Trust me, I am not one to try and silence people for openly giving their thoughts about race and other touchy subjects. If we don't talk and express ourselves openly, we will never solve our problems when it comes to matters of race.
The thing is, though, as I stated about the white writer in my previous post, one should at least try to educate themselves about the subject and try to understand the sensitivities of the group they feel the need to pontificate about before they star writing or talking.
Ms. Bell had every right as a citizen to express her displeasure at the horrific killings in her city, but writing as if this could only happen in poor black neighborhoods was misguided. The fact is that affluent young white men kill people in droves as well, and her five children are more likely to be murdered by other young white children than they are those poor "fatherless" boys from the hood that she posted about.
Ironically, at least for me, the lines in her blog post that was most troubling didn't really have anything to do with her writing about the actual killings.
"She also praised a black restaurant worker, observing that he went about his work “with a rhythm and a step that gushed positivity,” which also drew criticism. "
Yeah that line about the black restaurant worker's "rhythm" was mind blowing. You would think that a woman who talks to the public for a living would not be so clueless as to use such an obvious stereotypical word to describe the Magic Negro in her post.
I am sure that this was a teachable moment for Ms. Bell. She probably regrets her post now for obvious reasons.
Still, if I were her I wouldn't worry too much. I mean if Mark Fuhrman can land on his feet over at FOX VIEWS, I am sure that the sky is the limit for her.
Finally, speaking of black on black crime, I see that Ray Lewis has weighed in on the subject as well. Ray is black.
“I’m trying to figure out why no one is paying attention to black men killing black men,” Lewis said.
...Why do we always find ourselves half the victims,” the 40 year old said. “Why do we always find ourselves half the victims, and now we have the separation once again that we’re being victimized because of one bad white cop, two bad white cops, three bad white cops, killing a young black brother. But every day we have black-on-black crime, killing each other? Police in Chicago reported 677 shootings this year. Last year, it was 359. The March murder rate rose by 29 percent, but we’re not rioting in the streets [when] black on black killing each other,....”
First of all, Ray Lewis lecturing us about black on black crime is like Hannibal Lecter lecturing us about the evils of cannibalism.
Psst, Ray Ray, maybe you forgot about that little incident in Atlanta a few years back. As far as I can tell Jacinth Baker and Richard Lollar are both black. Oh, and we never found that white suit you were wearing. You know, the one with the victim's blood stains on it. But I digress.
The thing is, Ray Lewis is not the messenger that should be delivering this message. It's a message, by the way, that I am personally sick of hearing.
For the record, most of us care about black on black killings, and some of us are out here every day trying to do something about it. Just because we choose to address the unnecessary killings of young black men by those in authority, does not mean that we are not as equally outraged when young black men kill each other. We don't need Ray Ray getting on his high horse and preaching to the rest of us about highlighting injustice when we see it.
He should get on his knees every day and thank the folks who fought against injustice in this country, so that one day he could live a life where he earns millions playing a game he loves. There was a time, in the not too distance past, when his black ass couldn't set foot on an NFL field.
"I’m just asking this one simple thing: When will we appreciate who we are? When will our skin color start paying attention to our own skin color? “I’m trying to figure out how in the month of march there’s more murders in Chicago then there are then there are days in the month. Forty-five murders in the month of [March] in Chicago.”'
Glad you are paying attention, Ray. Here is hoping that you will do more than preach, and that you will start trying to contribute to finding a solution.
*Pic from
Why are blacks so violent?
Why are whites so stupid?
Why are trolls such assholes?
-Doug in Oakland
Why do whites like to rape 1 year olds?
"I am sorry to hear about Wendy Bell losing her job, I really am. I, like quite a few black folks, ripped her on twitter for her clueless remarks about black on black crime after the horrific mas murder near Pittsburgh, recently."
Clueless? The one suspect I can find arrest info about (the media are very expert at hiding facts which "contribute to stereotypes") is that he is... a young Black male, Specifically, one Robert Thompson, age 27, with a long criminal record.
What got Bell fired wasn't cluelessness, but speaking the unvarnished truth.
"The thing is, though, as I stated about the white writer in my previous post, one should at least try to educate themselves about the subject and try to understand the sensitivities of the group they feel the need to pontificate about before they star writing or talking."
Ah, yes, sensitivities. Like the "sensitive" fact that violent criminal behavior is rampant in the "Black community". It's undeniably true, but "insensitivity" is the second-closest thing there is to a mortal sin in the secular religion of anti-racism. The worst is, of course, "racism".
