
He believes that we have to debate each other openly and allow people with differing views (no matter how despicable) to be able to openly express themselves without the fear of reprisals.
This might surprise a lot of you (and maybe not) but I actually agree with the young man. I believe that we should try to better understand what goes on in the mind of racists before we can confront them. Debate is important to a civil society, and, quite frankly, I welcome it.
I believe that colleges and universities are making a mistake when they ban certain types of speech on campus.
"In response, I’ve said that my goal has always been to muster the courage to think critically for myself, even if that means going against the grain. For me, arguing with a racist and exposing the flaws in their argument is about gaining a better understanding of views that offend you; it’s about improving your ability to argue and defend your opinion.
Emotions are always involved in discussions of sensitive issues like race, but learning is not just about how we feel. It’s about thinking and trying to understand complicated issues that affect our lives. Thinking about racism from multiple perspectives – separated from the emotion of it — has enhanced my understanding of race and of humanity."
Well, I am not sure that I would call racists humans, but I get the point; we still have to learn to understand them.
Their lives are unraveling in a very public way right before our eyes. It's a shame, because both men are talented individuals, Kat still has some of the best standup material I have heard over the past few years, and Johnny Football can still work magic with a football in his hands.
Sadly, though, I am afraid that if we don't get help for Katt Williams and Johnny Manziel , we will wake up one day and see a sad headline with some tragic news about both men.
*Pic from the library of congress.
Well, I am not sure that I would call racists humans
Don't be so hard on yourself, Field. You may be an unreformable racist, but you are still human.
In my day, the way you spotted a queer was how they held their hands on their hips. Thumbs point back - straight. Thumbs point front - gay.
LoL. I suppose the idiots at the esteemed Emory University (I say, with a chuckle), have given up with their "Trump Chalk" shit. I wonder who had the chalk?
I agree Field...I love to hear racists talk...it's very illuminating...at least you know where you stand with them...matter of fact...I've copied and pasted many of their comments from this blog.
I don't think inviting racists to talk on campus is a good idea. Who is inviting them and for what reason? That's a very slippery slope. Remember the old saying about being careful what you wish for. Many of these speakers expect to be paid and my tuition money should not go to some knuckle dragger like some posters here to spead their filth. Too many people with interesting things to say such as Neil Degrass Tyson to waste time on racist filth.
@Field "This might surprise a lot of you (and maybe not) but I actually agree with the young man. I believe that we should try to better understand what goes on in the mind of racists before we can confront them. Debate is important to a civil society, and, quite frankly, I welcome it."
I hear you, bro, but I "understand what goes on in the mind of racists," having spent a large part of my life interacting with them, learning firsthand how blacks are perceived by them.
I have nothing to learn from them, although they could receive tomes of knowledge and information from me.
Further, I have no desire to "debate" them. It's as though I decided to debate with the insane as to why they're insane.
Racism is a sickness, a pathology. It's an affliction that infects whites primarily, although they love to impute to blacks their sickness. I don't have the cure for racists, at least not one that they would ever consider.
You see, Field, I know how this story ends. And for the racist, it doesn't end very well.
Some old ideas deserve to be shamed and given no purchase. Some ideas should die simply because they're wrong.
You people are almost funny.
It's OK to have convicted murderers speak at YOUR "University's", but NOT OK if he's white....like Obama's buddy, Myers, or whatever the fuck he calls himself.
He should have died too...but now, he teaches at the collegiate level.
If I had time, I could name a lot more of this slime, but, speaking of slime, I'm going cat fishing.
Shadow, I hear ya, and if I were u I would probably feel the same way.
Pilot, I am so confident that our ideas are stronger than theirs, that having them on campus doesn't bother me. Although, like u, I don't necessarily want to pay for them with my tuition money. If private foundations want to pay for them, then fine.
I am totally with you, Field, on allowing a racist to speak on campus. Bill Maher and Chris Rock both have been redlined as college speakers because they might "offend" some students; political correctness now intimidates discussion of any controversial ideas at the very locations where they should be freely discussed.
But I can see a need for a post-racist colloquy or panel discussion or something. A public analysis, not just private ones, may be a good idea to disentangle the doubtless confused mishmash of twisted values, false assumptions and bad reasoning that emerge from the racist's mouth.
The same racist stew you can see here in the comments, on a daily basis!
