It's nice to see that there is a ground swell of outrage here in A-merry-ca against my neighbors at the Valley Swim Club. (Well....some A-merry-cans; excluding self hating Negroes and whites in denial). It's funny how these things happen. Usually we can tip toe around each other and our prejudices never become an issue. We can work together, watch a ball game together, and even socialize on certain occasions, together. But there are times when we just can't avoid our true feelings, and unfortunately for the folks at the valley Swim Club, they just had one of them.
I once posed a hypothetical question to a white acquaintance who I thought was pretty cool. It went something like this: If your daughter were to go off to college and come home her junior year with a black boyfriend what would you do? Imagine with me that the black boyfriend is a pre-med student making straight A's at Princeton and both his parents are surgeons. His grand father was one of the first millionaires of color in America, and the boy himself is a dead ringer for Will Smith. (I used Will because he is one of the few black movie stars white folks would know) He then proceeded to tell me in no uncertain terms that he wouldn't go for it. Sorry field, he said, I am just not there yet. Call me cynical, but I don't think most of us in A-merry-ca are there yet. We know now that some of the folks at the Valley Swim Club aren't there yet, and they probably never will be. But hey, that's their loss not mine.
Now just a few more things about this story and then I am done with it: (Hey, I have more racism to chase)
1. These children were from Oxford Circle (those of you from Philly will know where I am talking about) and it is fairly close to the club. So it was quite reasonable for the camp to call this particular club as it was probably the closest to them. The children were not all black, there were some Hispanic children with the group as well.
2. The members of the club overruled the board and told them to cancel the agreement and give the camp their money back. The folks from the board claim that they [the board members] did not want to do it.
3. I know for a fact (unless kids are lying to their parents) that the children were subject to disparaging remarks when they went into the pool, and that some of the white members started taking their own children out. One woman said that she had her six year old grandson there, but she took him out, not because of race, but because the pool was getting too crowded.
4. The people who were there (including the life guards) all say that the children were well behaved.
5. It's true, Senator Arlen Specter has gotten involved and wants an investigation into claims of discrimination.
6. Girard College
(A local high school here) did step up and offer the kids their pool free of charge throughout the summer. The irony is that the founder of Girard College; Stephen A. Girard, specifically wanted
blacks excluded from his school. when he founded it. And a Main Line ice cream store, Gumdrops & Sprinkles, also stepped up and gave the kids freebies.
(Nothing like some freebies to soothe where racism hurts)7. This club is not made up of wealthy folks from Huntingdon Valley where the club happens to be located. It is made up of mostly of working class ethnic whites from Northeast Philadelphia, which is just a few miles from the club. (The membership fee is about $400 so that ought to tell you something.) This is not a country club, so we can't even blame the country club set for this one. They are much smarter and classier with their racism.
8. Yes, we can blame the children not having a pool on budget cuts in the Parks & Recreation Department here in the city. (You can thank the frat boy and his accomplished mission for that one)
9. Some of the families of the children are considering some type of legal action.
Finally,to be fair to the folks at the Valley Swim Club, I will leave what is now posted on their website:
"The Valley Club is deeply troubled by the recent allegations of racism which are completely untrue. We had originally agreed to invite the camps to use our facility, knowing full well that the children from the camps were from multi-ethnic backgrounds. Unfortunately, we quickly learned that we underestimated the capacity of our facilities and realized that we could not accommodate the number of children from these camps. All funds were returned to the camps and we will re-evaluate the issue at a later date to determine whether it can be feasible in the future. Our Valley Club deplores discrimination in any form, as is evidenced by our multi-ethnic and diverse membership. Whatever comments may or may not have been made by an individual member is an opinion not shared by The Valley Club Board. "
So that's it then; all is well that ends well.
Oh, before I go I want to comment on a couple of things that has been bothering me today: First, O man I know you are the president, and you have to practice a certain amount of decorum. But please just say the word and I will kick Matt Drudge's scrawny ass for you my damn self. Putting Malia out there like he did today calls for a serious beat down. So the child wore a t-shirt with a peace sign on it. LEAVE HER ALONE. SHE IS ELEVEN!
The other story that pissed me off is the one where some ignorant Negroes in Ohio allegedly attacked a white family who were out celebrating the fourth. That shit is not cool. I doubt it was racial, because knowing some of these thugs, they would beat down there own mamas if they thought they could impress their boyz.
Still, the shit gives every person who likes to play tit for tat with racism (like some of the folks who leave comments here) an excuse to play the you do it too game. But think about this: Maybe some of those gang bangers in Akron were kicked out of a white swim club when they were younger.
1 – 200 of 218 Newer› Newest»I believe I read on What About Our Daughters, that the Valley swim club was a non-profit organization. Discrimination like this doesnt bode well for their status, and perhaps gives those litigious families some extra fodder for their lawsuit.
Its been quite a week for racists. Between the swim club and the wingnuts calling Malia Obama a "ghetto trash street whore" for wearing shorts and a peace-sign t-shirt, alot of whites have been showing their true colors lately.
It is made up of mostly of working class ethnic whites from Northeast Philadelphia, which is just a few miles from the club.
Are these the same blue-collar, working-class whites that was referenced so frequently during the Democratic presidential primary race in PA?
I hope you get the ok to kick Matt Drudge. I've had the misfortune to see him on Bill Maher's show a few times when it was on ABC. Drudge comes across as a male version of Sarah Palin. He's so smug and obnoxious, I would love to see the hat knocked off his head.
Yes Anne, and see what Swiff said. A wingnut blogger did go there.
Hi Lola, how is D.C.?
BTW, before I get any grief about the Obama pic I have up on my sidebar, let me explain: That picture is being circulated by wingnuts as proof positive that his O Ness is just another black man who likes to scope the booty. Well, I say good for him. As long as he doesn't tip on Michelle it's all good with me.
Hey, just because you are on a diet.....
But this just goes to show you how desperate the other political party in A-merry-ca is right about now.
I live in Ohio and the 4th of July beat down story is getting a lot of play. That poor family is going to be used to further a rather interesting agenda. CNN's "The Lou Dobbs Report" went from the pool story, (showing a little crying black child) to this story. Of course they are discussing labeling this a hate crime.
And Mr. Field: Free ice-cream and candy soothes all sorts of boo boos in the short-term. Those poor kids just got a taste of what we already know.
They're selling kid's peace sign necklaces at the 7-11. Kids go for that peace-love stuff. Unfortunately, they grow up. Last summer, Olympic Gold medal gymnast Shawn Johnson was criticized for wearing little peace sign earrings.
What the trend now? Hey, let's just kick the young folks around, with their stupid ideals & unrealistic hopes & expectations.
Well, when we do, the Bible says we're committing a great sin.
Racial hate crimes are racial hate crimes. The incident in Ohio is fair game for comment. Field, if a couple dozen white teenagers attacked a black family on the 4th of July, you'd be all over it. Rightfully so, by the way.
It's interesting that you're willing to deny any racial motive, when the reports indicate that there was at least one racial comment made against the white family during the incident, which sent someone to the hospital for five days.