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." Somehow I have gone from a conservative fuddy-duddy in my teens to a revolutionary in middle age, and I've scarcely altered my position on anything (though I am more sarcastic now). Funny how that works.
I keep hoping that all the celebrity's would chime in on this matter, but I guess celebrities, black or white couldn't care less about anything else except raking in the money.
Hahaha! That Wendy Bell was just fascinated by that negros "rhythm and step" wasn't she though? Shades of Paula Deen! Everything changes...
Kudos to Judge Colvin,that's a really positive step! I'm sure she has just transformed many lives!
“We’re coming to the point that we’re forced to talk past each other,” he said. “Because I’m white, I can’t comment on a problem in a racial neighborhood? Why is it off limits?”
You can't talk to blacks about the "problem," because you ARE the problem. Don't talk to us, talk to yourself, to family members, to neighbors, and to strangers that you come across.
That said, until a black death is seen as a loss for us all, rather than just for a particular community, regardless of color, then the problem will persist, as this "racial" view of a "racial neighborhood" is symptomatic of the problem--the real problem.
John Donne stated it well--with a little help from me--although he used the landmass known as Europe to make his point.
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe [as well as the entire world] is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death [regardless of color] diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
Was it true that the Baltimore Raven's were black America's team when Ray Lewis played for them (the 2000's)?
They weren't this black Americans team. That would be those Eagles. When it comes to pro football my favorite color is green
The Greatest Of These...
The second paragraph in your comments had me looking for an offering plate.
Dear Bro.FN,
Just a shout out! to thank you for this blog/ site, I am very pleased with the articles/ reflections/write-ups , I have seen so far, I am also happy to share with Philly community, I will response more in the future..
Halima from North Philly..
And as for this newsbit /in the 'newspeak' sense/as defined in the fiction of Orwellian/'1984'...she is true to the sentiments of white privilege- tropes ,in regard to the image of the 'black beast' .Of course, this narrative [in service of white supremacy ],that has been repeated in the[ main and conserve.] media ,over and over ,until we are suppose to ingest and digest as truth...yes ,foxnewspeak will probably hire her .
Keep up the Good Work and take care of yourself! Good health is revolutionary act !
The Field Negro website definitely has an exemplary absence of censorship. I'm not sure I could show as much restraint if I were a moderator. But even the most ignorant of comments let us know that there are people out there who think that way.
Just as a point...your Eagles just can't seem to get off the sucks wagon, lately.
I actually like the Iggles, for some reason.
Do you think they will be a contender this year, and if so, why?
We need Nate Silver to keep track of a few statistics for us, to see whether they shrink a little:
percentage of whites who think racism isn't any longer an issue in this country
percentage of whites who think blacks and whites with the same qualifications have equal chances at jobs
percentage of whites who think Obama's election was proof that we've turned the corner on race in this country
etc. etc. The actual numbers now are appalling.
Sure Bozo.
Don't forget percentage of whites being robbed, raped, and killed by blacks, too.
Stick that up your apalled ass.
Funny how assholes like James the Bitch and Lt. Commander has no Johnson know all about whites harmed by negroes but don't say a damned thing when little white babies are baked, raped and killed by their own kind. It's almost as if they give a pass to white criminals no matter how heinous the crime. Bitch won't even condemn the white guy who raped and killed a 1 year old baby! These racists are sick fucks. They only care if a fucking baby is raped and killed if a negro does it. Hey no Johnson, what's the name of the 1 year old? Do you even know? Of course not, you sick fucks allow your precious babies to be violated by fellow white males. That's some white male affirmative action for your ass.
Sick fucks.
What's her name no Johnson? Do you even care? Of course not. Sick fuck.
I'm gonna go stalk some girl and then jerk off to her.
Lt. Commander Johnson is the epitome of a basement-dweller.
I think you meant that beautiful blue and silver of the Cowboys, Field!
Speaking of racism, my mom who grew up in the segregated and Klan rampant South, remarked that racism today is the worst she's ever seen. And I honestly I think that integration in K-12 was the WORST thing to ever happen to people of color.
I'm gonna go stalk some girl and then jerk off to her.
If you were really a white male you'd do more than that to her and your fellow white males will turn a blind eye. How's that for white male affirmative action. In fact you'd go looking for a negro to pin something on him. Sick fucks.
I miss Kinky. He knew how to put cunts like Yisheng in their place.