P.S. I could see that panel discussion consisting of college professors: a sociologist, psychologist, political scientist and maybe anthropologist. Really demolish the speaker's case! And in the process the professors would take on added luster among the students (as a former professor, I like that possibility).
"It's OK to have convicted murderers speak at YOUR 'University's', but NOT OK if he's white....like Obama's buddy, Myers, or whatever the fuck he calls himself."
Do you mean Ayers? Bill Ayers? So much wingnut bullshit encapsulated in what you just said, it's hard to know where to begin.
First off, he is nothing like Obama's "buddy." That was a stupid Sarah Palin fabrication, like "death panels." They are at most barely acquaintances who ran into each other a couple times when they both worked in Illinois government (Ayers was a professor in the education department at UIC and consulted with the government on education policy when Obama was a state senator).
Second, Ayers was never convicted of anything. The FBI used illegal tactics to gather evidence on Ayers' left-wing extremist group, the Weather Underground, which then caused all of that evidence to be thrown out at trial and the charges to be dismissed.
Third, Ayers and the Weather Underground itself never murdered anyone (though a few of the members later moved on to more violent groups). They blew up a bunch of empty government-owned buildings in the early '70s. The only people killed by the Weather Underground were three of its own members who were accidentally killed by their own bomb. This doesn't make them great guys, but it also doesn't put them in the same league as terrorists of the ISIS variety, not by a long shot. The Weather Underground were real estate wreckers, not mass murderers.
Yeah these wingnuts and the Ayers narrative is a bit much.
I tend to agree with the idea that muzzling hateful people is not a solution to hate. The "no platforming" craze for trying to shut down speech with which they don't agree seems to have infected the identity politics left, and I don't see that as a good development.
It's frustrating to see things move in this direction, but I suppose some of this is hard to avoid. The angrier and more bigoted right-wingers get, the more angry and militant people on the far left become in response. That's unfortunate, because that's only bound to escalate hostilities, not to achieve anything useful.
Pull your panties up....DENY the Obama's didn't have dinner in the Ayers house. More than once, even
Just a damn YES or No will do.
"06 PM
Blogger field negro said...
Yeah these wingnuts and the Ayers narrative is a bit much.
12:23 PM"
The very fact that you would bother to mention Ayers is proof enuff. You know that he is a piece of shit.
Say yes..say know. Quit with your Lawyeresque obfuscations.
Please define This ,field":
Ayers narrative
You obliviously like him. Please defend him. You are some crap of a lawyer, right?
Your comments section is testament to both the efficacy of letting racists publicly expose their excrescence and the repulsiveness of encountering it.
I love Williams comedy too but he is closing in on the bottom of his spiral. Even his rapper pals were saying two years back that he needed to get ahold of his situation before it was too late. Slick Rick said it: "cocaine is a powerful drug." The gifted and successful are just as self destructive as the rest of us, it's just more astonishing to us when they throw it all away.
What Did I post that was racist, Whitey
BTW...if you want to have a fun vocabulary test...just friendly, mind you, let's go....
C'mon Whitey boy. What the hell you got. We just take turns. Amazing how such simple words we use every day can be so mind-be-fuddling to spell
I guess Whitey was a chicken-shit.
Anyone else want to try? This is just friendly...NO stupid/mean shit allowed
Here u go Commander, no need to debate you.
You can mark this link as Field's exhibit -A.
OK. Let's forget Ayers.
Let's us look at the Zebra Killings, for one. Never heard of it? No movies made about the slaughter?
No surprise.
The Wichita Massacre. The Knoxville Horror. Jessica Chambers..The blck dude that stole my friend's tr..I could keep going on, but, no matter how many rape & tortures on whites, by blacks...it is buried by the media. Why?
I can't know. You tell me.
This place proves that blacks can indeed be racist. Your white liberal masters were wrong about that.
Yes. The Negroes have no defense. Screw a few whites girls after you get them hooked on crack, or heroin?
