I am over Skip Gates and his Cambridge beat down. I am going to take his advice and move on.
(That is, of course, until I hear the tapes that the Cambridge Solicitor's office is holding. Then we might have to revisit this bad boy.)
Still, given the tone of this debate, and the state of race relations in our beloved country, I find myself wanting to contribute to the dialogue and debate in a less emotional and passionate manner. I want to approach this race issue like an academic (kind of like Skip probably does) and try to understand the position of the folks in the majority population (as well as the black ones who side with them) who do not share my views.
Now living on the East Coast among a large cross section of non WASP whites, I hear this a lot: "I did not own slaves, I wish blacks in this country would just move on and stop playing the victim role. So they were slaves. The Irish were slaves, too, but you don't hear us bitching about it and making excuses." Or, "blacks are always playing the race card. Hell I am an Italian guy from South Philly, who likes to wear nice clothes and drive a nice car, and cops are always stopping me in my nice car, thinking I am a mobster or something." Or, "look at the Jews, they suffered, but look how much they have achieved. That is because they understand the value of a good education." Or, "before blacks start blaming whitey for everything, they should check their own neighborhoods. Blacks are killing other blacks in much greater numbers than whitey ever could." How am I doing?
And then there are the conservative blacks and right wing intellectuals. The folks who feel that the country white A-merry-cans built is under attack, and that the black victim card and the black animus for white institutions and white authority has been way over played. I will give you a little of that straight from the elephant's mouth. This is Elizabeth Wright, tearing down Debra Dickerson's book, The End Of Blackness: (Ironically, a book that is pretty much telling black folks to let go of the baggage of the past and move on)
"From the promotion of this book and from the first few pages of its Introduction, a reader comes to Debra Dickerson's The End of Blackness, expecting something other than an extensive catalogue of the sins and moral failings of whites. The author does get around to the book's supposed premise, which is a call to blacks to free themselves from obsession with past grievances and take responsibility for the choices and decisions they make, but not before she engages in a considerable amount of verbiage aimed at whites and their past crimes and present incivilities.
We first get, of course, a tour of the old horror stories of bigotry -- Emmett Till's murder, the duplicitous Tuskegee "experiment," Rosa Parks' humiliation, and so on. Then come the generalizations about whites, along with some peculiar contradictions. Whites refuse to accept the "full dimensions" of their wicked past. Whites subsist only on their "windfall of skin privilege," an implication that individual whites have achieved little through their own efforts. Whites believe so much in "their own infallibility," that when blacks fail to fit certain stereotypes, whites have to "build their own Frankensteins to fear and loathe." And this is why elderly white ladies clutch their purses at the sight of a black man, and why whites "tremble" when finding themselves in all-black settings.
She talks authoritatively about "white supremacy," which, apparently, like the term "racism," has been defined downward. In Dickerson's world, just about any behavior on the part of a white, that lacks at least some deference to the sensibilities of blacks, can get him slapped with the "white supremacist" label.
She saves her most accusative tone for white men, who are depicted as unreasonable belligerents, who stubbornly continue to resist sharing their piece of the pie with blacks -- an indication, somehow, of "masculinity" problems. She quotes a writer, referencing sports, with whom she agrees, who claims that black men have taken over the "symbols of manliness." To this, Dickerson observes that as long as black masculinity was kept "under lock and key," the "myth of white superiority" could prevail. "Why can't Walter Mitty identify with Walter Payton?" she asks.
As usual, this interplay between groups is not described in terms of the universal contest for power that exists wherever groups interact, but instead is interpreted as further proof of unique white malevolence. Why it would be normal behavior for any group of men, who have been dominant in their society, to allow themselves voluntarily to be displaced, is never a subject for discussion by such arbiters of castration politics.
Her depictions of the unyielding, recalcitrant white, who struts around like a know-it-all, egotistical peacock, had me wondering if she is paying attention to what's really happening in this society, or if her antenna is picking up signals from a distant era. Where are these preening whites, who are "insulated by privilege" from the problems of blacks and "simply choose not to know?" Is there really anywhere in this society where one can escape the relentless telling and retelling of the story of slavery, Jim Crow, lynchings, and colored water fountains? Set upon with the type of charges made by people like Dickerson, and eager to comply with the rules of the race game, most whites strive to keep their heads below the radar, so as not to be slammed with the potentially ruinous accusation of "racist" -- the ultimate smear of smears. "
Now the tragedy of Ms. Wright's critique is that she approaches the subject of race in A-merry-ca like people in the majority would. (Oh, did I mention that Ms. Wright is black? Yes, and girlfriend might have some issues. But I digress. I am trying to be nice tonight.) Trying to judge the black experience and the complexities of the black race as if it all just started 10 years ago. That is impossible. It has to be judged in the context of the entire history of black people in this country. It has to take into effect that history's effect on our psyche, our families, our work ethic, and our mental state. This did not happen over night. Many of the experiences black people are going through today is a direct result of that history. ---And yes, the institutions that made this country---- Ms. Wright seems to be arguing that white men should not be ashamed of this country's history and should not be ashamed for wanting to hold on to power. Fine. But if that's the case, her position is not logically consistent, because to hold on to power one has to do things that would hurt those who are seeking to get some of it.
But let me go back to the start of my post and my non WASP white friends: I have said this before, and believe me I am getting tired of saying it. But it goes to the heart of this debate. Whether you are Irish, Polish,Italian, Jewish, German, and....whatever. You can walk into a room filled with similar people and no one would know it. Why? Because you look just like they do. If you are black, on the other hand, (even if you look like Skippy Gates) you can't hide. Your blackness comes before you. Before you say a word the color of your skin says it for you. And everyone in that group assumes whatever about you based on a life time of prejudices and experiences. That doesn't happen to the folks in the majority population, it just doesn't. That is why when people in the majority population give you the my ancestors came to this country argument you have to just laugh it off. Because their ancestors had the privilege of white skin. Something that they could not have survived without or could have imagined living without. Remember that old Chris Rock joke? About the white guy not trading places with him, and he is rich? "Sorry Chris, I think I will stick this white thing out." Yeah it was kind of like that in A-merry-ca.
Wright ends her article by talking about a man I have met and admire, Kenny Gamble. You know the conservative speech by now: How he pulled himself up by his "bootstraps," and blah blah blah. (As if every black man and woman in these divided states who happens to be alive as I write this damn post didn't pull him or herself up by their bootstrap. Nigger please! ) What she failed to mention is the many obstacles Gamble faced along the way because he is black. Now that he has persevered and reached the pinnacle of financial independence, he is to somehow be thankful for something special A-merry-ca gave him? What about the thousands like him who failed because A-merry-ca wasn't so giving because of how they looked or where they came from? Here is a news flash for you Elizabeth: If it wasn't for his music Kenny Gamble wouldn't have had the financial resources to buy up all that land in South Philly. So let's not go making his story one of those "all you have to do is work hard" one just yet.
Wright wants to know if there is anywhere in society we can go without hearing about "Jim Crow, lynchings, and colored water fountains". (She can't be serious.) She suggests that Dickerson must be picking up signals from a "distant era". But Ms. Wright would be well served to listen again. I would suggest that it is her antennas that's picking up those signals. And sadly, I think she wants to go back there.
Anyway, this post was kind of long, so I apologize. But I think it's appropriate, because it's been a long week.
My white friends, I am waiting to hear from you.
1 – 200 of 244 Newer› Newest»Great post FN. I think we all need the perspective considering the recent events.
Btw, Debra Dickerson and Skip Gates have something in common. I'll let someone guess what that thing is. And it's not their education.
Field, your words are eloquent, and I thank you for them.
I'd like to count myself among your white friends, and I think you're speaking the real, sad truth.
I'm working here on my end, trying to educate the young here in whiter-than-white Utah (not as white as we used to be, thankfully), but I've got a little shovel and it's a big damn hole.
"Is the flag of Puerto Rico to be granted more protection than the indigenous Confederate flag?"
"A common belief among many blacks is that civil rights pertain only to them. It is considered acceptable for me, a black woman, to celebrate May 19, the birthday of Malcolm X, yet a white who reveres Jefferson Davis is expected to hide his reverence in a closet."
"One would think that, of all groups, blacks would be the last to pick other people's heroes for them."
I thought I was high when I read Ms. Wright's stuff.Some of us need to get her bus fare and drop her off at a Klan meeting.She can then explain her theories to the fellas while they find the appropriate neck tie for her.That CATO institute pays those sell-outs good.
I'm not sure just what it is you're asking of white folks here, Field, but I can tell you that Ms. Wright sounds like a LOT of clueless white folks I know. For what it's worth, I usually pop some spinach, pull up my bootstraps, and try to set them straight. After, that is, I've taken my vitamins in the form of reading your blog (and others like it).
I think a lot of people you might consider "white allies" are reading here, even if they don't jump into the comments much. Thanks for putting your stuff out there for all to consider, and be fortified by.
For a lot of white folks, white privilege is invisible. I'm Italian-American and Jewish, and when I broach this issue with family or white friends, they get very defensive and say something along the lines of "What privilege? No one has ever given me anything! I've worked for everything I have!"
They simply don't get how many opportunities they've had as a result of white privilege. I think we need to talk more, not less, about the whole, true history in this country re: slavery and Jim Crow. To quote Faulkner: "The past isn't dead. It isn't even past."
So many people just don't get it! You can't escape your Blackness. It follows you everywhere. That core fact is what people that aren't Black don't get-there's never a chance that you can let your guard down; go on your skills or merit or education. You are Black. As soon as that is evident you are for the most part judged on color and that alone.
It may not be fair, it may not be right, but one thing is for sure it certainly is!
Field, did you read Charles Blow's latest NYT column? Required reading, my friend. It made me think of my own DWB incident nearly twenty years ago in a place whose racial makeup at the time was 96% Caucasian.
I'm mad because the cop didn't see Skip Gates as a Harvard professor and only saw the color of his skin when he entered his home. Let's be real. White people never, ever have to worry about flashing the cops their ID in the privacy of their own homes.
My thing is this: why can't we just accept each other's differences and respect each other's humanity? Why can't I just take pride in my African American heritage and white folks not be threatened by it? Why must I assimilate and adopt into the Eurocentric mindset in order to be respected as a human being? Why are whites threatned by ones pride in their black heritage? Why can't we all just be different and just respect each other's humanity without having to be so adoring of the Eurocentric mindset in order to be respected?
Field, White people don't want to have an open honest dialogue on race...some refuse to acknowledge that is racism exist, so how can we make inroads. The only way we can truely work towards a "postracial" america is they come to the table with understanding and empathy for what blacks have endured in america....
Well as long as whites control everything they don't have to dialog about race, what's "unfair" or being nice. Life isn't fair. If blacks weren't expending so much energy on emotional responses and symbolic gestures and temporary pay-offs as well as focusing on injustices that happen to black men who hit the wall of white male hierarchy perhaps more of us could band together. Between the skin shade discrimination, sexism against black women and rampant "discomfort" with homosexuals and clinging to false totems there's nothing left. No organizing, no long term plans, no strategies. People can no longer pretend that 30% marriage rate, 70%+ never-married rate for black women, the 80% out of wedlock birth rate don't negatively impact the entire collective. People are ashamed to be black oftentimes. Where's the ethnic pride amongst African-Americans?
"My aim is not to provide excuses for black behavior or to absolve blacks of personal responsibility. But when the new black conservatives accent black behavior and responsibility in such a way that the cultural realities of black people are ignored, they are playing a deceptive and dangerous intellectual game with the lives and fortunes of disadvantaged people. We indeed must criticize and condemn immoral acts of black people, but we must do so cognizant of the circumstances into which people are born and under which they live. By overlooking these circumstances, the new black conservatives fall into the trap of blaming black poor people for their predicament. It is imperative to steer a course between the Scylla of environmental determinism and the Charybdis of a blaming-the-victims perspective." - Dr. Cornel West
they both have white spouses.
Don't acted shocked,y'all....
"Where are these preening whites, who are 'insulated by privilege' from the problems of blacks and 'simply choose not to know?'"
They're signing the paychecks of handkercheif heads like "Elizabeth Wright", that's where.
Privilege is the optive word because how you get to the pinnacle is not through meritocracy in this country, in fact it is the exception to the rule. I suggest the book "Outliers" by Malcolm Galdwell, but I'm digressing. Alexander Hamilton was not allowed to become President because he was foreign born despite the fact that he waas responsible for getting the country out of debt, creating a national bank, and a founding father. Hamilton was an outlier, but would never be accepted into the privilege class because he was a bastard. Talent alone will not be enough and having opportunities and networking gets you through the door.
Most people have an illusion about privilege because it is only for the few and think they are getting in, but 99.9999999999% are not allowed into the privilege class. I am listening to CNN, and Tim Wise just that white people only have the privilege of not knowing the black and brown experience. People go by their experiences, and do not think about experiences of others. So we create different preceptions and reality. That reminds me of the show House when he says everyone lies, and that is so true. There are varying degrees to which we lie, but we do. Our preception is our reality, but is it true is a question we need to ask ourselves because it is at the heart of having an honest discussion about race. I took courses in conflict resolution and it still is not easy for as that pesky human nature gets in way. I did not mean to get philosophical, but is something to think about.
There will not be a race dialogue until whites stop being the majority. As the nation becomes more "brown", and the minority groups grow, (Hispanics are the largest minority group now), things may change. But waiting for that to happen would be stupid. What we need to do instead, is make education an underlying theme in our communities. Instead of parents hoping for their kids to become to next Beyonce or Michael Jordan, they nurture them into becoming brilliant surgeons, astronauts and scientists. If we start funneling our efforts into producing educated, professional adults, something will give. We'll start controlling more things and command respect, or at the very least, saturate those fields. With some power, we'll have more of a say in what's going on.
"Between the skin shade discrimination, sexism against black women and rampant "discomfort" with homosexuals and clinging to false totems there's nothing left. No organizing, no long term plans, no strategies. People can no longer pretend that 30% marriage rate, 70%+ never-married rate for black women, the 80% out of wedlock birth rate don't negatively impact the entire collective. People are ashamed to be black oftentimes. Where's the ethnic pride amongst African-Americans?"
But aren't a lot of those problems you mention a result of some of the baggage we carry? It's looking like a classic "what came first, the chicken or the egg", question.
Anon.10:21P. I somewhat agree with you. But for those who are coming to the table and trying, (like those here, [Race Traitoress amd Tamara]) let's open up with each other and see where we can find some common ground.
Monie, you are just bad.:)
R.J., can you give me a link to that article? I didn't see it.
macon d, to be honest, I am not sure either.
I am a black 42 year old man who makes a very good living. I own my home and my vehicle is paid for. I attempt to keep myself very well groomed at all times and even on weekends while out shopping I wear something a little more than casual attire. The majority of stores I enter, security is on my heels. When I move, they move. I can't enjoy my shopping experience for being shadowed simply because the store owners and security think that every black person (no matter how well dressed) is going to shoplift. I have observed whites patronizing the same stores that I do carefree, able to walk down whatever aisle they wish without being tracked down by security and scrutinized. That, people, is a prime example of white priviledge. No wonder people that are white think that racism has been eradicated in America....they don't have to experience it on something as simple as a shopping trip like I do.
"..What we need to do instead, is make education an underlying theme in our communities. Instead of parents hoping for their kids to become to next Beyonce or Michael Jordan, they nurture them into becoming brilliant surgeons, astronauts and scientists. If we start funneling our efforts into producing educated, professional adults, something will give. We'll start controlling more things and command respect, or at the very least, saturate those fields. With some power, we'll have more of a say in what's going on."
