And another
Is finally
And permanently
And abandoned
Everywhere is war
Me say war.
That until there no longer
First class and second class citizens of any nation
Until the colour of a man's skin
Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes
Me say war.
That until the basic human rights
Are equally guaranteed to all,
Without regard to race
This is a war."
~Bob Marley~
War indeed. Whether it's on the hot sand-strewn battle fields of the Middle East, or on the streets of Europe, I don't see it ending anytime soon.
You can always kill the terrorist, but killing their ideology is going to be much more difficult.
Terror came to our friends in Europe today. So, once again, it's time for Americans to cower in fear. (I always wonder why it's only when terror comes to folks in Europe that we act this way. Those terrorist in Africa are just as scary and should be just as newsworthy.) It's time for us to be fed with 24 hour cable news loops of the same scenes over and over, and for us to have to listen to right-wingnut politicians demagogue the issue in order to gain political power. (Really Ted? Police patrol Muslim neighborhoods in America? And where exactly would that be?)
Anyway, I would love to hear some suggestions from some of you field-hands about how we could rid society of the scourge that is Isis.
*Pic from
Donald J. Trump was right about Brussels. The New York Times and most on the left were wrong. It's time to stop listening to the left and turn our ears to Donald J. Trump.
Ted's policing Muslim neighborhoods is a crazy as Trump's building a wall ahahaha!
Interesting that word "scourge". I've read somewhere that in the Middle East many use that same word to describe America :)
So I guess everything is relative huh? Now who's to say who is right, and who's to say who is in the wrong? maybe that should be the real question...
The causes of terrorism are complicated, and right now America doesn't do complicated, so we're probably gonna do exactly what ISIS wants us to do and damage ourselves because we're too fucking scared to do anything else. Yeah, let's hate each other and take more of our freedoms away, that'll work!
=Doug in Oakland
field says:
You can always kill the terrorist, but killing their ideology is going to be much more difficult.
Uh huh. There's a hell of a lot of dead Nazis who might take issue with that.
We didn't even have to have nukes to stop them.
(and, nurse must have heard you)
Europe is under attack, America is being overrun by savages, and Princess Zero and Lady Chewbacca are out partying with Communist dictators.
Is it any wonder why people are going all in for Trump?
Speaking as a Black Woman with a college degree, I find terror attacks against innocent Europeans utterly reprehensible. If these damn folks would put that smelly old Koran down and maybe pick up some Schopenhauer or Shakespeare, maybe they wouldn't be foaming at the mouth with hate all the time. Hello! Europeans control the world because they're the smartest, most educated and most driven. Anyone who's jealous of European superiority (that includes all you brothers and sisters out there) is never going to get anywhere in life. They're just losers.
I thank God every day I was born in the United States. You all should, too.
-Jenee in Hartford
I am also a college-educated black woman who thinks that my fellow brothers and sisters should agree with and follow the example of Jenee.
Jenee is one of the smartest black women I've ever heard ... Bravo, Sister! We need to STOP blaming all our problems on white folks and start lifting our selves up! No more "Black Lives Matter!" ... ALL LIVES MATTER!
I am voting for Trump, by the way. He's going to lead this country to greatness again. Plus he's sexy as hell!
Savages "made by America". The responses I read on this site lend me to believe that the information the majority receive has to be broaden to see all sides of the issues. Unfortunately only the majority side is used to formulate thought.
We are in 2016 and I still hear the same descriptions of my people as in my childhood- 60 plus years ago So I say yes to the concept that ideologies survive long after the perpetrators are no longer on center stage. The crude descriptions of our president tells me that the messages has been passed on generationally. Or there is "nothing new under the sun"
Today as I was in the dayroom (of the Richmond< VA Vet Admin), we Black vets of the various wars were questioning the validity of all these wars centered around people of color. The same terminology used by the TV pundits has been used on US people of color. We too are beat down in America like the people that are now called cowards and savages on US tv. Being war weary and a Vet, it seems hard for me to affix these words to people lucky enough to have some payback. Think about it; what response would you have if a drone with US printed on the side dropped a bomb on your family? I can see the rage because I too have rage when a police mow down another unarmed Black ( a child in 3 secs) And yes I feel rage about a majority that have crushed the spirit of a people that have always served the majority before they served themselves. Now let me go feed the chickens.... I hear them roosting.