Then...whatcha gonna do, stoopid assed white girl
next thing you remember is your asshole is bleeding, and you're up to bat tomorrow,
That is a short story for Jessica Chambers
Sure private corporations can host said speaker Field but then we open the can of worms about who sponsors our institutions of higher learning. Guest speakers should add something of value to the university and audience and an ignorant racist does not do that. You can have all the free speech you want but not in my home/school. If you want to hear/read ignorant racism youtube an old George Wallace speech or just go to the comments section of any story that mentions a person of a darker hue. Did Richard Pryor or Eddie Murphy ever perform college shows? If you want to go see Chris Rock or Bill Maher the go do it, there are many venues beyond the halls of higher learning. Call it PC if you like but I'm not a fan of subsidizing hate speech, you gotta pay for that yourself.
This place proves that whites can indeed be racist. Your white conservative masters were wrong about that.
That is a short story for Jessica Chambers
Really Lt. Commander asshole? You are just like the other racist asshats who come here to post negro on white crime knowing damn well the vast majority of crime is white on white. Why not a peep about the 1 year old girl raped and murdered by a white guy? Oh that's right, it's ok if a white guy does it. You are just as sick as all the other racists here. Excusing raping and killing babies. You are all sick fucks!
This place proves that blacks can indeed be racist. Your white liberal masters were wrong about that.
Yeah CJ, racist negroes spend all their time on white blogs posting stories about white on negro crime and telling all whites how inferior they are because they're white. Oh yeah that's right, that doesn't happen. CJ is just another blind racist asshole who will ignore all of the white racism right here and blame the negroes for being racist. Damn, you are some ignorant sick fucks, I swear.
"I hear you, bro, but I "understand what goes on in the mind of racists," having spent a large part of my life interacting with them, learning firsthand how blacks are perceived by them."
Really? Do tell us what (you think) you've learned. For instance, just how accurate those perceptions are. Also, why every other race on earth has roughly the same opinion of the African. (FYI, such perceptions are driven by things like Blacks shooting each other to death at birthday parties.)
"I have nothing to learn from them, although they could receive tomes of knowledge and information from me."
Spill it, I beg of you. Nothing livens a Saturday night more than a comedy act.
"Racism is a sickness, a pathology. It's an affliction that infects whites primarily, although they love to impute to blacks their sickness."
Do you mean racism like this Florida Agricultural University student standing up in the middle of a class on evolution and loudly declaring that he hated Black people and wanted them all to die? Oh, wait, I got the race and sex reversed.
"I don't have the cure for racists, at least not one that they would ever consider."
The most "racist" White groups are those with the longest and deepest experience with Africans (e.g. Mississippi); naïve populations like Vermont and Portland OR have the most favorable views of Africans and the least-tribal voting patterns. This comes from having few or no Black neighbors, ghettos, drive-by shootings, flash-robs or other things to convince them that Blacks are Not Like Them. All you have to do to "cure racism" is move away and leave White people alone; sadly, this cure is not one that you would ever consider.
"I don't necessarily want to pay for them with my tuition money."
Then White people should be able to prohibit money being spent to teach or advocate "White privilege", "multiculturalism", "anti-racism" and all the other hostile doctrines in which the student body is marinated.
"If you want to hear/read ignorant racism youtube an old George Wallace speech"
I'd love to see a solid exposition of how George Wallace's appraisals and predictions were factually wrong. Desegregated schools went to hell, cities were destroyed... his record seems to be holding up. The claims of the "blank slatists" who said we were all equal under the skin, not so much.
"You are just like the other racist asshats who come here to post negro on white crime knowing damn well the vast majority of crime is white on white."
See, this is why you should all decamp for Haiti, Liberia or the like. Without any Black people around, ALL crime in the USA would be White-on-White! You could sit there in your Black utopia and laugh at all of us, without a single racist White cop to shoot one of your precious sons. Paradise.
"USA would be White-on-White! You could sit there in your Black utopia and laugh at all of us..."
Well, actually, I have some friends in Jamaica who are doing that as I type this.
Carry on.
@Field: As I was saying, Field, to make the attempt to reason with "racists" would be the height of futility, as the followup to my comment above by one James Bold, so eloquently illustrates.
Our only hope is that they die off, or become extinct by virtue of their own handiwork.
James Bold said...
"I hear you, bro, but I "understand what goes on in the mind of racists," having spent a large part of my life interacting with them, learning firsthand how blacks are perceived by them."
Really? Do tell us what (you think) you've learned. For instance, just how accurate those perceptions are. Also, why every other race on earth has roughly the same opinion of the African. (FYI, such perceptions are driven by things like Blacks shooting each other to death at birthday parties.)
