Before I forget, I would like to thank all of you field hands for keeping me updated while I was off the grid.
Every now and then it's good to get away from the madness.
Anyway, I came home to some good news.
First, good for the supremes for their decision insuring voting rights for all Americans.
Wingnuts tried to have only "eligible" voters count when voting districts are being counted, but the court said- and rightfully so- that every person should count as an eligible voter, regardless of whether they are considered "eligible" by wingnut standards or not.
Let's call a spade a spade, folks. This move was meant to give predominantly white rural areas more political clout and power. Hey, I am not knocking the hustle, but don't pretend that it was anything else. The old tired narrative that this is to prevent voter fraud is getting old. Especially when the facts show us that there is no such voter fraud taking place.
The second bit of good news is this "Panama Papers" story. (Sounds like a bad movie)
"Over the past year, investigative journalists across the world have been sifting through 11.5 million internal files from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca.
The files were leaked to the German paper Süddeutsche Zeitung, which shared the huge trove with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. Stories about the data, which has been dubbed the Panama Papers, have been published by news organizations everywhere from Argentina to Sweden.
We know a lot about the trove of documents, but there's also a lot we don't know. (The ICIJ promises to release a full list of companies and the people linked to them in "early May.")'
It's hard to say what I am looking forward to more; Power coming back on the Starz Network, or the full list of these companies that might be exposed in May.
It's always good when we can expose greedy charlatans who use their power to make money on the backs of others.
I suspect that there will be some surprises, but, let's be honest, most of what we will find out is stuff that we already suspected.
Anyway, I gotta go, I have a couple of episodes of The Walking Dead to catch up to.
*Pic from
Jackie Chan was caught but then again as you said can't knock the hustle. You forget, those who brought the lawsuit and and are supporters don't live in a world of facts. Just watch, you'll get plenty of posters who will claim voter fraud is a UGE problem. You slip off to anywhere cool?
Does anyone else get a stiffy when listening to Phil Collins?
Field said...
"First, good for the supremes for their decision insuring voting rights for all Americans."
Yaaay! and for us Americans in P.R.too right???
Nah...guess not...:(
Field said...
"Anyway, I gotta go, I have a couple of episodes of The Walking Dead to catch up to."
Scuse moi for living but...The Walking Dead'??
OH MAI GATT! Aye cand beelif eet!
well I suppose it's a welcome respite from the courtroom huh? Me on the other hand, all I ever watch is courtroom/trial drama. Currently hooked on Crime And Punishment videos. God I love that stuff! I shoulda been a lawyer like you Field x*D
Not too late, Lila: You'd kick major butt as an attoney :-)
LOL, Mr. Field, about the Panama Papers sounding as though it were the title of a bad movie. Seriously though - my first thought was the full story regarding these documents and the usual suspects, so to speak, will end up becoming a theatrical release that could be quite compelling. Any bets on the actor who gets to play Russian President Putin?
I won't be watching it. I don't watch movies with whooteemoo-majority casts.
48 years since Dr. King's assassination, have we learned anything since then?
-Doug in Oakland
There goes the 3rd leg of theRepulican perpetual over-representation project. They've got unlimited corporate campaign money and they've killed the voting rights act, but without changing per capita apportionment they're still doomed.
99% of the world's problems, both past and present, are whitey's fault. (The other 1% are because of gooks, spics, kikes, and faggots.)
I'd like to see Ru Paul get the part. Or Betty White.
"Let's call a spade a spade, folks. This move was meant to give predominantly white rural areas more political clout and power. Hey, I am not knocking the hustle, but don't pretend that it was anything else. The old tired narrative that this is to prevent voter fraud is getting old. Especially when the facts show us that there is no such voter fraud taking place."
I could be wrong, but I don't think that their argument in this case ever even had anything to do with voter fraud. It was just typical conniving wingnut weasels presenting a fantasy wishlist of how they'd like government to work, and never mind what's explicitly written in the Constitution about legislative apportionment. This was always always a rather silly lawsuit.
What really burns them is that they've worked quite hard to prevent certain people from acquiring voting rights (*cough* undocumented Mexicans *cough*) and to snatch away voting rights from certain other people who once had them (*cough* black ex-cons *cough*), and they'd like to wring yet more political advantage out of these already glaring injustices.
Oh well. Too bad. Thwarted once again by that moldy old document Republicans all pretend to revere but usually don't bother to read.
Let's all move to Mexico when Trump is elected this fall!
Blacks are a curious bunch. You whine 24/7 about racism, but have no problem when one of your own spouts racist rhetoric.