Lady M, that's a great point. You know how I feel about education; it is KEY.
"They're signing the paychecks of handkercheif heads like "Elizabeth Wright", that's where."
hennasplace,that was deep.
Ding, ding, ding! Lol
I just received Outliers in the mail today. I can't wait to read it.
TOMS always revel in their ability to defend white oppression and racial injustice in general.
Ms. Wright's flawed logic sounds very familiar as I have heard similar comments all of my life from TOM-ass blacks in my community.
The crazy thing about these people is that they actually believe that they possess a unique and special talent in defending white racists and oppressors in these situations.
Something in their warped little minds allows them to believe that by TOMMING, they are able to state their own independence from the large dark mass of all other blacks.
The irony lies in the fact that a TOM's black skin color is what holds value for the white racist looking to make his/her point.
A white racist looking to defend his/her self against charges of racism can use a black TOM to make statements that infer that " I'm no racist and I have a black friend who will concur".
Rush Limbaugh used this technique a couple of years ago when he was bragging about hanging out with Jimmie "JJ" Walker and Clarence Thomas.
The very thing that the TOM wishes to ditch (blackness), is what the white racist values in order to accomplish his/her objective point.
There are two other things that I have noticed about TOMS. One thing is that they do not like other TOMS very much. It as if they are shooting to be the #1 TOM and loathe competition (Get away from MY massa Nigga!!!!)....that type of shit.
The other thing is that TOMS will almost always use anti-white derogatory, racist language when in the presence of several other blacks and no whites present.
It as if TOMS have an extreme need to overcompensate for their TOMISM. I would bet money that Michael Steele and Ron Christie have told there fair share of "cracker" jokes while no whites were around.
Ha, Ha, Gates is so proud of his white "slave master" ancestry. But I guess he learned that at the end of the day, that it doesn't matter whether your wife is white, or whether you have an ounce of the slave master's white blood you're still just another "nigger" to the white man as long as your skin is brown and your hair is nappy.
Whenever black folks forget, white folks usually throw them a reality check to help them remember that they will always be thought of as "Just another nigger!"
Gates just got the OJ Simpson "wake up call & reality check."
I'm glad to see the professor has realized his mistake and is taking actions to correct it.
I just wonder if he will at some point find it in him to put his ego to the side and admit that he escalated the situation beyond where it should have gone and make a full apology.
It's an interesting and good read. You should check out some of his articles in the New Yorker.
Racism benefits Whites. It identifies them as special. Unless they are having a "burning bush" revelation, I am certain that they are not interested in having a dialogue about giving up their special white privileges for the sake of fairness. Have you heard much clamoring from Whites for a national discussion about race? You can take their silence as your answer. Chances are, it's not going to ever happen.
If Whites were concerned about eradicating racism, there would be a national discussion going on right now to end it.
Do black folk really want to open and honest discussions about race???
Hell to the naw.
What black folk on the left want is to tell whitey what it is and let dat be dat.
If whitey don't agree with your points than you ready to throw dat race card down.
Ya'll just pissed that only works on guilty white liberals.
Its time for ya'll to shut the race industry down.{Jesse and Al done gots their coin}
Its time fo ya'll to take that leash off and stop letting Democrats and their uncle tom negros lead ya'll around like dogs.
Be independent thinkers for once in ya'll is life.
Than we can take about ya'll getti g some of that pie that only white folk can eat.I bet that uncle tom in the Whitehouse is having a piece of that pie tonight....
Hell if ya'll act right we might give ya'll some of our white folk medicine.
Wouldn't be nice if ya'll didn't have to worry about that Sickle cell gene no mo?
Wouldn't it be nice if the HIV rates were lower in ya'll is community so ya'll can get ya'll is freak on more?
Just free your minds my black bruthas and sistas.
I was able to make a bit of progress today with some casually racist white libertarians by pointing out that most of them have argued to me in a completely different context that they would be 100% justified in shooting dead anyone who broke into their home. I posited a scenario in which Crowley said "anyone here?" having entered Gates' house through the front while Gates was entering through the back and was drawing breath to say "police" when Gates shot him. So, I asked them, how can it be ok at time+1 to have a lawful resident and a dead cop and it not be ok at time+1 to have a lawful resident and a cop who got yelled at? Most of these guys -- and they're all guys -- are from the West and have had very little experience with/exposure to any non-white people. Me? white, 53, female and a native of DC. It seemed to make a dent anyway, but it always feels like emptying the ocean with a bucket and I'm not done with my own work by any means. I'm pissed -- at the universe, not anyone in particular -- that this mess got in the way of the essential debate on health care reform, but I've reminded myself daily that I also believe that figuring out race *and class* are the essential moral tasks assigned to the human beings on the planet living now and I do think Obama is right about this having been a teachable moment.
Blacks achieving will have nothing to do with the end of racism. If that had been so Jim Crow would have never been the law of the south. One has to remember that most of the skills on the plantation were done by Blacks and even on the loading docks of New York. After slavery, when a wage was to be paid, most of those jobs went to white folks. I came from a family who almost had no close members, who didn't go to college. That still did not make us free. The thing about liberty, is that it is not dependent upon ones status or achievements, it is an unalienable right. I have a right to be treated as another human being.
The discussion of blacks pulling themselves up by their bootstaps has no place in the discussion of racism.
Yeah I've read some of those pieces. I found the links through his website.
I'd love it if Mr. Gladwell had a talk show on PBS on NPR. That would be great.
You know I love you & Nothing is ever gonna change about that!:) But you're breaking my heart into a thousand pieces. It's that pic on your side-bar...My President, My Hero... My Boo :)
Please give it back, Sweetie!
I'm a 55 year-old white guy teaching at a 98% white college in Kentucky. The main rationalization I hear from white students is the idea that everybody is an individual and that no one should "see" race anymore. I try different ways to challenge this every semester. Right now, I get students to focus on how Appalachians are seen and the extent to which Appalachians are seen as "not white." I also using Spike Lee's Bamboozled as a discussion source.
Justice 58,
I join you in asking for the President's picture to be restored. It should have never been removed in the first place.
Field, this is ridiculous! You must have had a bad week.
MR.R said...
Do black folk really want to open and honest discussions about race???
Hell to the naw.
What black folk on the left want is to tell whitey what it is and let dat be dat.
If whitey don't agree with your points than you ready to throw dat race card down.
Ya'll just pissed that only works on guilty white liberals.
Its time for ya'll to shut the race industry down.{Jesse and Al done gots their coin}
Its time fo ya'll to take that leash off and stop letting Democrats and their uncle tom negros lead ya'll around like dogs.
Be independent thinkers for once in ya'll is life.
Than we can take about ya'll getti g some of that pie that only white folk can eat.I bet that uncle tom in the Whitehouse is having a piece of that pie tonight....
Hell if ya'll act right we might give ya'll some of our white folk medicine.
Wouldn't be nice if ya'll didn't have to worry about that Sickle cell gene no mo?
Wouldn't it be nice if the HIV rates were lower in ya'll is community so ya'll can get ya'll is freak on more?
Just free your minds my black bruthas and sistas.
12:04 AM
"No more water, the fire next time"-James Baldwin.Is that what it fucking takes? You run aaround and kill a black cop in a museum and John Gibson says that since we have a black President , racism is over, end of discussion.Well it's still here.We can play around with this bullshit or solve the problem. Black people have been really fucking patient. Whites have been killing up a storm.Neo-con have gone buck-wild.Three cops in Pittsburgh, but police in Boston want a apology.Go take your ass to Glen Beck and then we can talk.Wingnuts anr going to kill more people, and Klannity, O'Liely, and Beck will give more hits for their sheeple to kill.Why don't Secret Service throw the neo-cons in supermax,now.
MR.R said...
Its time for ya'll to shut the race industry down.{Jesse and Al done gots their coin}
You mean the one where Sean Klannity, Bill Oreilly, and Limbaugh pimp poor white off of. When blacks are harmed who the fuck should we call , neo-cons? How many blacks have Oreilly helped? You neo-cons are a bunch of greedy sorry ass bastards.Post-racial my fucking ass.
I seriously think you want to start a riot so you can kill some of us off. The rude fucking comments from Rat Buchanan telling black people this is white man country go fuck off N****r.The neo-con want blood and mayhem in the streets. Now the right have stuck their middle finger at Hispanics, you want them to go buck wild too.It called eugenics, it won't work this time.
Brother Field.....I am confused. When in our legal system there is a "do over"? If the poliemen were right in their arrest; how can they and not a court or magistrate take back the arrest. If Mr. Gates status warrented a "do over"' think how many other "do overs" are done on a daily basis. I am from the school of waitng until the final whistle before we celebrate. Brother Obama is a prime example of how in America we never have a sense of being in parity with White America. That was painful to see the "so called" most powerful man onj planent Earth having to back-pedal after he spoke from the gut. Oh well I will keep on looking for that day when a Black man can speak how he truly feels and not have to worry about offending people with "the truth". HIS FEELINGS. PS I do enjoy how you stick to your guns.
White Lamentation: "I did not own slaves, I wish blacks in this country would just move on and stop playing the victim role."
You didn't have to own slaves to benefit from a system that exploited the free labor of blacks for gain, and, once freed, held back, so that future generations of whites wouldn't have to compete with them.
You don't have to discriminate against a people to be direct recipients of benefits that came to you because others discriminated on your behalf.
You don't have to care that Ellis Island was set up so that blacks wouldn't inherit the monetary benefits that come with providing skill labor to society, when it could be imported from Europe under the scheme, "America for whites."
Here's how it works:
Enslave a people for hundreds of years, and then turn them out so that they must fend for themselves,
and make sure that they don't have the means to advance.
Make sure that their schools are inferior, and their education substandard.
Make sure they're given the worse jobs the country has to offer, without hope of advancing, and fire them on the spot during hard times, or when whites are desirous of their jobs.
There are others!
And I've noticed that Jews haven't moved on. Perhaps there are some Jews that condemn the "remembrance" aspect of their holocaust, but I haven't heard from them.
But I have heard from some blacks and many whites that say, "Get over it, black America. Move on."
And I take that to mean: Stop acknowledging racism. We, whites, wish to exercise it with impunity. And if we scream loud enough, and embarrass you long enough, by crying "reverse-racism," and calling you racist, you'll cease and desist, and we can continue on our merry way."
Well, if that's your intention, and I suspect, in many cases, it is: I say, No.
Whites created this "racism monster," we didn't. And, as I've said before, I won't carry the burden of overcoming, destroying, or quietly coping with, what you have created.
And if that's your hope, well, I'm afraid that hope is misplaced: I'm just not sorry for your plight, your eagerness for us to move on, your desire not to hear about it any longer--not to have it pointed out, talked about, and your nose rubbed in it--when I suspect it has reared its ugly head.
I agree with Nora Carrington who mentioned above that Obama wanted this be a "teachable moment"
I have read your blog daily since reading about your space in the L.A. TIMES online and have learned so many things from your site and your links in your essays and always enjoy the snappy comments by so many of your readers.
I had never heard of Ms. Wright or Debra Dickerson's book. Both stories sound unbelievable but with the links I find that there are so many opinions in America that don't make sense to me.
I am in the minority here in Hawaii and called a haole. The largest ethnic group here, about 40% ofstate's population, are of Asian background. Over 20% are of two different ethnicities which will only grow in the future.
There are so many serious problems that our country is facing, the last week's news has been taken over by this story. How does that make those people who lost people in our two wars this past week feel?
Sorry for the length of my comment.
Word verification=luckled
How do you do that?
p.s. If Obama has some luck, you will restore his status soon.
Why do you even bother with that moron? Scrape that filth from under your shoe!
In case R.J. doesn't read your question about the link to Charles Blow's article, I think it is this one:
Aloha from Makaii
Racism is your burden. Not mine. You must convince me that it's dead, that it didn't apply in a particular situation, that what I'm seeing is something that could have happened to anyone--black or white.
I won't relieve you of that burden, so don't even ask! How else are you going to rid yourselves of this scourge?
Certainly not by pretending that it doesn't exist, and certainly not by telling me to ignore it: trying to convince me that what I'm seeing is not what I'm seeing.
"That wasn't racism, that was just your overactive imagination, that was just your supersensitivity at play, and nothing else."
Perhaps. But you, and not me, are going to be the one to prove that it's not.
After what I've endured in this country at the hands of racism, and what those before me have endured, I'm owed that, whether you think I am or not.
And about me being a "victim of racism," well, you're many years too late.
That horse is already out of the barn.
The wonder: How patient blacks have been. Blacks have been extraordinarily patient with you, waiting for you to catch up, to get over yourselves and your racist tendencies--some blacks even internalizing your hatred, to give you that chance; turning on their own people, in a kind of self-immolating frenzy, to give you that chance; embracing all things white, until they choked on it, and yelled back, "We're black and we're proud," to give you that chance.
And what have you done with those chances? You have thrown them back into our faces, telling us "to get over it, and stop playing the race card."
I'll get over it when you start playing with a full deck (both meanings implied), with a new deck, and devise a game that's fair, that takes into account that the game was never played fairly, and that to stack the deck all those years may have allowed you to win, but it came with a price (our perpetual carping about racism).
But you don't want to pay the price. You're sore losers, especially now that we don't wish to play the game the way it's always been played.
And to some of my conservative brethren, and sisters: I'm sorry that my continued focus on racism upsets you, causes you embarrassment, or gives you a sour belly when you think it's being used to advance a particular political agenda, or party, or philosophy, so that said party can stay in power, and the Reverends Incorporated can continue to exploit make-believe racist issues for their own self-aggrandizement.
I'm sorry I tell you...well, Not!
There are many articles on "white privilege" that I like. Here's one. White Privilege: I benefit. Do you? The posts are equally entertaining, and should be read along with the article, if you choose to follow the link.
Just got back in-country last night and was catching up on the news when the Gates story caught me in a real WTF moment.
For those confused on the concept of white privilege,here is a short primer. Should I be caught acting like a dickhead, the matter is likely to be considered individually. There may be some reference to my Irish heritage but, in general, Caucasians collectively are not going to have to bear the burden of my bad behaviour.
Should I have a bit more melanin then the the situation changes. My behaviour becomes a matter of community concern and an example of group behaviour, rather than that of an individual. My white skin, at least initially, gives me the privilege of being treated as an individual.
I'm not saying that Gates did anything wrong, far from it. I'm guessing that if Gates were an old white guy rather than an old black guy this story would be totally different, if it was even a story at all. However, since I have been absent for most of the discussion, I'm sure my comments have been made by others and are redundant.
I am white, and this is the first time I've been to this site.
After reading these comments, as well as the post, I have to say that blacks and whites don't speak the same language at all.
So because I have white skin and supposedly benefit from it, it is my DUTY to somehow atone for the past, which I did nothing to create?
And I perpetuate these injustices just by existing, just by going about my business without, somehow (and no one here has said how I should do this), changing the system, whatever that means?
Look. I'm not racist. Though I'm sure I'll be accused of otherwise. I know racism is real in America. You guys walk around and are judged by your skin color by lots of white (and brown and yellow) people.
But what do you want ME to do? What exactly CAN I do? You say I'm a beneficiary of this so-called white privilege, but to me I'm just a dude in a world that seems remarkably indifferent to my "privileged" self, trying to make a dollar.
Yeah, there's racism alive and well in America. But lots of YOU like wearing the victimhood badge alot because it is YOUR source of power over me. And as long as this impasse exists, you and me will never be able to fix this problem, black President or no.
"Yeah, there's racism alive and well in America. But lots of YOU like wearing the victimhood badge alot because it is YOUR source of power over me...."
