The candidates crossed paths today in Ohio, and Hillary unveiled her new plane while coming out of hiding (and fundraising) from the press. trump actually attended a fair in Ohio, where he mixed and mingled with the people and got some good old fashioned white blue collar love.
So anyway, I just have a couple of requests for the candidates, and I hope that they can indulge me as soon as possible.
The first one is for Hillary:
Please hold a press conference and announce to the American people that you have turned over every e-mail correspondence that you have ever had to agencies in charge of investigating them. And tell us everything that you can remember to the best of your knowledge about said emails. Even shit that you might find embarrassing.
Personally, I don't care about you and your damn e-mails, but apparently the republican spin machine has convinced the American people that it's a thing.
The second one is for Donald:
Please release the letter from the IRS informing you of the audit of your tax returns.
Audit or no audit, you should still release them. This will at least prove to the American people that you are in fact under an IRS audit and that you are not lying to prevent releasing your tax returns.
*Pic from
I'm not a huge fan of Trump, but we really do need a leader that won't put up with black people's constant whining and blaming of whitey. Obama has let you people eschew personal responsibility since he took office. Time for that to stop. Your race has become a bigger joke than it already was.
Please hold a press conference and announce to the American people that you have turned over every e-mail correspondence that you have ever had to agencies in charge of investigating them. And tell us everything that you can remember to the best of your knowledge about said emails. Even shit that you might find embarrassing.
She can't turn over the 30,000 to 50,000 email she deleted with Bleach Bit software so no one could ever, ever find out about her yoga routines or grandchildren's diaper contents. She can't remember that she received training on classified documents; she said that she thought the "C" for classified was an alphabetical listing of the paragraph order. She really did.
She will never tell us anything because she knows she doesn't have to. She never has, as the press has always covered for her.
Everything she says is a lie. But you'll still vote for her, because if you ever cared anything for truth, that was long, long time ago.
I don't remember. I don't recall. I've got no memory of anything at all.
Hillary for president, because we deserve it.
I'm not a huge fan of Trump, but we really do need a leader that won't put up with black people's constant whining and blaming of whitey. Obama has let you people eschew personal responsibility since he took office. Time for that to stop. Your race has become a bigger joke than it already was.
Well we have to constantly put up with white males constant whining and blaming EVERYONE for their own failures and shortcomings. A woman President certainly won't entertain that shit which is why assholes like Oregon Dumbfuck truly hope Trump wins. Fuck him and all those like him.
Wow, didn't know there were so many inbred hillbillies in Oregon. You attract a special crowd Field.
I am so so happy I'm not a white male. What a bunch of whiny losers.
What to the untrained ear sounds like coughing is actually a healthy process of phlegm removal and it's good - you could die of too much phlegm.
We've never heard Trump cough how do we know right now that his lungs aren't filling up with oxygen blocking phlegm? He could die any second.
Hillary won't embarrass the nation by chestbursting gallons of lung butter at a diplomatic function because she healthily coughs regularly.
Hillary is so superior to that loser Trump it's not even funny! Trump supporters are also worthless! I can't wait for a classy female President!
Gary Johnson is slowly rising in the polls. This is great news. If there were more intelligent people, dumbasses like Trump and Hillary wouldn't stand a chance against a candidate like Johnson.
Hackin' Hillary is fading fast, she's been vacationing for a month and yet in her first rally afterwards she can hardly talk.
At this rate Hillary will be talking through a hole in her throat during the first debate and she'll be a brain in a jar by the third one.
This election will be closer than you think. A landslide victory is certainly pure nonsense for Trump, and even for Hillary, who some have speculated will win that way. I worry that Hillary is taking Trump's unpopularity for granted. She has to remember she actually has to fight for this win, even if Trump is a less-than-desirable candidate for POTUS.
Butt Trumpet should just admit that his dick is tiny. It would take a lot of pressure off of him. Hell, I might even start to respect his loser ass. I would still laugh at and ridicule him, because that's what guys with small dicks deserve.
If Hillary becomes President we have no one to blame but Black America. Of course, she will be so incompetent it won't really matter. Then all of us sane, smart people will just laugh at your black asses for bowing down to such a shitty person. I can't wait to see the looks on your faces.
Black people just aren't worth fighting for anymore. You people had your chance, and you blew it. Now just fuck off and die already, and leave me and my people in peace.
My nuts hurt.
Fuck the worthless Generation Z and the worthless Baby Boomers.
My generation is by far the best!
