Someone forwarded this post from one of my favorite blingnut (that's a black wingnut in case you were wondering) antagonist. I wanted to share his essay because I believe in understanding divergent points of views and because I wanted to exuviate my ideological bigot label.
So here goes:
"I have noticed that the best way to evaluate what the PRIORITIES of a given set of people is to sit back and watch the PRIORITIES that they promote to the top in the absence of a countervailing force to keep them in line. For the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser - he has insured that any countervailing force has been driven out of the leadership of his key institutions and the media that is customized for his own consumption. IRONICALLY this also means that, more than ever before, his present course is a function of his own PRIORITIES and BIASES than any other force.
Unfortunately the self echo chamber that he has established in which all other views have been exterminated out ALSO MEANS that upon seeing certain problems that continue to occur WITHIN HIS DOMAIN OF CONTROL he will use his propaganda machine to shift the blame upon forces that reside on the outside.I don't blame the propagandist. He is going to do what he is going to do. Ultimately the MASSES OF PEOPLE who are suffering are the problem. They have accepted certain MESSAGES of RESENTMENT as their own messages - their NARRATIVE, if you will. They have settled upon a leadership machine that operates off of these messages.
This machine knows what the people want and feed it too them with mass quantities.From the graphic above I see a priority upon Attacks On Clarence Thomas and all other Conservatives because they are threats to the ideological monopoly that the BQPFRC rests upon. They see the "Hypocrite" that fails to live up to his own standard as their poster boy. His function is NOT to lift the people up toward a higher standard so that the boy can "PROGRESS". Instead he is dragged around town on the back of their horse to show the consequences of those who JUDGE! They are more interested in having everyone mind their own business with the function of allowing certain violators to keep doing their thing. They enjoy "company in the mud with them" than they have any goals of lifting everyone out of the mud, with those who reside within as the EXCEPTION. By making the exception into the rule - everyone can gain a bit of comfort.The murder count in Philadelphia after 6 months of the year represents a report card on their failed social and economic policies. History shows that the people who died behind these homicide numbers are 80% African American.
Thus about 115 Black people who celebrated Barack Obama's election are no longer with us in this world - having been killed. Ironically while the first Black Attorney General has been silent on the murder spree that is snatching up Black lives around the nation - he was recently moved to speak out after 3 people who were motivated by HATE chose to kill for political purposes. Sadly the "continuing murder of the average Negro" does not qualify as an emergency. This unless he gets a job at the Holocaust Museum and thus HIS KILLER adds value to his life. Why fret though? This is exactly what the Civil Rights Industrial Complex has asked that our government focus upon as a priority.
This homicide count in just one city in America represents the neglect about the people that BQPFRC purports to care for who they say are "neglected" by society. Question is: WHO IS "SOCIETY" but themselves and the people who control the social and government institutions that these same people live under?In a perverted cycle of life - the presence of heightened grievances from the same people they preside over with their ideological norms present an opening for them to actually STRENGTHEN THEIR HOLD over the very people they are failing by highlighting these grievances and REDIRECTING them upon another domain. This domain just happens to be the expanded political domain that they desire to take control over.
Thus the masses of aggrieved individuals serve as "useful idiots" to help these operatives accomplish their goals of POLITICAL POWER and IDEOLOGICAL DOMINATION that fronts as individual concern.In the debates against Clarence Thomas only rarely is there an insightful critique of his judicial rulings and why they believe he is not only WRONG but "constitutionally wrong". On occasion there can be found a commenter that talks about how his strategy serves to undercut the STRATEGY that Blacks have depended upon for power (ie: Affirmative Action).
Sadly, the bulk of the responses in a Clarence Thomas discussion are personal attacks against the man. They talk about his White wife, they talk about how he is not comfortable with his race (these same people love the late Michael Jackson - and bestow "full Black rights" upon him. A testament to their objectiveness ), they say that he is inferior to the other White conservative who serves as his mental guide."
More here.
Ahhh the blingut, always defending Clarence Thomas. Now here is a serious question: Can anyone from the right, ANYONE, black or white, tell me what your party would do to improve the plight of people who are poor in urban A-merry-ca and poor people in general?
BTW, I like that acronym; BQFRC. Now if we could just leave out the Q we would be on to something.
Thanks for the link Kesha.
My eyes are bleeding so I can't comment on this mess of words strung together into sentences.
Have a Happy 4th everyone and be careful out there!
Now if he could write...
Oy. Bloggers who CAPITALIZE 'cause we're too damned stupid to UNDERSTAND them if they write normally.
I couldn't get through this one due to the ALL CAPS sprinkled througout.....OUCH! hurts my eyes....
aloha from Makaii
I want to know one thing. What has Clarence Thomas did for us?
Nearly, 53,508 days, which, let me break that down again, is 146 years, 6 months, 1 day ago, black folks had to peel their lips back and show their teeth to Massa. "Yes sir massa" and "no sir massa." After slavery ended they had to deal with the Black Codes and Jim Crow where it was against the law for them to even look in a white person's face. They had to keep their head bowed down, and move aside if a white person was walking towards them headed in the opposite direction so that the white person could walk by. Black weren't even allowed to come through whites front doors they had to go around to the back door and had to sit at the back of the bus. When black women were raped by white men, there was no law to protect them. They raped girls as young as 12 years old. Our black men and some women too were hung for sport with an all white audience taking pictures by their corpse like they do when they catch a big fish. Blacks have to put up with some of the most humiliating and degrading acts ever done to a human race. Nah, we don't have to do any of those things no more.
Nevertheless, we still face discrimination on a daily even though there are superficial laws against it. It is still implied in words and actions that we're the inferior race even though we have scholars among us. We're still lumped in one big ole boat even though there are good and bad in every human race. Also, we still have to deal with police brutality, and the scales of justice are still unbalanced just for us black folks and hispanics too. Now, to make a long...long story short, after going through all of this and much more. Why do we still have black people who like to add fuel to the fire and help hold us back from progressing? What makes a black man want to hurt the cause of black struggle and he is black himself? Doesn't he know that whatever happens to blacks will happen to him too. Because when whites get through using them to help obstruct the fight for real equality, they'll discard them!!!! Then it will be too late for them to realize the harm they've done.
Some of you young people think that us old people should step aside, instead of working together, we're of no use is what you've stated anymore because things have supposedly changed.
Well, I got news for you. The enemy has not changed. The only thing that has changed is that they are paraphasing their racism now. But make no mistake, it's the same body with a different dress on. Nothing has changed but they've dressed it up in fancy clothes, but underneath it's the same thing, pure hatred of black people and a strong desire to destroy and get rid of them through any means necessary.
They had people like Clarence Thomas, Jesse Peterson, and Larry Elders, and Constuctive going all the way back to slavery times. Yup, they thought that would help them get favor from massa. I've met many of them before in my lifetime and I witnessed how they discarded after they were of no more use to whites anymore..a puppet on a string. And YES, they are some whites out there who are really sincere and good people that believe that all men are created equal. They are like the abolishers or the ones that marched with MLK and we'll always have them too.
You ever notice how when whites write about the Antebellum period they heap mounds of praises on plantations but they overlook the horror and misdeeds that were done on them plantations. Abolishers are barely mentioned in history books. Yeah, those are folks that they'd rather forget about, no big thick books or chapters talking about them, just a couple of lines or one paragraph. Nor do they talk at great lengths about blacks back then who fought against slavery. Nope, the only glamourous thing worthy of mention to them is the glorious plantations. Plantations that manufactured human misery and death.
I love my people, and I am very proud of our heritage. It saddens me that we lack the unity that it takes to overcome all of these obstacles we face. Nevertheless, I won't give up on my people.
Well Field, you did your good deed for the day; you visited the site of a no-talent, intellectual midget of a failed cable boy (if he's worth a damn in the field he claims, he'll know what cable boy means) whereas no one else has EVER visited his blog in a YEAR, and gave him a voice in your post. He's probably breaking out the bubbly and looking up a local sex worker on Craigslist as I type this in celebration of the 15 min you've given him. The liberals of the Dem party have failed in some policies that have failed the black communities because either they bent over forward to appease the Right or they simply did not go far left enough. His idea of quasi-socialist-as-Democrats prove his lack of historical perspective and failed understanding of politics in general. He lke so many Blingnut (love that term!!!) only have one weapon in their hands; the crime we see and the fact that black folks vote Democrat. Yeah, great connection and proof that the Right is what should be right for us. Meanwhile it was the right that took tax dollars from what could havebeen better spent in schools and put into the School of the Americas where rapist thugs trained by CIA-experts learn how to better terrorize their own people and keep them from fighting for freedom as we'e seen in the 80s in El Salvador or as we see now in The Honduras.
This piece of shit you write about can go have a slice of watermelon, a coke and a smile and go fuck himself. Hope he enjoys his 4th of July. I hope his CL encounter winds up being a trannie who was a survivor of Guatemalan Death Squad terror and she gives the PoS the gift that keeps on giving. I have no tolerance for right-wingers of of any color. Fuck this loser.
This sounds like that dickhead who goes by the name "Constructive Feedback".
Nutty premise + random ALLCAPS = rightwing wacko.
You know I am not a Christian but the Bible is correct when it says you shall know a tree by its fruits, or in this case, by its nuts. And the nuts are all rotten.
Off Topic:
West Coast Story:
Every night before you go to bed read psalm 91 and psalm 23:4 until you begin to feel a peace.
"For the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser - he has insured that any countervailing force has been driven out of the leadership of his key institutions and the media that is customized for his own consumption."
What the hell is he talking about? What institutions? What media?
Can he be talking about liberal black bloggers, and this blog in particular?
As for the "racism chaser," is he suggesting that "racism" is dead, and those that chase it--pursue it to unmask it--are somehow chasing windmills, using racism as a way to unite blacks against whites, making the pursuit a sham?
"IRONICALLY this also means that, more than ever before, his present course is a function of his own PRIORITIES and BIASES than any other force."
