"Scott Dworkin, the co-founder of the Democratic Coalition, recently tweeted an unsurprising reminder of court papers showing that Trump evicted a U.S. veteran because he had a therapy dog.
Specifically, the court papers described the complainant as a “United States Army combat veteran of Afghanistan and Kosovo” who had a “psychiatric disability that substantially limits one or more of his major life activities.” Furthermore, the court papers show he was advised by a psychiatrist and primary care physician to obtain a therapy dog.
Though they gave Trump Village a note from their physician explaining the need for a therapy dog, Trump attempted to evict them due to having a dog. Despite this, however, they accepted rent after the termination date of the lease and the Housing Court dismissed the eviction.
The hypocrisy of Trump’s business actions was not lost on Twitter users who responded in outrage at the deplorable act. Trump used the appearance of being a man for the military and for the vets to win the election. With a system that is undoubtedly broken when it comes to caring for its vets, it’s understandable they want to see that in Trump. However, one must take into account his previous actions. Trump allowed this to happen. Does he really care about a veteran when it comes down to his bottom dollar?" [Source]
I didn't believe it at first myself, but if you go to the link of the article you will see the actual court papers used by the author that ultimately convinces me of the veracity of the story.
That, and the fact that this president has a rather dubious history as a landlord.
So when you see President trump following his scripted lines today about sacrifice and being grateful to the men and women who served, remember that it is not coming from the heart, because president trump does not care about those men and women or anything else except himself and his inner circle.
An inner-circle, by the way, that's getting smaller and smaller.
Pic from imemorial.com
The man is a crook who scams anyone and everyone who has ever done business with him. A friend of a friend had to declare bankrupcy and layoff his staff because Trump screwed him when he did work for Herr Trump at his casino. And now this conman is President. I guess I kinda feel sad that the people who will get hurt the most are those who actually believed in that crook.
"Therapy dog"? Really Field?
A property he owned was enforcing the rules of residency.
You are such a fucking faggot.
I love it when liberals start pretending to care about the troops. It's adorable.
Today we remember those who gave their lives so their children could be dispossessed by foreign squatters.
Yeah, happy barbecues for amnesiacs day.
The Rude Pundit posted a poem by a female former combat medic who served in Iraq that was pretty good, but didn't really touch on the idea the Memorial Day comes by way of Remembrance Day, and is for honoring the dead. Veteran's Day, which comes by way of Armistice Day is for honoring the living.
-Doug in Oakland
I know that you guys are tired of my reminders. Donald Trump was scared in 1960s. It was his turn to fight for "his" country. Where was dt- hiding behind his wealth and status. The only thing he is self made is a coward. With all the speeches that he gives, I have not heard him explain why he dodged the draft. 50 years later I am sure he has made an excuse that could be plausible to the younger generation. After all very few people are affected to our sterile "beat-downs" of third world countries. Now he is giving some rich dictators arms to fight a war that evidently they can't win. Fighting people without modern weapons and still can't win. No wonder he is over in Europe begging other white countries to join him in this fight against those mean darker Arabs/Muslims. Listen to his speech, not one time did he say the word VIETNAM. Chicken shyte man-baby. SGT LEA RVN 69-70. I wa 18 year old Black male with no investment in USA... Donald had millions ($$$) of reasons to protect his investment.. will entertain only combat veterans as we still mourn the loss of people that was there.
I'm so terribly amused by libtards assuming that the POTUS has the slightest clue what the property managers of some development he owns are doing to enforce the terms of the leases there, or pretending to do so to make political hay.
This, from assclowns who would fall down dead if they didn't practice seven different hypocrisies before breakfast.
JamBo said...
I'm so terribly amused by repugnacants assuming that the POTUS has the slightest clue as to how to manage this nation's development, and, as a result, his lease of the White House will be revoked posthaste. Since he and other occupants of the White House, including others in his administration, are doing little or nothing to enforce the terms of the lease there, merely pretending to do so to make political hay, it's time to evict these freeloaders and replace them with hardworking Americans who have the full interest of the American people at heart.
