I just caught his O ness doing his thing at the NAACP gathering in New York, (I wonder how many more of those will be coming here in A-merry-ca? Happy 100th B-Day NAACP. Now if you could just become relevant again. Digression alert!)and I must say that I was impressed. Yeah it was Cosbyish in its tone, but a lot of what he said needed to be said. We needed to hear it from the President. I am glad he didn't go in there trying to talk policy and democratic talking points. That would have been be too much like preaching to the choir. Black folks don't want to hear politics and Washington inside baseball, they want their president to speak to them about issues that are personal to their community. On that front I thought he delivered. The "Amen Corner" was in full effect, so you know he was reaching them.
“There is no stronger weapon against inequality and no better path to opportunity than an education that can unlock a child’s God-given potential,”
Education education education. A black leader cannot stress that enough for me. That is now the number one civil rights issue as far as I am concerned. But around the issue of education are many other complex issues as well. Issues such as failing schools, crime, broken families, a failing justice system, and policies from Washington that makes it harder for certain communities to gain access to funding. His O ness didn't bite his tongue when he admonished black parents to do right by their children and make sure that they are being educated in the right way. He stressed that we must give them every chance to succeed, and that there must be "no excuses."
Of course, it's easy for those of us who were fortunate enough to be given the right opportunities and who were blessed to be raised in a black version of Mayberry R.F.D. to talk. I grew up in a family of four and three of them had PhD's. For me, there was no doubt that I was going to further my education, and I had parents and a sister who set great examples for me. I can't even begin to imagine how tough it must be for a single mother of three, for instance, to try and raise her children in inner city_____________[fill in the blank with any city you want.] It has to be tough. Your kid's father is dead, in jail, or just a dead-beat, and you are holding it down all by your lonesome. A million speeches by his O ness won't make it easier for that single mother struggling in the hood to cope with her circumstances. But policies from Washington that raises that minimum wage and allows her to afford proper health care will. Still, she has to try. That's why that speech was so important. She has to realize that one of her children could one day be the person behind that podium with the presidential seal giving that speech. Those single parents and community activists are our new MLK's. They are on the front lines of the civil rights struggle now. It's up to them; not the leaders we elect, or the folks who hold themselves up as our leaders, (see Rev. inc.) to take the lead in inspiring these kids out here.
Tomorrow morning I will be speaking to some kids at an elementary school in North Philadelphia. I think I will start by asking them if they heard the president's speech tonight. I know only a couple of hands will go up, and then I will ask the rest of the kids why they missed it. The various reasons they give me will be a great jumping off point for the rest of my discussion. A discussion, to me, that will be all too familiar.
BTW, I couldn't sign off tonight without hollering at my man racism, again. Looks like he isn't even running from me anymore. In fact, I think the SOB is starting to chase me. :)
"ATLANTA — Former U.S. Sen. Zell Miller criticized President Barack Obama's recent travels overseas, telling a group of mostly Republican lawmakers Thursday that the White House Chief of Staff needs to put "Gorilla Glue" on Obama's chair to keep him in the Oval Office.
"Our globe-trotting president needs to stop and take a break and quit gallivanting around..."
"Our globe-trotting president needs to stop and take a break and quit gallivanting around..."
Oh Zell, shut up, you are just trying to get attention. And racism, you are way too slow, you will never catch me, not after that speech by his O ness. I am inspired!
Good stuff, Field. The President was on fire tonight.
Ole Zell is off his meds again. His grandkids really need to go see bout pappy.
Field I hope you caught buchanan on Maddow tonight he was most vile, lamenting the plight of the poor white man. Also he had the audacity to say the America was built by the white man...
He was on fire. And I hope plenty of white people heard it. MSNBC ran it. I don't think Fox did for the split second I was able to check before throwing my guts up.
Anon, I saw that Buchanan interview on Maddow. He almost killed my desire to continue. If MSNBC (my favorite network) continues to have him on without ridiculing the hell out of his ass, I'll be disappointed. And why do they have him on in the first place? He is NOT the only spokesperson out there from the wingnut base from which they could pick. I just don't get it.
Never have, never will.
Greetings FN
NAACP "Now if you could just become relevant again"
Seen those NAACP suits, clothing and Dinners lately? Who wants to give up those pretty women at the Hyatt Hotel? That's what life is about for the heads of the NAACP. Look at their $300 hair cuts when they appear on CNN.
Women raising kids in the inner city isn't as hard as it seems if that's all you know then it's normal.
When you grow up going to see your father in the "Joint' seeing your brother go away on a 10 year vacation is something you become accustomed to. Many men say that prison is the first place they had family or father figure in their lives, like gangs.
Ask people from the inner city if life is that bad and many will tell you they were very happy people.
Who wouldn't want the family life the "Waltons" had during the depression. Jon Boy surely wouldn't think life was that bad as a child.
Not trying to be like Cosby, he's just ashamed of growing up in Philly. Most people have pride in their life.
I went back to CNN, no black host on MSNBC. Might as well support the network where you see black faces.
I do like MSNBC commentary.
Bravo Field.
BO was on target and your analysis was superb.
Alison Stewart fine and very black ass is a host on MSNBC. The things i'd like to do in a locked room with her.
Not trying to be like Cosby, he's just ashamed of growing up in Philly.<<
Then how do you explain Fat Albert and Cosby's comedy routines reminiscing about his childhood growing up in Philly? He even attended Temple U.
I didn't see the speech but...I think if the President is going to admonish Black parents then he ought to do his part and fix the schools. There are schools in Washington, D.C. that are within view of the White House that are literally falling down. That's shameful.
So maybe someone needs to give Obama a speech about doing his part too.
The resources single or not, would be child care, health care and programs for kids 13-18 at reasonable cost. Even if a couple is both making min wage, there is little else left to keep a child's hands from being idle.
Society always wants poor people to overcome extreme odds to reach the American dream. The poor moral standards have to be higher and the poor are penalized if they don't live up to those standards of morality and nearly kill themselves. Society demands responsibility, but actively undermines it. They will say don't have those babies, but damned if they don't stress and teach how not to have babies. Society passes the buck, don't look to them to be surrogate parents. Kids you are own your own.
Monie.... take 35 minutes and listen to the speech. The full speech is on the msnbc website. He spends quite a bit of time talking about the need for government to address the failing schools. In fact, that is the major lead in to the next part where he talks about how government can only do so much.
This was an excellent speech.... it should be viewed as not just a speech to the NAACP, but to all Americans... one of his best...
