Now, all these years later, I am starting to think that he was right.
We elected Donald trump to be our president. Donald trump! Let that sink in for a minute.
(Hopefully his former right hand man is right and there is a great chance that he will leave office before his term is up.)
I must admit that unlike a lot of my progressive friends, I did not think that it would be the end of the world when the game show host went to Washington. Yes, he is a racist. Yes, he is emotionally unstable. Yes, he would rather watch television all day than read a book. But that doesn't mean that he could destroy the country all by himself. Boy was I wrong.
Consider the following: Americans on the island of Puerto Rico are crying for help, as most of the people there have no running water or electricity. And what does he do? He lashes out at them and threatens to cut off what little assistance he has been giving them. Why? Because they have not been kissing his ring to his liking.
There are wild fires blazing in California, the worst in that state in decades. Lives are being lost and properties are being destroyed, and yet he chooses to tweet about grown ass men being paid to play a game choosing to exercise their constitutional right not to stand for the anthem. He would rather tweet than do his job that the people sent him to Washington to do.
He constantly lies to the American people about things large and small , and his ego combined with his twitter addiction could get us all killed one day.
Finally, and probably the most scary development of all, he has attacked the free press in this country. We depend on the press to give us the real news (not the fake news trump and his supporters like to push on us) but those institutions under trump are in trouble. Apparently our "supreme leader" has a problem with the free press, and he wants the government to do something about it.
Now if that doesn't scary every man and woman in this country, well then Brother Andy just might have been right.
*Pic from
"We elected Donald trump to be our president. Donald trump! Let that sink in for a minute."
In that way madness lies. —Shakespeare, somewhere
Not even we in NYC figured on an apocalyptic named Bannon choosing cabinet heads or the Enterprise Institute nominating judges. No, much, much worse than we anticipated. As Charley Pierce at Esquire summed it up, "Nothing matters until they have re-established Gilded Age economics married to Jim Crow social policy."
If American children will be raised ignorant and poor, if sick children will die as the ACA is slowly sabotaged, if we become even more fragmented as a people, all the better! As long as the Koch brothers get richer.
Man I truly believe America is just a big dumb country that got lucky due to circumstances. We are protected by oceans and as Carlin says we're good at blowing up shit. We're basically Russia with better geography. We became an industrial leader because there was no competition and we built a lot of shit in the 50's when we invested in science and education because of Sputnik now our generation is living off the creations of the past. There are no more engineering marvels because we don't believe in science or education anymore. We can't even maintain the creations of our grandparents. Imagine trying to get an interstate highway system or Hoover Dam built today. Laziness and stupidity have taken over, we've always had the John Birchers and Lyndon La Ruches (sp?) but now they're in charge. What could possibly go wrong? Drumpfuck's IQ test.
PilotX there are engineering marvels. Wingnuts fer instance. How can any human beings be so unconscious of the world around them and still be considered alive? They put zombies to shame.
That is hilarious. Grab a woman........😂
"We became an industrial leader because there was no competition and we built a lot of shit in the 50's when we invested in science and education because of Sputnik now our generation is living off the creations of the past."
Not entirely true. The "last man standing" effect after WWII very much helped to increase the US economy, but the US was already the world's dominant manufacturing powerhouse well before WWII.
The US is a wealthy and powerful country due to a combination of good historical decisions and dumb luck.
There is not much doubt, however, that the last 40 years have been ones characterized by mostly bad decisions. And that's because of the country being consumed by our internal divisions over race and our military interventions abroad. Rich people have exploited the resulting chaos to screw the rest of us.
And as economic inequality worsens, that, in turn, is worsening all the other divisions. We are trapped in a cycle of hate and recriminations. Many Americans do not seem able to pull their heads out of their asses and understand the true cause-and-effect process by which things are getting worse. Obviously, a person doesn't have the slightest clue about how the world works if "MAGA" made sense to him.
"I must admit that unlike a lot of my progressive friends, I did not think that it would be the end of the world when the game show host went to Washington."
The Constitution gives the president an immense amount of power, though. And while there are theoretically checks and balances to limit bad behavior, a lot of those checks are not functioning well.
Congress is run by the Republicans, who lack any political will to rein in a bad actor from their own party, given that they are a gang of disgusting clowns and con artists.
The press is also in an especially weak position, damaged by corporate consolidation and having had their financial model destroyed by the advent of the Internet.
