As soon as the meeting with Bernie was over he and his peeps were firing up the video.
Of course you can't blame the president for being so opposed to the republican nominee. This was, after all, a man who called him a non-citizen who was unqualified to be the president. And one who demanded to see his birth certificate to prove that he is one of us.
It's amazing that the rest of the country is just now discovering that the man is a flat out racist, even after all that he has done to get to this point where he finally took his hood off. The people who are just now discovering that trump is a racist were either living on Mars or had their heads in the sand here on earth.
If you don't believe it, please take the time to read the following from Fortune magazine:
"Is Donald Trump racist? The question that has hung over the presumptive Republican nominee for president as he has called Mexicans “rapists” and proposed a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. Lately, though, the question has taken on more urgency as Trump has repeatedly publicly attacked the judge who presides over Trump University class-action lawsuits. Calling the American-born Gonzalo Curiel a “Mexican,” he said Curiel was therefore biased against him, and he added to the flurry of objections by suggesting that Muslim judge might also be incapable of hearing a lawsuit involving any Trump entity.
In between these remarks he managed to offend by singling out a black man at one of his rallies, calling him “my African American” as if the fellow’s presence proved Trump was on the right side of the race issue.
For the long followers of Trump’s career, however, none of these incendiary remarks are especially surprising. Trump has a long record as a provocateur on matters of race and ethnicity.
It starts in 1973, when the United States Department of Justice went to court with a discrimination complaint against the Trump family business which rented apartments across Brooklyn and Queens. Coming from the administration of Richard Nixon, who was hardly a civil rights agitator, the complaint was based on an investigation that found four different Trump employees confirming that applicants for leases were screened by race. One rental agent said Trump’s father had told him not to rent to blacks and that he actually wanted to reduce the number of African Americans in his buildings. Three doormen said they had been instructed to deflect blacks who came to Trump buildings to apply for apartments.
Though just 26 years old at the time, Donald Trump was already president of the Trump Organization. Rather than work with the government to bring the company into compliance with the law, as the New York apartment king Sam LeFrak had done, Trump retained one of the most notorious lawyers in the country, Roy Cohn, and commence an all-out legal war. Cohn, who had been Joe McCarthy’s chief inquisitor during the senator’s witch hunt for communists in the government, filed a $410 million lawsuit against the federal government and smeared the justice department attorneys with terms such as “storm troopers” and “Gestapo Trump complained in the press of “reverse discrimination” and alleged a “nationwide drive” to force landlords to “rent to welfare recipients.”...
...In 1989, he told Bryant Gumbel in an interview, “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market…if I was starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I really do believe they have the actual advantage today. “ In fact, all the serious studies refuted that. However his statement did serve as a kind of shout-out to those who were ignorant about the racial dynamics in the in the U.S. economy.
Earlier in that same year Trump helped fan the flames of racial resentment when black and Latino teens were arrested in the infamous “central park jogger” attack. Trump alone chose to pay for $85,000 worth of full page newspaper ads trumpeting, in capital letters, “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY. BRING BACK OUR POLICE!” In the text Trump objected to then-Mayor Ed Koch’s plea for peace. Mayor Koch has stated that “hate and rancor should be removed from our hearts. I do not think so.”
As Trump and other New Yorkers indulged in hate and rancor, the five accused were subjected to intense interrogation, most without their parents present, and gave false confessions. After years in prison, they were exonerated by DNA evidence. A book and a documentary film on the case showed how fear and race played substantial roles in the wrongful convictions but Trump, who fanned the flames, remained steadfast in his views. When the men received compensation for their imprisonment, Trump denounced the payments and smeared the men by saying, “These young men do not exactly have the past of angels.
Next in the Trump record on race came a 1991 book by John O’Donnell, who had been president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City. O’Donnell quoted Trump saying,“ Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes… Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else…Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that’s guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks.”
O’Donnell’s report was shocking, but Trump did not contest it at the time. In 1997 he was interviewed for Playboy by author Mark Bowden and he confirmed that the O’Donnell book was “probably true.” [Source]
You know what else is true? That this man being so close to being our president is a poor reflection on all of us.
In other poor reflections, our manchild president became the first president ever to endorse a nominee under criminal investigation..
