Trump crowds seem like a mix of Abe Simpson, English football hooligans, and a Nuremberg rally." ~twitter~
What's more dangerous? Going to a Katt Williams concert? Going to a Hells Angels rally? Or, going to a Donald trump rally?
Well if you happen to be a woman, or a person of color, you might go with the third choice; the Donald trump rally.
Let's face it, Donald's peeps aren't exactly the kind you would find at the top of the human pecking order. Those folks can be rough. I respect protestors and people who exercise their right to protest, but if you go into a trump crowd and you are planning to peacefully protest, you might want to take out some extra life insurance.
Poor Rakeem Jones was assaulted twice at a trump rally while exercising his Constitutional right to free speech. First by an old geezer who sucker punched him, and then by the police. (Yep, you read that right. He was sucker punched and assaulted, and the po po jumped on him.) And let's be clear, the candidate himself has encouraged his people to antagonize and beat protesters in the past. I think he gets off on this stuff. He has even promised to pay the legal fees of those who break the law. (He can start with the loser who sucker punched Mr. Jones. That clown has been arrested.)
"After his supporters beat up a Black Lives Matter protester on video, Donald Trump suggested that they may have done the right thing.
The protester, a black man, reportedly started chanting Black Lives Matter at a rally in Birmingham, Alabama on Saturday. In a video captured by CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond, rally attendees swarm around the man, kicking and punching him as he curls up on the ground." [Source]
But that was just some black man, and no one cares what happens to the black guy. But what if trump's right- hand man finds it necessary to manhandle and assault a white female?
"Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields is discussing her "jarring" physical altercation with Republican presidential front-runner's campaign manager, saying she was "shaken" by the incident.
Fields wrote in a piece published Thursday that she was trying to ask Trump a question about affirmative action during a press conference earlier in the week when she was almost pulled to the ground.
Trump acknowledged the question, but before he could answer I was jolted backwards," she wrote.
"Someone had grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down. I almost fell to the ground, but was able to maintain my balance. Nonetheless, I was shaken."
The Washington Post's Ben Terris told Fields that Trump's campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, pulled her. Fields said Lewandowski would "be out of line" if he had taken these actions, even if Trump was done taking questions.
"Campaign managers aren't supposed to try to forcefully throw reporters to the ground, no matter the circumstance," she wrote. " [Source]
Yes, but this is no normal "campaign manager"; this one belongs to trump. The guy who said that he could "stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone" and not lose any votes.
I hate to say it, but I think the guy might be right.
The RNC better start looking into some extra security for Cleveland.
*Pic from
These days the HA around here are actually pretty chill...
-Doug in Oakland
The only black people getting in scraps at Trump rallies are the BLM thugs sent there by George Soros to harass people and disrupt the process.
These stories are more media agitprop put out by the paid shills of the establishment and their useful volunteer idiots like Field who do it for free.
The reporter from Breitbart was not 'assaulted'. If she had been, she's have gone to the police instead of ABC News.
These attacks will get ever more hysterical and ridiculous as we go along here.
But you can't stump the Trump.
Well, Obama did say he wanted his followers to "get in people's faces".
There are too many acts of thuggery by union goons and BLM types to even list.
That being said, many of us tried to warn Obama's supporters to be careful, what goes around comes around, and they should tone it down. Did they? Nope!
Payback's a bitch and it usually is twice as bad on the flip side.
And Trump isn't even elected yet!
It seems that all these black protestors went looking for trouble, and they found it.
They should be happy. They got what they wanted!
No one cares. People are laughing at the "lying media" that are trying to stir up fauxrage. That's a legacy of the Golden Age of Obama and the "other-izing" of anyone not a rabid OFA goon. Ye reap what ye sow.
Major **SIGH** Another Trump excerpt posted to the FN Blog.
Sorry, Mr. Field, as I agree it's deplorable the way peaceful protest seems not to be welcome to the point of protesters are subjected to manhandling and other violence. If Mr. Trump does win enough delegate votes to cinch GOP nomination, quite possible the assault on protesters will cease during the general election.
Now for a LOL moment do enjoy "5 Ways Black People Will Benefit From a Trump Presidency"
"Now for a LOL moment do enjoy '5 Ways Black People Will Benefit From a Trump Presidency'"
That was pretty funny. However, sadly, the writer has got this part wrong:
"If it happens and it is the downfall of America, this one will be impossible to blame on black people. As a matter of fact, a Trump presidency would be entirely the fault of white people, and even though we don’t want him as our commander in chief, if it happens, we should remind them of that s--t every single day."
Republican fools are already trying to make black people somehow responsible for "forcing" them to be racist and vote Trump -- some right here on this very blog.
