"In November 2014, during the wait for a grand jury's decision whether to indict police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown, the KKK reportedly threatened to attack Ferguson protesters. Anonymous then commandeered a KKK-linked Twitter account and exposed social media accounts it said belonged to KKK members.
Now, nearly a year after the grand jury elected not to indict Wilson, Anonymous wrote in a Wednesday blog post that it "will release, to the global public, the identities of up to 1000 klan members, Ghoul Squad affiliates and other close associates of various factions of the Ku Klux Klan across the Unites States."'
Oh ohhh.
I always thought that if you are going to be a member of a group like the KKK you should do so openly.
We need to know where you stand on the issues and have an open debate about our different positions as it relates to how the races should interact going forward in this country. Granted, your group has taken a public relations hit of late, but it's never too late to try and redeem yourself.
Everyone believes that the klan is made up of a bunch of dumb rednecks, maybe if some of their members removed their hoods and come clean it would reveal more "educated main stream" type folks. Heck there might even be a presidential candidate or two among the membership.
Finally, a word from one of my favorite black conservatives and FOX VIEWS pundits.
"Conservative Sheriff Warns That #BlackLivesMatter Will ‘Join Forces with ISIS’
Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke said on Twitter Tuesday that #BlackLivesMatter and ISIS would soon be working together to destroy America.
Clarke is a frequent Fox News guest and a harsh critic of the #BlackLivesMatter protest group, calling them “garbage” and “subhuman creeps”. Liberals have responded in kind, with New York Daily News columnist Shaun King calling him an “Uncle Tom” and “a sellout” Monday."
No Shaun, Sheriff David is worse than an "Uncle Tom". Sheriff David is a "slave -catcher." He is the type of Negro Mr. Charlie would ask to whip the slaves when he got too tired to do it himself, and he would be all too glad to oblige.
Anyway, what's amazing is that this man actually got elected to be the mayor of Milwaukee. Forget political views for minute, the man is just plain stupid. "Black Lives Matter will join forces with Isis"? My lord! Somebody check for hoods in that man's closet.
Can you say Clayton Bigsby, people?
*Pic from Ed Clark of Life/Getty images.
Clarke is a frequent Fox News guest and a harsh critic of the #BlackLivesMatter protest group, calling them “garbage” and “subhuman creeps”. Liberals have responded in kind, with New York Daily News columnist Shaun King calling him an “Uncle Tom” and “a sellout” Monday."
No Shaun, Sheriff David is worse than an "Uncle Tom". Sheriff David is a "slave -catcher." He is the type of Negro Mr. Charlie would ask to whip the slaves when he got too tired to do it himself, and he would be all too glad to oblige.
Anyway, what's amazing is that this man actually got elected to be the mayor of Milwaukee. Forget political views for minute, the man is just plain stupid. "Black Lives Matter will join forces with Isis"? My lord! Somebody check for hoods in that man's closet.
Can you say Clayton Bigsby, people?
*Pic from Ed Clark of Life/Getty images.
So in Kentucky there is a manhunt underway for a white man that shot at cops. They actually had him cornered in a house and when they entered he had 'vanished into thin air'. Poof! xD
I'm waiting to see how gently this arrest unfolds. I guess they will greet him kindly, give him a little back rub to relax him, speak soothingly as,and if they actually cuff him, get him lunch but of his choosing, and carefully watch so that he doesn't hurt his little white head as he enters the squad car!
That's the MO for arresting whites!
The MO for arresting blacks? the death squad! King Leopold returns!
You know to be a KKK you don't have to actually have the white hood and robes on!
By their actions and fruits ye shall know them!
KKK is in the heart and soul and psyche of a person. Anyone that is capable of burning a cross on a decent persons lawn in front of their home, is a criminal. Never mind KKK, just a plain ole criminal!
But of course there are many,many other white collar ways of causing much harm to people other than the primitive and open way of burning down a home and killing them.
Many more deceitful,unscrupulous, underhanded,secretive methods and pogroms. Where the guilt is not so easily apparent.
The FieldNegro said...
Forget political views for minute, the man is just plain stupid. "Black Lives Matter will join forces with Isis"?
Plain stupid.
ESPN Host Wonders If The Tea Party Is ‘Like ISIS Trying To Establish A Caliphate’
"I'm waiting to see how gently this arrest unfolds. I guess they will greet him kindly, give him a little back rub to relax him, speak soothingly as,and if they actually cuff him, get him lunch but of his choosing, and carefully watch so that he doesn't hurt his little white head as he enters the squad car!"
Nah Dessert, he shot at cops so they will get a little act right for that but it won't be anywhere near as harsh as if you are a blah teenaged girl looking at a phone. Now if you shoot 8 or 9 negroes in a church THEN you get the kid glove treatment.
Damn good post Field, I bet there are some racist crackers shaking in their boots right about now. They have always been cowards.
As far as the sheriff, Fox News has always loved them some stupid.
PilotX said...
Nah Dessert, he shot at cops so they will get a little act right for that
9:41 PM
Yeah, you could be right about that.
"Yeah, you could be right about that."
I live in Chicago so don't go asking me to test this hypothesis out.
But if I'm right...you're gonna have to eat your wordsss!!! Hehehehehe!
and if you're right I'll eat mine!
"Now, nearly a year after the grand jury elected not to indict Wilson, Anonymous wrote in a Wednesday blog post that it "will release, to the global public, the identities of up to 1000 klan members, Ghoul Squad affiliates and other close associates of various factions of the Ku Klux Klan across the Unites States."'"
Well, a couple of folks on FN should be concerned: Kinky and Josh. I bet my bottom dollar they are in that first 1000.
I've never seen a single Klansman in my 59 years of life.
I've seen violent black thugs more than once. For example. Two thugs robbed a person of his jewelry and wallet and beat him on my subway train right in front of me. Two thugs confronted me on a street in Manhattan. I wasn't beaten, just threatened and robbed.
Brother Field, aren't you in the least bit concerned about a man's privacy? As a bm I really don't want to see someone exposed as a KKK. That's breaking privacy rules. I mean, the KKK hasn't hurt anybody in the last three decades.
Don't get me wrong, I am Black and I'm proud but this exposing people's faces under hoods against their wishes is just plain wrong.
I am sorry to announce that after 10 years on FN, it is time for me to retire and make way for a new President of Anon Inc. I have served Mr Field with a humble heart and distinguished myself among all FN posters, both Black and White.
All FN members have loved me without exception, except PX of course. Well, you can't get 100% can you?
I am happy most of the Whites on FN have nothing against me. In fact, Josh and I have become friends of understanding. He will be the one I will miss the most.
Not once did Josh betray or turn on me. As a bm that is quite refreshing considering Blacks will turn on Blacks in a NYC minute.