This will be troubling for some assclowns who would fall down dead if they didn't practice seven different hypocrisies before breakfast, but we can't allow their pending deaths affect our decision to cut our losses before they destroy the country they're sworn to protect. #Trussian #Timpeach
From twitter:
Since 1945, the supreme strategic goal in Europe of the USSR and then Russia was the severing of the US-German alliance. Trump delivered.
-Doug in Oakland
I love it when conservatives start pretending to care about the troops. It's adorable.
If Jamie really had an IQ of 150 I kinda doubt he'd be here spouting dumb shit all the time. All he does is copy and paste other's work and tries to pass it off as his own. What a joke. He does have a trailer park 150 IQ which means he only falls into the porta potty once a week.
(psst! dougie! the ussr hasn't existed for 38 years now! nato has accomplished its mission, it's time to go home now.)
Baldy loves him some Putin. Putin claims to have a black belt and Baldy premature ejaculates at the possibility 'that' belt was once Obama.
To honor American vets I went out and shot the first wingnut looking groundhog in sight. I shot it and shot It and shot it and shot it until I ran out of ammo and then watched it drag its useless back legs into the lilac bushes. I showed it the same tender mercies wingnuts show the elderly and poor and disabled and the little children which is exactly none. I wasn't even mad at it. Just thoroughly disgusted with having to share the same planet with creatures that violate my sincerely held religious beliefs that they do not belong here. That is all.
I think I fucked up in my first comment: Memorial Day comes to us via Decoration Day, which was a day to decorate the graves of fallen soldiers, and was traditionally today, not yesterday.
Remembrance Day is what many other countries call November 11, the day the Armistice ended the first world war.
-Doug in Oakland
Another one bites the dust:
"White House communications director Mike Dubke is stepping down from his post after just three months on the job, NBC News confirmed Tuesday."
So there you go, trolls, your dream job just opened up.
-Doug in Oakland
"Hannity has gone “underground” and is actively considering whether or not he will return to Fox News on Tuesday, a source close to Hannity told Independent Journal Review."
Hannity? Underground? HAHAHAHAHAHAhahafuckingha. I'd ask if he was blowing people for crack, but seriously, nobody with any crack would want a blowjob from Sean Hannity.
-Doug in Oakland
Blockhead Fifteen is so funny. I'm supposedly coming out for Russia (which has a lot of ethnic Russians in "other countries" (Crimea is ethnically Russian) against Germany.... and Blockhead thinks I'm a German ethnic supremacist.
Oh, yeah, the Nazis attacked Russia/USSR. It's the liberals who are for fighting Russia, which I'm against... and Blockhead fails to recognize that HE'S the Nazi.
You can't make this shit up. There must be some kind of interference field which affects the brains of all libtards who post here and makes them even MORE retarded than normal.
James Bold said...
(psst! dougie! the ussr hasn't existed for 38 years now, but with our current trajectory, it won't be long before the Union is restored, thanks to Trump and their other Russian minions in our government. nato hasn't accomplished its mission, and Putin doesn't want it to, rather he believes that it's time that we all go home now, counting on Trump to achieve that end for him, or else, the else being the leverage that Putin is using as he blackmails Trump, his compromised man in the White House.)
11:02 AM
Uh huh.
Remember Jessica Chambers:
James Bold said...
Blockhead Fifteen is so funny. I'm supposedly coming out for Russia (which has a lot of ethnic Russians in "other countries" (Crimea is ethnically Russian) against Germany, the land of Hitler, of Joseph Goebbels, and Reichsstatthalter decrees. I'm not supposedly coming out for Russia, I'm coming out for Russia. Here that! I'm coming out for Russia! Why in hell do you think I'm here in America? I'm against Germany, and for Russia..... and Blockhead thinks I'm a German ethnic supremacist, no I'm a Russian American supremacist, who happens to be ethnically Russian. Here that? I'm a Russian American supremacist who is ethnically Russian.