We're all fucked no matter what happens in November.
Trump can't be held responsible for his youthful words and indiscretions. After all, he was a Democrat back then and didn't know better.
And blogger field, when are you going to call for Democrats and leftwing groups to give back the money they got from the Don?
How can you belong to a political party and support groups that take coin from such a RACIST!!!!!1?
.... crickets .......
@Field: "You know what else is true? That this man being so close to being our president is a poor reflection on all of us."
Sorry, Field, but I take no blame for Trump's ascension to the GOP Presumptive Candidate Throne; that dubious honor belongs to the James Bolds of this country.
They've been waiting for a candidate to say what they've been feeling, and Trump has more than obliged, even as the Republican leadership scurry like rats in an attempt to distance themselves from him.
Feeled -
Would you consider Shaun King a house negro or a field negro?
Don't try and dodge the question like you always do. I want to know.
GO Elizabeth Warren GO !!!
What is with Ed Rendell? He is becoming a real prick lately ... Warren not qualified to be president, previously his dumb comments on the predominance of ugly women. Not to mention his controversial at best attacks on the prosecutors in the Chaka Fattah corruption trial.
The B-I-B-L-E. Yes that's the book for me.
The only part that really bothers me about this racist (duh!) buffoonery is Roy Cohn, to whom Trump became somewhat of a protege, along with one of his former high-ranking campaign (if you can call it that) advisors. Roy Cohn is a main branch in a twisted thicket of right-wing evil. Lee Atwater and Karl Rove are another offshoot, and while they were evil, they were at least somewhat competent. Trump (and to a lesser extent Stone) has never done anything right. Kinda reminiscent of W in that way. Except that because of his father, W at least had an inkling of what the job of president entails. Trump has none, and if the strain of ugliness and corruption got W appointed president in 2000, there is at least an outside chance of it happening again with Trump. I don't think it will, but without the Cohn connection I would find the entire Trump bid ugly but laughable.
As for what it says about the electorate, I just love all of these high ranking Republicans who are suddenly shocked, shocked I tell you to discover that the Republican party is full of meatheads and racists. Who, exactly, was it that invited them in, y'all?
-Doug in Oakland
@ Society's Ho -
I am one of the James Bolds of this country. Does Trump speak for me? Yes and no. He says some of what I feel, though I can't tell how much of it is real. Him just saying it is opening up dialogue and exposing the left for what it is. I know he is not The Messiah, but for the first time in my life I am going to vote in November. Yeah, for him.
BECAUSE. Unlimited tolerance and endless white guilt have failed. Giving in to the demands of subhuman scum like Jesse and Al has failed. Paying blacks to loaf around and reproduce has failed. Inviting the world to come here and hop on the gibs me train has failed. Progressivism has failed.
People are tired of failure. If we can't make America "great" again, we can at least make it work again. We can at least try.
@Lance: Not surprised by Rendell. He was a "let's cut Social Security" grand bargainer and a both-siderist no labels huckster. Sometimes he says things I like, but I have reasons to not trust him.
-Doug in Oakland
For a moment, I had forgotten about Trump's chum, Roy Cohn. Man, yet another in the long list of horrible friends he's got. *smh*
As for the Republican leadership only now discovering Trump's racism, well, you know, it just slipped by them all those other times. They were looking the other way when it happened. They got distracted by a squirrel. However, this is the last straw! It's, like, 1,451st straw -- but that's the last one, Donald! The Latino judge is one too many!! Fool me 1,450 times, shame on you. Fool me 1,451 times, shame on me.
Haha, actually, no. We all know that's not what this is about. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan didn't just wake up to find that Trump is a racist (but everyone should vote for him anyway!).
What happened was that they assumed that Trump was putting on a nice racism show for the racist dummies in the Republican primaries. But then, according to the Etch-a-Sketch theory, once Trump had won, of course he would get serious, and tone down his behavior, and become a kindly statesmanlike gentlemen for the non-racist dummies in the general election (who would, being dummies, have totally forgotten about all his previous abominable behavior in the primary season).
But then this Trump U case came along and ... f-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-ck! TRUMP IS NOT TONING IT DOWN! He's going to continue being the hateful monster he's always been, all the way to election day!