We might have talked, Anon, but for that above statement: we "like wearing the victimhood badge."
That precluded any discussion, at least from me.
Want to try again?
You know: racism makes you a victim as well. It's a two-way street, but one street is broader than the other.
Yeah, there's racism alive and well in America. But lots of YOU like wearing the victimhood badge alot because it is YOUR source of power over me. And as long as this impasse exists, you and me will never be able to fix this problem, black President or no.
First:You're not making sense. What power?
How can a victim have power over an oppressor?
I'll tell you how to fix the damn problem...Stop the racial oppression! Case closed.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I am white, and this is the first time I've been to this site.
After reading these comments, as well as the post, I have to say that blacks and whites don't speak the same language at all.
So because I have white skin and supposedly benefit from it, it is my DUTY to somehow atone for the past, which I did nothing to create?
If you really want to help , the next time Pat Buchanan says that only white men built America.Respond and tell them otherwise.You don't know about your privilege.
Let me give you a example of tricknology. To prove discrimination the Human Resource department need two instances of it. A man can say to a woman on the job that she has a big chest.It's not sexual harassment.You know why cuz people like Clarence Thomas say that Arnold Swartzeneggar has a big chest. See how that works. The peole that you work for has to document the harassment. Do you think that it will be fair? Clarence Thomas ran the EEOC. The people that won the cases mostly white . See Hispanic women aren't knocking white men out of jobs and blacks aren't either.How can 12% of the population harm whites?
You didn't have to own slaves to benefit from a system that exploited the free labor of blacks for gain, and, once freed, held back, so that future generations of whites wouldn't have to compete with them.
You don't have to discriminate against a people to be direct recipients of benefits that came to you because others discriminated on your behalf.
You don't have to care that Ellis Island was set up so that blacks wouldn't inherit the monetary benefits that come with providing skill labor to society, when it could be imported from Europe under the scheme, "America for whites."
Here's how it works:
Enslave a people for hundreds of years, and then turn them out so that they must fend for themselves,
and make sure that they don't have the means to advance.
Make sure that their schools are inferior, and their education substandard.
Make sure they're given the worse jobs the country has to offer, without hope of advancing, and fire them on the spot during hard times, or when whites are desirous of their jobs.
Good Post, Black Diaspora!
Watch the FOX channel and replace the word black with white. Then let me know how you feel.Bill Oreilly wanted to hang Michelle Obama...but not just yet. John Gibson said "we need more white babies", "I knew the shooter was white because hip-hoppers reload."Sean Hannity help a racist bounty hunter get his job back for using the N-word. He wanted Jesse Jackson fired for saying it.Bill Oreilly say that blacks have no table manners and that we drink "MF,er Ice Tea".Liz Trotta joke about killing the then Sen.Obama.Greta went to a black church and didn't like what they were saying so now they get death threats and the new minister need s a body guard.I could go on and on and that's the problem.
Wouldn't be nice if ya'll didn't have to worry about that Sickle cell gene no mo?<<<
FYI, blacks are not the only ones afflicted with sickle cell disease. It affects many people of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern ancestry as well.
And sickle cell disease is not the only disease that is known to affect a majority of specific population groups...such as Tay Sachs, cystic fibrosis and Canavan.
Look at Germany. Most of the people that are responsible for the shoah are old or dead. Germany know it owes Jews and Israel big time. They benefited from their labor.Jews in Germany had civil rights and the right to vote before blacks in America did. We still have to get the voting rights act ratified.George Bush blackmailed Julian Bond to shut up and not speak so he would ratify it. We are still virtually slaves.
Sharon fron WI:
Thanks on checking up on Emmett Till's casket.
Field, here's the Charles Blow op-ed.
Welcome To the 'Club'
Field, I think you'll like this. Here's a white guy who gets it. I'd like to invite him over for a beer. :-)
Personally speaking, its easy to underestimate racism if u dont have to experience it daily. so when u hear a racist comment, or when u have a boss whos racist, etc..u just assume its a one off thing; and most people think like you or your friends do. when you hear someone like bill oreilly say something racist, its easy to brush it off as "oh yeah hes a nutcase." you don't realise how pervasive racism actually can be, and how many bill oreilly's there are. To you those comments/actions are one-offs, they're usually from people you think are idiots anyway-but they're not part of your every day living.
Also, with the issue of white privilege, I think most whites (especially "non-wasp" whites) don't understand it because they look at it the wrong way. Its not privilege to, its mostly privilege from. While you may not recieve any special treatment as such; you know you have the privilege of not having to face discrimination in the workforce, in the media, or in every day living.
"If you really want to help , the next time Pat Buchanan says that only white men built America.Respond and tell them otherwise."
I agree.
Excellent post, Field. Big topic, tho. The racism "epiphany" came to me as a teenager in the Sixties as I realized the belligerent, upfront prejudice of northern ethnic & poor Southern whites had, at least, some basis in underclass economic realities. One could get at that, it was so close to the surface. So who, both Dr. King & Malcolm asked, really benefitted from dividing people who had much in common & who could have, at several points in American history, made wonderful common cause? Asking that question is I believe what got them murdered. Now, as health reform flounders & banks resist regulatory oversight, it's a question that still has to asked.
The fact this incident has boiled down to race is another reminder that even in the age of his O-ness, we've still a long way to go.
I still don't understand why the woman who called is being given such a pass, even by Gates. She was definitely profiling.
Attempting to be truly to be objective in this discussion,the incident is about power(though what else is racism about power if not that). Hopefully, when Gates and Crowley meet with the President, that will be in the discussion.
It was truly a testosterone surge was what this was about. Problem was, blue trumped black, and a badge trumped a PhD with tenure. Gates truly had a righteous indignation. He had the right to say whatever he said. It might not have be smart, but it was justified. Being the cop, paid by Gates' tax dollars, and an instructor on profiling, no less, he should have anticipated Gates reaction and defused things no matter how loud or insulting Gates may have become. But he didn't have to since he had the power. He just wanted to prove "his" was bigger and harder that "Gates'"
Again we see in living color(pun intended)that the oppressor will not voluntarily give up power to the oppressed.
And did anyone see the sista Cambridge cop diss the president? Wonder how much she was paid to stay "blue".
" So let's not go making his story one of those "all you have to do is work hard" one just yet. "
Bingo. Thanks for reminding me about a subject I want to write about.
You wouldn't, well, yes YOU would believe that white men who dropped out of high school in the tenth grade try to lecture me about their health conditions. From where do they get their "expertise"? Oftentimes, from a newspaper article. They seriously think they can read an abstract newspaper article about diabetes, then lecture an M.D. about....everything.
So even those of us who are lucky to have made it STILL haven't made it in the eyes of some. So "once a nigger, always a nigger" is what I experience on a day-to-day basis.
@Anon,2:20 AM: "But lots of YOU like wearing the victimhood badge alot because it is YOUR source of power over me."
One last thing, Anon: Do you realize what you did with that statement of yours? You made yourself the "victim," and laid it at my feet.
That's why I chose not to dialogue with you.
Now, who's the one wearing the "victimhood badge"?!
There's no moral equivalency operating here. You need to take a closer look at why you felt compelled to sum of black/white interactions in that manner.
@Justice58: "Good Post, Black Diaspora!"
Thanks, Justice58.
@Doc L: "Problem was, blue trumped black, and a badge trumped a PhD with tenure."
Good observation!
Lest we forget, though: white trumped our black president.
It's the president that's extending an olive branch, and issuing a partial apology, and retraction.
Anon 3:28 P.M. "[White privilege:]Its not privilege to, its mostly privilege from."
You've got it! Now, if we can get other people to get it....
In response to Anon 2:20am:
You said:
"So because I have white skin and supposedly benefit from it, it is my DUTY to somehow atone for the past, which I did nothing to create?"
How you "atone" is to recognize, which you seem to be willing to do, that racism is still a part of our culture. And, your DUTY is to challenge it whenever and where ever you see it. And, let me tell you my fellow white friend, when you do, it will not be easy sometimes cuz its gonna be your family, your friends, your co-workers, who are saying or doing the behavior. And, nobody wants to be called out on their bad behavior.
You said:
"And I perpetuate these injustices just by existing, just by going about my business without, somehow (and no one here has said how I should do this), changing the system, whatever that means?"
You perpetuate injustices by not challenging them, or by questioning the truth of a black person when you hear them saying "this was racist". You look for excuses for it to be anything BUT racist. And, when I say 'you' I mean lots of white folks and possibly you specifically.
Look. I'm not racist. Though I'm sure I'll be accused of otherwise. I know racism is real in America. You guys walk around and are judged by your skin color by lots of white (and brown and yellow) people.
You said:
"But what do you want ME to do? What exactly CAN I do? You say I'm a beneficiary of this so-called white privilege, but to me I'm just a dude in a world that seems remarkably indifferent to my "privileged" self, trying to make a dollar."
Here is what you can do. First, educate yourself about how white privilege works. Think of it as that Billy Joel song, "We didn't start the fire" You know... but the fire's burnin and it is our job, yours and mine, to put it out. White folks are the ONLY ones that can end racism here in America. When you do some self education about how racism/privilege works, you will understand what I am saying to you.
kid said...
No more water, the fire next time"-James Baldwin.Is that what it fucking takes? You run aaround and kill a black cop in a museum and John Gibson says that since we have a black President , racism is over, end of discussion.Well it's still here.We can play around with this bullshit or solve the problem. Black people have been really fucking patient. Whites have been killing up a storm.Neo-con have gone buck-wild.Three cops in Pittsburgh, but police in Boston want a apology.Go take your ass to Glen Beck and then we can talk.Wingnuts anr going to kill more people, and Klannity, O'Liely, and Beck will give more hits for their sheeple to kill.Why don't Secret Service throw the neo-cons in supermax,now.
You run around killing military recuiters and beating up and raping old white people and you want to talk about race?
What??The left cares about cops now? Please..
White have been killing up a storm??Not nearly has much killing has black gangs have done.
kid said...
You mean the one where Sean Klannity, Bill Oreilly, and Limbaugh pimp poor white off of.
We white folks are independent thinkers.Nobody owns us or the way we think like the Democrats own ya'll.
Ya'll keep voting Democrat at 90% rates while Obama and the Dems keep cock slaping ya'll in the face.
When blacks are harmed who the fuck should we call , neo-cons?
How about calling the people who are harmed and offer them support.
How many blacks have Oreilly helped? You neo-cons are a bunch of greedy sorry ass bastards.Post-racial my fucking ass.
Bill O has help more blacks than you every will.I'm sure the millions he donates to charties help blacks to.
I seriously think you want to start a riot so you can kill some of us off. The rude fucking comments from Rat Buchanan telling black people this is white man country go fuck off N****r.The neo-con want blood and mayhem in the streets. Now the right have stuck their middle finger at Hispanics, you want them to go buck wild too.It called eugenics, it won't work this time.
Its sad to see you say that blacks and hispanics are so mindless they can be manipulated into doing anything white people want them to do.
I never considered myself priviliged but I guess I am. It's funny that I never really thought about it before. I pretty much see people as people. I'm not saying that when a black person enters a room I don't notice he is black, I'd have to be blind to not notice. I also notice when someone is tall or short..etc. It's all good with me...
I cannot change that some people may react differently due to their own biases. I do try to set an example by not being biased.
Even though I personally have done nothing to promote racism, I apologise that my forefathers did. I didn't make slaves of blacks, and I had nothing to do with freeing them from slavery either. I don't feel I am personally responsible for either of these things. What I do feel responsible for is allowing everyone an equal chance to succeed, to stand up and be counted, and to be on an equal footing with each other.
I can no more change the past than you can change the color of your skin. I can try to do my part for the here and now and enlighten a few people about the white privilege. Honestly, I didn't realize.....huh. Keep putting out the right message and keep (all) people thinking.
For all my fellow white folks who think they have done "nothing" to perpetuate racism, to borrow a line from ACT UP activists:
Much harm is done when "good people" do nothing.
Y'all the ones Stereo-typin...
So the Mullatto-in-Chief invites the Cambridge Cop over for a BEER????? Why a Beer?? Cause the MIC's watched "Hill Street Blues" and the White Racist Cops always got together to drink beer at the end of the show??? Cause of the Bud, Coors, Miller commercials that dominate every NFL broadcast??
How'd yall like it if "W" had invited the winning NBA team over for some Crack and Watermelon, cause that's what Y'all like, judging from the arrest reports and the shortage of Ghetto Pickles down at Whole Foods...Y'alld riot and burn down the inner city, Oh, thats right y'all do that every year anyway... but y'all kno you'd be pissed...
So the MIC can take that beer and shove it up his skinny east african ass, speer chuckin liver lipped poach monkey...
Thanks for getting the healing started,,,
Vernon aka Frank... I REALLY hope that the person at the FDC Oakdale, where your sorry ass is housed enjoys reading your ugly racist rants on this blog, because I just sent them to them. Listen you ass, when you were busted for selling illegal drugs and sentenced to fed prison, you gave up your "rights" and one of them I would like to see enforced is your right to spew hatred. I can only hope your "posting privileges" are suspended. I encourage others to write to the detention center and tell them exactly how you feel about good ol Vernon Richardson, Prisoner #66381-179, aka Frank Drackman, housed at FDC Oakdale in Louisiana....
Contact email to complain: OAK/EXECASSISTANT@BOP.GOV
And yes, I believe in free speech. But I do not believe in hate speech and convicted felons, while incarcerated have forfeited their rights.. this mean FRANK!
I am going to start with this premise that people judge others by their past experiences. I am going to take this example: I dated a man named Mike and treated me badly, so now any future meetings with people named Mike will be based upon my previous experience wheather good or bad. Now that is not necessarily a fair thing for me to do, but it is a part of my consciousness. However, I should be aware of it and know that everyone named Mike are not jackasses, and play more attention to people's behavior.
I had a discussion with a salesperson who is jewish and white, and told him about a wine store in Harlem that could be a possible prospect for him. He told if he got an appointment that I come with him. My question was why do you want me to go to Harlem with you. Do I think what he said was racist? The answer is no, but I do believe he thought by bringing me would give him an advantage. Besides neither him or I knew of the person or persons who owned the were white, black, or even asian.
We have too many assumptions and stereotypes in our collective consciousness that we have to recognize and really deal with. We have to start with our own biases and prejudices. Before the dialogue begins, shouldn't we be honest with ourselves.
Llyod Tate on Toms. Sounds like the title of a new book.:)
Anon.2:20AM, thanks for your honesty, we may not agree but at least we are talking to each other. Think sbout what Black Diaspora said. It sounds like you are yourself playing the victim role, because of the percieved power you think blacks get over you by playing the race card. Believe me, playing the race card gives black folks no such power. Not with institutions,and certainly not with individuals. The only times that institutions are called out on matters of race is when they use a person's race too discriminate against them. And let's fact it; how many times will that ever happen to you?
I understand that as an individual you don't see how you should be held responsible for the actions of an entire race. (Believe me, as black folks we often feel the same way)But as a person in the majority population you have benefited from the actions of the collective. Just recognizing that is a start.
hennasplace, I love that analogy. You have to make it a point and work harder not to have issues with some new guy you meet named Mike just becuse of your past experiences with one jerk named Mike.
Working at it, I think that's the key.
justfergrins, I loved your comments. You are working at it.
Justice58, I love you too. I will see what i can do with your boy.:)
The structural factors contributing to privilege are so implicit, so taken for granted, that they're invisible. I used to teach sociology, and it was like trying to empty the ocean with a teaspoon to get some students to acknowledge that all of us, regardless of race, exist within a social context that to a large part determines what our life course will be. It's real hard to pull yourself up by your bootstraps when your family has been barefoot for multiple generations.