"I have nothing to learn from them, although they could receive tomes of knowledge and information from me."
Spill it, I beg of you. Nothing livens a Saturday night more than a comedy act.
"Racism is a sickness, a pathology. It's an affliction that infects whites primarily, although they love to impute to blacks their sickness."
Your comments section is testament to both the efficacy of letting racists publicly expose their excrescence and the repulsiveness of encountering it.
And a place for a highly educated and successful Black woman to be relentlessly stalked, lol!!
Field himself enters the fray:
"Well, actually, I have some friends in Jamaica who are doing that as I type this."
Ah, Jamaica. It's a place that ought to be a tropical paradise, but it has a per-capita GDP of just $5562 and a murder rate of 36/100k which, despite being just 60% of what it was in 2005, is still among the highest in the world. The USA, despite having a large fraction of its murders among the Black minority, has an overall murder rate of just 3.8.
But if this is your idea of heaven, I would not gainsay you. All I ask is that you practice your notion over there, and I will practice my different notion over here, and neither of us will have any reason to be upset with the other.
And The Shadow Knows (you know Lamont Cranston was a White guy, right?) attempts sarcasm and fails:
"Spill it, I beg of you. Nothing livens a Saturday night more than a comedy act.
Racism is a sickness, a pathology. It's an affliction that infects whites primarily, although they love to impute to blacks their sickness."
That's a bald assertion and an unsupported statement. Where are the tomes you promised? Nothing showing that George Wallace was factually wrong? The Black man over-promises and under-delivers, proving stereotypes correct once again.
Blacks in America will never amount to much.
@Field: "I believe that we should try to better understand what goes on in the mind of racists before we can confront them."
Field, what can we possibly learn from racists that we can't deduce from the racist comments so casually spieled on your blog page?
"Really? Do tell us what (you think) you've learned...Also, why every other race on earth has roughly the same opinion of the African."
Racists are insufferably uncivil, and dismissive. They're confrontational to the point of boorishness. They divide people into races, rather than see them as members of the human race.
They seek to establish a hierarchy of racial superiority, and in the process overlook their own shortcomings--their decimation of Native Americans, a virtual holocaust, for the purpose of stealing their land, believing that they're more entitled to it than the weaker, inferior "red man."
Rather than owning up to their own inhumanity to man, they seek to modify it by pointing to the acts of others, not realizing (or caring to realize) that no matter how much the other may, from their own oppressive position, do harm, their harm is more egregious, as they often represent themselves as the world's civilized people, suggesting a moral supremacy that's laughable, but for the harm it has done, and continue to do.
"Spill it, I beg of you. Nothing livens a Saturday night more than a comedy act."
Racists are conceited. They see nothing in themselves that need changing, and were you to point out their character flaws, or show them how illogical and deleterious their stance, they would laugh in your face, and if not out loud, their preferable method, certainly in the dark, dank, and evil caverns of their soul.
For the racist, we're nothing but a joke, one told by a clown-faced comedian with a face that quickly morphs into a head with pointed ears, red, glowing eyes, and a massive set of horns jutting a foot into the air.
"The most "racist" White groups are those with the longest and deepest experience with Africans...; naïve populations like Vermont and Portland OR have the most favorable views of Africans and the least-tribal voting patterns. This comes from having few or no Black neighbors, ghettos, drive-by shootings, flash-robs or other things to convince them that Blacks are Not Like Them. All you have to do to "cure racism" is move away and leave White people alone;"
Racists would have you believe that racism exists in degrees, that blacks themselves fuel white racist animus, and that, without blacks, those generations of black lives that they stole from Sub-Saharan Africa, because blacks were more fit for field labor than whites, racism wouldn't exist anywhere on God's Green Acres, once again forgetting their efforts to pacify an entire indigenous people by relocating them to what was known then as the Oklahoma Territories.
Racists, now that they have built a nation on the back of blacks, using black lives under the harshest of conditions--slavery--to make cotton King Cotton, and now that they have stolen from Native Americans the land that they live on, have built cities on, and Lilly-white neighborhoods, they no longer have use for blacks, and other non-desirable racial groups, except maybe for Mexicans and other South Americans to pick their fruit, and vegetables, and work in the Restaurant/Hotel Industry.