WTF is "gorilla glue??" These folks on the right need to get a grip.
Oh Field, theres even MORE dirt about Marion Barry...come check out my (sadly) short post about it!
Thanks for the info. I'm glad he addressed that. I'll def check the speech out.
Monie, he didn't admonish anyone. Like you said, you didn't watch the speech. It's posted on the CSPAN website, you should check it out. And I'm pretty sure that the president knows what he has to do, but getting it done is another story.
Help me here. Education is the key to opening the doors. I have work in Philadelphia as a court reporter for years and recognize many Black attorneys who are competent and excellent. But it doesn't seem like the Black community really supports them the way they should have and actually Blacks more gravitate towards white attorneys for representation. Look at the Valley Swim Club and the attorneys representing the parents. Now I have to ask why the community didn't select a Black attorney or did I miss something? So I think to myself, it's not only attorneys, but doctors, accountants, and endless list. I'd like you to tell me I'm seeing this wrong but somehow there's a point in here. If you encourage your child to seek a higher education but you yourself consistently gravitate towards whites in your dealings are you not sending a subtle message. Somebody straighten me out.
The PRESIDENT is very smooth when he speak's, he will allow his true BLACKNESS to come out when he is around AFRICAN AMERICAN'S!
Their are time's when he has to catch himself, I know he wish's he could really tell it like it is, but, he has to reverse back to being the PRESIDENT to all the people!
I would love to be a fly on the wall when he is away from his staff, I will bet you that, he and the FIRST LADY really let loose!!! I wonder do they call their adversary's every name in the book? laughing as I write this!!!!
FIELD did you hear about the statement that a GOP REP made! it was regarding abortion, ( he said, I wonder if the PRESIDENT 'S mother would have ABORTED him! that is just some of the VICIOUS STATEMENT! it is over at HUFFINGTON POST!
Not trying to defend Zell, but he very well may be the victim of a poor choice of words.
For starters, "Gorilla Glue" is a real product and from what I heard, one of the strongest adhesives on the market.
If he had said "Crazy Glue", there probably wouldn't be as much of a commotion over the comment as there is now.
I wonder if Marion Barry made some strange stuff, being a PhD Chemist candidate, that fried his brain after he became mayor of DC.
Good point booh3..... I personally was surprised that the Day Campers didn't hire Michael Coard.... he would have been my first choice for their case......
Sharon WI,
Fat Albert is a cartoon, it blunts real life. Cartoons take pain out of life and makes life easy to deal with. That's why children don't understand real life they want life to be colorful like a cartoon.
Cosby would be ashamed of Fat Albert today. Some Rappers make the same sounds a Fat Albert made, yet he hates the noise he started.
Fat Albert was fat, dumb and rans around with a bunch of Ghetto Playground kids. I wonder how many parents want Fat Albert to be a role model for their kids?
I ashamed of lots of things in my life but where I come from ain't one of them.
I've always claimed my daughters all my life which is more than I can say for Cosby. YES she was his daughter.
Maybe Cosby did want to tell people he had a white one on the side.
If I had a white one on the side I sure would't try to hide it
Okay I read a full transcript of the speech. I guess I just get nervous when Barack speaks in front of a Black audience after the Father's Day speech in Chicago. But I digress.
This was a really positive speech. Thanks Jody and Dreamer456.
For anyone who would like to read the speech here is the link to the Daily Kos page it's on. There's also video.
BOOH3, I didn't know that WHITE LAWYER'S were defending the swim club victim's, but to be honest, some BLACK LAWYER are not as forceful as WHITE LAWYER'S!
I have been paying attention to the case of MICHAEL JACKSON, Mrs. JACKSON has a young BLACK lawyer, now, when he is asked question's from the media, he will not speak up as he should, this is a very important case! KATHERINE JACKSON'S lively hood is on the line!
The truth is, when a black person has to get a WHITE LAWYER, nine out ten, they are thinking about, who can get them the most MONEY, now that's when RACE is put on the back burner, it's sad but, WHITE LAWYER'S will do what ever it take's to win a case! and trust me, they intend to make sure they get a piece of the pie!
Oh and let's not forget about, JOHNNY COCHRAN, now he was far and few between, now we all know that, their was no way in the world that, O J should have gotten off!! COCHRAN was SHREWD!!
I pray that the JACKSON'S take a long hard look at what they will jeopardize, if they fail to get a TOUGH LAWYER to fight in their behalf!!! and they cannot afford to look at color in this case, MICHAEL left behind too much WEALTH, and it should not fall into the hand's of shrewd, corrupt, people!
Check this ringwings blog out. Looks like Free Republican wasn't the only one guilty of smearing children. And to think, I had calmed down a little bit. Guess, I'm gone have to give them a couple of jabs upside the head and one to the chin. When they get through counting birds, they'll be alright. Granny stepping back in the ring for round two.
Lola Gets said...
WTF is "gorilla glue??" These folks on the right need to get a grip.
Mack Lyons said...
Not trying to defend Zell, but he very well may be the victim of a poor choice of words.
For starters, "Gorilla Glue" is a real product and from what I heard, one of the strongest adhesives on the market.
I was about to say the same thing, there is a Gorilla Glue. It's stronger than Crazy Glue.Zell Miller is not stupid.I think he chose those words carefully hoping to get a reaction saying that black people are too thin skinned.With overt racism going on the right want to make us look too sensitive and crazy.
Now Field you know what you and me and all these people that blog here can do about the NAACP, take it over.I'm considering joining my local NAACP.I have done things with the local Urban League and volunteered for them. One thing I learn about the blogspere, one person can make a difference.
Fat Albert was fat, dumb and rans around with a bunch of Ghetto Playground kids. I wonder how many parents want Fat Albert to be a role model for their kids?<<
I beg to differ. Fat Albert and his friends taught their young viewers about kindness, loyalty, and being trustworthy.
The video was slow so I read the transcript. What a remarkable speech by an amazing young President. That actually brought tears to my eyes. Just think, 46 percent voted for McCain/Palin. We absolutely need better education but not just in black areas. Perhaps I am too easily impressed. It has been so long since we had a President fluent in one language.
Education is indeed the silver bullet as it has always been. Head Start should be available everywhere. Free breakfast, free lunch, and after school care should be available everywhere. Children should be taught decision making and critical thinking skills from day one. Age appropriate sex education should start no later than day two and end the day before graduation from high school. Honest, accurate sex education than includes heavy doses of respect for ones self and for others. Sometime before they start making babies, we might want to mention that you cannot raise a kid on minimum wage, so do not even try.