I also pointed out that this country spent several hundred years punishing, sometimes in unbelievably horrific fashion, anyone black who showed any initiative or independent thought -- and in some parts of the country that's still happening. When you look at it from that perspective, the surprising thing is not that the black community as an aggregate has so many social problems (disproportionate poverty, high school dropout rate, rising HIV/AIDs rates, etc) but instead that things aren't even worse.
I want to contribute more to this conversation, but headed off to church first.
I believe, and I will insist, that PEOPLE can not only get along, but that we can love each other.
I believe in working toward the betterment of all people. True, I will never know what it feels like to be black. But you'll never know what it feels like to be me, either!
I hear from black women how much power I have as a tall, thin, blonde/blue, busty white woman. Yeah, okay. So why don't I feel it?
I can't have empathy for black people because I am not black. But I can open my eyes and the lines of communication. I can have sympathy for the black plight of racism. I can fight for what I think is right, and that is to raise up all people.
Seems to me that this is an awkward approach, but here I am! Geez Louise folks, talk to me. I just want to get along!
I live in Seattle. We are pretty mellow about race here. In my family, we have white men married to black women (2) and since I'm white, no black men married to white women. We don't have any Asians in our family yet, but since my blond/blue son has a crush (he is 8 years old) on a cute little Asian girl, I can only figure that's a matter of time.
When my son brings home someone's daughter, how will I treat her? Will I judge her based on her complexion? Nope. I will judge her based on her behavior. Am I really so far removed from "white society"? I don't think so, because I see my own family and friends. My black girlfriend is due to give birth any day now. Her boyfriend is white.
I am married to a man who before me was with a Mexican woman. I am raising my 3 half-Mexican stepchildren, and we love each other very much! They are great kids! I teach them about their heritage, as their mother is an alcoholic and not really involved in their lives. So, does that make me the Great White Savior? Or does it make me a woman who fell in love with a really nice single father who had great kids who needed a mom?
Yes, my husband is white. He's Italian. Boy, is he!! lol. My first husband was black. I don't necessarily choose a man based on skin color, but I will admit to liking tallish men who are kinda cafe au lait in complexion. Does that make me prejudiced against other men? Of course not! I've dated Asian men, Middle Eastern men, when I was single. I like men who can carry a conversation and are hellions in the sack.
But I've been called out for stealing black men from black women? OMG, seriously? You cannot predict who a man will like. If you are a black woman who is not getting asked out on dates, maybe it's more your angry attitude than the color of your skin. I've noticed that people generally like people who are nice to them. I'm nice. Kindness is its own gift. Try it some time.
I am one who reads along with your blog (consider myself somewhat an addict) however; although I read along, I have never chimed in any discussions. Rather, I try and digest, reflect upon and learn through the shared experiences, thoughts and concerns you and many of the posters offer on your blog.
As a white woman, who at one time used to view the world with what I believed to be uncolored glasses, it has taken me a great deal of time to wrap my brain around white privilege and all that it encompasses. Through the help of dear friends and blogs such as this one though, I (and my husband) have challenged our views and continue to challenge and thoughtfully consider so much that we were, quite honestly, oblivious to. When one is not followed continuously in the store by security for simply looking to buy a new pair of jeans, or when one does not have to worry about our male friends and family members being perceived as a threat, or have the horrible fear for our safety when a police officer stops us (for just a few examples), it is difficult to come to a place of understanding. Meaning, when you haven’t directly experienced something and only see things through your narrow lens, it hard to understand it from varying perspectives. Yet, when a dialogue is pursued, when people are willing to listen, learn and educate and when conversations continue, it does make an impact and helps in guiding many to a broader understanding.
So, imho, it is impetrative to continue an open dialogue, even when there is discourse, so we can rid society of the ugly shameful and vile existence of racial injustice. Continuing to sweep racial issues under the rug and/or flat out ignoring that racism is alive and thriving in our society has to stop. As hard as it was for me to acknowledge the stereotypes and head in the sand approach I had and often took, it was crucial that I did so, so as to open my eyes and so I could be vigilant on being a part of the war against racism. Had it not been for open dialogues such as this, I would have never challenged myself and probably would have continued believing I ‘got it’ when clearly I did not. Honestly, no matter how hard I try, I hasten to say I will ever 'get it' since I have never had personal direct experience with racism. Even so, now I have reached a point where I do see things through colored lenses; where we are judged, more often than not, by the color of our skin and not by our accomplishments, integrity and over all nature. How sad to have your eyes opened to something discouraging. Sometimes I liked my little safe box.
Wow, this was long… I just wanted to say thank you (and all of you who take the time to educate) for your thoughts and on continuing to challenge me to challenge myself. I still have much to learn.
President Obama has to walk on a very thin tightrope. And while doing it, he still manages to play chess, while his competitors play checkers. His goal was to start the conversation of racial profile ande he has accomplished his goal.
Will you please reconsider putting his picture back up and give him back his FNOD status, at least on a probationary basis? :-)
"We have too many assumptions and stereotypes in our collective consciousness that we have to recognize and really deal with. We have to start with our own biases and prejudices. Before the dialogue begins, shouldn't we be honest with ourselves."
Yes, yes. It's difficult to solve anything through your own unexamined presuppositions. We all have been impacted by racism and need to do some stringent self-examination. Self-honesty and self-knowledge is key prior to any dialogue. But first, there must be a 'will' and a 'desire' to do it. Unfortunately, most aren't interested in looking at themselves, let alone racism. Most would rather look at YOUR shortcomings and YOUR faults, thereby avoiding looking at theirs.
Racism for those in power is much too shameful and painful to admit the immense devastating impact on a people, while another group greatly benefitted from that suffering.
Racism in America is profound. It runs deep, and HONESTY is the 'only' way to face it. Otherwise, talking and discussing about racism will continue to be another false start, another frustrating black-and-white-merry-go-round, that usually ends where it began.
Mr R, as a white male of some age and experience, I want to tell you that you are a racist fool who has no clue. You have a right to your opinions, brain dead though you are, but your pathetic attempts to mimic (your perception of) speech patterns of some Black and Southern whites is crude, assinine and embarrasing as well as entirely offensive. I assume you are trying to be offensive here rather than stating any reasoned opinion. If you think you are actually communicating, you are even more stupid than your comments lead me to believe.
Thanks for the skinny on Drackman asshole Jody. I will write them.
Thanks Field-great blog you have here.
Don't wanta be a naggin Nellie,
but y'all the ones bustin on my Supreme Clarence cause he's a little on the Dark Side...
and y'all the ones gradin each other's Hair kinkiness like it was a friggin Earthquake or somethin...
and accusin any caucasian who drives a Pick-em-Up or has an accent (we call it a "Drawl") of burnin crosses on Emmit Till's Grave...
Speakin of ole Emmit, whatever happened to those Evil Undertakers who treated his grave like y'all treat your free public housing???
Haven't seen em' in the news have you??? You can drop my blog if you wanta look at em... little hint, if they close their eyes in a dark room you can't see em'...
I'm the open minded one, I LIKE Mariah Carey and JLO....
Peace Out,
and for the LAST TIME, its "USP MARION" not that Lousiana Country Club...
Jody said...
"And yes, I believe in free speech"
If you don't believe in hate speech than you truly can't say you believe in free speech.
"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire
Thanks FN for your kind comment. I seem to have alot to learn on this subject.
Jody, You seem to be very knowlegable and have helped me to see that action is needed. Once again, I must learn more on this subject. Blind action accomplishes nothing IHMO.
It seems that I need to go back to times I was discriminated against, amplify it to every time I leave my house, and live with it. That may take me a little time to comprehend.
Maybe I need to speak with my black friends about this. Maybe they never brought it up because it didn't seem appropriate for one reason or another. Did they just figure I knew because they're my buds?
Then again, a friend of mine at work told me she thought she was pulled over the other day because she was black, the police told her it was random. I just blew it off as "cops...go figure, I've been pulled over too".
Maybe I should do a little more listening and alot less talking for now. Thanks to everyone here for opening my eyes a little wider. Hopfully next time I post I'll be more informed and be able to add some useful content. In the mean time I've got alot to think about and a few old friends to have a beer with (pun intended).
Equa Yona,
Big Up!! Big Up!!
Field, thank you for this great post, I still haven't finished reading all the links yet.
I think dialogue with other white people regarding economic privilege is very difficult, in part, because a lot of white people seem to think that recognizing and acknowledgeing economic privige somehow negates their own personal accomplishments, which it does not do. Personal accomplishments can still be validated but if a white person can;t recognize that no matter how hard they workd or sacrificed, if they were Black, Asian or Latino, they would encounter far more obstacles to get to the same place, and maybe never even get to the same place.
anon.220am I think Jodi did a great job, I just want to add that in the sixties, they said if you weren't part of the solution, you were part of the problem. also, Sean Paul Sarte, called white people zombies, guilty of complicity. Work towards ending your complicity, I agree with Jodi, white people have to solve white racism.
BSweet, sounds like you and Angolina Jolie are cousins, you collecting people or something?
And that comment u made about angry Black women not getting dates? WTF? I find your post the most difficult to have dialogue, I guess u must be trying but you haven't done much listening yet.
Ok, maybe that is my advice, start to really listen for a while, I think that might be very helpful.
There are so many things to say that I'm not going to try to combine them into a single, neat package. The risk is that I will make points that contradict each other. I will take that risk, and we can sort it out later.
To start, there is a tendency here (how widespread this is among blacks, I don't know) to cast things in all-or-nothing terms. The equivalent was when I was a kid in the lily-white suburbs, and (I am embarrassed to say) we thought all black people looked alike. I think back on it and I don't know whether to cringe, to laugh, or to cry at the stupidity of it, but then I catch myself and think, "Hey, you were eight years old. Forgive yourself. At least you learned."
Not all white people are alike, okay? Like you, we are a very, very diverse lot. Like you, all of us find ourselves here for however long we have, making do with what we have. Like you, most of us want to do the right thing. Like you, we are human beings and we regularly screw it up. Not just in our interactions with you, but among ourserlves. If you think white people are some brotherhood that treats each other well, then you probably don't think black people murder and steal within the black community either.
When you begin with an assumption that all white people are alike, then you distort your thinking from the get-go. You fall into a pattern that's been observed among traditional Italian men, called the "Madonna-whore complex," of having a wife up on a pedestal and a mistress who does the nasty, and very nasty indeed.
White people aren't composed of two groups, one saints and the other sinners. It is more complicated than that, and if you truly want to understand us you must start there, just as it once dawned on me that if I wanted to begin to understand black people I had to erase that childhood imprint that all black people are alike.
That's one point to make, and I'll come up with more as they occur to me.
I truly wish there was a way to filter you so I don't have to even see your silly posts. This would apply to some others here as well.
Here is something else. It is indirect, but maybe it will help. It concerns the only New Year's resolution I have ever kept.
One year, at "New Year's Resolution" time -- an idea I would laugh at, by the way -- for some reason that I don't even know, I decided to make one. I told myself that I was too much of a complainer. I was doing too well in life to be such a fault-finder, and in the following year I would make a real effort to notice when someone had done a good job and say so.
Now, I'm a full-blooded German, and my sub-tribe of the whites certain has its flaws and worse, but there are some things we do well. One of them is that, once we make a decision, we give it the old college try with a vengeance. So, as it concerned that resolution, I spent the next year looking for reasons to be satisfied. No shit, I really did it.
I learned something profound, which is that the power of "yes," when sincerely felt and sincerely delivered, swamps ev everything else. You want to make change? Try telling people what they are doing right. It is truly amazing what happens when you tell people what they are doing right.
Again, it need to be sincere. Hollow praise is bullshit. But when you become attuned to looking for what's right, it is just stunning what you wind up seeing in the world. Everywhere you look, people are doing the right thing. There is a huge brotherhood of the civilized out there, just waiting to be tapped into, and it truly knows no race.
I realize how sappy what I just wrote will sound. It's like some TV commercial for an evangelical church. (Actually, not. If the evangelicals ever decided to talk about what's right, we'd all be better off.) But still, I think the power of "yes" is an amazing thing.
I have continued to keep that resolution. Hell, I still complain and bitch, but it is now an ingrained habit to look for people doing the right thing, and to reach out and let them know that someone saw it and noticed it. Try it, folks. White, black, Hispanic, Asian, it doesn't matter. It's true that people need a kick in the ass from time to time, but I think in this world what's a whole lot more needed most of the time is for people to tell other people how much they appreciate what someone did that they really didn't have to do.
One example of what's right is this blog. "Field Negro" is an intelligent, passionate black man who runs a great blog. It occasionally pisses me off, and some of the comments here do too, but it always makes me think.
FN does not have to do this. He obviously gets something out of it for himself, something that one of my college economics professors called "psychic income." But still, he performs a service to us all. The world's a little better for this place.
Everywhere you look, people are adding to the pile. I'm not telling anyone to ignore the problems, but there needs to be more recognition of what is right.
Look at the swimming pool thing in Philly. Absolutely screwed up, no doubt. But more than a few people immediately stepped up to the plate and made it right. Does that erase the original blot? No, it doesn't. But some white people who are members of Philadelphia's give-a-shit club stepped up to the plate.
It's not "uncle tomming" to notice that, any more than I'm some sort of sap for appreciating the black cop who gave me a lecture instead of a ticket when I blatantly screwed up in Boston traffic. If we lose the ability to see what's right, we lose more than we know.
Mr. R, I don't think Voltaire was speaking about vile, disgusting, asinine speech like you are so apt at typing.
Now, to depart from the sweetness 'n light theme: Black people aren't the only people who get fucked over in A-merry-ca. There are plenty of all kinds of people who get screwed.
We all remember Abner Louima, the black man who was reamed with a toilet plunger handle by a white cop. Ouch, to put it mildly. Well, guess what? It happens to white people, too. And it's even on tape.
Go tell that guy in Boise, Idaho about "white privilege." I do understand your basic point about white privilege, and sympathize more than it might seem, but please don't sit there and act as if white people are somehow King Shit in this society merely for being white.
3 AM
MR.R said...
Bill O has help more blacks than you every will.I'm sure the millions he donates to charties help blacks to.
OK everybody,1..2..3..LOL.
Other than Jesse Lee Peterson,Dr. Marc Lamont Hill and Juan Williams he hasn't helped any blacks.HE WANTED TO HANG MICHELLE OBAMA...BUT NOT JUST YET! We drink MF'er Ice Tea,we have no table manners.Tupac didn't invent himself, America made him.
look here’s the thing that you (blacks) just don’t get or maybe don’t give a shit I don’t ? You have a white that doesn’t think badly about blacks nor has ever treated any black badly and all of a sudden you have all these blacks including the o-man on national tv telling everyone white how their racist and that we (whites) must atone for the sins of people who lived 2 and 3 hundred years ago? WTF do you honestly think that regular white folks that are having trouble paying their own bills and working their asses off are going to rally to your side? I mean honestly?
You complain about the whites thinking that every black woman is a welfare queen and every black man is a criminal. But yet the many (not all) blacks continue to act and live in a manner that doesn’t show any different!
Example I literally just drove through two government housing projects in my town. Blacks make up the majority of residence’s, out of the 135 vehicles I counted parked there 97 that’s right 97 had custom wheels on them. These are wheels folks that cost in excess of 3 or 4 thousand dollars. Now, your it’s right to do whatever they want to your own property, the problem is that other people (whites and blacks) that work their asses off for 50 or 60 hours a week see this and wonder why is my tax dollars going to someone that can’t seem to find money to pay their bills but can find a way to spend 3 or 4 thousand dollars on wheels.