Are you the subject of this diatribe Field?
I'm aware that you're a progressive, and you've never hidden that, but this Blingnut is making you sound like the devil incarnate.
You know what I think? You're attracting more blacks to your blog than he is to his--as he espouses his "right wing" ideology--and it's killing him.
I detect a bit of envy here.
"Unfortunately the self echo chamber that he has established in which all other views have been exterminated out ALSO MEANS that upon seeing certain problems that continue to occur WITHIN HIS DOMAIN OF CONTROL he will use his propaganda machine to shift the blame upon forces that reside on the outside."
Has this guy been talking with Constructive Feedback?
Are they part of the same cadre of wingnuts?
Their talking points are too similar for this to be a coincidence.
Although on occasion I wish you would, you have never censored anyone's point of view on this blog--conservative or liberal, crazies, or crackpots.
Did you know, Field, that you're shifting the blame for black problems to external forces, perhaps to whites, and certainly the Republican party?
Hey, that's not fair. Whites (all of them) have always loved us, and have nothing but our best interest at heart, and the Republican party is the black man's best friend.
"This machine knows what the people want and feed it too them with mass quantities."
This is more a description of Rush Limbaugh than of Field. When Rush speaks you hear a chorus of "ditto" from his many slavish listeners, affectionately called, "Dittoheads."
Here, on this blog, you're as likely to get as many Nays as Ayes, and the host still treats commenter's with respect--more often than it's called for.
"They are more interested in having everyone mind their own business with the function of allowing certain violators to keep doing their thing. They enjoy "company in the mud with them" than they have any goals of lifting everyone out of the mud, with those who reside within as the EXCEPTION."
Is this the same as saying, "Misery loves company!" Are the "certain violators" black gang members?
What is he trying to say: Liberals coddle the gangs, are not interested in healthy black communities, and are only interested in raising themselves up at the expense of black people?
Surely I'm missing something here.
Granny "...It saddens me that we lack the unity that it takes to overcome all of these obstacles we face. Nevertheless, I won't give up on my people."
I agree, Granny. I still remember a comment made about a CERTAIN GENERATION was a joke. They meant baby boomers were a joke, and should step aside.
MJ's death and our reactions made it clear to me that Blacks are more divided today than ever. I don't know where the race is headed but it sure isn't toward unity and harmony.
But I will keep hoping with you, Granny, that unity will through some miracle happen. However, it seems pretty remote.
"Thus about 115 Black people who celebrated Barrack IBM's election are no longer with us in this world...."
Only 115 black people? This is a pretty big world!
I'd hazard a guess that as many as 115 white people are "no longer with us in this world," that celebrated President Obama's election.
"[T]he first Black Attorney General has been silent on the murder spree that is snatching up Black lives around the nation...."
Of course the first black AG is going to catch hell if he doesn't stop the killing of blacks, but a Republican appointed AG gets a pass, if the killings take place on his watch.
Now, I wonder if this critic castigated the white AG under Bush with the same whip he's using against the black AG.
Hey, we can't let Bush's AG off the hook just because he's white. We expect white law enforcement agents to protect us as readily as black ones.
"This is exactly what the Civil Rights Industrial Complex has asked that our government focus upon as a priority."
This is a new one for me: Who in the hell is the Civil Rights Industrial Complex?
Could it be the same folks that Field blesses out from time to time--the Reverends Incorporated?
I'm getting a little bored with this analysis.
Let me leap ahead and see if there's one statement that sums up this writer's position.
Aha! Eureka! Finally, what all of this verbiage has been leading up to.
"Thus the masses of aggrieved individuals serve as 'useful idiots' to help these operatives accomplish their goals of POLITICAL POWER and IDEOLOGICAL DOMINATION that fronts as individual concern."
Did he just call me an "idiot?" And this from someone who purports to want to help black people?
Oh, I get it: the writer is mad at us black folks for putting the wrong party in power.
We're helping them further their political and ideological goals of "power" and "domination."
I didn't know that I was an "aggrieved individual." Damn, that hurts!
I have an affliction that I wasn't aware of. It's called, being "treated wrongly," and following in behind those who promises to right those wrongs.
Of course, they're merely lying to us simple blacks, who have this "aggrievement syndrome."
Damn, I didn't know that that was what we had!
Hell, if we're successful at becoming more afflicted, it could be the death kneel for the opposing party which he represents.
No wonder he's angry. Hell, I'd be angry, too, if a bunch of Negroes were voting for the wrong people--the very people who're in their corner, and only wish to help them help themselves--who only have their best interest at heart, whose policies of self-reliance, self-determination, and self-help are precisely what the doctor ordered.
The only problem: Those policies aren't consistently applied across the political and economic landscape.
Those policies don't give the people power, and dominion, but corporations, the wealthy, and all those special interests that are only interested in their specialty, and nothing, and no one else.
Why not, for a change, have a government that's more interested in the people's interests than that of the body corporate?
That is more interested in bottom-up than trickle-down economics.
That is more concern with the general welfare, domestic tranquility, and freedom, than corporate welfare, and corporate freedom, that has left our nation and the world less tranquil than it was before certain safeguards were lifted to allow greed full rein.
How about a government "for the People," for a change!
"But I will keep hoping with you, Granny, that unity will through some miracle happen. However, it seems pretty remote."
Anon, take heart: we blacks elected a president, didn't we?
That took a whole lot of "black unity," wouldn't you say?
Start looking for it. You'll find it everywhere!
While everyone was being distracted with MJ's death, the GOP's news outlet was rallying their people with this:
It was a lot going on during MJ's death but MSM wasn't telling it.
Clarence Thomas is a hypocrite because he benefitted from affirmative action right up until his token ass (unqualified as it is) was chosen to be on the highest court in the land. He can afford to be against it now because he doesn't need it. And since he doesn't need it he figures why should anyone else. This concept is perfectly acceptable to the simple mind of a wing(or bling) nut.
Black Diaspora, can I get an invite to your blog?
This is for anyone who has any questions about why certain questions are asked on the census and what the data is used for:
Black Diaspora:
You did an excellent analysis critique on topic in hand down to the very last letter of the alphabet.
That's what I would call a knock-out punch. Granny handing you your heavy weight belt. (wink)
I am requesting an invite also Black Diaspora...Contact info is on my profile.
Thanks, Granny. You know those belts are large enough to encircle a horse's waist, but I'll wear it proudly.
Ernesto and Blinders Off, you two are going to make me get back into the blogging business.
I've abandoned it for awhile, finding it a demanding mistress that I could no longer support properly--time and energy being chief among my reasons.
How Field manages to find the time to keep his blog updated and relevant is beyond me.
He's a blogger's blogger, and I don't say that to flatter him: It's a simple fact.
Granny was one my steady, and reliable supporters.
Who knows, I might just enter the fray again, especially if the requests keep coming.
Thanks for your requests. And thanks for the links, Granny.
Black Diaspora:
Just wrap it around your waist two or three times, or sling it over your shoulder, because you deserve that belt today. I heard the sound of that punch connecting way out here on the West Coast. Hey, next time I might even sale some tickets. Whew! (smile)
BD, that's cool and I feel you since it takes a lot of inspiration and effort to write new topics on a regular basis. I don't know how Field does it.
You really can write with some impressive "flowetry", though so I hope you find the time and inspiration to do it again.
@Granny: "Just wrap it around your waist two or three times, or sling it over your shoulder...."
Granny, I love your humor, and I'll follow your advice.
"While everyone was being distracted with MJ's death, the GOP's news outlet was rallying their people...."
Granny, I couldn't stop laughing, while reading the article that you linked.
These people can't be serious! Are there people so blinded by ideology that they will fall for something this outrageous.
It's Obama's America, Obama's census, Obama's economy, Obama's government--you'd think that Obama was this leftist dictator--and I believe that's the impression that they want to leave with their readers.
These Repubs are as desperate as tadpoles in a dry creek bed.
Black Disapora:
"These people can't be serious! Are there people so blinded by ideology that they will fall for something this outrageous."
I hate to say it, but yes there are, you'd be surprise. If you would like to witness it for yourself. Visit Fox Nation blog when you get a chance and read some of the comments. But you have to catch it when they first post the post, because Fox likes to scrub their blogs and transcripts since I busted them out once. BTW, you remember when they started having a puppet granny on Red Eye. Well, they called themselves getting back at me, because I was on their case too hard. One of their producers Phil sent out denial and threatening letters talking about suing because of all the raised awareness of Hannity and Hal Turner's relationship. Well, the reply was "Sue me", but that never took place and they were hotter than fish grease but wasn't a thing they could do about it because it was true and Hal admitted it. Hal even got upset with Hannity for denying it.
@Granny: "BTW, you remember when they started having a puppet granny on Red Eye. Well, they called themselves getting back at me, because I was on their case too hard."
Granny, I rarely watched them back then. I swore off of FoxNews during the primaries.
That's when they stopped even the pretense of being "Fair and Balanced," if they ever were.
I wonder if any of those segments when they used the granny puppet are available on YouTube.
Perhaps I'll do a search. I didn't know you were such a celebrity, and a sharp "thorn" in their side.
You're a brave lady, with a conviction that would make a lion cower.
They might have it on YouTube. Diaspora, try it, and see. No, I'm just an ordinary woman that believes in what is right and just and I'm no celebrity. Fox never was fair and balanced after Roger Ailes and Rupert took the reins. Before that they may have been.
Cops: Man deposits $200 with pot, cocaine at bank
Published online on Friday, Jun. 26, 2009
The Associated Press
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- Authorities said a man using the drive-through at a Tallahassee bank deposited $200 and a small bag containing marijuana and cocaine. Police said an employee at the Wachovia Bank called police Wednesday after the unusual deposit. An officer arrested a 38-year-old man and found the remnants of three marijuana cigarettes inside his vehicle.
The man was charged with drug possession and later released on $3,000 bail.
It's not clear why the man included the drugs with his deposit.
