We certainly know how Herman Cain feels.
"Former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has resurfaced to give a ringing endorsement of Donald Trump.
Donald Trump has shown outstanding leadership skills in operating his chain of companies for several decades. He can translate that into running the White House,” said Cain, in an interview with the Conservative Chronicle. “I would be proud to call him boss.”
Cain recently gave a clownish performance at a Donald Trump rally in Atlanta on Wednesday. According to Raw Story, he opened his comments by proclaiming, “Aw, shucky ducky! This sounds like a shucky ducky kind of crowd on a shucky ducky kind of day, here to support an aw, shucky ducky kind of candidate!”
He then launched into a passionate defense of Donald Trump, who has made, anti-Muslim and anti-Latino comments.
“Allow me to set the record straight about one of the biggest lies out there about Donald Trump — and I hope the liberals and the liberal media is listening — Donald Trump is not a racist!” he said."
Is there a bigger Steppin Fetchit type Negro on the political scene than Herman? (Wait, I apologize to Steppin Fetchit, he looks like Malcolm X next to this clown.) I am embarrassed for him if he is not embarrassed for himself. "I am proud to call him boss"?!
Negro, please!
Finally, tomorrow will be a year since those horrific shootings in Charleston, South Carolina. It was a horrific and vicious crime which grabbed national headlines because of where it took place and the motivations of the murderer.
Now, ironically, in spite of all these promises of "change", race relations has actually gotten worse in this country since the election of one Barack Obama. And one candidate for president is wisely using the rise of white supremacist to bolster his chances of winning the entire thing.
The sad thing is that so far his political calculations have proven to be spot on.
*Pic from motherjones.com
Maybe he's hoping that Trump will buy, I mean hire him if he wins...
-Doug in Oaklaqnd
"I am proud to call him boss"
Herman Cain: "Oh, shucky ducky, if I kiss his rump, I mean his Trump now, maybe he'll reserve a post for me, make me his black emissary, or his liaison between the races.
This is a shame and a disgrace! The yassir bossin continues and does'nt stop with this Kingfish! The hope and change retoric did'nt come to pass and this sad display of a so called man is what our young people see! Good Lord I could just leave the planet!
Mr. Field, I want to thank you for your courage to get the truth out there. You are a very brave and talented man. I have long enjoyed your other blog, A Gay Black Man With AIDS Speaks, and I only recently discovered this blog. I was very pleasantly surprised, to say the least. So versatile!
It takes a lot of courage to come out of the closet as a black man, I know. And I applaud you. Gay Black Power!
Herman Cain isn't as bad as Brock Turner.
My parents always warned us about "the Herman Cain" in our midst. I feel sorry for his kids/grandkids. So Sad..
"Now, ironically, in spite of all these promises of "change", race relations has actually gotten worse in this country since the election of one Barack Obama."
Gee, they foisted a man (using the term loosely) upon America as POTUS who is anti-Christian, anti-White, sided with street criminals over decent citizens and persecuted the police for doing their jobs, marinated for years in the toxic sermons of one Jeremiah Wright but lacks the honesty to admit what they said... and you wonder why race relations in the country went to hell?
White America found out what you meant by "equality". Or something. Now that the façade over "anti-racism" has come off revealing the genocidal ideology underneath, it's no wonder that they are fed up with trying to accomodate you. Fifty-one years of "civil rights" have gotten nowhere. Barack Hussein Obama was the last gasp of the movement; "if this doesn't work, NOTHING will!" And that's true: nothing will. The experiment is over.
What "Shucky Ducky" says may be true, that Trump isn't a racist. He may just be using racism to get attention, votes, the nomination. Manipulating the racists out there. But as one (British?) reporter wrote, whether he's a racist or is merely using racism,"what the bloody hell difference does it make?" Every racist has come out of the woodwork and is giving the demagogic dickhead a real chance at the White House.
Did everyone see these reporter's tweets from a Trump rally? A play-by-play of racist, sexist, drunken xenophobia. They're the most frightening thing I've read in a while. Give 'em pitchforks and maybe a noose or two.
Anotherbozo, if it walks like a duck....
Where is Sergeant Waters (A Soldier's Story) when u need him? 🙄
Dear Ministry of Douche,
Do you ever get tired of being a retard?
James: You wish.
-Doug in Oakland
Tell me, Dougie ol' buddy ol' pal, have you asked your "Asian" (how insensitive, grouping Indians and Pakistanis together with Chinese, Vietnamese and Filipinos!) neighbors what they think of Black people?
I'll bet you live in a hotbed of racism (not to mention a huge state of denial). <snicker>
No as a matter of fact we are polite and kind to one another. Snicker all you want if it gets you off. We have bigger issues to be concerned about and find fighting among ourselves a hindrance.
-Doug in Oakland
Hey Field, keep up the good work! My friends showed me this today during beer-thirty at their house. You gotta see this:
Herman Cain may be pulling a huge stunt! :)
@dinthebeast: Doug, you can be my neighbor anytime.