My biggest regret is not having a hot dog and a pretzel with mustard on it with brother Field. That was my biggest dream that Field shattered during my 10-yrs posting on FN. But I understand. I just didn't fit the "Black mold" Field and a couple of others felt I should be.
What can I tell you? "I am who I am."
The KKKowards; the anonymous trolls of racial oppression.
-Doug in Oakland
Blacks have already caused more damage to America than ISIS ever could.
Mr. President of Anon Inc. I am a little suspicious of your timing. This couldn't have something to do with these hackers could it?
Anon@2:49, relax, don't blame all blacks for that Negro running off with your wife. May I suggest a dating website?
Why wouldn't the white liberal funded "#SomeBlackLivesMatter protest group" hook-up with ISIS? They both share the same hatred of America and white people/cops.
Blogger field negro said...
Mr. President of Anon Inc. I am a little suspicious of your timing. This couldn't have something to do with these hackers could it?
I will be giving FN a deep deep discount for 2016 before I leave and before the list is released.
FYI, I will be retiring in Oakland where 'anything' goes and no one has an ounce of shame for anything. So, you might see me resurface there with a new idea for FN.
Next time you are in Oakland, look me up. I'll take you whale watching.
Digital Blackface 11:03pm!
Transracialphobia 9:5am!!!!
Holy crap, Field! You are the conspiracy theorist; it's you. There he goes! I mean, reading over this, one would imagine you needed to adjust yourself multiple times and get some air as you speculate about all those important, high-profile white people who (won't be) may be found to have Klan associations. Now not only is anon digital blackface, but a Klansman. lol
Morons like PC claim I come to this "black blog" to "hurl abuse at black people" every single day and to act like a blatant racist. Truthfully, this is the funniest blog I visit! When doing my blog rounds, I'm typically stopping by a few skeptic blogs (blogs which obviously wouldn't be in y'alls wheelhouse here, needless to say), Bernie Goldberg's blog, etc. Out of every blog I visit, this is hands-down the most hilarious!
Every single day it's a new accusation. Every single day, I'm left scratching my head looking for the evidence of such accusations.
You do entertain. I'm no ingrate; I'm thankful for the blog. I'm especially thankful for the double-think forever present in rationalizations of victimization and accusations.
This isn't an anon swan song. I'll be back! Just a quick TY note for always keeping me laughing. Regular life takes its toll -- yes, even on we privileged white people who supposedly all have meetings at the Make-a-White-Person factory and count all our free money handed out by the Privilege Fairy. Things still get tough and depressing. It's great to have a laugh.
Black lives matter should stop acting like ISIS. That way the left won't get their liberal feelings all hurt when someone dares tell the truth about the BLM.....
Simple really.
Bill and Josh,
When was the last time you losers got laid?
"Black lives matter should stop acting like ISIS. That way the left won't get their liberal feelings all hurt when someone dares tell the truth about the BLM....."
trying to remember the last time BLM beheaded someone or set the on fire. Anyone else here jog my memory?
From previous blog 10/27/15, must reply to Anon @8:23 PM, reiterating the point about the meanin of "blah," saying further "Being called 'blah' by your own people based on an insult which originated with Santorum, is lack of black pride...it is self-hate."
My sincere apology for not grasping the point of your message. In all fairness, whenever coming across "blah" in PX's comments, I still see "black," in what mostly seems a long-running observation of former Senator Santorum's misstep.
As such, it was not my intention to throw the baby out with the bath water, so to speak, in supporting premise of President Obama is "One of Us."
Back to "blah," I came across an interesting segment hosted by Roland Martin, surmising that blah actually came about during a Santorum campaign appearance when the senator mentioned his views on wealth distribution.
Suddenly realizing the firestorm that would ensue implying only black people are welfare recipients, Santorum tried to back pedal with he meant to say "blah."
As for the usage of "blah" amongst other black people, creating the perception of self-hate, must say most of the usage seems more self-deprecating as opposed to self-hate.
Sheriff Fields would be arrested immediately had he treated a dog the way he treated the young lady. But once again thankful for no barrel roll prior to the assault.
So there you have it folks, Josh doesn't come here every day to assert his manhood, he comes here for the laffs.
"As for the usage of "blah" amongst other black people, creating the perception of self-hate, must say most of the usage seems more self-deprecating as opposed to self-hate."
Very keen observation, I mean for a blah woman that is:-P
"So there you have it folks, Josh doesn't come here every day to assert his manhood, he comes here for the laffs."
As does James Bold. I feel a Joe Pesci rant coming on.
If every white man in the country was affiliated with the Klan, who would be surprised? Nobody!! Hate turns folks into monsters, like blacks have been dealing with for 500 years and counting.
See how funny it is! Motherfuckers can't refute anything, so just put troll-blasts, starring and hoping to get the attention of other like-minded commenters, and feigning like they've done something. Hall monitors. Original thoughts contributed: 0. Number of times trolling through comments just to play objective arbiter of a "black blog": my calculator overheated.
It's fucking hilarious. You have to understand the context (and I say that realizing "context" is a bad word in the collectivist community). This is literally the only blog I visit out of about half a dozen where people do that. It's hilarious. Only here are ad hominems considered logical refutations of arguments. Only here are witch hunts literally embraced as the correct way to go about treating people, even the blog owner himself saying "trust me" when it comes to an accusation being the proof of the claim.
I do not see this shit happening anywhere else. Creationist Christians at least try to argue. Folks here just smear shit on the walls and call it a day. Cracks me up.
Not the pinnacle of funny, of course, when someone said that you can't have a greenhouse effect unless it's man-caused, and then blatantly lied about saying it. But funny nevertheless.
Blogger PilotX said...
"As for the usage of "blah" amongst other black people, creating the perception of self-hate, must say most of the usage seems more self-deprecating as opposed to self-hate."
Very keen observation, I mean for a blah woman that is:-P
1:56 PM
Well, there you have it, PX has degraded Faith to a boring, depressed person. And, he thinks it's funny....Lord have mercy.
The great thing about adopting another self-deprecating name for Blacks, is it keeps us divided and hostile toward each other.
JOSH, your comments are beautiful. In addition they are based in logic and reason. And you are right: FN is the only blog that is totally 'illogical' and 'unreasonable'.
Being Black, it is clear to me that we are a race with deeply held suppressed emotions which trumps our thinking. It's not that we are dumb, on the contrary, we are intelligent human beings who wear our emotions on our sleeves.
When you have been cursed with racism from over 400 years ago, by the time it reaches 2015, you get some crazy irrational folks like PC, PX and other FN folks. Of course, Field is NOT crazy, and he is NOT illogical. At least, that's what he says.
Anyway, I am so glad you are back. FN needs logic and reason here. Believe me, there are some Blacks who are learning a great deal from you. Thanks for being here and I hope you 'never' leave. I am sure Field feels the same way but he won't say it...he has too many folks he has to pay homage to. Ever notice he always agree with certain folks all the time? I mean, what is that about?
