Anyway, this is where we are with this administration full of swamp people. They love wasting our money. In case you haven't been paying attention, they have been jetting around on military jets on our dime. One of them resigned because of it, but there are still members of this administration who are guilty of this particular type of swamp like behavior that stuck around. They are simply taking a lead from their leader. He is the biggest swamp fish of them all. He has spent more time jetting back and forth to his golf courses than doing his actual job.
Thankfully, the country is starting to notice. His current 35% approval rating (and falling) is proof of that. Even senior and powerful republican politicians are starting to question just what kind of person we elected to the presidency.
"True to his state’s nickname, and his alma mater’s teams, Bob Corker has twice stepped up as a pivotal volunteer in the political career of Donald Trump—first, volunteering his support when few mainstream Republicans were willing to get near Trump, and more recently, after announcing his intention to retire from the Senate, putting himself forward as a leading elected critic of the White House.
After a series of remarks by the Tennessean over the last month, but especially more recently, Trump unloaded Sunday morning.
Senator Bob Corker "begged" me to endorse him for re-election in Tennessee. I said "NO" and he dropped out (said he could not win without...
my endorsement). He also wanted to be Secretary of State, I said "NO THANKS." He is also largely responsible for the horrendous Iran Deal!
Hence, I would fully expect Corker to be a negative voice and stand in the way of our great agenda. Didn't have the guts to run!
Hence, I would fully expect Corker to be a negative voice and stand in the way of our great agenda. Didn't have the guts to run!"
Corker responded with his most acid comment yet, belittling the president as mentally unfit for his job:
It's a shame the White House has become an adult day care center. Someone obviously missed their shift this morning.
That’s a dramatic and ironic turnaround, because Corker’s word and credibility, as a senator respected for his principles and seriousness, was instrumental in paving the way for mainstream Republican acceptance of the Trump candidacy in spring of 2016." [Source]
I just hope that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are paying attention.
*Pic from
Talking about this last night. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if the donald is still pissed about the nfl owners not letting him buy a team and this is part of his payback.
That's right, Fergus destroyed a football league.
-Doug in Oakland
All of the men that work with the POTUS know that there is some mental instability there.
They just get in front of the public and pretend that it's not.
They're not fooling anyone. They're just being B.S. artists.
Isn't it interesting how they start to shout off their true feelings in a fit of anger when the POTUS pisses them off.
I'm enjoying the "ring side seat" at the boxing match.
NFL and networks losing money. The Yiddish Masters will not be happy.......
He also destroyed several small businesses by not paying what he agreed contractually. How was this guy elected?
Trump and Pence are running an ethno-nationalist federal administration.
Pumped-up displays of patriotism and incitement of race hatred are their standard operating procedure.
Really, this is all they are good for. They have zero competence at literally anything else.
Now, give credit where it is due, they're pretty damn good at distracting attention from places they don't want any attention paid.
-Doug in Oakland
@PX, the DNC underestimated the power of Russian influence, which PEEOTUS asked for as a candidate.
I should have known Jones was pulling a bullshit stunt:
C'mon Judge. You're an intelligent man, I want to see you do some creative thing outside of the hive mind and the talking points memo. The VPOTUS's son is an active duty marine. Chew on that for a moment.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts forget, or never did know, the flag of these here United States of America was born of protest and is a permanent reminder about the power of protest against white assholes.
The whole walkout was pre-meditated to score political points and get the critics off Drumpfuck's rotten ass for doing nothing to help Puerto Ricans.
National boycott of the NFL for Sunday November 12th, Veterans Day Weekend. Boycott all football telecast, all fans, all ticket holders, stay away from attending any games, let them play to empty stadiums.
Pass this post along to all your friends and family. Honor our military, some of whom come home with the American Flag draped over their coffin.
Even soap commercials are racist. Must be because Drumpfuck approves of this message-without saying so in so many words.
Anymoose- why do you hate America and the constitution? Nazis and Fascists weren't big on protests against them.
When players don't stand for the national anthem is it perceived as "disrespecting" whiteness? Why did he mention soldiers?
I read a report that the cost of Pence's political stunt was around $250,000 in airfare. A taxpayer-funded 2020 Republican campaign move. Even if Trump is indicted or impeached, Pence (you may be sure) will be running.
Also, find the statistic on what the cost is so far for Secret Service GOLF CART RENTALS at Trump golf courses. You won't believe it! Not even discount rates, I'm sure.
It's all obscenity on obscenity.
