I am not sure what he was trying to prove throughout this NATO visit, but you could tell by watching the other world leaders no one was impressed. He came across like that drunk uncle that everyone tries to avoid at the family barbecue.
And yet, there he was, the leader of the free world, looking and acting like the crude demagogue who griffted his way into the oval office.
"The incident happened in Brussels on Thursday
Commenting on the hilarious moment, one twitter user said: “He's like a child trying to be king of the playground, but all the other kids are actually adults.”
Another wrote: “It's obvious they were deliberately ignoring him and he felt uncomfortable.”'
What's scary is that this type of behavior will only get him more love from some of the people in his base. "See, this is what we needed, a tough guy to stand up to dem dare Europeans. They don't have that girly man Obama t kick around anymore."
The tough guy persona seems to be working for a certain segment of the GOP base, and, as a result, the tough guy wannabes are the ones being hailed by trump and his minions as the only true Americans.
Even republican politicians running for congress seemed to have gotten into act.
One of them body slammed a reporter for asking him a policy question for crying out loud.
"The bizarre events that unfolded on election eve layered a new level of uncertainty over the congressional contest, which had been seen up until then as Republican Gianforte’s to lose.
The wealthy tech entrepreneur was cited for misdemeanor assault Wednesday night after accusations that he body-slammed Ben Jacobs, a journalist for the Guardian newspaper who was asking the candidate about the House GOP’s healthcare legislation.
Three of Montana’s largest newspapers, the Missoulian, Helena Independent Record and Billings Gazette immediatelyrescinded their endorsement of Gianforte, who has had a reputation in the state for prickliness — especially when dealing with reporters." [Source]
If he wins he will fit right in with the gang in Washington. Let's be honest, trump created this environment and dangerous situation for reporters by creating a people vs. press atmosphere in America. Remember all those rallies where he encouraged his supporters to attack the reporters who were present? I do.
trump created this atmosphere, and we will all have to live with the consequences.
*Pic from nbcwashington,com
Well, president four-year-old is definitely as ugly as homemade sin, so he fits that stereotype well.
I don't know if Gianforte has ever been to the Capitol or not, but if he had he would know that candidates and congresscritters get mics shoved in their faces and cameras pointed at them all the damn time, and someone is always yelling a question, often more than one someone, so if he doesn't react well to that, perhaps he should stay with the grift he has.
Well at least Holy Joe won't be running the feebies, so there's that.
I actually see that as an opportunity for president four-year-old to appoint someone qualified and capable who doesn't come with the sort of sociopolitical baggage that seems to be dragging his presidency down these days.
That would go a long way toward dispelling the questions a lot of people have about him right now, and while I don't know whether his presidency is salvageable at this point, it would be a very good first move toward showing us that he actually does take the job seriously.
The down side, of course, would be that if he's guilty of collusion (whether he knows it or not) appointing someone who can actually do the job might hasten down his day of reckoning.
-Doug in Oakland
"Talk about the"ugly American."
What did Trump do, take selfie with a hot Danish chick at Mandela's funeral?
"Talk about the"ugly American."
What did Trump do, act like a clown and block another world leader out of a photo?
"Talk about the"ugly American."
What did Trump do, go to Paris and give a speech where he stated that shootings like the one in Colorado Springs just doesn't happen in other countries, three weeks after 130 people were shot to death in Paris during the Bataclan massacre?
Republican wins Montana election one night after being charged with assault
BOZEMAN, Mont. — Republican businessman Greg Gianforte won Montana’s sole House district in a special election Thursday, keeping a seat in Republican hands despite facing assault charges for allegedly attacking a reporter who’d asked him about the GOP’s health-care bill.
That's right. People despise Democrats so much they'll elect a guy who just got arrested rather than some scumbag liberal.
"trump created this atmosphere, and we will all have to live with the consequences. "
Nope. Political violence is not coming from the GOP or Donald Trump, it is coming from the progressive left.
They are digging their own grave.