That wasn't just a little shoving match.
Yeah, the Ohio beatdown was racially motivated, rest assured. However, it is no Howard Beach.
calling Malia Obama a "ghetto trash street whore" for wearing shorts and a peace-sign t-shirt
I Googled that phrase to see who had calling her that, and there were no results. Could you provide a link to support your claim, or were you just making it up?
I am not in any way, shape, or form defending Matt Drudge here. He makes me want to puke. But given the reality of racism, why sit there and invent something about Malia Obama that was not said?
Yeah, the Ohio beatdown was racially motivated, rest assured. However, it is no Howard Beach.
How do you know?
I cough 'bull$hit! #1. FN being that you had to inject the and I quote "So Called" biggest box office of the AA community,Will Smith hollywood colorstruck boule, who would never let a black woman below the paper bag test near his bedroom door, let alone his bank account, then they had to be one of the "So Called" first of his race, !HUH?! TWO SURGEONS! and he's a MED Student, Millionaire Grandfather, MONEY already in place, HUH! And you want to ask him will he please take this Black man off our hands so he can make some mulatoe children that will pull the paper bag test until that Million plus will get 'WHITE' back in line-age, HUH?! I'm ah have call you HOUSEkneegrow today. Black men standing anywhere begging some yt man to please let us have your daughter, has just become the norm in America, I bet a Sista working there wasn't far away, YOU KNOW the standard of beauty in America makes it VERY hard on a BLACK woman, so her choices are limited in scope in so many areas, and you standing somewhere begging some yt man to IMAGINE, NAW! Imagine a yt man asking you about the reverse #1 money wouldn't haven't entered his imagine, just being yt would have been enough, but he wouldn't ask because black in America have yt women so high above their Mothers, yt FOLKS laugh at these foolish knee crawling PLEAS over dinner, maybe even a snack, KNEEGROW PLEASEEEE!, Malcolm, Malcolm where are you we need YOUUUUUUU! And as for the POOL incident, Goody Goody Gum Drops, SUE THEM!!! We need our own like I said yesterday, kneegrowssssssssssssss
You know I’m beginning to think whichever of our country’s antagonist that said the O man was a puppet was correct. Remember Dr. King said, “A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.” He is really turning out to be a disappointment on so many levels and if he does not show ‘ a pair’ soon, he administration is going to be worst than bush.
I have wondered for decades how the fight for civil rights for blacks became and continues to be defined as living and recreating and worshipping with white folks. Where I grew up, black businessmen brought the land and donated it to the city for a park with all accoutrements. That same community had its own YMCA and YWCA, bank, savings and loan, veterinarians, tailors, hospital, theatre, etc. Services offered by black men and women that I am hard pressed to find now even here in Memphis. Professors lived next door to porters and who lived next door to the doctor who had the pool to swim in when you did want to walk to the park.
It is time we start taking care of our children again and protecting their mental and emotional health until they are strong.
How do you know?
Easy, all the victims lived to tell about it.
"No stimulus package jokes please."
That's because the package is empty.
I need to have a talk with Mrs. Field.
I looked at that picture on Matt Drudge and if you noticed there is something laying on the ground and the President could have been looking at that. The woman has a folder in her hand and may have dropped something.
Now, as for the President, people do you remember that there is more than one branch of government and that the Congress (Legislature is the one that writes up the bills and bring them to the floor). I'm not taking up for President Obama but however, he can't do it by himself. The government is just like any other business if the staff underneath the head executive is not doing their job the whole business will suffer. President Obama does not have the liberty of firing Congress, the people voted them in. People got so used to the Bush the dictator until they seem to have forgot how a real government functions.
I've read two articles on what was said about Malia and I googled. So, I don't know how you missed it.
O.J. Simpson is a BIG TIME house Negro. However, he had a "house Caucasion named Kato Cailen." Therefore, O.J. was, in a way, some white man's massa. Therefore, does this cancel his house Negroish tendencies, and make him a normal Black man ?
P.S. For all of you who'll take this seriously, PLEASE re-read the title :0)
At the Daily Kos blog, in the
Recommended Diaries section, is a post by Halfrican. There you will find links to awful comments about the t-shirt and the Obamas. Granny at 1:06am, I agree with you. Something this Drudge sludge character would come up with for the creeps. Field, I agree with you, also. The Repubs are so desparate, it's frightening to what measures they go to make a point.
Drudge is a punk.
And I will join you to beat his ass down.
BTW, I have to change that to p*ssy!
Drudge took down his lame ass attempt to denigrate that child!
He was just trying to be relevant again.
To whom, I'll never know.
Thanks for the citations. I really did do a Google search. Google either doesn't search Kos and the freepers, or it takes a while to pick them up. I stand corrected.
Of course, the freepers are stark raving insane, so I'm not sure they necessarily qualify as "the wingnuts." They're the crazy ladies in the attic of the attic where the crazy lady is locked up.
To me, it takes the freepers plus someone else to really qualify as the wingnuts. If it's just them, then I think it's just barking spiders, which is what one of my childhood friends would blame his farts on, as in, "That? Barking spiders."
@Granny: "The woman has a folder in her hand and may have dropped something.:
Granny, you're right: many possibilities present themselves, but those whose purpose it is to disparage President Obama will use any excuse to do so.
Now when it comes to female pulchritude, I'm a connoisseur.
And when I see this young white woman, I find nothing erotic, or mildly sexually attractive.
I see a young woman who appears emaciated, possibly anorexic, and appearing to be in poor health.
If I gave her a second look, it would be because I was concerned about her health, and not a "booty call."
It saddens me that President Obama detractors will go to any length to cast him in a negative light-- all to garner a political advantage, or to besmirch what has been up to now--a study in restraint, presidential decorum, and the maintenance of an unimpeachable character.
Anne and Granny nailed it.
It was those batshit crazies over at Free Republic, the internet home of "Grassroots Conservatism". These are the same people that will descend like locusts upon the comments page of any Obama news story that Drudge links to in order to screech about the "socialist dictator" "0bama" and the coming "REVOLUTION" against his "tyrannical" rule. They demand to see his birth certificate. No, not the one on his website, because that's a "CRUDE FORGERY".
Matt Drudge knew what he was doing when he put that picture of Malia up on his page. He who leads the sheep to slaughter...
And when I see this young white woman, I find nothing erotic, or mildly sexually attractive.
Hey, same here ;-)
I just read through the Freeper stuff. Those people are sick.
The attack in Akron, it's bullshit.Anyone knows that doing something to a white person will get you a long sentence(think Jena).Fifty blacks vs. six whites and only one goes to the hospital.He's calling it a terrorist act. Most people getting a beatdown curses the people out that did it. He acting too damn calm.He's not using the N-word.Blacks do sometimes commit crimes on whites.The FBI will get to the bottom of this.Akron is in lockdown and everyone knows it.Why wasn't the other five taken to the hospital.Why did the alleged assailants say "its a black country?" he's leaving something out.This sounds too much like the girl with the "b" on her face.If I am wrong ,I will admitt it. This seem too fishy. Field remember the thing in Cleveland where 10 kids killed one guy.50 to six and only one injury,bull. Also no one had a gun.The rule is to bring a gun to a knife fight.This smells.