When Trump was elected, there was real danger of him turning us into a fascist dictatorship. His political impulses do lean in that direction. But I feel like that danger has receded somewhat, because Trump is just too stupid to become another Hitler. He undermines himself on a daily basis. That's the good news.
The bad news is that his stupidity and vanity are big dangers all by themselves. He could badly damage our economy, or start a catastrophic war, out of sheer incompetence.
Drumpfuck says the stock market alone will erase national debt. It has increased 20% under Drumpfuck. It increased 235% under Obama and national debt didn't disappear.
One other grim factor that has not gotten enough attention is the environment. Trump and his party are united on this much: global warming isn't real, and pollution is great.
While Trump bungles recovery efforts in Puerto Rico, flips off NFL players, and cancels DACA, the environment is taking a fucking beating at the hands of congressional Republicans and Scott Pruitt, the first head of the EPA to want to remove the "P" from the name of his department (should it be retitled the "Environmental Demolition Agency"?).
Mostly luck. If Russia hadn't scared the shit out of us (well the USSR) we would have been spending all of our time harrassing negroes and putting Jesus in the schools instead of building rockets.
Also, Republicans have been saying that Obamacare would fall apart in a death spiral because not enough healthy people would sign up.
While it's true that the tax penalties have not been big enough to force all uncovered healthy people to sign up, and they need to be increased, Obamacare is nowhere near death spiral territory. So Trump decided to try to intentionally create a death spiral.
Trump ramps up the Obamacare sabotage campaign
Re: Field's Blog from today:
Finally, and probably the most scary development of all, he has attacked the free press in this country. We depend on the press to give us the real news (not the fake news trump and his supporters like to push on us) but those institutions under trump are in trouble. Apparently our "supreme leader" has a problem with the free press, and he wants the government to do something about it.
Now if that doesn't scary every man and woman in this country, well then Brother Andy just might have been right.
The behavior of the POTUS certainly doesn't scare his people...
They've been hypnotized.
They drank the Trump Kool-Aid.
It'll take 2 terms of "Coo Coo For Cocoa Puff's" before his people snap out of their hypnotic trance and see what's really happening.
Remember...that's how long it took for the country to recognize the "2 term disaster" that came BEFORE Obama.
Yes! Most definitely!
What was the question again?
"X" da pilotz sez...
"If Russia hadn't scared the shit out of us (well the USSR) we would have been spending all of our time harrassing negroes and putting Jesus in the schools instead of building rockets."
Scared negroes and planes don't work well together, nor does your coherence or logic.
Eisenhower was right about the military industrial complex. And for those of you can't recognize changes, such as us not having a 4th estate anymore, and won't believe a Republican, MLK was a Republican when Eisenhower was. Should Comcast tell you what to believe? They do if you watch MSNBC. Should AOL tell you what to believe? They do if you read the Huffington Post. Amazon tells you what to believe if you read the Washington Post. And the same corporations that sponsor the news sponsor your politicians. The government had to be slick to fool the media back in the times of the Gulf of Tonkin, U.S.S. Liberty, and even Iran/Contra. Reagan stopped enforcement of the Fairness Doctrine. Reinstate it. Bill Clinton let six giant corporations buy up 90% of the smaller news outlets. Break them up. Fox News won the right to lie for all news organizations. They got a ruling that telling the truth was only an FCC recommendation, and not a mandate. Make it a mandate. That won't make the news a not for profit service of the networks again, but it will help. It would be hard to make 24/7 news not for profit.
No, Limpy, you have to be smart enough to consider the source, and in that respect, you have always had to do so.
We can still build things well when we put our minds and our resources to it. Consider Kiewit construction, closing in on having a working spillway for the Oroville dam by the first of next month. One of the largest engineering projects stateside in decades, on time, and done in three stages to allow for a working spillway this flood season, with the completion to spec of the project next year.
Last I checked they were quite a bit past a half-million man-hours and no injuries at all.
My dad was a construction inspector for the Forest Service, so I know a (very) little about the construction of roads and bridges and the like, and those guys are doing it right, unlike the original plan which was doomed to fail, and did.
Yeah, Fergus is gonna leave damage in his wake. Just like I was saying before the election, he has loaded up the government with Republicans bent on destroying the government and selling it to their friends, and most, but not all, of them are smarter and more dedicated to damaging the republic than he is.