Did NFL players give up their 1st amendment rights when they signed on in the NFL?
They did when the agreed tobe treated like cattle.
The "Blacker" the NFL became, the more the White folks in charge rescinded their freedom as players.
9th October 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
There's an easy way to get gun control in America. Today every black man in America needs to go out and buy a semi-automatic weapon.
They'll have gun control legislation in place by the weekend.
That's how we got it in California. The Panthers showed up armed at the Capitol, and Ronnie shit green bricks on his way to signing the Mulford Act.
That's right. Ronald the fuck Reagan signed gun control legislation as governor of California because the Panthers open carried at the Capitol.
-Doug in Oakland
Top Ten Phases Used by Racists Who Say They're Not Racist.
This is hilarious. And instructive. And spot-on.
Why didn't anyone tell me Michael Harriot was routinely hilarious? Instruction laced with wit--who can beat that??
5 Ways White People Can Fight White Supremacy
ESPN host said:
What do you think about that, Field?
I'm pretty sure as a white employee I'd have been fired for such a statement.
Double standards for blacks and whites in work situations, IMO. Blacks get suspended for a few days. Whites would likely be fired.
- Donald's own tweets, Pence's schedule, and instructions given to journalists to "stay outside" all prove that this "walk-out" was planned.
- Mentioning "soldiers" is a long-standing neo-Republican tactic for eliciting knee-jerk support from the very same people who forget that this nation was founded upon a protest ((remember "no taxation without representation", anyone...?)) and that the Constitution does not contain any sort of required worship of symbols.
- Even the most cursory study of history, if done with an open mind, shows that it's a well-worn extremist tactic ((and spare us the BS knee-jerk whining abut "lefties", or even "righties" - the supposed "side" doesn't matter, because *all* extremism is, by definition, tyrannical towards the majority regardless of silly mythologies claiming that anyone other than the tyrant "owns" anything)) --- anyway, it's a well-work extremist tactic to enforce worship of symbols even while eviscerating those symbols, discarding all of the things which give them any meaning.
- Pence is a Dominionist, a theocratic tyrant-wannabe; Trump is a corporatist extremist. Both manipulate the majority through various means, one of those means being the cold and deliberate mis-use of symbols.
- Those who deny this, for whatever ostensible reason, are subject to it.
RNC chairdouchebag says the major difference between Drumpfuck's and Weinstein's sexual allegations is Weinstein is a major Democratic bundler.
I'm guessing Mata Hari RNC chair is a Romney by birth and a liar by choice.
- And no, I'm not going to "boycott the NFL"; my father did not fight in WWII to defend and protect the totally-bogus "right" of SOME people deny MOST people's "...the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
- If anything, I wish I could be there to also kneel, to support the protesters' EQUAL CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.
- I also swore an oath, which I never did and never will withdraw, to "defend and protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic"; there was no, and is no, part of that which demands the worship of a symbol, especially when that symbol is being abused and manipulated OR demands a blood-oath of fealty to ANY individual person or group of people, aside from We The People.
- If some folks opine that makes me a "fascistocommie LIH-broool", well, they aren't people whose opinion means even as much as a *gnat's* ass to me.
Jemele Hill was suspended for attacking whitey Dullass Cowboys owner nefarious Jerry whitey wingnut Jones. Jones deserves all the shit piled in him.
Anymoose, did you read the difference between the 2 cases from an unbiased source? No? How did I guess that?
Schilling was fired for repeated violations of protocol as a citizen, not as an employee of ESPN. In Conn. it makes a big difference. Schilling sucked as a pitcher, so there's that, too.
mike from iowa said...
RNC chairdouchebag says the major difference between Drumpfuck's and Weinstein's sexual allegations is Weinstein is a major Democratic bundler.
- Well of course! Because the fact that the corporatistright-winger is PRESIDENT, while few people probably ever heard of the other guy who is a private citizen and NOT an elected official or government appointee, doesn't matter to people whose main reason for living is hating "lefties"...
"lefties" meaning, anyone who disagrees with them about *anything* this: "Less Filling!" - "No, Tastes Great!" -- "You are a goddam filthy lih-brool fascistosocialist so get the fVck out of 'Murikuh or get shot you fother-mucker!!!"
mike from iowa, your comments are like the wannabe doctor, whatever her name is: stupid, hateful, boring.
I wish Field Negro would post his original thoughts. I come here to read his blog a few times a year. He used to be very interesting and provided food for thought for white people like me. Not recently.