Hey Lt. Commander Johnson, how does it feel to have such a tiny, insignificant pecker?
Is it Caption Saturday yet? I'm so bored...
No one should comment, study, or criticize blacks except blacks. No one should comment, study, or criticize whites except whites, LGBT except LGBT, women except women, rich except rich, males except xy males, transgender except transgender, Republicans except Republicans, Democrats except Democrats, Hispanics except Hispanics.
Mind your own damn business.
No one should comment, study, or criticize blacks except blacks. No one should comment, study, or criticize whites except whites, LGBT except LGBT, women except women, rich except rich, males except xy males, transgender except transgender, Republicans except Republicans, Democrats except Democrats, Hispanics except Hispanics. Dumbasses like anon 8:51 PM except dumbasses like anon 8:51 PM.
Like the "sensitive" fact that violent criminal behavior is rampant in the "Black community".
Or more like the sensitive fact that in the white community 1 year old babies can be raped and killed without so much as a peep. That is one sick community that James belongs to.
What got Bell fired wasn't cluelessness, but speaking the unvarnished truth.
You know what else is the unvarnished truth? That whites will NEVER talk about the violence and sickness in their own communities only negroes. No matter how sick, deranged or pathetic their behavior is they are hush hush and want to scream at the high heavens when someone else does something. James won't even condemn a sick fuck who raped and killed a baby! How sick is that? Did Ms. Bell offer words about white males who rape and kill babies? Of course not. Why are they so sick and why do they get a pass? Because they're white? There is a sickness in that community.
Folks, don't let James get to you. He is living a troll dream right now. :)
"Folks, don't let James get to you. He is living a troll dream right now."
Sort of, Wayne... not quite the way you think. This is because I'm a thinking man, as almost none of you are.
For instance, commenter @ 1:32 PM above claims I didn't say a thing about poor little Shaylyn being raped and murdered. That's not true; I said that her killer was in jail, belonged in jail, and was probably going to die at the hands of other convicts because they HATE child molestors (in other words, a death sentence much quicker than almost any legal capital punishment would be carried out). But that wasn't enough for at least one, who wanted me to "protest". Protest?!
Protest to whom, about what? To the police who arrested Kyle Parker? For what, arresting him? They did the right thing. To the prosecutors, for charging him with murder? They did the right thing. To Parker himself? He's in jail, he can't hear me and he'll probably never get out... which is the right result. So what's to protest?
Then it hit me: protesting is the Black method of demanding that Whitey make everything right. It is like a cargo cult, where you go through the motions you see and hope to get the same results you observe others getting, like airplanes arriving with food and weapons and trinkets. There is no concept of cause and effect; the magic incantation (of the "protest" or whatever) is supposed to provide what is desired or fix whatever is wrong.
If Blacks had a concept of cause and effect, you would have weekly or daily protest marches through the 'hood pointing the finger at the gang-bangers who are doing all the drive-by shootings and killing more innocents than supposed targets. Instead, you blame "guns" (which don't pull their own triggers) or even "the streets" (which were just fine when White people lived on them).
What your commenters are giving me is an insight into the pre-logical ideations (I cannot call them thought processes) of savages. It shows just how and why you fail at civilization. This is both sad and hilarious.
@James Bold: "Then it hit me: protesting is the Black method of demanding that Whitey make everything right."
Since you choose to ridicule peaceful, black protests as a way to address "whitey's" injustice, perhaps blacks should adopt the methods of Islamists and wear suicide vests into public places and detonate them.
"Instead, you blame "guns" (which don't pull their own triggers) or even "the streets" (which were just fine when White people lived on them)."
The black "streets...were just fine" until whitey's envy got the best of him and he chose to bloody the streets with the blood of blacks:
"Greenwood, Oklahoma, a suburb of Tulsa, was the type of community that African Americans are still, today, attempting to reclaim and rebuild. It was modern, majestic, sophisticated and unapologetically Black. Tragically, it was also the site of one of the bloodiest and most horrendous race riots (and acts of terrorism) that the United States has ever experienced.
Today marks ninety-two years since as many as 300 African Americans lost their lives and more than 9,000 were left homeless when the small town was attacked, looted and literally burned to the ground beginning in 1921. It’s impossible, however, to realize what was lost in Greenwood, which was affectionately known as 'Black Wall Street.'"