We'd probably be better off if he were removed, even if that means having Pence in there trying his best to turn the country into Jesus land. He'd probably pass more awful, awful, legislation, but his brand of crazy is less likely to goad anyone into a war that kills millions of people because he was constipated and read a tweet that he didn't like.
Legislation can be repealed, dead people stay dead.
Now he might continue course and kill tens of thousands of poor people by taking away their health insurance, but that would be true of pretty much any Republican, so the only remedy for that is electing a Democrat to the White House, and taking back at least one house of congress in 2018.
I mean what did you expect? He's Donald the fuck Trump.
-Doug in Oakland
Wow, thanks for the highly intellectual reply. You must be a well regarded scholar. 😉
An update of my visit to Capitol Hill. Pretty lowkey with a lot of walking and talking to staffers. Not too exciting but I did end the day by riding the congressional elevator with Marsha Blackburn while she was on the phone with Heath Shuler. That was kinda cool. Hopefully we made some headway on the FAA bill.
Ditto....Anonymous @11:45 PM
"The American Psycho"
The behavior of the POTUS certainly doesn't scare his people...
They've been hypnotized.
They drank the Trump Kool-Aid.
It'll take 2 terms of "Coo Coo For Cocoa Puff's" before his people snap out of their hypnotic trance and see what's really happening.
Remember...that's how long it took for the country to recognize the "2 term disaster" that came BEFORE Obama.
MLK was a wingnut back when wingnuts were actual human beings with a conscience. During the 60's the two parties switched sides and Southern Dummycrats became today's white racists that pervade the party of racist wingnuts.
Brother Andy might have been right?
He was downright prophetic!
Remember...that's how long it took for the country to recognize the "2 term disaster" that came BEFORE Obama.
8:36 AM
bammy did more to destroy America than the other political twits combined........
Anymoose @ 10:16- prove it. Massive job creation. Stock market up 235%. Deficits way down. Consumer confidence up. Saved 2 car makers and all the jobs associated with them. Started cleaning uo coal pollution. Snagged the world's most wanted criminal, after dumbass dubya and cheney. Got Americans health care coverage and did this all w/o help from traitorous wingnuts.
Lawd I hate hit and run lying wingnuts. They post easily refutable tripe then never defend their lies.
Somehow, "I told you so," does not fully express my feelings.
Millions of people, trump voters included, are being harmed by the end of subsidies ensured by Obamacare. trump's rationale is that insurance companies are making too much money. GTFOH, since when have trump and the republicans cared about people over business? That's the main reason they're dismantling the EPA and other departments so somebody can make a buck. This guy is a joke and too bad people will be harmed before people wake up.
Group filed three requests for info from Tillerson and others in cabinet so they can determine Drumpfuck's fitness, or lack of same, to be bogus potus. This has to be a first, I'd think. Stuff like this makes mikey a happy hobbled up whitey. Phuck Drimpfuck!
Commandeered Queenie, yer Jessica Chambers trial isn't looking too good. Prosecutor's entire case rests on her esophagus being so damaged she couldn't speak clearly to First Responders, yet the first 2 on the scene asked her her name and she clearly responded Jessica Chambers. She later told witnesses Eric set her on fire. No ambiguity about her ability to speak clearly.
Just so you can have some solace if the black guy is not found guilty, the jury is made up of 5 whites and 7 blacks. All it takes is one.
McMaster Wants to Save the Iran Deal by Hiding It From Trump
What hath wingnuts wrought? Look what has happened to America because stoopid fucking wingnuts and stoopid fucking Russians decided we need a complete fucking moron as potus. The guy is so childishly petulant and spoiled they have to hide toys from him so he doesn't get stoopid ideas.
Brother Andy was more than right. I've been to Jamaica 3 times and could'nt understand why anyone who lives there would want to come to this racist,brutal country! All things considered,everyone makes their own choices.But,damn!!
Outside of OJ no negro male has ever been found not guilty when accused of doing something to a white women especially in Mississippi. Emmitt Till?
I just don't understand you, corn boy.
Tell you personally think Tellis is innocent?
I actually agree with you...the prosecutors have been retarded.
You seem to be happy that he might be exonerated.
Next, he has to go to trial for killing that girl in Louisiana.