BTW, as a wm, I'd like to know your opinion of 'blah', which is 'another' deprecating name given to Blacks by a white politician and readily adopted by certain Blacks with no reservation?
Good grief, dear Anon: Duly noted "blah" does nothing for your funny bone.
Bemusement aside, I totally respect your viewpoint.
And are funds due to you for the psych eval of my case of the "blahs," umm.... I mean "depression"?
Just playing, Anon... You good peeps :-)
"It's fucking hilarious."
I'm here all week folks, try the veal.
Anon@2:49, relax, don't blame all blacks for that Negro running off with your wife. May I suggest a dating website?
6:38 AM
FYI, I am Black. It was a wm who ran off with my wife. She left a note saying she was sorry but wanted to be protected by the white man's power and bm are sorely lacking in power. In the real world of justice and law enforcement and job opportunities, bm just don't cut it.
Of course, a good fuck every now and then is nice, but that gets old after a while. The white man's power is ever lasting.
The truth hurts. Nevertheless, it's true...Sorry, PC but you have no power whatsoever. Ever heard of the name Josh? I rest my case.
Faith, "And are funds due to you for the psych eval of my case of the "blahs," umm.... I mean "depression"?"
No, first visit for Blacks who think they are 'blahs' is free. However, if it is necessary for a deeper psychoanalysis, it will cost you.
But with a lovely name like 'Faith' I doubt if you will need it. Some other people DO need it.
Touche, PX - Ha!!!
PilotX said...
trying to remember the last time BLM beheaded someone or set the on fire. Anyone else here jog my memory?
During Ferguhazi, a young blah man was shot and set on fire while he was still alive.
There's been many other examples of Isis style violence at Blacklivesmatter "events".
Black Lives Matter supporter arrested after calls to murder police, white people
Sounds like ISIS.....
No worries about a 2nd eval, Anon: No case of the blahs on my end. However, I am curious as to why you believe there are black people literally referring to themselves as "blah" in a way that conveys self-hate.
Great thing about this blog are those that post comments citing very informative resources. So what forums are you coming across that support our people are promoting self-hate?
Can we please disperse with the narrative regarding the criminal behavior of folks who have absolutely no affiliation with the BLM organization. True supporters of BLM have zero tolerance for the call to harm police officers. And other acts of violence and/or vandalism are strongly rebuked by BLM within the grassroots and leadership.
It's this perspective where it was equally unjust to blame one of the Tea Party events for the shooting that occurred in Arizona several years ago. As some may recall, one of the victims was a nine-year-old girl; another was former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords who survived the shooting.
In a nutshell, there's always unhinged individuals utilizing Tea Party and BLM events to engage in criminal activities that have nothing to do with the grassroots agenda.
The assertion the BLM movement is even remotely along the lines of ISIS is an exercise in futility.
Meant to request nipping the "false" natratives in the bud with regard to BLM.
Mr. Field: What happened to the option to edit comments if needing to make corrections?
"BTW, as a wm, I'd like to know your opinion of 'blah'..."
If that's meant for me: I don't really have a strong opinion on it. I mean, "white" isn't a monolith; there's no cultural push within the "white" community to accept white person A into the struggle while relegating white person B to the house or anything like that. Beyond feminists collectivists who paint the dichotomy that you're either with them or sexist, that's basically as far as it goes.
Those judging the race of people things are decidedly part of "black" culture in the USA. Whites are made up of: Irish, English, Scottish, German, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, Scandinavian, Spanish (Spain), Greek, Italian, and on and on. Then you get into the different religions and interpretations of those religions that shape those cultures individually. "White" is an amalgamation of thousands and thousands of different cultures, none of which I'm aware of actually judges the "whiteness" of a person like some blacks judge the "blackness" of a person.
Maybe an old-school racist who thinks whites who date blacks aren't really whites but race traitors or something. Hell if I know; that's the only instance I can think of.
There are those who push the meme of what "whiteness" is, i.e. claiming that all white people have the original sin of being born white, and that all white people will grow up bigots and thus need to denounce their bigotry. But that's typically fringe collectivist idiots whose take on life is as hyperbolic as the news.
"Black" isn't allowed to be multiple cultures. There's a right way to be black, and a wrong way to be black. And guys like Field himself unabashedly push this narrative while being cheered on by other black people who push the idea that being "black" is X, and everything else isn't "black" -- it's house negros and sellouts and digital blackface, etc. But not "black."
As a white guy, I'm not aware of any ultimate white authority that judges what you are by who you are. That's decidedly part of the victim community of collectivists who want--who beg, plead and demand--that they're only ever judged by what they are and never who they are. Though then you run into the mighty prowess of collectivist double-think; e.g. "Judge me by my skin, as a real black person...unless it's negative. Then you're a racist! But if it's positive, then I'm black, that's black, and power to the black people!"
"Blah" probably fits right in the wheelhouse of double-thinking, race-baiting collectivist charlatans whose entire existence is a demonstrable double standard. But it's not a term I necessarily feel one way or the other about. Maybe if white kids start saying it and they start to be called racist for it, I'll have a stronger opinion on it.
Josh said...
"BTW, as a wm, I'd like to know your opinion of 'blah'..."
If that's meant for me: I don't really have a strong opinion on it.
6:50 PM
Ahahaha! Gosh Josh You'd never know it to see the way you attack Pilot on his use of it!!! xD
"FYI, I am Black. It was a wm who ran off with my wife. She left a note saying she was sorry but wanted to be protected by the white man's power and bm are sorely lacking in power. In the real world of justice and law enforcement and job opportunities, bm just don't cut it."
Digital blackface alert!!!!!!!!!!!! whoop whoop whoop whoop
"Can we please disperse with the narrative regarding the criminal behavior of folks who have absolutely no affiliation with the BLM organization."
See, we need more blah people like F&F to bring logic and reason instead of racist hyperbole from our anon friends. Notice the BLM "supporters". The article never explains exactly what level of support these folks have and I like the link to the NBP and their call to kill white babies. Seems the conservative website the chief linked us to is trying really really hard to find examples of blah racism and here's the kicker, they linked the Democratic Party to this story. Just wow. these guys use some real mental gymnastics ti fire up their base.
"Ahahaha! Gosh Josh You'd never know it to see the way you attack Pilot on his use of it!!!"
I attack Pilot for saying "blah"? The only instance I can recall ever saying anything at all about it was when a troll was cursing me and carrying on, and then the troll said "blah," so I figured it was PX who let one slip. I mean, he's known to be here as anon half the time anyway. Though if I was wrong there, I was wrong.
I also bust PX's chops for appointing himself one of the Four Horsemen of the Blahpocalypse here, judging a person's skin tone by the way they type. On numerous occasions I've asked for the evidence, and here's basically the argument I get in return: Josh, as black people, we don't need evidence to spot "digital blackface." Our accusation means the person is guilty, therefore giving us cause to make more accusations. Trust us. Being black, we know every single black person ever.