For the rest, racists will build an impenetrable wall, preventing those South of the border from entering unless they have proper documents, although whites are the Original Illegal Aliens, a fact that they easily slip through, with greater ease than the nooses with which blacks were hanged from poplar trees to the peals of laughter, merriment, and racial slurs hurled their way, the last sounds they would hear in this world.
Unfortunately for the racist Field, he will experience--measure for measure--the injury that he has caused, the pain that he has inflicted and the suffering that he has caused.
Round one goes to Shadow. You can drop the mic now.:)
Racism is a sickness, a pathology. It's an affliction that infects whites primarily, although they love to impute to blacks their sickness.
That's a bald assertion and an unsupported statement. Where are the tomes you promised? Nothing showing that George Wallace was factually wrong? The Black man over-promises and under-delivers, proving stereotypes correct once again.
Racists chafe when called out, when they are identified for who they are, when they're forced to face their own racial ugliness.
Racists believe their sickness to be normal, to be within the natural boundaries of human interaction, unwilling to accept the pathology that defines them as more than an anomaly, but a deviance, a social aberration.
Racists have a pathological need to see the black race through a prism that justifies their racist attitudes and behavior, through a lens that reinforces their beliefs about them, even if the racists must resort to hyperbole to make his point, and to firm his stance.
Racists must continue to reduce blacks as less than, both in quality and essence, as this reinforces their view of them, and gives the racist cover for their own shortcomings and their own character insufficiencies, as their position is both unnatural and immoral.
Field, what can we possibly learn from Blacks that we can't deduce from the Black comments so casually spieled on your blog page?
Blacks are insufferably uncivil, and dismissive. They're confrontational to the point of boorishness. They divide people into tribes, of which they are the most aggrieved and the most deserving.
They seek to establish a hierarchy of racial superiority, and in the process overlook their own shortcomings--their ethnic cleansing of White Americans, a virtual holocaust, for the purpose of stealing their cities, believing that they're more entitled to them.
Rather than owning up to their own inhumanity to man, they seek to deflect it by pointing to the acts of others, not realizing (or caring to realize) that no matter how much the other may, from their own oppressive position, do harm, their harm is more egregious, as they often represent themselves as the world's original people, suggesting a moral supremacy that's laughable.
Blacks are conceited. They see nothing in themselves that need changing, and when you point out their character flaws, or show them how illogical and deleterious their stance is, they laugh in your face, or lash out violently.
For the Black, we're nothing but "oppressors" taking from them something they can't even define and certainly can't make for themselves.
Blacks would have you believe that racism causes all their problems, that blacks do nothing to fuel White animus, and that, without Whites, racism wouldn't exist anywhere on God's Green Acres, once again forgetting their robberies, arsons, rapes and murders which ethnically cleansed city after city.
Blacks, now that they have parlayed "civil rights" into unchallenged yet totally inept political power in many cities, using White lives and taxes to set themselves up as kings, protest that the Whites they drove away went and built lily-white neighborhoods which have neither Blacks nor their pathologies.
Unfortunately for the Black Field, he will experience--measure for measure--the injury that he has caused, the pain that he has inflicted and the suffering that he has caused.
Blacks chafe when called out, when they are identified for who they are, when they're forced to face their own physical and psychic ugliness.
Blacks believe their sickness to be normal, to be within the natural boundaries of human interaction, unwilling to accept the pathology that defines them as more than an anomaly, but a deviance, a social aberration.
Blacks have a pathological need to see the black race through a prism that justifies their pathological attitudes and behavior, through a lens that reinforces their beliefs about themselves and others, even if Blacks must resort to hyperbole to make their point, and to firm their stance.
Blacks must continue to reduce others as less than, both in quality and essence, as this reinforces their view of them, and gives the Black cover for their own shortcomings and their own character insufficiencies, as their position is both unnatural and immoral.
Fixed that for you.
Crime in Shitcongo has a color, and it is black and brown:
"It is clear that 96.8 percent of homicides, 93.3 percent of rapes, 96 percent of robberies, and 91.8 percent of aggravated assaults = 94.5 percent of all violent crime in Chicago - is committed by African-Americans and Hispanics.
If African-Americans and Hispanics were removed from Chicago, 95 percent of violent crime in Chicago would disappear along with them."
