, really. if done by others, folk would recognize it as the genocide it so clearly is.
those that change their names + stay up to no Good as it relates to the Real Hebrews of Scriptures, would be best ignored. ignored in the sense of not taking to heart the garbage they suggest for others that they would never stand for themselves...
@SFNorCal- other nations specialize in mediocrity. it is only hard to see 'cause they paint it white + hard bake it in white supremacy. after programming the masses to believe the lies that Yah, Messiah + superiority = white.
all the "excellence" folk boast = stolen inheritance, stolen legacies and just plain 'ole white lies. excellence comes in all hues, starting with Black, the first hue of man/woman.
dig that.
it is written that the gentiles (non Hebrews) will need to confess this Truth.
as it is shall it be done...
KJV YirmiYahu/Jeremiah 16:19
19 O Sovereign, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.
a Good post that suggests we respect ourselves/lives while demanding others do the same.
i can dig it:)
Blessings all!
"If we thought white lives also mattered, we'd say "All Lives Matter". But we don't."
If you try saying "All Lives Matter" or even "Police Lives Matter", you get called a racist:
Limpbaugh said...
Jon Stewert said it well, "we expect more from our law officers than we do from gang bangers".
We also expect more from whites than we do from blacks.
Why is that?
@10:48 PM all the fast food consumption is affecting your ability to see clearly...
the pit Blacks against Hispanics/Latins is dumb.
equally as dumb is the ALL Hispanics/Latins= hard working. i live in LA and can tell you first hand that this is a lie. though the people of the lie cannot help themselves...
despite your race baiting/hate mongering ways i wouldn't want you to be a clueless "goyim" on top of it, so here you go:
do what you wish with the info. go into Scriptures and see it written with regards to child sacrifice...
where do folk think all the missing children go?
wake up!
Good post. This might stop the "how come Field doesn't post about blah on blah crime...." Non sense.
"blah on blah crime"
Why are blahs only concerned with blahs?
Why should other people worry about blahs, when blahs don't give a shit about them? When blahs advocate that blahs should commit their crimes preferentially on whites?
addressing the Black on Black genocide= "nonsense"?
okey doke.
in Truth, to tell the Truth no matter how inconvenient, heightens ones credibility.
folk that just want to pick at white folk...
no one is interested in that at this point.
those that care about the lives of Black folk should most definitely address those that are taking out The Most Black folk...
15 to 20 % of bad apples define the entire African American community. Where else does 15 to 20 percent of bad people define the the whole community? The Police.
Wesley R said, "...Where else does 15 to 20 percent of bad people define the the whole community? The Police."
You got it wrong about the Police. It's 60-70% bad cops, and that's on the low side. Let's keep it real and truthful.
FP, you don't really believe that link you posted do you? I mean, come on. Finkelstein sounded like some comic voice to make you laugh. And who was that Christian minister? He sounded phony too.
Brother Field, thank you for posting a critical problem that has been ailing our community for decades. Finally, a blogger like yourself has spoken up....Thank you.
And you are right. This problem does not negate nor divert our problem with the police that has been going on for decades also. In fact, it has been centuries, which has been much longer than black-on-black killings.
The country needs to 'deep six' Chicago. The South Side where PilotX lives is nothing short of an out and out war zone perpetrated by Blacks 'only.' Of course, in Chicago Blacks call themselves "blah". I don't know that it is due to self-hatred, stupidity and just plain ignorance. Either way, it's says a lot about low self-worth and the black mentality in's totally eff'd up....which explains all the killing. There, it's a vicious cycle that keeps repeating itself over and over again with no hope of any good results..just more evil.
"And no one in America is truly poor. The poorest people here have HDTV's, smart phones, and $100 sneakers. Between homeless shelters, food stamps, welfare, and free school meals, no one need be hungry.
Poverty is relative, and America's poor are pretty well-off."
