But here is the thing: in the middle of his tirade, one of his deplorables almost choked the life out of a supporter while the mob cheered on.
"But even as Trump defended his backers, one lashed out at protesters in the hall by appearing to punch and slap them. Trump talked through the scuffle.
While my opponent calls you deplorable and irredeemable," he said in Asheville, North Carolina, "I call you hard-working American patriots who love their country and want a better future for all our people."
But his rally was interrupted several times by demonstrators and, at one moment, brief violence. As several protesters were being escorted out by security, a man in the crowd grabbed a male protester around the neck and then punched him. He then slapped at a woman being led out. The Trump supporter was not ejected by security.
The celebrity businessman talked through the scuffle but cracked after the disturbance: "Is there any place more fun than a Trump rally?"
No stranger to making his own sweeping negative characterizations of large groups of people, Trump nonetheless deployed Clinton's remark as the foundation for a new campaign theme. The message: Clinton is divisive, while Trump is the only candidate representing "all Americans."
It's amazing to me that he can accuse Clinton of "dividing" the country when he has attempted to deligitimize the first African American president by carrying out a well funded campaign to prove that he was not born in this country. That alone is disqualifying from where I sit. But to make matters worse, he has refused to apologize to the president or to the millions of African Americans he offended.
Until he looks us in the eye and formally apologizes to the president, every African American in this country should seriously look the other way when this man comes supplicating for our votes.
Trump's people like to counter that Hillary's people started the birther conspiracy-- which might or might not be true-- but I think it's safe to say that Mr trump used it to launch his career into right-wingnut land, and to gain the love and adoration of every deplorable in this country.
"I have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding," Trump said an interview that aired Thursday Morning.
Asked if he has assigned people specifically to search in Hawaii, Trump said, "Absolutely."
The business mogul, who in a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll is tied for second place among potential presidential candidates, also suggested the president is involved in an ongoing cover-up over the matter.
"He spent $2 million in legal fees trying on to get away from this issue, and if it weren't an issue, why wouldn't he just solve it?" he said. "I wish he would because if he doesn't, it's one of the greatest scams in the history of politics and in the history, period. You are not allowed to be a president if you're not born in this country. Right now, I have real doubts." [Source]
Donald, we are watching the "greatest scam in the history of politics" play out before our eyes. And guess what, it has nothing to do with Barack Obama.
*Pic from chicagotribune.com
Most Trump supporters probably don't even realize Hawaii is a state.
"Until he looks us in the eye and formally apologizes to the president, every African American in this country should seriously look the other way when this man comes supplicating for our votes"
Because questioning Barack Obama's birthplace is an insult to all black Americans? How?
Barack Obama has zero relationship to black Americans. His mother was white. His father was an east African aristocrat.
American blacks are descended from west Africans brought here as slaves.
Genetically, east Africans are more distant from west Africans than Irishmen are from Japanese.
Culturally, Obama was raised by the white side of his family. He only saw his father once, fro ten minutes at the airport when he cam back to visit friends. Obama grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii. He never learned what America was, let alone what it was like to be a black American. He almost never even saw a black person. He went to the best private schools and hung out with rich white kids.
He is not you. He is a fake black person.
He also brought the birther thing on himself, by refusing for years to release his birth certificate. When promoting his first book, he claimed to have been born in Kenya. What was he hiding by dragging his feet? No one knows, because the press was not interested and any one who was was labelled a nut. But no one owes Obama an apology for his own deceit.
Fuck you and your eye. Black people can think for themselves, and the brave ones will vote for Trump.
^^^^^ SHUT UP, STUPID!!!!
The only problem Hill-dog has with her comment, and she corrected it, was her assertion that "half" of his supporters are deplorables. There's no way to know the real number.
"Black people can think for themselves, and the brave ones will vote for Trump."
Well, you got that half right. No thinking person will vote for Trump. Funny how he leads with white Americans without a college degree while Hill does much better with educated whites. No human being in their right mind would vote for Trump and no right thinking blah person would for the simple fact that he would be able to nominate SC justices and he already said he wanted to put more Scalias on the bench. Any thinking blah person knows it's only the SC that stands between us and wholesale voter disenfranchisement. The stakes are too high to play around with this election.
"Butt Trumpet is healthier than a fucking horse. He will kick Putin's ass from here to Vladivostok ... Yours Truly, Butt Trumpet's Doctor". ... Anyone ever seen this motherfucker? ... He looks like Dr. Demento.
"Any thinking blah person knows it's only the SC that stands between us and wholesale voter disenfranchisement."
You are a fucking idiot or a slave catcher. Which is it?
PilotX said...
The only problem Hill-dog has with her comment, and she corrected it, was her assertion that "half" of his supporters are deplorables. There's no way to know the real number.
Now we are just quibbling over how many deplorables we are going to have to eliminate - 80 million or only 40 million.
I think we need a fucking Congressional investigation into Hillary lying about her pneumonia, what did she know, and when did she know it.