Panic time.
"Give white people a pile of bricks and they'll turn it into a city; give black people a city and they'll turn it into a pile of bricks."
-Mahatma Ghandi
Anonymous said...
@ Society's Ho -
I would have responded to your inanity, but you chose to insult me right out of the gate.
Before you speak again, learn some manners; perhaps, then, you'll change your Ho-Hum life into a HO! HO! HO! One.
"Give white people a pile of bricks and they'll turn it into a city;"
No, they won't. Whites will try to sell them to blacks, hoping to make millions while they turn the city into junkies--the Walking Dead.
"give black people a city and they'll turn it into a pile of bricks."
No, they won't. Drug Cartels won't give blacks that kind of power--to build their own drug empire. --MoreHotMore Gone Die
I think as we m9ve forward into the 21st Century, some of u whites who are afraid of change should learn to relax.
There is no bogeyman under your bed coming to take your wife and kids.
trump is working a con on u. At the end of the day he will be paid and u will not.
"Well I can't vote for George Washington so I'm supporting Trump" - Bob Dole
Translation - I don't want to be on his shit list in case he wins
"trump is working a con on u. At the end of the day he will be paid and u will not." -
I would up-vote that if this site had up-votes ...
Lance Cockstrong has other men's penis on his mind 24/7. How can someone live like that?
Question for lilacpr:
Do you consider yourself a nigger or a spic?
It will be a glorious day when the white race is no longer in power.
@Doug - yeah Rendell did support the Simpson Bowles plan, but to be fair Obama also said he would consider chained CPI and raising the Medicare age so yeah like most politicians he's a bit smarmy but let's give him a break on that and file it under 'elections have consequences' ... Just seems like lately he's become bored being Citizen Rendell, maybe he thinks with these dumbass comments he can get Hillary's attention for VEEP or something ...
Oh well, welcome to Presidential Election 2016.
An endless array of oppositions research to either generate hearsay that Trump said something mean about somebody 30 years ago or that Hillary sold influence in million dollar lots and made the White House staff hide in offices when she passed by.
If nothing else, it makes partisan blogging easy as pie. Just find the outrage of the day and sputter a bit.
Mic practically anybody for a few decades, and they'll probably mention that Jews are smarter on average and appear to be good with money, and that blacks tend to be more criminal than your average bear. C'est la vie.
It's more pertinent to argue about whether unfettered immigration is a brilliant idea, whether a strong overseas military does any good, whether a nationalistic trade policy produces desirable results. You can actually make a case for either tack.
Of course, it's more fun to prattle on about Hitler with a Hairpiece, so party on dude.
"I see that the president formally endorsed Hillary Clinton today."
Obama is Loretta Lynch's boss. Loretta Lynch makes the decision whether or not to follow the FBI's urging of an indictment against Hillary. But her boss just endorsed the target of the FBI's investigation for President.
In what world is this woman not beset by a fatal conflict of interest?
Would that be racist to ask, given that both Obama and Lynch are not white?
I mean, we now know, by Cult Declaration, that it's Bull Connor Level Racism to suggest that a non-white person might be biased according to his or her politics.
Kill white men.
Fuck white women.
HouseAnglo said...
It's more pertinent to argue about whether unfettered immigration is a brilliant idea, whether a strong overseas military does any good, whether a nationalistic trade policy produces desirable results. You can actually make a case for either tack.
Of course, it's more fun to prattle on about Hitler with a Hairpiece, so party on dude.
Conservatism fought identity politics with universalism, and identity politics won.
Mitt Romney was a flawed candidate to be sure, but he had the perfect resume in 2012, when ethical, financial and managerial competency concerns were front and center. Even so he lost to the incompetent architect of economic stagnation who set the Middle East on fire and was caught using the IRS to harass political opponents. Running on issues and facts is no match for tribal politics. If they couldn't win that one, the Republican party as configured then would never win another one.
The first stirrings of populist backlash was the Tea Party, a rather mild plea for a return to constitutionalism and economic policy that would at least put middle class concerns on the table with social engineering and corporate donor priorities. The liberal press quickly acted to quarantine this movement, using the standard tactic of branding it racist and by characterizing its proponents using the standard pejoratives of old, stupid, misogynist, greedy, inbred and white. The Republican Party rode the Tea Party wave to electoral success in 2010, and then threw them under the bus so that they could still go to all the right cocktail parties in DC.
