OK, that was kind of corny, I saw it on twitter, and I thought I would share it nevertheless.
So Mr. Orange Hair fired James Comey, the man who Hillary Clinton believes cost her the election, and the one who is possibly holding some pretty explosive stuff on the White House.
Now let's put this Archibald Cox moment into perspective: Donald trump just fired the man who is over the agency that is charged with investigating him and his Russian pals. You can't make this stuff up, folks; it is happening in real time.
Now, to be clear, I am no fan of James Comey, but if trump believes for a moment that this firing ---and the timing of it--- does not stink to high heaven, he has another thing coming. Why wasn't Comey fired after trump took office? Why wait until now? Trump himself said earlier that he had confidence in Comey. So what changed?
We all know where this is heading of course. Donald trump will now put his political appointees who owe him their jobs (Think Chris Christie or Rudy) to investigate him, and it will be a joke.
The question is now, of course, will republicans get on board and call for an independent investigation and a special counsel to look into this mess? Or will they circle the wagons and play politics to protect their guy like they have been doing for the past 100 days.
Still, I tried to warn you folks, this will not end well for Mr. Orange Hair and you trumpbots. And I believe that as the fire gets hotter, and as we get closer and closer to the truth; we will see more desperation from team trump.
"Dear Director Comey,
I have received the attached letters from the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General of the United States recommending your dismissal as Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I have accepted their recommendation and you are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately.
While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgement of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau.
It is essential that we find new leadership for the FBI that restores public trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission.
I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Donald J. Trump"
Dear President trump:
I sincerely wish that you would fire yourself.
I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that it is long overdue.
*Pic from huffingtonpost.com
"I sincerely wish that you would fire yourself."
I know where a suitable kiln is located, and the prices are very reasonable.
None of these Republicans will ever do anything to endanger their standing with president four-year-old's idiot hordes, so our best and probably only shot is putting them down like the rabid animal they are in the midterms. And they've just handed us the perfect weapon with which to do just that.
Now we have to defeat our own predilection for losing the easily winnable.
As for Comey, may he lose his genitalia to a very painful disease and not have insurance that covers it.
-Doug in Oakland
Does/Has Drumpf made a move yet that makes sense? Since when does Drumpf listen to any of his advisers? Who hid the halibut on the poop deck?
From the NYT:
“Building a case
Senior White House and Justice Department officials had been working on building a case against Mr. Comey since at least last week, according to administration officials. Attorney General Jeff Sessions had been charged with coming up with reasons to fire him, the officials said.
— Michael S. Schmidt”
-Doug in Oakland
Wow, this is fast looking like one of those Latin novelas! LOL! Oh my gosh! Whew, fast and furious!
Not that I care,I don't, doesn't affect me at all, well at least not yet, and I hope never, anyway we're pretty much up shits creek without a paddle and screwed here anyway what with the austerity measures, more raises in the water and light bills, pension cuts, labor reforms, etc.
The protesters that rioted on May 1st, had a free for all! They wore hoods, made sheilds out of wood and garbage cans, set fires all over and in what is known as the 'La Milla De Oro' 'The Golden Mile' where banks and business headquarter buildings are located! Fires inside the buildings, They broke much of the window and door plate glass, they broke the decorative palms and threw the planter pieces at the cops! It reminded me of the riots in France. And all of the arrested are young women and men children of this islands elite! Some of them don't even live here but have their main residence in Florida! Who knew?! Somebody gimme a break, I don't understand, no really...
Anyway, the island declared bankruptcy for that 'debt' that I still don't understand how the hell we owe!!!and the next day the US sent over 300 million for health funds or some shit like that! That's a lot of moolah, but who understand these billionaires and their dealings? Not me! So all I know is I need a car! Gibs me some o dat please! x*D
Anyways...I finally got an appointment with an allergist, and I can't wait, because the asthma is caused by my allergy to mold spores,but none of the antihistamines work on me. There has to be something?!?!
Brigade Fifteen said...
"And we'll probably end up with new FBI Director David Clarke"
i'm down. that nigga's a baller.
"With Trump gone, Puerto Rico might at least have a fighting chance at economic recovery."
no it won't, it will still be full of Puerto Ricans
Trump is not under investigation by the FBI.
The Trump campaign is under investigation for possible illegal ties to Russia.
If this is true then of course it could lead to Trump.
But six months into this and absolutely nothing has been found that lends credence to this increasingly ridiculous political witch hunt.