Thanks, Obama!™
"That being said, many of us tried to warn Obama's supporters to be careful, what goes around comes around, and they should tone it down. Did they? Nope!
Payback's a bitch and it usually is twice as bad on the flip side."
Republicans a few months ago: We're not scum. Stop slandering us with your mean liberal media attacks.
Republicans today: Okay, we are scum. But it's all your fault! Stop manipulating us with your George Soros mind-control rays!
"Republicans today: Okay, we are scum. But it's all your fault! Stop manipulating us with your George Soros mind-control rays!"
Just waiting until protesters start getting called "Northern agitators". We've seen this before and it doesn't end well.
@PX, I'm waiting for the "ni**er" chants at the Trump rallies!
"I'm waiting for the "ni**er" chants at the Trump rallies!"
Why? That's very odd.
Always punch them weak ass niggas in the mouth.
"Poor Rakeem Jones was assaulted twice at a trump rally while exercising his Constitutional right to free speech."
Wrong, motherfucker. There is NO right to free speech inside the private space rented for a Trump rally. You want free speech, you go to public property and do it there.
Frankly, anyone with a name of Rakeem starts with 2 strikes against him. I'll pay half of his one-way fare to Monrovia if he renounces his US citizenship. Who'll pay the other half?
"it's deplorable the way peaceful protest seems not to be welcome to the point of protesters are subjected to manhandling and other violence."
You're not protesting if you're on private property owned or rented by someone who doesn't allow your "protest"; you're trespassing at best. Eff off.
Black lies matter protesters are getting the ass kicking they deserve.
People are coming by the thousands to see what real hope and change looks like. They want to see the man that will make America great again. They're not coming to see anti-white, anti-cop, leftwing ass clowns.
Of the many reasons why i can't wait until the election is over with, the most important ones will be seeing Donald J. Trump take the oath and the end of black lies matter. After the election white liberals will stop funding black lies matter. Only then will blacks realize (once again) they are the useful idiots of the left.
Blogger Yīshēng said...
OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
For sure! But there's a lot of people with their eye on that situation ;) We'll see...
So it turns out that the screeching wench can't beat Serena even on steroids, ROTFL!!!!
They should ban her flat ass for life for all that screaming she does while playing!
8:40 PM
She wasn't on steroids you dumbass. Why are racists so stooopid?
Crackas should eat shit and die.
Gooks too.
"5 ways Black people will benefit from a Trump presidency"
Note how the big finish is about guilt tripping white people into buying you shit you don't deserve and you haven't earned. Because rayciss.
So, in other words, nothing will change for black people. It'll still be the same shuck-and-jive grifting they've always used.
Republicans today: Okay, we are scum. But it's all your fault! Stop manipulating us with your George Soros mind-control rays!
Sounds like someone's a little jelly that all their lies and guilt trips and demands to capitulate no longer have any effect.
Seems like the race card and the PC demands have expired. Even UT Austin dismissed the false allegations of the Palestinian activists who tried to disrupt a professor's lecture. Mizzou is bleeding money and fresh meat for their college grinder, as is UCLA and I am sure most other colleges that bow and scrape to socially expired BlackLiesMatter demands.
One thing I do know for sure, in January 2017, it will definitely be a "WHITE House" again.
The chickens are coming home to roost for you blacks. You've spent so much damn time wallowing in your own victimization and blaming everybody else for your own problems, and now people aren't going to stand for your bullshit anymore. We can all see through it. I mean, do you people like being treated like retarded little children? You must, since you practically beg white liberals to treat you like that. Sad, really.
Anonymous DQAE said...
Crackas should eat shit and die.
12:38 AM
Let me translate:
The real concern is that negroes will be eating a bucket of shit each and every day of a Trump presidency, and this has them all riled up.
Not an illegitimate concern, but the choice and the outcome is outside of your control. Now you see what happens when all those addled-head and soft-hearted whites who voted for "O" flee and join ranks with other whites on the other side. The ones who are "true believers" are going to vote Bernie, and if Hillary wins, they will stay home. I've spoken to more than enough of them to know this is true. This makes the Trump True Believers very, very happy.
Middle class and working class whites are united behind Trump.
Asians will side with whites against blacks, especially in the upcoming battle over AA.
Hispanics for the most part despise blacks, and are carrying out their own ethnic cleansing in California as we speak. If you want to understand true racism, just look at how blacks are treated and depicted in Mexico and Central America.
You built it, and now you own it, Afrosphere. 7 years of your bullshit and lies and never ending demands, and "race cowardice" scoldings instead of taking a once in a lifetime opportunity to heal and lead by example and show the world what could have been possible. Instead, you turned America into a broken, dysfunctional banana republic. Now you're going to find out what happens when you're not just a minority, but the out-group minority in a sea of minorities aligned against you.