Please explain to me how someone can have children from 3 or 4 or more different men (who don’t help with the children) and I have to help raise these children?
Now if someone is truly in need of help not a problem I’ve never minded helping anyone who truly needs it.
Now you can continue to sit around and piss and moan about poor, poor us, the problem your having is that hispanics, Asians and mid/eastern ARE making it which doesn’t fare too well for the black race.
Have a blessed day!
" But lots of YOU like wearing the victimhood badge alot because it is YOUR source of power over me.".
You know what? I agree with this statement. It may be regional, but out here where I am at, it's the truth. I absolutely agree. It is disappointing because you read about our history and our culture, and see that we had and built and created these GREAT civilizations, even after slavery, and for some reason we've lost it. Why? Because too many of us are investing into this "victim complex."
I am not arguing that there aren't certain policies and the like in place designed to not afford blacks with even the most basic of courtesies, rights or even luxuries. What I am saying is that sometimes if they will not give it to you, you must CREATE your own.
A few years ago when I was recruiting, I realized that I was not going to go anywhere near as far as if I created my on business. Sometimes we have to create our own. Sometimes we are going to have to fight what seems an unfair battle. We may not win every one. We may lose one battle, and have to fight another, but we've got to fight.
I am not negating the truth when I say I don't feel oppressed by white racists, bigots and their apologists. They may grate on my last nerve, but nobod is oppressing me. I refuse to give anyone that kind of power over me. After all, who the hell are they? Human beings with a different level of melanin? As long as you're human, I'm not oppressed, or impressed by you or your efforts to "keep me down" at all.
Black people do not put all white people into the same pot. Over our time in this country we had to trust white people. In doing so we had to make distinctions and learn how to do so. Where do you think many slaves stop traveling the underground railroad or why the coalitions that were form during the major civil rights movement? It wasn't because Black people thought all white people looked alike.
With all that said, I do think there are day to day occurrences that strain the possibility of trust, since many white people are listening to people like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. They say repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. So someone who may never have thought particularly about race, hears enough fearful intonation about "those people" taking their jobs, getting something for nothing, and soaking up their taxes; they assume the worst about those people. Sometimes they become very hateful and envious and Blacks become the scapegoat for all their ills. Then out of their mouth come some racist statement from a co-worker or an acquaintance, which takes you aback. Then you become a little less trustful of more and more white people.
When at time during ones life, you have a period of relative quite from racist attitude, there will always something to snap you back. It is the constant little offenses that add up over time. These are not abated, because it is the same thing over and over again. By the time you get as old I, you are so tired of carrying the BS and hearing I'm not a racist and aren't really in the mood for any type of conversation. Sometime previously in your lifetime you have had to many conversations with little significant changes. I see now that your conversations all always turned on you. You are the one that plays the race card, you have to listen to their version of your history(as it you are too ignorant) and as I said in a previous comment, they drag out all the bad things a Black person has ever done, like that has to do with the lack of freedom.
Now, it is not all about opportunity, it is to live one's life and not have to encounter racism.
The question comes down to why did they sodomize both of those men. Did they sodomize the white gent because they were prurient bastards with homoerotic, repressed fantasies? Or did they just not like white people? Same thing for Abner. Was he sodomized because he was an immigrant who could not stand up for himself and black, or were they just lecherous?
Would Abner have been sodomized if he were white?
And if those cops in Boise did that to the white gent, couldn't one reason that they could do worse to a black one?
Response to kAthY-xyb.
I am not collecting people. I married a single father. His kids are my kids. Then we had 2 more. How is that collecting people?
Also, my note about angry black women was aimed at LaIncognita, who reamed me out for dating black men. In her mind, my dating black men therefore reduces the pool she has to choose from. I was speaking more or less specifically to her.
Anon, I personally won't blame anyone for having an issue with where their tax dollars are going. I have my issues, and I certainly hate to see sisters in that position. With that said, the issue is when whites do not distinguish and they ASSUME that we are all like that, as if it is inherent, no matter how well dressed or well educated a good many black folks are.
Nothing irritates me more than a white coworker speaking in slang to me when he has not heard me talk to him like that EVER. Despite my well tailored work clothes and my books and my experience over him. That's the problem. The problem is somewhere some white americans are not making the DISTINCTION.
Here's what comes to my mind.
I was raped when I was a little girl. My mother's boyfriend, a white man, a lawyer, with brown hair and brown eyes. Does that therefore mean that all men are bad and will rape you? No. Does that mean that all white men are bad and will rape you? No. Does that mean .... you get my point?
If a white person does something bad to you, it is because THAT PERSON is bad. We are not a bunch of Simon Legrees here. Especially on this board. White people on here are reaching out. Why, then, do I feel so rejected? Like, I might as well not even bother. Neo nazis are approximately as receptive as some of the black people on here.
After all that rigmarole from the other day, I was so angry my husband told me not to go on here anymore. We have real friends, black, white, all that. They know me and love me. I will stop wasting time on people who assume the worst and want only to argue about how they got the short straw. Quit bitching and do something physically to make the changes necessary to be happy with yourself.
Personally, I could live the rest of my life based on my being a childhood rape victim. But that was 28 years ago, and I'm done with it. I want to do something with my life that is valuable and if you are not receptive, I move on.
3 PM
Anonymous said...
look here’s the thing that you (blacks) just don’t get or maybe don’t give a shit I don’t ? You have a white that doesn’t think badly about blacks nor has ever treated any black badly and all of a sudden you have all these blacks including the o-man on national tv telling everyone white how their racist and that we (whites) must atone for the sins of people who lived 2 and 3 hundred years ago?
Forget that 43 years ago we got the right to vote and civil rights.Forget about COINTELPRO and Iran/Contra.
FOX has been sending "dog whistles" for people to kill the President.Now you say we shouldn't blame you for slavery, but on FOX Jesse Lee Peterson said to thank you for it.John Gibson said that since "we"(not including him because he voted for Palin)put Obama in the White House racism is over. Every day on FOX bigots ridicule minorities. They say that everyone is racist and sexist except white men.Racism isn't over it just went underground.Instead of lynching a pink slip is used. The Republiklans run the EEOC.White people are winning civil rights lawsuits, and minorities are losing them.Call it what you want to ,the Okie Doke,Tricknology or misdirection, it's all bullshit.
"Also, my note about angry black women was aimed at LaIncognita, who reamed me out for dating black men. In her mind, my dating black men therefore reduces the pool she has to choose from. I was speaking more or less specifically to her"
i think i read the same posts, and i didn't see where u got "reamed" for dating black men, more or less, it was your condesending privileged talking ass, but now i see u added even more insult by saying that you are "reducing the pool she has to choose from", WTF, where do you get this stuff from?
Whitey started this shit here in America, let whitey work it out among themselves. I wonder if a lot of whites who have commented in this particular post are dropping off their guilt-filled baggage for people of color to clean.
To all of the well meaning whites, if you are sincere, I'm not talking to/about you.
The phonies sitting back typing all of these nice words, it doesn't mean shit tomorrow morning at work, it doesn't mean anything out in the streets. All of these symbolic gestures and human idolotry is just blowing in the wind if ya'll aren't willing to confront institutional racism.
And to the blonde/blue eyed/"busty"(implants) white woman with the hodgepodge of different races in her family (yeah right) and her 1st black husband, stop hating on BW, you girls are so jealous and petty. So you got a taste of the black dick, what do you want, a cookie? MOVE ON, bitch.
We will never have a serious discussion about race because whites (generalization) don't listen or place themselves in our shoes, they just defend themselves and get defensive. The only whites I have seen speak up and check their peers are non-Americans. Americans whites see an injustice and say "I didn't do it, I'm not a part of it, get over it"
Where are the white ppl protesting Fox News, protesting racial profiling, protesting the deaths of unarmend black men by the police? silence makes you apart of the problem, not a part of the solution.
Grinder you always sound like a former racist trying to rewrite your history, I don't believe it and never will.
Racist Web Posts Traced to Homeland Security
Published: July 24, 2009
After federal border agents detained several Mexican immigrants in western New York in June, an article about the incident in a local newspaper drew an onslaught of vitriolic postings on its Web site. Some were racist. Others attacked farmers in the region, an apple-growing area east of Rochester, accusing them of harboring illegal workers. Still others made personal attacks about the reporter who wrote the article.
Most of the posts were made anonymously. But in reviewing the logs of its Internet server, the paper, The Wayne County Star in Wolcott, traced three of them to Internet protocol addresses at the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees border protection.
And you wonder why we don't trust police.
Anonymous said...
"We will never have a serious discussion about race because whites (generalization) don't listen or place themselves in our shoes"
Now you're generalizing, Olbermann, Maddow and others are listening and doing something about it. Many white bloggers that come here understand. The ones with the problems are the ones that think that FOX tells the truth.
And to the blonde/blue eyed/"busty"(implants) white woman with the hodgepodge of different races in her family (yeah right) and her 1st black husband, stop hating on BW, you girls are so jealous and petty. So you got a taste of the black dick, what do you want, a cookie? MOVE ON, bitch.
first, sorry u got raped as a child,
but u saying just get over it? to an experience u admit to never having?
suppose u got raped, then nobody cared? u couldn't get the same health care as white people? suppose u were always wondering if your kids were safe?
would your son, your husband your father get murdered for nothing, like Oscar Grant?
suppose you wanted to buy a house, get a job, or a decent education, and you were always faced with obstacles? and all those problems never, ever, ever fucking ended, then you would say to just get over it?
did you ever hear of a 1st lady being called a gorilla in a dress, were there photos in the paper of any of our other presidents with gun adds? the list goes on and on.
see, there isn't just the past to contemplate, what most of us white people don't get, even close, is what whitness is doing RIGHT NOW.
part of the problem, for example--I often play poker online sometimes I post a picture of myself sometimes I don't. Whenever I post a picture of myself I get racist comments, no white person sitting at the table ever speaks up to the racist or defends me. Some will cosign with the racist others will laugh.
This is why we lump white ppl together, because whites don't speak up when they witness racial injustice --at work, on tv, in their cities, in their own families.
if you don't want to be lumped together speak up not on a black blog but to your peers when they make that racial joke, at the store when you see security following a black customer, in your city when you hear a unarmed black man was shot in the back, protest Fox News until then you are apart of the problem that still faces us in America. Stop pleading your case that you are not racist on a BLOG I want to see you on tv protesting racial injustice.
if you don't want to be lumped together speak up not on a black blog but to your peers when they make that racial joke, at the store when you see security following a black customer, in your city when you hear a unarmed black man was shot in the back, protest Fox News until then you are apart of the problem that still faces us in America. Stop pleading your case that you are not racist on a BLOG I want to see you on tv protesting racial injustice.
It's church in here today.
Preach that sermon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Justice, i must have missed that one, i second that one.
"And to the blonde/blue eyed/"busty"(implants) white woman with the hodgepodge of different races in her family (yeah right) and her 1st black husband, stop hating on BW, you girls are so jealous and petty. So you got a taste of the black dick, what do you want, a cookie? MOVE ON, bitch."
i second that with a lololol,
blacks including obambi are pissed cuz he came out and tried to make his little black nutsack friend look like the big bad poolice abused another poor black man....LMFAO
turns out his dumbass friend was the ass.....now bambi got'a eat crow and fucked himself out of his healthcare for black peoples...lol
what fucking idot.....and you voted for him :)
peace out!
peace out, i think i know who u are, not many people say that, hmm,
poor blacks.....watch "COPS"
then try and defend your race
ooops should'nt lumped you all together....hummmm
If it wasn't for a bunch of White People fightin 150 yrs ago, Y'all'd still be pickin my cotton...
Except for Field, he'd be puttin the evil eye on Zombies in Haiti...
Seriously, if ya want a dialoge on race we gotta stop with the simple stuff...
Like, can y'all quit talkin at the Movies??? I don't mean to each other, cause I do that to... I mean at the actual screen like Harry Potter needs your help...
Y'all stop doin that and I'll quit puttin that Salt Peter in Y'alls Malt Liquor...
anyonymous 4:15"if you don't want to be lumped together speak up not on a black blog but to your peers when they make that racial joke, at the store when you see security following a black customer, in your city when you hear a unarmed black man was shot in the back, protest Fox News until then you are apart of the problem that still faces us in America. Stop pleading your case that you are not racist on a BLOG I want to see you on tv protesting racial injustice."
whenever i hear another white person say "i am not a racist," there is almost aways a BUT in there to qualify the racist opinion they have a something. this seems fairly consistant and it tell me that the white person in question has not done a serious amount of self-examination. who the hell can not be a racist in the UNITED States, when the schools get run by white people, the history books get written by white people, the media gets run by white people, then add in family, neighbors, the cult of whitness that demands that white people conform to, white people don't want to do self-examination or remain vigilant over their ingrained racism, because they might actually feel something, like pain, guilt, or anger.
who did those Catholic priest molest? majority of serial killers are what? we can never have a dialogue when you turn a blind eye and act as if only one race commits crimes. racial profiling means more minorities are stopped for the same crimes. no one remembers the infamous video were a man pulled over for a ticket rips it up and cusses out the police officer--I must be blind, it's ok if your white to cuss a police officer, but if your black, you overreacted in your own house
RACIST=cowards example above
I am always amazed how that narrative for these open dialogues go is that the reason that Race will be permanent fixture is that not only that Blacks are too quick to pull out the battered race card, but also Whites are quick to make the claim that Blacks cannot distinguish the good Whites from the Bad Whites and that “they” are so much more complex than their skin color and we are often condemned and naturally commanded to see the difference at our peril or risk being continually profiled by the mere fact that we are Black with no history outside slavery, Jim Crow and failure and thus haven’t contributed anything of merit in Western Civilization and of course we should be grateful for whatever censure and condescension that we receive like good little do nothing N8ggers.
I mean seriously, when have Whites ever truly extended the same courtesy to Blacks by not automatically clumping us into one seething monolith of pathology and disgrace, unless you were magical negro, a valedictorian, IQ genius level entrepreneur that is also a living saint, and not the average Joe or Jane struggling and trying to eke out a respectable living like so many White folks say they do while those dirty low IQ degenerate, crime ridden evil Blacks are siphoning off their precious resources to feed our OOW babies in ghettos with souped up Benz’s and glocks on lock. Because Whites have contributed untold centuries, starting from the age of reason, and years of scientific, theological and philosophical treatise on why Blacks are naturally inferior. This isen’t something that is roiling about in the underclass but has been systematically constructed from the hallowed halls of reason from the aristocrat with time on their hands to the shrewd populist to explain away Black inferiority and negligibility in the scheme of human evolution. Unless you count nation of Islam and dashiki wearing hustlers on the corner screaming about black pride and back to Africa movements, there has never been a systemic rendering cataloging the inferiority of White people by Black people.
And why are they surprised that some Blacks are using the same level of circumspection that Whites automatically use when dealing with Blacks by assuming that Whites can be and usually are racist until proven otherwise, yet Whites can go in their daily lives and assume that Laquesha is a welfare mother, probably is an under qualified loser, too ugly to live, or whatever assumptions they carry around to make themselves feel better as to why they aren’t as rich as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. Don’t many Blacks know they are burdened to prove the stereotypes aren’t true to Whites and other non-Blacks especially Asians who accept their model minority status, and thus have to appease, cajole and perform 1000% better in many instances in order to assuage the racist assumption that we are less than human at all times. One misstep and we are never given a second chance or even forgiven for a single f*ck up and thus we are thrown unceremoniously on the n*gger pile as Whites shake their head amongst each other with that I told you so smirk. Obama must be realizing that no matter what he does to show that he is superman, one false move and he’s just another ghetto, victim prone N*gger who is out to get whitey.