Comey screwed up multiple times, ever since Obama made him do Lynch's job in whitewashing Hillary's email crimes. It's long past time he should have been fired. The FBI is now a joke.
This has to be Bannon's handiwork. Who else would come up with the injustices heaped upon poor Hillary as the pretext to fire an out of control Comey? No doubt Fat Jesus Christie, Rude Boy Giuliani, Ball Buster David Cluck will come to Butt Trumpet's emotional rescue and shitcan the FBI investigation. Putin is laughing his ass off right now.
"And we'll probably end up with new FBI Director David Clarke."
Ha! I was thinking the same thing, either that or Joe Arpaio.
Hang in there Dessert!
"Putin is laughing his ass off right now."
Nope, Putin is counting the days until he can cash that half a trillion dollar check when the sanctions are removed and Rexxon Mobil makes the oil deal. Game set match. The US is officially a dictatorship.
BTW Field, Condi Rice needs to be house negro of the month.
Somebody's got to say it: Trump is being blackmailed by Putin (Check the dossier for why and how.), and Putin is the one running the White House, hence the firing of Comey--the one who many believe sealed Hillary's fate--and Trump's deflective reasons: Comey's actions (He was mean to Hillary Clinton leading up to the presidential election.).
Clearly, Trump never wanted the White House job: Putin forced him to run. While on the campaign trail, Trump did every thing he could not to be elected, but, because he was under Putin's control, he had to make a convincing showing anyway.
Similarly, Trump is doing everything to be impeached, short of spending time in jail for malfeasance in office.
For high-profile positions (and where possible), Trump has hired, or has added as advisers, those who Putin has vetted, those with a Putin connection, Michael Flynn for one, until the press (The Washington Post) exposed him 18 days after Sally Yates had informed the White House of Flynn's Russian ties, and that he was vulnerable to Russian blackmail.
Comey thought he was on good terms with Trump, the reason he didn't see it Comey-ing, that is, his firing.
"Nope, Putin is counting the days until he can cash that half a trillion dollar check when the sanctions are removed and Rexxon Mobil makes the oil deal. Game set match. The US is officially a dictatorship."
This is an utterly absurd statement. The Secretary of State of the previous administration sold 1/3 of US uranium reserves to Putin for $250 million in direct payments to her personal foundation. There is zero evidence of any unethical or illegal transactions between the Trump administration and Russia.
The Dems are running this phony campaign in order to distract from their own crimes and to push us into conflict with Russia. What possible benefit to the people of America is there to flirting with war with a major nuclear power?
Anyone who believes this propaganda is a fool.
Dems wanted Comey to be fired when Hillary broke the law.
Now they are complaining because they realize he was protecting her.
They are like children.
Very risky of Trump to fire Comey without first getting permission from a federal judge in Hawaii.
FBI will now start leaking leaking like Niagara.
Prosecution of the Clintons will be like a giant dam bursting on the organized crime in D.C.
You progs ain't seen nothing yet.
Hours after two liberals testified that Trump didn't collude with Russia, liberals are now convinced the Comey firing proves a Russia connection.
Th DOJ recommended for Comey to be fired because they saw the evidence against Hillary and saw Comey was compromised.
Very Brilliant move by President Trump to Fire Comey. This is why we elected him. Drain the swamp!
Mutliple FBI Agents Claim Director Comey Protected Hillary Clinton During Email Probe
Sources at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) say Director James Comey prevented agents from properly investigating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over her improper use of a private email server to transmit classified intelligence.
Director James Comey protected Hillary Clinton from agents investigating the mishandling of classified information. Two agents claimed that Director James Comey prevented them from properly investigating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over her improper use of a private email server to transmit classified intelligence.
According to an interview transcript given to The Daily Caller, which was provided by an intermediary who spoke to two federal agents with the Bureau last Friday, Director Comey “stood in the way” of the investigation and a subsequent recommendation to the Justice Department by the FBI to prosecute Mrs. Clinton. The agents, which may or may not be the same sources for a separate report being developed by People’s Pundit Daily, are furious Director Comey has led the Bureau into an era of politicization.
Director Comey said during his press conference and again during his testimony to the Oversight Committee in the House of Representatives that the decision was unanimous. But sources tell People’s Pundit Daily, and apparently The Daily Caller, as well, the decision not to prosecute was far from unanimous.