And this is an unbelievably gigantic lie. It's ridiculous how people have deceived themselves that America's social safety net is so wonderful that no one in this country ever suffers absolute poverty.
Nope. Not even close to true.
Plenty of people struggle to get proper nutrition and medical care in the very wealthy USA, dying premature deaths as a result. Life expectancy for poor people in the U.S. is significantly lower than for middle class and wealthy, and that's after you remove the deaths due to homicide among the poor. America is a much shittier country than you have convinced yourself it is.
Aside from that, though, absolute poverty isn't the only source of crime. Relative poverty produced by a lack of social mobility and over-rewarding the people at the top will always produce loads of crime as well. When wealth is concentrated among one group of people -- who have opportunities not available to another group -- resentment goes through the roof. Very unequal and unfair economic systems like ours would always end up having huge amounts of resentment and crime, even if there hypothetically were no absolute poverty.
This is why, with exploding income inequality in the U.S., you see the uber-wealthy in America retreating to gated communities and resorting to private security. Deep down, they know damn well that their rampant, unethical greed makes everyone else want to rob and slay them.
In the worst-case scenario, you will end up with violent revolution and the society completely collapses under the weight of its own massive unfairness. We may not be there yet, but we're heading in that direction at great velocity.
@12:37 AM-
that is but one source for information.
if you knew what was written in Scriptures you would see it confirmed there as well...
many don't know what is written and this is why they embrace the forbidden star of remphan and the folk that intend to never stop collection reparations, despite cornering the slave trade of the folk that fit the Scriptures of His Chosen people.
when you get over the "funny" voices, put on your critical thinking cap and ask yourself, if you see any Truth in what is being said?
go back to sleep.
free will.
the funny voiced jew indicated clearly that folk seem not to want to wake up.
both voices in the video clearly cared nothing for Black folk. which tickled me 'cause they are all gentile white folk that seem not to recognize each other. lol. i listened past that obvious point because the information was of interest. much of it can be independently corroborated if folk would stop waiting for the spoon feed.
the spoon feed- precisely what the funny voiced jew was mocking dumb cattle goyim for doing..
folk may camp out at mcdonald's if they think it makes sense...
read of an occult meeting/ritual where folk fed a woman her baby and laughed at her horror. this when Yah was walking me through information and showing me things. some can't handle the Truth so they remain willfully ignorant. or they are too afraid to look it straight in the face.
bad joke: yes, all folk in this realm are nice kind creatures... no wickedness at all. that is all a myth. a fairy tale for grown ups.
sarcasm off.
bad joke done.
just because folk don't believe Yah is Real, despite all the signs, doesn't mean there are not those that ride HARD for lucifer. there are many signs of these souls as well. folk are just too something to see.
may Yah wake ALL nations, soon.
Blessings all!
@12:37am- the name Finkelstein sounds like someone is joking. but there are such names...
just as there are folk that speak as that man in the audio does.
so i don't get it...
maybe you could say it a different way?
i seek to Understand what is so fantastic/unbelievable about the exchange...
As I've said many times before, there is no such thing as black-on-black violence, there is just violence. Violence has it's place in history, in defeating fascism for instance, or in revolution, however violence within society is mostly destructive. You would hope that in a decent society you would be able to distinguish between those using violence for nefarious means and those who are - in theory at least - seeking to maintain peace. However that is not possible in America today.
The American police force is a lot like their armed forces, law-makers have attempted to counteract the effect of poor training by over-equipping the police, exactly as they have done with the Army. The US Army is the worst trained and best equipped army in the western world, regularly coming dead last in NATO exercises. The increasingly militarised American police forces are in exactly the same position.
They are compensating for their incompetence by investing in military hardware rather than proper training. This militarisation of the police has lead many to see them as an occupying army, working on behalf of the rich, to keep the poor and dispossessed at arm's reach. Every military uniform they don, every tank or armoured vehicle they buy is another wall built between them and the community they are supposed to serve.