Brother Field.....Black people used to get white lawyers when the court system didn't have to account to the public....which could not have cared less for a Black defendant. The thought was that the White lawyer knew the judge and played golf with him....therefor dont get a Black lawyer...might make the judge mad for having two Negroes trying to buck the system. I didn't invent this... I have seen the actions for many years. Keep telling you'll today is much better IN SOME ARENAS than yesterday.Twenty years ago Newport News had no judge that I knew of. Now, the lawyers can signal by their masonic ring finger. Also today we have a few Black judges. Isn't it nice to have diversity. This is not an indictment on todays system.( MY explaination} why still today some defendants are fearful of taking a Black lawyer in court. I am speaking from many years of having 5 Black male siblings living in America. 50s,60s..... Sorry to tangent off; Agree with the Brother that writes this blog. Education is the key, also intact families with law abiding WORKING males must be there. My siblings all went to school and we were not rich but my father and mother required us to do the right thing. My 5 brothers and I went to college via the GI Bill. 3 sisters by family support.No one has ever been to prison. Me, with my Panther activity as a young man came tooo close. Mother went to nursing school with four boys at home. Long story short the new government can only provide some funding, but... it must be a family goal to be educated. By the way my two kids also graduated. Now its a traditon.
Enjoy the school visit.
It's obvious the Prez enjoys traveling to other nations, & the people & leaders of those nations pick up on his curiosity & pleasure. He wants to understand them. He took his to children to the slave dungeon in Ghana & they saw something they'll never forget. Where would Bush have been last week? At his "ranch" in Texas, "clearing brush.'
Sharon from WI and Granny , thanks for standing up for me. I don't know what I did that made Alicia attacked both of you .
Granny: I seen David Drake's site and all I could do was swing in the air. I get tired of hearing that bull about "you did it to Bush too." Hell after I looked at those photos I wish someone would have did it to Bush and Palin.No one I know did anything like this to Palin's kids, nobody. Some of you may not know what I'm talking to Granny about the site had photos of both Obama CHILDREN pregnant with disgusting commentary.Granny has the link posted here.I don't know what to say.Here are some of the comments:
You don't like it because you dislike the same tactic used by The Left being applied back onto them. That's all. You probably get aroused by partial birth abortions.
Call The Whaambulance!
# posted by Blogger David Drake : 1:46 PM, April 21, 2009
The post is disturbing but not for the reasons you enlist. The post is disturbing because it reveals the uglyness in the liberal mind. I was distressed by it too, but I know Dave in no way disrespects or thinks evil of Obango's daughters, regardless of what kind of a baby murdering father they have.
Obango's kids are precious jsut like Pali's kids. The socialists should leave both kisd alone in their sick agenda of trying to the guilt by association on Palin.
There is no evidence that Trig Bristol's baby, but that didn't stop the evil socialists, led by the far left media, from going after Trig and Bristol.
# posted by Blogger Mats : 12:36 AM, April 22, 2009
Thank you Mats, I appreciate your input.
# posted by Blogger David Drake : 2:11 PM, April 23, 2009
Both Obama girls will end up crack hos in the hood.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:48 PM, April 28, 2009
Anony: 5:48PM 4-24-09:
lol! Affirmative Action crack hos, no doubt!
Both daughters will end up with cushy jobs, sit on boards of companies for their name marquee value and have tons of money thrown at them. They will never have to work a real job a day in their privilged lives. Nice work if you can get it...oh, and you must be a Democrat. Then a cushy life is permittable. If you're not a confirmed Marxist, you will be demonized for it.
# posted by Blogger David Drake : 4:06 PM, April 29, 2009
Sharon WI
You are right
I should have said that is what Bill Cosby would have said today about Fat Albert.
I thought it was a great cartoon and rented the movie for my grand children. however Bill Cosby has changed. I remember his Documentary on T.V. it was great.
I also should have said the he was hiding his White girlfriend. Any guy that would let his child go to jail over BS is shameful.
You are 100% correct in your view on F.A.
There are lots of people that have contributed for good but then they express how they really feel and it's a real turn off.
After watching the old white southern senators grilling Sonia Sotomayor all week about her racist comments and listening to stupid old Pat Buchanan, I've decided to laugh instead of cry. The irony is just so rich. I really believe we are watching white racism in its death throes. Desperate gasping for air. Flailing limbs. Pleas for help for the wounded and dying. It really is quite a spectacle. It's so embarrassing for white people to witness this. You can see them passing by shielding the scene from their children's view, wishing these vile specimen would just go off quietly and die in a corner. But no, they are going to live forever on youtube, which is probably a good thing. You could almost see the pity in Rachel Maddow's face as she threw the first shovel of dirt on old Pat's coffin.
And yes, President Obama was thrilling in New York tonight.
Don't go out looking for the filth that's there on the internet. You know it's there, just as when you lift the lid on a sewer you know what you'll find. It's a downer and poison to the spirit. Avoid that stuff. Really. Feast on good things.
Gorilla Glue? Come on, Zell. Don't they still make Krazy Glue or is that only available in Cali?
aunt mary:
America is now just like South Africa when Mandela was running for President. People bought gun.They thought it was a sign of the end of the world.People went on television and stated that they were going to kill Mandela.They said they were going to take it back. They said it was becoming Socialist. What happened, nothing.It's not paradise, but it's not white man's hell.America need to grow up.
Let's wait to see how World Cup 2010 in S.A. turns out. I really love Soccer (Football) It's white econ rule & black political rule (don't know if you can seperate the two).
This is nothing new in America and we will get by this just as we did time and time before. Life will change for the better.
Our children will have more access to the tools they need. No one can help anyone if they have no skills.
I don't have a Phd but I can work to get one. Most of all I need to explain to my family why I don't have one and why they should work toward one.
I can't blame racism for everything I have to take part of the blame because I didn't work my ass of when the opportunity was before me.
I think the government needs to do more to make sure our kids have the best in their schools, but an even bigger part is the parents making sure they visit the schools to make sure their kids have what they need. It cannot be just the government and teachers. It needs to be the whole damn village. I think the reason why white kids don't have the same problems in their schools as our kids is because the parents won't stand for anything less than the best for their kids. Alot of white parents push education like it's the only thing that matters. Black folks need to make sure they let their kids know education is going to be THE key for opening doors. So lets stop blaming everyone else all the time and look at what we need to do as a community.