"LOL, Mr. Field, about the Panama Papers sounding as though it were the title of a bad movie. Seriously though - my first thought was the full story regarding these documents and the usual suspects, so to speak, will end up becoming a theatrical release that could be quite compelling. Any bets on the actor who gets to play Russian President Putin?"
Hmmm. Which Hollywood actor doesn't mind finding a little radioactive polonium in his ethically sourced, environmentally sustainable, all-organic, artisanal, Fairtrade Kombucha?
Putin seems to have even less appreciation for constructive criticism than Kim Jong Il, if that is possible. Very bad accidents just coincidentally seem to befall anyone who's ever angered the former KGB officer. Weird how that works.
Can we nominate actors we hate for assassination? I'm thinking Adam Sandler might be a good option. Vladimir could save us all from the terrible fate of "Grown Ups 3."
"Let's all move to Mexico when Trump is elected this fall!"
Let's build a wall around Trump. A big, beautiful wall.
Mexico will be happy to pay for that one, by the way.
"Putin seems to have even less appreciation for constructive criticism than Kim Jong Il, if that is possible."
Oops. That should have read "Kim Jong Un." I can't keep my Korean tinpot dictators straight. It's probably got something to do with them all having that same stupid haircut.
Thought of the day:
It's funny and ironic that a notoriously homophobic demographic like straight black men are always so obsessed with dicks and dick size.
The main way voters are controlled is with media misinformation. Thankfully we still have net neutrality because our network news rivals North Korea's. There was a time when the entities with nefarious intents had to be slick to get away with them. Now they just sponsor the news to control its content. Some of the reasons for the deterioration of journalism were the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987. Reagan vetoed an attempt to reinstate it. Bill Clinton let the media consolidate. Now six big corporations control 90% of the news media. When George W. Bush was president, Fox News won the right to lie for all news organizations. Ironically, Snopes says that isn't true because a local station won that case. The local station was a Fox News affiliate owned by News Corp and the case was represented by News Corp attorneys. Those in power do not agree on everything. They allow us to be for or against racism. They allow us to be for paying workers less, or for consumers having more money to spend on corporations' products. But you will not hear how we are manipulated into wars on TV. The spectrum of propaganda ranges from Fox News blatantly promoting war to MSNBC covering up information about topics they pretend to expose.
The comments about TV shows and mention of court room dramas reminds me of a must see movie, Blind Faith. It is like a book you can't put down. Very powerful! There are more than one movie with that name. Watch the one that stars Charles Dutton. It isn't easy to find. Some libraries have it. At one time I was on a committee in a large corporation to promote people getting along along and working together by discouraging discrimination by race, age, religion, culture, nationality, and sexual preference differences. One of the things I did was show that movie. People would get paid to watch it and get credit for taking diversity training. A lot of it is a court room drama in the mood of Twelve Angry Men. I can't think of a better movie.
I have a tiny penis.
Nothing new with the Panama papers, the top 1% want to stat that way for eternity.
Sadly, will be too late before they realize that the "base" is not only the largest part of the"pyramid, it "supports" the "top" too!
And could someone please tell MJ to stop with the ugly cry face when the Tarheels loose!!
Urgh LOSE!!
Limpnaugh, great points about the networks. But we have to blame the viewing and voting public as well.
We need to get educated about the issues, and we need to stop blindly following the folks pulling the strings from News Corp and other such places.
I think it would be hilarious if Trump were to beat Hillary in November.
"I think it would be hilarious if Trump were to beat Hillary in November."
I think it would be hilarious if the Republican Party were to destroy itself at their convention. Trump lost again today, making that possibility increasingly more likely. (He lost the primary despite the white supremacist organization helpfully calling around to Wisconsin voters to tell them what a swell guy and respecter of women Trump is. The Orange One sure does have some interesting friends!)
And just yesterday, Trump henchman Roger Stone threatened to send goons to beat up any Trump delegates at the convention who might want to switch their vote to support another GOP nominee after Trump fails to get a majority.
Roger Stone threatens to send Trump supporters to delegate hotel rooms
That GOP convention is bound to be super fun! :-D
"think it would be hilarious if Trump were to beat Hillary in November."
He better concentrate on beating Cruz first.
The establishment might be more afraid of Trump than there are of Cruz, but if Cruz were ahead the GOP might be supporting Trump to stop Cruz. The establish figures who support Cruz don't even want him to win. They only want someone to take delegates away from Trump. Meanwhile Clinton only wins states that will vote Republican.
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