This witch-hunting, illogical bullshit is something I break balls for. But to my recollection, I've never got on PX for saying "blah." Have I? Maybe I did one time and just don't remember. Maybe I seen it in a context that struck me odd back in the day and took him to task for bottling up black folks or something. I don't know; I don't remember.
As far as I'm aware, my "attack" on Pilot is simply asking him for empirical evidence to support his accusations. Which, BTW, Lilac, man the fuck up, you duntz! I'm a skeptic, FFS. People love labeling me as this or that based off of the most recent post, but there's one theme that continues with me: I ask for evidence, I doubt claims, I expect a burden be met before accepting something as true. How the heck is asking people like Field and Pilot to support their accusations an "attack"?
They're the ones making them. Support them with evidence! Or don't and keep being uber-religious witch-hunters. The latter is more entertaining for me anyway...
Major LOL, Josh - "Blahpocalypse"!!! Urban Dictionary would go blah-crazy with such a coinage.
Oy vey Josh, how can you type so much? Oh my goodness, and argue, argue,argue all the time! Don't you ever get tired? I get tired just from reading all that, (not that I actually do) I know, I know, I should but....maaannn...it's a lot of stuff! Couldn't y..and some of it is good! It is, but couldn't you kinda condense it, just a bit maybe? preety please? Huh? Don't get mad now...:(
First time anybody's ever called me a duntz! Wheeeee! 'Lilac the duntz', somehow, I just don't mind :)
That's quite a retort, Lila: Initially thought you were off your rocker. Then once re-reading you were called "duntz," I sought out Urban Dictionary, learning a duntz is "A member of the neo-hippie subculture devoted to the electronic music sound referred to as untz."
Well you rock on, Ms. Thing :-)
Glad I can cause some LULZ; Pete knows I get enough of them reading this blog!
The Blahpocalypse is coming...directly after the Blahpture. "Real" blacks will be saved; all others will suffer. Rated PG-13. Starring Lou Diamond Phillips in blackface.
Lilac, so what you're basically saying is that a you issue thus becomes a me issue and I thus have to change myself to accommodate you. Well, that's not collectivist, from-the-top-down Marxist cult drivel at all!
Hahaha! Faith! Thanks, I didn't look it up but I like the one too,and I like electronic music!
(that's prolly not how he meant it though ;)
Josh said...
Lilac, so what you're basically saying is that a you issue thus becomes a me issue and I thus have to change myself to accommodate you. Well, that's not collectivist, from-the-top-down Marxist cult drivel at all!
9:24 PM
JOSH! I don't even understand that!! LOL!
But it sounds interesting! :)
Yeah, you cultists never do seem to grasp what is is you stand for or even why; it's just cool to be on the bandwagon when it comes a-rollin' through.
There's the folks on board, and then the crowd at whom random items are pelted.
Keep on keepin' on.
OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
Oy vey Josh, how can you type so much? Oh my goodness, and argue, argue,argue all the time! Don't you ever get tired? I get tired just from reading all that, (not that I actually do) I know, I know, I should but....maaannn...it's a lot of stuff! Couldn't y..and some of it is good! It is, but couldn't you kinda condense it, just a bit maybe? preety please? Huh? Don't get mad now...:(
8:32 PM
Now see, this is the reason Blacks are considered lazy. They can't handle more than 1-2 sentences from Whites and those sentences had better be short. Otherwise as Lilac has so classically demonstrated, they tire and burn out.
That's a clue that Blacks don't write much nor understand much when reading. It is so embarrassing to be Black.
I will never pick a black body to be in the next time I come to earth. That's like buying a studebaker...total loser.
Dessert, what should we call our cult? i kinda always did want to be a cult leader and some of them make some good money. Of course I have to insist on an open door policy because folks should be able to come and go at will or not. Cult leader may look good on my FB profile, in fact I'm changing it now.
I wonder who's gonna play the righteous all knowing hero to save the day in the movie about the evil collectivist blahs? The white guy is always the hero ya know and us darkies are always the villains. I want DMX to play me. Or Coolio.
PilotX said...
Dessert, what should we call our cult? i kinda always did want to be a cult leader and some of them make some good money. Of course I have to insist on an open door policy because folks should be able to come and go at will or not. Cult leader may look good on my FB profile, in fact I'm changing it now.
10:48 PM
Gee I dunno Pilot...haven't thought about it...
But I like the "cult leader" thing though!
But I can't put that on my Facebook cos my cousins would be scandalized! They're strict conservative Catholics and come to think of it, the rest of my friends are mostly calm types, just a few,very few wilder peeps, mostly all calm, serene, conservative, you know, like me...:p
"Serene & conservative" Lila?? Get out of town!! Something tells me the conservative types mostly have fun when you're around. Just claim your inner "duntz," dear heart :-)
Hahaha! :)
Isn't the Catholic Church a cult? Ha!
- Looks for support from within the group
- Reaches out for simpatico, ideologically identical members for backing
- Simultaneously balks at the idea of being a cult
The cognitive dissonance is f'n strong.
Fred Phelps LOLs and jokes with little Bobby Phelps, "Look, they think we're a 'cult.' Well, what should we call our 'cult,' I wonder?"
Cult: noun
1: a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
2: an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers:
3: the object of such devotion.
4: a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
5: Sociology. a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.
Yeah. I know dude needs to get out the tissues if ever I say his name, but dammit, PX, reading your responses has to be the funniest stuff since Cow shit the bed on grade-school science. Entertaining, my main man. Entertaining.
I reckon none of those definitions fit the reactionary, everything's-racist witch-hunters. Words mysteriously mean different things when applied to folks around here...because reasons.
So I'm gonna call this the 'cult of Field Negro'
and Field is the cult leader, and we all are the followers :)
"and Field is the cult leader, and we all are the followers"
Many a true word is spoken in jest...
Man, this is absolutely classic. Josh nails lilac with a very simple analysis here (I count 18 words after the preamble), and 2 comments down lilac admits being UNABLE to understand it!
"That's a clue that Blacks don't write much nor understand much when reading. It is so embarrassing to be Black."
This is probably why Field, after years of running this blog, hasn't yet figured out how to change the comment timestep format to include the date. About 30 years ago I was in Detroit and happened across a couple old Black men pondering how to use an ATM. I told them "read the screen, it will tell you what to do next." This being 30 years ago, they thanked me. I didn't realize until later that they were certainly illiterate.
Great response there bro. Tell me why is is that Blacks when having an intellectual debate always bring up the sex angle? I completely agree with what they said and I JUST got laid lol...I work out daily and I'm a White guy and I'm very confident that most of you black asshats who say this crap get less pussy THAN I THINK ABOUT LOL.... stop with the nonsense!!! "When was the last time you got laid"= "I don't have a logical response" STOP IT!