You know, kid, you've got a point. This one needs more investigation. The 50 black teenagers "came out of nowhere?" Hmm. I think there might be more to this one than meets the eye.
Nobody in Ohio fights anymore. People carry guns everywhere,to school, the bar, everywhere.No one makes a political statement while beating someone's butt.
There's was a racial attack in Akron where a white guy killed two black guys and a white girl. They caught the guy out of state.The conservative Akron Beacon Journal didn't say a peep about that.This was a few weeks ago.
Black Disapora:
Black men's taste in butts falls along the BIG butt line and she don't have one. You won't catch them staring at lack of one. Michelle Obama has one.
Oops, and I forgot to add concerning that picture if you look at real close you'll noticed that he is not gazing at her butt, his glance is aimed more at the ground.
One more thing, look at how his body is positioned as if he is getting ready to bend down and pick it up.
I keep trying to tell everyone that these people will stoop lower than dirt. They are some very evil people, and some are even in the Democrat party as well.
A guy gets beatdown July 4 th, maybe he came from a tea party poppin junk.
@Granny: "Black men's taste in butts falls along the BIG butt line and she don't have one. You won't catch them staring at lack of one."
Right on, Granny!
President Obama (You notice, I rarely miss an opportunity to address him as president.) has had many opportunities to meet women of all nationalities and ethnicities.
Clearly he's a man, and we men rarely miss an opportunity to ogle a pretty woman, but I'm sure he's not so enamored of a pretty face that he would allow himself to be that distracted during a meeting with a foreign leader.
And the black man's preference when it comes to female body parts, certainly can be found more in hindsight, than foresight.
"[L]ook at how his body is positioned as if he is getting ready to bend down and pick it up."
It looks that way to me, too, and France's President Nicolas Sarkozy seems to be amused by something off camera.
President Obama, as you've observed, appears to be looking down, not back, preparing to reach down and retrieve something dropped, or discarded.
As I mentioned earlier: the young woman would hardly command more than a passing glance from most men. She's just not that interesting--that is, from a pulchritudinous point of view.
Why Reuters, and Yahoo! News chose this picture to highlight is all too obvious.
But President Obama's body language belies their intent: to show the president as nothing more than a womanizing lout, lacking presidential discipline and dignity.
Whew, I just read the sampling of racist comments toward the President's family posted over as kos. They have rendered me speechless...
Black Diaspora:
"to show the president as nothing more than a womanizing lout, lacking presidential discipline and dignity"
You got that right. They've been trying their best to figure out something to discredit the man. And a lot of people are starting to fall for the okie doke. Their so use to be lied to, until when someone does come along and tells them the truth, they don't believe it or they've got to look for a reason not to believe it. Sad!
The man told the people during his election. One that he was going to end the war in Iraq. And concentrate on finding Ben Laden. They've been pulling troops out of Iraq.
He said he was going to close gitmo down, and he was trying to do just that.
Everything he said he would do, he has been trying to do. He also told the people I CAN NOT DO IT ALONE, I NEED YOUR HELP!
They want to blame him for everything but some of his own party is stabbing him in the back and hoping he fails. I wish people would watch more CSPAN and less MSM. They'd learn a lot. For instance like that Representative Steve King who voted NO on acknowledging that slaves help build the Capitol Building. That is a small thing, but he voted against it. I've watched him before on the floor many times, he is very racist, his comments, and you can see it in his face. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about and I'm sure other black folks know what I'm talking about too. Some people are so racist you can see it all in their face.
The health care plan, it's a lot of them that don't want that to get through because they have money tied up in it. You can research and find that out. Even the ones that are on the committee to change it are some of them.
I'll be glad when my people learn to stop disliking their own people because white people tell them too. It's time for them to wake up!
Now, you know why Granny is so pissed. Calling that baby a whore and a streetwalker. That did it for me.
"It was those batshit crazies over at Free Republic, the internet home of "Grassroots Conservatism". These are the same people that will descend like locusts upon the comments page of any Obama news story that Drudge links to in order to screech about the "socialist dictator" "0bama" and the coming "REVOLUTION" against his "tyrannical" rule. They demand to see his birth certificate. No, not the one on his website, because that's a "CRUDE FORGERY"."
It's an echo chamber of older, bitter white men and women "clinging to their guns", while dreaming of killing off some "savages" in "self-defense". The only difference between FR and Stormfront is that the Stormfronters are far more honest about their racism. You should see the great lengths taken to transcribe their dislike....no, hatred...of blacks in code. Obama is a "Marxist"? No, kids, Marxist = "Nigger" in FReeperland. See what I mean?
There are many FReepers there who also dream of touching off some sort of race war or civil war so they can have an excuse to go "nigger hunting"...sorry....."defend themselves". It doesn't just end with Blacks. They pull the same shit when it comes to Latinos, too.
Yup, Mack that is so true. My parents used to always tell us never ever pick a fight, because you'll wind up getting the worse end of it. Sure enough I've witnessed that happen with people who did.
Bob said...
"They have rendered me speechless..."
Me, too. My sadness grows. But I'm on a mission: I can't allow their attitudes to distract me, nor can I allow sadness to deter.
@Granny: "I'll be glad when my people learn to stop disliking their own people because white people tell them too. It's time for them to wake up!"
We're working on it, Granny. It will take a bit longer: As a people, we're entrenched so deeply in certain attitudes and behavior, that it's going to take a major overhaul to make us sound again.
But, it's going to happen....
Two days in a row white racist, neo-cons are going after minority kids. It makes me sick.
I feel ya Kid. It really had me pissed me too. They keep picking and picking, but they better know what they doing because I'm mighty afraid that it's not gonna turn out like they think it is. And I might as well tell you folks now, it is gonna happen.
My hand is just itching. Oh my goodness.
Hey Field , let me tell you a story. Bobby Cutts was a policeman in the Akron/Canton area.He had a wife and a girlfriend who was having his second child.His girlfriend was missing for a few hours. FBI and search teams from all over the United States came to the area.They found her murdered. Immediately he was a suspect.Why? Well he was black and she was white.There was another woman missing at the same time,she was black and nobody cared.
My point six white people being beaten by fifty blacks people , the police would have been on that in two minutes.The guy is lying.People don't make political statements and beat you up.He found the only gang in Akron that wasn't strapped.Hell he wasn't strapped. We got concealed carry laws in Ohio.
When was this incident supposed to have taken place?
The incident with the family July 4th.
Bobby Cutts was more than a year ago.
You took so long in answering my post, I had found the article with a picture. LOL! You must have been doing something else. I'm sitting here reading different newspapers.
BD-"It saddens me that President Obama detractors will go to any length to cast him in a negative light-- all to garner a political advantage, or to besmirch what has been up to now--a study in restraint, presidential decorum, and the maintenance of an unimpeachable character."
