As America's political process sinks deeper into the abyss of hopelessness and despair, one major political party has become Exhibit A of what can happen when you allow hatred, blind passion without reason, and bigotry, to take hold of your party and its operatives.
Watching the republican debate from Motown last night almost made me feel sorry for my friends on the right. Almost. I was waiting to hear, Maury! Maury! Maury! from the wild and irreverent audience at any minute.
There he was, the presumptive nominee of the party, boasting to all the world about the size of his private parts. It was crass beyond belief, but not surprising given that earlier in the day he (trump) hinted that the man who was in his position four years ago would have done what Monica Lewinsky did to Bill Clinton just to get his support. (Imagine, if you will, Barack Obama boasting about the size of his Johnson in a national prime time debate such as the one we saw last night. It would have been BREAKING NEWS on every station including the sports networks.)
Lost in all the hoopla over trump's pronouncement was the big fat lie he told about his hand having never being an issue before. I swear this guy must think that the Internet stopped existing when he started running for president.
But that's trump for you; a man who changes positions even in the middle of a debate. I use the word positions loosely of course, because I still have not heard his position on one single issue. Well, except for the wall. I know where he stand on "the wall." Little does he know that if he gets elected he will have to build a wall to keep Americans in. Even the illegals that are here will be trying to get out and they can't leave. Señor Trump, please let us go; we just want to go back to our families in Mexico.
The Washington Post found that the man has changed his mind 20 times since June for crying out loud! The third Mrs. Trump (Or is it four? I lost count.) must be getting nervous.
The antics of front runner was sad and pathetic, but what was scarier was some of the thing that he was actually saying.
His insistence, for instance, that he would order his military people to water-board enemy combatants even though it is an illegal act was terrifying and Mussoliniesque. He told that nation that they (the military leaders) would follow his illegal orders whether they wanted to or not.
"When asked about former CIA Director Michael Hayden’s recent comments that the military could defy unlawful orders to torture or kill civilians, Trump said, “They won’t refuse. They’re not going to refuse, believe me.”
But it's not only the despicable terrorist who would feel the wrath of the orange one, the families of the terrorist would be eliminated as well. Something about the family of the 9/11 hijackers getting away. Another lie.
Anyway, today it seems that there was yet another position change my Mr. trump.
"Donald Trump has reportedly reversed his position on ordering the military to use torture against America’s enemies and to target family members of suspected terrorists, policies he has advocated while on the campaign trail.
The switch, indicated in a statement to the Wall Street Journal on Friday in which Trump said he understood that the US “is bound by laws and treaties”, came two days after prominent Republican national security and military figures published an open letter on the subject.
The letter stated “we are united in our opposition to a Donald Trump presidency” and adding that the authors were “obligated to state our core objections clearly”.
Those core objections included the statement that “[Trump’s] embrace of the expansive use of torture is inexcusable”.
The open letter also pointed to the question of whether the military would or could follow potential extra-legal orders made by a hypothetical President Trump without going through the secret process they use now to deem such actions legal." [Source]
Trump will be very upset about this, because, as we all know, Donald doesn't like it when people oppose him.
Just ask John McCain.
"When asked about McCain’s comments by CBS News’s Major Garrett after the Republican debate in Detroit on Thursday, Trump said McCain had better watch out. “That’s not nice, he has to be very careful,” Trump said. When asked why, he added, “He’ll find out.” [Source]
Oh ohh, watch it senator; you might find yourself laying on a table with a towel over your face.
*Pic from
This is right up Lance Cockstrong's alley. He is always so obsessed with penis. They don't call him Mr. Muh Dik for nothing.
The first thing we're going to do is waterboard the Field Negro. We know he doesn't know anything useful, but it would be funny as hell.
McCain has some nerve, he started us down this road.
On another note Dr. Carson dropped out of the race!!!!!!!!!! Oh no. Well at least we have one more brotha running.
Hey PC, I'll be in your country Sun morn. Holla if you're near London.
Wilson '16!
Ahahahaa! OMG! This post is so funny! LOLOL! and the comments too! Ahahaha! :D
Brother of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers endorses Trump
Charles Evers is endorsing Donald Trump for president touting the front-runner’s business acumen.