Yes Josh these people are truly insane. But what I find even more ridiculous is they don't get that CONSERVATIVES ARE ACTUALLY ON THEIR SIDES! It was so interesting to watch these idiots jump up n down like they win the lottery when obamacare passed then their whining when they saw how it was gonna fuck them with higher premiums and deductibles with less options...(talk about lies..."like your doctor you can keep your doctor") no one lies like the liberals...
The social justice warriors of the left will soon find that they have been duped into believing in The Boogeyman, there will be no big time names discovers to be"Klan members"... liberals are like the battered women syndrome. They just keep going back for more even when presented with obvious truths. Liberals should all be crucified.
Lol. Most black men have nothing to offer a woman BESIDES sex.. and they will get offended by me saying that and in the very next post BRAG about it. BM are the main reason for this they are proud of it!!!!
I think it has a lot less to do with "black"--i.e. a person's genetics, their melanin distribution--than to do with a particular collectivist, victimization ideology. Black people who don't buy into the victim complex, look-what-you-did-to-us stuff, as if they're Highlanders 560 years old each, don't typically have such an illogical, borderline illiterate approach in discussions. Though, not so ironic at all, those are the very blacks who if here would be called house negros and "digital blackface" and said not to be real blacks.
Apparently, to be an actual black person, you do have to present yourself as a barely functioning retarded person who lies willfully, spams ad hominems rather than engaging in debate, and just insists black = right; white = wrong. So I can't rightly fault those who think it's a "black" thing. I think it's just a mind-warped-from-twisted-ideology thing, whereby people have sacrificed their individuality to be embraced as part of a collective. And dat collektev dun nee no lodgek oar intelgense. It exists by self-perpetuation -- the back-patting, congratulatory rewards of being "down." It's not self-correcting; like schools, it operates by social promotion. Just show up towing the anchor, move ahead in status.
You find a lot of eerily similar parallels in third-wave modern feminism. Only instead of it being about "race," it is expressly about opinion. Which, when you break it down, is the crux of what "black" actually is, according to Field, PX and others. So the two are practically indiscernible. And as everyone knows, most modern feminists are white twenty-somethings from mid to upper-class environments, so it's not a "white" thing. It's an ideology thing. Once one sells their skeptical faculties for bias blinders, and gives up their individuality to be part of a collective, they typically start acting like spoiled, whiny children, and you can no longer expect them to address topics logically or coherently. They become spammers, blatant liars, hall monitors bereft of individual original thought, and sophists of the highest order.
For collectivists, the ends justify the means is the most important mantra. To that end, there are no lengths collectivists won't go to just to shut the opposition up so they can continue building safe-space echo chambers absent resistance. (E.g. "black blog") They exist wholly on self-perpetuation. They feed one another and don't want nor need outside input. They're right about everything because they say they're right about everything, and the next agrees with the previous without fail.
Yeah, it's nothing to do with folks being black, IMO. It's everything to do with the collectivist ideology, which doesn't require one be intelligent; it just demands one be part of the pack and willing to push the sophistry and appeals to emotion to replace facts, logic and reason.
Holy Jesus, a group of racists arguing about the blah condition and how to solve it. This oughta be rich.
Hey James, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living? Simple enough question even a brotha at an ATM in Detroit 30 years ago can answer.
"Lol. Most black men have nothing to offer a woman BESIDES sex.. and they will get offended by me saying that and in the very next post BRAG about it. BM are the main reason for this they are proud of it!!!!"
Really? Where do you see this? Online? I know a few blah people and this doesn't seem to be an issue.
"But what I find even more ridiculous is they don't get that CONSERVATIVES ARE ACTUALLY ON THEIR SIDES! It was so interesting to watch these idiots jump up n down like they win the lottery when obamacare passed then their whining when they saw how it was gonna fuck them with higher premiums and deductibles with less options"
No who's side? I have heard a few conservative healthcare options and they aren't very helpful. In fact Obamacare isn't really a liberal option. Remember universal healthcare has been championed by most liberals and that will help millions as opposed to a voucher system proposed by many conservatives. Let's hear a good healthcare plan sir. I mean that is if you know of one.
And not yet once have I yet reverted to bringing up the sex angle. Wow, such awesome powers I must possess. I'm off to teach this trick to my fellow collectivists.
James Bold said...
Man, this is absolutely classic. Josh nails lilac with a very simple analysis here (I count 18 words after the preamble), and 2 comments down lilac admits being UNABLE to understand it!
11:45 AM
I swear to God! I don't understand him! I try but everything is so long and rambling and, I can't focus! I actually start laughing inside, crazy right! But that's the effect his writings have, on me anyway :) I dunno maybe if he spoke ordinary English, in a plain down to earth way? Ce la vie, whatever floats ya boat!
"The social justice warriors of the left will soon find that they have been duped into believing in The Boogeyman, there will be no big time names discovers to be"Klan members"
Maybe there will be some big names maybe there won't but that's besides the point. My question is for you anon and James Bold.
James has presented us with some very racist and anti-blah rhetoric, is James a very small microcosm of the country or are there many like him out there?
"I try but everything is so long and rambling and, I can't focus!"
You should take out your red pen and write "BE MORE CONCISE". Ha! I remember my 12th grade English teacher explaining that the problem with term papers is that students sometimes think the longer it is the better it is which usually isn't the case. Why use 3 sentences when you can use 1? It should be judged by content not word count, unless you get paid by the word then it's ok.
"Holy Jesus, a group of racists arguing about the blah condition and how to solve it. This oughta be rich."
Oh, I think every single person on this blog can agree on one point: Only blacks are allowed to speak about the conditions of other races and potential solutions to solve those things which another race deems problematic.
It's not, in any way, shape or form, okay for white folks to speak about the "blah condition," but perfectly acceptable in reverse.
"It's not, in any way, shape or form, okay for white folks to speak about the "blah condition," but perfectly acceptable in reverse."
Sure Josh, this is an open blog where everyone is free to express their opinions.
"I swear to God! I don't understand him! I try but everything is so long and rambling and, I can't focus! I actually start laughing inside, crazy right! But that's the effect his writings have, on me anyway :) I dunno maybe if he spoke ordinary English, in a plain down to earth way?"
That you can only comprehend English in a fortune cookie style is something that I would personally be embarrassed to admit. But, hey, to each their own.
If you need aphorisms on placards to comprehend what's being said, perhaps you need to read more or try harder.
Or don't. Do you. There are plenty of people here who do just spam a sentence or two across. Then they run wild, smearing shit on the walls, acting like they've won something. Soulmates?
"Sure Josh, this is an open blog where everyone is free to express their opinions."
Are you literally on a mission to just say the stupidest shit you can think of and make me laugh hysterically, gripping at my sides? If it's unintentional, then you're the funniest mf'er by accident I know.
