He was forced to do so after letting his true colors show to the Washington Post , which left his handlers scrambling to play clean up.
What he did not do was apologize, and he had the audacity to blame his years of race baiting and dog whistle messages ---sent to his David Duke like friends--- on his general election opponent.
He carried it on for years, and he tweeted about it, and he talked about it to anyone who would listen or read. So now, sadly, this disgusting episode in American life--- which was a sordid attempt to delegitimize the first African American president in the history of this country--- falls squarely in the lap of Herr trump.
Today, with the rest of the country looking on, he was forced to pivot, and to declare to all the world that the president was in fact born in this country. He crusaded for seven years as the leader of the birther movement, and he took two minutes to tell us to just let it go, and in doing so, told another big lie.
Watching that spectacle that was supposed to be a press conference (just trump promoting his new hotel) you got to see trump's arrogance on full display.
He did not have the decency to apologize to the president for being the leader of this reprehensible and racist movement over the years, and he quickly got through his proof of life type delivery as if his handlers were holding a gun to his head.
To black folks this entire birther sham was personal. I say shame on him. And shame on every American who supports him as well.
*Pic from mediamatters.org.
Obama is the one who hid his birth certificate for 5 years, and paid a million dollars in legal fees to keep it from being released. Why would someone do that? Was he born in Kenya, like he claimed on the dust jacket of his first book? It seems he was just lying. But he was hiding something. Probably something to do with who his real daddy was.
And it was the Hillary campaign that started the whole "birther" thing. Sid Blumenthal has said so, as have several other political operatives close to the Clintons. It took Trump to get Obama to finally release something, although not the original birth certificate. Obama may have been dropped out of his trashy mother's womb on American soil, but he never considered himself an American. Nor do I.
^^^^^^^ Dumb ass Thump supporter!
"And it was the Hillary campaign that started the whole 'birther' thing. Sid Blumenthal has said so, as have several other political operatives close to the Clintons."
No, it was not. That lame rumor was first cooked up by vexatious litigant, perennial unsuccessful Illinois political candidate, and all-around wackadoodle Andy Martin.
And then the Republican slime machine fired up and started distributing the lie on an industrial scale.
No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.
Nope, Clinton started it, as confirmed by the Washington Post:
Blumenthal has been pushing the birther thing for more than 8 years.
When Hillary opposed Obama becoming the first black president in 2008, was she being racist?
The best part about framing birtherism as Trump versus Obama is that it neatly bypasses the obstacle of Hillary's phenomenal unlikeability.
It has already been well-remarked-on that Trump is the Republican Party's Frankenstein monster. GOP elites thought they could safely use racism to manipulate enough working- and middle-class white suckers -- er, I mean voters -- to enact policies that helped their oligarchic chums become vastly richer at everyone else's expense. But then they, predictably, lost control of their racism-mongering equipment and got hijacked by Trump, and now the dis-empowered elites have been driven into the wilderness.
But Trump isn't only the GOP's Frankenstein monster. He's also the mainstream media's monster. They let him have a free pass for acting like a buffoon and a bigot all through the primary process (and, really, before that, during his real estate and reality TV career) because his outrageous behavior attracted eyeballs and booted their profits. His idiotic antics got far more coverage than any of his primary opponents, and coverage that was far less adversarial than it should have been.
Since the primaries ended, the media have been trying harder to hold Trump to account, to point out that he is an appalling threat, not merely some kind of amusing joke. I will give them credit for that much. But it hasn't been easy to break out of the dynamic of letting Trump run the show, and the recent ridiculous press conference is another example of that.
The press got a taste of the disaster they had wrought when Trump hyped this big "I'm no longer a birther" news ... and then pissed right in their faces. His "big announcement" was yet another stupid lie, and then he immediately segued the press conference into being a giant, free infomercial for his WONDERFUL NEW TRUMP HOTEL!!!
Reporters were fuming today all over the Internet at having been jerked around. You'd think they'd have caught a clue earlier. Like , I dunno, months back, when he told said reporters he hates them all and the Trump White House will end freedom of the press? That might have been the point when the media should've woken up. I'm just saying.
We can't OFFICIALLY condone vandalizing yard signs, but sometimes it takes extreme measures to teach Trump supporters to tolerate others.
"Nope, Clinton started it, as confirmed by the Washington Post"
LOL, as confirmed by Trumpbart.
The Ministry of Turds said...
Reporters were fuming today all over the Internet at having been jerked around.
Hoaxing media now colludes openly. That's how much they despise the American people. We will win!
The Best Part Of Obama’s Presidency Has Been All The Racial Healing
I wish he had stayed in Kenya.