Yep,I think this is the Unconstructive one,and his ire is directed at us field hands.
Go to the link at the end of the post (glad I could give him some hits)and you will see.Unless there is more than one Unconstructive.:)
BD,I co-sign with everyone else,I can't wait for the blog.
Granny,that was some great smackdown.And speaking of blogs;yours rocks.
Did you read what I just posted on here about the guy who made a deposit. That's the first time I've ever heard of crime paying and making a deposit. That topped the cake.
Brother Komrade, why don't you tell us how you really feel? :)
Big up buffbaygrl! You and everyone else have a happy Fourth. And please be safe.
I am on my way to pick up a Mini Van (Yes a Mini Van. I am losing mad cool points) and head to West
Philly to pick up some of my kids. Then it's off to the water park in Allentown.(Dorney Park).
You see Un-constructive One; this is how us BQFRC's give back, by actually interacting with troubled kids in our neighborhoods and being there for them. Not typing away from our computer keyboards in a WSZ and slamming those "ignorant blacks" for not knowing what's good for them. :(
Well, I'm saying goodnight folks. GBU all.
Hey Field it was Destructive Feedback,ole Kraftwerk head himself.Funny that a "black" person uses a white head as his avitar.He keeps calling you "Filled Negro" he needs to be filled with some Negro instead of that vanilla that runs through his veins.You wonder what is Wile E. Coyote's super genius solution about the race problem. Build more jails,throw blacks out of college,increase white supremacy ?He should stop poppin' junk and have some solutions.
OT the comment in your sidebar under Nixon's picture, where did it come from?
I unlike a lot of folks posting on FN can appreciate a disparate point of view. And like it or not, some of the points made in the post linked above make sense.
What perpelexes me is that when black liberal extremists (BLE's) hear/see the term Black conservative they immediately think of Clarence Thomas or Ward Connerly as if there can only be one definition of a Black conservative.
My problem with Justice Thomas is that affirmative action (AA)helped him get into Yale Law and now he doesn't support it. This kind of selfish behavior doesn't have a dam thind to do with his politics as far as I'm concerned. He's one of any number of selfish, self-centered Black folks who have given Black folks their ass to kiss after "making it".
Liberal Black folks are historically just as guilty as Thomas of turning their backs on Black folks. Yet because they're liberal, they're given a pass? To hell with that!
I will leave my opinions of UnConn's post.... and yes, Field copied and pasted from UnConn's blog.....
I, like Field, am waiting for his response of what HE recommends as the way to address all of the things he accuses me of doing nothing about. Or, at other times, accuses me of just being wrong.
Fine. UnConn..... I am listening. Please do not waste my time with what won't work. Please. Enlighten us. What will? And, here is the challenge.... how about not attacking Field or anyone else in your response. Waiting.
Since we are using acronyms, I had WTF moment after reading what passed for writing. I do not think he knows what he is talking about. However, I believe he is just drawfed intellectually as Clarence Thomas. The man is on the Supreme because of happenstance, he married Bush relative and a black guy. Affirmative action and nepotism, what a combination.
Thomas is at best medicore and it is evident from some his court opinions he has written over the years. He is not an indepedent, profound, or reflective thinker because he rarely disagrees with Scolia and just there to co-sign whatever Scolia says. I just a problem when you do search for the best, but meritocracy is more of exception than a rule.
Why should you depend on the "right" to get you out of the mess your in??
Democrats and their failed social programs is what got you where you are in the first place.How about turning to the people you vote for the most for answers??
How about holding Democrats to their promises ?How about demending a end to failed social programs?
Democrats run this country.They have the numbers in the house and senate to pass anything they want.
Will they use this power to improve life in urban areas?
Or will more Americans die in Chicago than Iraq this summer?
MR.R said...
Why should you depend on the "right" to get you out of the mess your in??...............How about turning to the people you vote for the most for answers??....
How about holding Democrats to their promises ?How about demending a end to failed social programs?
Again, some very, very, VERY good questions here!!!
Here's what I've noticed in my own my life. No matter which party dominates national political offices, I still have to bust my arse to achieve whatever goals I set, be that financial, academic, or professional. I still have to deal with issues primarily related to sexim and to a much lesser extent racism, as a Black woman Scientist. And I still volunteer my time to important causes usually related to the health of minorities.
In other words, I realized a along time ago that this country wasn't set up to help people like me, so I would be remiss to depend on it to help people like me.
Almost forot to mention, Go Williams sisters, Wimbledon 2009!!!
Hey FN, why not some talk about sports every now and then?
"Will they use this power to improve life in urban areas?"
We shall see. I hope something will be done to reduce the number of black children killed in the Black community every year; I hope something will be done to change the negative attitudes of children toward education.
But maybe I am dreaming. Maybe the Dems are no better than the Repubs. One thing for sure: they have the power to help millions who are suffering in urban areas.
We shall see.
Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser? WTF? I doubt that even if I was sitting in front of the guy he couldn't explain that label to my satisfaction. If we know who this clown is please send him a copy of E.B. White's excellent, less is more book on writing... Elements of Style... please.
"Sadly, the bulk of the responses in a Clarence Thomas discussion are personal attacks against the man. They talk about his White wife, they talk about how he is not comfortable with his race (these same people love the late Michael Jackson - and bestow "full Black rights" upon him. A testament to their objectiveness ), they say that he is inferior to the other White conservative who serves as his mental guide."
The above is the only factual and cogent excerpt I was able to glean from "blingnut" prose.
At this point, maybe the reason that most of the discussion about Clarence Thomas consists of personal attacks is because that's all there is to talk about. His opinions from the bench aren't so much unremarkable as they are unknown and I doubt that the Unconstructive Fool could name or describe one off the top of his head.
FWIW, Wikipedia has a good summary that is easily accessible, yet the blingnut chose not to mention any in his CAPS laden rant.
Those of us old enough to remember Thomas' nomination and confirmation hearings are old enough to remember the man he replaced. I distinctly remember when Bush the Elder announced his pick and said, with a straight face, that he was selected not because he was black but because he was the most qualified man in America. This amounted to Bush taking a symbolic crap on the legacy of Thurgood Marshall.
Thomas has chosen sides in the culture war declared by the conservatives and he has not chosen wisely.
@BD-"Anon, take heart: we blacks elected a president, didn't we?"
Yes, Blacks helped to elect Obama. But so did Whites, Latinos, and Asians. We are 12% of the population. That means that we could not have done it alone. Also, remember Obama's election was the perfect political storm. Everything was politically aligned to perfection for him to become President. Again, Blacks did not do it by themselves. And you can take it from me, that if Blacks did not see Whites supporting Obama, we would have been as fragmented as we are now.
BD-"Start looking for it. You'll find it everywhere!"
I DO look for it. But I am not finding much. I wouldn't have agreed with Granny if I had seen otherwise. It is said that life is like a Rorschach inkblot test. Obviously you 'see' it differently.
I see a great divide happening, and I cannot pretend that it is not there. That is the 'truth' as I see it.
But my heart continues to hope-eternally-for a different outcome. If people don't have hope, they die spiritually.
Nevertheless, I still honor the truth as I see it, even though everyone else might disagree. I try to live my life by putting the truth first.
From your comments, am I to assume that you see Blacks unifying everywhere? Please inform me where my eyes are deceiving me because I would like nothing more than to be wrong so that I can repent. But I won't deny the truth to satisfy a wish or a desire.
Anon 3AM
America is becoming more and more like the countries they advertise through the media that's doing all kinda of dumb shyt based on political views.
Hey anybody wanna relocate to Canada?
Why give the moron a forum on the blog? He's clearly disturbed. Now he'll glom onto you...like a crazy ex-!
"Can anyone from the right, ANYONE, black or white, tell me what your party would do to improve the plight of people who are poor in urban A-merry-ca and poor people in general?"
first thing i would do, is abolish school districts. everybody pays school taxes based on the value of their home, then that money goes to the local school as it stands now, this is not fair, all the money collected should be sent to one place, then distributed based on population and also, based on the current conditions of the school buildings. next, white teachers are over represented in New York State, in both public and private schools. That issue also needs to be addressed. Next, NY state history books and teaching is filled with ideas that either reinforce negative stereotypes, white wash black history and other PoC history, or ignore PoC history.
This is a big problem, it effects a child's self-esteem, and promotes white supremacy to the rest of the children, parents should be able to either change written assignments, or provide alternative information for these history classes. I remember when Leonard Jeffries got thrown out while trying to adress the problems of NY state history as it is taught, he got thrown out for some of his own personal ideas, but his thoughts on how history was taught was probably heading in the right direction.
First of all, I love the latest Lawn Jockey! Excellent choice.
I must not be as intelligent as I thought. I have read this rant twice and I find myself going WTH is the point?
My own personal politics do not believe in relying solely on either party to improve our society. But after having lived with conservative rule nationally and statewide for eight years-I can honestly say-the conservative way of governing is about corruption and self gratification to the max.
Clarence Thomas pretty much kicked our black behinds to the curb a loooong time ago. Uncle Ruckus-oops! I mean Uncle Clarence does not care what we think about him. In that aspect we are in agreement-because I surely don't give two shakes of a rat's a** about him. If he wasn't on the SC, he would be a virtual unknown.
There are times when I think the liberal-conservative divide is not just pointless but pernicious. From an outsider's perspective, the big issues for inner-city black communities, and the solutions, transcend that divide.
I've written it here before, and will write it here again. It's culture, and in many ways it's simple. It's about family, education, investment, and future. Those things should not be a matter of debate between liberals and conservatives.
It reminds me a little bit of people, usually white but not always, haggling over which diet to go on, when everyone knows that it's always about calories, exercise, and willpower.
The quote under Nixon's photo was taken directly from one of his many tapes which were recently released from archives. It has been heard on more than one News source. You might do some quick searchs from of the major news sites.
Black Disapora:
You have a point, I do not post daily on my blog and I have to give Field love for posting interesting topics daily. When you get your blog, please let me know. I like what some of the people who comments here have to say. Field cannot cover it all. Granny I am glad you started a blog, that topic about the census was very interesting.