I hope he will return to an interesting, thoughtful blog. I'll check back in about three months.
Maybe, just maybe, it's less about one's "Constitutional 'right'" to act like a spoiled bitch, and more the fact that one acts like a spoiled bitch.
The top 1% of the 1% of wage earners, in the history of the planet, are literally pretending to be oppressed. And why? Because a dumb-ass, low-IQ player for the Seahawks has his ghetto instincts kick into overdrive and runs from the police, and then cries "WAYCISM" when the police catch him. LOL
I wonder if Purple Pinko supports these wealthy, privileged players pretending to be oppressed? Marxists shouldn't be too happy here. These aren't the "people"; this isn't the proletariat. These are the privileged in society, the damn dirty capitalists with money to burn! And, suddenly, we have to pretend they're "oppressed" just because of their skin tone?
It's fucking laughable. And it goes to lend credence to the complaint that colleges aren't educating these young men. They don't know what "oppressed" means, while most 4th graders do; at least white 4th graders, whose vocabulary hasn't been severely edited due to cultural bias.
Gatling gun of hyper bullshit is back. Oppressed for too smart means pushing zero over and over again. Little whites are learning to game the system like whitey winguts. Just claim oppression and reverse racism, grab a gun and start killing people. No worrys, If you are white you'll never be labled a terrorist, just another misunderstood white cracker with a gun fetish and the will to use the guns for the purpose they were designed for.
Anymoose @ 6:17- there are so many of you right wing anymooses out there it is hard to tell one from the rest.They all sound exactly alike. Next time use a better identifier and we will see what you come up with.
- AH, so a person has ZERO right to protest the mistreatment of others, if said person is well-off.
- No, that's not the fact. The fact is that Black men who reached the upper levels of society are still called "whiny bitches" by a certain kind of White narcissist if they protest the mistreatment of those who are less fortunate.
- No matter what anyone says, all that results from such narcissists is only more deflection, more distraction, more wild forays even deeper down the proverbial rabbit-hole of imagines persecution.
- OH!, the narcissists will have a field day:
I typed "imagines" because I missed the "d"; it was supposed to be "imagined".
- Let the accusations of my supposedly-abyssal stupidity begin for the unforgivable sin of a typographical error... :p
mike from iowa said...
"Anymoose @ 6:17- there are so many of you right wing anymooses out there it is hard to tell one from the rest.They all sound exactly alike. "
- Maybe they're all just one person, similar to FaceBook where one person sets up a slew of accounts to make it appear that many people are making the same point...?
The Purple Cow said...
There's an easy way to get gun control in America. Today every black man in America needs to go out and buy a semi-automatic weapon.
They'll have gun control legislation in place by the weekend.
2:43 PM
The only problem with your plan is that 90%+ of blacks cannot pass the background check.
The funniest part to me is that Mr. Christian (Pence) repeatedly lies about the protests. If you ask the protesters why they are protesting they will let you know it has nothing to do with disrespecting the flag or the anthem. Yet your boy continues to lie.
Enough blacks already own guns. Blacks account for over 50% of all homicides, especially by guns. And what do we do? Ignore it. This horribly oppressive society of "white privilege" in which the downtrodden minority lives moves aside and allows that 2% of the population (black males age 18-35) to commit over 50% of its murders without doing those things that black people forever talk about will happen -- lynchings and segregation and other complete fucking bullshit, make-believe-you're-a-slave grandstanding they do for special victim points.
Odd, that.
To the extent America is so racist and supremacist, we're kinda doing it wrong. In what sort of oppressive system are the oppressed allowed to run roughshod over the oppressors?
Ha! James Bitch definitely is #4 while Josh is definitely #4.
Maybe, just maybe, it's less about one's "Constitutional 'right'" to act like a spoiled bitch, and more the fact that one acts like a spoiled bitch.
Well I guess Josh should know a bit about acting like a spoiled bitch.
This horribly oppressive society of "white privilege" in which the downtrodden minority lives moves aside and allows that 2% of the population (black males age 18-35) to commit over 50% of its murders without doing those things that black people forever talk about will happen
Well dummy keep in mind the vast majority of us aren't homicide victims but are affected by remnants of a racist society. Now go flash your tits and say something to get attention you little bitch.
Just wondering if Josh reminds whites on their racist sites who sit and obsess about negro crime that the vast majority of crime in the white community is intraracial or does she just lecture us negroes?