All I care about is who has the bigger dick between Trump, Sanders, Cruz, and Kasich.
A heavy heart much of the day thinking of the people of Brussels and our world enduring another senseless tragedy.
Came across two articles in recent editions of WA-Post "Why is Brussels under attack?" and "How Belgium became the hub of terror in Europe" that sheds light on what might be paving the way for the Islamic State to terrorize Europe.
Unfortunately, the ideology motivating radical, religious extremism makes it crystal clear the goal will never include coexisting with western culture and other religions. ISIS has no shortage of recruits willing to die for the cause.
Most tragic to the terrorist attacks carried out in Paris and Brussels is the weakness in cooperative efforts between neighboring countries, including proper intel and security. Not to mention, it's absolutely incredulous the number of active terrorist cells in Brussels alone in which the country has on record that more than 400 of it's citizens have flown to parts of Syria, known to recruit ISIS sympathizers.
Believe once the world fully relinquishes the lost cause of changing extremist ideology and shifts resources focusing on effective intel and security, the better our nation and world can ensure the safety of its global citizens.
We can't out brute them. There is no length to which we could conceivably go, that they haven't already screamed past. Waterboard? They drown dozens of prisoners in cages like rats in mandatory public spectacles. Electric shock? Please. They burn people at the stake. Stress positions? They crucify. Take the gloves off and bomb them amid civilians? They target civilians. If we race them to the bottom, they start with a massive head start and the temperament to go much farther.
The only ground on which we can win is decency. They're incapable of competing there. We have to rediscover our decency, celebrate it, embrace it, shine it to the world. That's the only way that we can win.
By people, of course, you mean 37% of Republican voters. Yes. All in. A virtual stampede. Almost 7.5 million votes of the 63 million needed to win. How impressive.
@ Lance -
Trump's a stallion. It's a well-known fact.
Cruz? Clit City, USA.
Kasich? Pretty big, but it stopped working decades ago.
Sanders? He's packing a little tiny gherkin. And he thinks everyone else should be, too.
In that case, GO TRUMP!
" ISIS has no shortage of recruits willing to die for the cause."
Actually, it does. The shortage of recruits is beginning to hit home in Syria, if not in Molenbeek.
Nah, they're not running low on recruits - they're running low on Captagon.
How do you fight Islamic terrorists like Tashfeen Malik who would rather murder Americans and die in a hail of gunfire than care for her little 6 month old infant?
In a free country, there is no stopping these people. Society won't tolerate a WWII Japanese-American internment camp type containment of potential enemies again. Nor should we.
Islamic jihadists will be with us from now on. Home grown or immigrants, terrorism on Westerners by these Muslim radicals on our home soil or overseas is the new normal. We just have to accept that fact.
dinthebeast said...
The causes of terrorism are complicated,
10:05 PM
So what are the 'causes' of terrorism?
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
We have to rediscover our decency, celebrate it, embrace it, shine it to the world. That's the only way that we can win.
2:13 AM
When you say "rediscover our decency" what exactly do you mean? Can you expound? Thank you.
Both ISIS and Boko Haram are Islamic extremist caliphates like the one associated with the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire around the time of World War I. You can change the roots that create future terrorism but you have to kill the ones there are now. I don't know much about what is going on with the fight against Boko Haram. I know we help Nigeria and they wanted more helicopters than we would provide. This is just a guess, but maybe we are afraid that weapons we provide to fight ISIS could end up being used against the movement for Biafran independence. In that case, the fight against Boko Haram could be a place for American "boots on the ground". But we all know what the public reaction to that would be here. Liberals would be against sending our sons and daughters to die. Conservatives would be against the Kenyan president sending them to help Africa. There are nearby oil reserves by the way, but they are out of reach for Boko Haram.