So many Whites give their sob stories of being ripped off, raped, brutalized, damaged by all those heathen unruly murderous Blacks, but the untold stories of Blacks who have also been brutalized and destroyed by racism and physical disgrace have been silenced and discounted because—Blacks are so much more angrier than Whites and we just can’t seem to get over being treated like subhuman amoebae without any soul.
The whole White righteous indignation rings hollow, when I have witnessed and read countless of times of Blacks wishing, working, and dying to be accepted and deemed part of White America. We have always been willing to give Whites a chance after chance after chance and hope that one day they can see us as with the same degree of empathy that they can muster for their own, the Tsunami victims or Native Americans since they have so many of them in their family tree. As a result, have there ever been stories of Whites passing into the Black community, yet we have many Blacks who may have a cousin or an Aunt that became White. Why is it that Whites are the number one choice in interracial marriages for Blacks and not the other way around. Why is it more likely (obviously they are exceptions to the rule) for a biracial person to be more accepted by the Black family and the community then the other way around, especially if they have more African identified features. Why is it that some Blacks would character assassinate another Black person in order to be seen as the good Black or not like those dirty N*ggers but there has never been a comparable cultural phenomena of Whites who are willing to dirty their community in order to be accepted into a Black one. Whites when threatened regardless of their ethnic background usually close ranks and protect their own, whereas for Blacks it’s open season to step on anyone that is in their way to being accepted into White/Mainstream America.
The anger and worst the resignation from some Blacks is the fact that we have tried and continue to try so hard to be part of America –to be counted as a valuable and contributed group that has made lasting positive impressions as to why America is so great. The frustration is that no matter how Blacks work the system legitimately, how many degrees we have, how low we genuflect to authority and the right political views, no matter if we use the most sophisticated elocution and vocabulary-to any White person whether they are rich or poor, unless proven otherwise in a most spectacular and exceptional way, we are still just a another “ghetto” N8gger.
But I've been called out for stealing black men from black women? OMG, seriously? You cannot predict who a man will like. If you are a black woman who is not getting asked out on dates, maybe it's more your angry attitude than the color of your skin. I've noticed that people generally like people who are nice to them. I'm nice. Kindness is its own gift. Try it some time.
I’d like to see how magnanimous you will be when the White guys continue to pick Asian and Latino wives over White women. In fact there is a low rumble of complaint now as Asian women are continually being eroticized and seen as the ideal of femininity compared to ball busting White women. You can be condescending and dismissive about the challenges that many black women face in the dating and mating game which is being invisible to White and Black men unless you are drop dead gorgeous and having to deal with a host of disgusting stereotypes and hurtful assumptions, then get back to me about being angry and how just smiling will melt away harden racist attitudes.
Anonymous said...
blacks including obambi are pissed cuz he came out and tried to make his little black nutsack friend look like the big bad poolice abused another poor black man....LMFAO
turns out his dumbass friend was the ass.....now bambi got'a eat crow and fucked himself out of his healthcare for black peoples...lol
Let's see America is post-racial yes. The reason people was piss about Dr.Gates is because he is race neutral. He grew up in West Virginia. He has several white cousins.The state is 4% black. At a early age he developed a limp.The phrase post racial and race neutral came from people like him. When white media wanted to go After more black militant scholars like Dr. Tony Martin they use Skip. Skip WAS the type of a guy that stand up when the National Anthem is played. He loves that flag. Now when a fucking old man that walked with a limp for most of his life is treated like a Nigger, how is he suppose to act? Like Jesse Lee Peterson and suck Klannity's ass.FUCK YOU. We done has almost 500 years of this shit. Now Rat Buchanan said it's a white man's country built for white men. Bill Oreilly said one time "their trying to stop rich white men from running America. What am I suppose to do? Kiss your ass, fuck that.
Everyone is talking about racism, but have any of you noticed that the Gates affair has trumped the rabbi kidney story and the NJ politician corruption case(the FBI arrested 13 NJ politicos and several rabbis for money laundering)?
I would bet my next paycheck that Limbutt, Hannity, Savage, et al. will not mention the kidney affair but will continue on with this Gates business. In light of the president campaigning for health reform, why wouldn't the sale of organs to people trump the Gates affair. Also, there are many many blacks on dialysis and are waiting for kidneys. We need to focus on what whitey's left and right hand is doing and where they are trying to lead us.
kid- didn't realize you wuz 500 yrs i applogize for all your suffering through all these many yrs it must be difficult being that old,
as for skippy IF he woulld have done what the officer had asked of him he wouldn't have gone to jail!it didn't have a damn hing to being black!
that homie is the bottom line :)
How many times do I have to be called n****r before I respond?We have a whole network that every day dogs out minorities? Women , Hispanics, and Blacks are insulted on a regular basis.Jokes insults and stereotypes are pumped out on a daily basis. They put women on to attack women rights. They put gays on to attack gay rights.They put blacks on to attack black rights. They put Hispanics on to attack Hispanic rights.FOX loves to put it's thumb on the scale and put out it's own truth. People are waking up. Remember the fake PUMA groups? How about cry baby Glenn Beck copyrighted 9/12 project? Fake grassroots organizations won't work.
trickster206, i heard about that today, i heard 3 mayors from north jersey got arrested, some rabbis, and some 44 people more got arrested in that money laundering scheme.
Anon 2:48p
You are coming from an angry place, and have years of preconceived notions about black people. However, it may not be such a good idea to start you (blacks) in the first sentence. You make it sounds as if us blacks are a different speices rather than looking at us in our full humanity. I am a single black woman (43) who has never pregnant therefore no children. However, the first question a black man or a white person will ask is do you have any children and I find it annoying because the assumption is I must have children and no husband being a black woman. Here is a factiod, the average black woman on welfare has two children. I am not saying that there are women who do have 3 or 4 children by different fathers, but more than likely it is 2.
Assumptions can be dangerous and I wiil you this story as an example. A poor unemployed white person blames jewish people for the source of all his problems. He believes that "Jews" run the banking system and are cheaters particularly he lost his job because a "jew". It is the Christmas season, and the man breaks into the home of Goldsmiths killing the entire family. He believed that the Goldsmiths were jewish and deserved to die, but he nelected to noticed the huge Christmas tree near the staircase and the ham baking in the oven (he broke into house from the kitchen). The family were also of the quaker faith. However, this is what happens when you are angry and full of hate.
You as a regular white person should be aware that the moment you walk into a high-end that you are being watched. The salesperson sizes you by what you are wearing and determine if you can afford to buy anything, if you are dressed as if you do not belong there, then you immediately paid close attention to you until you leave. You have just been profiled. Generalizing is not a good thing.
Kid, anymous sound like chichen shit on your blog, he left one on my blog too, i can't stand that blogger i close my blog to get rid of that piece o shit.
@Grinder: "White people aren't composed of two groups, one saints and the other sinners. It is more complicated than that, and if you truly want to understand us you must start there...."
Grinder, we know white people: We have spend a life time observing you, working along side you, and interacting with you.
Trust me: We know that you're not merely saints and sinners, and, if I had the time, I could give you many, very complex categories of observed white interactions.
And why have blacks been this observant of white attitudes, behaviors, disposition, and inclinations: It's been a matter of life and death, having a job or not having a job, living in a certain community, or not living in a certain community.
Now, how much have whites observed us, should be question? How often have they lumped us together in a one-dimensional, flat, stereotypical cardboard image?
But why should I want to understand you, if I didn't already?
I didn't cause the rift in the black/white relationship. I didn't relegate your importance to a back-of-the-bus, colored-only, backdoor, existence.
Frankly: I don't want to get to know whites more, better, or what have you.
The burden of healing your self is yours.
The burden of overcoming racism is yours, not mine.
I have never been a racist, never benefited from white privilege, and never discriminated against anyone because of their color.
I represent the goal that many whites should be striving toward?
Now, it's your task (the task of whites) to "know yourself," and to know me.
How you manage to reverse this crap is beyond me.
"Not all white people are alike, okay? Like you, we are a very, very diverse lot."
We know that you're a heterogeneous lot, but racism "all look alike to me."
I live in NJ and the scandal will seal Corzine's fate by not being re-elected as Governor, it have reprecussions on the national level with upcoming 2010 mid elections. Democrats need get a backbone.
Anonymous said...
kid- didn't realize you wuz 500 yrs i applogize for all your suffering through all these many yrs it must be difficult being that old,
as for skippy IF he woulld have done what the officer had asked of him he wouldn't have gone to jail!it didn't have a damn hing to being black!
that homie is the bottom line :)
Fuck you mother fucker.So Skip should have said yow sir boss I be a bad little darkie just a hoppin' around on my cane like Kunta Kinte.We know the neo-cons are trying to start riots.Why in a state with a black Governor did some cops ATTACK a old ass black man that been hobbling on a cane since he was 12 years old?If it was Cornell West or Tony Martin we would have known that they probably started it. Dr. Gates is not a militant , all the more reason to make it a case of race. When Oprah was locked out of Hermes' in Paris it was because of her RACE. Oprah and Skip don't mention race. Now when someone is racist towards them then they remember "Oh Shit! I'm black".Clarence Thomas has that happen to him at a NASCAR rally. the people booed him not because he's a conservative judge, but he was a black man at NASCAR. That still didn't wake his ass up.
dark moon- sorry you feel so bad about having black features you should be proud of yourself no matter what you look like, remember there's someone out there for everyone! so, smile!
maybe you could hook up with kid?
kathy said...
Kid, anymous sound like chichen shit on your blog, he left one on my blog too, i can't stand that blogger i close my blog to get rid of that piece o shit.
5:31 PM
I'm sorry that the punk ass troll follow you.Again my deepest apologies.
Lawd we be talkin up in here!
BTW, I don't really talk like that. Just thought I would mention that for the new readers. I don't want to be stereotyped :)
Seriously, some of you (some of you) are making good points.
dark moon- sorry you feel so bad about having black features you should be proud of yourself no matter what you look like, remember there's someone out there for everyone! so, smile!
maybe you could hook up with kid?
Your pathetic attempt at sarcasm, while hiding behind a black hole of a handle is duly noted , but that is not what I am talking about. People like you negate features like mine as disgusting and ugly. I like the way I look even though it does not conform what White people and others find acceptable. I am just noting that no matter what Blacks do to be acceptable or should I say, palatable to Whites and non-Blacks, we will still be considered sub-human.
darkie moon all i meant was that i understand that alot of black women have issue with black men that are more attracted to any other race than black women....
again like alot of other things NOT MY FAULT
Anonymous said...
darkie moon all i meant was that i understand that alot of black women have issue with black men that are more attracted to any other race than black women....
again like alot of other things NOT MY FAULT
6:05 PM
Keep it up bitch. The more people like you ,Limbaugh, Oreilly,Buchanan,Malkin,Palin,Jesse Lee Peterson, attack black people the more obsolete you make the Republiklan party look.Can't use a real name so you hide behind Anonymous, just like a rupubliklan a coward!Go make the "darkie" comment to a black persons face. When you wake up from your coma in the hospital with your new dentures, you can tell us all about it.
darkie moon all...
I see your are attempting to play act being a racial realist a la Jared Taylor while simultaneous being a virulent and repugnant racist in one sentence. Kudos to you for your clumsy dexterity. And you have perfectly illustrated what Blacks go through every day. You are completely inured to anything other than your disgust and contempt for Black people oh and this particular darkie.
Oh and thank you for showcasing that you are nothing more than lowest form of filth laden troglodyte.
Aye Field, since you a man from "back-a-yard". And we're talking about racial profiling and all. I figured you and maybe other readers should know about government sanctioned racial profiling practices expanded by Barack Obama on June 10th.
Racial Profiling? No, not in our country!
Field, I know you will appreciate this. It's been out there on the 'Net for some time, but, I was just made aware of it last evening. I think it goes well with your post: http://www.derailingfordummies.com/
cry all you want to bamni still screwed the pooch....lol
and wat about biden that fuck'in idot called the russ's a bunch of low lifes......oh, yeah i want'a be a democrap......LOL
Bsweet, you said: "Also, my note about angry black women was aimed at LaIncognita, who reamed me out for dating black men. In her mind, my dating black men therefore reduces the pool she has to choose from. I was speaking more or less specifically to her."
What glue were you sniffing on when you thought you read that? Go back on the previous threads and show me... you pretentious stereotypical lying bigot.... where I wrote anything remotely close. Were you trying to be rhetorical with that nonsense? Did you pick that up from another black female, or one of those IR support groups for white women, and figured to pass it off as my words? You clearly do not know me well. I would never have said such a thing. That's what white females like you want to believe, and that's what you tell yourselves to pump your wounded and protected egos. You think black women only have a "pool" of black men to choose from? You better think again.
And why did you mention your rape? I'm sure you are aware that statistically more black females per ratio have been targeted by sexual predators as compared to white females. And while you mentioned your attacker's race under a guise of making some other point, I'm wondering if it was said so anyone can figure your trauma by the hands of a white male is partly why you felt more comfortable among minority men? Sorry, I'm not a therapist, and no I don't need one any more than you clearly do.
And not only did you assume that I'm angry and bitter, but you also assumed that I'm a manless black female, as usual. You want to indulge in stereotypes? You are the one showing all the signs of being the coping reject of the white male society. White women like you were never told how 'pretty' you were when growing up. You walk around with your low self esteem and suicidal tenacities just dreaming to be promiscuous with anybody who would give you any attention. The first color struck black man/man of color with the 'ugly white woman syndrome' to grin your way, apparently introduced you to that world of feeling extra valued and oddly superior among those self hating minority men. You built up your worthless white self-confidence by opening to being used up and sexed up by multiple minority men. It's that same false valued feeling of being desired, and that subliminal superiority chip you picked up from those minority men that have you on this blog knocking yourself out trying to understand why you're not being accepted with open arms among the rest of us black "folks". And yes you enjoy being the "white savior" to those little half Mexican children, or else you would not have mentioned it in that context.
Woman, you do not impress me, you are a classic case, I see straight through you. Do not try to flatter your self on my expense. You are a vindictive liar. I have no respect for you at this point. In my eyes, you have proven yourself to be a desperate white condescending pretentious fraud looking for trouble. I have nothing further to say to you. And don't pull the "white woman hating" card with me either.
I wish you luck...
Granny and Hathor, I apologize for disagreeing with you both on another thread. You may have been right about that white police officer trying to pull the stereotypical "yo mamma" comment off as if it was Gates own words.
La♥Incognita said:
Did you know Dr.Gates wrote a book about that stuff.It was called "The Signifying Monkey".It's a old African American story that Rudy Ray Moore made popular. So if Skip was to say something to that cop it wouldn't be the tame "yo mamma" stuff.First the man don't talk like that and second he knows "Dolomites" stuff. He can get rawer than that.He wouldn't sound like Jimmie Walker on "Good Times" saying stuff like "yo mamma" and "Jive Turkey".
missincognegro....that is a great link (tongue in cheek).....Thanks!
Drackman...you are a pea brained douchebag....Blow me!
"Drackman...you are a pea brained douchebag....Blow me!"
Sorry, he already has a duty to blow other people tonight while he's in prison. That must be why he's so angry all the time.
Ol Skip Gates should have watch this video by Dr. Rock:
You may be wrong. It has been my experience that even educated blacks that speak proper english most of the time have a tendency to go “ghetto” when angered !
This is especially true with black females. A perfect example is some of the above blogs, refer back to some of your writings.
