"Donald Trump's latest campaign finance filing contains the names of dozens of companies that were paid for services, but one really stands out: Draper Sterling, a play on the name of the fictional ad agency from the cable TV series "Mad Men."
The firm that collected $35,000 from Trump for "web advertising" in late April isn't headquartered in Madison Avenue offices filled with mid-century modern furniture and stylish secretaries; it traces back to a private home in suburban New Hampshire that's about a 15-minute drive from the home of ousted Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.
Unraveling what it is and how it wound up getting a big chunk of Trump change is a bit like trying to figure out Don Draper's true identity.
Draper Sterling was only incorporated in March, and the registered agent, according to New Hampshire public records, is a man named Jon Adkins — who separately was paid $3,000 in May for "field consulting" by the Trump campaign.
Another man using Adkins' New Hampshire address, former Navy SEAL Paul Holzer, also pocketed $3,000 for field consulting on the same day, the filing shows.
Holzer and Adkins are listed as co-founders of a Boston-based medical non-profit startup called Xeno Therapeutics, and Holzer has other political connections, having worked on GOP gubernatorial campaigns in Massachusetts and Missouri.
Another man using Adkins' New Hampshire address, former Navy SEAL Paul Holzer,also pocketed $3,000 for field consulting on the same day, the filing shows.
Holzer and Adkins are listed as co-founders of a Boston-based medical non-profit startup called Xeno Therapeutics, and Holzer has other political connections, having worked on GOP gubernatorial campaigns in Massachusetts and Missouri.
As ThinkProgress reported, Holzer is the brother of Adam McLain, who runs the super-PAC Patriots for America. The super-PAC's filing show it owes more than $56,000 to a firm called — you guessed it — Draper Sterling.
That Draper Sterling is located in Delaware, not New Hampshire, though. Delaware records don't show who runs it, and it's not clear if it's the same entity.
Patriots for America's filings list a phone number that answers with a message that says, "This is Grace's Grantham Cafe" — a name of a cafe that was slated to open last weekend in Grantham, New Hampshire. Corporation records show the registered agent for the cafe is Adkins, but it was Holzer who made a presentation before the Grantham planning board about the business in February.
Efforts to reach Holzer, McLain and Adkins by phone and social media were unsuccessful. Holzer told Fortune that there was "nothing untoward" about Draper Sterling but would not talk about the Trump campaign. " [Source]
Holzer won't talk about it, but I will: That campaign is in some serious trouble.
*Pic from wikepedia.com
This basically means that bitch Hillary is going to win in November.
Nope. Another Mooslim will attack, the Constitution will be suspended and Princess Purple Lips will become dictator-for-life.
Field can't wait, of course.
I miss Josh.
They're comparing the shameless grift the Trump campaign is and always has been with Newt Gingrich's 2012 self-enrichment candidacy, but that doesn't seem entirely fair to me. Ellis the Elephant seems positively statesmanlike compared to not just Trump, but his entire lame excuse for an organization.
-Doug in Oakland
Hey, Doug! Still afraid to ask your Asian neighbors what they think of Blacks?
(If Dougie-boy ever sat himself down and realized that his life and safety rely on the "cultural racism" of the people around him, he might realize that this is a GOOD thing... and then where would he be, with his entire self-image destroyed? The truth might actually kill him. That's okay, though; I'm fine with traitors dying of acute cognitive dissonance. But more likely, his tactic of sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" will keep him safe from that.)
The white race is a cruel fucking joke.
Hey James! You're still wrong! Fancy that. Normal sane people don't go around asking their neighbors whether they hate people. And what has really got us all here intact after 200,000 years or so is community. Not hate. Looking out for each other. Ups the survival probability, where hate brings it down. I don't expect you to understand that, and that's kinda too bad, as you might have a better time if you did, and if you did, the people around you (assuming there are any) might also. Interesting (and the most successful) concept. You should try it some time. I promise not to make fun of you if you do.
-Doug in Oakland
None of James Bold's neighbors like his sorry ass.
So what! Hillary is the lying assed-cunt, to the lying asked President ever, seen, his cum-sucking adventures in the White house...and SHE defends him.. Why? She wants to be a player in politics, while letting Huma get her from behind with a strap-on.
I would gladly make you a bet: Number them 1-infinity. What has hillary done to make anyone confident that she is not a bitch, liar, and a political whore.