Hillary hasn't been campaigning in August because she was busy raising $143 million, and giving $81 million of it to the DNC to help down ballot races. You know, like a real campaign run by a non-moron.
-Doug in Oakland
Liberals are pretentious retards.
My 19 year old son keeps jerking off to Hillary Clinton. Should I stop him or just let him be?
Go Pack Go is almost as dumb as fucking James Bitch. She thinks Hillary will make a worse President than Trump? How fucking dumb is this asshole? She and James would make a power couple of fucking stupid. Blah blah blah, blames teh blacks huh Pack? Grow the fuck up and tale your ignorant ass somewhere and learn a think or two instead of posting fucking dumb shit everyday and demonstrating that whites are in no way superior to anyone when total fucking morons like you actually exist. Holy fuck the stupid that exists here is astounding. Field, I thought you were getting better trolls. Please soon because these idiots are just too much stupid for one locale.
I just don't give a fuck anymore.
I'm voting for Trump in November.
Trump loves the uneducated so dumbasses like Pack are his target audience. No wonder Trump leads with people with less education and white males........hmmmmmmm is there a correlation?????????? Sure seems like it.
Joe said...
My 19 year old son keeps jerking off to Hillary Clinton. Should I stop him or just let him be?
1:22 AM
Don't worry Joe. He's just a faggot. Deal with it.
The advantage of the system of democracy is that, at least in theory, it is a great equalizer. It allows the common people a voice in government to defend themselves from the depredations of the rich.
The disadvantage of democracy is that the common people are uneducated, often do not follow politics avidly enough to fully grasp the issues at hand, and are afflicted with substantial prejudice and fear. This leaves many voters vulnerable to being bamboozled by demagogues -- like a certain despicable, orange-tinted casino-developer charlatan. The news media are supposed to help defend against this sort of amoral manipulator, but lately, too many of them are abjectly failing at that task.
At times, it is hard not to fall into despair and write off the whole democratic project as hopelessly compromised. Watching Trump and his imbecile followers brings to mind numerous quotes from the ultimate American cynic, H.L. Mencken.
Such as this one, which sounds like Mencken had Trump specifically in mind:
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
And this one, too:
“Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
And most of all this one:
“The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
Even if Trump never becomes president, it shames our nation that he got anywhere close to the Oval Office. Jackals worshiped by jackasses, indeed.
The disadvantage of democracy is that the common people are uneducated, often do not follow politics avidly enough to fully grasp the issues at hand, and are afflicted with substantial prejudice and fear. This leaves many voters vulnerable to being bamboozled by demagogues -- like a certain despicable, orange-tinted casino-developer charlatan. The news media are supposed to help defend against this sort of amoral manipulator, but lately, too many of them are abjectly failing at that task.
Yah, right. you just dremed this shit up.
You stinking nigger. You are plagiarizing the words written by whites, to harbor your "Ministry Of Shit".
Deny it.
Speaking of benighted voters and awful politicians, guess who was in the news again? It was none other than the very colorful Trump of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte!
President Obama decided to cancel a planned meeting with the Philippine president after he publicly referred to Obama as a "son of a whore." (Quite Trumpishly, Duterte then immediately reversed himself and said he really hadn't meant it and why was everyone taking him so seriously anyway? Joke, guys, joke! Why must we all be so "politically correct" these days?)
So what prompted this latest eruption of profanity toward Obama? It might have had something to do with Obama's criticism of the manner in which "Duterte Harry" undertook to solve his nation's crime problem: by embracing vigilantism. He has exhorted Filipinos to simply murder anyone who looks gangbanger-ish, and his followers have wholeheartedly embraced his call for widespread lynching. Hundreds of people have now been killed in incidents of "street justice," with cardboard signs left at the scenes to explain what each bad guy allegedly did to deserve being summarily bumped off.
Are they all even guilty? Who cares? Let God sort 'em out. Homicide is fun! Whee! And so much more efficient than the actual justice system.
(For more details on this outbreak of violent mass hysteria: Can This Photo End Vigilante Killings in the Philippines?)
Mamas' got a brand new colposcopy bag!
Vote Hillary!
Mr. Minister of the tooth, FYI- the USA is not a democracy. Duckface.
This from someone who calls him/herself "Oregon pride".
And yes, u are a big fan of trump.
Well, what can I say. I think my writing pisses them off. Being an uppity black man and all.😊
How about a tax return that isn't under audit (from a couple of years ago)?
I agree but I'd need to add an addendum to the part about Hillary Clinton: Only say that if it's true. I don't know why it needs to be added, but it does. It will save everyone the embarrassment of your having to come back in a month and try to explain how you didn't lie and never said that you'd released all of the emails.