Doesn't matter if someone "believes" in innocence or guilt we have a system that sets out to prove beyond a reasonable doubt whether someone is guilty or not. Of course racist assholes who want to persecute negroes believe things without proof. Now go find another case to be obsessed about because this one is being adjudicated.
Maybe if it was open and shut about who killed whom such as George Zimmermann.
Again. You are trying to find this "scary assed white people" pics to make some kind of point.
Show me Maxine Waters. The Clinton whore(s)...Take your pic.
CQ- someone should fry for what was done to the victim. I don't care what color the victim is or the perp, as long as they get the right perp. If Tellis is innocent, fine. If he gets set free because the prosecutor screwed up the case, I have no problem with that. That is the way the system works.
You seem to be happy that he might be exonerated.
You seem to be upset he might be exonerated, as well. You sure sound like you want him fried regardless. you remember the Carr bros?
How about the apes that committed the "Nashville horror"?
Why do you Negroes defend these stinking pieces of shit?
When was the last time a white man was accused of killing a black woman?
I would have thought it would make National News.
BTW, smart you even know what the Zebra Murders were?
Probably not. That was another thing the media "hushed up".
It would make a great movie.
If you have heard of those murders, please feel free to tell us all about it.
Since I am sure you won't tell us about the Zebra torture and murders, here ya go...
I look at the posts from the threads just here.
And, I was trying to give Mike From Iowa the benefit of the doubt.
However, It IS you Queenie.
Suck ass and die.
mike from iowa said...
You seem to be upset he might be exonerated, as well. You sure sound like you want him fried regardless.
ALL low life, red necks want Black folks dead, there's NOTHING new here!!
BTW, ins't my avatar a cute pic of Kaep with his beautiful afro??
The NFL now only kneels to Trump.
@ mike from iowa
- Usually, your posts are illuminating, but in this case I am compelled to ask WHY in the bloody HELL did you feel it necessary to bring up Jessica Chambers on this thread? With all of the things that are FUBARed, and with the great need we *ALL* have for this current mess to be repaired, who gives a fly's fVck about whether one particular blog-stalker gets pissed off?
- I'm sorry, but this hate-baiting is one of the primary REASONS why the US is FUBARed. Too many people are wasting too much time on behaving like monkey troups throwing turds at each other because they haven't got the minds/sense to come to an agreement.
- The whole US has been turned into a bloody fricking monkey-nation. Too fricking many people have ALLOWED the sociopathic "there is no such thing as rich enough" walking anal fistulas to make fricking monkeys out of ALL of us.
- Is it *really NECESSARY* to fling even *more* crap like a witless monkey? We get enough of those, "hit and run snarkers" who fling their verbal diarrhea and then run like the little pigshit cowards they are.
- Why the bloody fVcking hell do SO MANY otherwise intelligent people have this ridiculous compulsion to sink to the level of these micro-minds?
dinthebeast / Doug in Oakland said...
"No, Limpy, you have to be smart enough to consider the source, and in that respect, you have always had to do so."
- Actually, what Limpbaugh wrote is correct for a large part of the US population, and personally, I'd say the majority. Most people simply are not all that bright. I'm not saying that means they are "bad", and I don't even mean any of this in a nasty way - it simply is what it is.
- The problem with "what is", is that there are people who are a bit more clever than most, yet have a complete lack of any empathy or what one could call humanity - and who pathetically also are not nearly clever enough to logically deduce how and why self-obsession most often ends up harming the self-obsessed person. These people, who bleat their mockery of supposed "kumbayah bleedong-hearts", are themselves too intellectually incompetent to follow even the basic analysis that would reveal the rationality and wisdom of things like "equality under the law" and "liberty and justice for all".
- Most people used to have a bit more ability to at least eventually recognize the shysters for what they are, but the US has been dumbed-down in so many places, to such a degree, that the inevitable result of the majority not being able to "to consider the source" has led us to where we are. It was inevitable, and predicted, and the warnings were ignored because of childish egocentric vindictiveness.
- So, in essence, what Anonymous Limpbaugh wrote regarding the media ends up being exactly what happens for most people:
they take the "side" that their friend, family, "preachers", or whomever have taken, select the "media outlet" which reinforces the "proper" viewpoints, and that's that - there is little, if any, actual independent, individualistic thinking which takes place.
- Most people are incapable, then, of "considering the source", because they LIKE being told what they want to hear, because that way, they never have any need to question their actions or words or choices. They never need to experience the discomfort of introspection and self-analysis.