The same is true in Detroit, Atlanta and Los Angeles, and that is why nobody wants you around. Not that Hispanics aren't bad too, but it's the difference between a blistering sunburn and being at ground zero at Hiroshima. Hispanics turn civilization into the barrio; Blacks turn it into Rwanda.
blacks are simply degenerate beasts who belong more in the jungle where they can be themselves. whites build societies and blacks tear them down because in the black mind they only know the jungle.
@the fix is in: Not surprising that you would steal my words to work for you. That's what racist whites do: Steal.
Racists steal other people's labor. That makes them nothing but freeloaders.
Racists support other racists and steal what doesn't belong to them. That makes them nothing but common thieves.
Racists steal from blacks, from Native Americans, from Mexicans, from anyone that they can intimidate.
And I fully expect you to persevere with your immorality, and steal from me again.
And why not? That's what common thieves do. They steal.
Still stealing the image created by White radio artists, are you?
So funny to see one of the competing Fixers put your panties in a bunch by taking your forms and simply putting truth in them. That's something called "satire", and is a fair use of the source material.
OBTW, the first Americans were Europeans who came over from France, apparently in canoes. They arrived before the Asians whose descendants are today's so-called "Native Americans" or "First Nations". Caucasians were here first.
I have to find my popcorn popper, because this really calls for popcorn.
"Still stealing the image created by White radio artists, are you?"
Typical of white racists to point out the supposed shortcomings of others but not themselves. Racists forge realities to suit their racist agenda, and narrative, stealing the truth to push their lie.
"So funny to see one of the competing Fixers put your panties in a bunch by taking your forms and simply putting truth in them. That's something called "satire", and is a fair use of the source material."
Racists see their truth even where the lie predominates, choosing to reference the lie as anything other than a lie, although a lie it still remains.
OBTW, the first Americans were Europeans who came over from France, apparently in canoes. They arrived before the Asians whose descendants are today's so-called "Native Americans" or "First Nations". Caucasians were here first.
Racists justify their evil by laying claim to both the lie and the truth, making both a seven-horned aberration of either the lie or the truth. The slaughter of the indigenous people of this land will be answered, but the racist believes that his evil deeds are beyond reproach, and the inevitability of justice.
I have to find my popcorn popper, because this really calls for popcorn.
Racists would have you believe, even when you're getting the better of them, that they're entertained, when it fact the joke is on them, even as they squirm to escape the truth of your words, knowing in the end they will be held accountable for their thoughts, words, and deeds.
"Typical of white racists to point out the supposed shortcomings of others but not themselves."
Typical of a Black feeling his entitlement to steal whatever he wants while accusing others of stealing, but in this case "The Shadow" only has the power to cloud his own mind. He's Elmer Fudd about to be beclowned by Bugs Bunny, the only one not in on the joke.
"Racists see their truth even where the lie predominates, choosing to reference the lie as anything other than a lie, although a lie it still remains."
This sort of word-salad is why I come here. Incoherent rantings without the slighest tie to facts would qualify a White person for a mental competency hearing. Nobody expects Blacks to be competent, and the double standard is such that even commenting on it is considered "insensitive" at best.
This is why Black-run areas fall into ruin. Any demand for competency and lack of corruption has "disparate impact", and letting the incompetent and corrupt run things guarantees failure. In a way, the decline of Black cities IS due to "racism": the attempt to get rid of it. Since the concept arrived in KGB subversion efforts, it's obvious that this was no accident.
"The slaughter of the indigenous people of this land will be answered, but the racist believes that his evil deeds are beyond reproach, and the inevitability of justice."
You can't spell "slaughter" without laughter.
The joke is that post-1492 America returned it to the race who first took it from the animals. Today's "Native Americans" genocided all but a tiny remnant of that race, and had a good run before finally receiving their comeuppance. They could be sent back to Asia, but the Asians have no use for them either.
What of you Africans, who couldn't even make it to America on your own... who never even invented boats? You'll go where competent and confident races send you, whether it's the slave markets of Tripoli and Mecca or to "collige" on foobaw and bakkabaw "skollerships". When Whitey finally gets sick enough of you to throw off the elite oppression keeping you in his face it's not certain where you'll go, but you'll be gone.
Field, stop wasting ink on stupid people. Both Kat and Johnny have the best opportunities and are squandering them through stupid decisions. You can't fix stupid!
Kat Williams is obviously suffering from mental illness. But I think maybe he denies it to himself. Doesn't want to admit it.