"Hoaxing media now colludes openly. That's how much they despise the American people. We will win!
They should have shut the cameras off and gone in the first two minutes when it became obvious Trump was going to bullshit them.
Political news media are not the marketing arm of the Trump chain of hotels.
He dindu nuffins.
Journalist James Asher says Sid Blumenthal asked him to investigate the Obama birther rumor in 2008:
I guess that settles it: Hillary's campaign started the birther movement.
Male Trump supporters' dicks are as minuscule as their brains. LOL!
And female Trump supporters are just nasty white trash hoes.
"Journalist James Asher says Sid Blumenthal asked him to investigate the Obama birther rumor in 2008:"
And that's a) meaningless hearsay, and b) even if true, is not the same thing anyway as inventing the birther narrative, which is what Trump claims Hillary Clinton did. The rumor about Obama's citizenship was already circulating in Republican circles for years prior to the 2008 presidential campaign.
There is zero actual proof of Clinton, or anyone from her campaign, ever running ads or making public statements to the effect that Obama was not a natural-born American.
It's entirely Trumpish bullshit.
Hillary Clinton invented the Obama was born in Kenya meme. We have multiple testimonies to that effect. The science is settled, she did it. Probably because she is racist. That's why she tried so hard to prevent Obama from becoming the first black President. What a horrible bigot Hillary is.
Hillary says black girl magic is real:
Yes. She really said that.
The Bushes are helping the Clintons today. Kasich is rallying for Obama. I'm glad everyone's cards on are the table.
We are going to need a lot of rope.
Fraternal Order of Police, one of the most powerful unions in the country, endorsed Trump today.
Fuck the Police
We're watching this one.
Doesn't matter if you are Christian or Muslim, your views are bullshit. I wipe my ass with the Bible and clean my toilet with the Quran.
White boys are pussies and retards.
Fuck Generation Z. Absolutely worthless generation of shitheads.
It's useless to try to convince Trump supporters with reality or facts: If Trump said one of his turds was caviar, they'd be gobbling it up on crackers.
Trump pulled this fraudulent stunt today because he believes it will keep him from being roasted in the debates for his birtherism. As usual, he is wrong.
-Doug in Oakland
I doubt Trump actually likes people like David Duke. It's just leftist hyperbole.
Trump supporters are truly mentally handicapped.
Doug said...
"If Trump said one of his turds was caviar, they'd be gobbling it up on crackers."
Sounds like someone has experience eating turds. Wipe the feces off your chins Doug.
Clue for Doug, most Trump supports don't know what caviar is and if they did they certainly would not eat it.
No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did."
I thought I'd do a bit of my own research rather than just quoting some Politico article that preaches to the converted.
In Google news archive, the earliest mention I've found is:
"Until reading of this Kenyan citizenship admission, I thought the lawsuit claimng that Obama was born in Kenya filed by Clinton supporter, Phil Berg, in Philadelphia was of minor import."
From some rightwing website in 2008. It would be interesting to trace the real beginnings of the meme. Hell, the whole story could be true, and not super unlikely, but I don't much care. It's just a legal maneuver.
I'm afraid that FN's Trump derangement syndrome will continue for a few months. Anything uttered by Trump or his camp will be interpreted as evil in some way. That's the beautiful thing about a religious war. People try to hang a tiny scaffolding of logic on top of what are basically 100% emotional reactions.
"It's useless to try to convince Trump supporters with reality or facts: If Trump said one of his turds was caviar, they'd be gobbling it up on crackers."
Good Lord, can't you write any better a post than that? The internet is too full of vulgar opinion presented as fact as it is.
It's funny how political Tourette's is so common.
Here's a bit of dog whistle politics circa 2008
"Obama campaign manager David Plouffe accused the Clinton campaign Monday of "shameful offensive fear-mongering" by circulating a photo as an attempted smear."
"People try to hang a tiny scaffolding of logic on top of what are basically 100% emotional reactions."
This describes the Field Negro blog to a tee.
Trump up 6 points over Clinton nationally:
Get on that Trump Train!
Hillary spent most of this week calling a cartoon frog racist. She is an evil woman preaching hate and division by spreading lies about those who stand in the way of her seizing power.
The Clinton campaign, a church of no salvation which harbors the most rancid congregation of defilers and iconoclasts, charges we who follow the teachings of Esoteric Kekism and embrace the seven principles of the Alt-Right with being so-called supremacists. Much like the term racist, supremacist is used against White people who are insufficiently liberal on identity issues. In other words, if you believe Whites exist as a valid political interest group, a race, or a culture distinct from other groups, you are a racist and a supremacist. If you believe those same things about other groups, such as blacks or mestizos, you are a paragon of civic virtue, a social justice advocate, and a living saint in the congregation of the cucks. If not, you are a heretic of the Diverse faith.