As for guns, they practically do shoot themselves. These automatic and semiautomatic weapons can run off more bullets from their heavy-duty capacity magazines, than the makers of the blunderbuss could have ever imagined. Had gun technology not advanced beyond this primitive gun, fewer deaths would be attributed to gun violence. Not only are modern guns more deadly, they're more effective and efficient in the taking of lives.
"It shows just how and why you fail at civilization."
Oh, blacks didn't "fail at civilization," they are the reason that civilization exists at all. Every man, woman and child on the planet are Africans. Educate yourself, Google Scientific and Adam and Eve. Were it not for Africans, no race on the planet would exist.
Let me help you out. Here's a link that explores the subject. If after watching the video, you're still incline to accept your "pre-logical ideations," then your argument is not with me but with the science.
No James, you are a fucking joke. You sit and judge us while ignoring the pathologies of your own culture. So, in your opinion we are inferior because of the amount of melanin in our DNA. Is that your opinion? OK, then why is it that every single person of color that posts here is accomplished by any standard? You may have a beef but it's not here. Not one person of color here has harmed a single white person. Not one! We all have jobs and pay taxes. What's your fucking beef? We get it, you don't like negroes what else you got? The point is you're here fucking with us while white assholes are raping and killing babies. Go fuck with them, not us. No one here has failed at civilization. If by having a good career and a stable family is failing at civilization maybe you need a dictionary. So tell us, would you rather have one of us as your neighbor, an educated negro with a career or a baby raping white man? Be honest. I know in your simple mind we are all gang bangers but that shit ain't true any more than all white men are baby rapists. Give your bullshit a fucking rest.
The Shadow Knows wasted some good points on James, because, as we all know, James is already set in his ways.
He represents a lost generation of sorts.
I say good riddance.
Hopefully in 20 or so more years this country will be a better place. Although, sadly, a lot of folks like James have raised their offsprings to be just like them, :(
"Since you choose to ridicule peaceful, black protests as a way to address "whitey's" injustice"
You wouldn't know justice if it bit you. To you, "injustice" is "you gots what I ain't got". You know, things like nice stuff and peaceful neighborhoods... both of which you destroy and then complain about the conditions you live in.
"perhaps blacks should adopt the methods of Islamists and wear suicide vests into public places and detonate them."
And perhaps Blacks should be "free of Whitey's injustice" in a country that's "FUBU". You know, like Liberia, or Haiti? Wait, those aren't such great examples... maybe Zimbabwe? Uh, not so great either. This is what I mean about "nice things and peaceful neighborhoods" (or countries).
What you call "injustice" is Whitey's self-preservation against your destructive impulses. You can't admit to yourself that YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.
"The black "streets...were just fine" until whitey's envy got the best of him and he chose to bloody the streets with the blood of blacks"
Who's bloodying the streets of Bodymore and Chicongo?
"Greenwood, Oklahoma, a suburb of Tulsa, was the type of community that African Americans are still, today, attempting to reclaim and rebuild."
Funny about Greenwood; it became a war when armed Blacks started showing up in increasing numbers at the courthouse while the sheriff was trying to talk the crowd down. In the first exchange of gunfire, 5 times as many Whites as Blacks were killed. WTF did you expect?
Why don't you reclaim and rebuild Detroit? You've got an entire Black power structure to work with. Instead, you're busy stealing all the copper and brass and sometimes even the bricks. It was nice when you got it, all you had to do was put a little work into keeping it up. Instead you had annual arson-fests, the biggest and most infamous was "Devil's Night" (immortalized by the book by Ze'ev Chafets).
There are parts of Detroit that are rebuilding. Not coincidentally, they are the parts with enough money or private security to keep Black thieves, vandals, robbers and rapists out. If Blacks were segregated back into one section again, the rest of Detroit would start coming back immediately.
"As for guns, they practically do shoot themselves. These automatic and semiautomatic weapons can run off more bullets from their heavy-duty capacity magazines, than the makers of the blunderbuss could have ever imagined."
Ah, imputing agency to inanimate machinery. Classic animism, magical thinking. And racism, too; they don't do that in White hands!
"blacks didn't "fail at civilization," they are the reason that civilization exists at all."
No you aren't. You descend from a common ancestor but you aren't it. The civilized races all have Neanderthal admixture, and you sub-Saharans don't; Neanderthals are the reason civilization exists.
There are signs of pre-European civilization in sub-Saharan Africa. The Great Zimbabwe is one of them. Strangely, nobody mentions any burial sites or other evidence to suggest who built it. This would be of great interest to the field of archaeology... unless it was likely or certain that it would show that its builders were not Black. THAT would be a "hate fact", and buried as quickly as it could be.