I agree that crackas should eat shit and die. White people love eating shit anyway. Their food is always so bland and flavorless. Shit would probably be an upgrade. LOL!!!
Hey white boys, you can eat my shit, straight from my ass!
to 1:37
Hey buddy, speak for yourself. White middle class is NOT united behind Trump. In fact we are embarrassed for him. His hatred, bigotry, and racism is surpassed only by that of his "supporters".
Its important to have a cause, but frankly white majority shouldn't be it. Its a lost battle if you look at the demographics, and an even faster lost when birth control is not allowed to the poor immigrants who are probably not white. So go fight that battle why don't you?
Bernie 2016 - I'll write him in if I have to!
Bitch-ass BLM punk got knocked the FUCK out.
Maybe a lawsuit against Trump and his deep pockets would stop this kind of stuff. At what point can you consider what he says to be a hate crime when he know it will incite his followers to violence?
"Incite his followers to violence", LOL. You mean like when Precious Little Angel Mike Brown's stepdaddy told the crowd in Ferguson to "burn this bitch down"? Or when Al Sharpcoon got his retarded followers to burn down Freddy's Fashion Mart?
Or like when Jacob Zuma in South Apefreaka leads his people in singing "Kill The Boer, Kill The Farmer"?
Trump is the MAN. And white people are tired of your shit. I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.
"Wrong, motherfucker. There is NO right to free speech inside the private space rented for a Trump rally. You want free speech, you go to public property and do it there."
Right there, that one sentence tells you all you need to know about the sort of cunt who supports Trump.
@ Purple Baboon -
Ouch, you called us "cunts". That hurts almost as much as "whootemoo".
Stop. Please stop.
...And best of all, the white dude who knocked that bitch nigga out is 78 YEARS OLD!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy fuck, am I proud to be white today.
See what I mean, Field?
to 6:29
You make me ashamed to be white today.
This guy is a mayor in Michigan, and Debbie Wasserman tried to get him kicked out of audience for whispering during debate about need for more debates:
"White people love eating shit anyway. Their food is always so bland and flavorless."
I'd like to see you try to eat some of my favorite dishes. Kim chee is only moderately spicy on my scale. Wasabe and ghost peppers are practically essential nutrients for me.
"At what point can you consider what he says to be a hate crime when he know it will incite his followers to violence?"
That would be cool, because George Soros (who finances BLM) would be fair game for half the world. There would be a lot of unemployed Blacktivists.
@7:51, I think you meant dig chow not Kim chee, there are NEVER any dogs within a 10 mile radius of Asian restaurants.
BTW how many years removed are you from "the boat" ride your ancestors took to get to America?
And your ungrateful yellow skinned ass ought to be THANKFUL that the ancestors of the people who post here fought for the rights your dog chow eating ass enjoys today.
"I think you meant dig chow not Kim chee"
Thank you for displaying the low IQ of the African. I can't even find a definition for "dig chow", but believe me, I'm sure it's not the cayenne-spiced cabbage I've acquired a taste for. I also love horseradish, jalapenos and the classic tabasco pepper.
"how many years removed are you from "the boat" ride your ancestors took to get to America?"
Upwards of 200.
"your ungrateful yellow skinned ass ought to be THANKFUL that the ancestors of the people who post here fought for the rights"
My ass is white, and you have MY ancestors to thank for your freedom. If you don't like it, Liberia and Ghana are places you can forget that White people even exist, let alone that you owe us for your very existence.
Is Yisheng's hatred based on racism or jealousy and insecurity?
All of that, plus stupidity.
You built it, and now you own it, Afrosphere. 7 years of your bullshit and lies and never ending demands, and "race cowardice" scoldings instead of taking a once in a lifetime opportunity to heal and lead by example and show the world what could have been possible. Instead, you turned America into a broken, dysfunctional banana republic. Now you're going to find out what happens when you're not just a minority, but the out-group minority in a sea of minorities aligned against you.
Here come dem chickens!
"Bernie 2016 - I'll write him in if I have to"
Demographic annihilation is the result of government policy, it is not inevitable, like the tides. Economic stagnation should not be celebrated. Weakness is not a virtue. You don't need to be ashamed of your existence. We don't have to stand by while America is turned into a third world shithole, we can do something about it. Come on over to the positive side:
Yisheng is one dumb cunt.
Lance Cockstrong, you are such a fucking twat. You're a 60 year old man posting dumb shit on the internet. Do you have a job, or a life? Or do you spend all your time posting stupid shit on a black blog, jerking off to pictures of Marcus Garvey and Louis Farrakhan, and basically making sure every person on the planet knows about your dick and how its our Lord and Savior? Sad.