The American police forces need to learn how to become part of the communities they protect, and not an army of occupation lording over them.
Whoze gone feed my kidZ?;_ylt=A0LEVjm4NmxVvmEALUUnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=sbpdl&
Go Pack Go, eating at McDonald"s us not good for u. Neither is telling whopper size lies on the internet.
Anon@10:56 has clearly never been to Eastern Europe.
Go back to your room, wingnut. Your nurse will be in with your meds shortly.
Let be real, 95% of black on black crime is the result of DRUG SALES, all of the major cities that have a high ratio of Black on Black crime are located in major drug transportation hubs. Why do we turn a blind eye to that fact. We have an option 1) Legalize Drugs (all drugs) and let nature take it course, this will curtail at least 70% of the deaths that happen in the hood. I know that this sound cruel but the truth is I would rather have to deal with a crack head than have a stray bullet hit a 6 year old waiting on the school bus.
The police, by not policing, are giving blacks the ability to either destroy or prosper in Baltimore.
40 murders, open drug dealing. Now you see what Black Society without Western White influence is.
Dorian Mode said...
Let be real, 95% of black on black crime is the result of DRUG SALES, all of the major cities that have a high ratio of Black on Black crime are located in major drug transportation hubs. Why do we turn a blind eye to that fact. We have an option 1) Legalize Drugs (all drugs) and let nature take it course, this will curtail at least 70% of the deaths that happen in the hood. I know that this sound cruel but the truth is I would rather have to deal with a crack head than have a stray bullet hit a 6 year old waiting on the school bus.
Drugs have been defacto legalized in Baltimore. Now they kill each other more and more. There are more shooting with less policing and drug dealers dealing in the streets.
Quote BBBB:
"What we are really saying is that only Black Lives Matter."
No, "we" are not.
"If we thought white lives also mattered, we'd say "All Lives Matter". But we don't."
No "we" don't, because it is taken as read that white lives matter. That does not need repeating.
"It's like how Black on Black crime is always decried. As if it were worse than black on white crime."
All crime is decried, why don't you try reading the blog piece that you are responding to?
"How can we expect other people to care about blacks when we so clearly only care about ourselves?"
When you say "we" what do you mean? You are so obviously white it's difficult to know what you are trying to achieve. Dressing up routine racist talking points in a "What's wrong with us black folks?" tone has been tried on this blog a thousand times before by a thousand racists, about 75% of whom were cleverer than you.
Go Pack Go, you are lying about your experience at McDonald's. Anybody, including JOSH, will tell you that the service by Blacks are super fast. Besides being super fast with the burgers, they are super fast with the talk.
A dumb hick like you always slow down the line because you think slow, move slow and pay slow...very irritating to regular customers and employees.
Do yourself a favor, since you love the way Mexicans work, go to Taco Bell and enjoy 'slow-motion-don't-give-a-damn-get-your-order-wrong' service.
Look, many have been angry at me because I refuse to be angry, bitter, or full of grievances, and some will be angry at you for not becoming agents in their most recent cynical causes. Don't worry about it. No monuments are ever built to cynics. Associate with people who add to your lives, not subtract; people you are comfortable introducing to the best people in your lives-your parents, your family, your friends, your mentors, your ministers.
-- Justice Clarence Thomas to the 2008 graduating class of the University of Georgia
TheFieldNegro said...
we mean that "black lives matter" regardless of who is taking them.
Who is this "we" you are talking about, you got a frog in your pocket?
I don;t see any dumbocrat politicians talking about the Black on Black violence.
Besides fox, I don't see the media talking about Black on Black violence.
Brietbart talks about the Black on Black violence, MediaMatters doesn't.
I don't see the Sharptons or Jacksons talking about Black on Black violence.
The country is being educated by the dumbocrat media that only Black lives taken by White people matter.
Even the Cops (whatcha gonna do) dumbocrat producer admits he over-represents white people so not to contribute to negative stereotypes on his teev show.