ISIS is being defeated militarily. The solution there was to fight them instead of arming and training the. We recently conceded to Russia that we would concentrate on fighting ISIS before Assad. Turkey seems to have done the same. Saudi Arabia has had ISIS attacks against them, and like the U.S., they realize that the (largely Saudi Arabian Wahhabi and U.S. sponsored) Frankenstein monster has grown out of control. Our corporate controlled media is a big part of the problem. As Field says, there isn't enough coverage of the problem in western Africa. And in the Middle East the media covered up our support of ISIS to fight Libya and Syria. They lie about which countries are extreme. Our politicians have the same corporate sponsors that our "news" has.
stillaPanther2 said...
"we Black vets of the various wars were questioning the validity of all these wars centered around people of color. The same terminology used by the TV pundits has been used on US people of color."
With all due respect sir, WTF are you talking about? Are not people who set off nail bombs in airports "savages"? If "people of color" attack white people, is any retaliation "racist"?
Islam is not a race, it is an ideology.
Come on, man.
Limpbaugh said...
Both ISIS and Boko Haram are Islamic extremist caliphates like the one associated with the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire around the time of World War I. You can change the roots that create future terrorism but you have to kill the ones there are now...
10:23 AM
With all due respect sir, you don't know what you are talking about
lol field, i love your troll fake black women with the college degrees!!! lol...
The troll fake black women with college degrees are still smarter and more capable than Yisheng.
Doug and brotha Panther are spot on. I gotta agree with Whitey. How much have we spent on wars? I bet for half of what we spent bombing we could have built schools, hospitals and created good jobs. That would go a long way to limiting the number of fighter ISIS could recruit. Many ISIS recruits just needed a job to feed their family and there was only one opening. As a man trying to feed his family what would you do?
Good point PX and I'd add this. A country built by the near extermination of one group of people and the enslavement of another, should be mindful of the Karma they created. No ill deed EVER goes unpunished.
Retribution could go a long way but arrogance and entitlement won't allow that.
What is yishengcow's punishment? Watching smart ASIANS rise to the top while she lowers herself to the floor to clean our toilets. HA!
Well gee pilotx. How much money have we spent on foreign aid? How much have we given in free technology? What about trade?
How much is ISIS paying these days pilotx?
There is no one magic bullet that will make Daesh or other terrorist organisations go away. Those things that could make a difference, such as an independent Palestinian state and an independent Basque state are not going to happen any century soon. So we are going to have to continue to live with terrorism just as we have done for the last 300 years or so. Average annual deaths from terrorism have dipped slightly from the 1970's, but the reality is some of us are going to die every now and again. All you can do is trust to blind luck.
Interesting research
As for what makes people join right wing terrorist organisations like Daesh or Al Qaeda read this...
If you want a real answer to the question, ISIS needs to be crushed in Syria and Iraq, their home bases. There are multiple options for realizing that goal.
The first is the peace process in Syria. Getting all the parties in the Syrian Civil War, other than ISIS, to stop fighting will allow all energies to be focused on ISIS. The stumbling block is getting some of the parties to accept Assad remaining as ruler of Syria. That's a horrible pill to swallow, as Assad is a monster who has caused most of the casualties in that war. So, really, this is a matter of getting the participants to accept that the priority of the West (eliminating ISIS) is more important than their own. Ugly, but that's what it comes down to.
A second option is funding and supply. All outside sources of funding and supply to ISIS must be found and cut off. Efforts on these lines are already under way. But this method will not be entirely successful on its own. ISIS has captured valuable financial assets and is now partially self-funded, and borders will never be 100% secure from smuggling of weapons and supplies.
Option three is "boots on the ground." It's questionable whether the Syrian state and Kurdish and Iraqi Shiite militias will ever be able to expel ISIS, and ground forces from elsewhere will probably have to be committed. The question is, whose boots get put on the ground? I vote that our government should apply every bit of leverage it has to force the Saudis to put their boots on the ground. They've been fueling jihad for years, so make them clean up the fucking mess. But if that can't be managed, it'll probably be European and American troops mounting an invasion, again.