You just got through reaming people out as "racists" and prodding them for daring to speak about black people and the "blah condition." And, now, suddenly, it's an "open blog where everyone is free to express their opinions."
1) Define "free." Per your standards, murder, rape, burglary, assault, etc, are something you're "free" to do. Technically, sure. Have at it. But consequences...
2) Sure. Field, to his credit, doesn't censor like the rest of y'all would like. I've seen half a dozen people here begging Field to turn this into a safe-space echo chamber where opinions different are not allowed. To his credit, he hasn't.
3) Nobody is saying one is banned from giving an opinion. Don't straw-man it.
4) The blog might be open, but you're certainly not. As you prove every single time a white person attempts it, it is not in any way, shape, or form acceptable for them to do it. You quickly bark out your disapproval.
5) You fellas don't have any issue whatever in speaking about "white" shit when the topic goes that way.
(Lilac, is enumeration easier on your brain?)
You just got through reaming people out as "racists" and prodding them for daring to speak about black people and the "blah condition." And, now, suddenly, it's an "open blog where everyone is free to express their opinions."
This is true. Others are free to post whatever they want i.e. racist stuff and I am also free to post whatever I choose i.e. pointing out said racist stuff.
PilotX said...
You should take out your red pen and write "BE MORE CONCISE". Ha! I remember my 12th grade English teacher explaining that the problem with term papers is that students sometimes think the longer it is the better it is which usually isn't the case.
2:44 PM
Exactly! it's just rambling repetition of the same crap over and over. Boring and super tiresome. I just scroll on down, but it just seems like such a waste of good opinion/debate space. But oh well, whatevah floats his boat!
And this is it obviously lol!
"...racist stuff and I am also free to post whatever I choose i.e. pointing out said racist stuff."
Never said otherwise.
Though my point being: To you, white people speaking about something "blah" in itself = racism = something not tolerated by you in any way, shape or form.
Am I speaking to walls here?
Lilac, get over yourself. Pilot, like PC and the anon triplets, rarely if ever read what I say and disagree because they personally dislike me. Don't act like you just hit the Powerball because somebody kinda-sorta agreed with you. Anecdotes from a teacher; notice it wasn't from an actual writer. lol I can see Stephen King in here now: "Keep is very, very short, nondescript, and dumbed down as much as possible, people. Less is more!"
You can't comprehend language unless it's served to you in simple sentences.
You have said such in numerous ways.
Why in the fuck do you keep insisting that it's my fault that you need sentences barely longer than license plates lest you zone out?
"It's the just the rambling repetition of the same crap over and over..."
This betrays directly your "I don't even read it" point.
There's no big mystery here. You have an issue with it, therefore you must find a way to blame me for your issue -- lying, making yourself look retarded, and shamelessly reaching out for someone to agree all aside, the important part is that the blame for your lack of comprehension falls on me.
Pete forbid you accept any responsibly. Dat's wacist!
I guess that's my white privilege oppressing you somehow. White shampoo, tan Band-Aids, not enough black people on Game of Thrones, and now Josh's more-than-two-sentence responses.
Oh, the pitiful plight of black people!
Reading back over this entire exchange, I now know why the phrase "dindu nuffin" is uttered so often. Racially insensitive, it may be. But incredibly on point and explanatory.
It's always someone else's fault. Always. Even someone admitting that they cannot comprehend the English language outside of meme form, it's the writer's fault, not the reader's.
"Though my point being: To you, white people speaking about something "blah" in itself = racism = something not tolerated by you in any way, shape or form."
Nope, it's not the speaking itself it's the message, form and tone. You seem to be an expert on all things PilotX. Instead of assuming such things maybe asking first would be appropriate as you are incorrect on many assumptions.
"Pilot, like PC and the anon triplets, rarely if ever read what I say and disagree because they personally dislike me."
Sort of but not fully correct. I don't dislike you but you come across a bit cocky and all knowing and dude, your posts are WAAY too long. You make assumptions dressed up as facts and project things on others unnecessarily. For example, you make accusations about the reasons I label someone a digital blackface. I do it because there is evidence of such not because I disagree with the message. After being on the internet for years on sites such as this you develop a sense of such and there are numerous similarities. Just as blah people are accused of groupthink it seems you see the same in racist circles. The same memes repeat. Many anons think they are adding new or useful info but they aren't.
Since you like to psychoanalyze us so freely how about you Josh. Lilac is correct, you do write too much. very long winded and very thin-skinned. You seem to argue over even the slightest most insignificant detail and no one wants to go on and on about basically nothing. You throw out aggressive and insulting language to bait folks into what you call a debate and who has time to read a long winded internet tirade by you? You come across as the all knowing savant but in reality are you? Maybe but then again maybe not. Your arrogance and demeaning language is off putting to many. It's not what you write but how you write it. Looking in the mirror occasionally isn't such a bad thing young Josh.
And let's not even talk about our first dustup because I assumed everyone knew I was using hyperbole and sarcasm. Kind of what you are accusing Lilac of you were guilty of yourself but of course you will never admit to this and argue until the end of time. IOKIJDI
Josh said...
"Am I speaking to walls here?"
Yes Josh I guess in your high and mighty opinion we are walls.
"Keep is very, very short, nondescript, and dumbed down as much as possible, people. Less is more!"
And in your high and mighty opinion we are also 'dumb'
"You can't comprehend language unless it's served to you in simple sentences.
You have said such in numerous ways"
Riiiight! We can't comprehend either!
"Why in the fuck do you keep insisting that it's my fault that you need sentences barely longer than license plates lest you zone out?"
Yep we also do a lot of "zoning out"
"lying, making yourself look retarded, and shamelessly"
and of course in your very highly educated opinion, we are "shameless liars"
"Pete forbid you accept any responsibly. Dat's wacist!"
and we never,ever accept responsibility ;)
"I guess that's my white privilege oppressing you somehow."
You guess? Sure sounds like something not toooo good anyway LOL
"Oh, the pitiful plight of black people!"
Hahaha! Yup! Pitiful US! Not YOU, who comes on here day and night to insult people that he doesn't even know, no, US! xD
Lemme tell you something, the only pitiful person on here is the one you see when you look in the mirror. But carry on, what evah floats your boat!
4:36 PM
"Kind of what you are accusing Lilac of you were guilty of yourself but of course you will never admit to this..."
Yeah. Let's see.
1) A person I had never met before, and never seen before, seemed to be supporting Fox/Republicans on a blog, so I assumed that's what it was. He then tells me it's sarcasm, and that I was just too dumb to get the sarcasm. He then goes crazy, cursing and shouting, about me claiming he said something that he actually said but just didn't remember saying an hour before. So, the moral of that story: I was supposed to recognize that a complete stranger, whose comments I just read for the first time, was obviously using sarcasm, but the man himself, who writes the shit, can't even finger his own words when they're quoted back at him.