“This is a textbook case where a grand jury should have convened but was not. That is appalling,” said one FBI special agent, who has public corruption and criminal cases under their belt. “We talk about it in the office and don’t know how Comey can keep going.”
Agents had also suspected from the unprecedented set of “do and do not” rules given to them during the probe that the fix was in and began leaking details to People’s Pundit Daily (among others) during the summer.
“All the trained investigators agree that there is a lot to be prosecuted but he stood in the way,” the agent said, adding that he left out standard procedures that are never ignored by federal investigators conducting such a probe.
Hate to rain on the Trump Russia parade, but Comey told President Trump three times that he is not the target of "the" Russia connection investigation.
Three times.
Comey was not fired to protect Trump.
To Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III as a reminder:
verbNorth American
verb: recuse; 3rd person present: recuses; past tense: recused; past participle: recused; gerund or present participle: recusing
challenge (a judge, prosecutor, or juror) as unqualified to perform legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.
"a motion to recuse the prosecutor"
(of a judge) excuse oneself from a case because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.
...of what you did to yourself relative to both the Clinton campaign and the Russia investigation. Just in case you forgot what it means and weren't acting this way because you're a despicable moron, but out of genuine ignorance.
-Doug in Oakland
@12:19, he was fired to delay PEEOTUS' impeachment.
Trump will be impeached right after you become a doctor!
@12:48, that's FANTASTIC and means he won't make it to the mid term elections!!!!
PS- I finished the school YEAR with ALL A's!! 😝And you're STILL a dumb ass stalker!!
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So if Comey was fired because of what he did (or did not do) in June 2016 - why did Trump wait until May 2017 to fire him? Why not on the first day of his Presidency?
10th May 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
@The Purple Cow "why did Trump wait until May 2017 to fire him? Why not on the first day of his Presidency?"
As I indicated above, Trump, as president, is compromised.
It all becomes clear when seen through the lens of Trump's efforts to please his Russian Overlord, Putin, to tell him, once again, "I'm your man."
Comey's firing sends a message to Putin, that there's nothing to worry about, that Comey wasn't investigating him (See Trump's letter to Comey, firing him.). With Comey out of the way, Trump can install, as F.B.I. Director, his own man, one who won't pursue the Russian probe with as much vigor that Comey might have.
Trump is buying time.
"I tried to warn you folks, this will not end well for Mr. Orange Hair and you trumpbots. And I believe that as the fire gets hotter, and as we get closer and closer to the truth; we will see more desperation from team trump."
We are seeing the desperation from you. I'm not sure if I'll see the abandonment of this blog as you flee the USA in advance of judgement or your fate in the throes of CW II, but I'm sure I'll be around to catch one or the other.
I have seen local Jamaicans, both immigrant and on non-resident visas. Americans hate them and wish they were not here. That's bound to come to the detriment of the Africoons and their employers, as the latter are deprived of essential labor at the least opportune time.
The hell with both of you. What you're going to get, you deserve. In spades. Pun intended.
Dear President trump:
I sincerely wish that you would fire yourself.
I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that it is long overdue.
You speak for a great sub-majority of the legitimate voting public of the USA. Yes, that means that millions of the voters in the 2016 Presidential election were not legitimate. That is your problem, not mine. You need to find other places to live. You have Jamaica, which will be returned to White rule fairly soon but not in your lifetime. Go there. Leave America. You are not American and have no business being here. You have no business being other than in Africa, but you can get away with that... for a while. Capitalize on it while you can. I will not begrudge you (too much) what you can take, as I do the same.
"The FBI is now a joke."
The FBI did manage to arrest a terrorist trying to start a race war... a terrorist it supplied a rigged AK-47 to and probably helped to create. But the terrorist is Black.
Oh great, the brilliant James is here to astonish us with his superior mind.
Has anyone EVER read anything from James that suggests a high IQ? Anyone?
I guess being the smartest redneck in the trailerpark makes him think he's special. That means he only falls in the outhouse half the time.
150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! gasp bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
James is so dumb he went to a horror movie and got killed.
James, when is your book coming out? Can we get some advanced copies?
The Dems are running this phony campaign in order to distract from their own crimes and to push us into conflict with Russia.
And please enlighten us, what crimes are the Dems covering up? Don't the Repbs control the congress so if there were "crimes" couldn't they investigate? Jezus conservatives are fucking dumb. You're not as dumb as James but still fucking dumb.