Civil rights activist Charles Evers is endorsing Donald Trump for president, touting what Evers refers to as the current Republican front-runner’s business acumen.
“I believe in him first of all because he’s a businessman. I think jobs are badly needed in Mississippi,” he said.
Evers is the brother of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers, who was assassinated in front of his Jackson home in 1963.
When asked about Trump’s controversial remarks regarding immigration and an incident Tuesday when 30 black students were reported to have been removed from the candidate’s rally in Valdosta, Georgia, Evers responded, “I haven’t seen any proof of him being a racist.”
However he added, “all of us have some racism in us. Even me.”
Evers referenced a proclamation by Gov. Phil Bryant declaring April “Confederate Heritage Month” and said that Trump has not taken similar actions.
According to Evers, the hiring practices of Trump’s properties are reflective of him being “fair.”...Evers said he doesn’t feel the U.S. should be obligated to provide support for undocumented immigrants.
This proud Puerto Rican defending the land of the FREEEE. :)
Q: What do you call 2 gay Nazis?
A: Older and Bolder
Someone should tell Trump that there's a difference between having a big prick and being one.
-Doug in Oakland
dinthebeast said...
Someone should tell Trump that there's a difference between having a big prick and being one.
-Doug in Oakland
Even more troubling than Trump himself, is that our fellow American's (including some near and dear) are voting for him.
I saw how the Republicans breezed over the questions about the water crisis in Flint. Watch how they respond when responding to questions about ISIS. They be frothing at the mouth upping the ante about their plans to kill them (ISIS). There were absolutely no emotions responding to the water crisis. All candidates should have a concrete plan to insure all Americans can have portable water.
Another thing... the people will never know what treatment our designated enemies are receiving. Could someone please tell Mr. Super-Immigrant Rubio that there have been times in the last 200 years that the leaders have not been so great. He has used a statement of how great the last 200 years been on three occasions. Are the Republicans serious about running a first term senator for president- ala Pres. Obama or are Mr.(s) Rubio, Carson and Cruz used to solidify the image of the Republican Party being diverse. Just think- for the last year they have been just a sideshow with no visions or policies presented.
Quote: Little Jimmy Bold
"It did fool you. That wasn't me; I was off paying my taxes so you can sit around, drink 40's and smoke blunts all day."
OK genius, explain how you paying your taxes has any effect on my life.
I'm all ears.
Flint did have access to "portable" potable water. The management there was also well aware of what was required if they stopped using the Detroit water supply and starting drawing from the river again.
Instead, the management in Flint jacked up the rates and skimmed while not spending the money needed to keep the water supply safe. Demoncrats added fuel to the fire by lying about the testing simply to white guilt the rest of the state into providing them something that is a local issue and a local responsibility. Because of the negligence of the local management, the fix is much more difficult and more expensive.
Blacks crow and strut when they turn an area "majority minority". They be in charge now!
Well, with power comes responsibility. The responsibility for this screw up lies with the local black water management and city government.
Fuck Flint. No one cares and no one is coming to your rescue.
Trump is on the march, like Sherman to the sea burning everything in his path.
We tried to warn you negroes about toning it down and working with others across the aisle when your boy managed to scam those white hipsters into voting "change". Instead, the arrogant little prick stuck his fart-sniffing nose in the air and told John McCain and Paul Ryan, "We Won".
You were warned when the wheel turned, the backlash and the payback was going to be vicious.
Trump's rise and his attraction of working class and middle class whites from both parties and his treatment of "protestors" (mostly black) at his rallies signals what's coming.
Trump's popularity is proof that we are now officially in the post-negro period and his supporters get the message.
''As America's political process sinks deeper into the abyss of hopelessness and despair, one major political party has become Exhibit A of what can happen when you allow hatred, blind passion without reason, and bigotry, to take hold of your party and its operatives''
Yeah. We get presidents like obama and wannabes like hillary.
Bless field's little heart. Concern trolls are soooo caring. Field breathless updates his low-information readers on alleged lies and changes in positions candidates take. Field never posts about the lies and changes in positions the candidates he will vote for takes. I wonder why?
Hail the Trumpenreich said...
The first thing we're going to do is waterboard the Field Negro. We know he doesn't know anything useful, but it would be funny as hell.