What did you expect? These people crawled out of a sewer. There will be more attempts at degradations. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Also, racism will continue to rise during the Obama Administration. Prepare yourselves for it.
Anon 12:41AM. Maybe it was late, and you just had a bad day at work, but you really need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills. Sometimes it takes an uncomfortable hypothetical situation to make a point.
The young man in my hypothetical was fictonal, so please don't go killing the guy....*head bowed in prayer for my people*
Actually, you made my point for me in the middle of your rant, but I don't even think you realize it.
BTW, there was a black colleague there, and if I recall correctly, her statement to me went something like this: "I can't believe he admitted that. Even after you gave him the perfect All American boy?
Now of course, had you been there.....
grinder, please read my post again. (You don't want to be another Anon.12:41AM, do you?) I never wrote the things you said in my post. I only blogged about the t-shirt. Although I did refer to Swiff's statement in my comments. And yes, if you go to Kos you will find those quotes.
what does this mean:
It is made up of mostly of working class ethnic whites from Northeast Philadelphia, which is just a few miles from the club.
ethnic white?
i can't tell if this s slur of some kind or just bad writing. it sounds like a paint color.
This was a great post, Field. Thanks for the update.
I wrote about this issue yesterday, particularly citing how it relates to laissez-faire racism. With laissez-faire racism, assumptions of black inferiority are no longer based in biological claims, but in claims of cultural deficiency. So, here, the comment of the "complexion" of the club had less to do with overt racism related simply to the color of these kids' skin, but rather to the passively racist assumption that these black kids won't know how to act right.
It's worth a read: http://socialsciencelite.blogspot.com/2009/07/philadelphia-pa-or-philadelphia-ms.html
Thanks again for this post.
You know Kid you really are ignorant and not just because of your frequent unwarrented angry tirades agains posters on this blog. Bobby Cutts DID kill his white girlfriend, so the fact that you even bring him up in a post like this says you're a racist of the worst kind and a discredit to the Black race.
Real Black warriors would never indirectly condone the killing of ANYONE!
I also have to say that I wonder why a minority would live in a neighborhood where your kids "couldn't" bring their brown/black friends to the neighborhood pool. But now that I know the club is run by working class whites who are IMHO far MORE "dangerous" than any other group of folks, I'm REALLY wondering why a minority would live is such a neighborhood.
I agree, Drudge and a lot of the others have got what my oldest son calls a "potato chip face": you couldn't punch it just once and stop. Maybe if a couple of them got their teeth bent every now and then, they'd watch what they say.
As a redneck and caucasian (well, I have to wear a cervical collar for the rest of my life so my neck's hue will be more cultural than literal) I have, indeed thought much about the racial aspects of what is going on around me.
If one was a thinking person, military service could be quite a boon, if you let it be. I went in in 1965, the groundswell of the civil rights movement was picking up momentum, and like a lot of other people I found myself with the rank of private and all the perks and benefits that went with it. To keep the story short, one of my fellow caucasians had had a skirmish with one of the "ubermensch" in which he came away, as he put it, "negrofied". (No, he did not use the word "negro".) A "negro" who was present asked him how he would like to be treated like that every day in every way, and my co-caucasian said he'd hate it, but then, he was not a "negro". And the fight was on. They both were, of course, punished, but according to the "ubermensch" this was fine. We were all still a "they" but a "they" divided.
But I thought about it. To be treated as if your presence was enough to cause anger because it was a contaminant, to make a physical obeisance to people who held you in contempt, to be just like a Kleenex, there to be used and discarded. And any resentment you might feel better be hidden or else. And I was just enduring it for a few years, how would it feel generationally?
But there was more. One stand out was when MLK was killed. I was in Viet Nam on my first tour,and my platoon sergeant was a black person. In our platoon there were some hard words and some fists flew, but he came to our "hootch" and calmed us down. He was, in fact, a terrifying man.
He spoke in some of the most reasoned tones I heard during my career, told us that we were eleven boo's in a very bad situation, and we were where we were, doing what we were because all of us were society's write-offs, we were the lizard's tail. Race didn't matter to 'the man', it was just a tool. He told us that if we wanted to get back as whole as possible, and alive, we better get together and knock off the bullshit because no one outside of our building cared shit less whether we lived or died, and no one but us had any control over it. We didn't have to love or even like each other, but we damn sure better learn to count on each other.
The real lesson was when the "sirs" found out about it. Did they thank him? Did they congratulate him on his leadership? No, it turned out he's undermined their authority with his "radical" words.
As long as the 'sirs' can keep people from recognising each other's humanity, they win.
Before I logged on this morning I knew what you would have written about--My heart hurts.
Field, that story outta Akron just doesnt pass the smell test IMO, again they were not even a few blocks from where lots of people had gathered for a fireworks display in a neighborhood...but no neighbors hear or happen to glance out their window to see 50 roving teens beating up 4 members of a family?? And only one gets injured to the point of requiring any medical care? Naw bruh...something is really wrong with that story.
How small, sad, and dull must a life be if one casts and eye at the beauty that is children.... at that pool and the Obama girls..... and cannot see the beauty. the divine.
Anon 6:43AM "ethnic white" IS a color.
But seriously,was that a trick question?
Let's see now;a white person whose ancestors happen to be Irish,Italian,Polish,Eastern European,etc.And who just happens to be a generation or two (or three) removed from ancestors who came over on a boat.Usually Catholic,works a blue collar job (here in Philly that means a trade union.Not the Laborers,that's reserved for the blacks)or in law enforcement.Has a high school education.(Here in Philly that means Catholic school.(The public schools are reserved for the blacks)
And wishes he could move as far away from the blacks in the city as possible.Unfortunately for him,unlike the WASPS,he just can't afford to.He would also like to afford his own swimming pool but he can't, so instead,the "ethnic white" joins a swim club.
The Obama picture on Drudge's site is no big deal. It's not as if the president went "hiking" on the Appalachian trail, propositioned a young male page, frequented a DC madam's establishment, or gave a mistress' family $96,000 in hush money.
I smell desperation to disparage a man with an impeccable moral record.
thank you fn for honoring these children herein!!!
too many bigots spend way too much time blaming the victims of hatreds rather than their haters!...sexists/racists/elitists/gaybashers etc included...
like malcolm x said (paraphrased):
white supremacy is innate...ALL whites have a racist line that they will never cross...some will allow you to marry their kid or sister/eat from the same fork etc...but know ALL of them long enough...and you will someday see that line/white supremacy
these fools in philly have shown their line to be swimming in the same pool
re will smith
i love him too...but he is a colorist
I love the gorgeous, gifted, and chocolate Janet Hubert. I also love the adult Will Smith. But, I love a superb and raw autobiography even more!…
Janet Hubert’s new autobiography “PERFECTION IS NOT A SITCOM MOM” is outstanding!!! Her rebel truths are hauntingly described in searing prose. Her pain and anger are palpable. Her victorious inner peace is inspirational. Time heals all wounds. But, all wounds heal best in open air. This book opens the ugliness that wounds black women in Hollywood.