Anonymous said...
I can't blame racism for everything I have to take part of the blame because I didn't work my ass of when the opportunity was before me.
3:45 AM
Maybe not you but I can.Did you see Bill Oreilly said that white men were being discriminated against.Pat Buchanan saying by hook or by crook to get rid of Justice Sotomayor.
I worked several jobs where I had to train unskilled whites to take my position.EEOC laws are not enforced. Before Obama got elected I never paid attention to race, I just figured that all black people in work places get screwed sooner or later.I been passed over for jobs for someone relative.You see I got so comfortable to being screwed that I became complacent about it.After seeing the way the right act so ugly for the last two years I learned that it is my turn to speak and not take this mess anymore.
I did work my ass off...and I got screwed.It's time to pay the piper, and pipers don't come cheap.
Children feel really inspired when an adult just shows up at school. They go to school with pride, they don't have to expain to other kids why no one showed up at school for the event.
Children can be mean to other children that's why I show people the picture of FN helping a child read on the side bar.
Some of us use this site to do more than just post comments.
Anonymous said...
4:11 AM
The solution for the schools is easy, teach Latin and harder math classes in younger grades. That's the difference between Public and Private schools.The younger you pick up a language ,the better you are at retaining it. A kid learning Latin at a young age is prepared to go to college where you use Latin in some Law and Science classes.The early Algebra classes ,they do that in Private schools as well.That's the only difference . You do that there won't be anymore kids in the slum.It's actually that easy. Make public schools like private schools.That will level the playing field.
i am so glad of president obamas speech.. he said what needed to be said in the right place and at the right time...
that speech should be required reading for all..
Thank god Obama is president. Could you imagine Palin trying to give a speech about the importance of education? Please.
My West Indian parents made it pretty clear to me that I would go to college (part of me wanted to go just to get away from their strictness) and I was expected to do well in school. Period.
Children need that reinforcement especially when education in America is not valued.
When did getting paid and/or being famous become the end all be all?
nyc/caribbean ragazza:
Education is valued in America. But if you were a kid growing up now and seen what Bill Oreilly and Pat Buchanan say about the "poor" white man, dope dealer don't sound so bad.Kids are extremely hip.They think it's a sucker move to work hard and get a education , only to be told by the right to go to the back of the line.
Lola, I will be sure to check out your site. I know you are down in DC, so you have the goods on our boy.
"Children need that reinforcement especially when education in America is not valued.
When did getting paid and/or being famous become the end all be all?"
Great point ragazza.
Anon. 3:45AM. I am watching the World Cup scene,too. I hear there is a strike going on right now and the stadiums might not even be completed in time for the games. That's a scary thought. Even though my Reggae Boyz didn't make it this year I will be watching.
kid and Granny, thanks for hipping us to that clown's site. I am going to link it and encourage everyone to go over there and leave a nice F%*k Y@U comment to everybody in their house.:)
booh3, don't even get me started on the subject of black folks patronizing black prodfessionals. I could start a blog with an entire theme around that. Yep, I have some stories. In a way, many of us are still slaves. It's sad but true.
@aunt mary. PREACH!
Now I am off to school. [Since when did these little crumb snatchers start going to school in the middle of July?:(]
booh3 said...
Help me here. Education is the key to opening the doors. I have work in Philadelphia as a court reporter for years and recognize many Black attorneys who are competent and excellent. But it doesn't seem like the Black community really supports them the way they should have and actually Blacks more gravitate towards white attorneys for representation. Look at the Valley Swim Club and the attorneys representing the parents. Now I have to ask why the community didn't select a Black attorney or did I miss something? So I think to myself, it's not only attorneys, but doctors, accountants, and endless list. I'd like you to tell me I'm seeing this wrong but somehow there's a point in here. If you encourage your child to seek a higher education but you yourself consistently gravitate towards whites in your dealings are you not sending a subtle message. Somebody straighten me out.
When I was a kid, a militant black man and merchant in downtown Baltimore gave me an explanation for this; he called it "slave mentality." You know, those black folks who believe that the "white man's" ice is colder than the "black man's" ice.
Field, most folks agree with this in te breach, but the devil is in the details. Many of our leaders still want to pander to the least common denominator among us, still won't shame folks into doing better because that sounds "self-hating," etc. People still aren't going "snitch," etc. Look at the morons who attackedBill Cosby?
So fine, O man gets up and says this and many cheer. Big deal. Nothing gets'
kid et al:
your feigning ignorance of precisely what you did is amusing
and revealing
i agree with obama re education
but we need more than his sporadic speeches to make drastic education reform and radical parental responsibility realities in america...fn: ditto!
i adore bill cosby...he is one of my heros!...he sounded this education trumpet long before the vapid and tame obama
I have never been angry at Bill Cosby, because he has courageously initiated a belated and necessary public discussion. I respect him for daring to do so. I will never kill any messengers. I will always address their urgent messages. Rather than insult Cosby, talk to a teacher. Or, visit a public school classroom. You will find that Cosby has been far too reticent and kind.
When rappers tell uncensored truths about ghettos, they call it our CNN. When Cosby tells glaring truths about toxic parenting, his detractors call it airing our dirty laundry. Toxic parents and students are destroying academia in America. Our schools are fatally wounded. All wounds heal best in open air!
ditto re msnbc/obama tv!
if fox tv were as bad as kid et al pretend...then that nazi pat b would be on fox tv rather than msnbc/obama tv!!!
msnbc/obama tv is the ONLY major netwk that shamelessly passes that nazi pat b off as some unbiased pundit....shame!!!
weak Alicia
Fox does have O'Reilly, Hannity, Neil Cavuto and that putrid piece of slime Glenn Beck who are every bit as racist and disgusting as Buchanan.
But as Ishmael Reed pointed out so perfectly, there is a double standard even in the media hate game.
The aforementioned white haters have nightly forums to spew their filth on cable TV.
No media outlet, even BET or TVONE would offer a nightly perch to Malik Zulu Shabazz or Quannell X.
What's a shame is that are so called educated black folks that are clueless as to the positive impact Cosby has had on black culture. And the fact that he speaks the truth about some black families should be cause for praise not condemnation.
weakER us!
pat b is a bona fide jew hater who actually knocked back security to personally beat down jews in atlanta
when he ran for prez
no comparison!!!!
mroe on the UNIQUELY and rabidly racist and anti-semitic pat b:
you posted:
No media outlet, even BET or TVONE would offer a nightly perch to Malik Zulu Shabazz or Quannell X.
u say that like it is a good thing?
unlike u, i will not praise black netwks for being LESS diverse and more COWARDLY than ALL of their white peers!!!
you do that solo
FlyNMy40s said...