Trump supporters are just fucking retarded. There is absolutely no hope for those losers.
O Lance o lot, you need gender reassignment surgery really fucking bad!
"You are a fucking idiot or a slave catcher. Which is it?"
Why, because I pointed out the fact that the federal judiciary has stopped efforts to disenfranchise voters? What's idiotic of slave catchery about that? Had the SC still had a conservative majority the rules in Texas and N.C. would still be in place. Can you disprove this without resorting to name calling? Let's see.
Trump- 'Mexico is not sending their best'
Liberals- RAGE
Hillary- Trumpers = 'Deplorables'
Liberals- LAUGH
StrongerTogether yeah? lol
"Had the SC still had a conservative majority the rules in Texas and N.C. would still be in place. "
And no one would have been "disenfranchised". It just would have been harder to cheat.
Convincing blacks that voter ID laws are an attempt to take their vote away is slave catching runaways from the plantation.
White boys are pussies and retards.
Butt Trumpet at a rally with a bunch of micro-dicked white boys? Yeah, I'm sure that was a pleasant place to be.
Theists are fucking pieces of shit. I wiped my ass with the Bible and the Quran this morning.
"Convincing blacks that voter ID laws are an attempt to take their vote away is slave catching runaways from the plantation."
As I have stated before I don't have a problem with voter I.D. laws but I do have a problem with officials in N.C. closing polling stations so that certain counties would only have one location that could be up to 45 minutes away. I have a problem with closing voting locations on college campuses which is a good place to have them because many college students don't have access to vehicles. I have a problem with limiting voting hours on weekdays, opening some locations only til noon and Saturday and completely closing them on Sundays contrary to prior practice. There are many ways to attempt to disenfranchise voters other than requiring I.D's. Let's not get stuck on the I.D's because I don't really even include that in suppression. The circuit court says themselves that N.C. used "surgical precision" to attempt to suppress the blah vote. Their words not mine. Instead of trying to increase voter participation Texas and N.C. are doing their best to do the opposite. If these efforts can be explained then maybe my opinion will change but as of now I have to agree with the court. Seems to me I would be a slave catcher if I agreed with the efforts to limit voting instead of advocating for more participation dontyathink? Please show me where I'm wrong.
So...all you negroes excited for a Tim Kaine presidency?
"So...all you negroes excited for a Tim Kaine presidency?"
Nope, but given a choice between him and Trump he would have to do.
"The appeals court noted that the North Carolina Legislature "requested data on the use, by race, of a number of voting practices" — then, data in hand, "enacted legislation that restricted voting and registration in five different ways, all of which disproportionately affected African Americans."
The changes to the voting process "target African Americans with almost surgical precision," the circuit court wrote, and "impose cures for problems that did not exist."
From the NPR piece. Slave catchers would let them get away with this.
"Seems to me I would be a slave catcher if I agreed with the efforts to limit voting instead of advocating for more participation dontyathink?"
You are a slave catcher because you scare black people by falsely claiming they are being targeted for having their rights taken away.
Not everyone should participate in the voting process. College students are not self-supporting adults and should not vote, for example. Only taxpayers or people who have paid taxes for the majority of their lives should be allowed to vote. The minimum age should be 25 or 30, unless you are in the military.
"From the NPR piece."
Government propaganda is not a legitimate information source.
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you. Vote for Trump."
Haha! The Rams suck ass. Welcome back to Los Angeles, losers. Haha!
"You are a slave catcher because you scare black people by falsely claiming they are being targeted for having their rights taken away.
Not everyone should participate in the voting process. College students are not self-supporting adults and should not vote, for example. Only taxpayers or people who have paid taxes for the majority of their lives should be allowed to vote. The minimum age should be 25 or 30, unless you are in the military."
I didn't falsely claim anything, I simply examined the evidence provided and made a determination that the actions taken by the N.C. legislature was tantamount to voter suppression and looks like the 4th circuit court of appeals agrees with me. (I think it was the 4th circuit, I'll double check in a moment).
Question for ya, if the legislature gathered data and determined 5 ways that blah voter participation increased and then did away with these 5 ways isn't that somewhat suspicious? I mean really? Isn't that suspicious?
Why eliminate voting locations in a mostly blah county?
Why limit voting hours?
Why are almost all of these voting restrictions occurring in blah areas?
Trust me, I'm not trying to scare anybody just trying to get more people involved in the franchise. If that's slave catching then I guess I'm guilty because unlike you I believe more people should vote. When fewer people vote conservatives do better and I'm not a conservative but even if they did better with more votes that means the majority wants that type of representation. If anything it's a slave catching mentality to restrict voting and deciding who gets to vote, we've already tried that and it doesn't work too well. Remember James Crow laws and poll taxes?
Universal suffrage has brought us to the 2016 election.
Time to restrict the franchise.
PilotX said...Remember James Crow laws and poll taxes?