Lt. Commander Johnson: Did you actually serve in the Navy or Marines? No Navy officer I ever met (and I've known a few) would display such tactless behavior in public or online (even behind an alias). It's that honor thing that goes with being an officer and a gentleman, y'know.
Your comments about FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE Hillary Clinton cause me to think you "doth protest too much." Hung up about women in power much? Or is it sex?
I'd wish you fair winds and following seas, but I suspect you wouldn't know what that means.
Lt. Commander Johnson is really a basement-dwelling lardass.
I actually hate Chinese people more than Muslims and Mexicans.
I hate white people more than any other race, including Chinese and Mexican.
-Doug in Oakland
For those of you who still think Hitlery will ever disgrace the WH again, I give you this:
Surprise, surprise. Trump's campaign is an utter trainwreck and his poll ratings are plummeting into the toilet, while Hillary's are climbing, now that she's slain the Bernie dragon.
Predictably, things are not going as well for Trump in the general election campaign (which will be decided by normal people voters) as they did in the primary (which was decided by the virulently racist wingnut knuckledraggers who make up the GOP base). Different rules, different results.
As of now, it's looking like he is going to get slaughtered, and other Republican politicians will have to decide if they want to go down with him, or sprint as hard as they can away from him and hope enough of the Trump stink gets blown off them that they can survive in November.
Unfortunately, while the awful Trump campaign lasts, it is having a less than salubrious effect on some members of the U.S. citizenry. It is encouraging hatemongers to think their vile views are perfectly sensible and respectable in polite society. I am thinking in particular of the following fellow, a candidate for the House of Representatives from Tennessee named Rick Tyler.
To promote his campaign, Tyler has paid for a billboard reading, "Make America White Again." (This is what liberals have been saying all along that Trump really means by his slogan. So thanks for officially confirming that suspicion, Rick.) Tyler is campaigning on a platform of literally restoring the white population to its historic proportion of 85% of the populace, because apparently, America can only ever be a terrible, crime-and-terrorist-ridden hellhole if there are fewer whites. I'd be interested to know exactly how the dude plans to boost the white-people count (does it involve the words "final" or "solution"?) but he doesn't say.
Tyler also states that he thinks Trump is insincere, a phoney. Which I am taking to mean he considers Trump to be insufficiently racist for his liking. Seriously.
Now, Rick Tyler is obviously a no-hoper. There's zero chance he'll get elected. But just watch this thoroughly bananas interview with the cheerfully racist pinhead, who now thinks it is acceptable to publicly air out such rancid beliefs, and tell me that Trump is not motivating some awful creepy-crawlies to slither out from under their rocks. Quite disturbing.
Inbred redneck village idiot James Bold who claims untold wealth yet is consumed and obsessed with the "inferior" races. Only when he comes with his racist bullshit and the only response is a shower of abuse will the light finally come on in his empty head that the joke is on him.
"Hey James! You're still wrong! Fancy that. Normal sane people don't go around asking their neighbors whether they hate people."
You're the one who said "hate". I said thought, as in what they think. English is your first language, right? How do you get such a basic distinction wrong? Or is it that you can't think of anyone NOT hating Black people, so you dare not ask? I bet that's it. You suspect, and dare not confirm it.
No one in their right mind is not wary of Black people, and avoid all but a selected few in safe numbers. No one. Most White liberals are hypocrites, though a few are actively insane. The hypocrites always see someone else who needs more "diversity" in their lives, work and schools, but never themselves.
"And what has really got us all here intact after 200,000 years or so is community. Not hate."
Oh, like the Hebrews "communed" with the Canaanites and formed one big, happy family? Like the Han Chinese "commune" with the Tibetans and Uigurs and Formosans? Like the Hutu and Tutsi "commune" in Rwanda? No problems there, right? Right?
Here's video of some Dindus "communing" at an IHOP in Memphis just the other day. From the aprons they are employees, not customers. Hey, why don't you find them some apartments in your building, maybe give them jobs; they'll be assets to your "community". You've got too many Asians, not enough REAL diversity, right? Right!
Any tribe that lowered its defenses against other tribes got wiped out. In the north, anyone who didn't also have the foresight to make shelter and set aside food and fuel for the cold months starved, froze or both. Tribal loyalty and foresight created the Europeans and East Asians. We are evolved from people who opposed and won against ALL threats.