With the brush fire of the Tea Party extinguished, the two parties went back to their standard business relationship - Democrats get to keep destroying America and Republicans kept getting paid.
Next comes Trump, who makes explicit appeals to working class Americans based on their priorities - control the border and bring jobs back to America. His message to the majority of electorate that someone in government might actually slow down the decades-long project to eliminate their livelihoods and communities has the expected (but forbidden) result of launching him to the nomination. The liberal press again quickly acted to label Trump and his supporters as racist and call them old, stupid, misogynist, greedy, inbred and white. This time, the alarm was so serious that the conservative media joined in as well. Even the Republican Party Establishment has done their best to derail the Trump train.
All this effort will likely put out this serious forest fire before it gets to the White House, and ensure the bitter old stroke-damaged woman with a 40 year resume of failure, scandal and lies will become the first President without a penis, national security breaches and billion dollar foreign government corruption deals be damned.
The two parties will once again go back to their standard business relationship - Democrats will get to open the flood gates to 100 million third world serfs, make pedophilia a Civil Rights issue, and rescind the first couple amendments to the Constitution. Republicans will keep getting paid, although not as much, because their game will be almost over. And the tinder will keep building, even faster than before.
The next time the fire comes, it won't be put out by calling it racist, and it won't be satisfied with merely enforcing current immigration laws and negotiating trade deals that consider the interests of American workers. You can stop kicking a big man who is down on the ground when he's had enough and call it settled, or you can keep on kicking him until either he's dead or he finally gets up on his own. If your boot isn't big enough, you are going to be really sorry you didn't quit while you were ahead.
No justice, no peace.
But trump IS a racist. So maybe u could find someone else to be the standard- bearer for your coming revolution.
Trump is a douche, and so are his retard supporters.
Buttrump may be racist butt damn he has a nice ass. What would you rather have in the Whitehouse? Hillary's flab and hairy toes or buttrump's fine ass?
Now that really sounds like the Real Lance Cockstrong.
LOL. Being white is a mental (and physical) disease. Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!
Not only does Lance Cockstrong love dick, he is now adding men's butts to his list of turn ons.
Hate when they lies and disinformation is exposed.Don't expect the Times and CNN to issue any corrections to this story they so breathlessly reported on.
Conservative political beliefs not linked to psychotic traits, as study claimed
Researchers have fixed a number of papers after mistakenly reporting that people who hold conservative political beliefs are more likely to exhibit traits associated with psychoticism, such as authoritarianism and tough-mindedness.
As one of the notices specifies, now it appears that liberal political beliefs are linked with psychoticism.
How Clinton Donor Got on Sensitive Intelligence Board
Newly released State Department emails help reveal how a major Clinton Foundation donor was placed on a sensitive government intelligence advisory board even though he had no obvious experience in the field, a decision that appeared to baffle the department’s professional staff.
The emails further reveal how, after inquiries from ABC News, the Clinton staff sought to “protect the name” of the Secretary, “stall” the ABC News reporter and ultimately accept the resignation of the donor just two days later.
This is the crooked hillary field is shilling for and blahs overwhelming support.
Trumpening: Your "fire" was thought up, think tanked, financed, organized, executed, and lately distanced from the goddamn Koch brothers, who won't be satisfied until the coastal states are underwater, and even they are backing away from Trump.
-Doug in Oakland
field negro said...
But trump IS a racist
You know, I know, everyone knows Trump is not Ku Klux Nazi-crazy racist, he's not even upper East Side patronizingly concerned racist. He's a rich white guy unfamiliar with what black people's lives are like day to day but who at root really doesn't give a shit about race. To someone like you who is completely race-obsessed to the point you can't see anything else, that makes him a racist. Just like everything else outside your bubble.
Thus your conundrum, Field. When you have down-defined the word racist to apply to anyone and anything not completely to your liking, calling someone racist eventually loses all meaning. Then when the real racist comes along, no one will be listening.