"I don't know if Gianforte has ever been to the Capitol or not, but if he had he would know that candidates and congresscritters get mics shoved in their faces and cameras pointed at them all the damn time"
Gianforte was in a private office holding a conversation with someone else when the foreign invader reporter broke in to interrupt. Gianforte was almost certainly within his rights to shoot the motherfucker dead on the spot (weapons HAVE been disguised as cameras and cell phones), and I wish he had. We would have a lot less trouble with ambush reporting.
Oh, and "Barry"... well done. Not that any of these NAPAs have a fucking clue about irony.
July: Violence is ok against Trump supporters
November: Violence is ok because we lost
Jan: Violence is ok against Nazis
March: Violence is ok if a conservative visits a college
Today: Violence is never ok
I'd like to take this opportunity to, wholeheartedly and in the strongest possible language, endorse the body slamming of Guardian reporters.
Think about it: A man Body Slams a Liberal Fake News Reporter and Gets a Boost in votes.
The people HATE Fake News.
The damn fool is at best an embarrassment, and is degrading the country by the day:
-Doug in Oakland
So they got their mental toss flycoon... I guess nobody needs to move.
-Doug in Oakland
That clown who body slammed the 150 pound reporter is a former football player from Philly.
He was way up in the polls before the incident, and most people had already cast their votes.
Still, it should be interesting to see what happens to yet another wingnut thug in DC.
Whaddaya expect from the Plain People of the Land?
From No More Mister Nice Blog:
The GOP: Vengeful Alpha Wannabes and Sore Winners
The GOP base (and "base", the adjective, is definitely a fitting word for them) cannot distinguish between true strength and true courage, and bullying.
They demonstrate this every time they lose the upper hand, when they instantly convert from bullies to whiners.
From The Rude Pundit:
(NSFW--he named himself accurately)
American Wreckage: Trump Is Radically Degrading the United States
The right-wingers, who claim to love this country more than the rest of us do, are proving the old song lyric that "you always hurt the one you love".
Off his meds Baldy sez- wah fucking wah. Kill 'em all, wah.
Why so much anger so early in the day, Bald one? You'll surely run out of steam and need a nappy before din-din.
Typical lying rwnj gets away with assault and lying because their voters don't have any morals or ethics. And Baldy believes everything he reads by any wingnut pol.
Shit fer brains Drumpfuck wants to shut off German car sales in the good old US of A. He forgot something--
In this latest episode of urinating on allies, Trump forgot a few things:
The BMW X3, X4, X5, and X6 are built in the Bavarian state of…North Carolina.
The Volkswagen Passat is built in Southern German state of Tennessee.
The Mercedes C Class, M Class, and GL Class are built in the German state of Alabamdama.
Other countries where German cars are made are Mexico, Hungary, Slovakia, and France.
Drumpfuck- the dumbest son of a bitch to ever infest the White House.
The all time record holder of the Dunning0-Kruger effect-
Obama's FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties. This is beyond damning:
The behavior the FBI admitted to a FISA judge just last month ranged from illegally sharing raw intelligence with unauthorized third parties to accessing intercepted attorney-client privileged communications without proper oversight the bureau promised was in place years ago.
Good piece by Daniel Horowitz:
Why Trump has a responsibility to ignore the Fourth Circuit
Consider this irrationality: Congress can pass a law along party lines, yet we won’t regard that as the law of the land until a court upholds it. Yet, a court can be split along the same party lines – and is unelected and unaccountable – but somehow that is given MORE legitimacy than a legislature.
That’s exactly Thursday in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals when 10 Democrat appointees “voted” against Trump’s temporary immigration moratorium, while the three GOP appointees voted for it.
Why not just have elected partisan officials decide political matters instead of unelected ones?
Oh c'mon guys! Read his lips! He tells the guy laughingly "get outta the way" it's clear as a bell! :D and the man laughs and pats Trump either on his back or butt! Watch the video, it may well have been an inside joke between the two of them! Yeezuz!
C'mon stop with the fake news already :) The man can't breathe without someone accusing him of something or other lol!