What's a shame is that are so called educated black folks that are clueless as to the positive impact Cosby has had on black culture. And the fact that he speaks the truth about some black families should be cause for praise not condemnation.
You have a point.
I am surprised that 50 comments posted before you crept in here with your 2-cents.
I did not have time to watch Obama's speech in its entirety yesterday. I did catch a minute of so in a recap on CNN.
I saw something that I did not like which was a kind of coonish condescention in Obama's tone of rhetoric. Similar to the "I don't feel no ways tierd" comment given by Hillary during last years primaries.
I think Obama is a great leader and role model, but I like the dapper, calm, and articulate Obama. Don't change speech patterns for a black crowd because it looks and sounds fake. Also shows a slight chink in the armour.
Lloyd Tate,that's a good point.I thought it was just me that noticed it.Still,I don't think it takes away that much from what was overall a pretty good speech.
Besides,how do we know that that's not the real Obama?
Big shout out to the kids I met over at Hartranft Elem.this morning.They are high school kids involved with a summer program over there and they are holding it down.
coonish condescention <<
What do you mean by that?
alicia dear
"unlike u, i will not praise black netwks for being LESS diverse and more COWARDLY than ALL of their white peers!!!"
My point is that white racism is practically mainstream whereas the slightest hint of black militancy is marginalized.
Steve said:
"My point is that white racism is practically mainstream whereas the slightest hint of black militancy is marginalized."
Whoa down there, big fella...so, one man's "racism" is another man's "militancy", depending on their color?
"coonish condescention"
I think what was meant was that Obama was changing his speech pattern, i.e., "getting his preach on" for a Black audience, which he doesn't otherwise do when he is talking about health care, etc. to a non-Black audience. I also wish he would avoid this and talk to Black folk like he does everyone else, but this is a tradition among politicians these days apparently.
The mainstream media is absolutely dominated by conservative, paternalistic thought and rhetoric. So it is no surprise whatsoever that they would harp on the "no excuses" meme. They PAY Black people a lot of money (hello Armstrong Williams) to trumpet their bullshit from the mountaintops and a large part of it has to do with the pull yourself up while we cut all sources of government help for those in poverty. The speech should have spent a lot more time talking about what Uncle Sam needs to do to help people TRYING to pull themselves up, Black or White. That message should have been the focus, except it still would have been ignored by the people who own the media.
Thanks Field, your regognition lets me know that Im not crazy. I don't think that Obama's substantive effort was impacted by his rhetorical tone....it just rubbed me the wrong way.
Sharon, I think that the portion of the speech that I saw had a coonish or shuck and jive overtone.
I listen to Obama for substance and style, in that order.
I felt like Obama put too much emphasis on trying to appeal to an overwhelmingly black crowd by using a style of speech and mannerism that is characteristic of traditional black orators.
Obamas intellect is what impresses me the most. He does not have to dumb down his presentation in order to appeal to me as a young black man. I do not attend church in large part due to the condecending nature of most black pastors.
The sliding, shuffling, shit talking, that goes on in the pulpit of most black churches is part of a larger culture of "coonishness" too prevalent among our black leadership.
I am a believer that everything has its place, and coonishnes is something that I frequently enjoy in comedy and entertainment.......(think George Jefferson),..... but when it is time to get down to business...all coonishness must be put aside.
Coonishness, shucking and jiving and shit talkin when dealing with serious matters allow indivuals to be to be trivialized. Any group leader who coons allows the representative group to be trivialized and ridiculed.
Another recent example of coonishness that made my toes curl was the performance of 1980's iconic mushmouth Earvin "Magic" Johnson at Michael Jackson's memorial service a week or so ago.
When Magic let an estimated half billion people worldwide know that
sharing a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken was "the greatest momentof his life" american blacks as a group lost about 40 years of progress in terms of image .
Prime coonery.
"Whoa down there, big fella...so, one man's "racism" is another man's "militancy", depending on their color?"
Nope. I thought I was pretty clear.
Outright white racists like Hannity and Buchanan (shall I produce quotes for you?) have nightly perches in the national media but a black nationalist like Shabazz would never be allowed a regular mike in the mainstream media.
Shabazz is what some white conservatives would call a "black racist" but everytime I challenge them to produce a racist quote from the man they disappear.
He just says things they don't want to hear.
my point is that all racism is repulsive
i refuse to pretend that the racists at fox are any MORE repulsive that pat b at msnbc/ALL those other racists at ALL of those other tv news channels
and black netwks need to expose black racists the very same way that pat b exposes himself nightly
i do not believe in censorship
racism is a wound
all wounds heal best in open air
pat b glaringly exposes his own racism & anti-semitism each time he speaks
i want to see MORE and similar diversity (including more black racists) at bet and tv one!
re obama's speech:
i am perpetually underwhelmed by his reading skills
i sent obama this query long ago:
Do you feel it is fair to be called a great orator when you are incoherent without your teleprompter? Do you feel that "eloquent reader" would be a more accurate label for your specific oratorical skills?
give his mediocre speech writers their dues!!!
Please, Alicia. The men are trying to talk here.
Why don'you be a dear, and make yourself useful. Go get us a beer and a smoked turkey sammich.
just know that YOUR sandwiches will be laced with arsenic and the beer mixed with ample amounts of urine
eat well and drink up now dear!
(are the men here actually talking or merely reading like obama?)
Rudy said...
I am surprised that 50 comments posted before you crept in here with your 2-cents.
It's called I have a life, jackass! Maybe you should try it so you don't feel compelled to single out folks you've disagreed with in the past.
BTW, I think you just busted yourself as one of those idiot anon posters who seems to always keep track of when/what I post around here.
And for the record, I wasn't all that impressed with what Pres. Obama had to say. There are plenty of recent events relevant to minorities, ie the case involving the firefighters, the incident at the pool, from which he could have drawn to let minority folks know he's really looking out for our national interests.
Of course that would have required that he actually IS interested, in that and not just setting himself up for a second term as President.
it would also mean that the young gay wm jon favreau who writes most of obama's speeches would have to be far more vigilant while scanning black events in the news and spend less time with his newest bi-racial beard rashida jones
The reason these thing's are being said about MALIA and SASHA is because, this is the TRUE NATURE of these people!