Hey, what was that? Three years ago? Dude, if it was my fault, it was my fault. You were being sarcastic? My bad! Unlike you, I am not a mind reader. I cannot read a sentence from a person and tell you which race they are, how they grew up, what they had for breakfast, and the net weight of their last bowel movement. So, yeah, I probably missed some sarcasm one time.
Oh my God! The humanity!
I hope I did demand that you conduct yourself differently for my benefit. I hope I did use the same standards on y'all that y'all try to impose on everyone else. If I didn't, I sure as shit wish I had.
2) A person who admits she cannot comprehend anything but simple English and short sentences, yet still blames the writer.
Now all that's needed is for me to quote Lilac and have her say, "You stupid fucker, I never said that!" and then, "Oh, I did say that. Missed it. But it's your fault still; you didn't know I was being sarcastic! HAHA!"
Fucking twins over here.
"...and who has time to read a long winded internet tirade by you?"
You do, apparently. In the past five or so threads I've commented on, PilotX is the most recurring name. Apparently you got all sorts of time to read it.
"Instead of assuming such things maybe asking first would be appropriate as you are incorrect on many assumptions."
The witch hunter is literally trying to cause me to have a damn stroke with laughter! No other way to describe it. So blinded to the hypocrisy, he is, that I can barely type this from laughing so hard.
"your posts are WAAY too long"
Again, this is a you issue! Because you and Lilac think my posts are too long, you're literally expecting that I change to accommodate you. You collectivists cannot even fucking see how culturally Marxist y'all are in wanting other people to be knocked down a peg to suit you.
I'm not forcing y'all to read them (even though it's the strangest thing: y'all claim you don't read them then still reply); I'm not making y'all reply. If they're too long, fucking ignore them!
And BTW:
How can you bust balls on someone who, according to you, thinks he's "all knowing" and whatnot, when your favorite line of questioning on this blog is to ask people what they do for a living and what sort of education they have?
Never, not a single time, have I ever attempted to rub my education in anyone's face.
I don't hover over people and correct their horrific math. I don't bust people's balls for not grasping the principle of natural selection. I don't point out typos; I probably make more than my share. So I really don't know WTF you're trying to get at. Seems like pure projection to me.
In the last few comments sections, all I've fucking done is ask questions of guys like you and Field! Stop projecting on me that this is me acting "all knowing." It's not. I would like to see the evidence of this digital blackface. I would like to know why Field omitted 50% of the story of the Bucks' player at the jewelry store.
Folks here have their ideologies, most of y'all are neo-progressive collectivists. I have an ideology too. I'm a skeptic. I ask questions. Why in the shit does my questioning of empty claims present itself as me acting "all knowing," unless it is just your projection?
"How can you bust balls on someone who, according to you, thinks he's "all knowing" and whatnot, when your favorite line of questioning on this blog is to ask people what they do for a living and what sort of education they have?"
Because asshole when fucking white supremacists come here and tell me that I'm worthless and beneath them because I happen to be born with a touch of melanin I am sort of curious what such a person does and if they are at least on my level educationally. Is that a good enough answer for ya buddy?
"Stop projecting on me that this is me acting "all knowing." It's not."
Bullshit, you act like the Shell answer man continuously. You insult people and you rant and rave when someone has the temerity to make a joke or say the slightest thing in your direction. As I said before you and me can be done. I don't dislike you because to do so I would have to have the slightest inkling of care about you. Carry on and post all the stupid shit to your hearts desire and I'll go back to ignoring you. Actually I do dislike "men" who insult women and act like he's on his period. You and your racist pal can have a grand old time talking about blah folks all day. For the record, take your medication because your mood swings are something awful.
Josh, this thread is eye-opening. You've teased out a major reason why Black people view the world so differently: they literally cannot understand what they are seeing, even when it's put in 6th-grade language and pointed out to them repeatedly.
Here's the meat of Josh's sentence above, shorn of its preamble: "a you issue thus becomes a me issue and I thus have to change myself to accommodate you." (18 words, to which lilac replied, "JOSH! I don't even understand that!! LOL!".) Let me parse a bit, with parentheses to isolate phrases:
"(a you issue) (thus becomes) (a me issue) (and) (I thus) (have to change) (myself) (to accommodate) (you)." Lexically, this is pretty simple: two ideas, the first expressed as "subject verb object" and the second slightly more complex joined with the conjunction "and". The longest sub-sentence is the second, containing a mere 9 words and is at roughly 3rd-grade complexity... but lilac can't grasp it.
Note that lilac is one of the "good ones". She writes in grammatically-correct sentences which actually make coherent statements, not the word salad I've seen from so many Black writers. But being able to write correct English is not the same as being able to understand it. Or perhaps the problem is being unable to grasp the notion that SHE is responsible for anything, like taking the time to read and understand a mere 18 words. If it's not YOU giving HER what SHE wants, it does not compute.
This is a world where technical skills are ever-more important. Being able to comprehend and take appropriate action on complex ideas is key. Is anyone as far behind the curve as lilac going to have any meaningful role in the future, besides "gibsmedat or I'll break stuff"? Not a chance.
"Never, not a single time, have I ever attempted to rub my education in anyone's face."
Oh, it's worse than that. Some posters are demanding that I give them my educational credentials. Why? It's a disqualification tactic (they got started by claiming I live in a trailer park). If I don't have some piece of paper that they do (that they certainly got only because of affirmative action), they think they can dismiss my questions, observations and cited facts. There is no point in answering them; if I told them I held degree (X) in (Y) issued by (Z), they would simply deny it. If they could attack the observations and facts they would have done so, but they are unassailable.
What this means is that we need a return to tests of knowledge and intelligence to qualify to vote and serve on juries. There are people literally too ignorant and stupid to participate in public life. Lilac is one of them. If this rule was applied comprehensively, Detroit would probably have 1/10 as many registered voters and Michigan would be a solidly Republican state.
"A person I had never met before, and never seen before, seemed to be supporting Fox/Republicans on a blog, so I assumed that's what it was."
Exactly, you made an unwise assumption and didn't accept responsibility for your lack of understanding. So it's the writer's fault the reader didn't understand it? Sounds like some dinndu nuffin shit to me. Take some responsibility Josh and stop being so hypocritical.
"when fucking white supremacists come here and tell me that I'm worthless and beneath them because I happen to be born with a touch of melanin"
Nobody mentioned your melanin as a cause of your problem. Your problem is that you are stupid, ignorant and aggressive without cause. You insist we should overlook your behavior BECAUSE of your melanin, that Black people should get a pass on actions that White people should be punished for. It's you who insist that your melanin is important (as a badge of entitlement). White people just want you to behave yourselves.
"You insist we should overlook your behavior BECAUSE of your melanin, that Black people should get a pass on actions that White people should be punished for. It's you who insist that your melanin is important (as a badge of entitlement). White people just want you to behave yourselves."