What the fuck is that dumbshit even talking about? It's completely incoherent gibbering.
I knew it propbably had something to do with Tricky Dick, but I didn't know he actually said that.Thanks, I will look it up.
Mahallo (I think I wrote it right)
where you are in the first place.How about turning to the people you vote for the most for answers??
Mr R
I hate to bust your bubble but you got that all backwards. Didn't anyone tell you that Bush was a Republican President and not a Democrat and that Congress was run by Republicans, or were you stranded these last eight years on some deserted island with no means of communication? Anyway, Bush was the President the last eight years and who got us in to this mess. It was the lie told to start a war in Iraq, the transferral of the USA treasury to his cronies, corporation welfare, Wall Street, and the banks. In other words, let me make it real plain to you since you seem to have a problem in putting the pieces together and coming up with a logical deduction, it was GREED!
Trickle down economics do not work, we tried it with Reagan another Republican and that was the start of the downhill slope and we tried it with Bush but it just doesn't work, period.
Anon @ 3 AM :"From your comments, am I to assume that you see Blacks unifying everywhere?"
Yes, I do! But I can't convince you against your will. Let me give you one example. There are others.
And here.
"I see a great divide happening, and I cannot pretend that it is not there. That is the 'truth' as I see it."
You see what you believe, as surely as you believe what you see.
A vicious circle, to be sure, but it doesn't have to bite.
"Again, Blacks did not do it by themselves [elect Barack Obama]. And you can take it from me, that if Blacks did not see Whites supporting Obama, we would have been as fragmented as we are now."
It all comes down to how you define "united."
Blacks are not fools. We know that it's going to take more than our paltry votes to make a difference in a national election.
So it was important that we pooled our votes where we could make that difference, and it has nothing to do with white vs black, but a practicality that transcends heart.
Very few of us knew of Barack Obama. We had heard him speak, and was impressed, but we needed to know more.
Once we had connected with him, and knew he wasn't of the same ilk as a Justice Thomas, we moved en masse, and the results: our vote made the difference in several key states--that without them, McCain would surely be president today.
Consider this article:
"[I]n the make-believe world where no African-Americans voted, while Obama still would have won most of the states that he won, McCain would have been able to take the hotly contested states of Florida, Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
"The 107 electoral votes from those states would have been enough to shift the map in McCain’s favor."
"But my heart continues to hope-eternally-for a different outcome. If people don't have hope, they die spiritually."
You don't have to hope: the reality of black unity is a heart beat away.
it seems apparent now that field was picking on the less fortunate!
i guess it is good to know who he is in case fox trots him out as a expert but other than that this story had nothing to offer.
The repigs like to think of themselves as enterprising fellows and believe that everyone should pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps, no matter who is standing on your neck.
why anybody would ever give this guy the time of day let alone a platform for his tortured thoughts is beyond me.
the repigs are in their last throes and the right is lashing out.
wouldn't surprise me if they guy earned his money from the right.
GrannyStandingforTruth ,
Nice leftwing talking points, but none are based in facts or reality .
Least 80% of blacks have blindly followed Democrats since the 60's.Black and white Democrat congressman,senators,mayors,city councils,police chiefs and some governors have ruled these urban areas for decades.Democrat corruption has done more to destroy Chicago and other urban areas than any Republican president could ever hope to do.Yet black people living in these areas will continue to elect the same corrupt Democrats year after year.
Obama has a filibuster-proof majority in the senate and big numbers in congress.There is ZERO excuse for Obama and the Democrats not cut murder,rape, and assualt rates,improve schools ,improve the living conditions of people living in urban areas.
In four or eight years,people living in urban areas should be able to live like humans.They can take the bars,boards,screens, off their windows.They can sit outside if they like.Their kids can play outside if they want.They should be able to enjoy their lives instead of living in fear.
If this doesn't happen than black people have no reason to vote Democrat in the high numbers that they do.
That downhill slope you talk about start with that social program known has government housing.
BD-"Once we had connected with him, and knew he wasn't of the same ilk as a Justice Thomas, we moved en masse, and the results: our vote made the difference in several key states--that without them, McCain would surely be president today."
I don't think there was any question among Blacks about Obama being of Clarence Thomas's ilk. But who is?
FYI: It was Obama's win in lilly White Iowa that Blacks began to see that Obama had a chance to win. And even after Iowa, there was still some skepticism, esp. after HRC's win in New Hampshire.
"You see what you believe, as surely as you believe what you see."
True. We perceive according to our emotional predilections and we feel according to what we perceive.
"A vicious circle, to be sure, but it doesn't have to bite."
It doesn't have to bite, but it will lead you into the dark wilderness unless you have the mindfulness and alertness to cut through it.
"You don't have to hope: the reality of black unity is a heart beat away."
I do not believe that black unity is a heartbeat away. Blacks have a much longer way to go than that. But as I have said a previous comment, you are a great cheerleader, and I hope you are right........Peace.
"Democrat corruption has done more to destroy Chicago and other urban areas than any Republican president could ever hope to do.Yet black people living in these areas will continue to elect the same corrupt Democrats year after year."
LOL! It is hilarious how Republicans have a tendency to twist reality around to fit their agenda. We had a Republican president for the last eight years and talk about corruption. Even those who voted for Republican got sick of all the corruption in the Republican party. Well, one thing you got right is that black people will continue to elect Democrats year after year because we know without a doubt that Republican hate black people with a passion. The Republican News outlet called Fox News reminds us of that daily and so does Rush the drug addict.
"Obama has a filibuster-proof majority in the senate and big numbers in congress.There is ZERO excuse for Obama and the Democrats not cut murder,rape, and assualt rates,improve schools ,improve the living conditions of people living in urban areas."
Why put that on President Obama when 43 white presidents did nothing about it. Oh, I get it...Obama is black. Obama is the President of the United States, not the USA Police Chief. However, I'm sure he is working on improving education, and the living conditions of people in urban areas and that's what's got the Republican's fit to be tired and a few renegrade Democrats too. The reason their having a hissy fit over the census.
"In four or eight years,people living in urban areas should be able to live like humans." Did you mean to say in peace instead of like humans? Because blacks are humans beings too!!!!! I am willing to bet when the CIA stops infilitrating urban areas with drugs and guns they will be able to live in peace.
"If this doesn't happen than black people have no reason to vote Democrat in the high numbers that they do."
Sorry but it will take a rainy day in hell and more than what you've prevented to convince me or other blacks to vote for Republicans. I don't vote for people who make it known that they hate me because of my skin color or that have only the rich and corporation's interest at heart, instead of "WE THE PEOPLE." Therefore, you can peddle your little deceiving falsehoods somewhere else because I ain't buying it.
"That downhill slope you talk about start with that social program known has government housing."
The devil is a lie and the truth ain't in him. Government housing? You mean working folk's foreclosures and greedy realtors, banks, savings and loan companies? That is what caused the problem, government housing had nothing to do with it. Thanks for your input because you have convinced me without a doubt why I wouldn't vote for a Republican, and it's because they seem to have a problem with integrity, honesty, and skin color. Oh yeah, they, also, seem to think that black people are dummies and will believe anything they say. Sorry, but I don't have a taste for fried ice cream or wooden nickles, it has something to do with my immunity system that fights against lies.
Granny...great rebuttal to the claims (laden with boring talking points) of a stupid dittohead.
FN: As an attorney, I am surprised that you continue to talk about Justice Thomas in a pejorative fashion, given his track record. Your other readers can talk about him assuming they don't have a knowledge of the law or cases but what is your excuse? You never once highlight the legal decisions that he's made that actually DO benefit Blacks and poor people etc. In all fairness, why not? Is is that much easier to talk badly about him because you think his politics differ from your own?
What did he say about Kelo v. New London?
"Allowing the government to take property solely for public purposes is bad enough, but extending the concept of public purpose to encompass any economically beneficial goal guarantees that these losses will fall disproportionately on poor communities. Those communities are not only systematically less likely to put their lands to the highest and best social use, but are also the least politically powerful. If ever there were justification for intrusive judicial review of constitutional provisions that protect “discrete and insular minorities,” United States v. Carolene Products Co., 304 U.S. 144, 152, n. 4 (1938), surely that principle would apply with great force to the powerless groups and individuals the Public Use Clause protects. The deferential standard this Court has adopted for the Public Use Clause is therefore deeply perverse..."
What has he said about consumer rights? That is whether or not federal law should preempt state laws for consumer lawsuits, see below:
"I have become 'increasing[ly] reluctan[t] to expand federal statutes beyond their terms through doctrines of implied preemption,' " he wrote, quoting himself in an earlier Supreme Court case.
Unless Congress spells it out in the text of the law, the consumer's right to sue under state law should be protected."
And you know what he said about Raich v. Gonzales. In each of these instances, he has shown that he cares about the plight of the poor and dispossessed and he believes in fairness.
Don't you think that his writings on these matters make sense? Or is he still an Uncle Tom simply because you disagree with other decisions he's made?
It seems like you have a problem with integrity and honesty.If you don't acknowledge the role Democrat corruption played in the destruction of urban areas over the decades than you have zero credibility.
"The devil is a lie and the truth ain't in him. Government housing? You mean working folk's foreclosures and greedy realtors, banks, savings and loan companies?"
No i mean putting up housing and craming black people in them without providing jobs or education.
"Sorry, but I don't have a taste for fried ice cream"
Don't diss fried ice cream!!
"I don't vote for people who make it known that they hate me because of my skin color"
Maybe you should study the history of the Democrat party.
"Why put that on President Obama when 43 white presidents did nothing about it. Oh, I get it...Obama is black. Obama is the President of the United States, not the USA Police Chief"
Black people have invested much hope and faith in Obama.If he doesn't bring change to the inner cities than thousands of black people will loss all hope.