It's funny that of the white people who post racist things here, do not see the irony of condoning the very violence that they swear only black people are capable of.
Not sure what I am supposed to be afraid of now that these white chickens are coming home to roost.
*shrugs shoulders and heads to court to defend white man*
Come now PC, aren't u glad I let them expose themselves?
Please list examples of ''condoning the very violence that they swear only black people are capable of.''.
Obama May Be the Most Graceless, Selfish, Adolescent Pig We've Ever Had as President:
field negro said...
Come now PC, aren't u glad I let them expose themselves?
As a bm, i am glad you are exposing racists and ignorance within our community. And i am glad you are helping our white brothers out.
ThatDeborahGirl said...
It's funny that of the white people who post racist things here, do not see the irony of condoning the very violence that they swear only black people are capable of.
A 78 year old man feebly punching a 28 year old man who was screaming obscenities at him and flipping him off is not the very violence that gangs of young blacks routinely inflict on older white people just trying to go about their business.
Black people kill thousands of white people every year in this country. Every day, in every major city in America. More whites are murdered by blacks every 18 months than were ever lynched in all of American history. But all we ever hear about are the few black criminals killed by police while resisting arrest.
Uh huh. You wanna see "Fight Club"?
Let's peruse this "club".
Anyone have any comments?
No. I'm sure you don't. Not at all.
Of course, I'm sure, as usual, none of you nasty people will comment on the Wichita Massacre, the Nashville Horror, the Zebra murders, or any other damn thing that proves blacks murdering whites isn't a "hate crime".
There is no "climate." It's a social construct. All weather originated in Africa.
Completely anecdotal but Trump is better received at the barbershop I go to than Romney ever was. Them dudes weren't having it lol.
It's going to be smaller split than what's happening among whites, but I think we'll see a split between elite blacks & working class blacks.
And yet,Ace, he has the highest approval rating he has gotten in over three years. Over 50%. More than Saint Ronnie at this time in his presidency.
False klansman, please provide a link to prove your assertion that black people kill thousands of whites every year in this country, and that more whites are murdered every 18 months by blacks than all the lynchings of blacks in this country.
Take all the time u need. I will wait.....
field negro said...
Take all the time u need. I will wait.....
The Tuskegee Institute has recorded 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites being lynched between 1882 and 1968, with the annual peak occurring in the 1890s, at a time of economic stress in the South and political suppression.[5]
In 2005, 2,330 whites were murdered by blacks over a 12 month period. For 18 months, this rate equal 3,495.
Murder rates have gone down the past 10 years, so now it can take almost 3 years for the number of whites murdered by blacks to exceed the entire number of blacks killed by lynching.
Love how the violent, angry, childish protestors at the Trump rally in STL are reinforcing every existing negative stereotype about feral blacks.
Way to go!!
PS: If you think people aren't noticing how afraid progressives - black and white - are of Trump, you are mistaken. It will only add to his momentum. Google-fu "Preference Cascade".
Peak Negro:
We are now in the Post-Negro phase. There will be increasing non-white immigration, but none of it will be of any benefit to negros. In fact, it will be their demise. Funny that the solution to the "black problem" had to be imported.
We are heading towards a future where black and browns will be the majority demography wise, but also the majority poverty and disenfranchised wise. America for my children will resemble most of latin America, where the lightness of your skin is the greatest indicator of your economic and social power. Power will be super-concentrated and not redistributed as the black power fools believe. Just look at the world around it. Let the entire USA outside of discreet well funded whiteopias devolve into Gary, Indiana or Baltimore, MD. Whee! Have fun!!
Bring it. I already live in a comfy gated community with resort level amenities, and make it a point to avoid negros as much as possible. Thank goodness for Amazon! The local strip mall is dying due to shoplifting and armed robbery attempts erasing any profit margin by the resident outside the gates negro population.
Ah yes, protesters.
field negro said...
And yet,Ace, he has the highest approval rating he has gotten in over three years. Over 50%.
3:34 PM
And yet, field. "he' has the highest poverty rates, highest numbers of people out of the work force than Saint Ronnie at this time in his presidency.
In fact, in almost every economic category Saint Ronnie leads at this time in his presidency.
Make America Great Again said...
Is Yisheng's hatred based on racism or jealousy and insecurity?
It's based on the fact that dogs are pets, NOT side dishes to miso soup.