Show me ONE instance where I advocated blah folks should get a pass when they do things white people get punished for. In fact I advocate the opposite, we are punished for things whites routinely get away with. I also behave myself quite well so I don't know what you're talking about there.
BTW James, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living? Are you anomaly or are there many others who share your views.
"If I don't have some piece of paper that they do (that they certainly got only because of affirmative action)"
Whoa, I got my degree because of Affirmative Action? Really? And why would that be? Would it have something to do with the amount of melanin in my skin or does this statement apply to whites as well? Now you REALLY have me curious, do you have a college degree James? Also, why pick on Detroit? Aren't there dumb people in West Virginia as well?
"when fucking white supremacists come here and tell me that I'm worthless and beneath them because I happen to be born with a touch of melanin"
And notice James piped up for this statement which wasn't specifically aimed at him. Why is that James? Do you consider yourself a white supremacist? Did you think I was referring to you specifically?
"Take some responsibility Josh and stop being so hypocritical."
I get lying. With a master's in evo-bio, I don't claim some expert, know-it-all level of understanding on the issue, but I do have at least a basic grasp of what constitutes an evolutionary advantage in natural selection. Lying is exceedingly beneficial. In fact, it is hypothesized that the only real "reason" (for lack of a better word) homo sapiens can speak is that mutations which spurred vocalization were advantageous in that those able to vocalize could lie better, using vocalizations instead of body language, to get more resources: food, sex, shelter. The better one could communicate a "need," the more likely that need would be met.
So I understand perfectly why people lie. It's very beneficial, especially within a safe-space echo chamber wherein the only people who will call the lie out have already been pre-qualified as racist agitators. So I in no way question why people lie here.
The question I have: Why do you do so when the fucking truth is literally sharing the same screen?
I have seriously wrecked my reasoning faculties facepalming. You're certainly not the first. PC carried on lying for six straight posts, when the facts were printed and on record. (Obviously you had his back on that one, blaming me for his lies, but I digress...) Now you're following in those footsteps, lying when the facts are in this same thread.
Is it part of the ends-justify-the-means collectivist ideology? Since there are no negatives to lying, only positives in echo-chamber back-patting, does it thus present as a more beneficial option than being honest? We're people, all of us, after all. I do assume some benefit you perceive which hypothetically weights favorably against honesty.
But it's the treating me like I'm too stupid to not point it out, and like I'm a non-person and pointing it out doesn't matter because Josh calling you on your bullshit doesn't stop Field, PC, Lilac, Yisheng, the anon triplets, etc, from still having your back.
That's the part I can't understand. The lying I get; the doing so while the truth is literally present right above all our heads, well...I'm f'n puzzled.
It's like a little kid with his hand in the cookie jar saying, "Uh uh! I wasn't after the cookies!"
MF'er, it's all right here in front of us! At least pretend to respect a lie. Y'all use lies as red herrings and nonstarter argument tactics. Y'all use lies just to move the topic under the carpet in hopes people STFU about it.
"Because asshole when fucking white supremacists come here and tell me that I'm worthless and beneath them because I happen to be born with a touch of melanin..."
Yeah, because I've obviously done that (which we've established you have no problem in lying and saying I actually have).
I guess now all white people look alike...
I'm asking why you're busting my balls with this "all knowing" bullshit; not why you try to measure dicks with random morons by asking about their education. The very first time I met you, you asked me if I had a degree. I answered. You didn't believe me anyway, then the next day I seen you ask two more people.
Seems to me you're the motherfucker who wants to act "all knowing" and attempt to rub some fucking education in someone's face.
Do we need Field to hold an IQ contest or something so that you can feel better about your mentally fragile self? Like they do for you in the SATs, I reckon you can be spotted 2SD>0 to assist. I'll take a 10-point handicap if it helps someone make the "Josh is an idiot" argument.
Must protect your feels, here, my man. Pete forbid a couple of assholes make you feel worthless and so you go on a quest to check the education credentials of every white person you find. That's hella normal.
"Show me ONE instance where I advocated blah folks should get a pass when they do things white people get punished for."
When you came down on Ofc. Fields instead of the miscreant he was trying to remove from a classroom after the teacher and asst. principle were unable to get compliance. SHE got a pass from you; in your eyes it doesn't matter what she did, no case of "there's more to the story".
"Whoa, I got my degree because of Affirmative Action? Really?"
Almost certainly.
"And why would that be?"
Because nobody who actually earned their degree would have the massive inferiority complex you have about educational credentials. Your insecurity about it proves that your dick really IS smaller. All Whitey has to do is read Michele Robinson's master's thesis to see how affirmative action has turned "higher education" into a bad joke.
No Josh, it just amuses me. Just like you and your buddy Jimmy Bold like to come here and laugh I also get a chuckle at the ignorance of racists who think they're superior. If you don't like it then, well who cares?
Really anon? Thinking that body slamming a little girl and then dragging her across the room is advocating blah folks get away with things whites don't? Really? Wow. Nice logic.
James Bold, you haven't answered my questions? Smatter? Too proud to show a lack of education? Interesting.
"No Josh, it just amuses me."
Everyone has their reasons, I guess. That you'd blatantly lie with the truth literally sharing the same screen because it amuses you -- well, we are what we are. Some people have character, some shit on the idea of needing character and expect everyone else to be compelled to respect their lack of it.
BTW: I don't know Jimmy. But, as Field assumes, which I guess is how "real down-ass blahs" must all really feel, all we white people are the same and know each other. One must be a Tomming-ass coon to see it differently!
Jimmy, did you get our invitation to the White People conference in Kentucky next week? Be there, dude! We'll be discussing ways to better program the white people assembly lines in the white people factories with a better integrated privilege chipset and onboard racist color arousal graphics processors. Don't miss it!
After they're exposed, expose the number of black children they have anonymously, or so they think.
"We'll be discussing ways to better program the white people assembly lines in the white people factories with a better integrated privilege chipset and onboard racist color arousal graphics processors."
I'm more interested in the audio processing chipsets. I'm waiting for the upgrade that makes every Black and Mexican within a half-mile hear a random mix of Vivaldi, Beethoven, Debussy and classic country music. This will make them stampede away from the merest hint of gentrification or other Whiteness and have them longing for rural Georgia, Mississippi and their homes south of the border. It will also make indoor shopping malls usable by humans again.
"James Bold, you haven't answered my questions? Smatter?"
Why don't you tell me what relevance it has, and why you are trying to change the subject from Black misbehavior to my formal schooling? Frankly, I find this about as relevant as the "trailer park" accusation; it's just a red herring. You will claim not to believe what I say anyway.
"Too proud to show a lack of education? Interesting."
I've already told you, this is a game of poker. Tell me why it matters, I want to see your explanation.
Lmaooooooo word
Been using AVG protection for a couple of years now, I'd recommend this product to all of you.
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