I'd be satisfied if Hillary just leveled with the peeps to say something like, "Look, some shit is private in those emails, conversations with my daughter, etc., and it's none of the public's fucking business. So get off my back." The public would respect that, even if the teabaggers in congress wouldn't.
Did I ever say I love the way Field shears the capital T off trump? A lovely touch. The Donald would really be irked, if he knew about it.
As a neutral American, I sincerely hope Trump gets elected. A Hillary Presidency will just be bad bad bad.
We need to bomb every Muslim country, and burn down every church. I wiped my ass with the Bible and the Koran this morning.
If you use a private server for classified government communications, nothing on it is "personal".
Hillary had no right to arbitrarily delete 30,000 emails that she was required by law to turn over to the State Department archives. The fact that she did not turn them over was a crime. The fact that she deleted them AFTER the server was subpoenaed was a very serious crime. The fact that she used Bleach Bit to permanently destroy these messages (ostensibly about yoga and grandchildren) implies an intention to deceive.
Add in the fact that she lied about never using the server for classified messages, not deleting any work-related emails, and only using one device for email (13 phones that were requested by the FBI had been destroyed with hammers) and you have a clear indication of intentional criminal activity. Her lying to Congress itself is a very serious crime.
If you are honest with yourself, there is no way to spin this as simple negligence or incompetence. She was hiding something, the most likely being the unethical or outright corrupt mixing of personal interest (via the Clinton Foundation and direct payments) and State Department business.
It's really terrible and has little precedent in American politics.
If Trump becomes President we have no one to blame but white America. Of course, he will be so incompetent it won't really matter. Then all of us sane, smart people will just laugh at your white asses for bowing down to such a shitty person. I can't wait to see the looks on your faces.
Faced with a dying candidate who let people die, the left fights back with "Trump can't swim" and "Trump has a small dick."
The Purple Cow said...
If Trump becomes President we have no one to blame but white America.
White America also gets the blame for computers, the internet, airplanes, automobiles, modern agriculture, medicine, hospitals, smartphones, and the space program. Blacks who live in White America are the most free, most prosperous, healthiest, best educated blacks on the planet.
I think we should trust their judgment on this one and vote for Trump too.
White boys are pussies.
The Ministry of Truth said...
The advantage of the system of democracy is that, at least in theory, it is a great equalizer. It allows the common people a voice in government to defend themselves from the depredations of the rich.
The disadvantage of democracy is that the common people are uneducated, often do not follow politics avidly enough to fully grasp the issues at hand, and are afflicted with substantial prejudice and fear. This leaves many voters vulnerable to being bamboozled by demagogues -- like a certain despicable, orange-tinted casino-developer charlatan. The news media are supposed to help defend against this sort of amoral manipulator, but lately, too many of them are abjectly failing at that task.
When Obama dominated among "uneducated" voters, it was proof of his goodness. When Trump polls well among the same, it's proof of their unworthiness.
If it is the media's job to defend us against our ill-informed choices, then it should be by providing as much objective information as they can. The Democrats have 90% of the media in their corner. Trump has been subjected to the typical media bias against Republicans, plus a good bit of grief from the 10% that is supposed to be supporting him (e.g. Fox News).
If the "uneducated" masses are still gravitating towards Trump, you leftist scum really have a problem. People - black, white and brown - are sick of globalist policies that only serve the interests of the very wealthy. They are tired of their futures sold out from under them. They are sick of being lied to about everything. They've had enough of being told what they can think and what their betters think is best for them.
Lucky for you, the tired tropes used against Trump (racist, bigot, etc.) are still effective enough with low-information voters to make a seriously ill criminal warmonger the favorite to win the Presidency. You may pull this one out for the globalist elite this time, but a serious backlash is building across the world.
The Baby Boomers have always been fuck ups. The millennials and current generation aren't ever going to amount to shit. MY generation will be the one to save this country from the Trumps and Hillarys and other shit politicians. You better start treating us with respect from now on! Think we'll still care for you when the Boomers are dying out in retirement homes? Haha!
"White America also gets the blame for computers, the internet, airplanes, automobiles, modern agriculture, medicine, hospitals, smartphones, and the space program."
The Germans invented computers closely followed by the British, powered air flight was invented by a guy from New Zealand, automobiles - also German, the Arab caliphates invented modern agriculture, medicine and hospitals were invented by the Greeks, Smartphones were invented by the Finns and the space program by the Soviet Union.