Apparently, Wayne and his faithful sycophants have forgotten that they were all behind the BLM protestors who physically attacked some internet trolls who went to their protest (which was on public property) with cameras. Yet when THEY want to protest inside a PRIVATE venue it is all hands off THEM, and a 78-yr-old guy taking a swing at the protestor is the second coming of Hitler.
If you were fit to be part of American society, you'd have one set of rules for everyone.
Everyone else is noticing just how totally tribal—how totally racist—you Blacks are. Everyone else is fed up with your hypocrisy. Everyone else is ready to dismantle the special preferences and protections that let you get away with this. You should pray that this happens SOON under Trump, because if it's delayed much longer it's going to make the Trail of Tears look like a Black Brunch walk.
Not quite as dangerous as being a white person within 200 miles of Ferguson. But most people in America like to pretend that violence only ever happens through white, racist perpetrators. So a Trump supporter yokes someone up by the shirt collar, the Klan is back in business. A white baby is shot in the face 'cause racist morons scream out "Keel dey kidz too" and we ignore it.
The sad fact is that you folks who want to come down on conservatives and white racists might have a point if only you were fair handed in your societal assessments. But you're not. You ignore anything that reflects poorly upon yourselves while transforming ant hills into Mount Olympus for everyone else. It's transparent, and the only reason folks put up with it is that they're scared to death of being called racists.
I don't buy ONE BIT the network propaganda that these "protesters" at Trump rallies are innocent and have not deliberately, blatantly, rudely provoked the rally attendants to violence. The protesters are causing trouble and antagonizing people in order to be filmed being thrown out of Trump rallies. Why do we never see the protesters behavior on the news?
The news and print media loved Trump in the past for the ratings and profits. Now that he is likely to get the nominee they are doing everything possible to sabotage him. It is disgraceful of the media to manipulate people.
It makes me angry. So angry that I plan to vote for Trump instead of Hillary. I hope the son of a bitch win, too.
"the only reason folks put up with it is that they're scared to death of being called racists."
Not me.
Will you ever hold the instigators responsible for anything?
Ha! We don't play this shit in Chicago. Trump had to cancel his rally here. I knew a bunch of racist whites couldn't come here and hold a hate fest with no repercussions. Way too many Latinos and blah folks to have his standard forum. Somebody should have let him know we aint scared here. Buh bye asshole!
Soooooooo proud of Chicago right now. Three things he should have known: we have a huge Latino population, we have a huge blah population and lastly we're not scared of a bunch or racist assholes. Oh yeah, it doesn't help that he is from NYC. We don't like New Yorkers.
You are scared of free speech in Chicago, PX. Your city's reputation for violence, once again, probably just won Trump the literate, non-felon voters in that murder haven you call home.
PilotX said...
Ha! We don't play this shit in Chicago. Trump had to cancel his rally here. I knew a bunch of racist whites couldn't come here and hold a hate fest with no repercussions.
Those whooteemoos should have KNOWN better than to try that 'ish in Chi-town, ROTFL!!
Trump is a BIG chicken hit!!
PS- Where's an OLD, racist, geezer when you need one? Probably changing his Depends!!
Oh yeah Doc, the police "advised" him to take his bullshit elsewhere. I love my city, time to go celebrate.
Violent fascists won!!! Free speech lost.
Ha! That old muther would have gotten his ass knocked out here. We don't mind mixing it up here. This aint Birmingham. Ha!
Actually, you forgot one more thing he should have known. Chicago is called Chiraq for nothing!
Call it what you want but The Donald won't stand on stage and say he wants to punch someone or urge his crowd to rough up protesters in the crowd in Chicago. Racism and hate speech just lost in Chicago so take your shit back to dixie where that kind of shit works. Buh bye asshole! Ha!
Free speech just lost to a bunch of violent thug fascists.
Sad the left always resorts to violence.
Trump sent his supporters home so they wouldn't be attacked or worse for attending his rally. Good for him.
At this point in our history, in America, a Political Candidate is NOT allowed to speak and anyone can be attacked just for listening. Scary and tragic. This anarchy must end.
Trump just won many more votes tonight, in Chicago and around the country.
Yep, white racist pussies better not step foot in this town! Punks step up to get beatdown!
Sooooooo proud on my city right now! No pushing around young blah women here! No sucker punching brothas here! Now take your orange hair having ass back to where you came from asshole! Buh bye!
LOL. You punks from Chicago are some bad-asses, all right.
Please send us down another Emmett Till, with his fine Salvation Army clothes.
Make me puke.
Obama's brown shirts in action.
lol ... That anyone would be proud of a bunch of thugs in Chicago intentionally inciting violence just because they disagree with someone politically is a fantastic case study of why Chicago is the fucking cesspit of civilization right now.