But six months into this and absolutely nothing has been found that lends credence to this increasingly ridiculous political witch hunt.
35 years into we hate Clintons politically driven witch hunt-with zero crimes indicted and convicted of- the hunt continues. About 40 years after this should have been shut down.
Yumpin' Yimmy is off his meds-again.
Dems ain't running nothing in DC. Dems do not control any segment of gubmint-that is all incompetent wingfuckingnuts.
Drumpf is guilty on all charges and he knows it is just a matter of time before the shit hits his fan. You watch. He will be spending more time golfing hoping this stuff passes by.
"And please enlighten us, what crimes are the Dems covering up?"
Selling US uranium reserves to Russia for a quarter billion in cash payments to the Secretary of State's private foundation, for one.
Comey was a terrible FBI director who deserved to be fired.
Selling US uranium reserves to Russia for a quarter billion in cash payments to the Secretary of State's private foundation, for one.
One last time. morons- HRC did not sell anything to anyone for contributions to her foundation. HRC was not involved in selling a fraction of our Uranium to Russia. Even if she had Russia cannot access any of our Uranium. They cannot get export permits so tat shit stays in America's hands.
9 separate US agencies had to sign off on the deal to make it happen. One was the SOS office, but, HRC did not make the call to sell. A deputy was involved and signed off on it.
You Clinton haters keep striking out swinging at the same screw ball pitches your rapid handlers throw to you.
Comey asked for more resources to investigate Drumpf and Russia just before he was fired.
Flynn's associates are being subpoenaed by a grand jury. Drumof is shitting his didies.
"One last time. morons- HRC did not sell anything to anyone for contributions to her foundation"
Ok, Mike. I'll be a little more precise. She facilitated the sale of a substantial portion of US uranium reserves to Russian interests, after which the parties involved contributed approximately 250 million dollars combined to a charitable foundation run by her family.
Some of the parties involved also paid her husband several million in speaking fees, however that could just be a coincidence.
The timing of most of the donations does not match
Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.
Of the remaining individuals connected with Uranium One who donated to the Clinton Foundation, only one was found to have contributed during the same time frame that the deal was taking place, according to The New York Times — Ian Telfer, the company’s chairman:
His donations through the Fernwood Foundation included $1 million reported in 2009, the year his company appealed to the American Embassy to help it keep its mines in Kazakhstan; $250,000 in 2010, the year the Russians sought majority control; as well as $600,000 in 2011 and $500,000 in 2012. Mr. Telfer said that his donations had nothing to do with his business dealings, and that he had never discussed Uranium One with Mr. or Mrs. Clinton. He said he had given the money because he wanted to support Mr. Giustra’s charitable endeavors with Mr. Clinton. “Frank and I have been friends and business partners for almost 20 years,” he said.
And HRC did not have veto power over the sale. She was mostly an innocent bystander getting slandered over and over.
“Frank and I have been friends and business partners for almost 20 years,” he said."
And a very profitable relationship it has been, thanks in part to the Clintons.
That's how the world does business these days.
Maybe Trump really can drain the swamp, a little bit. We'll see.
While in the real world Rexxon Mobil was a personal friend of Vladimir who was personally awarded the highest civilian award Russia can bestow. Why? Well because he helped Vladimir become the world's richest man due to the oil deals made and now there is an outstanding deal that will reap a half a trillion dollars to further enrich Vlad. Also in the real world Trump fired Mike Flynn for lying about his Russian ties after being warned by the AG he might be compromised. If HRC is dirty Jefferson Beauragard Sessions would gladly start an investigation but he has not why? Because idiots believe all of the Dems in congress are creating a smoke screen for her while ignoring numerous ties to Russia who meddled in our election but wingnuts don't care about foreign powers interfering in our elections. Oy vey.
“Frank and I have been friends and business partners for almost 20 years,” he said."
And a very profitable relationship it has been, thanks in part to the Clintons.
But not nearly as profitable as Vladimir's relationship with Rexxon Mobil or even Trump's Russian ties. But lets not focus on the many ties to Russia instead let's focus on HRC who lost.
"But not nearly as profitable as Vladimir's relationship with Rexxon Mobil or even Trump's Russian ties"
Au contraire, my moron. Neither Trump nor Tillerson has made a dime from Russia (or anyone else) through abusing their government authority.
I support whatever Trump wants to do to entrenched DC bureaucrats — up to and including public executions on live television.
"Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S.