Aw man, now I'm torn. Willie Wilson is running for President. Willie or Ben Carson? Arghhhh, so many blah candidates how to choose?
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Arghhhh, so many blah candidates how to choose?
Nothing for you to worry about PilotX.
Your party is running old and white this year.
The question is, which old white person are you going to vote for?
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Aw man, now I'm torn. Willie Wilson is running for President. Willie or Ben Carson? Arghhhh, so many blah candidates how to choose?
After the Obama disaster, there will never be another blah President.
It's time for a white woman President!
Dear Mr Field, out of concern I am writing to you about your lack of acknowledgements of spiritual comments made on your blog. You seem to intentionally to ignore them. Why?
These are times of crisis and thus far, the Bible, and the Buddhist texts have been on spot in their predictions.
Your lack of comments, let alone posts, lead me to be suspect of your intentions as we humans head for destruction. Why aren't you paying attention to this?
Please answer. Anons need to know before they continue posting on Field Negro that seems to be more and more overrun with Whites ripping Blacks for the state of our country.
Until you address this, NOTHING on FN will make sense to the intelligentsia. To further explain, FN appears to be a Black and White blog, without Browns, with one blah from Chicago's south side and one purple cow from the UK and once in awhile a PR will show up. What is this?
Do you not see what I mean? It just doesn't make sense, Mr Field.
BTW, it would be helpful if you explain what 'blah' means. It seems to be some nebulous obscure foggy term that describes nothing and nobody.
African Americans killed by police officers are more than twice as likely to be unarmed than white people killed by police.
Another spurious statistic from Purple Cow.
A white who resists arrest actually has a greater probability of being killed by the police than does a black.
Blacks get killed more by police because they resist arrest and attack police at much higher rates than other racial groups.
The idea that police are killing blacks because they are racist is a myth.
Responding to black criminality is not the problem. Black criminality is the problem.
And Bill, your party has 16 candidates and counting, and they all don't add up to 1.
Anon@10:49, was there banjo music playing in the background when Clarence gave his address?
FRONT PAGE NEWS: Bruce Jenner is now a woman! Man, these are strange times. These are the times that try men's souls. Somehow this just doesn't seem right.
But we all know that the Liberals are all for everything. Opposed to what's in the Bible they have no moral sense of direction.
Does anyone know IF the Bible says anything about transvestites? I don't think so.
The story below has me very embarrassed for my race. Why can't we just be normal and civil? This story is disgusting. I mean, my people cause over half the police force to calm them down over a damn waffle maker! Not even PC, PX, or Field himself can defend this:
"Waffle chaos: 30 people kicked out of hotel for fighting over a waffle maker"
"This past Sunday, as you were basking in the barbecued glory of Memorial Day weekend (possibly in one of these top 25 spots), one of the year’s best headlines was brewing in western Michigan.
A dramatic and ridiculous fight over use of a self-serve waffle maker ended with some 30 people being unceremoniously ejected from the America’s Best Value Inn in Ludington, Mich. Money was lost, at least 30 weekends were ruined, all on behalf of continental breakfast’s 4th-best food.
Here’s what happened, straight from the waffle-less mouth of County Sheriff Kim Cole:
“Apparently there was a line at the waffle maker, and a couple of people felt an individual had cut in line, and that sparked a verbal argument. One lady walked up to another lady and asked if she was in line for the waffle maker thing and the lady never answered her. So the first lady went and made a waffle, and when she went to go and take it this other gal tried to take it from her and that started the fight over the waffle.”
The nonsense then crescendoed as supporters from both sides – one visiting from Canton Township, Mich. and the other from Chicago – ran in to defend their wafflers as though warring for the Iron Throne. The waffle kerfuffle grew, and suddenly 30 independently minded people had chosen to riot over breakfast food at a hotel breakfast bar. That’s when the police were called — a lot of police.