No person is angelic. Rich and powerful young people are typically the least angelic of us all. Ideally, we all evolve into superior beings as we mature. I will not hate Will for the sins of his spoiled celebrity youth. Also, I will never dismiss Janet’s hard truths about Will’s visibly ongoing colorism and renowned denials…
see more at:
This Democrat racism in blue city Philadelphia must stop.
Its clear Obama is stearing at this 16 year olds butt.He wants to hit that.
Your defense of Obama is lame.
This club is not made up of wealthy folks from Huntingdon Valley where the club happens to be located. It is made up of mostly of working class ethnic whites from Northeast Philadelphia, which is just a few miles from the club. (The membership fee is about $400 so that ought to tell you something.) This is not a country club, so we can't even blame the country club set for this one. They are much smarter and classier with their racism.
Another pic of Obama checking dat white girls ass out.
Can't bend over in front of Obama.
"Maybe some of those gang bangers in Akron were kicked out of a white swim club when they were younger."
And maybe some of those white racist were beat up or molested by blacks when they were younger.
Something to think about.
In addition to you writing in this a post yesterday, Keith Olbermann placed Dr. John Duesler, the president of Valley Swim Club in today's worse person segment, for this statement: "There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club."
Now one would think that if you are going make a statement, perhaps the word complexion would not be a good choice when the children you are talking about are people of color. It is an ignorant and biogoted statement, and I believe that you beloved Philapelphia as always had a problem with black kids swimming. It is nice to see things have not change, and before anyone says anything I am kidding.
That is the problem with so-called liberals like Dr. Duesler will do work in to help urbanites, but God forbid these people certainly are not allowed in their neighborhoods. How does one reconcile the two? Dr. Duesler is a true hypocrite.
The wingnut sites have gone nuts over the pic. I don't hear much about how their racist ("clean out the trash!") hero Sarkozy next to him is clearly scoping her out. Check out his dopey grin.
And if Bush was the one doing the checking this site and all other leftwingnutt sites would be having a blast with the pics.
So save your faux outrage.
Has anyone viewed the video associated with Obama's alledged scoping?
Clearly, Obama was helping a woman up the steps as another woman walked by. Clearly he was not scoping the woman walking by in the video, but the snapshot gives the illusion that he is.
To the folks and news outlets who ran with this bullshit, I ask: "Have you no shame?"
white supremacy is innate...ALL whites have a racist line that they will never cross...some will allow you to marry their kid or sister/eat from the same fork etc...but know ALL of them long enough...and you will someday see that line/white supremacy...
Innate? I would not say innate. It is taught.
The only thing that is innate in humans is the will to survive. Obstruct the nostrils of a newborn and he/she will fight to survive.
I saw the whole clip. And thought the young lady was mixed, but found out she is Brazilian. I'm the Pres's age and my friends and I frequently go around commenting on how the young boys "don't know what they're working with" 'cause we don't remember such a plethora bootylicious babes. Our wives laugh realy hard at us.
I call Bs on Akron. If fifty punks (black or white) are going to put a beat down on someone then the whole family and friends would have been beat down.
As for the Swim club, that is a very PC statement, however, I would like to see some of those multi-ethnic and diverse members step to the front.
Field, Y'all got no sense of humor at all....
Didn't any Y'all ever see "Caddyshack"??? Just one of those rug monkeys has an "accident" and they gotta drain and disinfect the whole pool... and if you had one you'd know it ain't cheap... And you know y'all aren't evolutionarily designed to float, so the Liability Risks are prohibitive... Call me when I can walk in downtown Atlanta unarmed...
"So the child wore a t-shirt with a peace sign on it. LEAVE HER ALONE. SHE IS ELEVEN! "
I agree field.The left should also leave Sarah's kids alone to.
malcolm meant
innate in the sense that white supremacy is:
deeply imbedded in all imagery/political contexts/religious revision etc...
we are all touched by racism in a world where racism rules all...
those of us who are noble and strong resist it...those of us who are not perpetuate it/succumb to it etc...
Sorry field, he said, I am just not there yet. Call me cynical, but I don't think most of us in A-merry-ca are there yet. We know now that some of the folks at the Valley Swim Club aren't there yet, and they probably never will be. But hey, that's their loss not mine.
Most parent would react the same way; people want racial space. So a white man wants his daughter to marry a white man? Big deal!
alicia banks said...
malcolm meant
innate in the sense that white supremacy is:
deeply imbedded in all imagery/political contexts/religious revision etc...
we are all touched by racism in a world where racism rules all...
those of us who are noble and strong resist it...those of us who are not perpetuate it/succumb to it etc...
Most parent would react the same way; people want racial space. So a white man wants his daughter to marry a white man? Big deal!
True. I would be disappointed if my daughter brought home a non-black man with plans to date/marry.
Inner cities in Ohio are no joke. Thugs there will take you out; however, most of the "taking out" is done on other black folks. Akron isn't even the worst compared to Youngstown, Cleveland, or Dayton.
i agree with u
i have never been pregnant and
i am childless by choice,
but i would want my child to wed african/african-american people too
i would accept whomever my child loved as long as they truly loved them back...any race/gender
Why is it that when black love fails, interracial love is presumed to be medicinal or superior? Yet, when interracial love fails, individualism is lauded as a reason to quickly seek a better white person? It is not racist to love yourself and your own race. It is not racist to want your children and grandchildren to look as you did when you were a child. It is not racist to want to see your own reflection in your lover’s face. It is human to love a person who looks like you or your parents.
I agree with you Alicia, why is there such a disconnect between black males and black females?
I was at an athletic conference at my university the other day. Most of the top athletes were present and brought dates. All the white players had white girlfriends, while black players had white, asian, and mostly light skin girlfriends. This stuff isn't a joke. Black women still are all about black men, but that favor isn't always returned.
i think more black men hate themseves/their moms/skin/hair etc
all men creep in all races...but it does seem that bm/wf are the most eager to wed and breed interracially
if white men hated themselves equally, they would wed more black women unlike black men, they do not rejoice at erasing their own race from thier children
it is truly tragic
and it wounds all black women...even lesbians
For every Sharon Stone, there is a Brad Pitt. For every Playboy bunny, there is a Chippendale hunk. For every Victoria’s Secrets ad, there is a Calvin Klein briefs ad. For every Superman, there is a Lois Lane...If most Black women can defy the mind control of white supremacist imagery, why can’t more Black men do the same? As renown womanist author Bell Hooks has stated, too many Black men refuse to politicize their penises. Why should Black women suffer this depravity, disrespect, and rejection in silence?!
I have no respect for persons who are textbook examples of the perils of white supremacy. They want their children to be yellow with straight hair. They actually like the ghastly visage and bleached skin of Michael Jackson. They romanticize and covet the creation of Sicilian Italians by the racial suicide of the Moors. They hate and nullify blackness as they embrace whiteness.