Probably equally proud when morons in that locale gun down little kids in their bedrooms via seeing-eye drive-bys, but it isn't too en vogue to get on the Internet and shout, "That's it, playa! Keel dey kidz too! I iz so prowwd."
Chicago is a constant reminder that racism in America is unequivocally all but dead lest that entire hell hole would have been lynched by now.
PilotX said...
Now take your orange hair having ass back to where you came from asshole! Buh bye!
That's the left for ya.
Nah, nah, nah, nah........Nah, nah, nah, nah............Hey, Hey, Hey, TAKE YOUR RACIST ASS HOME!!!!
Donald Trump = Modern day George Wallace = 21st Century Hitler!!!!
PilotX said...
Yep, white racist pussies better not step foot in this town! Punks step up to get beatdown!
Sooooooo proud on my city right now! No pushing around young blah women here! No sucker punching brothas here! Now take your orange hair having ass back to where you came from asshole! Buh bye!
8:16 PM
You are such a brain dead idiot. Watching the melee, I was beginning to wonder if Trump was paying these losers? He's making the point that Progressives and Obama supporters are worthless, dirtbag losers and parasites that are in his words, "the people that are ruining this country". Way to go! I think Trump support just jumped yet again, as the Law and Order candidate shows the world how out of control the Left is. This was not Shitago's finest hour. Far from it. I laughed out loud through most of it.
As far as brothas... I saw one on the live feed getting all mouthy and combative surrounded by some more of his ghetto dirtbag pals, when he was surrounded by white boys who were more than ready to put the beatdown on him... he had to be cordoned off by PD and safely escorted from the building.
Far left blacktivists have been agitating for racial tension and the right to lash out at whites. Be careful for what you wish for, because once you make your skin color your uniform, all bets are off. There are more of "them" then there are of you.
The fallout is already starting. A nice young man who works for my DH sells real estate on the side. He was showing a property outside the "Safety Zone" of occupied Virginia. His clients were white, the property owner was white. The neighbor saw him get out of his vehicle and sicced his dog on him. It got ugly. The young man was still shaking and upset when he told the story to my DH this morning. Understand lots of innocent people are going to get caught in the crossfire because you can't control your rage productively.
Nothing like reinforcing the negative stereotypes that blacks are out of control feral thugs. Way to go. Golf clap.
obama's sons and daughters are now shouting "FUCK THE POLICE!!" and robbing bystanders.
PilotX said...
Call it what you want but The Donald won't stand on stage and say he wants to punch someone or urge his crowd to rough up protesters in the crowd in Chicago. Racism and hate speech just lost in Chicago so take your shit back to dixie where that kind of shit works. Buh bye asshole! Ha!
8:12 PM
Sooo.... you want Trump to win? Because this stunt will backfire tremendously.
And the only people who look like assholes right now are the "protesters" who confirmed in real time that they're uncivilized savages who are so afraid of Donald Trump they have to try and shout him down, rather than rebutting his antics with logics. It's people like you who are creating Trump and creating his momentum.
Chicago deserves to remain the dump spiralling down into a deeper cesspit than it already is.
"Nothing like reinforcing the negative stereotypes that blacks are out of control feral thugs. Way to go. Golf clap."
Nope, the only violence at Trump rallies have been by white males soooooooooooooo. Thanks for playing. And by the by the majority of the protesters were Latino. Not one blah person was out of control, only Trump is. Nice spin dude.
PilotX said...
Ha! We don't play this shit in Chicago. Trump had to cancel his rally here.
PilotX is proud his people acted like thugs and prevented someone from speaking.
You people are the barbarians.
You people are the ones who are unfit for democracy.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You are scared of free speech in Chicago, PX. Your city's reputation for violence, once again, probably just won Trump the literate, non-felon voters in that murder haven you call home.
7:55 PM
And those Blue Dog Democrats at home who were undecided.
Chiraq made that decision easy.
Everything old is new again.
Strut and crow now, but don't come crying in 2017 because you will 100% own what's coming.
Queen Cunt = Lying Assed-Negro = A Stinking Whore...or, in your case, maybe it's just "ho".
You can take a pilot out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the pilot.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Nothing like reinforcing the negative stereotypes that blacks are out of control feral thugs. Way to go. Golf clap."
Nope, the only violence at Trump rallies have been by white males soooooooooooooo. Thanks for playing. And by the by the majority of the protesters were Latino. Not one blah person was out of control, only Trump is. Nice spin dude.
8:41 PM
Soooo... the live feed that is being replayed on Twitter and elsewhere shows blacks out of control with a few latinos holding signs against deportation and immigration enforcement.
I guess you're not aware of the concept of selective editing to create a lasting image in people's minds?