He can deny it ad infinitum, but Boldy boy is not only a racist, but a hater to boot.
The kind of hate he evinces will take about a dozen years off his life, if not more.
The Shadow Knows: Thank you and I know. I hope he's OK. And anon: that Herman Cain thing is replaying itself out in the form of Donald Trump, who also started a vanity project campaign that got away from him. No funding, no campaign apparatus, no clue.
-Doug in Oakland
Where the hell is the Friday post?
Lazy-ass nigger didn't make one.
SMH, TBH ...
Lazy-ass nigger didn't make one.
Says the welfare methhead. Field actually has a job unlike your inbred ass. Go let your cousin James the Bitch suck your little dick hillbilly.
What a bigoted article. If a black man doesn't agree with your politics, Field, he is Steppin Fetchit? Wow.
Field would be happy to call Hillary boss.
What does that tell you?
I'm a Christian Republican who obeys the law and thinks the right to defend myself and my family is non-negotiable.
This game where the Left gets to Blood Libel me and blame me for murders committed by Muslim Democrats?
Homey don't think so.
It really tells you something about the state of the country that when we are attacked, the first instinct of our leaders is to demand we disarm.
I am the cum bucket of a dead cock.
Paying taxes: The only white-dominated activity no other groups complain about
"He can deny it ad infinitum, but Boldy boy is not only a racist, but a hater to boot."
"Racist." "Hater." Is that all you've got?
I notice that you don't have any words of condemnation for King Shamir Shabazz, who exhorts Black people to kill "crackas" and "dey babies". That's not racism and hatred? Apparently not... by your lights.
Do you wonder why I laugh at your finger-pointing and moral posturing? It's because your gross hypocrisy and implicit hatred of everything White is obvious, and your magic words are all tired and worn out. People are even beginning to think that Nazis weren't so bad; they didn't allow TNB or Islamic terrorism, and they kept perverts out of women's bathrooms!
"The kind of hate he evinces will take about a dozen years off his life, if not more."
And how much could an encoonter with disciples of Shabazz take off it? Disciples like these "polar-bear hunters", maybe?
Yet you wonder why nobody wants you around. The stupid, it burns.
"It really tells you something about the state of the country that when we are attacked, the first instinct of our leaders is to demand we disarm."
Not just that, they resettle more than 400 un-vetted Syrian "refugees" (who don't include any of the real refugees in Islamic Syria, namely Christians) just since the Orlando murders. The US government is full of and run by traitors, and I hope to live long enough to see lots of them hang.
The real irony? Blacks in the USA support the party that brings in millions of Mexicans and others who loathe Blacks and ethnically cleanse them. Blacks hate Whitey so much, they'll commit suicide as long as Whitey goes down too. The problem is that Whitey is getting wise to that; Black perfidy will be their undoing.
That is a telling statement. The shooter did not use an AR-15. He actually used a Sig. Regardless, there are over 20 million, yes million of both types of rifles that have been sold in the last 15 years. If they are the weapon of choice so often, where are the hundreds of thousands of incidence yearly?
That is a telling statement. The shooter did not use an AR-15. He actually used a Sig. Regardless, there are over 20 million, yes million of both types of rifles that have been sold in the last 15 years. If they are the weapon of choice so often, where are the hundreds of thousands of incidence yearly?
Arthur Thurman, you are one pathetic white boy. Fuck off and die, pale face.
Arthur Thurman likes to take it up the ass from his white trash relatives.
Arthur: Most of those (at least the ones I know)who have them don't ever use them. They're really not good for much of anything, as the guy who designed them would have said (according to his family). AR-15 is a military weapon, and an antiquated one at that, but it looks like something mean enough to fight the ebil gubmint with to guys who have never seen an M4 or a hellfire missile. They do work pretty well to slaughter a lot of people at close quarters, though, and are fairly popular for that application. And yes I know the difference between a Sig and an AR-15, I got in a long back and forth a few threads ago to finally convince someone here of that.
-Doug in Oakland
I look at the reactions to Arthur Thurman by "Anonymous" and "E" and just shake my head.
You can't call them "replies". They don't respond to anything he wrote. It's pure animus, utter hatred for anyone challenging the Black party line. And you STILL have the gall to call other people "haters"? You even try to take over vigils for the Pulse club victims to talk about BLM... when Omar Mateen was letting Black people go free!
This is why your welcome is wearing out so rapidly. As someone wrote recently, Black people will walk around up to their elbows in their own shit and wonder out loud where all the stank is coming from. You can't make this up. You are hopeless, a failed race.
Brief items: There's been yet another case of a Black man live-streaming his own fatal shooting to Facebook. No White people or police were involved either time, and Black Lives Matter is notably silent.
Zero talks about mass shootings by "disturbed" people, but refuses to say what disturbs them: Islam at The Pulse, and anti-White government in Charleston. Why don't we, you know, get rid of both of them?