10:29 PM
Sorry Field but hehehehehe! As a matter of fact HAHAHAHAHA! You guys are SOOOO BADDDD!!! x*D
Now you know how much y'all love him now, y'all shouldn't even be talking like that!
But...Snort,snort,chuckle,chuckle, LOLOLOLOL! (even funnier today,hope he won't even read this though :D)
But seriously now x( waterboarding The Field! My goodness such blasphemy!!! He's not gonna be happy 'bout this, guys better watch out...wait for it...
Make America Great Again said...
Field breathless...
9:04 AM
Shit!!! Did you waterboard him already??? gottdam you guys are quick!
Weren't we supposed to vote on this first or something??? or at least give him a chance to start being nice to the Anons first???
Man I sure don't wanna be on your bad side!!! xD
I disagree with Anonymous above. Trump's popularity is not anti-minority. It is vehemently anti-Political Correctness.
What Field and others fail to realize is Trump's way of speaking is what draws people to him. He doesn't give a damn if something is PC.
The nation has become a Maoist dream, a Cultural Revolution, with PC speech. Even liberal lefty professors are falling prey to not being PC enough and job loss. There are numerous examples in the press.
People can't say anything not in line with leftist policies without risk of job or harassment or worse. People have lost the basic right to express themselves.
And while there are some racists, some gun nuts, some wackos supporting Trump, the rest are doing it out of desperation because the PC gestapo has annihilated the discourse in the political center.
The Far Left's political correctness death grip can take full credit for Trump's ascendance.
On a serious note though, but I agree with what he did. Not that I'm on anybodies side or not but Trump was attacked by someone saying that his finger size directly correlates to his penis size.
Now what is any man supposed to do??? Nothing? Not rebut and say he will take the high road and not stoop to answering these base allegations? Well of course not, then it's like admitting the allegations are true!
C'mon now, ANY politician regardless of party affiliation,would answer that at the same level! There is no other way to answer it! :)
If there is, then show me! I mean, not that way m'kay x) Geeezz,you guys!
LOL, lilacpr!
lilacpr2000, waterboarding is too easy. I was thinking of tying field to a chair and blasting Fox News at him all day...
Maybe that's a bit harsh. Maybe sitting down with him and showing him Donald J. Trump speeches. That way field can see what a wonderful president Donald J. Trump will make.
Make America Great Again said...
lilacpr2000, waterboarding is too easy. I was thinking of tying field to a chair and blasting Fox News at him all day...
Maybe that's a bit harsh. Maybe sitting down with him and showing him Donald J. Trump speeches. That way field can see what a wonderful president Donald J. Trump will make.
10:02 AM
Ya knowww...why don't we let him pick? He can pick the lesser of two evils :D
BUT...I've a feeling he'll choose waterboarding....AAAHAHAHAHAHAAA!
We luv ya Field! (don't be mad now,but just pick,hahahahahahhlololol)
Lord have mercy! That is the most evil and vile thing one can do to a fellow human being.
Tying me to a chair and blasting Fox all day is cruel and unusual punishment.
Great post, Field.
Anybody here a classical music fan? Tonight at 8:00 p.m. EST there's a live webcast of a Detroit Symphony concert honoring Jessye Norman and her deceased brother, Silas.
I had to find out about Silas, the relatively quiet but accomplished activist and philanthropist.
The concert will feature Branford Marsalis (with his own composition, among others) and soprano Laquita Mitchell.
Some of you may be surprised that Detroit still has a symphony orchestra. It does, and it's one of the country's best.
I am Mariam used every single spell worker on the internet, spent untold amounts of money and discovered they are all fakes...i was the fool though; doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. In the end, I decided that I wanted a tarot reading to know what my future held for me; I contacted a woman who lives locally to me and she told me about a man named (Priests Abija); he does not advertise on the internet, has another job for income, has no set prices, makes no false promises and refuses to help anyone that cannot be helped and even helps for free sometimes, he will give you proof before taking money. He is a wonderful man and he was the only person who actually gave me real results. I really hope he doesn't mind me advertising his contact on the internet but I'm sure any help/ extra work will benefit him here as (518) 303-6207 or He travel sometimes.i cant give out his number cos he told me he don’t want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he’ will replied to any emails asap,love marriage,finance, job promotion ,lottery Voodoo,poker voodoo,golf Voodoo,Law & Court case Spells,money voodoo,weigh loss voodoo,any sicknesses voodoo,Trouble in marriage,HIV AIDS,it's all he does Hope this helps everyone that is in a desperate situation as I once was; I know how it feels to hold onto something and never have a chance to move on because of the false promises and then to feel trapped in wanting something
Hey Mariam, will Yisheng ever be a doctor?