What actually happened is irrelevant. What is being crafted as the Narrative showed out of control black men and mouthy smug black women with a sprinkling of passive sign holding latinos.
I can't believe you are that stoooooopid to not understand how modern media works. In case you haven't noticed, the media are no longer on your side, and if Trump wins, all bets are off. Angry black men and nice visuals of black rage and childish throwback protests in general are good for business (eyeballs), but not so good for black lives and opportunities.
It WOULD take a group of Black AND White college aged protesters to shut down the bullshit racist campaign of Trump!!
Or maybe the Rethugs (Pun VERY much intended) show watch the dems for how to have a peaceful rally?
Wonder what the golden woolly haired one AKA Trump, thinks about his comment to punch someone in the face? The one person that took his advice was an ol' racist geezer, LOL!!!!
We're watching the implosion of the Rethug party, Ha Ha!
Prepare for the all white only Trump rallies in the future!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
obama's sons and daughters are now shouting "FUCK THE POLICE!!" and robbing bystanders.
8:38 PM
Yes, I noticed a fairly large FTP contingent on the heavily edited footage I saw. Which I always find fascinating, since they seem to be unawares that it is the Police protecting them from the mob and retributive justice.
There are lots of taxpayers who would be quite happy to stop funding police services in ghetto/majority black areas, and pay instead for their own private security forces to contain and quarantine the crime contagion.
So, sure, FTP. Sign me up.
Just like Flint. The mess happened while they were under "Emergency Management" but there is no cognitive connection between WHY they were forced into "Emergency Management" and their inability to run a functioning city let alone attract and retain a viable tax base.
The idiocy is breathtaking.
sad you will never be able to prepare to graduate or be smart like Asians in the future.
Will the REAL Rethug party PLEASE stand up before your party is destroyed!!!!!
Oh yeah. We just All need that sorry Socialist Sanders, or the Communist Clinton.
That would be an improvement on diarrhea over constipation.
Especially since Obama has been a big brown turd.
Ever wonder why turds are brown????
Yīshēng said...
Prepare for the all white only Trump rallies in the future!!
8:52 PM
You never miss a chance to demonstrate what a mouth breathing idiot you are, do you?
Trump rallies are by definition all-white-only. Did you not see the black sorority sisters get escorted out in Valdosta before the rally started?
Blacks who vote Trump are doing so as virtue signalling to separate themselves from being part of the mob, just as many professional blacks actively seek out upper income whiteopias. It's not just the "good schools", it's because they want people to know they aren't "that" kind of black.
Trump is going to get an astonishingly high percentage of the working class black vote as a result. The Latinos and blacks who work for my husband are all pro Trump maniacs, except for one who is terrified that his illegal alien wife will get deported if Trump wins (he is legal on a work visa, she is not). It's gob-smacking.
Speaking of Black folks with degrees from elite Universities:'s-forum/
Anonymous said...The Latinos and blacks who work for my husband are all pro Trump maniacs
You mean your father was actually able to find someone that wanted to have sex with and sleep with you?
And they say that Triple X syndrome midgets aren't marriage material, guess you proved them ALL wrong!!
We're watching the implosion of the Rethug party, Ha Ha!
8:51 PM
Most definitely, the GOP establishment has completely lost control.
But what is rising in its place is very dangerous, egged on by people's anxieties about what they are seeing and hearing from Europe with the refugee rape epidemic.
That fear of the "other" will transcend traditional party lines.
Trump has already moved the Overton Window several times successfully, and he hasn't even locked up the nomination yet. What do you think is really going to happen if he decides to super-charge his for now just percolating "law and order" stance?
I wouldn't be laughing if I were you.
"Call it what you want but The Donald won't stand on stage and say he wants to punch someone or urge his crowd to rough up protesters in the crowd in Chicago. Racism and hate speech just lost in Chicago so take your shit back to dixie where that kind of shit works. Buh bye asshole! Ha!"
Trump's campaign bookers seriously picked the wrong venue. I can't imagine the overwhelmingly liberal students at UIC were happy to have Trump's little Klan hoedown hosted on their campus. In that situation, it's not a handful of BLM kids anymore -- it's an army of protesters.
And when the protester numbers get high enough, you can no longer get away with punching them in the face. They punch back.
"Sooo.... you want Trump to win? Because this stunt will backfire tremendously."
This "stunt" was a backlash from rallies in which people are assaulted without consequence and Trump's language. You can't talk about immigrants and building walls and think the city with the third largest Mexican population will go on without pause. Trump and his people are to blame for much of this.
"The next time we see him we may have to kill him". Was that said by a protester in Chicago or a Trump supporter in North Carolina? Hmmmmm, that sounds pretty violent to me. Trump asked for this and he got it.