As Cole tells it, “two-thirds of [his] road patrol [were] tied up on this fiasco,” which, no question, is too many for something so closely resembling a scene from a cartoon. That race may have played a role in the incident, as alluded to in Cole’s report, brings a sobering and decidedly un-cartoonish tone to the whole affair, and that’s unfortunate to say the least. We can only hope the poor decision-making on display Sunday strayed from such menace, but then again, the context here is a 30-person fight over a waffle maker. Once more: a 30-person fight over a waffle maker. Enjoy your breakfast."
Scientists Sweden announce they have discovered what they are calling the "Riot Gene." It is carried by 80% of all primative peoples within the study. There seems also to be a correlation or linkage to the recently isoloated "Bling Gene" as well. Over 70% of those possessing the Riot Gene also carry the Bling Gene. Those with both genes are included in a new toxonomic family of primates called Clempto-Pyro-Ghetto-Hominae (or Steal-N-Burn-Greate-Ape).
Your party is running old and white this year.
The question is, which old white person are you going to vote for?
Is Bill this stupid and so lacking in irony? Let's reverse the question, which old white MAN are you going to vote for Bill?
Blacks get killed more by police because they resist arrest and attack police at much higher rates than other racial groups.
Let's see, PC provided a source while dumbass Dindu wants us to take her racist word for what she posted. There is a definite intelligence gap between the ignorant hillbillies and the normal people here.
“Apparently there was a line at the waffle maker, and a couple of people felt an individual had cut in line, and that sparked a verbal argument. One lady walked up to another lady and asked if she was in line for the waffle maker thing and the lady never answered her. So the first lady went and made a waffle, and when she went to go and take it this other gal tried to take it from her and that started the fight over the waffle.”
I bet my bottom dollar the one who didn't answer was Black. That's the way sisters act and then they get pissed at the consequences of their action. WTF?
Those with both genes are included in a new toxonomic family of primates called Clempto-Pyro-Ghetto-Hominae (or Steal-N-Burn-Greate-Ape).
Is there a Methodone/hooch/backyarddistillery/monstertruckwatching/noteeth/mullet gene? That gene seems a bit over represented here.
Well, at least there was not a shoot-out over waffles. That's tremendous progress for PC's race.
field negro said...
And Bill, your party has 16 candidates and counting, and they all don't add up to 1.
My party?
What, the party of yes on drugs, yes on gay marriage, pro-choice?
Your party doesn't believe in that much freedom.
Remember the Hillary/Obama ads about who will take the phone call at 2AM? For your party, the question might be asked, who can stay awake past 9PM.
Remember the Hillary/Obama ads about who will take the phone call at 2AM? For your party, the question might be asked, who can stay awake past 9PM.
Because the Republicans won't nominate an old white man like they did 100% of the time in the past. Asshole! there's a young colored man in the White House as we speak and guess what? He beat old white men both times he ran. Bill is soooooooooooooooooooo full of shit.
Well, at least there was not a shoot-out over waffles. That's tremendous progress for PC's race.
That happened down in Waco and they weren't part of PC's race. That's not progress for the pale faces.
Let's see who couldn't stay up past 9pm. Ronald Reagan was 120 years old, John McCain was 300 years old, bob Dole was older than fucking dirt, Mitt Romney is older than baseball............see a trend Bill you moron?
After the Bush disaster, there will never be another white male President.
There, fixed it for ya.
Wow, one area so you just extrapolate it to the entire nation huh? You hillbillies are dumber than I thought.
Anonymous Hillbilly Bob said...
Well, at least there was not a shoot-out over waffles. That's tremendous progress for PC's race.
That happened down in Waco and they weren't part of PC's race
What happened down in Waco was that a fascist, racist democrat administration sent paramilitary federal agents in to attack a church group.
Your federal government killed 76 men, women and children.
Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial violent crimes involving blacks and whites reported every year, blacks commit 90 percent and whites commit only ten percent. Blacks are therefore more than 50 times more likely than whites to commit interracial crimes of violence. The differences are even greater for multiple-offender interracial crimes, with blacks 100 to 250 times more likely to be involved in gang attacks on whites than the reverse. Some people may argue that blacks attack whites because they expect them to be carrying cash or valuables. However, fewer than 20 percent of black attacks on whites are robberies; rape and assault do not usually have economic motives.
There is more black-on-white violent crime than black-on-black violent crime. When blacks commit violence they attack whites 50 to 55 percent of the time. When whites commit violence they attack blacks only two to three percent of the time.
Anonymous Hillbilly Bob said...
Well, at least there was not a shoot-out over waffles. That's tremendous progress for PC's race.
That happened down in Waco and they weren't part of PC's race. That's not progress for the pale faces.
6:27 PM
It took place in Western Michigan. If you could read, you would know this. BTW, the fact that you can't read, and you are a liar, it's obvious that you are Black pretending to be a hillbilly. No, you are just a Negro who can't read and never finished the 3rd grade... What an embarrassment! In case you don't know, Michigan and Texas are two separate states.
"This past Sunday, as you were basking in the barbecued glory of Memorial Day weekend (possibly in one of these top 25 spots), one of the year’s best headlines was brewing in [western Michigan.]
A dramatic and ridiculous fight over use of a self-serve waffle maker ended with some 30 people being unceremoniously ejected from the [America’s Best Value Inn in Ludington, Mich.[ Money was lost, at least 30 weekends were ruined, all on behalf of continental breakfast’s 4th-best food.
Although white-on-black hate crimes receive a great deal of attention, blacks are approximately twice as likely to commit hate crimes as whites.
Hispanics are considered a victim category for hate crimes but not a perpetrator category. A Mexican who is attacked because of ethnicity is recorded as Hispanic, but if the same Mexican attacks a black or white for racial reasons he is considered white. This inflates the figures for "white" hate crime perpetrators, and gives the impression that Hispanics commit no hate crimes.
For virtually all crimes, there are consistent and pronounced differences in arrest rates for violent crime by race and ethnicity. Blacks are five to ten times more likely to be arrested than whites, Hispanics are approximately three times more likely, American Indians are about twice as likely, and Asians are only one half to two-thirds as likely to be arrested for violent crimes as whites. The very high rates for blacks means that the single best independent predictor of crime rates for an area is the percentage of the population that is black.
Anonymous Teh really stupid said...
Wow, one area so you just extrapolate it to the entire nation huh? You hillbillies are dumber than I thought
WNYC analyzed arrest records for some of the most common criminal charges in New York City since 2012. This analysis found that black defendants are significantly more likely than white defendants to be additionally charged with resisting arrest in these cases.
The truth is Hispanics and Latinos DON'T commit hate crimes. Only Whites do. That's because they are the inventors of racism and hate.
"Because the Republicans won't nominate an old white man like they did 100% of the time in the past. Asshole! there's a young colored man in the White House as we speak and guess what? He beat old white men both times he ran..."
Well yes, there is that.
" Anonymous said...
Well, at least there was not a shoot-out over waffles. That's tremendous progress for PC's race."
And learning how to scratch yourself is tremendous progress for your race.
WNYC analyzed arrest records for some of the most common criminal charges in New York City since 2012. This analysis found that black defendants are significantly more likely than white defendants to be additionally charged with resisting arrest in these cases.
Of course, white people are never charged extra for their services. Duh, white privilege. It's like being about to shoot negroes like hunting ducks.
Look at the diversity in the gop, they have the first openly gay candidate to run for the office of the President. Lindsey Grahm. You go girlfriend!
"Duh, white privilege"
White privilege is code for black failure.
No asshat, white privilege is code for white shortcomings.
Stuff a waffle up your ass, Shabizzo.
Affirmative action is code for white failure.
Hope that helped. ;)
And shove a dick up your pasty ass anonymous cave bitch @11:39am (who's too scared to get a user name)
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