Once he gets treatment, meds, he'll be okay, although that may limit his comedic abilities,but he won't be getting into messes.
About Manziel can't opine as I know nothing.
I don't need any more lessons on how evil most white people are or the next level evil of the openly racist. Any fool who gives his open enemy any comfort or a platform to condemn you is an uncle Clarence colon Sht pile Thomas
"I don't need any more lessons on how evil most white people are or the next level evil of the openly racist."
Tell me, do you accept the benevolence of White people in the form of Affirmative Action, "diversity" job openings, minority business set-asides, and everything else? If you don't want these things that America provides, why haven't you gone to a Black country where you don't have to "suffer" them?
"Any fool who gives his open enemy any comfort or a platform to condemn you is an uncle Clarence colon Sht pile Thomas"
What you call "racism" is just White people recognizing and responding to your perfidy. What's hilarious is that you'll do it in public and chimp out when you get the absolutely justified reaction.
Typical of a Black feeling his entitlement to steal whatever he wants while accusing others of stealing, but in this case "The Shadow" only has the power to cloud his own mind.
Racists have no sense of humor, and even their feckless attempts to be humorous at the expense of others, fall flat, but not as flat as their non-existing wit.
This sort of word-salad is why I come here. Incoherent rantings without the slighest tie to facts would qualify a White person for a mental competency hearing. Nobody expects Blacks to be competent, and the double standard is such that even commenting on it is considered "insensitive" at best.
Racists' intellect rarely move beyond their salad days where it stalls and sputters, as they perennially seek to project their considerable deficiencies on those whom they would target.
This is why Black-run areas fall into ruin. Any demand for competency and lack of corruption has "disparate impact", and letting the incompetent and corrupt run things guarantees failure. In a way, the decline of Black cities IS due to "racism": the attempt to get rid of it.
Racists' assessment of the world, even the one within walking distance of their own front door, falls prey to their racist perceptions, as they're forever restructuring the world in their own malevolent image, as they arrogate to others the damage and the disasters that they themselves have fostered.
As long as racists can hold the targets of their racism responsible for the harm and damage that they themselves create, racists can double-down and do it without conscience, and without regard for the humanity of those whom they are already predisposed to reducing to less than human, and not worthy of the same regard that they would extend to their own race.
You can't spell "slaughter" without laughter.
Racists have a penchant for the macabre, feeding their sick humor at the expense of the suffering of others, suffering that they themselves created, and for which they will be held accountable in due time.
The joke is that post-1492 America returned it to the race who first took it from the animals. Today's "Native Americans" genocided all but a tiny remnant of that race, and had a good run before finally receiving their comeuppance. They could be sent back to Asia, but the Asians have no use for them either.
Racists feel no remorse for the evil that they have inflicted on certain people throughout the world, seeing that infliction as their rightful "comeuppance," not realizing that denials of their own wrongdoing won't deprive them of their own elaborate, extensive, and painful comeuppance.
What of you Africans, who couldn't even make it to America on your own... who never even invented boats? You'll go where competent and confident races send you, whether it's the slave markets of Tripoli and Mecca or to "collige" on foobaw and bakkabaw "skollerships". When Whitey finally gets sick enough of you to throw off the elite oppression keeping you in his face it's not certain where you'll go, but you'll be gone.
Racists believe that it's in their power to do with people as they choose, just as they have done in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and other distant regions of the world, that they can treat the planet the way that they have treated its people, but Mother Nature has other plans; once again, over time, she will establish Africa as the only habitable continent left on the planet, sans "whitey," and his hatred for what Mother Nature has wrought, its rainbow of people, and once virgin lands, free of the reckless white fools who would rape her and do so without so much as a "Thank you ma'am." Mother Nature will soon spit them out, as they've become a rancid taste in her mouth, and she'll repent for having made them.
And the world will be better for it.
You define your miserable existence through an obsession with black people like a true evil albino devil
Your here everyday and for what. Affirmative action benefits white women and based on your own racist history albino devils have invaded the entire world to satisfy their deviant sexual predator desires and for bloodlust.
And at your core your a coward say chimp to the face of any black man and get your ads knocked the f out fool
From the "Blacks Always Project" Department:
"Racists have no sense of humor"
Oh, absolutely correct. We have no sense of humor what-so-ever. At our last national gathering of the Coalition of Racists United to Make Piccaninnies Ever The Same we agreed that the following were emphatically not funny at all:
Q: How many Blacks does it take to tar a roof?