To paraphrase Raylan Givens:
“If you meet a racist in the morning you’ve met a racist. If you meet racists all day then you’re the racist.”
This game might still work this time, but the end is in sight. Pretty soon you'll be out there in the Field all by yourself.
Great. More for me.
But yeah, trump is a racist because of his own words, not just what I perceive.🤔
"Thus your conundrum, Field. When you have down-defined the word racist to apply to anyone and anything not completely to your liking, calling someone racist eventually loses all meaning. Then when the real racist comes along, no one will be listening."
Pretty sure it is not Field who has "down-defined" racism, but you who have "up-defined" it to include only people caught red-handed in the act of carrying out a lynching while wearing a white sheet.
There isn't really a lot of dispute about the matter, at this point.
Even most of the people voting for Trump know damn well that he's a racist -- and are happy about that fact. His hatefulness is not a bug; it's a feature. If you pressure them on the subject, they'll admit that he's a racist, but then offer some dumb rationalization about how Obama's the Real Racist and there's a War on White People, and therefore they've been forced to vote for Trump so white people have someone in their corner.
In short, they'll respond with the lame "brown people started it" defense that trolls on this blog always give.
You do obviously you keep posting this same shit under different names.
Field, these cockroaches can direct all the bullshit they want at me, I don't give a shit. But this shit is totally uncalled for
I would love to take Koch down to buttrump's coastal line and watch it sink. I would pull away so i wouldn't drown.
The Ministry of Truth said...
"There isn't really a lot of dispute about the matter, at this point."
Just like with Global Warming. The science is settled because we say so. 97% of race-obsessed progressive douchebags agree.
Is advocating for immigration policy that lets in more people of your racial group in order to change the racial composition of the population racist?
Is advocating for the return of 1/3 of American territory to Mexico based on racial claims to the land racist?
Is associating with a group called "The Race" based on supremacist writings and steeped in race-based hatred racist?
The world awaits your Orwellian rationalizations.
"Just like with Global Warming. The science is settled because we say so. 97% of race-obsessed progressive douchebags agree."
No, 97% of climate scientists agree.
The people who don't are fatheads like Rush Limbaugh, petroleum company execs, or legislators owned by petroleum company execs -- none of whose opinions count for jack when it comes to climate science.
Is advocating for immigration policy that lets in more people of your racial group in order to change the racial composition of the population racist?
Is advocating for the return of 1/3 of American territory to Mexico based on racial claims to the land racist?
Is associating with a group called "The Race" based on supremacist writings and steeped in race-based hatred racist?
Too bad all that stuff is either distorted or wholly fictional.
Latinos sympathize with the hardships of illegal residents in the U.S. (some of whom are their family members and friends); they don't have some kind of sinister goal of changing the demographics of the U.S. to "get whitey."
The Reconquista is a dream for, like 2 or 3 crackpot university professors. That's about it. No one else gives a shit about it. Mexico does not have a covert plan for re-annexing the Southwest.
La Raza isn't a hate group.
Get a grip, wackjob.
Latinos ... don't have some kind of sinister goal of changing the demographics of the U.S. to "get whitey."
The Reconquista is a dream for, like 2 or 3 crackpot university professors. That's about it. No one else gives a shit about it. Mexico does not have a covert plan for re-annexing the Southwest.
La Raza isn't a hate group
Right. And the Klan was just a barbecue club.
All those people waving Mexican flags while burning American flags and beating up white people they see anywhere near a Trump rally are university professors. Two or three at most.
And an organization dedicated to promoting the interests of only Hispanic Americans that has consistently promoted an anti-white and Anti-American message is not a hate group.
I knew you'd come through.
Since asserting that whites have interests is racist, but La Raza isn't racist, maybe if whites followed the Latino lead, they could promote their interests without being called racist. To that end, I have re-purposed the La Raza mission statement by substituting "Whites" for "Latinos" for a new white advocacy group we'll call The Race:
Since 1968, the National Council of The Race has remained a trusted, nonpartisan voice for Whites. This is the community we serve through our research, policy analysis, and state and national advocacy efforts, as well as in our programs work in communities nationwide.