A key fact ignored in criticisms of Clinton’s supposed involvement in the deal is that the uranium was not — nor could it be — exported, and remained under the control of U.S.-based subsidiaries of Uranium One, according to a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:"
Au contraire, my moron. Neither Trump nor Tillerson has made a dime from Russia (or anyone else) through abusing their government authority.
Ah, and here is where your stupid shows. They made millions because of their ties to Russia before they became government officials and it surely looks like they want to return that favor. Why was Tillerson appointed SoS? Certainly not his extensive experience in the foreign services?
So why did they buy it?
And Snopes has zero credibility.
Just about every democrat whining about Trump firing Comey was screaming for Comey's scalp within the past year. Narrative confusion.
Meeting with the Russian ambassador today was genius. Trump is obviously trolling the Democrats into spinning their wheels over this Russia nonsense for the next two years. They'll keep digging that hole deeper right up until Hilary goes to jail.
Tillerson is obviously an improvement over his predecessors.
He is the most competent person to hold the post since James Baker. Actually, he is the only competent person to hold the post since James Baker.
Whoops: the Colbert late show audience cheers news that Donald Trump fired James Comey before Colbert corrects them:
Once Colbert announced Comey's dismissal came at Attorney General Jeff Sessions' recommendation, the crowd booed accordingly.
The oligarchy is grateful to clerics such as Stephen Colbert who instruct the wandering faithful in political independence.
"They will want to know to what extent the interests of the United States took a back seat to those of a company that is the source of his roughly $300 million personal fortune in stock and stands to reap tens of billions if sanctions are lifted."
So what does president four-year-old do the day after he fires the hideous FBI director who was investigating his ties to Russia complete with two empaneled grand juries, one of which may subpoena his financial records?
He meets with Henry the fuck Kissinger and the Russian foreign minister and ambassador.
That doesn't surprise me at all, and we told you so, you ignorant little creeps.
But this other thing does kinda freak me out a little: A reporter was arrested for yelling a question at Tom Price and Kellyanne Conway.
What the fuck, over?
-Doug in Oakland
Actually, he is the only competent person to hold the post since James Baker.
And by competent I'm sure you mean competent enough to ease the sanctions placed on Russia so his former corporation can make billions and his stock portfolio can get fatter. Why else was he appointed? Nothing to see here folks.
Quick while we don't have a FBI Director, copy all the VHS tapes you have! No one can stop you!
"Why else was he appointed?"
The stupid is strong in this one.
Leave the driving to us.
Well Doug, they have to hurry up and ease those sanctikns before there is too much heat. How much you wanna bet that happens very soon?
Answer the question if you have enough brain cells.
"Russia has already indicated it would welcome Tillerson being named America's top diplomat."
"In 2013, Vladimir Putin awarded ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson the Order of Friendship, one of the highest honors Russia gives to foreign citizens."
Nothing strange about that huh?
The deal the sanctions are blocking is only for a half a trillion dollars, so no big deal to a country with a GDP the size of Italy...
-Doug in Oakland
"(CNN) Federal prosecutors have issued grand jury subpoenas to associates of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn seeking business records, as part of the ongoing probe of Russian meddling in last year's election, according to people familiar with the matter. CNN learned of the subpoenas hours before President Donald Trump fired FBI director James Comey."
So now it makes sense. Either Trump is dirty or completely incompetent. Or a bit of both.
When Comey was running interference for Drumpf during the campaign, he was Drumpf's bestest bud and was invited down to Drumpf Dump South and Drumpf slobbered all over him.
Now when he asked for more resources to continue investigating Drumpf and Russia ties he is a villain and incompetent.
The deal the sanctions are blocking is only for a half a trillion dollars, so no big deal to a country with a GDP the size of Italy..
No Doug, that has nothing to do with Russian interference in the election or the appointment of Exxon Mobil as SoS. Just ask the trolls here. James may be along soon to explain it all to us.
Now if we see federal prosecutors fired the coup has begun.
"Russia has already indicated it would welcome Tillerson being named America's top diplomat."
Should we stick to incompetent ideologues who would continue to fuck anything up?
Why would it be better to appoint someone other major powers have no respect for?
There is no good reason to maintain sanctions on Russia.
Barack Obama got paid $2.5 million dollars for a speech he gave in Milan yesterday. This follows on a $400,000 speech he gave on Wall Street a while back, and a $65-million advance he and his wife were given for books they (or someone) will be writing.