And to be fair, the SCOTUS did not address the constitutionality of the voting rights act last week because they knew it couldn't pass constitutional muster.
Mr.R. you have fallen for the other extreme in rhetoric. You accuse Democrats of screwing up Blacks in urban areas etc, but you don't mention what the Republicans have done. The truth is that neither of these parties ever cared one whit about the plight of Black people and that partisanship is a foolish game. We are better off voting independently.
"...The truth is that neither of these parties ever cared one whit about the plight of Black people and that partisanship is a foolish game..."
That's very true. If either party cared we'd be much better off in the inner cities. But the truth is neither party cares.
Anon 10:36AM
"No i mean putting up housing and craming black people in them without providing jobs or education."
Just black people?
"Maybe you should study the history of the Democrat party."
Child, I could probably tell you some stories about the Democrat parties history. For instance, how a lot of those Democrats got upset and changed over to Republicans. That's too easy, let me give you another one like the one who wrote the "White Man's Bible" that Matt Hale passed out to his followers as a mandatory read and that white supremacist read too. Oh yeah, how some of them belonged to the John Birch Society. I am not naive or green behind the ears nor was I born yesterday...okay!
"Don't diss fried ice cream!!"
(smile) Yeah, granny has a good sense of humor too.
"Black people have invested much hope and faith in Obama.If he doesn't bring change to the inner cities than thousands of black people will loss all hope"
That still does not make him the USA Police Chief nor does it make him God. Black people's faith has stood the test of times from slavery on up the present, and it will remain in tact and grow stronger, regardless. They know that some way, some how, a change will eventually come and that it doesn't necessary have to be through him. There are many other ways that change can come. For instance, it might come a way that no one is looking for it to come. That's usually the way life works anyway. Live long enough and you'll discover that.
My friend Filled Negro:
While I have not yet had a chance to read through your entire article nor the resulting postings - I THANK YOU MAN for featuring my work on your illustrious blog.
I noticed that the first few responses were "English Lessons". When I see people focused more on my "writing skills" yet ducking the key observations and challenges that I make - I know that those are people I need to worry about.
I will - reread my own work, READ your analysis of my work and then read the responses that your crew hath posted.
Thank you Filled Negro. Thank you.
Do me a favor - how about giving me a "heads up" the next time you make an entry about me.
Granny For Truth doesn't do a good job in defending my honor as I'd like her to. I would like to take over for her, if you don't mind.
Filled Negro:
I can't deal with your 4096 character limit so my rebuttal to your question is located here:
BROTHER FORMER MARXIST - my primary blog - "Within The Black Community" clears between 250 to 350 hits per day. I am content with this.
BUT LET ME ASK YOU MAN.....YOU ALSO have your own blog. If "no one ever reads MY blog"....how many people are visiting YOUR?
Filled Negro:
I just read through all of the responses on this thread.
JUST IMAGINE if I were to have the opinion of my own self and my words written dependent upon that which my IDEOLOGICAL ADVERSARIES have said rather than being set to some INTERNAL COMPASS?
This is the key problem with the consciousness of Black America. Where as I LAUGHED when I read the attacks by some of your posters - a significant amount who didn't even bother to READ what I had written.........the real lack of worth of their response comes from the fact that their responses had no SPECIFICITY, but instead attempted to label me and then attack the "label".
I have more POSITIVES to say about Clarence Thomas than I do negative. I do not agree with all of his rulings.
It seems to me that he has the AUDACITY to believe that BLACK PEOPLE ARE EQUAL UNDER THE LAW and he is going to bring Black people KICKING AND SCREAMING to this point of EQUALITY.
You all want to be MADE EQUAL rather than show that EQUALITY IS A TWO WAY STREET.
You don't mind playing the role of INFERIOR/DAMAGED GOODS - as long as after doing so you receive some BENEFIT from the poster shot.
Did you get around to asking Filled Negro if his soul is right with Jesus?
[quote]Fine. UnConn..... I am listening. Please do not waste my time with what won't work. Please. Enlighten us. What will? And, here is the challenge.... how about not attacking Field or anyone else in your response. Waiting.[/quote]
Jody - You are alright with me.
You see Jody - I am NOT going to provide YOU with a solution.
If I can get YOU to demand a more comprehensive strategy from the people that YOU FAVOR, and thus you not allow your desire to help THEM fight against the evil conservatives and thus never inspect what they are proposing - then I HAVE ACHIEVED MY GOAL!!
Jody - have you ever demanded out of your allies what you are demanding of ME?
Let me ask you this Jody:
If I come up with a detailed plan to fix the problems that you speak of - WHAT CAN I EXPECT FROM YOU in response to living up to your ask? (Besides a GOAL POST ON WHEELS that has moved further away from a score by me?)
"Constructive Feedbag",
Mixed CASE posts are ALMOST always a SIGN of MENTAL illness. Get some HELP. Often a simple REGIME of MEDICATION is all that is REQUIRED.
The first video:
These are fairly long; 20 odd minutes or so, and it could be the future of you or your kids. I will send the other one when I find a valid link.
The second video by the police officer. Please watch them in the order given. Please we see miscarriages of justice and instances of viscious racism, these could help.
@Anonymous 8:25 P.M: "FYI: It was Obama's win in lilly White Iowa that Blacks began to see that Obama had a chance to win."
And they seized the moment, would you say!?
I left you a reply on the blog entry:
"Voting Rights from a wingnut's perspective."
I don't always get back to earlier postings. I hope you'll read it.
"What the hell is he talking about? What institutions? What media?"
I'm pretty sure he's saying that we're not allowing the Uncle Toms to take the lead...as they thing we should.
"I see a great divide happening, and I cannot pretend that it is not there. That is the 'truth' as I see it."
I don't think so. The phrase "great divide" suggests a more-or-less equal number of people on each side of that divide, and that's definitely not the case. That's why people like UnConstructiveNegro are so ticked off.
"No i mean putting up housing and craming black people in them without providing jobs or education."
Just picking out stuff that strikes me, lol. I don't know how old you are, but you are apparently not old enough to know that the large majority of "governmnet housing projects" were built before the civil rights movement.
[quote]Mixed CASE posts are ALMOST always a SIGN of MENTAL illness. Get some HELP. Often a simple REGIME of MEDICATION is all that is REQUIRED.[/quote]
If I were to give my rough drafts to a professional writer and allow her to put them into standard English form without the CAPITALIZATION, occasional grammatical errors and long winded sentences - I STILL THINK that you would find some other means to focus on the PRESENTATION instead of the CONTENT and how it applies to the REAL WORLD CONDITIONS in the communities that we are speaking of.
I wonder about some of you: IF a Black man with a college education and more than a decades worth of managerial experience can be seen as nearly "illiterate" by many of you and thus have this used as your justification for the DISMISSAL OF HIS OBSERVATIONS.........I wonder how it is you deal with the portion of our community that is ILLITERATE, unable to communicate their observations. Some of them choose to rap about these experiences.
It is clear to me that at least some of you have no interest in a SOLUTION. You are contented with your believe that Black people are "History's Victims" and that YOU KNOW "WHO DID THIS TO US".
Let us stop pretending that your problem with me is my grammatical presentation or even my combative tone.
I am not attempting to be your friend nor break bread with you. I am attempting to hold you ACCOUNTABLE for the construction and maintenance of the prevailing set of thoughts and assumptions that are present within our community. Asking that you PUT UP or SIT DOWN with regards to the promised benefit that BEING UNIFIED BEHIND YOUR LEAD was to bring to our community.
Gregory - the greater sign of INSANITY is to see failure and KEEP TRYING HARDER at doing the same thing because you are bound to your IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTRY even when it doesn't square will real world evidence. I have little doubt that you and others would have enforced the FLAT EARTH theories had you been alive several hundred years ago.
Field, I give you the tolerance award just for reading that pretentious attempt to exculpate Thomas and dance by the River Denial.
Verite Parlant is Nordette Adams:
With all of the attacks upon Brother Justice Clarence Thomas' qualifications and ability to articulate his viewpoint - INDEPENDENT OF Scalia - his recent dissent in the New Haven Fire Fighter case gave all of his haters ample opportunity to materially pick apart is reasoning.
Instead, Filled Negro, the most active of his haters never even READ HIS WORDS!!!!
Painfully and shamefully, some of you prove every day that "if you want to hide something from a Negro - put it inside of a book"!!
I bet that few of you were bothered by the White liberal Ruth Bader Ginsberg's attempt to INFERIORIZE BLACK PEOPLE in her dissent!!
After all Black candidates could not have formed a study group along with existing Black lieutenants and captains in order to counter act the fact, as Ginsberg said - some White candidates had relatives who were fire fighters and thus they had someone with experience to talk to.
In addition Ginsberg, a former ACLU attorney, has master the "dog ate my homework" type excuses far better than the NAACP or various agents from AfroSpear could ever hope to articulate in that she made note that some Black candidates experienced a delay in the delivery of their study materials.
Sadly and shamefully Ginsberg's words documenting "Black Inferiority" are permanent part of the American record of jurisprudence JUST as the words of the "Dread Scott" case are.
I struggle to understand the point at which some of you will REFUSE to hunch your back as you get into character for the pose in which your inferior status grants you access to some sort of benefit.
Some things are too injurious to one's cultural confidence and thus must be REFUSED.
[quote]As for the "racism chaser," is he suggesting that "racism" is dead, and those that chase it--pursue it to unmask it--are somehow chasing windmills, using racism as a way to unite blacks against whites, making the pursuit a sham?[/quote]
Black Diaspora:
What about RACISM proves to be a unique threat to the livelihood of Black people in 2009 that other "threats" are not?
I notice that you and other operatives seek to make everything a matter of "If RACISM is still present or not".
Let's make a deal, BD - YOU fight for the eradication of RACISM and I will fight for the eradication of MURDER AND RAPE!!!!
Let's see which one of us will catch the windmill first.
You see the claim that RACISM STILL EXISTS and thus BLACK PEOPLE SUFFER is a FAKE TARGET!!! There is NEVER going to be a time when one race stops seeking unique advantage for his own kind.