Net favorability among Hispanic voters
Clinton: +37%
Sanders: +37%
Rubio: +8%
Kasich: +6%
Cruz: -5%
Trump: -64%
"Fuck Flint. No one cares and no one is coming to your rescue."
Unfortunately, the white man will have to come to the rescue, pay the bills, and then get blamed for it too.
I could go for fixing the situation so the people have safe water, but the fact that just as with everything that goes wrong in black people's lives, it's going to be used to direct as much hate as they can muster against the white man who is doing the fixing, man that's just getting to be old.
The Purple Cow said...
Net favorability among Hispanic voters
Washington Post is not a credible source.
Trump will do great among Hispanics.
field negro said...
Lord have mercy! That is the most evil and vile thing one can do to a fellow human being.
Tying me to a chair and blasting Fox all day is cruel and unusual punishment.
10:19 AM
Ahahaha! Ya see??? I told youse he'd prefer waterboarding!!! xD
He's gonna have to consult that 'Mariam' ^^^ now to conjure up a spell and get him outta this!!!
LOLOL! Mariam just got a customer Ahahahaha!
"Washington Post is not a credible source.
Trump will do great among Hispanics."
This is how Hispanics will react to Trump. They, and anyone with any sense, will run away from Trump as fast as their zapatos can carry them.
Trump is general election poison. As we speak, panicked GOP leaders at CPAC are plotting various sneaky, underhanded ways to snatch the nomination away from him. And if that happens, the party will blow itself up even earlier than expected, and I will bust a gut laughing.
"Trump will do great among Hispanics."
You don't even believe that shit yourself.
You're just fucking lying because you've got nowhere else to go.
What to make of the sneering contempt for Trump and his voters being broadcast by the Republican establishment? How can one make sense out of the GOP waging all-out war on it's most popular candidate? One way of looking at the Trump phenomenon is by using the theme of this blog: This is a Republican Field slave revolt.
Trump is an unapologetic rich guy who has no respect for the boot lickers in the political class. It’s not that he is from the wrong side of the tracks, which is certainly a big issue here, but that he is a reminder to all of them that they are just the errand boys of the rich who pay their salaries. They are not the kingmakers and "deciders" they imagine. They’re just servants.
The residents of the big house are of course the donor class. The political establishment of the parties is made up of the managerial class who are the House slaves for the donor class. The boys and girls of the managerial class look at normal Americans as Field slaves. A part of how they have reconciled their subservience to the donor class is to pretend that they are superior to the Field slaves. Now that the Field slaves are slaying the overseers and eyeing an assault on the main house, the House slaves are reminded of their own servitude. They hate the Field slaves for it. Thus, #NeverTrump.
It’s why slave revolts rarely succeed. Ultimately, the House slave will defend his master against the Field slave revolt. It is his nature. It is what he was raised to do and what gives meaning to his life. The Field slaves are rarely willing to do what must be done to succeed which is take out the House slaves fist. In the end, it is the House slave with the whip in his hand keeping things in order for his master.
Bernie leads a similar charge against the House slaves of the Democratic party, but the Democrat Field slaves are not united enough to get inside the House. Yet.
The opinion around here is that Trump has zero chance against Hillary in the general election. Maybe so. But if the result of his insurgency is to free one of the parties at least temporarily from the iron grip of the donor class, that will be a very good thing for American democracy.
Not my opinion,sir. I think it will be a toss up between trump and Hillary.
"The opinion around here is that Trump has zero chance against Hillary in the general election. Maybe so. But if the result of his insurgency is to free one of the parties at least temporarily from the iron grip of the donor class, that will be a very good thing for American democracy."
No, I'd say what it boils down to is this: White working-class people know damn well they've been lied to by wealthy conservative leaders, but they still don't understand what the lies actually were.