- THAT is why there used to be laws regarding equal time and setting up at least something the remotely resembles standards for content.
- THose laws were not to help those who are able to figure things out for themselves quickly; those laws are meant to protect the people who CAN'T, who are basically average - not stupid, but just not very insightful or sharp.
Why do you defend Dylan Roof? Why do you defend white guys who rape babies? Why are you defending the Vegas shooter? Oh that's right because they're white. Eat shit and die you coward.
Ever heard of all the rapes of negro women by white men that never saw the light of day? Ever heard of Recy Taylor? If so feel free to tell us all about it.
Was it like the torture and murder of Emmitt Till?
That would make a great movie! Kill whitey! These brothas should be on our money or Mt. Rushmore or something! Modern day Nat Turners!
Suck ass? That's a very immature insult. Lt. Commander Pussy is just another dumb Mississippi red neck cracker. Dumb hillbilly.
When was the last time a white man was accused of killing a black woman
You mean you forgot Dylan Roof killed babies and an 87 year old woman? Jesus, you are a fucking asshole.
Go serve and stop pretending to be a military officer you pussy said...
Why do you defend Dylan Roof? Why do you defend white guys who rape babies? Why are you defending the Vegas shooter? Oh that's right because they're white. Eat shit and die you coward.
1:38 AM
Anonymous Lt. Commander is a no serving pussy said...
Ever heard of all the rapes of negro women by white men that never saw the light of day? Ever heard of Recy Taylor? If so feel free to tell us all about it.
1:41 AM
Anonymous LTC is a pussy said...
Was it like the torture and murder of Emmitt Till?
1:42 AM
Anonymous Zebra brothas rule! said...
That would make a great movie! Kill whitey! These brothas should be on our money or Mt. Rushmore or something! Modern day Nat Turners!
1:45 AM
Anonymous LTC dumb ass pussy said...
Suck ass? That's a very immature insult. Lt. Commander Pussy is just another dumb Mississippi red neck cracker. Dumb hillbilly.
1:47 AM
Anonymous LTC Pussy is a piece of shit said...
When was the last time a white man was accused of killing a black woman
You mean you forgot Dylan Roof killed babies and an 87 year old woman? Jesus, you are a fucking asshole.
1:51 AM
WOW that's really strong. Queenie. Why don't you post with your real name? Dylan Roof should be shot. Game over. I certainly never defended him.
Why don't you volunteer to shoot your boy Ellis?
Huh. I know why.
Excuse me...I meant to Type Tellis.
I forgot. You Negroes got your names from our soup cans.
Nike from iowa is 1000% true and accurate, Queenie. I really am mike from iowa.
I forgot. You Negroes got your names from our soup cans.
"Your" soup cans? I know you and your kin are too fucking inbred and ignorant to make anything so you should stop claiming other peoples' creations.
And this is the same asshat that used to claim he wasn't racist. Oy vey.
pterochronics said- Why the bloody fVcking hell do SO MANY otherwise intelligent people have this ridiculous compulsion to sink to the level of these micro-minds?
1) I have never claimed to be intelligent and/or educated
2) You have to get in the muck with the swamp critters to play their games. I. personally, love poking these things with forks to make them growl.
Hope this answers your question.
Why don't you volunteer to shoot your boy Ellis?
Is there a sign up sheet or something? Oh yeah, keyboard warriors like to act tough on the internet all day. Speaking of volunteering why don't you carry your ass down to the Navy recruitment center and "volunteer" to serve your country instead of worthless volunteers to shoot convicted criminals? We know why don't we?
Why don't you volunteer to shoot your boy Ellis?
Has the trial ended? Was he convicted? See, unlike white ignorant Mississippi trash we wait to find out what the outcome of the legal proceedings will be before we kill the nigra ACCUSED of committing a crime. We know your type. Jesus, you kkk types are all the same.
Obama's legacy is Trump. Huzzah!
mike from iowa likes to play corn hole with his butt buddies.
Dirtbag Drumpfuck is on Twitter bragging about the number of poor people he just sentenced to death by cutting subsidies to insurance companies.
He also apparently wasn't aware that numerous middle income taxpayers will see higher taxes thanks to his tax giveaway to the wealthy.