Judge Black sez- if this case gets to the activist, right wing majority Scotus and gets decided along party lines that will be hunky dory bnecause that is the way the judicial system is stacked, except wingnuts did everything in their power to prevent Obama's nominees from being seated.
Judicial court obstruction by treasonous wingnuts was the worst since 1957. Wingnuts filibustered just about every nominee and then stole Merrick Garland's seat on the high court and have been lying about it ever since.
The moral, you see, is it is okay if you are a wingnut. The ends justify the means except when Libs do it.
Lilacpr said...
Oh c'mon guys! Read his lips! He tells the guy laughingly "get outta the way" it's clear as a bell! :D and the man laughs and pats Trump either on his back or butt!
Lilac, the voice of reason.
You are talking to people suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome; they will not be denied their hysteria.
Circa sez- citing instances of “disregard” for rules, inadequate training and “deficient” oversight and even one case of deliberately sharing spy data with a forbidden party.
One case-1- count them case of deliberately sharing spy data with a forbidden party.
Drumpf has done that at least three times in just over 4 months.
But its Okay if a wingnut does it. Derp!
and the man laughs and pats Trump either on his back or butt!
I know with Drumpf it is hard to tell the back from the rest of the ass.
mike sees what he wants to see....
"Drumpf has done that at least three times in just over 4 months."
No, he has not.
There is no evidence, just speculation by hysterical journalists and libtards.
Stop projecting.
If Drumpf's vast taxcuts for the wealthy are going to pay for themselves, they better hurry up. Any one with 2 live brain cells knows taxcuts don't stimulate economic growth btu too many dumbass voters fall for this stoopidity and four or eight years later the adult Dems have to clean up stoopid wingnut fiscal disasters again.
Anymoose sez- No, he has not.
There is no evidence, just speculation by hysterical journalists and libtards.
Stop projecting.
Just cuz you say it ain't so don't make it so. Keep yer head buried between yer cheeks. The end will be ugly and you will blame it all on Dems because you have been brainwashed to say that.
Tired of whining, yet, Anymoose? Your side can't win so you whine.
He did say the election was rigged. So did he really win? How did the Bimbo get in office for real?
Mandingo from Iowa is a piece of work. Trump knows that the lying lamestream enemedia is going to be screaming for his head until it's driven out of business (and if you watch the financial news about ESPN you know that it won't be long). Trump knew he had a free hand to fire Comey because all the leftards were on record blaming Comey for bringing up the mail scandal and causing Clitlery's loss. All Trump has to do now is compare what they're saying now to what they said then, and make a laughingstock of them. Actually, he doesn't even have to do it himself, just tweet the YouTube video where someone else does it and append his trademark "Sad!".
Comey was a Clinton insider from way back. He provided cover for the Marc Rich pardon. He stated under oath in front of Congress that he had NEVER been pressured to halt an investigation. Now Sessions has his computers and his memos, and we'll see just how dirty he is.
Best of all, with Comey out of the way the main protector of the 0bama administration's hacks has been removed from the FBI. Investigations that were stonewalled before are no doubt going forward, carefully saved files are being brought out of off-line storage and re-opened. We are going to see a whole lot of "untouchable" people doing perpwalks before the 2018 elections.
The man who possibly cost Clinton the election was a Clinton "insider"?
Now that's rich.😁
Balldy is a piece of twerk. Trump knows that the lying lamestream enemedia is going to be screaming for his head until it's driven out of business (and if you watch the financial news about ESPN you know that it won't be long)
What, pray tell, does Drumpf's ugly head have to do with ESPN? Get out of Mom's basement and get some sunlight before wingnuts make it illegal except for the wealthy, while you stand around and stoopidly spank your monkey dreaming of Drumpf's back or butt which lilac couldn't tell which despite being clear as a bell
Sounds like maybe dirt bag Drumpfy kept one promise. American planes bombed relatives of ISIS fighters in Syria.
Ugly American Drumpf lied to workers as Carrier is sending jobs to Mexico. Of course since the deal was mostly negotiated by Pence, Drumpf will receive an easy out.