Republican leaders who serve the donor class have been telling working-class whites that various non-white people are the source of all their troubles, and those Republican leaders would do something about it. But they never do something about it. They never get rid of the scary foreigners and uppity blacks. They never actually deliver on this promise. They just take those votes for racism, and turn them into labor deregulation laws and capital gains tax giveaways for the donor class they actually serve, and income inequality spirals ever higher.
Trump's voters think the lie of the GOP leadership and pundits is the failure to "do something about it" part.
But the actual lie is that non-white people ever were the problem in the first place, rather than convenient scapegoats for the effects of terrible, elitist economic policy.
If a crushing election defeat forces a segment of the white populace to accept that they can't vote to "Make America White Again" -- that battle was decisively lost 50 years ago, game over -- and they're forced to grow up and cooperate with their fellow non-white citizens, then I think that will be an thoroughly healthy development.
I don't always agree with Bill Maher. He claims to be a liberal, but holds a number of non-evidence-based, blatantly illiberal views (particularly his strident Islamophobia and desire not just to remove religion from the public sphere, which I share, but to eliminate it completely.) So it's more accurate to describe him as a "Republican-hater" than a liberal.
But when he's right, he's right. I've got to give him credit for this one.
Maher translated a Hitler speech into English. It is practically a word-for-word Trump stump speech. For those who wonder why people keep calling The Donald a fascist, here is why.
Trump's political persona is very, shall we say, Hitleresque? Hitlerescent?
PS: Don't respond that Maher took liberties with Hitler's words. I know. He updated it to modern vernacular. The content of what Hitler said is what's important.
Quote: Zman
"What to make of the sneering contempt for Trump and his voters being broadcast by the Republican establishment?"
Z Man - we need to talk. I talked to the author of the Z Man blog this afternoon and he informs he has never posted on this blog.
Which begs the question, why are you plagiarising his work and attempting to pass it off as your own?
"If a crushing election defeat forces a segment of the white populace to accept that they can't vote to "Make America White Again" -- that battle was decisively lost 50 years ago, game over -- and they're forced to grow up and cooperate with their fellow non-white citizens, then I think that will be an thoroughly healthy development."
You get credit for thinking beyond the obvious, but you really need grow out of the idea that everything that white people might want is motivated by racism. It's not racist to want the government to stop facilitating shipping your jobs overseas or shipping your cheaper replacements here. It's not racist to want to stop the government from cancelling out the value associated with your citizenship. It's not racist to want the government to stop disenfranchising your vote by letting non-citizens vote. It's not racist to want your government to stop trying so hard to make you a minority in your own country - something that is demanded of no other people on earth.
Working-class white people have interests too, and the advancement of legitimate interests is not a zero-sum game. You defend a status quo that promotes anti-white policies because you see this as benefiting your group, without recognizing the unsustainability of unjust force and the long range negative impacts for yourself.
"It's not racist to want the government to stop disenfranchising your vote by letting non-citizens vote."
Yes it is.
I noticed whenever I watch Trump debate he always says "Believe me". I don't believe Trump can/will make America great again. It's just posturing. His political campaign has brought out the worst in many people. He's tapped into white people's anger, fear and violence. I don't understand why Trump's supporters think he will help them. Or is it they just want to see someone that looks like them in the White House...crass and all?
Oh, and another thing, in that link in Fields post where Romney says that Trump is the only person in America to be called "The" Donald...'s someone else...and he's RIGHT HERE!!!
"The" Field Negro!!!!!!!!
Ahahahaha! LOLOLOL! Oh my gad! I'm glad I'm all the way across the ocean...
***walks away cracking up***
wow ignorance on steroids
Clearly the only thing The Ministry of Truth knows about working class whites is what he reads off of fringe leftwing blogs. His posts are full of stereotypes and talking points.If the left would spend less time pretending they know how everyone thinks and more time listening to people, they would understand white working class.
Speaking of whores....what ever happened to Hill's carpet munching friend, Huma, and her "husband", the wiener man.
They sorta disappeared.
It will be Donald vs. Hillary.
I guarantee it.
"OK genius, explain how you paying your taxes has any effect on my life."
Leave James alone PC, he's in the later stages of dementia. It hasn't been easy for the old guy.
Btw, I'm in London staying near Hyde Park. Have to go take pics of the Marble Arch and see if the queen and Mick Jagger want to hook up for dinner.
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