Drumpfuck is the least aware potus ever. And wingnuts will be held accountable at the ballot box for foisting this POS on America and then refusing, for political reasons, to remove him.
PEEOTUS isn't unaware, he just doesn't give AF if his base drops dead.
mike from iowa said...
Nike from iowa is 1000% true and accurate, Queenie. I really am mike from iowa.
Dearest Mike,
What do you POSSIBLY get from communicating with a racists bottom feeder that thinks YOU'RE A WOMAN!?!?!?!?!!?
Funny sort of.
You slime, especially Queenie , wont mention the Carr Bros.
Nor the five negroes from the Nashville horror,
them Negroes even had bitches involved.
Or, the Zebra Murders.
You are so sucking-
Do you think field would post about the Zebra Murders?
How many are in jail, today
What do you POSSIBLY get from communicating with a racists bottom feeder that thinks YOU'RE A WOMAN!?!?!?!?! No I am not female and I do it because it is fun, like pulling one wing off a fly and watch it buzz in circles.
Nor the five negroes from the Nashville horror,
them Negroes even had bitches involved.
as soon as you post about say the Green River killer, the Vegas shooter, the Aurora shooter or even the guy who killed a classroom full of babies. Oh that's right, you don't care when white men rape/kill babies you sick fucks.
Do you think field would post about the Zebra Murders?
Do you think stormfront or whatever white supremacist website you frequent will post about the Sandyhook shooter? Nope, because baby killers get a pass from you assholes if they're white.
The 70's called, they want their negro white killers back.
Blogger mike from iowa said...
What do you POSSIBLY get from communicating with a racists bottom feeder that thinks YOU'RE A WOMAN!?!?!?!?! No I am not female and I do it because it is fun, like pulling one wing off a fly and watch it buzz in circles.
You know, playing with shit eventually leaves you looking/smelling shitty too.
Anonymous Pussies don't care about 20 fucking babies being torn apart said...
Don't know why you insist on comparing these pencil DICK fools with female body parts, it should read:
DICKS don't care about 20 fucking babies being torn apart.
I must confess, I really enjoy irritating wingnuts, just to watch them squiggle. How much fun can a mid-60's, hobbled up whiteboy have and not have to leave home to do it? Take that away from me and I will just scrape and save and buy a laptop and start all over some more. Would any of you really deny me life itself? Don't bother to answer that.
You know, playing with Yīshēng eventually leaves you looking/smelling shitty too.
If you are a person who worked on The Apprentice and has access to the tapes on which Trump, allegedly, says a load of blatantly racist stuff, it might be helpful to know that Larry Flynt is now offering $10 million for dirt leading to Trump's removal from office.
I'm just saying.
Hustler Magazine founder offers $10 million for info to help impeach Trump
Queenie,,,you seem to be so obsessed with "babies".
Just how many "babies" do you have?
Just how many "babies" do you have?
Why, so you can rape them? We know how you types are.
So, pterochromics, have you actually met any of those people?
And some crazy asswipe in Florida shot a Republican operative thirteen times in his sleep, and now claims not to remember doing so.
-Doug in Oakland
"Hustler Magazine founder offers $10 million for info to help impeach Trump"
Hey Granny!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Granny---.Waving hello to Yisheng.
Any word from Lilac yet? She's been on my mind.
Go get that money Granny!
Granny, I sincerely hope PR is safe, I've been praying since the hurricane.🙏🏽
Yisheng, I do too.
Lilac is doing ok, but her home was looted by negroes.
mike from iowa said...
pterochronics said- Why the bloody fVcking hell do SO MANY otherwise intelligent people have this ridiculous compulsion to sink to the level of these micro-minds?
1) I have never claimed to be intelligent and/or educated
2) You have to get in the muck with the swamp critters to play their games. I. personally, love poking these things with forks to make them growl.
Hope this answers your question.
- Sorry for the delayed response - I have discovered a new technique for doing Art Glass work, and I got completely distracted doing a "crash study" since it's a technique that would require little, if any, standing ((which matters given my back.))
- Anyhoo, apologies for "going off", it was a particularly bad day, and I know I shouldn't write on bad days.
- You do raise a couple of good points, first one being that people who are intelligent are usually too modest to make a big deal about it, but they also don't need to =;-D
- RE: getting down into the muck, yeah, you're probably correct. Goodness knows that trying to use reason doesn't seem to work.