What do we expect? these people are missing a certain gene that make's you a complete human being!
Now me myself, I observe people and I have come to the conclusion that, it is best for the BLACK RACE if we do not get to close to the WHITE RACE! these people are prone to do the most ABNORMAL thing's imaginable! remember JEFFERY DAHMER!!!!
The truth is, what race in AMERICA has LYNCHED human being's!! what race will kill their own children for INSURANCE money, What race will, bury a child alive!!!!! what race will DROWN their own children! now I'm not saying that, black people have not did horrific thing's, but, it can not compare to what the WHITE RACE has done and what they will do!
We may have GANG BANGER'S but, the WHITE RACE has the KKK and the list go's on and it is forever growing day by day, and AFRICAN AMERICAN'S are on their HIT LIST!!
MALIA and SASHA are AFRICAN AMERICAN'S before they are the PRESIDENT'S daughter's! as far as the WHITE RACIST are concerned, they are just two little black girl's that deserve no RESPECT!!!! these people look at skin tone and not at age! this is what they have been raised to see, it's as if we are living amongst a GROUP of SUBHUMAN mind controlled ROBOT'S!!!
kid said...
The early Algebra classes ,they do that in Private schools as well.That's the only difference
This comment just goes to show how much you don't know and I'm speaking as a parent and former high school chemistry teacher.
There ARE schools at least in metro DC, that are as good and provide very similar educational opportunities as private schools. For example, my daughter starting learning algebra in 3rd grade. Now I have to admit, I had to kick some ass so to speak, to get the folks at her school to recognize how smart she is because she used to be very shy, but that's what real black mother's do. Kick down doors to open opportunities for thier kids.
Now my shy kid is off to engineering summer camp soon, yet another opportunity I had to bust my ass to research and find for her (whereas some of her white/asian classmates where given the info by teachers).
I say all that to say this. There are some great public schools in the US. However, not having access to a great school is no excuse for not getting a good education. Public libriaries can provide just about any educational resource you need, but you have to want to look for it in the first place.
Flynmy40s, AB
You two black women are very virulent in your opposition toward our new President.
I'm just curious.
Were it up to either of you, who would be President and what specific policies and goals would you have expected to be accomplished at the 6 month mark of their adminsitrations.
Please, no evasions or bloviations.
Answer THOSE questions in detaill.
i have answered those same irrelevant question many times herein
no more
US, why don't YOU answer those questions instead of having this unrealistic expectation that folks who don't blindly support Obama, do the same.
I try to make it a habit to "stay in my lane" so to speak. If you want my informed opinion about something related to Science or Medicine, I can atriculate a pretty through discussion for you. However when it comes to detailed political arguments/discussions, I tend to take a reading/learning position focusing on comments from folks like Field and AB.
Having said that, based on your comments in political flavored posts, I'd suggest you do the same, "stay in your lane", and put down these lame ass challenges which no one who has a life outside of posting comments on a blog, could communicate to you if they had a PhD in Modern Political Science.
The bottom line Steve is that no one posting here owes you or anyone else an explination for shit so why don't you and your anon cronies keep that shit in mind, ok punkin'?
Hi gang
Excellent blog! Let me be the devil's advocate on the "black people hiring white lawyers, doctors, etc". If I am in need of services and I look at all the available options (ALL) and I happen to be black and decide the lawyer I want is white, I have "slave mentality?" How about I chose the one I thought was best for my situation. We fight, as we should for equality, yet we want to define our own version of equality. If I choose a lawyer just because he is black, then I am just as guilty as chosing a white one if I am a white person. We are not at the summit as far as a colorless society, or may never get there, but if we do, we will have to uphold the principals we preach.
I am not sure you want to read this on friday...but...another california republican was caught sending N-WORD JOKES EMAIL AROUND.
(he then defended his action by "i am not the only one that does it".)
ab and fly
I knew you wouldn't answer.
You're both full of shit.
i define feces as:
one who poses the same questions over and over so he will not have to deal with the issues at hand
posting old stats....ditto
uptownsteve said...
ab and fly
I knew you wouldn't answer.
You're both full of shit.
Real women repond to threatening challenges when they feel like it. In other words, we're not your fcuking wife.
oooo fly
have a great weekend
Check out the article in the Huffington Post today about what Rep. Todd Tiahrt(R-Kansas) said about Abortion and President Obama's mother. (or Google his name)
It's called I have a life, jackass! Maybe you should try it so you don't feel compelled to single out folks you've disagreed with in the past.
BTW, I think you just busted yourself as one of those idiot anon posters who seems to always keep track of when/what I post around here.
Nah, I was just poking fun at you. Unlike you, I do not get uptight over the slightest sarcasm. Although I enjoy our verbal sparring, do not confuse that with "tracking you." You are not that important. Stop being pompous and full of yourself. Okay? Thanks.
What up Field;
Like someone once said we can analyze our problems and talk about whats wrong but the point is to change things.
Obama is in position now to change things. It is a joke for the president who has an idea what life is like for black folks to stand before us and talk about what he is thinking about doing. Does anyone really believe if the government thought it necessary to educate all children that Black children would get educated, or if that it was determined that ghettos were no longer in the national interest and equal opportunity was that these inequalities we talk about braving or overcoming would be eliminated tomorrow.
Sorry Obama fans I am not buying it. And I wish he would cut out the victim blaming. Actually messed up circumstances is a reason to fail its the reason most do, which is why they are there in the first place.
The President was right on point. I don't know why as a people we need so many reminders and chastisements but we do. The NAACP has often tried to rely on an agenda and the methods of long ago. We can no longer advance doing the same old things. There has been some progress but not enough to stay stagnant.
As a people to many don't want to hear the truth. No one can save us, we must save ourselves.
No one has to wallow in their doom and gloom cirumstances. Too many choose to stay in the state they are in because they are content.
There are many examples of individuals that overcome all kinds of odds and horrible situations, why must Black people be any different? We don't have to be. Some of us choose to be. There is always a choice.
"..I have never been angry at Bill Cosby, because he has courageously initiated a belated and necessary public discussion."
You are right. Cosby spoke the truth. Black folks need to become more proactive in their children's education. Otherwise, the best schools and education won't matter to hip hop/rap black kids who disidentify with academics and education. To them, it's just acting White.
cinco-"The President was right on point. I don't know why as a people we need so many reminders and chastisements but we do."