Nobody wants to solve this "mystery", which is as good as proof that it isn't a mystery but something that "progressives" don't want the world to know.
"You sit and judge us while ignoring the pathologies of your own culture."
My culture has police and courts to detain killers and rapists and remove them from society. Your "culture" says "too many Black men are in prison", even when they are in prison for raping and killing.
"So, in your opinion we are inferior because of the amount of melanin in our DNA. Is that your opinion?"
No, you're inferior because you're stupid and violent. Melanin is just a handy marker highly correlated with the inner pathology, and currently almost 100% associated with a ridiculous level of entitlement and self-righteousness.
"Not one person of color here has harmed a single white person. Not one!"
If you don't count affirmative-actioning White people out of positions they earned, and making excuses for letting thugs roam free to prey on Whites. When AA is gone and "lock up the thugs" has replaced "stop snitching", we can revisit this.
"a lot of folks like James have raised their offsprings to be just like them, :("
My knowledge was won at considerable cost to me and my family. I don't intend to let my children learn it too late to protect them, like poor Haruka Weiser (and Hannah Graham, Jessica Chamberlain, Heidi and Savannah Walker...).
Sara Mutschlechner would still be alive if she'd simply left the house party as soon as any Blacks showed up. Not giving them a chance to talk to her and demand further attention would have gotten her out safe... but that would have been "racist". So what? Racism is simple self-defense.
My culture has police and courts to detain killers and rapists and remove them from society.
Uh ok.
If you don't count affirmative-actioning White people out of positions they earned, and making excuses for letting thugs roam free to prey on Whites. When AA is gone and "lock up the thugs" has replaced "stop snitching", we can revisit this.
Really asshole? So every single position occupied by a person of color is at the expense of a white person. Ha! I guess like you all whites are geniuses. And for the record the stop snitching "culture" is a stereotypical imagined story that only ignorant racists believe and repeat. So sad.
like poor Haruka Weiser (and Hannah Graham, Jessica Chamberlain, Heidi and Savannah Walker...).
If you were really smart you would know the VAST majority of crimes committed against whites are committed BY whites so you may want to look in the mirror. You are certainly one dumb sonofabitch. Too bad little Shaylyn's parents didn't protect her from a sick white criminal. Funny, you don't give a shit about her do you James? You don't give a shit about anything except spreading your ignorant filth. Get educated and get a job, oh that's right you can't because those negroes took all of them through affirmative action so you're forced to collect welfare. Yeah yeah James, it's never your fault. White dindonuffins. Still, it's ok to rape and kill a baby if you're white. You are one sick fuck James.
Holy Fuck! You would think James would mention baby Ashlyn who was 4 months old when her mother invited a pedophile to have sex with her. Guess what happened? You guessed it, a sick white male raped and killed a 4 month old and yet James is only concerned about the big bad negro. Burn in hell you sick fucks. Only a white man would rape and torture a 4 month old. You know what James, stay the fuck away from us and our babies because your culture does some sick shit!
And James will defend this sick fuck and go into a racist rant in 3.....2.....1.....
Go on James, justify this sick shit. Yawn. Typical redneck shit.
Need any more evidence you need to keep your kids away from white males like James?
This sick fuck raped a 10 year old special needs child. Hmmmmm, maybe we need some affirmative action to hire teachers who don't fucking rape kids. Hey James, was this white guy the most qualified? Was he a better choice than a non-rapey negro? Go on and justify this one asshole.
Jesus Christ! Is raping babies a fucking cottage industry with your people James? How about the Beemers who raped THEIR OWN DAUGHTER! Do you guys not get enough at home? Uh oh, we all know no normal woman would get with you James so should we be on alert for you?
You may want to stop posting about negroes and start trying to stop your type from raping fucking babies! Oh that's right, when you're a white male you can do anything right James? That's ok with you right? You are a sick fuck James.
@James Bold (You poor, pathetic lost soul.): I waited for your response--one filled with the usual "whitey" platitudes--before I presented you with an analysis of your problem, your pathology.
You come here daily for your fix. You're hopelessly addicted to blacks. You need us so that you might feel whiter--that is, more superior. You need to feed your obsession, your addiction, as your own life is bereft of that which would provide you with a sense of importance, or a meaningful existence.
You can't find a solution to your problem among your own race, as there are too many of you, too many who are superior to you in intellect, and other enviable traits. So you come here, seeking here what you can't find among your own. How many black Web pages must you visit each day to get you through the day?