Are you sure that some black men don't consider having a white girlfriend / wife as a sort of "trophy"?
white women are seen as a trophy by all men globally yes...
because wm love wf and wm rule all media...
trophies are taught...that is why black princes taught by black kings wed black queens...exclusively
many of my black male idols wed bm
huey newton
malcolm x
mike dyson
mumia abu jamal
Hi Alicia. And how are you this fine summer day?
he was looking at her butt, and was probably yelling 'dame' while throw up his left leg, that is why Sarkozy was covering up his face, laughing.
it is also true that racist wm have had FAR more interracial sex than black men....blacks slaves as concubines/sexual chattel etc...for CENTURIES
so the ojs/mjs/nfl/nba... dalliances PALE by comparison!
what is most painful is that interracial children of slave owners knew they would still be slaves...even if in houses
and slave owners never kicked their white wives out of plantanation mansions to be wed to black slaves...
too many black men enjoy degrading and erasing black women completely as they woo wfs exclusively
tiger woods dad abandoned his other black children by a black spouse
mj purchased ONLY white children
...custom made...
it is known that robert deniro weds bf exclusively...it took madonna to out his own self hatred when she blamed him for her divorce from sean penn...saying he made sean hate her as he hates all wf
ANYONE who dates exlcusively osd of their own race is a self hater
i am fine as frog hair split 3 ways...
and you my dear?
Just peachy, thank you very much.
Some light-skinned black females actively seek dark-skinned black males so that their children are born darker than they are.
Then again, if a black couple have contrasting complexions, there could be nothing to it. They might actually love each other for who they are.
Just a thought.
my fav book by a fav interracial couple =
Love in Black & White: The Triumph of Love Over Prejudice & Taboo
Mark & Gail Mathabane
both are south african
both just happened to fall deeply in love...
best and most honest i have ever read by any ir duo
there is a scene described by the wife...she is bathing her biracial son whom she adores...but she begins to sob when she suddenly realizes he will always be brown and nappy...never pink and silky blonde like her...
she is not racist
she is human and honest
classic book/love!
best book on self haters who exclusively date osd of their race and admit their own racism etc =
The Color Complex: The Politics of Skin Color Among African-Americans
Kathy Russell, Madge Wilson & Ronald Hall
wm with bf spouse says:
i only like her when she has a perm
she is ugly in the am when her lips are swollen and bigger etc...
a bm father of a euro biracial daughter who does not want to be black like him
he gives her a classic racial lesson by mixing 3 colors of neopolitan ice cream to duplicate her native american/caucasian/african-america bio mix
then he says:
"you see...its all mixed up and BROWN like you!!!"
classic 2!
ie...tiger woods dad abandoned his other black children by a black spouse...
I never heard this previously. So forgive me for my skepticism.
wm with bf spouse says:
i only like her when she has a perm
she is ugly in the am when her lips are swollen and bigger etc...
Then why the hell did he marry her? Perhaps, he married her more out of sexual curiousity than love.
re earl woods black children by his precious wife
and i penned this b4 i confirmed it:
Tiger’s father speaks very candidly about neglecting three other children by a previous spouse. I wonder if she is Black. Why do so many Black men find it easier to be real fathers to children who look least like them? Because they hate themselves. Such self hatred infects generations...
this book SLAYS earl woods!!!...a true racially lost bm who taught
tiger to be oj as well as a golf champ:
The American Directory Of Certified: Uncle Toms (Paperback)
by James B. Lowe (Author)
gwendolyn brooks penned a clasic poem about racial betrayal by black men who exclusively adore white women
she too was a lesbian but equally pained as a bf
it is her most controversial poem
the ballad of pearl may lee
sheer rage in prose
frimpong should read it
it is in this book:
OMG, those comments about Malia are disgusting! What is wrong with these people? She's just a kid and is dressed like any other kid. Like they would make those comments if a White girl wore the same outfit. God, people just piss me off this week.
$13.00 is a nominal amount of money. However, I would not waste it on some bullshit like that.
Blogger FlyNMy40s said...
You know Kid you really are ignorant and not just because of your frequent unwarrented angry tirades agains posters on this blog. Bobby Cutts DID kill his white girlfriend, so the fact that you even bring him up in a post like this says you're a racist of the worst kind and a discredit to the Black race.
Real Black warriors would never indirectly condone the killing of ANYONE!
First I don't condone the killing of anybody.If you read what I said you would have seen that a black mother was missing at the same time.Nothing was done.Within hours you had National Guard troops searching . When blacks are killed in Ohio nothing is done. Something happens to a white person they overcompensate.
No one makes a political statement and fight , unless they're Bill Ayers.Mr. Marshall is lying and people will find out.They lock cities down when black folk attack whites.They don't want it to be a trend.
that book is an expertly research and diverse classic
one of my most prized posessions...
and a dear bm friend who is wed to a wf bought that book for me as a christmas present
i cherish it
So, kid...what happened to the missing black mother?
tiptoe around what? the swarming of the family?
you are very dissapointing field, but i am not surprised as i have found out that most americans prefer hyperbole to honesty.
bm olympian swimmer cullen on the philly incident
I used to be the Black Dot in the Watter back in Los Angeles. We should all go piss in the pool
Oops, I forgot to mention that this type of discrimination is sadly regular at many aquatic facilities. As a lifeguard for ten years, I know first hand the discrimination that not only goes on with recreational swimmers, but even at the administration level. In Los Angeles, there were strategic moves that were made and still are, that disuade many blacks to be in positions of power.
Racism in Democrat blue city Los Angeles???
This is so sad to hear.
grinder, please read my post again. (You don't want to be another Anon.12:41AM, do you?) I never wrote the things you said in my post. I only blogged about the t-shirt. Although I did refer to Swiff's statement in my comments. And yes, if you go to Kos you will find those quotes.
I am completely and geniunely puzzled by that comment, Field. What on earth are you talking about??
That is the problem with so-called liberals like Dr. Duesler will do work in to help urbanites, but God forbid these people certainly are not allowed in their neighborhoods. How does one reconcile the two? Dr. Duesler is a true hypocrite.
I read somewhere -- not sure where -- that the Obama supporter is Duesler's son, not the Duesler who is president of the swim club.
Pre-med, As, g'daddy millionaire, parents MDs. . . . SON! Mi casa es su casa!
I have no opinions on any man or woman's race or ethnicity, only their character.
grinder said...
I read somewhere -- not sure where -- that the Obama supporter is Duesler's son, not the Duesler who is president of the swim club.
John G Duesler, Jr looks to be the president of the club and a Obama supporter.
I saw a membership card that list him has board president.
He was part of the O Positive Program.
There could be 2 John G Duesler, Jr's but it looks to be the ssame guy.
just watched cnn HLN...
saw a beautiful black boy who was ejected crying from his little soul
osd the pool...
he said "i thought these days were over"
rich jews never ever let their spoiled children forget the camps/nazis/hitler/ongoing anti-semitism etc...
if we allow our babies to believe the rabid myth that racism is a relic because of obama and mj...then we are co-conspirators in the breaking of their hearts and the wounding of their souls
Ah yes, exclusion. It's a bitch.