Let's instead talk about the present conditions regarding if upon you having your CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATED because of RACISM.....you do not have any recourse to hold this person accountable.
Filled Negro - you are an attorney man!!! Why don't you ever redirect some of your posters to more REALISTIC outcomes?
I have done the exercise of "Distilling The Goals Of The White Supremacist":
* The White Supremacist seeks to kill or assault Black people to keep us in our place and to 'stop snitching'
* The White Supremacist seeks to deny us educational opportunity because an educated Black man is a threat
* The White Supremacist wages an all out war on Black owned businesses because an economically self-sufficient Black community is a confident Black community
* The White Supremacist seeks to inject Blacks with infectious diseases so that we might be maimed or killed.
Black Diaspora - could you detail for me which of these elements are threats to the Black community that are EXCLUSIVE to the deeds of the White Supremacist? The Domestic Pirate Thug Termites within are capable of executing upon every single one of these attacks upon the interests of Black people.
For some reason I get the feeling that you believe that a White man's bullet that is shot into the head of a Black man is SUPERIOR to the bullet that is shot from a Black killer shot just the same.
Granny Standing For Truth:
I love you.
Just imagine if you were to take the words of you initial post and then make note of WHO IS PERPETUATING BLACK INFERIORITY today.
[quote]Nearly, 53,508 days, which, let me break that down again, is 146 years, 6 months, 1 day ago, black folks had to peel their lips back and show their teeth to Massa. "Yes sir massa" and "no sir massa." After slavery ended they had to deal with the Black Codes and Jim Crow where it was against the law for them to even look in a white person's face. They had to keep their head bowed down, and move aside if a white person was walking towards them headed in the opposite direction so that the white person could walk by.[/quote]
Could you read the opinion by Ruth Bader Ginsberg and document the BLACK EQUALITY that is present in her mind?
Ironically it is CLARENCE THOMAS who dares to operate with the assumption that BLACK PEOPLE ARE EQUAL UNDER THE LAW and he is going to operate upon this assumption.
Black weren't even allowed to come through whites front doors they had to go around to the back door and had to sit at the back of the bus. When black women were raped by white men, there was no law to protect them. They raped girls as young as 12 years old.[/quote]
Hey Filled Negro - did you do a post about DUNBAR VILLAGE where the 6 Black Thugs raped the Black mother and forced her at gun point to do sex acts on her own son?
I want to see if Granny expressed outrage over this situation.
Our black men and some women too were hung for sport with an all white audience taking pictures by their corpse like they do when they catch a big fish.[/quote]
Granny - Do you realize that in the present day MORE BLACK PEOPLE ARE MURDERED in a span of 2 years at present than were lynched in the entire time period of "Reconstruction" (ie: 1886) through the "Civil Rights Movement" (ie: 1967)?
How do you reconcile these points Granny?
What about THE WHITE MAN KILLING BLACK PEOPLE is SUPERIOR to when Black people kill Blacks?
Do you ever watch the show "The First 48 Hours"? Black bodies that are BURNED to cover up a crime is COMMONPLACE to-damned-day.
If we are to assume that evil, racist White people resorted to the burning of Black flesh - how do you justify when BLACK PEOPLE TODAY do the same yet it flies so far under the radar of OUTRAGE in the Black Community?
[quote] Blacks have to put up with some of the most humiliating and degrading acts ever done to a human race. Nah, we don't have to do any of those things no more.[/quote]
Granny - Have you ever watched my "What Is Making Black People Cry Today" video series that I have on my blog? It is CLEAR that the biggest agent of FEAR and TERROR upon Black people is the Black Thug.
Nevertheless, we still face discrimination on a daily even though there are superficial laws against it. It is still implied in words and actions that we're the inferior race even though we have scholars among us. We're still lumped in one big ole boat even though there are good and bad in every human race. [/quote]
Granny: Why is it that the "discrimination" by an individual White person today so much more POWERFUL today than any other insult that you can experience from any other individual?
Also, we still have to deal with police brutality, and the scales of justice are still unbalanced just for us black folks and hispanics too.[/quote]
Granny: Please meet - "Monster Kody". I assure you that during his heyday more Black people feared the BRUTALITY from HIM than from what the police could get away with with impunity:
[quote]Why do we still have black people who like to add fuel to the fire and help hold us back from progressing?[/quote]
Clarence Thomas have never killed a Black person nor assisted an innocent Black man from having justice rendered upon him.
Can you say the same about the POPULAR FIGURE named Tookie Williams who was defended by the Civil Rights Industrial Complex?
[quote] What makes a black man want to hurt the cause of black struggle and he is black himself? Doesn't he know that whatever happens to blacks will happen to him too. Because when whites get through using them to help obstruct the fight for real equality, they'll discard them!!!! Then it will be too late for them to realize the harm they've done.[/quote]
You and Filled Negro continue with THE STRUGGLE milieu even when you have favorable people running the key institutions in your community.
You need to shift from STRUGGLE to MANAGEMENT so that one day you not dealing with the basics.
Even when WHITE FOLKS MOVE OUT OF THE CITY and leave you all alone to run your own affairs they continue to be the main point of focus for the Racism Chaser. It was RACIST that they left you all by yourselves.
Constructive Feedback said...
You see the claim that RACISM STILL EXISTS and thus BLACK PEOPLE SUFFER is a FAKE TARGET!!! There is NEVER going to be a time when one race stops seeking unique advantage for his own kind.
Now brother, you've said something VERY important here!!!
I was in my late 20's when I realized that blaming racism for what Ididn't have in my life was a complete waste of time. Add to that the fact that most of my "isseus" have related far more the gender discrimination than racism.
The problem is that people looking for excuses for whay they don't have the lives they desire quickly point to racism as if that's a legitimate excuse. Even if it was, it's a demonstrated fact that common sense, hard work, and an education will trumph racism EVERY time sooner than later.
"You need to shift from STRUGGLE to MANAGEMENT so that one day you not dealing with the basics.
Even when WHITE FOLKS MOVE OUT OF THE CITY and leave you all alone to run your own affairs they continue to be the main point of focus for the Racism Chaser. It was RACIST that they left you all by yourselves."
You have a point. So what's your plan and solution to ending the struggle and stopping folks like Monster Kody and the killing of young boys in the streets? That is something that must end but neither Repubs nor Dems seem to care. And I admit the Dems give more lip service about it than anybody but the killings go on and on. So what is your solution?
The killing of our youth must stop! These are precious young lives with unconscionable thoughts and behaviors born out of desperation. They are trying to survive in a cold-hearted world that doesn't give a damn about them. If humans don't care about children, then the children won't care about humans.
[quote]That is something that must end but neither Repubs nor Dems seem to care. And I admit the Dems give more lip service about it than anybody but the killings go on and on. So what is your solution? [/quote]
You had me going dude/girl!!
I thought that I was in line with what you were saying. Then you added the line up above and you TOTALLY LOST ME!!
Why do you attempt to make the equivalence between DEMOCRAT and REPUBLICAN in reference to BLACK PEOPLE??????
BLACK PEOPLE DON'T VOTE FOR REPUBLICANS!!! Thus - what ever they are selling......the average Black AIN'T BUYING IT.
In turn - What ever the Progressive Democrats are selling to our people - is more popular than a free fish fry on a Friday night!!!
Thus why don't you place the bigger indictment upon the FORCE THAT ALREADY RUNS OUR COMMUNITY rather than the force that has been DISPOSED OF, out of the areas that WE AS BLACK PEOPLE HAVE A SAY IN WHO WILL REPRESENT OUR INSTITUTIONS?
Why are "Democrats" and "Republicans" mentioned in the same sentence in reference to the Black Community?
It is so critical for you and others to understand that I am NOT arguing "The Democrats have failed us.....let's all become REPUBLICANS".
Instead my argument is about what IS WORKING and WHAT AIN'T WORKING!!!
Please listen to the Warren Ballentine show. It is like the audio version of the "Filled Negro Blog"!!!
When it comes to Politics they are the best EVIL, RACIST REPUBLICAN BASHERS around. There are none better.
However when it comes to the "Just between us chickens" type of conversations in which they talk about the pain that is WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY - they talk about what "WE NEED TO DO AS A PEOPLE". You never, never, never hear these failings discussed in terms of "What ever we are doing in our abundance - IT AIN'T WORKING as we suspected it would. We need to pitch overboard our assumptions and start from scratch. Let's go out and figure out WHAT WORKS with other people and then model this for OUR OWN DAMNED SELVES"
NOPE you are not going to hear this.
The most frustrating part about all of this is that not only am I "one of you" - I go out of my way to OBSERVE YOU ALL!!!!
The Progressive-Fundamentalist Bigotry is so strong that even a near collapse in the key things that we struggled for in the Civil Rights Movement is enough to make some of you CHANGE:
* The violent assaults and murder of Black people
* The dysfunction of our schools
* The sustained attacks upon Black owned businesses by Pirates who live the "I Don't Give A What" life
* The Red Push Pin that too many Black communities are represented by on the map that is present in the CDC
(Hey Jody and Hator - can you both review my above post for grammatical correctness AND also point out the "Vote Republican" message that is contained within?
Thank you in advance.
I love you Granny!!!!
"Why are "Democrats" and "Republicans" mentioned in the same sentence in reference to the Black Community?"
I am a black male and I am neither Repub nor Dem. The reason Repubs and Dems are in the same sentence is because historically they have impacted the Black Community and the country. OK? Please let's not make this too hard.
The list of asterisks you mentioned I totally agree with. Most importantly, I am very concerned about the violence and wholesale killing of our children in the streets of our inner cities. The Black community cannot afford to lose so many precious lives every year.
In the past, neither Repub or Dem have done a damn thing regarding such killings and black-on-black crime. It has not mattered if Blacks were running the city or Whites. Deaths have continued to increase each year.