Buh hye asshole!
"Trump is going to get an astonishingly high percentage of the working class black vote as a result."
Really? Tell you what anon, choose a screenname so I know who to refer when you're proven wrong.
"Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author."
So THIS is the even that causes moderation? All the hate and racism that happens here daily gets a pass and suddenly when folks stand up the moderation starts?
@PilotX 8:16PM - His ass hair is the same as his head hair? Is that why he wears that hat so he can tell them apart?
@ PilotX 8:16PM -
His ass hair is the same as his head hair? So that is why he wears that hat so he can tell them apart?
"Chicago isn't called Chiraq for nothing!"
FTFY, and it's actually called "Shitcongo".
"Yep, white racist pussies better not step foot in this town!"
You have just made tens of thousands who'll hit you back on election day. When your protection from the letter of the law is gone, you'll wish you'd told your militants to fuck the hell off. Do you crow over White people losing their jobs over "racist" words? If you were held to the same standard you've said enough to bust you down to training hang-glider pilots, PX... if you're still allowed in the country.
The town is actually known as Shitcongo.
I'm waiting for PX to be busted down to training hang-glider pilots, as would any White person saying anything as racially-charged as he does daily. It won't be long.
I am so proud of our younger generation! The muslims and hispanics have shut down The Mouth. Amazing that these kids pulled this off with a few days of facebook planning.
I don't believe UIC is a white majority school and perhaps Trump should be careful where he books in the future. Not everyone buys into his message of bigotry, hatred, and racism. These kids had the courage to stand up against that.
I applaud them, as a white female who used to live just down the street when I was in graduate school. Oh, and a former Republican I might add.
"but you can't take the ghetto out of the pilot."
Ah, c'mon, guys. Give PX a break. Dude's not "ghetto." He's not hard. He's not one of the obnoxious folks who are going to give people a hard time. He's playing at "studio gangsta" here at Field's so he can be considered "down" by the blacks who, IRL, would likely consider his cul-de-sac-raised ass a sellout coonin' Tom. Haven't you ever wondered why he's the very first one here to question a person's blackness and to say they're a "Tommin' ass coon"? It's because he's compensating. On the Internet, he can be the revolutionary down-fo-dat-cause, fist-in-the-air black man of legend and lure. In his real life, he's as white as Bryant Gumble.
Don't run the Pilot down too much for being one of the problems in Chicago. He's really not. You wouldn't catch him dead out there with the other morons. They're just providing him a vicarious escape from his life following the white model of success: Have your father stick around, finish school, stay away from the bad side of the law, train for a job and work.
But one still needs an identity, and the fact is that in 21st century America, identifying as a victim earns more cred than identifying as someone who's overcame adversity. So Pilot gets off work, puts his feet up, and pretends to be an oppressed baby bastard of the ghetto, held down by white men. This shit is just a cheap video game for him. Personally, I like Assassin's Creed, but maybe in my latter years I'll join up with the Irish under English rule and play the victim card.
"when the protester numbers get high enough, you can no longer get away with punching them in the face. They punch back."
You don't need numbers, you already punch people without provocation. You even do it to elderly White people. But YOU claim you're "victims".
You are not fit to live in this society.
"You don't need numbers, you already punch people without provocation. You even do it to elderly White people. But YOU claim you're "victims".
You are not fit to live in this society."
Sooooo, white Trump protesters are not fit to live in this society? I agree.
Every time I think I've plumbed the depths of your stupidity and dishonesty, you surprise me by reaching new lows.
Josh has PilotX's number.
Everyone should just stay home until they drop dead.
these little wetbacks and muslim bastards are lucky real white men had better things to do besides going to a ralley which are usually attended by retirees and these spics knew that.they have no respect for our moms our elderly and our children.this is our country and we need to show these little fart smelling mu fukas whos boss.of course mexicunts only pick on weaklings .they are known for it.they think they have stood up to something like thaat stupid white bitch commenting on here ,they just made themselves look like savages and bush monkeys and thats exactly what they are.when trump gets elected they better prepare to be deported .and their welfare gone.and i couldnt think of a better place to start than san jose ca.paybacks a bitch mexicunts.
HEY PILOT X,you are about a lying muthr fukr ,you think youre a give me a break you probably hand out peanuts asshole.dont talk shit about white people you might end up blugeoned to fly home mr aviator and take your bullshit tuskeegee story with want a war you got one.
HEY YISHENG go back to china you little bug eating mother fucker,with a name like yisheng you obviously dont want to assimilat so take your shit talking bo legged pencil dicked flip flop flapping ass back to that shithole asia,and stop eating animals we like you locust bastards.
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