Fly-"But now that I know the club is run by working class whites who are IMHO far MORE "dangerous" than any other group of folks, I'm REALLY wondering why a minority would live is such a neighborhood."
You are right, they are the most dangerous group of folks on the planet. They specialize in profound racism and are capable of assassinating Presidents.
I am still surprised that the camp directors would have selected that racist pool. I don't care if it is around the corner. Those blue-collar Pennsylvanian German/Irish/Italian/Polish folks are treacherous people for POCs to be around, esp. Blacks.
But Latinos have their share of problems with them too. A few months ago, the 'children' of some of those blue collar white folks in PA-- beat and kicked a Latino to death. Even worse, those highschool seniors were found NOT guilty by an all white blue collar jury.
So I agree with you. They are dangerous. These folks are unconscionable. IMO, with Obama as President, racism is only going to get worse before it gets better. And I shutter to think what it might take for things to get better in 'their' minds.
Field, as for the Obama photo on your side bar, he was leaning back to help the young lady behind him down the stairs. The French President was the one checking out the woman in the burgundy dress. Here's a video of what happened:
I'm sorry racism still exists, in so many different ethnicities, though particularly caucasian/white. I wish Dr. King's messages had entered more minds and hearts, especially that it is not just race, but even more about economic class. In this nation, as long as we divide each other by physical characteristics, we can't progress. We will not have healthcare for all, our schools will be mediocre or worse, crime will continue to grow. If you bug eye when the other, whoever, walks into your life unexpectedly, can you let it go and find out who's inside?
middle age white Naomi
What is being said about the incident in Akron, Ohio where whites were attacked by blacks saying 'this is a black world.' June 27, 2009
Are these blacks that wouldn't let the Marshall swim the reverse of the Valley Club. I guess world is silent when blacks discriminate.
anon 10:34,
I didn't think anyone except Laura equated Bush with sex.
You really do not want to go tit for tat, that would take you the rest of your life.
You certainly don't need to ban anyone but there is never a problem with setting some rules or standards.
Your threads are being railroaded and hijacked by people who seem to think this is a site for them to just have sidebar conversations, etc.
You truly should put some order here.
While I feel badly about what happened to that family in Ohio and that they felt fearful for their lives. But it does seem this story is getting more air-time than it deserves. Those who were assualted were not seriously hurt at all - bumps and bruises. Good night, I have sustained worse injuries while moving furniture!
Also, ANON @ 12:03, what is your issue with WHITE SON-IN-LAWs. I happened to be one of those as my mother-in-law is woman of color. I love that woman as though she were my own mother and she loves me like a son.
I know this may hard for many on this thread to believe...but...there are actually a few white men out there who know how to genuinely and sacrificially love someone. Really, there are. ; )
Re Obama ogling: I guess I'm in the minority cuz I think he ogled and I think that's alright. It makes him human. One of things about Obama is he's often too cool blooded for me. I'm a warm blooded person and I like to see some passion and love come out every now and then. When O offers a glimpse of that is when I feel the best about him. I know where he stands intellectually but I want to know his passions politically speaking. What will he fight for and what will he compromise away? That's what's been the mystery to me regarding him.
Forgot to sign the above comment. I'm 5:56pm.
See maybe all these rich black people need to channel that money they throw at Charities more productively like building such facilities in Black Neighborhoods. Instead, I bet their money mostly goes to white run Charities. Charity is Charity but given these types of experiences, which are not that rare, you would think these kinds of programs for Black Children would be high priority.
This shows how the Black child is really unprotected, even by the Black community.
As for the Obama story. The video tells a different story.
"rich jews never ever let their spoiled children forget the camps/nazis/hitler/ongoing anti-semitism etc..."
And blacks never stop treating us like the KKK treated you. Alicia, you need to take that white sheet off. I'm sick of dumb blacks like you who never forget slavery/lynching/on going racism....etc and use that to treat every other group like dogshit.
If it wasn't for skin color you couldn't tell the difference between the KKK and most black community leaders. You are ignornant girlfriend, and any "racism" you experience you bring upon yourself, ghetto trash.
"Maybe some of those gang bangers in Akron were kicked out of a white swim club when they were younger."
No, it's because young african americans make up such a huge disproporiate amount of violent crime that they don't want you in their swimming pool. You have cause and effect reversed. BTW, why not delete AB 's anti-semetic post? It is silly that black folks are ranting about racism on sentence while spewing it out the next. I think they didn't want those kids in the pool cause AB was there with her pesky kids ranting about "rich jews" who "never forget the holocaust". Ironic since AB doesn't seem likely to forget slavery any time soon.
While I feel badly about what happened to that family in Ohio and that they felt fearful for their lives. But it does seem this story is getting more air-time than it deserves."
It got less airtime than Imus using the word "ho"
"Those who were assualted were not seriously hurt at all - bumps and bruises."
Hmm, that basketball team wasn't seriously hurt either. Oh, I get it, with them it wounded their spirit. Being dissed was like a bullet through their precious little hearts.
Anonymous 7:34:
"that basketball team wasn't seriously hurt either. Oh, I get it, with them it wounded their spirit. Being dissed was like a bullet through their precious little hearts."
So now, if someone publicity on national tv or radio called you a hoe, your momma a hoe, your daughter a hoe, your sister a hoe, your nieces a hoe, your female cousins a hoe then am I to take it that wouldn't bother you at all?
All I want to talk about is racism
Them rich nasty Jews all they want to talk about is anti-semitism, I don't get dat.
I am fed up with racism. I can't stop obsessing over it, slavery, and black people being lynched.
I can't help but yell it over and over. I am fed up with racism and racial profilling, negative sterotypes,etc.
Dem rich conniving Jews can't stop obsessing over anti-semitism and the holocaust. They can't stop yelling it over and over. I don't get dat.
That makes a lot of sense. What good for the goose is good for the gander I would thinks so too.
LMFAO....prez check'in out da young booty!!!
if you watch the freak'in vid you silly people keep talk'in about he checks the JUVENILE (only 5 yrs older than his daughter) way before he helps the other lady up the steps!!!!
good Lord people if it wuz a repu b you'd be spaz'n all over the place!
face it the prez is a like those guys they catch on DateLine try'n to hook up with YOUNG girls....OMG keep your daughters away from the WhiteHouse!!!!!!
next 4 yrs are gon'a be hilarious!!! they'll be more!!!
Have you ever gotten an IQ test? Just wondering.
The Akron story doesn't make much sense and details are pretty sparse. I won't call the man a liar but the story doesn't sound right -- could be the reporter or maybe just the confusion of what happened. If the man spent 5 days in critical care why isn't he bruised?
You know I reread it and it actually reminds me of something that happened to me one Halloween. I was with my friends and some other neighborhood kids came out of nowhere and attacked us with water balloons for no reason and promptly fled. It was cold as h3ll! They ran off laughing as quick as they appeared. I could definitely see a group of kids/teenagers running wild on a holiday night just scaring and mildly attacking whoever got in their path and running off thinking it was the funniest thing ever. If you didn't know them it could scare the bejeezus out of you and maybe they thumped him on the head too.