Life in areas where the only threats were disease, animals and other tribes did not force the evolution of foresight. Storing up food is pointless when it will either rot or be stolen by those who'd rather plunder than toil. That pretty much sums up eastern Africa and much of Central and South America. It also explains "nigga rich".
"Looking out for each other. Ups the survival probability, where hate brings it down."
Yes, I look out for people who might want to victimize me. I then keep them at a safe distance. It's worked for more than half a century. Black-on-White crime is best understood as low-level tribal warfare. They hate me and want to do me harm. I have the luxury of living where they aren't, so I can be left alone. I just wish all non-libtard Whites did too. You libtards... you deserve 'em.
"Unfortunately, while the awful Trump campaign lasts, it is having a less than salubrious effect on some members of the U.S. citizenry. It is encouraging hatemongers to think their vile views are perfectly sensible and respectable in polite society."
RealTalk™ is always a threat to the religio-nuts, whether Christian, Islamic or Marxist. They've always banned it where they could, but the wheels are coming off in the USA and their suppression doesn't work any more.
And Mr. Muh Dik... I don't have time to mock you today. I'm taking a break from formatting some mathematical formulae for publication (which is turning out to take a lot longer than deriving them on pencil and paper). Sorry, no witticism for you.
Maybe you could count to 11 if you grow a dick Nazi Einstein.
Gee James, life would be really fucked up and hard if it was anything like the way you lie about it. I'm really glad it isn't, as I have a pretty good life, not having to be afraid of anyone, and knowing there are folks who have my back if I need some help sometimes, which I sometimes do, being disabled and all. But I can walk around my neighborhood at night with my quad-cane and nobody fucks with me. I used to have to be a little more careful down in West Oakland, but not much. And West Oakland doesn't really exist anymore, having been gentrified out of existence, and you know why? So many people want to live here that the rents have tripled in the last five years. Oakland, which according to the 2010 census was about one third black and one third white has some of the highest rents and the most competitive housing markets in the country. This is causing some problems, as low and mid income families are being displaced, creating some hostilities in places Oakland is famous for lacking them, but we still mostly all get along with each other. That's right, well off (mostly) white people are competing with each other to get to live here. The real estate websites are advertising the area they call "deep East Oakland" as one of the last places in the Bay Area where you can buy a house for less than half a million dollars, and with the tech boom going on across the bay, they are selling them as fast as they can get them. Those used to be scary neighborhoods, I have lived in them, so I know that. But things are changing fast here. And things are changing, if more slowly all over this country. And yes, it was me who used the word hate, but it was the correct word to describe the pathology that underlies what you posted that I was responding to.
-Doug in Oakland
Three inches? So you really ARE Korean!
This site is just a bunch of Asians pretending they are black so they can take out their anger on whites. just as I suspected.
Why don't more blacks like and support a guy like Trump? He talks just as much shit as you people always do. Plus he is just as loud.
I think Mystere is in to someone.
What's with the obscenity ? Let's see now....DELETE.
Blogger Mystere said...
Lt. Commander Johnson: Did you actually serve in the Navy or Marines? No Navy officer I ever met (and I've known a few) would display such tactless behavior in public or online (even behind an alias). It's that honor thing that goes with being an officer and a gentleman, y'know.
Your comments about FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE Hillary Clinton cause me to think you "doth protest too much." Hung up about women in power much? Or is it sex?
I'd wish you fair winds and following seas, but I suspect you wouldn't know what that means.
4:59 PM
Well, Mystere...if you had been around a while, you'd know I didn't serve in the military. I've admitted that. I only took the nom Daguerre to harass a fellow poster, Uptown Steve, in a comical way. I liked the guy, but I also enjoyed our disagreements. I still miss him.
As far as maritime experience, I've caught more fish, especially offshore, than you would never imagine. Tuna, especially.
Drop dead.
Tuna, huh? Not surprised.😏
Hey! I'll take all the blue fin & yellow fin my back can tolerate!(:
That's understandable but kind of sad considering by Latinos and Asians communities tend to openly discriminate against AAs while Whites don't
Well, Mystere...if you had been around a while, you'd know I didn't serve in the military.
No shit, we know you're a coward.
That's understandable but kind of sad considering by Latinos and Asians communities tend to openly discriminate against AAs while Whites don't
This is a common meme among racists. Never seen that personally. We all tend to get along pretty well. I guess people need to see things that justify their own prejudices.
I'm the coward you would never want to meet, bitch.
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