Cios issue warrant for arrest of black guy who had his head beat in by Nazis in Charlottesville. Apparently they got convinced the black attacked 5 white supremacists and caused malicious wounding of their widdle feelers.
Only in wingnut land.
What is white privilege??
mike from iowa said...
"Anymoose @ 6:17- there are so many of you right wing anymooses out there it is hard to tell one from the rest.They all sound exactly alike. "
So many left wing delusional snowflakes babbling illogic they ALL sound alike..........
The only problem with your plan is that 90%+ of blacks cannot pass the background check
What background checks?
100% of the unarmed blacks murdered by racist cops are responsible for 100% of the unarmed blacks murdered by racist cops. We need to disarm the unarmed and make them more vulnerable to racist cops to get that 100% mark changed. If only a single black had the decency not to be murdered what a difference that would make. And, of course, we need more guns on the streets.
Trump probably still resents the NFL from when him and the other USFL owners won their lawsuit against the NFL and were only awarded one dollar. But Obama and other politicians are also against kneeling during the national anthem. If this blog was less partisan the topic of the day might be that Hillary still hasn't spoken out about her sexual predator buddy, Harvey Weinstein. But to me, the most interesting political news reported today was the arrest of U.S. consulate officials in Turkey. My prediction is it will be ignored here, but if it weren't, all of the other field hands would like how Trump ends up handling it better than I do. We see kneeling as protesting racism and not a protest of the flag or veterans. If Trump "drains the swamp" in the Turkey situation you would see it as un-American. But he'll probably defend the war machine establishment. You won't have anything to complain about so you'll just ignore the issue. If he handlesit like I would, you'll have fits.
The U.S. consulate officials arrested in Turkey are accused of being associated with the group behind the last coup attempt there. They probably are. The leader of the last two coup attempts is a rich retired Iman in Pennsylvania who Bill Clinton gave sanctuary. He is a friend of the Clintons and was a big Clinton Foundation donor
Turkey was a top supporter of ISIS. They bought oil and artifacts from ISIS and we supplied arms by way of Turkey. Then they decided they don't want a destabilized Syria on their border and switched sides. They were especially worried about Turkish Kurds uniting with Kurds in neighboring countries and revolting for independence. They still don't want Kurds to be the ones liberating areas from ISIS and Trump's support of that is a current point of contention.
Assuming that Hillary knew Turkey was switching sides before I did, the coup attempt followed their opposition to ISIS. It has been hard for me to figure out what has been going on in Turkey, but what seems most probable is that this consulate officials are holdovers from neocon interventionist, ISIS supporting, Hillary State Department and we should just leave them to live their own Midnight Express movie in Turkey.
The fake corporate news lies about General Flynn's "collusion" with Russia. He made a speech at an RT News celebration. Big deal. He did much more for Turkey and was paid much more by them. One of the things he did was try to get the Clinton's Iman friend sent back to Turkey. He is a hawk on Iran, but he opposed intervention in Syria and Turkey. He even tried to talk Obama out of supporting ISIS in Syria. Now you know why the deep state went after him.
So now Turkey gave our uranium to Putin because of Benghazi. Have I got that right, Limpaw?
mike from iowa said...
So now Turkey gave our uranium to Putin because of Benghazi. Have I got that right, Limpaw?
- That's what it starts to sound like...
- Firstly, Why are some people still on about HRC as though she is Pres and not Donald...? She wrote a book. OK. Whoop-di-doo. Can we please move on now and stop with the constant rehashing of the nonsensical myth wherein everyone not to the right of Attila the Hun supposedly "worships" the Clintons?
- Secondly, it seems that certain folks are intellectually incapable of recognizing that there is a difference between "ignoring" something, and simply not having enough free time to comment on everything under the sun, whether or not it has any connection at all to the topic at hand. The claim is used as as accusation of "partisan disinterest" and/or "lefty stupidity", and the accusers never seem to realize that the only one they make look dopey is themselves. That's something I don't understand.
- Third, "deep state" is like "new world order":
an undefinable, nebulous "Them" which conspiracy-theory-oriented people can blame for anything, without ever having to reference evidence, because, of course, "it's all secret and hidden". Meanwhile, the same folks ignore actual collusion, for which there *is* evidence, between various plutocrats in what could, with actual validity, be called the US corporatocracy. Or in plainer terms, the invisible, non-corporeal, and indefinable bogeyman is obsessed over and carped on about, while the real-life identifiable miscreants are ignored.
- Politics? More like nuttery.