You don't know why? The answer is obvious. When it comes to education Blacks don't value education as highly as others. Blacks see important things as unimportant and unimportant things as important. They tend to get their priorities screwed up and consequently end up going in the wrong direction. Then, when the President or Bill Cosby mentions that Blacks are going the wrong way, Blacks become outraged and indignant at the person for having the audacity to speak the truth.
I am not sure whether Blacks will ever wake up even with a black President.
Why can't black folks just be ordinary, even those in poverty. The heroic life is only for a few and that includes white people. There is nothing extraordinary about getting a high school education. I have not seen any child at two or three which isn't inherently curious. If that curiosity is nurtured little else of the surroundings are of consequence. I think sometimes it is assumed the some children will not learn and therefore they are not taught. Most of the heroic stories are of someone self motivated, their curiosity overwhelmed them.
how can children get a real chance when the schools in the city is providing social promotion.
@ anon...my question was rhetorical. I actually have my opinion as to why.
@ Hathor...there's nothing 'ordinary' about a high school diploma. If there was there wouldn't be such a problem with people not only obtaining one, but believing in it's necessity as well.
I invite y'all to come to my blog:
to see what white folks think about all this crap. I hate these Repubbas. They have been wrecking our nation for ever and ever.
Peace to you all...
Filled Negro:
There you go again.
"Education Is Our Biggest Civil Rights Issue Of Today".
Let me ask you Filled Negro - as we look at the Philadelphia Public Schools which was recently called out for its "social promotion" policies that allowed some kids that did not have proficiency in basic skills to graduate I need to ask you:
1) WHICH FORCES are "violating their civil rights"?
2) Please detail the method by which their rights were violated?
3) (Please note that I wuz there as the present regime climbed the hill to POWER) - With favorable people to you in control over the Philly School board and superintendent's office - Can you tell us about a protest action that you have personally taken against them?
4) Do you feel used in any way in the fact that you supported (or at least did not violently protest) their ascension into POWER and yet you feel that they have shorted you and the children of the district?
5) Filled Negro - WHAT WOULD THIS SCHOOL BOARD have to do for YOU to be motivated to remove them from power?
6) If Education if a "Civil Right" and the kids' PARENT(S) don't do their part in the matter - what sanction should be put upon them for such a violation?
7) Whereas law enforcement can violate your "civil rights" via an action that harms you (ie: false imprisonment) how can you make the case that EDUCATION is a civil right when in fact there is so much INTERDEPENDENCY upon the STUDENT, the teacher, the administration the parent and the COMMUNITY to all do their part to insure that an ACADEMIC ENVIRONMENT is produced?
Filled Negro can't be just agree that this "Education Is A Civil Right" is just another attempt for you to "right-itize" something that the prevailing powers that you support have FAILED to deliver to you?
You simply want MORE MONEY from the state of PA.
In as much as Philly has a state charter as a city, this connotes a bit of selfsufficiency and competence. What you seem to seek to do is to retain all of the powers of Philly while looking past the incumbent requirement that this city field a workable economic plan by which it can pay for its own basic government services.
Why in the world did your ideological forces TAKE OVER THE CITY if you were incompetent to deliver for the people within?
In as much as you were motivated to run previous regimes that failed you out of power - what are your plans now?
[quote]He spends quite a bit of time talking about the need for government to address the failing schools. [/quote]
My friend Jody - when I attended P.P.S. the plan back then was to get favorable people INTO POWER to "address the problem schools".
Now when I do research on "www.greatschools.net" I see some of the marquee schools in the city are now 3 out of 10.
What exactly are you planning to do Jody to keep those that failed you accountable? Promote them to the Federal Education Department?
[quote]Were it up to either of you, who would be President and what specific policies and goals would you have expected to be accomplished at the 6 month mark of their adminsitrations.[/quote]
The only problem with your question is that FOR YOU - this is the same question that you'll ask after
* 1 year
* 3 years
* 5 years
* 8 years
and then you'll use this as a drive to repeal the 22nd Amendment because OBAMA DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME to undo what it took the White folks 230 year to do to your satisfaction.
I would be more pleased if you could tell my why P.G.C. Schools have an excessive suspension rate for Black kids.
Whitney B. and Granny:
I just peeped at your blogs.
What happens if the GOP shuts down and Fox News has its broadcast license revoked by the Obama FCC?
I bet that you would then be pleading for Moderate Democrats to cede from your party and reopen the Whig party so you can have someone to fight against as your main thesis while avoiding ever having to articulate the thriving BENEFITS that your beliefs have brought to the masses.
cnco-"@ anon...my question was rhetorical. I actually have my opinion as to why."
Does your opinion differ from mine?
an excessive suspension rate for Black kids.
8:50 PM
Constructive Feedback said...
Whitney B. and Granny:
I just peeped at your blogs.
What happens if the GOP shuts down and Fox News has its broadcast license revoked by the Obama FCC?
More of Beck's and Oreilly's fans will go to more museums and kill more minorities.They also want to shoot the Census takers . When are you going to address the neo-cons responsibility in contributing to the extermination of poor people ?We know what the Thugs are doing to the black community(Gangbangers and Black Conservatives).How about Ollie North, Ronald Reagan, COINTELPRO,EEOC,and the rest.
Why do you hate black people so much?
When you comment about blacks stupidity your skin color don't change.When you point the finger, four are pointed right back at you.
Don't think those comments at Drakes will see the light of day.
I did leave this comment. Not scathing or anything.
I didn't know Tripp was found in a cabbage patch?
"The President was right on point. I don't know why as a people we need so many reminders and chastisements but we do. The NAACP has often tried to rely on an agenda and the methods of long ago. We can no longer advance doing the same old things. There has been some progress but not enough to stay stagnant.
As a people to many don't want to hear the truth. No one can save us, we must save ourselves."
Change tends to flow from the individuals. Eventually, the group will follow. Eventually. Or perhaps not.
Sadly, if the group doesn't follow, they'll stay in the exact same spot until circumstances either force them to move or eliminate the group altogether. In other words, evolve or die.
Most within the Black community have become too complacent in living the "ghetto" culture, and they believe they can ride that El train all evening long without consequence. It's gonna take something drastic...and heartbreaking...to finally "wake up".
"Otherwise, the best schools and education won't matter to hip hop/rap black kids who disidentify with academics and education. To them, it's just acting White."
In the Hood, acting White is a liability that'll get you beaten, ostracized or worse. Academics and education are considered White, and therefore are off-limits. Most Black teens see "the Streets" and the activities within as being the most relevant thing in their lives.