Mind you, as far as I’m concerned he’s welcome to get what he can for his road-show. If that desiccated harpy Madonna can go on tour and pull in $300 million, why shouldn’t Barack Obama put his snout in the trough? (I almost said “more power to him”, but I think we’ve had quite enough of that for a while, thank you.) I will, though, just remind Him that He once told us “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.” (In fairness, I suppose we should keep in mind that he never said what that “certain point” actually is.)
So: why am I bringing this up? Not, I assure you, to try to enforce some sort of ethical consistency on the part of a Machiavellian left-wing ideologue and preening, unshameable narcissist; I might as well holler up a drainpipe. I’m simply presenting it as evidence that such consistency is nowhere to be found, that those who tell you otherwise are at best fools, and more often liars, and that those who take the moral high ground to lecture us about civic virtue are usually found, on closer inspection, to be standing atop a large and growing pile of dollars.
From twitter:
Bradd Jaffy
NYT: Days before he was fired, Comey asked for a significant increase in $$$$/personnel for FBI Russia investigation http://nyti.ms/2q5YAqk
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous President Downgrade said...
Now if we see federal prosecutors fired the coup has begun.
President Downgrade left office in January.
And you can't stage a "coup" against yourself.
Keep fucking that chicken, morons.
Second grand jury reportedly investigating ties to money laundering, which he's already been busted for once. Know who launders a lot of money? The Russians. Like through the bank of Cyprus, where he got his commerce secretary.
-Doug in Oakland
Oh conservatives are oh so stupid. The office of the President has never been so low. Trump makes Nixon look like God.
Hey I know, let's put the president's unqualified bandbag making daughter and her dimwitted husband in charge of important issues because you know we got swamps to drain and we as a nation can't find anyone else more qualified. Is this fucking reality show over yet?
"For someone with no prior government experience, Jared Kushner has accumulated a dizzying array of portfolios in the administration of his father-in-law President Donald Trump.
The 36-year-old, whose previous main work experience was running his father's real-estate firm, is a senior adviser to the commander-in-chief.
Despite having no diplomatic credentials, he has been tasked with no less a challenge than resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Mr Kushner, who is married to Mr Trump's daughter Ivanka, also serves as the president's lead adviser on relations with China, Mexico and Canada."
What could possibly go wrong?
So I guess the major, burning, question now is whether or not Spicer was molesting a squirrel while he hid in the bushes from reporters last night.
-Doug in Oakland
Blast from the past that has gained a whole new relevance:
"Impeach the Cox sacker!"
-Doug in Oakland
Must be close because there's so much deflection.
Dirtbag Drumpfuck will announce an around the world golfing vacation-staying only at fourth class Drumpf properties and getting nothing done as usual. He will take his favorite grope toy/daughter along to ease his troubled mind. Barbie Spice will be left in charge.
Liberalism, an all-encompassing belief system that prohibits any rationality other than its own insane rationality, forces people to be irrational in order to fend off liberalism’s intolerable consequences.
The mission of traditionalism is to engage in and legitimize rational opposition to liberalism, its ultimate aim being the end of liberal rule over society and the restoration of our humanity.
So here come the subpoenas. I don't want to get too optimistic about this backfiring on president four-year-old, because these are Republicans we're dealing with, and nothing is too slimy or depraved for Republicans, but still... The truth is slowly encircling this plump little pile of rat bastards and the squeezing is about to begin.
=Doug in Oakland
Sub 80 IQ congressthing tries to make sense, fails:
Maxine Waters: I Don't Support Trump Firing Comey, I Would Support Hillary Clinton Firing Comey
80+ IQ Precedent Lop Top tries to make America great again:
As DJ "Jazzy trump... I can shoot someone on 5th Ave and not suffer any consequences. Grab some pussy if that's what I want."
As d-Con... I'm gonna build a wall... cue up if I had a hammer.
As the "clodfather" with new York mob ties, Russian mob ties and alleged money laundering and the ivakka Chinese investment schemes. I'm gonna make them an offer and be sure to confuse.
An old neuropeon saying states that... If you find yourself in a hole quit digging. Unfortunately, it seems he likes it down there.
As president he's a disappointment.
By the way, the "Neon"derthal in chief said he admired ol' Andy Jackson. My question is would the feeling be mutual?
Setting up photo ops for Butt Trumpet with the Russians and Nixon's SOS ... Bannonanarama is one funny fascist ...
Brigade Fifteen said...