Ugly wingnuts Americans want to do away with judicial blue slip rules so Drumpf can get his judicial criminals seated without Dem interference.
Wingnuts prevented many of Obama's picks by not returning blue slip on home state senators. But IOKIYAR.
Bitter two-time political loser ruins graduation with drunken, inappropriate tirade against sitting president; chokes on her own bile:
De Blasio employee arrested for child pornography
A leading young Democrat and de Blasio administration employee has a secret taste for sickening kiddie porn that involves baby girls as young as 6 months old, court papers revealed Friday.
Jacob Schwartz, 29, was busted for allegedly keeping more than 3,000 disgusting images and 89 videos on a laptop after downloading the filth from the internet.
The illegal smut shows “young nude females between the approximate ages of 6 months and 16, engaging in sexual conduct… on an adult male,” court papers say.
Schwartz’ father — labor lawyer and Democratic insider Arthur Schwartz — called his son’s case “a personal tragedy.”
From Susie Madrak's blog:
Former NSA analyst John Schindler writes about an unusual townhall held by director Mike Rogers this week:
This week’s town hall event, which was broadcast to agency facilities worldwide, was therefore met with surprise and anticipation by the NSA workforce, and Rogers did not disappoint. I have spoken with several NSA officials who witnessed the director’s talk and I’m reporting their firsthand accounts, which corroborate each other, on condition of anonymity.
In his town hall talk, Rogers reportedly admitted that President Trump asked him to discredit the FBI and James Comey, which the admiral flatly refused to do. As Rogers explained, he informed the commander in chief, “I know you won’t like it, but I have to tell what I have seen”—a probable reference to specific intelligence establishing collusion between the Kremlin and Team Trump.
Rogers then added that such SIGINT exists, and it is damning. He stated, “There is no question that we [meaning NSA] have evidence of election involvement and questionable contacts with the Russians.” Although Rogers did not cite the specific intelligence he was referring to, agency officials with direct knowledge have informed me that DIRNSA was obviously referring to a series of SIGINT reports from 2016 based on intercepts of communications between known Russian intelligence officials and key members of Trump’s campaign, in which they discussed methods of damaging Hillary Clinton.
NSA employees walked out of the town hall impressed by the director’s forthright discussion of his interactions with the Trump administration, particularly with how Rogers insisted that he had no desire to “politicize” the situation beyond what the president has already done. America’s spies are unaccustomed to playing partisan politics as Trump has apparently asked them to do, and it appears that the White House’s ham-fisted effort to get NSA to attack the FBI and its credibility was a serious mistake.
It’s therefore high time for the House and Senate intelligence committees to invite Admiral Rogers to talk to them about what transpired with the White House. It’s evident that DIRNSA has something important to say. Since Mike Rogers is said to have kept notes of the president’s effort to enlist him in Trump’s personal war with the FBI, as any seasoned Beltway bureaucrat would do, his account ought to be impressively detailed.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug never stops hoping the bullshit he reads is real.
It's touching, if a little pathetic.
A commenter calling herself "Anne J." posted this over at P. M. Carpenter's blog. I think it's worth re-posting.
"The imbecile in chief is an embarrassment, not just on his own, but because he is a reflection of the people and the attitudes that helped get him elected. He is a reflection of the moral decline of American society. He is a product of the selfishness, petulance, and apathy that kept people home every election for the last several decades. He's a reflection of people who think being a douchebag is a sign of strength. He won not only because of the people who voted for him, but because of the smug, self centered "conscience" voters who think they are smarter and more virtuous than everyone else because they voted third party or not at all and do not hold themselves accountable in the least for helping put this cretin in office. He is America's self inflicted wound."
Hammer. Nail. Bang!
Les Deplorables said derp. NYDailynews called her speech inspiring.
Doug has the pond scum on this site sucking wind.
Ugly American bogus potus ugly American prick SIL's NY Observer paper sez this: http://observer.com/2017/05/mike-rogers-nsa-chief-admits-trump-colluded-with-russia/
Drumpfuck colluded with Russia. Drumpfuck colluded with Russia. Say it with me- Drumpfuck colluded with Russia. One more time with feeling-DRUMPFUCK COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA!!!