The Dems now have full power to provide the needed support to reduce the killing in the inner cities. At least, I hope so. No excuses this time, and I hope that Blacks will be motivated to take the necessary steps to make it happen, no matter what.
Anyway, in my original comment @5:29pm I quoted you because I agreed with you.
Granny loves you too Constructive, you and I just don't agree on some things. Now, with that out the way.
Yeah, yeah...Okay, so now, tell us your solution to the thug or domestic pirates as you called them problem. Since, in your limited vision that is only thing that concerns you and having equal rights or being discriminated against doesn't. BTW, I don't want to read no long drawn out evasive essay either today, because I have a headache; therefore, I'm not in the mood. Tell me your solution!!!!
@Constructive Feedback: "@Black Diaspora:
What about RACISM proves to be a unique threat to the livelihood of Black people in 2009 that other 'threats' are not?"
"I notice that you and other operatives seek to make everything a matter of "If RACISM is still present or not".
Let's make a deal, BD - YOU fight for the eradication of RACISM and I will fight for the eradication of MURDER AND RAPE!!!!"
I'll give you this: you're indefatigable when it comes to defending your position.
Why must it be an "either/or" proposition when it comes to "racism" vs other threats to blacks, and the black community.
I find your positions too preemptive, too narrowly defined, as though one thing can't lead to another, and do so as a causal relationship.
It seems that you're stretching to make your positions fit into some idealogical straightjacket.
Why else would you refer to me as an "operative"?
The only definition of "operative" that seems to apply to your context is this:
"One who works for a political organization, often wielding influence out of public view."
By that definition, the word could more readily apply to you, than me.
Why can't we have a conversation without you assuming that I'm doing it with a political agenda in mind.
I have none.
Your efforts to eradicate murder and rape is no less difficult, or more difficult than eliminating racism.
Frankly, I have never really understood what you're about. I get that you're a conservative, perhaps a Republican, and that it appears that you believe that the Republican party, or conservative values, is the answer to all that troubles black America.
If that's your position, I find it a naive one. And I don't say that to be mean.
I've said this elsewhere, and I'll repeat it here:
The so-called black problem is not a "black problem," it's an American problem.
The so-called black problem cannot be solved in a vacuum--solely from within the black community.
The genesis of the problem is not within the black community. It's a relational problem. It has always been, and it will always be.
And the problem will persist until we realize that it must be addressed from a holistic perspective and approach.
"The most frustrating part about all of this is that not only am I "one of you" - I go out of my way to OBSERVE YOU ALL!!!!
"The Progressive-Fundamentalist Bigotry is so strong that even a near collapse in the key things that we struggled for in the Civil Rights Movement is enough to make some of you CHANGE:"
And that's the nub of the problem: You don't come across as "one of us."
And that you "observe [us] all," is a lot like being viewed under a microscope, as something to be studied and dissected.
We're far too complex for that, and far too human for a cold, machine-like, analytical approach to understanding the black psyche.
You come across as an antagonist, a scolder, and one who is superior.
You come across as one with all the answers, rather than one who may have one part of the answer.
You come across as one who don't wish to be one of us, but one who is opposed to us.
What purpose does the term, "The Progressive-Fundamentalist Bigotry," serve?
If you wish us to give you a fair hearing, you have to stop treating us as children who don't get it, who need a parent to keep us in line.
If I were to resort to Transactional Analysis to characterize your approach, I would characterize it thusly:
Little Professor/Student
Try, instead, Adult to Adult. We'll like you more, and we may even find common ground for agreement.
I believe that your heart is in the right place--it's just that your methods are a bit rigid, and overbearing.
I'd like to hear what you have to say, but without the (what's the term these days?) "cognitive dissonance."
Black Diaspora:
We can easily test to see if you and others truly believe that it is an "American" problem based on your willingness to yield to certain suggestions that are rendered to you for your consideration. Here I am, a Black man, who is observing the negative results in SOME Black communities and the resulting grievances that are voiced by this same communities in response to this unfavorable situation. What are the chances that you are going to accept the recommendations from "greater America" when you are not even prepared to consider those coming from a person who is inside of your 'Friends and Family Plan'?
The problem, Black Diaspora, is that some people are able to articulate what "America must do for these communities" as evidence that the greater society cares about "these people". What seems to be lost in the equation is your ability to ask the question of the people in question: "What are YOU ALL willing to yield so that your entire community might benefit?" or "What are you willing to ENFORCE in the way of standards so that you can deliver more optimal results in the end?"
I am frustrated in the same sort of way that the protesters in Iran are frustrated. I believe that I have "played my part" with regards to the prevailing order within our community. I was a resident of Philadelphia when the machine that is presently in power was making their run up to POWER. What am I to do now that the "goal posts have shifted"? Their initial promise was that the schools would improve, the residential areas would become safer and more prosperous.......IF WE VOTED FOR THEM!!!
Now they are in power, just as was orchestrated yet we hear how the "Conservatives who live outside of the city's borders are responsible for the conditions WITHIN the domain that machine that is favorable now controls".
You see Black Diaspora - you and Filled Negro and others are not going to make note of the large gap between what was promised and what was delivered for your community. Instead you are going to "try harder" to insure that this ideological perspective that is represented by the machine that you supported into power is cultivated and defended - REGARDLESS of the results.
Even after leading the masses in the direction that you prescribed to them and this doesn't work out - you all are disinclined to do any fundamental inspection of your assumptions. I only wish that more of you could demand the same TRANSPARENCY for your own actions as you demand of corporations.
Damn, Dild - I go away for a few days and come back and the place is infested with berqfwerks, and querk-smucks...
And chimpanzees on the porch.
Brother man - it's time to call Terminex!
"Now they are in power, just as was orchestrated yet we hear how the "Conservatives who live outside of the city's borders are responsible for the conditions WITHIN the domain that machine that is favorable now controls"."
I agree with you again. Of course you are too paranoid to believe me. Here's the thing. Nothing is going to change in the Black Community until the thinking of our people changes. That is not going to happen anytime soon. Conservative, Liberal, Dem or Repub won't make any difference. Or haven't you noticed?
Blacks will have to suffer a lot longer and the pain must become greater before there will be any change.
I worked in Philly when Frank Rizzo mercilessly terrorized the Black Community as Police Chief, and the entire city knew about it. Nevertheless, he later became Mayor. Go figure.
Nothing has changed for Blacks in Philly since then. Nothing will 'ever' change in the Black Community there or anywhere else in America until the "minds" and hearts of Blacks change. It won't matter who is in charge of the city or community. But don't feel alone. It's a problem in Black Communities across America.
There literally has to be a shift in consciousness 'upward' before anything changes. Blacks such as yourself and others will have to wait for the birth of a stronger 'will' that is for the greater 'good' of the Black Community people before anything will change.
Right now, Blacks just aren't ready for that. There is still too much corruption and crooked thinking going on, including the so-called great thinkers on stage at SOTBU each year. Even Tavis is turning out to be a bit of a sham.
CF, pray for that 'shift' but don't stop talking to Field and Granny. I know trying to change their minds is like trying to hit the Lotto but people do win!
@Constructive Feedback: "What are the chances that you are going to accept the recommendations from "greater America" when you are not even prepared to consider those coming from a person who is inside of your 'Friends and Family Plan'?"
You keep insisting that the problem is political, and, perhaps, economic.
It is neither.
Until we can articulate the nature of the problem--define it accurately--whatever solutions that are devised will fail, whether they come from a conservative or liberal perspective.
You can't apply that which will "work," until you can accurately determine what needs "fixing," and the true nature of the perceived problem.
You want to see murder rates reduced, and so do I; you want to see a reduction in "rape," and so do I.
(Not that I see rapes occurring in alarming numbers in the black community.)
"What are the chances that you are going to accept the recommendations from "greater America" when you are not even prepared to consider those coming from a person who is inside of your 'Friends and Family Plan'?"
What you're not realizing is that "Greater America" is the problem.
We don't need to renovate the black community, we need to rehabilitate the larger society that see the problems of black America as originating from within the borders of black America--and having very little, or anything, to do with it.
When white America overcome its pathologies, then black America will be on a path to health and sanity.
You can't cast out a whole people in your midst and expect all (although some will) to behave in your best interest, or theirs.
"'What are YOU ALL willing to yield so that your entire community might benefit?" or "What are you willing to ENFORCE in the way of standards so that you can deliver more optimal results in the end?1"
Many in the black community are in "reaction mode."
Standards, as you call them, are ubiquitous. We don't need more. And the only enforcement that will ever work is--self-enforcement.
But until you give people a reason to behave appropriately--as you might define appropriate--they will continue their countercultural efforts to destroy, or minimize the influence of the larger culture, by refusing to participate in a culture, and a society that see them as disposable, and irrelevant.
"You see Black Diaspora - you and Filled Negro and others are not going to make note of the large gap between what was promised and what was delivered for your community. Instead you are going to "try harder" to insure that this ideological perspective that is represented by the machine that you supported into power is cultivated and defended - REGARDLESS of the results."
I got to believe that you're sincere in your plaint, but I have to tell you: no political party is going to deliver what it can't deliver, regardless of "idealogical perspective."
That you believe that that is so is patently obvious, and that is where you run into a stonewall on this blog: We all know the limits of government, and its ability to deliver on its promises.
The problem of the black community is a national problem. It's not a political problem. And It's a problem outside of the domain of the political sphere.
It's cultural and societal. If you define the problem, as I stated earlier, as a political one, or even an economic one, you will miss the mark when it comes to developling a solution to resolve the problem.
If it's the "liberal ideology" you keep referencing, I wish you would say so. No "ideology" will solve the problem as you have delineated it--not liberal or conservative.
And the "conservative philosophy" will merely acerbate the problem without solving it.
Black people embrace a liberal philosophy, if for no other reason than that it follows the Hippocratic oath--"To do no harm."
I know that you believe that harm is being done, nevertheless, because it perpetuates the status quo, but it is a status quo that's not made worse because of ideologies that conflict with the realities of being black in inner city communities.