...Puerto Rico might at least have a fighting chance at economic recovery.
8:50 PM
Nah Brigade, I don't think anything can fix this island. The folks that left had it right, they're over in Texas and Florida, living the good life, working, enjoying beautiful theme parks, museums, restaurants, and we're here on this island, full of smokey garbage dumps burning garbage, no work, run own schools, areas and parks devoid of maintenance, little infrastructure, power outages, pot holed streets, you can't even go out to jog or walk the dog anymore because the new trend is that there's a fuqin thug waiting to attack and rob or kidnap you.
Can you imagine that a month ago in the bank right in front of where we live, some thugs were waiting for the armored truck to rob it and a shootout ensued where two innocent people withdrawing money from the ATM machine were gunned down and killed!!! They got away and though driver was also shot, he survived! In front of my neighborhood! And my daughter had been planning to go withdraw that very same morning but changed her mind. She was taking me to the pneomologists office. That's how it's become now...people are also being kidnapped from malls and forced to go withdraw their money..
And last but not least of course, plenty of corruption and greedy politicians of all three parties. They take their huge salaries and run off to the states to enjoy :(
Nobody gives a fuq what happens here, nobody!
Am I depressed or what? is it worthwhile living here with so much rampant and growing crime and so many inconveniences? I'm beginning to wonder...
It's in Spanish but you can see pics of the two victims dead on the ground! One was an off duty corrections officer and the other an Army veteran.
@Lilac: There are just too many Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico. You need to live some place whiter.
Nomar said...
@Lilac: There are just too many Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico. You need to live some place whiter.
9:21 PM
You just may have something there kid!...
"I don't think anything can fix this island. The folks that left had it right, they're over in Texas and Florida, living the good life, working, enjoying beautiful theme parks, museums, restaurants, and we're here on this island, full of smokey garbage dumps burning garbage, no work, run own schools, areas and parks devoid of maintenance, little infrastructure, power outages, pot holed streets, you can't even go out to jog or walk the dog anymore because the new trend is that there's a fuqin thug waiting to attack and rob or kidnap you."
Indeed. It's time for the United States to cut the island loose and make Puerto Ricans clean up their own mess. Oh, and send back the ones over here. You don't even want to speak English on the job where communication with English-speaking patients and staff is crucial, you have no business being here.
"is it worthwhile living here with so much rampant and growing crime and so many inconveniences?"
No, it is not worth living with Puerto Ricans. That is why nobody in the United States should have to. You all have to go back. The only people who deserve you is... you.
Is it too late to send you back to wherever your folks are from James? I would much rather keep Jennifer Lopez than your stupid, smelly gay wanting to look at other guys in speedos ass.
Hey, when is your book coming out? Where can we buy it? Is it in Barnes and Noble?
150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Anonymous James Bold said...
...You don't even want to speak English on the job where communication with English-speaking patients and staff is crucial, you have no business being here...
12:02 AM
They hire non English speaking health professionals in the states?!?
What kind of bs is that? That's ridiculous, what kind of care can you give a sick patient if you don't understand or speak the language? That's the craziest thing I've ever heard!
It's a bit more complicated than that.
Which means you're not capable of understanding it James. You're also too dumb to learn another language. You do know there is no official language in America right James? People can speak whatever language they want. You speak idiot.
150 IQ
I love it when a dindu proves that he couldn't understand the court's opinion... or maybe couldn't read it in the first place.
Every time this happens, it red-pills another American.
I love it when dumb people post shit and have no clue as to the content. I'm just happy James didn't post a 10th grader's term paper this time. I guess that's a step forward. I mean it's nothing to be proud of for someone with a supposed IQ of 150 but for someone as dumb as James it's uge. Well done little buddy, well done.
James, seriously bro. Where can we buy your book?
James Bold said...
It's a bit more complicated than that.
11:07 AM
Oh really Jame! Is this bullshit the best you could come up with?
I'm thinking hospital care, I mean really,this stuff is mainly monitoring people at home...C'mooonn! Jeeeeez! What a jerk!
Oh really Jame! Is this bullshit the best you could come up with?
Uh yeah, by his standards this is really hood. It's usually really dumb easily disproven articles from some conservative news site or some term paper by a 10th grader so at least his internet search grabbed something that looked scholarly to him. Don't worry Lilacpr, in about 10 years he might almost be competent enough to actually have a debate but the odds are against that cause he's really really dumb.
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