- It's just frustrating to me because I don't understand how people can be so *illogical* - I know they are, but it's the how and why that confound me. People are people. Some are bad, some are great, and most are basically decent but sometimes can be led astray.
- People have cultural differences - I've lived in 8 US states and 2 Canadian provinces, and each one required a "learning curve". And then there are different "sub-cultures" within any society. I've had paying jobs, and volunteer positions, wherein I've had to work with people ranging from multiple-doctorate geniuses, to "joe six-pack", to science types to art types and so on, and all across the spectrum to out-of-work fishermen doing volunteer work to learn new skills, make connections, and keep busy.
- That's just Life.
- Similar or different, even like or dislike, in the end, it's all We The People, and all have equal Human Rights, equal Civil Rights, and so on. I don't understand why that enrages some people. They see some group doing something bad on teeeeee veeeeee, and jump into insiting that it means *ALL* people of that group are bad. And then they double-down on their error by going on to insist that anyone who realizes the absurdity of that belief are "stupid".
- I guess I don't see why everyone else has to roll around in the muck with them, as opposed to leaving them in their sty if that's where they want to remain, and going forward without their "input".
mike from iowa said...
I must confess, I really enjoy irritating wingnuts, just to watch them squiggle. How much fun can a mid-60's, hobbled up whiteboy have and not have to leave home to do it? Take that away from me and I will just scrape and save and buy a laptop and start all over some more. Would any of you really deny me life itself? Don't bother to answer that.
- Ooooo, now I feel totally guilty.... :(
Is that Mike's workout? Slapping trolls around😂
Fake Lt.Commander Tiny Johnson said...
Funny sort of.
You slime, especially Queenie , wont mention the Carr Bros.
etc and so on and so forth
- I admittedly do not know EACH and EVERY crime committed in the US over the past X-hundred days along with the predominant race, economic status, and so forth, of EACH perpetrator and EACH victim.
- In fact, only a small percentage of the population insists upon keeping a sick sort of score-card, tallying-up crimes in a specious attempt to "prove" that those whom they choose to hate "deserve" to be hated. Yeah, anything to get that endorphin rush such folks seem incapable of getting from productive pursuits...
“These signs, his behaviors, are not going to disappear. The president is not going to pivot or become more normal with time. We can expect that things will only get worse… The patterns we lay out fit certain pathological patterns, and the inevitable course is that things will intensify. For instance, the kind of fights and rage reactions that are emerging. This is because reality and human relations will never satisfy Mr. Trump’s expectations, and therefore he’s likely to have more conflicts and generate more false realities in order to fulfill his emotional needs.” ~Bandy Lee, MD.,M.Div.~
Hey Granny.
Hi PilotX.
"Don't give him too much credit. Lee said she has seen thousands of individuals like Trump in her years of work at the intersection of violence prevention and psychology. “But they’re usually not in positions of power,” she said. “They’re usually in jail or prisons,” the settings where she mostly works." ~Bandy Lee, Md.,M.Div~
pterochromics- the onliest thing more miserable than chronic back pain is the entire wingnut party.
Hoping for the best for PR as well.
@ mike from iowa
- LOL!!! Well, the back pain, there are ways of dealing with that - but the wingnuts are a pain in the ass that still has no cure ;)
Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...
“These signs, his behaviors, are not going to disappear. The president is not going to pivot or become more normal with time."
- Anyone who has seen Donald's shenanigans over the past few decades knows this. Unfortunately, far too many people seem to have the silly idea that he just sprang into existence, fully formed, when he got that dopey TV show. Trying to tell people that he's always been a vindictive narcissist, as in, the NIH / DSM-V definition of the personality disorder, but nobody wanted to hear it. The Berners were convinced of whatever it was they were convinced of, the nabobs and poobahs of the Democratic Party and DNC refused to even *look* at the fact that most AMericans simply didn't find HRC likable, the Trumpelshillskins refused to believe he actually had any existence at all prior to the teeeeeeveeeeee show, and so on and et cetera and so forth.
- It's like the Greek myth about Cassandra.
- Or as though the entire US water supply was spiked with some sort of secret virus or agent that destroys the areas of the brain where logical reasoning occurs.
- Or maybe constant low dosages of mescaline and LSD.
- As least that *might* explain how in the heck so many people could actually have expected, never mind continue to expect!!!, something other than exactly what is happening...
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