Can I get an amen or fifty?
"The man who possibly cost Clinton the election was a Clinton "insider"?"
No, the NYPD investigating the contents of Weiner's laptop blew open the Clitlery e-mail scandal AGAIN (after Comey whitewashed the FBI's version) and Comey had the job of trying to get those worms back into the can. By whatever means (turning Bernie voters into Trump voters, getting Clitlery voters to stay home, energizing Trump voters) it didn't work.
"What, pray tell, does Drumpf's ugly head have to do with ESPN"
ESPN is part of the propaganda apparatus, and the USA is getting sick of all the Ebonics that has replaced English and is turning it off and deciding to #CutTheCord. Every lost cable subscriber is ESPN's loss of $7.30 EVERY MONTH.
We can only guess how much people's disgust with Colon Cappernig contributed.
ESPN will be bankrupt soon, and its parent Disney will be hurting. When ESPN goes down, the value of all pro sports teams—the backbone of Negro propaganda in the USA and the beneficiaries of all those ESPN contract fees—take a major hit.
You're all going to crash and burn.
Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die you are a washed up whining wingnut like Baldy and sit around and cry and cry and cry.
I think there is an attribution owed to Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
From Broken Lizards Super Troopers- Desperation is a stinky cologne, Baldy.
Ivory Bill Peckerwood said...
"The imbecile in chief is an embarrassment, not just on his own, but because he is a reflection of the people and the attitudes that helped get him elected."
Hammer. Nail. Bang!
Liberals don't hate Trump so much as they hate the constituency he represents: Working class white people. Trump is the focal point for their sneering contempt for those they think beneath them.
It's not about ideas, it's about tribal hatreds and class posturing.
Fuck all of you.
Actually, Les Derp is mistaken.
Cheetolini's voters tended to skew toward the upper income levels, as usual for a Republican candidate.
Article from The Guardian
Don't blame Bubba and Bobbie Sue for this one.
The Guardian.
Enough said.
Liberals don't hate Trump so much as they hate the constituency he represents: Working class white people
No, it is pretty much all right wing nut jobs I despise.
He might have raped a White woman and urinated on her face in revenge for "slavery," but Cory Batey's mama says he's a good boy!
Hillary Clinton Personally Reviewed and Deleted Her Emails after Subpoenas were Sent. Lock Her Up!
Fer Chrissakes! In Denton Texas! A liberal college town right in the thick of Redneckia. A police chief teaching his fourteen-year-old daughter how to drive, (maybe they should have started out in a residential area,) decides to pursue Miss Black Texas 2016, Carmen Ponder to the local Walmart, to demand an apology for passing his daughter on the highway. Apparently, Ms. Ponder decided to get around the black pickup truck to avoid a potential drunk driver.
Ms. Ponder declines the invitation to apologize and is promptly arrested on a charge of evading arrest, spending the next twenty-four hours in jail. Psycho, out-of-control police chief enforcing his ego on a young, black woman.
What I heard today from a sociologist on NPR is that hate feeds on hate. The rise in ISIS is connected to the rise of holocaust-deniers in Europe is connected to the rise of xenophobic, racist hate groups is connected to ...
Fill in the blank.
"Liberals don't hate Trump so much as they hate the constituency he represents: Working class white people. Trump is the focal point for their sneering contempt for those they think beneath them."
Right, I'm a working class white guy from a long line of working class white guys. Wanna try again? Maybe take your talking point lies and bullshit and stick it in your butt with your head first? Or just skip it if you want, I know how reality and facts and stuff just make you all cranky and constipated, so why not just go suck on some nice Fox and Breitbart and tell yourself how right you are over and over until you fall asleep.
-Doug in Oakland
"What I heard today from a sociologist on NPR is that hate feeds on hate. The rise in ISIS is connected to the rise of holocaust-deniers in Europe is connected to the rise of xenophobic, racist hate groups is connected to ...
Fill in the blank."
Great point.
thanks for reporting this and adding all that helpful information.
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