Looking at the criminality of modern blacks, one can see why Jim Crow laws were enacted.
White boys are stupid, boring, ugly, and have tiny dicks.
My poop smells like lilac's cooking.
"Looking at the criminality of modern blacks, one can see why Jim Crow laws were enacted."
Apples and oranges. The vast vast vast majority of blah folks then and now are honest law abiding. James Crow laws were an outgrowth of racism. Why punish all for the actions of a few, that's not right is it?
I'm a stupid college student who supports Hillary 100%! I also support Tim Kaine! I can't wait to vote in my first election!
Nobody said anything about kicking out deplorables, that's Trump's plan, not ours. Those hard working, sky god fearing, seditious, real murricans deserve to be represented just like everyone else, and after they throw their tantrums and call for Hillary's assassination, their pregnant teenage daughters will still be able to obtain safe abortions after Hillary appoints a supreme court justice who won't overturn Roe v Wade.
And PX, your troll already gave up its game; it sees voter suppression as a feature, not a bug. How else are they ever gonna win any elections?
-Doug in Oakland
"And PX, your troll already gave up its game; it sees voter suppression as a feature, not a bug. How else are they ever gonna win any elections?"
I especially liked the tact of trying to portray me as the antagonist who is hurting blah people. Acknowledging voter suppression as identified by a federal court is somehow detrimental? I guess if I ignored it or even assisted in suppressing the blah vote that would make me not a slave catcher? Logic fail. Ha! I guess I smoked out another concern troll.
Ever since Trump became the nominee, black bitches have been hitting on me like crazy. I think the man's an aphrodisiac (aphrodisiac?) for the sistas; for eight years they've had this clearly gay sissy supposedly representing in the White House, and they're ready for a real man now.
A real WHITE man, IOW. A man with a job, and who can get an erection.
IOW, Trump.
"Warren said...
Most Trump supporters probably don't even realize Hawaii is a state."
Including the commenter immediately after you, who said this:
"Obama grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii. He never learned what America was, let alone what it was like to be a black American."
Yup, the inscrutable foreign nation of Hawaii, where Obama learned all those insidious un-American values ...
"Now we are just quibbling over how many deplorables we are going to have to eliminate - 80 million or only 40 million."
You can relax. There's no plan to exterminate you deplorables, only to laugh at you when all of your horrible dreams fail to come true.
"Those hard working, sky god fearing, seditious, real murricans deserve to be represented just like everyone else, and after they throw their tantrums and call for Hillary's assassination, their pregnant teenage daughters will still be able to obtain safe abortions after Hillary appoints a supreme court justice who won't overturn Roe v Wade."
This is an example of Doug being polite, and not insulting the people that disagree with him. He certainly elevates the conversation.
Thanks Doug
Hey Ministry of Truth, take your head out of your ass for once in your pathetic life.
"Yup, the inscrutable foreign nation of Hawaii"
You've never been to Hawaii. There are no black people there.
Whatever cultural values Obama learned growing up, none of them were "black".
The point being, black America owes this racial charlatan nothing.
Tim Kaine: The Views of Alex Jones & the Alt-Right ‘Cannot Be Tolerated’
The Democrats are now open fascists.
(((Dana Milbank))) say Hillary low-balled number of deplorables, says 61% of whites are "racist".
Eliminating 120 million people will be Hillary's greatest government jobs program ever!
Hillary's IT staff all plead the fifth in front of congress.
JFC, these people.
Hey Field and Doc, you guys rolling to the National Museum of American American History and Culture on the 24th? This is going to be historic!
If not the 24th we should still roll. This invitation is open to anyone else here who wants to go.
Muh dik!
Be at a conference in Ocean City, Md. Might try to sneak off.
Muh dik! Muh dik! Muh dik!
White men are boring, bland, and stupid.
"The Trump supporter was not ejected by security." I love the general lack of surprise of anyone on hearing that, and the total necessity to point it out.
My wife just told me a story and I want to know if anyone else heard it. A white woman found her economy-class seat assignment was next to a black man and refused to sit in it. She called to a flight attendent and said as much. The flight attendant told her there were no other seats. The woman got livid. The attendant disappeared for a time, then came back with what she described as a possible solution. She asked the black passenger to go with her. When he complied, she showed him into an available business class seat. Problem solved!
Did this really happen that anyone knows about? Someone with the principles of John Lewis might have declined the upgrade, but who could blame anyone else? Not a bad solution, especially assuming it was voluntary, I say.
(If nobody's reading these comments at this late hour, I may repeat it tomorrow.)
No offense Anotherbozo, but the WW was stupid AF and I don't really give AF.
Proof that Trump supporters are pond scum, their response to FLOTUS' essence article is predictable repugnant!
Fuck the Baby Boomers.
Fuck Generation Z.
Both are absolutely worthless pieces of shit.
@DQAE: you're right, totally. Flight attendant should've asked what was wrong with the seat, and not getting a good answer, forgotten about any kind of "solution."
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