The old white Nanaderthaul Jerry Jones is risking it all playing the role of mouthpiece for the Nazi/White Supremacist loving Trump. It's like playing with a nuke which has a timer on it, it's going to go off it's just when and how much damage it will do. The wrong remark could turn the branded America's Team into America's first plantation team something which will send sponsors and advertisers running if Jerry isn't careful. Jerry is going to find out just how much America has change if he or Tump run afoul with their words and actions.
All we need is a few of the stars to take a knee. Let's see if he'll bench Prescott, Bryant or Whitten. Just need a few of the Boys to grow a pair.
"but are affected by remnants of a racist society"
No you're not.
You've just been taught all your life to play the fucking victim.
Your life has fuck-all to do with those who came before you. Be an individual and blaze your own trail. Or see your people continue to live in generational poverty in the aggregate, crying that things aren't "fair" because muh slabery.
The choice is yours. You can teach your children that staying in school and working hard is the key to success, or teach them whitey be holdin' em down, yo, and they should kneel for the Anthem because your great-great-great-great-great grandfather was a slave.
Trump's just the beginning. The next faggot to be elected will be even more right-wing, and that band-aid will be ripped off entirely, and then it's sink or swim, bitch. Everybody's fucking sick of all the whining and blaming people who aren't even alive for shit you've never suffered. Sink or swim.
The first amendment does not apply to the workplace. It States that Government shall not infringe upon freedom of speech not private employers. All this kneeling BS is based on a lie{s} there is no war on black males by police, there is no war on blacks by the system, there is no rigged outcomes. What is true is that 85 IQ people with a culture of violence and promiscuity and crime will fail every time. Fuck the NFL, Fuck BLM, Fuck the electronic rabbi media that perpetuates all this BS. Go play in the Boko Haram League, Hold the super bowl in Haiti this year, Mugabe for NFL commissioner.
Blogger PilotX said...
All we need is a few of the stars to take a knee. Let's see if he'll bench Prescott, Bryant or Whitten. Just need a few of the Boys to grow a pair.
Never going to happen, PX. My NFL ban now extends to ESPN for benching Jamele Hill.
Guess I'll be spending more time playing golf instead of watching sports on the weekends!!🏌🏾♀️🏌🏾♀️🏌🏾♀️
And why is the media looking for excuses for why the terrorist/mass murderer, killed all those folks in LV?
Is an NRA supported, stocked to the brim with 50 weapons, entitled/ white privilege benefitting, middle aged evil White male asshole, not enough of an explanation for his behavior??
All this kneeling BS is based on a lie{s} there is no war on black males by police, there is no war on blacks by the system, there is no rigged outcomes.
No war on black males? The pigs are just using unsuspecting blacks for target practice? Delusional douchebag. You make friends with Kool-Aid. Not shooting unarmed POC on the back and claiming self defense. No war on blacks-stoopid whitey?
Everyone is sick of you whitesplaining everything to peopleas smart or smarter than yourself with self awareness. I know you think you know EVERYTHING but just look around this blog and see if you see racism. Now go flash your tits on some other blog and try to pretend your opinion is the only one.
And speaking of sinking or swimming we've been swimming for years with the rules and state against us and we're doing ok. No way your bitch ass could have handled half of what we went through.
Josh is doing her best Tucker Carlson impersonation, pretending to know everything about Black lives in spite of being white. Oh that's right, she lived in Suitville ao that makes her an expert on all things negro. Hmmmmm, isn't that a perfect example of white privilege? Well, whites have always known what was good for us so what else is new? Our niggers love the way things are and it's northern agitators and the commie NAACP coming here riling them up making them want to vote and such. Nothing new.
- The painful irony:
1) blame all the things one dislikes about one's own life on Blacks and Jews because they get all the stuff one claims to 'deserve' and they therefore have ruined one's life,
2) turn around and squeal that Blacks and Jews always "play the victim".
Is an NRA supported, stocked to the brim with 50 weapons, entitled/ white privilege benefitting, middle aged evil White male asshole, not enough of an explanation for his behavior??
8:26 AM
When did the NRA support the LV shooter???
When did the NRA support the LV shooter???
4:08 PM
- It's an oversimplified and poorly-worded statement, but FWLIW, I think it's supposed to mean 'support' in the abstract sense, because of the NRA's post-1979 platform of increasingly pushing to put as many guns into the hands of as many people as is possible, with little regard for warning signs that a given purchaser has questionable intentions.
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