And speaking of "up to your elbows in your own shit"... a Black man videos himself shitting in display toilets at a Lowes in Cincinnati, and pissing on children's clothes at a WalMart. You won't even observe proper toilet behavior as adults. Why do you expect to be seen as anything but animals?
Disturbed people like Eric Schute in WV who murdered three of his neighbors over firewood and Alex Jones' voice in his head?
-Doug in Oakland
"Disturbed people like Eric Schute in WV who murdered three of his neighbors over firewood"
I searched for "Eric Schute" "west virginia" and the closest thing that came up was an obituary from Arkansas.
In other words, what the FUCK are you talking about? I swear, the shit you self-hating Whites rant and rave about doesn't exist 7 times out of 10, and is half-relevant another 2.
Have you ever actually seen a black person you Aryan asshole?
I've worked side-by-side with a guy from Kenya. He's also the only one I can say was competent.
The entitlement complex so prominent in American-born Blacks was notably absent in him.
James, I don't believe u. I think u are making up that story about your co-called Kenyan co-worker.
You strike me as a guy who had a black boss (probably female), couldn't cut it, and was ultimately let go.
I could be wrong, but I doubt it. ;)
"You strike me as a guy who had a black boss (probably female)"
The list of Blacks qualified to manage people in my field is very short (I've never met one); the list of qualified Black females can be counted on the fingers of a quadruple amputee.
"I could be wrong, but I doubt it. ;)"
You'll make up your own narrative to support your preconceptions, regardless of reality. It's the Black thing to do. It's part of what makes you so damn fascinating.
Yeah... his name was Barack Obama...
You who have never seen a black person yet are obsessed with this "failed race" ...
Who the fuck do you think takes you seriously...you Nazi village idiot.
James: OK I got his name wrong. I should have looked it up again before I posted:
-Doug in Oakland
Actually I just got the spelling of his name wrong. That was a completely separate incident. I guess that kind of thing happens a lot in West Virginia? Dunno, never been there.
-Doug in Oakland
"Actually I just got the spelling of his name wrong. That was a completely separate incident. I guess that kind of thing happens a lot in West Virginia? Dunno, never been there.
So the author tries to smear Alex Jones (who is a self-aggrandizing nutcase, but completely uninvolved), the shooter posts a selfie that looks like Jack Nicholson saying "Here's Johnny!", people had problems with the guy going back ages... my leanings are that he was a CIA asset and the whole thing was a false-flag affair. The WV case is sad but people who don't introduce themselves to the neighbors do sometimes get mistaken for prowlers.
How far do I have to go back to find a case of pork chops or chicken wings "gone wrong" and someone kills someone else over it... both of them Black, of course? How many killed and killers just this weekend in Shitcongo... most of them Black?
Any wonder why Field's adopted hometown is going to shit? It's Blacks.
Blogger dinthebeast said...
Arthur: Most of those (at least the ones I know)who have them don't ever use them. They're really not good for much of anything, as the guy who designed them would have said (according to his family). AR-15 is a military weapon, and an antiquated one at that, but it looks like something mean enough to fight the ebil gubmint with to guys who have never seen an M4 or a hellfire missile. They do work pretty well to slaughter a lot of people at close quarters, though, and are fairly popular for that application. And yes I know the difference between a Sig and an AR-15, I got in a long back and forth a few threads ago to finally convince someone here of that.
-Doug in Oakland
8:23 PM
I believe you are reffering to me, Dougie.
You didn't "convince" me of crap. You just corrected me on the model of the weapon used. All I heard on the television was, "AR-15, AR-15"..ad nauseum
An M-4 is just a more portable version of the AR-15, with a collapsible stock, and usually a shorter barrel length.
This just in: Justice Sotomayor on "the talk" black parents must have with their sons," and how racial profiling is absofuckinglutely inexcusable, always:
For generations, black and brown parents have given their children "the talk"— instructing them never to run down the street; always keep your hands where they can be seen; do not even think of talking back to a stranger—all out of fear of how an officer with a gun will react to them. See, e.g., W. E. B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk (1903); J. Baldwin, The Fire Next Time (1963); T. Coates, Between the World and Me (2015). By legitimizing the conduct that produces this double consciousness, this case tells everyone, white and black, guilty and innocent, that an officer can verify your legal status at any time. It says that your body is subject to invasion while courts excuse the violation of your rights. It implies that you are not a citizen of a democracy but the subject of a carceral state, just waiting to be catalogued. We must not pretend that the countless people who are routinely targeted by police are "isolated." They are the canaries in the coal mine whose deaths, civil and literal, warn us that no one can breathe in this atmosphere. See L. Guinier & G. Torres, The Miner's Canary 274–283 (2002). They are the ones who recognize that unlawful police stops corrode all our civil liberties and threaten all our lives. Until their voices matter too, our justice system will continue to be anything but.
context: http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/news/a46027/sotomayor-dissent/
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