Do your research. There has to be an AA equivalent for your addiction as you're not the only white to be so afflicted. In a population your size, there's got to be millions of you.
I'm sure there's a name for your pathology (a racial junkie), but I have yet to discover it. Here's what I'll do, just for you. I'll continue to scour the Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). And if I don't find your disorder, I'll ask the publishers to include it.
Isn't that a great idea? Finally, you'll have a name for what you're experiencing. Maybe it'll allow you to come to terms with your pathology. Maybe having an official name for it, you won't need us as much as you need us now.
Perhaps by naming it you'll be placed on a path of recovery. Don't give up; there's still hope for you.
You can beat this addiction. Over time you can wean yourself off that black stuff, that substance that allows you to get through the day, to cope with your miserable life, and face those superior minds among your own race, their intellect, their wealth, and their social ranking.
You can do it.
Holy shit! Even the guy who was second in line to the presidency is a fucking sick pervert. Damn, looking at the FBI stats we all knew white men were rapey but goddamn if you sick fucks don't like kids. Please please please James keep your type away from us. Don't visit or even drive through our neighborhoods because we just can't trust you. Hell, white babies can't even trust their own parents. That must drive you crazy as evidenced by the previous post. Get some help for your people Bitch, they are sick and in need of something. Do it for the babies!
Ding ding ding.
"Really asshole? So every single position occupied by a person of color is at the expense of a white person."
In academic and professional positions they are. AA is a huge thumb on the scale and the 1-SD Black deficit in IQ means there are dozens or hundreds of qualified Whites for every Black in positions requiring an IQ of 115 or above.
The demand for "diversity" pushes this all the way down the scale. Some 115-IQ Black has a job that a 130-IQ White would otherwise have. That 130-IQ guy bumps someone else, who winds up competing against somewhat less-smart Blacks for positions that are below his abilities but above theirs, but which they get because, again, "diversity".
This now goes down to elementary school. Broward Co., Florida classifies 8% of White kids as "gifted" and 3% of Blacks... but to get even 3% of Blacks it had to bump the IQ threshold from 130 down to 115.
"And for the record the stop snitching "culture" is a stereotypical imagined story that only ignorant racists believe and repeat. So sad."
If BL really M to you, you'd talk about the miserable clearance rate of Black-on-Black killings in major cities like Chicago which is driven by "stop snitching". But as we have all seen, BL do not M except when they can be used as a weapon against Whitey and civilization in general.
"If you were really smart you would know the VAST majority of crimes committed against whites are committed BY whites"
Because Whites avoid Blacks (like the plague you are). Even given that, Blacks are 25 times as likely to commit a violent crime against a White than vice versa. For robbery with injury to a White victim, more than 40% of cases involve a Black robber, but less than 3 of 10 involve a White robber.
Wait, are you saying that I shouldn't be concerned about Black violent crime because most of it is inflicted on Blacks? That Black Lives Don't Matter? That's funny.
"Too bad little Shaylyn's parents didn't protect her from a sick white criminal."
Nobody's reporting that he was actually a criminal before that. Maybe he was, but if he hadn't actually done anything there was no reason to be concerned for Shaylyn.
There's plenty of reason to be concerned about you. Where you are and when you are there is practically the definition of "in the wrong place at the wrong time".
"James will defend this sick fuck and go into a racist rant in 3.....2.....1....."
Sorry, wrong. He's in jail, and the mother is too for being criminally stupid. Just like Heidi Walker was stupid for hooking up with a Black ex-con, and Savannah paid with her life. Stupid can't be fixed.
You come here daily for your fix. You're hopelessly addicted to blacks."
I'm actually addicted to irony. It makes me laugh, and you give me lots.
@James Bold: "I'm actually addicted to irony. It makes me laugh, and you give me lots."
Yeah, right. Call it whatever face-saving thing you choose, but The Shadow Knows What Evil Lurks In The Hearts Of Men. And The Shadows says, You Are A Racial Junkie, here to get you daily fix.
We're on to you, Junkie, and I, for one, refuse to be your drug dealer on the corner.
Nevertheless, it's now my mission in life to notify others of your character flaws, that you're a social misfit as well as a Racial Junkie.
If I'm a junkie, tell me something:
Why do you need, or even want to live anywhere near, White people?
Why haven't you all decamped to Black countries already, away from all us nasty "racists" who would rather you leave us alone?
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