"I only wish that more of you could demand the same TRANSPARENCY for your own actions as you demand of corporations."
Blacks, collectively, and individually, did not create a worldwide economic calamity, teetering on collapse.
Now, who do you think I'll demand more "transparency" from?
You appear vested in what you see as the answers to the woes of black people.
I'm not so vested. I have no ideological preoccupation. Humanism comes closest to my ideological position.
I'm invested in people, not ideology, although I depart significantly from the various outcroppings of humanistic thought.
People and life become the values that I subscribe to.
Life becomes my politics, my social conscience, and my religion.
More than anything I thrive on freedom: intellectual freedom, political freedom, and social freedom.
I abhor any restraints whatsoever. That's why I refuse to label myself, or become a adherent to any cause, position, ideology, thought, or movement.
"We can easily test to see if you and others truly believe that it is an "American" problem based on your willingness to yield to certain suggestions that are rendered to you for your consideration."
Give the "suggestions" to those who caused the problem. Because they're unwilling to change their ways (that larger society), the problems that vex the black community will continue, and without some kind of intervention by "wiser heads," unabated, ad infinitum.
[quote]Nothing is going to change in the Black Community until the thinking of our people changes. That is not going to happen anytime soon. Conservative, Liberal, Dem or Repub won't make any difference. Or haven't you noticed?[/quote]
You must understand:
Filled Negro, Granny and others are ACTIVE OPERATIVES who are working to maintain the current ENTRENCHMENT that we find ourselves in!!!!!
Let me repeat one more time what I have documented as the "Permanent Interests" of Black people regardless of their ideology or location
* Safe Communities / Justice
* Quality Education so the young people can develop skills that will lift the community
* A Thriving Local Economy so our people can trade with each other and create employment
* Healthy Lifestyles - where our choices, activities and social mores all line up to allow our people to live long, ailment-free lives.
Anon - Think about it man (or girl) - If we cannot agree to MEASURE a regime that is in control over our community on THESE KEY POINTS - what are the chances that we are going to avoid the fate that you have pointed to above?
Here is what pisses me off about Filled Negro and others: they have NO TRANSPARENCY in their dealings with the Black community!!
They have convinced themselves that the pathway to progress for our people is via their IDEOLOGY. And that their PARTY is the best instantiation of their IDEOLOGY. They are so bound (ie: sold out) that even when they have won control over all of the key institutions of the area that they live - they STILL are going to REFUSE to step away from the METHODOLOGY that they have chosen and recalibrate so that they might achieve their PERMANENT INTERESTS.
In real world terms - they are riding on a Snow Mobile which has been wildly successful in the previous portion of their journey. Now they are gunning the engine on the snow mobile despite the fact that the OCEAN THAT IS IN FRONT OF THEM is indeed made of the same H2O, but it is in a different state of matter.
Regardless how much that snow mobile sinks and the sea water corrodes the engine - they are going to TRY HARDER to get across this expanse of "thawed ice" because this is what worked previously.
Anon - the skills that a group of people needs to LIBERATE themselves from an oppressive force are VERY DIFFERENT from the skills that are necessary to insure that in the community of "Cobbs Creek Parkway and Osage Avenue" has
* Quality Schools - now that you are running the schools
* A Thriving Economy - now that 'people who look like you' must open the market place
* A Healthy Environment - with your preachers setting the tone for human interactions and the Public health practitioners realizing that "Wrap It Up" doesn't factor in on the choices that are made at 3am and the booty is laying there in front of you, the condom drawer is empty and you don't feel like driving down to the 24 Hour Pathmart.
To have Filled Negro and others redirect attention away from the people who now are in control of these KEY INSTITUTIONS is a violation and perversion of all MANAGEMENT THEORIES for implementing effective CHANGE.
We have too many Bothers and Sisters who are business managers and who hold MBAs to allow such a hijacking to continue all based on HOPE.
[quote]I wish you would say so. No "ideology" will solve the problem as you have delineated it--not liberal or conservative.[/quote]
Black Diaspora:
I would be thrilled if I heard you say this, during an unprompted occasion, to the individuals who promote this very thing while cleaving to the prevailing ideology that is within our community.
[quote]Black people embrace a liberal philosophy, if for no other reason than that it follows the Hippocratic oath--"To do no harm."[/quote]
See my comments above to Anon.
You are missing the key factor of a CHANGE IN INTERVALS that we are now in.
When I am being oppressed with "No rights that a White man need respect" - you are damned skippy that I need to find a LIBERAL LEADER who can impress upon the intransigent greater authority to remove his foot from my neck.
When I RUN THE LOCAL ECONOMY per my population totals, the presence of people who are favorable to me in elective office - there must be a shift from "liberating what was previously immutable" over to you putting together a system that can produce a quality standard of living for the people in your FRIENDS AND FAMILY CALLING CIRCLE
Your reference to the GLOBAL SYSTEM
is the same kind of "Windmill Chasing" that I called Granny out for.
Its not that you totally reject the current Global System of economics. The problem is that YOU are not willing to have your standard of living degrade to that of those who are not participants in this system today.
Constructive Feedback, everything you have said is clear as a bell. I hope Granny, BD and Filled Negro? will finally come to their senses and climb aboard with you. You make a lot of sense and it would be foolish for them to try and refute you.
You are right. Their old snowmobile once worked a long time ago on snow, but it doesn't work so well in today's waters. I hope they begin to realize that. Especially Granny because until she understands you, she won't live up to her full name. Besides, she is too old to be screwing around in deep waters with a snowmobile.
BTW, who is Filled Negro?
@Anonf 7:59: "You [Constructive Feedback] make a lot of sense and it would be foolish for them to try and refute you."
Yeah: It would be foolish....
@CF: "The problem is that YOU are not willing to have your standard of living degrade to that of those who are not participants in this system today."
My standard of living, compared to most whites, have been "degraded" most of my life.
So that's no problem.
But why should I degrade mine further. Why not upgrade all "participants in this system today."
Wouldn't that make more sense?!
LOL! Now, don't that beat all, me an operative. I got to give it to you. That's a good one. I've been labeled many things by people who think they can define me, however, operative takes the cake. I'm just an ordinary citizen, a female, a mother, a grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt, sister-in-law, and a cousin that believes in what is right, just, and fair who has an opinion just like every other citizen in this USA, including you. In church circles they would call me one sent, the messenger, seer, etc., and if those things mean operative in your mind, then so be it. Field is an attorney and I can vouch for that because one of my relative's husband who was a judge knows him. Yup!
Now, I was always under the impression that an operative was a secret agent, spy, someone employed by the government to infilitrate certain organizations. None of those apply to me or Field for that fact. However, you can believe what you want to believe, no skin off my back. But you being a Christian, you do know that you shouldn't falsely accuse folks, right? I've never said that I believe that you are the one that is an operative. Nope, never did I do that. Oh, I do know that there are some operatives that post on blogs too. However, granny is not one of them.
Safe communites and Justice, I, definitely, believe in that.
Quality education, I believe in that too
A thriving local economy, I believe in that too.
Healthy lifestyle, I believe in that too. Yes, I truly believe in every single one of those and most of all I believe in a level playing field and not the crumbs or leftovers in those areas. In addition, I truly believe in equal meaning equal and not just superficial equal.
Okay, now, you still have as you always do skated around telling me what your solution to the problems are and until you can do that, this playing cat and mouse games your playing don't phase me one bit. Tell me what your solutions are not what you believe in or desire or would like to see happen but your SOLUTION!!!. Solution= The method or process of solving a problem.
BTW, I cosign with Black Diaspora too.
BTW, I am signing offline. I have some important things to do and might not make it back tonight, but I will try to check for your answer or rather your solutions first thing in the morning.
If I could get you all to DEMAND a clear framework for SOLUTIONS from people BEFORE you give them your vote I would see myself as having been successful at my mission. I told you that my mission IS NOT to promote the Republican Party to Black folks. I AM NOT A REPUBLICAN. My goal is to PUSH THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OUT OF THE RACIAL NUCLEUS OF BLACK FOLKS. When them at the periphery they should be made to FIGHT FOR OUR LOYALTIES by not only SUGGESTING SOLUTIONS that are favorable to the Black masses but instead to PROVE via evidence on the street that WHAT THEY HAVE IMPLEMENTED HAS WORKED EFFECTIVELY.
(Do you agree that THIS IS ONE ELEMENT of the SOLUTION, Granny?)
I just suggested a management construct for you and others to follow.
Secondly - Do not ever allow a person who has PROMISED YOU SOMETHING and fallen short to get away with doing so only to come back around and ask you for more of your support. YOU CANNOT want HIM to win so badly that you agree to look past what he has sold you upon before only to tune your emotions toward his future victory as a means of papering over the past. Females - how many of you learned this fact the hard way from dealing with brothers?
(sorry for the capitalization Hator)
Constructive Feedback,
Your suggested solution is exactly what I have thought about for some time. However, I am willing to bet that despite the solution you have offered, those who are prejudiced against you will not acknowledge your solution, or discuss it in any constructive or meaningful way with you. They voted for Obama; are wedded to the Democratic party, and that is the end of it.
As I have said before, until Blacks change their pattern of thinking, acceptance of new ideas is not possible. They will continue to be led by the Democrats and the Liberals, even though historically the party has clearly proven that it cares no more about them than the Republicans. It's delusional thinking to pretend as though the Dems have the interests of Blacks at heart.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."-MLK
There just doesn't seem to be any will or courage in Blacks to stand up for their own cause. Yet, we foolishly think and behave as if we will survive anything without doing much of anything.
"If a man hasn't discovered something he would die for, he isn't fit to live." MLK
I have no idea where the Black race is going but it doesn't look good.
"I have no idea where the Black race is going but it doesn't look good."
We'll be fine, as will you....
BD-"We'll be fine, as will you...."
Thanks BD. It's always good to hear words of encouragement.
Where have you been?
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