Option four: genocidal bombing. This is what will likely happen if we elect President Cruz or Trump. If you wipe out everyone in the ISIS-controlled areas, you wipe out ISIS. For example, the U.S. has recently been helpfully informing everyone that there is a large, poorly designed dam positioned above ISIS-held Mosul, and it could potentially fail. I suspect President Trump might order that we make it fail. Huge flooding would ensue, and everyone -- militants and civilians -- would drown. Bye-bye ISIS, just like flushing a toilet. I am completely serious that this could actually happen. Cruz and Trump's campaigns have proudly touted their pro-war-crime positions. They have accepted the idea of a "clash of civilizations," a religious war. How do you think that would translate into foreign policy?
There's precedent for it, too. Just look at the ruthlessness of our air war on North Korea:
"In what Bruce Cumings has called the 'final act of this barbaric air war,' North Korea’s main irrigation dams were destroyed in the spring of 1953, shortly after the rice had been transplanted. 'The subsequent floods scooped clean 27 miles of valley below. . . . The Westerner can little conceive the awesome meaning which the loss of [rice] has for the Asian—starvation and slow death.' By 1952, according to a UN estimate, one out of nine men, women, and children in North Korea had been killed."
ISIS/Daesh cannot not be defeated militarily - that's nonsense. They could be defeated politically, if those who opposed them had the political will, but of course they do not. So our politicians wrap themselves in the language of war, because that's the easy way out.
" If you wipe out everyone in the ISIS-controlled areas, you wipe out ISIS."
You're planning to bomb Brussels?
You're planning to bomb Brussels?"
Don't put that past Trump. He referred to Brussels as a "hellhole."
London also might not be safe. Trump thinks London contains Islamic "no-go zones."
"ISIS/Daesh cannot not be defeated militarily - that's nonsense. They could be defeated politically, if those who opposed them had the political will, but of course they do not."
No, ISIS can be defeated militarily. Any organization can be defeated militarily, if you're willing to apply enough violence.
The idea of jihad ... that can't be eliminated through policing or war. But I'd say that the ideology of jihad is distinct from one jihadi organization.
Option Five: Draw lines in the sand, lead from behind and continue to get your ass kicked and run out the clock so you can pawn it off on the next president. In other words, the obama doctrine.
"No, ISIS can be defeated militarily. Any organization can be defeated militarily, if you're willing to apply enough violence."
How can you apply your violence if you don't know who or where your enemy is?
Option Five: Draw lines in the sand, lead from behind and continue to get your ass kicked and run out the clock so you can pawn it off on the next president. In other words, the BUSH doctrine.
I think you meant Bush, this all starred in the 90's and was given a bigger push by Cheney.
And poor Colin Powell, he's never going to forgive himself for knowingly lying to Congress.
"Option Five: Draw lines in the sand, lead from behind and continue to get your ass kicked and run out the clock so you can pawn it off on the next president. In other words, the obama doctrine."
Let's just blame this one on too much FOX VIEWS.
I crave white cock quite frequently. It's nourishing to the soul.
"How can you apply your violence if you don't know who or where your enemy is?"
We know where most of ISIS are. They're in a couple cities in Syria and Iraq. Kill them off, and that's most of the money and logistical support for terrorism, gone.
But even their "field ops" in places like Brussels ... the embarrassing truth is that most of them are known, too. Intelligence services, especially in Europe, have done a crap job.
The Intercept logged all the Islamic terrorists for the past couple years. A shocking number were on the radar of intelligence services already and should never have been able to pull off their attacks if they'd been properly monitored. Intelligence efforts are clearly not being focused in the right areas.
That last bit should read "logged all the Islamic terrorist attacks ..."
Its more than that cause' a lot of his supporters still won't admit it publicly lest they be condemned as racist or islamophobic. Trump is right about this particular issue imo.
How about starting by dropping a tactical nuclear weapon on their safe haven in Raqqa? That might be the most decent course of action at this point.
Once they get a dirty bomb into a major western city things will revert to 1939.
Field. Islamic terrorists were blowing up planes over Scotland in the 80s and have been raping,murdering and pillaging each other and everyone else since the 7th century. This didn't start in the 90's. It started with the toxic.ideology that is Islam.
How would Marley deal with Isis?
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