Oh, yeah, the Nazis attacked Russia/USSR. It's the conservatards who are for fighting Russia, which I'm against... and Blockhead fails to recognize that HE'S the Nazi, and I'm an ethnic Russian, who would like nothing better than having Russia rule the world, and that will happen when NATO is dismantled.
You can't make this shit up. There must be some kind of interference field (Field Negro?) which affects the brains of all conservatards who post here and makes them even MORE retarded than normal, that is, more retarded than I am, and that takes some doing.
What is it about Republicans and buggery? I mean consensual buggery between adults is none of my business. I may not want any myself, but if that's your thing, knock yourself out. But children should be out of buggery bounds, especially if they express objection to the buggery, and more so if the buggerer is an adult in a position of trust to the child. Why is this so hard for Republicans to grasp?
-Doug in Oakland
"'White House communications director Mike Dubke is stepping down from his post after just three months on the job, NBC News confirmed Tuesday.'
'So there you go, trolls, your dream job just opened up.'"
trump doesn't want them. They are not family members or Russian.
Wonder when someone would bring up Jessica Chambers. These white assholes excuse the murder of babies because the sick murderer is white. What sick fucks.
Jamie is right, the USSR is busted and Russia is broke which is why they need the half trillion dollar oil deal that Trump is pushing. You know, the idiot you love.
There were no Russians anyplace my family came from back to at least 1600. The way Jambo grabs onto a totally wrong idea and goes off in the weeds... classic libtardism. Reality simply doesn't enter into it.
As for Dougie, it might help if you asked how a high-school wrestling coach (Hastert) got to be so successful in politics in the first place. It was because he was known as a child-buggerer and the oligarchs could squash him just as easily as they made him, so he had to do their bidding. Seriously, just HOW do you think Congress and the courts are controlled? They're full of dirty, blackmailed actors, the Dems probably 90%. All the top leadership like Podestas are dirty.
Know why they hate Trump and want to take him down? He's clean and they can't control him.
Know why Pizzagate is denounced as "fake news"? Because if the pedos were rooted out of Washington, the oligarchs wouldn't have any pawns left.
And that's why it's so important to out them. The blackmail material is the weak point of the whole rotten edifice and it all needs to come down.
James Bold said...
There are nothing but Russians in my family from as far back to at least 1600. The way I grab onto a totally wrong idea and go off in the weeds surrounding garbage dumps...my actions are classic conservatardism. Reality simply doesn't enter into it.
As for t-rump, it might help if you asked how a real estate mogul (t-rump) got to be so successful in politics in the first place. It was because he was known as a Russian-women pussy grabber (caught on video), and the Russian oligarchs could squash him just as easily as they made him (partly by hacking the D.N.C.), so he had to do their bidding. Seriously, just HOW do you think Congress and the courts are controlled? They're full of dirty, blackmailed actors, the Repubnagants probably 90%. All the top leadership like Neil Gorsuch are dirty, just as my hero who selected him, t-rump is dirty and smell of Putin.
Know why they love t-rump and want to build him up? He's as dirty as they come, and they can control him, and certain members of his family, such as Jared Kushner who wanted to open backchannel communications with Putin using Russian encryption machines to keep their conversations private and away from the prying ears of U.S. intelligence agencies.
What a good boy is he. I'm so proud to know him.
Know why Pizzagate is denounced as "fake news"? Because if the pedos were rooted out of Washington, the Russian oligarchs (headed up by Putin) wouldn't have any pawns left, no conservatards at their beck and call.
And that's why it's so important to out them. Conservatards aren't patriots, they're Russian pawns, subject to Russian blackmail, and Russian control. The blackmail material is the strongest point of the whole rotten edifice and it all needs to come down.
8:16 PM
"They are not family members or Russian."
Are you sure about the not Russian part? Because I keep running into Russian trolls all over the damn place...
-Doug in Oakland
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