Another issue at hand is self-worth. That's something that's lacking in the Black community these days. Imagine 99 people telling you "you ain't shit" and only one person counteracting that statement. Unless you have your own inner strength, it's easy to believe that "you ain't shit" and act accordingly. Some Blacks don't see themselves as being worthy of being educated or being worthy of having a good job. Or starting their own business. Or even being a highly-regarded politician. When you have no self-worth, you basically have nothing and can't do anything.
That's something that's lacking in the Black community these days. Imagine 99 people telling you "you ain't shit" and only one person counteracting that statement. Unless you have your own inner strength, it's easy to believe that "you ain't shit" and act accordingly. Some Blacks don't see themselves as being worthy of being educated or being worthy of having a good job. Or starting their own business. Or even being a highly-regarded politician. When you have no self-worth, you basically have nothing and can't do anything.<<<
It's particularly devastating among young girls who become mothers at too young an age. And their pregnancies are usually the result of older men--losers who can't handle women their own age, so they prey on teens who fall for their lines and a dinner at McDonald's.
Hathor,I know he censors his comments. Buit I am enrouraging people to leave comments under his latest posting and try thread jacking whatever he is writing about. Let's see if that works.
"What happens if the GOP shuts down and Fox News has its broadcast license revoked by the Obama FCC?"
Stop it [Un]constructive one, you are getting me too excited too early in the morning.
I left a comment on Drakes as well and mine hasn't been posted either.
As for Hathor's comment about Palin's disabled child calling him a cabbage patch kid, yours was just as stupid and vile and anything I read over there. Rarely has matching one ignorant comment with another ignorant amounted to anything more than TWO ignorant comments. Common human decency dictates that one lay off kids and those who are mentally challenged.
"..Rarely has matching one ignorant comment with another ignorant amounted to anything more than TWO ignorant comments. Common human decency dictates that one lay off kids and those who are mentally challenged."
I agree. To lower oneself to the level of disgrace of an idiot, only means the idiot has won. There are now two idiots. To be outraged about the things said about Malia and turn around and do the same mean-spirited thing to Palin's kids only perpetuates the ugly indecency. It is quite telling about one's own lack of morals, respect, and care about children. Obama supporters cry out that the Obama kids should be off-limits but it IS ok to trash Palin's kids. That is a self-righteous sick mentality that clearly shows the stinking ugliness of Dems, which is no better than Repubs. It's the kettle calling the pot black...
Kid Says:
[quote]More of Beck's and Oreilly's fans will go to more museums and kill more minorities[/quote]
Filled Negro:
Advance warning - I am putting the finishing touches on my latest blog entry.
It is entitled "KID - The Bastard Love Child Of Filled Negro".
You see I have been saving several comments from Kid in which he blames Clarence Thomas, Ronald Reagan and other force that HAVE LITTLE TRACTION WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY for the ills of the Black community.
In his perverted mind these individuals are SUPERIOR in their power to the array of Black elected officials and their progressive White and Hispanic brothern in their ability to define the outcomes within our community.
Now Filled Negro - I know that you are not unintelligent. You likely don't agree with Kid. The fact is, however, just as my previous analysis of you has shown - You feel less inclined to CORRECT Kid for his foolishness than you are to address my stinging facts that I observe about how the GROWTH in the ideological POWER over our community has not materially changed the key issues that confront us.
What you need to do is to get Kid in line so that if he is ever invited to a public debate and has to defend his belief - he doesn't get his azz handed to him.
You see, Filled Negro - when I debate you all I get to LEARN your tactics and thus see the patterns of your diversions. So you all HELP ME with each interaction.
When it comes to Kid - by not redirecting him - YOU ARE HURTING your soul mate as he will never develop a more effective perspective that actually MAPS TO ANYTHING THAT CAN BE SEEN WITHIN OUR COMMUNITY BY THOSE WHO DON'T SUFFERED FROM RIVER BLINDNESS.
Holla at ya boy!!!
I said Tripp not Trig, and if your face and mind didn't get contorted, when you see my comments; you'd understand the response in the context of that post.
anon 10:42
Excuse me, but didn't Bristol Palin have a baby or do you think they found that baby in the cabbage patch too.
Perhaps Obama should have addressed this: Not one Black neighborhood in America has a Black business economy upon which its members can depend to supply its residents with their daily necessities, products, services or jobs.
Not one Black neighborhood in America has a Black business <<
Not one? In the entire country? Can you cite evidence for your statement?
Not one neighborhood has a BLACK BUSINESS ECONOMY upon which its members can supply its with residents with daily neccessities- apart from the white man.
"Not one neighborhood has a BLACK BUSINESS ECONOMY upon which its members can supply its with residents with daily neccessities- apart from the white man."
That is depressing.
Hathor said...
I said Tripp not Trig, and if your face and mind didn't get contorted, when you see my comments; you'd understand the response in the context of that post.
The only thing I need to correct is your making disparaging comments about a mentally challenged kid. But you're STILL an ass for talking about someone's kid.
The fact is that if you weren't always saying something so ridiculous on such a regular basis, quasi mistakes like this wouldn't happen.
Anonymous said...
Perhaps Obama should have addressed this: Not one Black neighborhood in America has a Black business economy upon which its members can depend to supply its residents with their daily necessities, products, services or jobs.
Blacks had one in Oklahoma and it, along with many of its residents, were burned down to the ground.
I don't even think you know what the allusion is about.
To be honest, I agree with Sen. Miller. Obama should keep his behind in America and work on American issues, especially the disparity in education, small business loans lending and job opportunity. Enough is enough. How much are these trips costing the taxpayers anyways?
Now the Gorilla Glue reference is racist. Note to white people and any other non-Negro person, please refrain from using references to gorillas, monkeys or any other animal when making a statement about Americans of the Negro persuasion. Attorneymom is warning your azz. Consider this the final warning.
"Real women repond to threatening challenges when they feel like it. In other words, we're not your fcuking wife."
Rightwing rugmunchers are "real women"?
"Attorneymom is warning your azz. Consider this the final warning."
If your warning is ignored, which it probably will be, what do you plan to do?
You all can hoot about the Hamite[african]barak all you want, he is not us. Michelle is us not once did he call his people brothers or sisters like american blacks.all american blacks got was Michelle,the jews & white america got a biracial puppet.African americans are isrealites not hamites.AmeriKKKa is done & a african as predident is proof!
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