Anyway it’s extremely possible that Skip got angry with the Officer and went ghetto on him? Never the less it’s not illegal to speak in Ebonics and it’s my understanding that an Officer can’t be offended by someone being loud (if that were the case more blacks would be in jail) even in public. I believe that even using vulgarity in front of or to a Police Officer isn’t a crime it has to be another citizen. Having said that Ol’ Skip must have said something in front of someone else.
Oh, as far as the whole not having the balls to put my name on this……I’m just guessing but I don’t think kid is what your Momma named you?
Anonymous said...
You may be wrong. It has been my experience that even educated blacks that speak proper english most of the time have a tendency to go “ghetto” when angered !
Unlike TV shows if a black person mouths off ,THEY GET SHOT! You're not black because a black person would know that.
People scream and go off on police on television because THEY'RE ON TELEVISION.It's called the Hawthorne Effect. When people are watching you change your demeanor.
It's hard to move on as if nothing happened when we're victims of racial profiling. Most of the people that aren't effected by profiling will say that it's not a big deal; but they're not the ones being inconvenienced and humiliated all because they were born with permanent suntans.
"And I've noticed that Jews haven't moved on. Perhaps there are some Jews that condemn the "remembrance" aspect of their holocaust, but I haven't heard from them."
From experience I can tell you no ethnic group in america has ever shown less sensitivity to my people than blacks, yet we are supposed to walk on eggshells not to offend. I was called a kike my a black store clerk (who knew I was jewish when he looked at the name on my credit card).
Blacks have been policing Jews since the day the Holocaust happened to make sure that we do not use it innapropiately. My people don't need to be policed by the people who brought us the Crown Heights Lynching, babbydadyism, pongrom's on Asian businesses, Nation of CrackHo's, etc.
Look how Jerimiah Wright is so outspoken about the Israelis- yet he doesn't fret about how the black man treats women and gays in most of affrica- a million times worse than the Israelis treat the Palesitians. Or the Arabs for that matter. They get an eternal free pass.
No one has a problem with blacks remembering slavery.... I have a huge problem with you using it to treat me (and others) like dogshit. Blacks don't give Jews a free pass because of the holocaust and it needs to start being a two way street. I'm sick of blacks yaping about jews and then crying racism when you are spoken about it the same way.
To quote Malcolm X- I'm not going to get all wet eyed about some annoying negros who once had to work for a living.
Or Louis Farrakhan: whoever called Jerimiah Wright a nigger and dangled him from a tree is wickedly great.
I'm sure these above statements wouldn't offened African Americans, cause you sure don't get offended when this kind of stuff comes a black person's mouth.
"And to the blonde/blue eyed/"busty"(implants) white woman with the hodgepodge of different races in her family (yeah right) and her 1st black husband, stop hating on BW, you girls are so jealous and petty. So you got a taste of the black dick, what do you want, a cookie? MOVE ON, bitch."
i second that with a lololol,
Even on a blog like this some blacks can't help but show how ghetto they are. ghetto ghetto ghetto. There sure are some nappy headed ho's that inhabit this blog
"After more black militant scholars like Dr. Tony Martin they use Skip..."
Militant black scholar? Tony Martin is a white sheet wearing nigger. He wouldn't be a scholar either if it wasn't for affirmative action.
You may be wrong. It has been my experience that even educated blacks that speak proper english most of the time have a tendency to go “ghetto” when angered !"
'Sometimes' they do. It depends on the individual and their mood at the time. Maybe the 911 tape will reveal something. The term "yo mamma" can be used by anyone, including the educated ones. Just because they have a higher degree of learning does not necessarily alter their ego or character. Quite often it's the soft spoken ones who tend to spin out-of-control emotionally in stressful situations like these.
I bet Field and Jody have seen lawyers and judges like that. So don't over or underestimate Skippy or Crowley. My impression from afar, is that they are two of a kind in character and personality, which always makes for a volatile mix. So don't think for a minute that it would be impossible for Skippy to say "you momma" or Crowley to say some choice words himself.
Kid my dear we're talking about real life not TV, also the Hawthorne effect improves a subject’s behavior not make them more vulgar and/or animated (moving head from side to side, waving arms around things of that nature). Look, it’s common knowledge that when angered (most not all) blacks love to put on a little show like the preverbal child that’s not getting enough attention. This most likely is what got Skippy In trouble causing a disturbance in public especially in his neighborhood.
I've got to laugh at Anon. You know what I see Anon (and the other incarnations of you; perhaps you are one person), I see someone who besides being a coward--because we all know you don't have the "ingredients" to say any of the above to a black person in real life--I see someone who is DESPERATELY vying for attention on this blog. I wish people wouldn't do more than laugh at you, or make fun of you because you are incapable of ever realizing just how great an ignoramus you are.
Your comments just scream, "Please validate my existence, black people." Nothing you have said makes any sense, it's just race-baiting rambling about nothing...
P.S. There is nothing wrong with a nappy head lol. The nappier the better for me.... I realize you may not like that, but who the hell cares about you anyway. You're entitled to your foolish opinion, and if you ask me, the more offended by my hair, and my culture the better. You know what that smells like? It smells like you know you are inferior, and you're terribly afraid to show it. Only, we can tell. I can anyway. If I were you, I'd pray every night for God to make me black in the next life if there is one. It's okay.... Nobody will know but Him.
Not being able to handle stressful situations or reacting in an extremely angry way when confronted by said situations is not a market cornered by blacks. I've had to calm my boyfriend down on several occasions, and he's white. Stop making excuses for being an idiot.
"Even on a blog like this some blacks can't help but show how ghetto they are. ghetto ghetto ghetto. There sure are some nappy headed ho's that inhabit this blog"
lol, last time i got called a "ho" was on a white hate site, who u kidding"
Even on a blog like this some blacks can't help but show how ghetto they are. ghetto ghetto ghetto. There sure are some nappy headed ho's that inhabit this blog
Pay this cracka no mind guys. It's just another dumb ass cracka from another site that I know about trying to get attention.
@grinder, that audio tape about the Boise, Idaho cop sticking his taser up his ass and threatening to taser his balls was over the top. It had me laughing half way through it. They should make a documentary about Whites in Idaho. I hope the guy sues the city for every dime they have, which probably isn't much.
How many Blacks do they have in Idaho? I have never met a black person from Idaho.
Seattle Slim: "I've had to calm my boyfriend down on several occasions, and he's white. Stop making excuses for being an idiot."
Reading your comments and BSweet it sounds like there is some serious mixing of the races there. Must be due to all that rain.
LOL Or perhaps we're a little more progressive up here.
I can see from many of the comments here that "the dialogue" was a waste of time. However, I just wanted to add something about the poster going on about angry black women. It's a real shame that people have to stoop so low as to continually drag black women through the mud. I suppose the fact so many of the most beautiful and eligible women are black leads to such attacks.
omg, that white guy, i just hate that black women do get dragged through the mud, and by who, a white woman was the worst, that is the shame, shame on white women, for being so god dam stupid, white women have the experience and opportunity to actually use they power to make change, but they don't do that. it so damn sad.
Kathy "...i just hate that black women do get dragged through the mud, and by who, a white woman was the worst, that is the shame,.."
Who and what are you talking about?
just read a bit, the commments speak for themselves, what am i talking about?
the white feminist movement was headed by rich powerful white women who didn't want to stay home and play bridge anymore, the regular women who actually worked had nothing to do with that movement.
white women have power in numbers, they could make change,they could work to stop white racism, they must like sexism and hatred, and white power, for a white women, sexism and hatred, works for them, that is what i am talking about.
white racism and sexism works for the mind of too many white women, that is what i mean.
BSweet, you asked for it. I tried to warn you on the other blog but you kept provoking her, she bit you real good again. Don't think she doesn't have more verbal abuse up her sleeve. Now leave it alone move one.
BSweet, I remember when you were degraded by LaIncog on a previous thread, while you were trying to be friends with her. Didn't work out so well, did it?
You being a white female, and trying to be friends with her is like a black person trying to be friends with David Duke. It ain't gonna happen. FWIW, she hates BM who date or marry WW as well.
Have compassion for yourself and move on. You can’t be friends with ALL Blacks. Communicate with those who are friendlier and carry less baggage.
Last ticket I got was in Idaho by a Black HWY patrolman. Imagine that.
BSweet, you asked for it. I tried to warn you on the other blog but you kept provoking her, she bit you real good again.
Hmmmm...Was it this?
And to the blonde/blue eyed/"busty"(implants) white woman with the hodgepodge of different races in her family (yeah right) and her 1st black husband, stop hating on BW, you girls are so jealous and petty. So you got a taste of the black dick, what do you want, a cookie? MOVE ON, bitch."
Too F-ing funny! rotflmao!!!!!!!!
If there's one thing that stands out from this thread, it is that whites don't have any patent on ultra-defensive reactions.
"If there's one thing that stands out from this thread, it is that whites don't have any patent on ultra-defensive reactions."
Amen. Disgustingly absurd and deluded isn't it?
Disgustingly absurd and deluded isn't it?
No, not that. I think "bemusing" would be more like it.
Webster's Dictionary
bemuse: to cause to have feelings of wry or tolerant amusement
@grinder-You find ultra-defensive reactions bemusing? Those ultra-defensive reactions prevent honest communication and keeps everyone on a merry-go-round with no serious solution. They are intentional distractions.
"No one has a problem with blacks remembering slavery.... I have a huge problem with you using it to treat me (and others) like dogshit. Blacks don't give Jews a free pass because of the holocaust and it needs to start being a two way street."
Since you used my quote as your springboard for your rant, let me respond.
I have no problem with you remembering the holocaust, as well as you should.
We all need a continual reminder of how far humans will go in their efforts to achieve racial purity.
But you're wrong on two counts: Some whites are as opposed to our remembrance of slavery (because we're told we use it as a crutch, or hold it over whites to gain favors or sympathy) as they are opposed to Jews, who they claim use the holocaust in a similar fashion--to garner undeserved sympathy.
But if I might be honest, your tone suggests that it's only blacks that treat Jews like "dogshit."
We both know that that's ludicrous. Which leads me to my next point: either you're a co-opted Jew, believing that all whites see you as one of them, or a non-Jew just blowing smoke.
Your use of ("an others") gives a great deal of weight to my conclusion.
Regardless of what you mean by a "free pass" and a "two-way street," let me say this: if hating blacks somehow serves your interest, continue.
I don't give a damn.
But let me also say this: If you're truly a Jew, you're woefully uniformed about your own history, especially in this country.
Let me reiterate: I don't care if you're a "nigger" hater, a racist, or what have you, and that you feel free to use the term here on this blog.
An attack is a cry for help. I wonder what is distressing you. And it sure as hell not blacks, because I doubt that you're interacting all that much with us with that attitude.
Whites that do, usually have their life insurance paid up.
Grinder said...
"If there's one thing that stands out from this thread, it is that whites don't have any patent on ultra-defensive reactions."
Grinder, I'll admit: I might have been a bit hard on you with my previous post. It might have come off as "ultra-defensive," but I wasn't responding to your comments along, but to similar comments that I have heard many times from other commenters.
I give you kudos for your willingness to engage the subject of racism, and to give what I believe is your honest perspective.
I don't always agree with you, but I do respect your candor, and your fortitude.
And if we appear, at times, to be overly reactive to certain comments, consider how long we have been living with a problem not of our own making.
@Black Diaspora,
But you're wrong on two counts: Some whites are as opposed to our remembrance of slavery (because we're told we use it as a crutch, or hold it over whites to gain favors or sympathy) as they are opposed to Jews, who they claim use the holocaust in a similar fashion--to garner undeserved sympathy.<<<
Forget sympathy. There are whites who contend that it didn't happen in the first place. Folks like those at the Cato Institute and the Institute for Historical Review and individuals such as David Irving, Arthur Butz, et. al., have made a cottage industry out of Holocaust denial.
As a black woman who is the descendant of slaves, Holocaust denial should concern all decent people. For if one group's history can be twisted and distorted, others can as well.
As a Jewish woman, I thank God for people like Professor Deborah Lipstadt of Emory U and Steven Speilberg (for the Shoah Foundation) who are among those who counter this nonsense through education and witness testimonies for future generations.
But let me also say this: If you're truly a Jew, you're woefully uniformed about your own history, especially in this country.<<<
From the tone of this poster, I really don't think he/she is Jewish.
In any case, from housing covenants to restricted immigration quotas that barred Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany from safe haven here in the States, the Jewish American experience is one that is filled with discrimination and anti-Semitism alongside opportunities.
I have always had a general idea that Jews years ago had quotas imposed on admission into Ivy League University. But I recently borrowed BF's Chutzpah by Alan Dershowitz.
Among the various issues Dershowitz covers in his book is the system of discrimination against Jews at Ivy League schools and the network of law firms that refused to hire Jewish graduates from law school.
"Forget sympathy. There are whites who contend that it didn't happen in the first place."
Good point!
The irony of you being both Jewish and black is not lost on me, given the comments that the poster left, and I commented on.
As an aside, I post on two blogs that happen to be maintained by two Jewish women, and both refer to themselves as Jewess.
But when I consult my dictionary, I'm told that the term is "offensive."
Is it? Do you know?
Holocaust deniers are a strange breed.
What has been the impact of reputable historians in their efforts to counter these "revisionists" as they prefer to be known?
I guess what I'm asking: Are the efforts of reputable historians making a dent in the deniers claims? What has been the result of peer review?
The experiences of Jews in this country are not a matter of conjecture. For that reason, blacks and Jews were, and are, natural allies--or should have been, in most cases.
That there exists antagonism from some quarters is regrettable, and unfortunate.
The movie, Gentleman's Agreement, took a risky--and explosive for its times--look at our country's brand of anti-Semitism.
I read somewhere that many who had a hand in the making of the film-- all but the main actor, Gregory Peck--met with some difficulties afterward.
I can't document that.
Perhaps I'll look for Alan Dershowitz' book. It sounds like an interesting read.
Thanks for augmenting my comments.
Good point!
The irony of you being both Jewish and black is not lost on me, given the comments that the poster left, and I commented on.
As an aside, I post on two blogs that happen to be maintained by two Jewish women, and both refer to themselves as Jewess.
But when I consult my dictionary, I'm told that the term is "offensive."
Is it? Do you know?<<
Generally speaking, it is. But while it's a term I wouldn't use to refer to myself or others, I suppose some people use it to "take back" the term.
Holocaust deniers are a strange breed.
What has been the impact of reputable historians in their efforts to counter these "revisionists" as they prefer to be known?
I guess what I'm asking: Are the efforts of reputable historians making a dent in the deniers claims? What has been the result of peer review?<<<
As far as peer review is concerned, these "revisionists" would not pass muster from reputable historians.
There, of course, are many books--recent and vintage--that provide information on the Holocaust in general as well as Holocaust denial in particular.
In response to Holocaust denial, historians like Deborah Lipstadt, who is the a professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory University, have written volumes on deniers, their strategies and their agenda (which often is as racist as it is antisemitic).
Lipstadt's book, Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, attracted interational attention after Holocaust denier David Irving sued her for libel for describing him as a denier in her above-mentioned book.
The thing is, she was summoned to court in England, where the burden of proof there for libel is on the defendant, not the plaintive. Nevertheless, she prevailed. She recounts her experience in her book, History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier.
She also has a blog in which she talks about Holocaust denial and other issues. http://lipstadt.blogspot.com/
Dershowitz also talks about the Holocaust deniers that walk among us.
Steven Spielberg's Shoah foundation and museums such as the Holocaust Memorial museum, www.ushmm.org, provide witness testimonies, which are particularly crucial as more survivors pass away in the coming years.