Remind us again what white America invented other than line-dancing and fucking your cousin?
Forgot to mention, Bermudans are the world's most prosperous black people.
"The Germans invented computers closely followed by the British, powered air flight was invented by a guy from New Zealand, automobiles - also German, the Arab caliphates invented modern agriculture, medicine and hospitals were invented by the Greeks, Smartphones were invented by the Finns and the space program by the Soviet Union."
You are an ignorant joke.
"Remind us again what white America invented other than line-dancing and fucking your cousin?"
Once again Purple Cow reminds us that his worldview is based entirely on racial resentment and hatred for white people.
His existence is a case against diversity and shining example of the pathology of Leftism.
I hope I live long enough to see the day reality reasserts itself with your ilk. Even if I don't, I can rest easy, as that day is certainly coming.
Oops, I just pooped in my pants. Hey Yisheng and lilac, will you come lick it up for me? You might even mistake it for your own home cooking!
I think Afrocentrism is just as lame as Eurocentrism. Same with black supremacy and white supremacy.
Field, I get whiplash reading your comment section. Some really thoughtful, informed paragraphs (Purple Cow, Doug in Oakland, etc.) then four-letter epithets scrawled in crayon (20 "anonymous" comments) or feces (another 10 "anonymous" comments).
My hopes are with Lester Holt, co-chairing the first (and I'm sure most watched) debate. The other host, Chris Wallace, is always out to make Chris Wallace sound smart, and that could flop either way. The fact that the orangutan will be on the same stage with Clinton will dignify him unspeakably, undeservedly, outrageously. May he have one or two Rick Perry or Sarah Palin moments, cover them up as he might, so that his deep ignorance is stripped bare for everyone to see.
Remember when Bill Clinton slapped Chris Wallace down like the petulant child he is?
It's really sad that Phyllis Schlafly didn't live to see the first female president inaugurated.
-Doug in Oakland
Didn't know - Schlafly died only yesterday. Maybe HIllary's poll numbers helped push her over the cliff.
I think this is the Bill Clinton/Chris Wallace exchange you're talking about. Wallace got schooled, as they say. Let's hope Hillary remembers it.
CNN: Trump +2
A good summary.
You'd have to be really stupid to vote for Hillary.
Or some kind of bozo.
White boys are pussies and retards.
BOZO the clown typed...
"The fact that the orangutan will be on the same stage with Clinton will dignify him unspeakably, undeservedly, outrageously."
Agreed, the doctor with the narcotic pen will be proud to prod Hillary along.
"Field, I get whiplash reading your comment section."
That's not all you get "whiplash" from.
"Once again Purple Cow reminds us that his worldview is based entirely on racial resentment and hatred for white people."
But I'm a white man, I've told you this before. I go line dancing every Thursday night where I spend my time dosy do-ing my partner and all that good stuff. I also like both kinds of music, Country AND Western, and I have an extensive collection of Pat Boon records.
I even played golf!
How white is that?
I also yodel and I make a mean Pasta Amatriciana.
Goldman Sachs Bans Employees from Donating to Trump:
The Purple Cow said...
"Once again Purple Cow reminds us that his worldview is based entirely on racial resentment and hatred for white people."
But I'm a white man
Purple Cow is white.
All whites are racist.
Purple Cow is racist.
Anotherbozo: Great article, thanks for sharing it. I read the comments, and some of them talked about her emails, but none of them said anything about expanding the state department's budget enough to drag its communication protocols into the 21st century so diplomats can do a better job at what we're paying them to do.
-Doug in Oakland
@ Doug:
You get it man. Why, in 2016, are senior diplomats having to destroy evidence-containing Blackberries with hammers? Shouldn't they have access to some sort of hydraulically powered shredder/thermal destruction device? If we can afford multi-billion dollar uranium deals to benefit the Clinton Foundation donation cycle, we can afford to provide our top level governent officials with the modern technology they need to cover up their misdeeds.
The Army Special Forces motto is De Oppresso Liber (“To Free the Oppressed”)
Thank you Nate and Colin for bringing sanity, importance and balance to the discussion.
I will take a knee during the national anthem out of respect for the fallen soldiers and protest over oppression.
Run these two old folks to the hospital for complete physicals; the presidency's stressful; ages 69 and 70 can tax the heart, brain and everything else that allows one to continue breathing. President Obama was in his 40's when he began his trek; it made his hair grey. These two oldies could turn into bald eagles. Hillary can't talk two seconds without a coughing spell. These two don't look the healthiest; no matter how much money they have. Corpse-like is corpse-like.
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