Banish this evil harpy from American politics. Vote for Trump.
Another BLM terrorist attack? I am sure Hillary would approve.
2 cops shot, suspect and bystander killed in West Philly rampage
"A gunman ambushed a Philadelphia police sergeant late Friday night, firing more than a dozen rounds before taking off, and then shot four civilians and a University of Pennsylvania police officer during his flight before he was finally cornered and killed by police."
Anybody seen Field today?
Fuck the Baby Boomers.
Fuck Generation Z.
Worthless pieces of shit.
I'm a white guy with a big dick who has had his share of many types of women, especially Asian women (they are the easiest). However, I've never been able to get with a black chick. What am I doing wrong? What needs to be done? I need to know!
Get a circumcision. The ladies hate foreskin.
From Joy Reid on twitter:
"Honestly, if it takes him five years to confirm the birth nation of one man, this whole mass deportation thing is gonna be mad slow."
-Doug in Oakland
That's real funny, Doug.
Walt Wright said...
"Hillary spent most of this week calling a cartoon frog racist."
What if someone set a trap so whenever you play your gotcha game of "That's racist," you become a laughingstock?
"Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it. President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Period. Now we all want to get back to making America strong again."
Donald Trump 2016
Les Deplorables
"Hillary spent most of this week calling a cartoon frog racist."
lol. That's a beautiful thing. What a silly person.
I was going to say...'what a maroon', but it turns out that's a racist statement just like most everything else. Poor Bugs Bunny, you just can't win.
Clinton did not start the brother meme, here's the proof.
"Obama is the one who hid his birth certificate for 5 years, and paid a million dollars in legal fees to keep it from being released."
This is another lie, which, like most lies was first posted by WND, who took the entire figure for legal fees paid by the Obama 2008 campaign and asserted - without amy evidence whatsoever - that all the money was spent stopping release of his birth certificate.
Not good enough
The orange haired cartoon character rode this LOONY train for 7 years. O needs an apology.
My sincere apology "O".
My nutsack hurts for some reason.
Hillary will prevail in November! Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know anything! A Trump disaster just isn't meant to be! Go Hillary!
The polls may show that Trump and Hillary are neck and neck, but the birther issues, plus all the other usual Trump BS will come back to bite him in the ass come election night. There's really nothing to worry about.
Syria, Russia: Coalition airstrike kills regime forces
By Steve Almasy and Barbara Starr, CNN
Is obama trying to start a war with Russia before he leaves? And this is what shrillary will continue? Note: we just signed a peace agreement with the people we just killed.
Whose deplorable again?
Your cognition is dissonant.
"Clinton did not start the brother meme, here's the proof."
Some of that good Snopes proof, you might as well post something from Fox News.
Listen, if it's a Republican invention (assuming that Obama actually was born in the US, and assuming it wasn't Davis. Jeesh, Obama's mother was a piece of work), why did it come up during the primaries?
POTUS and the VERY accomplished and highly educated FLOTUS at the congressional Black caucus' event tonight! The smartest, best looking, most accomplished, POTUS/FLOTUS in the history of the US!!!!
DUAL Haaaavard Alumni, Daaaahhlings!!!
I can't wait to see the look on all the pussy progressive's faces when Trump wins! I will laugh my ass off!
What did she accomplish?
Yisheng, just shut the hell up. Nobody with a working brain cares what you say or think.
"POTUS and the VERY accomplished and highly educated FLOTUS at the congressional Black caucus' event tonight!"
Does this qualify as a complete sentence or thought?
I doubt you have a high school diploma, much less six degrees.
Yisheng really is one dumb bitch.
And Hills' outfit/speech was on point!
Fuck New York.
Egg, not birth.
Dear Anonymous White Man with the mondo, super-dyno, baseball bat pecker,
I am sure that you and your many girlfriends are quite enamored of your glorious endowments. A strong weenie is a wonderful thing, to be sure. A good penis can give you and your partner a lifetime of pleasure-seeking behaviors and victories. I wish you the best.
One tip from a real man. Try making love to a woman. If you fall in love with a black girl, chances are you will be getting a lot of way hot wet sex sooner than you will be ready for it. Especially with a killer dick like yours. She will love you to a thousand pieces.
Just remember to treat her nice the rest of the time as well. Flowers. Dinners. Long walks. Leisure time. Shared interests. Art and music. Vacations. Treat her like a lady, and she'll be good to you. You know what I mean!
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