The experiences of Jews in this country are not a matter of conjecture. For that reason, blacks and Jews were, and are, natural allies--or should have been, in most cases.
That there exists antagonism from some quarters is regrettable, and unfortunate.<<<
It certainly is. And you would have some people--black and white-- who discount or dismiss Jewish involvement in the civil rights movement.
The movie, Gentleman's Agreement, took a risky--and explosive for its times--look at our country's brand of anti-Semitism.
I read somewhere that many who had a hand in the making of the film-- all but the main actor, Gregory Peck--met with some difficulties afterward. I can't document that.<<<
I saw that movie some time ago, but I didn't know that Peck experienced troubles for starring in this film. That's interesting.
Perhaps I'll look for Alan Dershowitz' book. It sounds like an interesting read.<<<
It really is. You also might find Lipstadt's books interesting. And no, I am not her agent. :-)
Anony said: "You can’t be friends with ALL Blacks. Communicate with those who are friendlier and carry less baggage."
You are either a house negro, or you're a white person who feels much more comfortable around smiley house negros, as usual. Any black person who dares to point out any form of racial disparity always gets hit the angry baggage title.
Grinder, you have always came across as the "ultra defensive" white commenter to me. I found it ironic that you made that claim.
Signed by
Angry Baggage Carrier Specialist II
"Grinder, you have always came across as the "ultra defensive" white commenter to me. I found it ironic that you made that claim."
I feel exactly the same way.
The 911 caller who reported a possible break-in at the home of black Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. did not mention race in the call
This police report totally disputes that. Somebody IS lying!
"You are either a house negro, or you're a white person who feels much more comfortable around smiley house negros, as usual. Any black person who dares to point out any form of racial disparity always gets hit the angry baggage title."
By your account, anyone who does not agree with you, or spew venomous hatred and disrespect toward others has to be a HN or White. There are some who chose not to hate. Your heart resides in a cold dark place where the human heart and God cannot go.
Just checking in as one of your white reader fans, who also tries hard to be an ally. I think getting white people to truly grasp white privilege is incredibly challenging. Because, let's face it, white people have been working on arguments that make it okay for them to have more but not feel bad about it for 200+ years. That's a lot of rhetoric and a lot of years of revisionary history to undo.
I'm reading White Like Me, by Tim Wise, as a possible resource. So far it presents a pretty good unpacking of privilege and addresses most of the (specious) arguments you raise above. But, of course, a person has to be WILLING to read it--something I'm not sure is true of the people you mention.
It's an infuriating battle, especially when it all seems, so, well, OBVIOUS. But obliviousness, sadly, is part and parcel of white privilege.
I appreciate all you do, field.
Allrightie then. Since you (black women) seem to know me so well, and boy are you smart to have me pegged like this, I'm done.
I continue to believe that all people can get along. Back to real life, I am done with this blog. Nobody's on here to make the world a better place, except for yourself.
Rather than argue with people in a changeless mindset, I'm going back to my life, which has a wide variety of really nice people who "get" me. I see you don't. But I don't think you want to. You're just looking to jump on me with your anger.
Have fun fighting your fight all by your damn selves. I can see you don't need my help.
BTW - I feel like rather than seeing the openness of my being, you have attacked me for every little thing you don't like.
Just curious, but do ANY black people on here have ANYTHING good to say about ANY white people at all?
As for my getting over being raped - I was trying to explain that bad things happen to good people. I was so young and hurt by that. I wore my victimhood like a badge. It took me years to get over it. No, I wasn't black. But when I walked into a room, you could see the pain and disgrace on me, as I carried it everywhere I went.
I say that you do that. You wear your blackness like a big ole chip on your shoulder. Then you are surprised by the people not liking you. It's not because you are black. It's because you have a big ole chip on your shoulder.
You can't get over being black. But you can lift yourselves up, and others with you. Rather than seeing how different I am from you, can you see how I am trying to reach out? I guess not, and my breath is wasted.
So...good luck with that hatred thing. Seems to be working for you.
BTW - you guys remember when Eddie Murphy did that skit on SNL where he went undercover as a white dude? Do you guys really think that is true? Like - the second you walk off the bus we pull out the champagne glasses and get all Frank Sinatra?
Nobody has any problems except you, and of course, only your problems count.
Also, in my real life, I have black women friends. They see ME. Maybe if you met me, you would see me too.
BSweet said...
Allrightie then. Since you (black women) seem to know me so well, and boy are you smart to have me pegged like this, I'm done.
don't let that door knob hit you in the ass on the way out.
@grinder-You find ultra-defensive reactions bemusing? Those ultra-defensive reactions prevent honest communication and keeps everyone on a merry-go-round with no serious solution. They are intentional distractions.
You know, sometimes I'd rather laugh it off. It reduces the chance of a heart attack. I also am trying to eat more fiber, after reading that 23% of heart attacks occur on the toilet when people are straining to grind one out. All-Bran and bemusement are two keys to a longer life.
Grinder, I'll admit: I might have been a bit hard on you with my previous post. It might have come off as "ultra-defensive," but I wasn't responding to your comments along, but to similar comments that I have heard many times from other commenters.
I give you kudos for your willingness to engage the subject of racism, and to give what I believe is your honest perspective.
I don't always agree with you, but I do respect your candor, and your fortitude.
And if we appear, at times, to be overly reactive to certain comments, consider how long we have been living with a problem not of our own making.
B.D., my comment about defensiveness wasn't aimed specifically at you. I came back here last night and saw that all hell had broken loose in general. That's what led me to write what I did. It reminded me of a scene from a Spike Lee movie. (He made some good ones, by the way. Too long, but still damn good. But that's a different subject for a different day, and I do wonder what ever happened to him.)
Anyway, I have read your comments on this site and you are one of the people who I follow with interest. Like Field, you seem to think it through. We don't see things the same way, but I get the sense from you and Field (and Granny and some others too) that there is thought going on, which is to say that I'm not just running into a bumper sticker. That's what gets to me: bumper sticker logic.
As long as someone is putting the third digit of their I.Q. into it, and bothering to actually read what other people write long enough to consider their ideas, even if only to stomp all over them, that's a start. But when it's just a canned line taken off the shelf, well, among other things it's just boring.
B.D., you never bore me.
Grinder, you have always came across as the "ultra defensive" white commenter to me. I found it ironic that you made that claim.
All I'm saying is that, if I'm ultra defensive I've got company, and it ain't all white company. I do think I'm defensive at times. I plead guilty to that. Of course, if you step back and take a candid look at a lot of what gets posted here, they are broadside attacks on white people in general, so it's hard not to be somewhat defensive.
Now, what does occur to me is that there is a lot of figurative language in those attacks, and you really need to dive beneath the surface and engage the underlying meanings. Anger is often the scab that forms on top of hurt, so you need to find the hurt.
Yet, at the same time, I look at some of what's written and it comes across as posturing, or plain nastiness. Oh, and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of effort here to dive beneath the surface of what's going on among whites and see what's underneath. (Field does it from time to time, as with the posting that this comment is attached to.)
The end result is that you often have a situation where blacks toss around some pretty outrageous calumnies, while whites feel as if they'd better fucking walk on eggshells. All of this makes real "dialogue" much tougher than it needs to be, even when you consider the tortured history between black and white in America.
To boil it down: People sometimes need to cut each other a little more slack. And to repeat something I wrote earlier, from time to time stop and notice what's right. The fact that we are all here means that there is more right than wrong, and it would help to remember it every now and then.
BSweet: "You can't get over being black. But you can lift yourselves up, and others with you. Rather than seeing how different I am from you, can you see how I am trying to reach out? I guess not, and my breath is wasted."
There have been some of us who have tried to reciprocate, and tried to reach out to you. However, you have been so busy screwing around with La Incognita and her one or two disciples, that you have missed the rest of us.
Anon 2:15 pm. You're right. I did get wrapped up in the La Incognita thing. My bad. Do over?
Any black person who dares to point out any form of racial disparity always gets hit the angry baggage title.
That's not so. Most whites have some sense of racism. I do realize that it's insufficient for you, but it's a wild exaggeration to say that any black person who complains about racism is dismissed as an angry baggage carrier.
You seem so thoroughly invested in this vision of stark and unbridgeable gaps. As I've read your comments on this forum, I've been reminded of the Middle East, where you have people whose identities are wrapped up in war, be it Muslims against Hindus or Jews, or Shia against Sunni.
A lot of these people wouldn't know what the hell to do if peace ever broke out. Would you?
@grinder, Thank you for your comments. I always learn from them and I DO appreciate them. I find nothing ironic about them, as some claim. They help me to discover what it is to be human, instead of maintaining a fire wall of defense by judging the faults of others while my own faults go unexamined.
IMHO, if we all searched for the truth, and dedicated ourselves to being loyal to truth and justice, instead of dividing along color lines, America and life on earth would be a better place. But I won't hold my breath on that one. Despite that, I can do my part by standing for truth and doing what's right even when others are going against it because of race, gender, color, fear of being labelled with nasty names, ostracized, or whatever.
As Mother Teresa once said, "In the 'final analysis', it's going to be between you and God anyway.... It never was between you and 'them' anyway."
I try to keep her words in mind; they give me the strength and will to press on.
Thanks again for your comments. There is a lot of truth and wisdom in them.
"And to the blonde/blue eyed/"busty"(implants) white woman with the hodgepodge of different races in her family (yeah right) and her 1st black husband, stop hating on BW, you girls are so jealous and petty. So you got a taste of the black dick, what do you want, a cookie? MOVE ON, bitch."
Way to set back the discussion by putting this woman on the defensive. And you wonder why the debate won't go anywhere....
Set the chips off your shoulders for a second. No need to bite the woman's head off just because she made an ill-advised attempt at commiseration....although I bet she won't be doing any of this again.
i am appalled at the bashing of debra dickerson herein!
debra dickerson v. skip gates is akin to comparing quincy jones to flav-a-flav
both have white spouses
one is a afro musical genius
the other is a media minstrel joke
in the cases of skip and debra, their white spouses are irrelavant to differently colored minds/politics etc
debra dickerson is no clueless racially revisionist uncle tom and no elite buddy to obama as skip gates is!
debra dickerson has penned some of the most afrocentric rebel truths ever...unlike skip gates and his obsessions with whitening africa and being orgasmic over his own white dna
obama's daddy had several white spouses...and obama's mom is white...so???
BSweet "Anon 2:15 pm. You're right. I did get wrapped up in the La Incognita thing. My bad. Do over?"
As long as you have breath left, there is always another chance. Don't sweat it, keep pressing on "upwards".
BTW, I am glad to hear you have worked through 'some' of your childhood pain and thanks for sharing it. It gives many who have been abused physically, sexually, and emotionally abandoned as children great 'hope'. A Big Thank you....Peace.
Anon 3:01, thanks. You know, we can't expect the big solution in our lifetimes. All we can really control is our own selves, and even then only partly. You make the best life you can. You try to look around and pay attention. You try to be a member of the brotherhood of civilized people.
That's really all you can do, but it's a lot. It occurs to me that, as futile as all of it can seem, all of the countless little civilities are what keep us going. As long as some crazy people don't nuke us all, it will be the little civilities that will keep us going.
If people give up, then we're dead. That's the bad news. The good news is that people don't give up. Individuals might, but people in general keep on keepin' on. Always have, always will.
BSweet, you just considered all that heartfelt dialogue with La-incognita as a "thing". This is the kind of mentality thats getting you in trouble with these BW. Anon 3:14, it would be helpful to know who you really are. Are you a BW or a BM and you black at all? BSweet, be mindful when forming alliances with the anonymous ones, they can give you false security and you still end up nowhere with BW.
why are skip's eyes bright blued in this photo???
Mack Lyons- "Way to set back the discussion by putting this woman on the defensive. And you wonder why the debate won't go anywhere...."
Thanks Mack. We need more to speak up about shit like that. We want the Whites to speak up about their assholes while we remain silent about ours.
in the balance, this dialogue has confirmed my belief that there is more that unites us than separates us.
word verification: larke
ghost in the machine, field? lol
BSweet: I hope you don't come back you fake jungle fever ass.
48 yr old BW in Chicago: "BSweet, be mindful when forming alliances with the anonymous ones, they can give you false security and you still end up nowhere with BW."
Good advice. BTW, those with ID's who justified and blamed BSweet for LaIncognita's mean degrading words to her ought to be suspect, too. Because they are the ones against constructive dialogue. I bet those with id's and names far outnumbered the Anons.
FYI, many Anons have brought constructive conversations to FN blog, and quite a few have been far more introspective than some with ID's. FWIW, it wasn't an Anon who first degraded BSweet. And it wasn't an Anon who joined in the party to stomp on her or to mock her.
@BSweet, let your intuition and gut be your guide. Above all, trust in yourself and keep that good-will of yours for all human beings. The world needs it. If you make a mistake, it's all right. Field won't throw you out for trying to get along. That's how humans learn about themselves and others.
There are so many Anonymous people on here, it's hard to respond to them all! I would like to suggest picking a handle and sticking with it. You don't have to use your email, but at least it helps us figure out whom to address.
To Anon 3:15 pm - Thank you. It's been a long road. I've tried really hard to put that behind me and live the rest of my life. I will keep trying.
To Anon 4:52 pm - Wow. Well, whatever. Changed my mind. Unless Field wants me gone, I stay.
Here's my little piece on why racism matters to me.
First, when I was about 4 or 5 years old we lived in Baton Rouge. I saw a couple (white) on a motorcycle hit a small black boy. They dragged him for blocks. I will NEVER get over that. I never understood and I kept asking my mommy why did they do that to him?
Second, I have always loved to read. I read a lot of history and biographies. One of the first biographies I read was George Washington Carver. I could not believe that one human could enslave another, the idea is so appalling! I read about him and his achievements, and was intrigued by the black experience.
When I was maybe 20 or 21, I went to New York City for the first time. Getting off the train, I saw a couple black girls. They looked at me like I was snot on the sidewalk. All I wanted was to say, Hi! It's my first time in New York! What they said was, "White bitches." "Ain't no other kind." Then they walked away.
I was really confused by this. I'm beginning to understand it more as time goes on. It had nothing to do with ME. It was them and their attitude that sucked.
Okay, moving forward. I go to college, I party, I meet black people, make friends, get to know each other. We're all cool and I really love my friend Basha. She is so good to me! I mean, whose shoulder do I cry on? She's having her first baby now, and it's so exciting! Her boyfriend is white. We are happy because they love each other and that baby is God's gift.
The last time I went to New York, I visited the Museum of African American History. Yeah, I was one of about 5 white people. But nobody bugged me or was rude. I am here to educate myself. I am still appalled at slavery and racism.
I am appalled at the "bell collar" worn by a runaway slave. I am shocked that husbands and wives were sold and separated. I am horrified that people's children were taken away from them!!
I read about MLK, and I read Malcom X's autobiography. I read and I talk to people. What else can I do?
I donate annually to Niger Women's Fistula organization. Not because I am condescending to black women, but because my birthing experiences were in clean hospitals. I cannot imagine how awful it must be to give birth in a third world country. As a mother, my heart hurts. If I can contribute enough once a year that one woman can have her fistula fixed, then I have done one thing to make the world a better place.
So, call me fake. Or jungle fever. Whatever. I know my heart.
How in the world do you "drag someone on a motorcycle"....for blocks?
I think that your donations to the Women's Fistula Fund is commendable. In this month's issue of Vogue, model Christy Turlington is featured for her activism on behalf of safe childbirth for women living in Third World countries.
According to this piece, half a million women in these countries die in childbirth annually.
What is really troubling is that 90% of these deaths are preventable.
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