A: 4 or 5, if you slice them thin enough.
Q: What do you call a thousand Blacks buried shoulder-to-shoulder up to their necks in dirt?
A: Afroturf.
Q: How do you babysit Black children?
A: Wet their lips and stick them to the wall.
Q: How do you stop Black children from bouncing on the bed?
A: Put Velcro on the ceiling.
Q: How do you get them down from the ceiling?
A: Bring in a bunch of Mexican kids and tell them it's a pinata.
After the motion passed unanimously we broke for beer, because tea with CRUMPETS is just way too British for us rednecks.
"they perennially seek to project their considerable deficiencies on those whom they would target."
Those deficiencies would be what, specifically? Exactly how do these deficiencies manifest in the absence of Black people to supply whatever they're lacking? Back when everyone was what you would consider "racist", how DID the Parthenon, Notre Dame cathedral, the Louvre, Hoover Dam and the Apollo project get built, to list a few things from before large-scale integration and affirmative action?
"Racists' assessment of the world, even the one within walking distance of their own front door, falls prey to their racist perceptions, as they're forever restructuring the world in their own malevolent image, as they arrogate to others the damage and the disasters that they themselves have fostered."
Isn't it funny how "racists" leave slums behind them when they depart, but need the assistance of Blacks to make new ones where they take up residence? I guess inability to make good slums is a deficiency of racists. Where WOULD America and Americans be without cultural enrichment by proper slums?
"As long as racists can hold the targets of their racism responsible for the harm and damage that they themselves create, racists can double-down and do it without conscience"
You just know The Fixer is going to have a field day with this one.
"Racists have a penchant for the macabre"
Blacks aren't much for words, so they just burn red-headed White boys and blonde girls to death.
"Racists believe that it's in their power to do with people as they choose"
Which is why Africa was de-colonialized and Black parts of the USA de-policed... whoops, those are Hate Facts! They might make people question The Narrative! (continued next comment)
"You define your miserable existence through an obsession with black people like a true evil albino devil"
Strangely, you haven't left for Haiti, Liberia or Ghana where you could live in complete blissful separation from American "racists". Or maybe you're just projecting your own obsession with Whites.
"Your here everyday and for what."
The puzzles in the newspaper cost money. Entertainment from you is free.
"albino devils have invaded the entire world to satisfy their deviant sexual predator desires and for bloodlust."
Yeah, we killed 800,000 in Rwanda just a... wait, my producer wants my attention... that was a BLACK-ON-BLACK genocide? Well, damn. Looks like you're projecting again.
"And at your core your a coward say chimp to the face of any black man and get your ads knocked the f out fool"
I don't use fighting words in public. You can't lawfully shoot people in self-defense if you've taunted them into attacking.
If expressing your typical albino evil in a typical revised false historical pretense amongst those you fear yet envy while praying they acknowledge you is your ideal form of entertainment hence the need for daily fixes like a typical albino heroin addict may I suggest starting a kickstarter fund to encourage your parents to upgrade your cable package.
Deconstructing the dumbth, and scoring the psychology:
"If expressing your typical albino evil"
Caucasians are not albinos. Albinism is far more common among negroids than Caucasians. Factual errors: 1. Projection: 1.
"in a typical revised false historical pretense"
Assertion without evidence. Logical errors: 1.
"amongst those you fear yet envy"
What on earth could make you think I envy you? Projection: 1.
"while praying they acknowledge you is your ideal form of entertainment"
If my prayers were answered, your ass would be in Mombassa, Mbandaka or Monrovia. Projection: 1.
"hence the need for daily fixes like a typical albino heroin addict"
... says the clown who pitches a fit because he can't admit to himself that he would be infinitely worse off if he weren't lucky enough to live in a White country. Projection: 1.
"may I suggest starting a kickstarter fund to encourage your parents to upgrade your cable package."
I have cable Internet but don't buy the television. I haven't had a television habit for decades. Too stupid, and I can't push its stupidity back at it to see the reaction. Projection: 1.
1 overt factual error, 1 major logical error, and a whopping 5 instances of projection in one short paragraph. That's got to be a Guinness contender.
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