We partner with Affiliates across the country to serve millions of Whites in the areas of civic engagement, civil rights and immigration, education, workforce and the economy, health, and housing. We believe in fighting for our community and for an America where economic, political, and social advancement is a reality for all Whites.
No one would think that was racist, would they?
Just go ahead and keep on fucking that chicken with the rest of the shoutycrackers dead-enders if it gets you off. It won't change the fact that America is changing for the better, slowly. Even if Trump were to be elected it wouldn't stop the change, just slow it down a little while we have to rid the government of all of the other dead-enders he would have appointed. They said the same stupid poltroonery about every new ethnic group that immigrated here, and only once have they been anything but hysterically paranoid, and that was when the Europeans first got here and started the theft and genocide. I don't think we have that level of straight up evil to deal with in our immigrants any more, just in the Republican party.
-Doug in Oakland
"It won't change the fact that America is changing for the better, slowly. "
Let's assume for the moment that the US has found some sort of secret sauce for permanently changing mass human behavior (unlikely, but go with me here). My guess is that the upcoming advances in automation and computational sciences are going to throw any utopian plans you have right over the cliff.
Things will change, alright. It's just that they are going to change in unknown, and not necessarily desirable, ways. Schadenfreude for the death of traditional US culture might be a short-lived joy as things get strange.
"Curiel, [Mexican American judge] has distributed scholarships to illegal aliens. He belongs to an organization that sends lawyers to the border to ensure that no illegal aliens' "human rights" are violated. The name of the organization? The San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association -- "La Raza" meaning THE RACE.
Let's pause to imagine the nomination hearings for a white male who belonged to any organization for white people -- much less one with the words "THE RACE" in its title. The media were going to call Trump a racist whatever he did, and his attack on a Hispanic judge is way better than when they said it was racist for Republicans to talk about Obama’s golfing.
Has anyone ever complained about the ethnicity of white judges or white juries? I've done some research and it turns out ... THAT'S ALL WE'VE HEARD FOR THE PAST 40 YEARS."
Ann Coulter
"Since asserting that whites have interests is racist, but La Raza isn't racist, maybe if whites followed the Latino lead, they could promote their interests without being called racist. To that end, I have re-purposed the La Raza mission statement by substituting "Whites" for "Latinos" for a new white advocacy group we'll call The Race:"
You are not too familiar with your history are you?
Lance, we are all aware of that troll who pretends to be you.
I will be watching him more closely going forward.
House Anglo: That's what they were saying in 1960 when I was born, too. But get this, I'm still around, and this is a better place than it was then. The things you want me to be frightened of I am not, they are the provenance of self-government, and as fucked up as it is sometimes, we still have that here. I feel it is more effective to participate than to fear the proceedings of time, because it doesn't care whether I'm afraid of it. No one is saying anything about utopia, just the same old slog towards a better place to live.
-Doug in Oakland
Field, I couldn't care less about him, I was referring to this asshole and those like him who abuse the female members of your audience, who you no doubt have noticed have been diminishing in number
Muh butt hurtz from taking Butt Trumpet's yuuuuuge dick in my ass.
field negro said...
"You are not too familiar with your history are you? "
My history? Am I to be held accountable for the actions of everyone who looks like me? Because if we want to start talking about collective punishment, a review of the FBI crime statistics would put every black person in America in jail.
Be real negro. We are all accountable for our own actions, nothing more.
How about reviewing crime stats dollar-for-dollar and jailing rich white assholes in proportionate numbers to the harm done to society by their actions instead.
-Doug in Oakland
How about treating people like individuals instead of being a racist motherfucker like Doug in Oakland?
The content of your character is dog piss.
I don't have a problem in theory with La Raza. Except that La Raza's power can only grow at the expense of my people. That's how it works.
Yes Lance, I am aware of those trolls as well. Really ignorant people. Clearly they lack companionship in their lives, and so they lash out at the fairer sex in the most vile mysoginist way possible.
Sad lot.
No doubt. I get that you don't have the resources of some of the larger websites as far as censorship and such, still it's a shame that this is becoming a hostile environment for the females to the point that they are choosing not to participate.
Hi Field. I pray that all is well with you and your love ones. As for myself, I'm doing fairly well. I can't complain.
Sup Granny? Glad to see u are doing alright.
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