What I do know of group behavior is that if a serious attack starts it rarely ends or goes down the way that article describes. We are social beings and violence spreads through us just like with other pack animals. Once real violence starts it rarely focuses on just one person (they don't just push somebody out of the way and leave them be) and it's brutal. The likelihood of him only suffering a concussion (and who is hospitalized in critical care for 5 days for just a concussion?) in any kind of mob/pack attack is extremely rare.
This just doesn't quite add up. Maybe a rough stupid prank gone wrong? I dunno but not what it seems.
Desperation is something else. People will want to believe a lie rather than the truth. The GOP has lost it, and I do mean lost it. They are so desperately grasping for straws that they've went a little bit further than their normal slander and corrupt thinking to trying to smear the President of USA with their doctored up pictures because they can't beat him in a fair fight or discussion. It must be rough being in the GOP party having no legitimate plans or thinking capability other than to make up garbage and use smear tactics to get noticed. Wow!
No wonder you guys lost the last election. People are sick and tired of your dirt clinging and doodoo stirring escapades. You make America look bad and embarrass us in front of the whole world. Shameful!
"This just doesn't quite add up. Maybe a rough stupid prank gone wrong? "
This is why whites don't want blacks in their swimming pool. A black lynch mob attacks a family and it is a "prank". Yup, keep your "pranks" in your own pools.
"I dunno but not what it seems."
Kind of like with Emitt Till. He was lynched for "whisling" at a white woman? C'mon, we ALL know there is more to the story than the media has told us. I wonder what "whisling" is a euphamism for?
Also the Jasper 3, that guy- the victim, had a criminal record 100 pages long, way more to the story than we are told.
well, the whole Huntington Valley story is missing one critical point - did it tip the 20% mark? If not, they're racist sobs, if so, I'd pull my kid outta there too ... once it gets the tipping point, you know what happens to the neighborhood or pool grounds ;-)
Anon 8:15 Unless you can see through the internet you don't know what color I am but thanks for revealing what lurks in your bigoted heart for the whole world to see. Good company, regardless of pigmentation or lack thereof wouldn't want to share your pool given what floats in it.
And lynch mob? My, my, my, has emotionalist rhetoric deprived you of any logic that might reside in your addled brain. Even taken on the surface, a man getting attacked and being left with a concussion does not a lynch mob make. I admit that I don't know what happened and suggested one possibility of stupidity gone wrong --as your comments demonstrate there's quite a bit of that in this world.
But be of good cheer Anon 8:15 even though you may lament the lack of coverage by the MSM the good Rev. Al Sharpton is on your side and has asked the FBI to investigate. Hopefully, that will help bring out further details as to what happened in this case because as I said before the details are sparse. Filling in those blanks can certainly change my opinion that things don't add up. But I bet you weren't expecting me to say that, now were you? ;)
HI GRANNY! you are suppose to be on your own BLOG,(smile) but, for some reason you just cannot stay away from these FUSSING PEOPLE (SMILE) guess who I am? and yes the REPUB/CON can doctor up a picture! when OBAMA did the interview with BILL OREILLY they made him look two shade's darker! and if you go on YOUTUBE you will see picture's of the PRESIDENT with NAPPY HAIR, SMOKING, DRUNK and GOD know's what else! now this was during the campaign, and GOD only know's what is on YOUTUBE now!
And I didn't know MALIA was called those name's, but, on the FREE REPUBLIC website they are over their talking about the FIRST LADY like a DOG!!!!!
Now I don't know if the PRESIDENT was truly looking at that young lady's backside but, if he was MICHELLE will deal with him and the REP/CON will make him suffer, but, I do remember when they went to ITALY someone took a picture and made it seem as if the FIRST LADY was rolling her eye's at the FIRST LADY of ITALY! these people are not going to stop! so I PRAY that the PRESIDENT never ever let's his guard's down!!!
But trust me, we are getting just a sample of what the FIRST FAMILY truly encounter's!
Remember that young BLACK LADY that answer's the phone at the WHITE HOUSE, well she is not placed their just to answer the phone's, remember she was in IRAQ! and trust me she probably has all type's of stuff under her desk! I don't know I'm just saying!!! and I wonder if the the PRESIDENT and FIRST LADY are schooled in MARTIAL ART'S, well I was just wondering!
First it was Asians rule the world, then it's rich nasty Jews, then you question Granny's intelligence, see that is why I got a fucking filthy mouth sometimes.
Have you ever gotten an IQ test? Just wondering."(ab)
Now, that is a filthy mouth.
thank you grata
because we typically only see so many mcnairs/ojs/mjs
many cannot believe that there really are bros who love black women/women their own age etc
the one thing i love about obama is that he does love black women/afro love
Yes, I have had an IQ test taken before.
BTW, AB, I was agreeing with you on what you said on your post at 8:00p.m.. Oh yeah, my score was 120.
Prophetess Wallace:
I am at my blog too. I was working on it and trying to add some things to it. I just posted another topic not too long ago. I usually have my blog up at the same time that I'm over here reading the comments at fields.
i have no idea what u all are talking about
You owe the O man an apology. Go to MSNBC and view the video. Turns out he's not even looking at the red booty. He's actually trying to keep the woman in the black and white outfit behind him from stumbling on the stairs.
Again, the Rethugs shape their own reality...
now i see
some moron posted under "alicia banks"
that was not me
the fake ab had nothing to contribute
to the convo...shame
the only thing worse than being a deliberate idiot herein
is being a raging cowardly fool and using someone else's name to post your lunacy
i block morons like you from my blog
Ok Alica, it seems that your name was jacked, you didn't say that stuff. Sorry for thinking you would say somethinng like that.
no problem kathy
there are trolls who want to be me and use my name all over the net on many blogs
BTW, before I get any grief about the Obama pic I have up on my sidebar, let me explain: That picture is being circulated by wingnuts as proof positive that his O Ness is just another black man who likes to scope the booty. Well, I say good for him. As long as he doesn't tip on Michelle it's all good with me.<<<
It's much ado about nothing. The man is married. He isn't dead. (I also noticed that Sarkozy was eyeing the woman as well)
Sorry that happened to you,must be a sick coward to do that to you.
Alicia you seriously need some therapy. You're Gay but you attack Gays. You're black but you attack blacks. You're a woman but attack other women.Now you're showing your hatred toward Asians.What the hell have they done to you?I think you write crazy things just to get a reaction , or you need medical help. I remember last time you went after intergrated relationships you went after Pam Spaulding, someone who does work for the black gay community.You know FOX goes after her pretty good. We see how FOX got a Dr. killed.
I think you hate yourself and are jealous of others.You need mental help.
i have been a public media personality all over the usa since 1976...
i am used to such stalker morons/death threats/etc daily
i have had a tiny iota of the fame that drove mj insane...
it is much more than enough...
i truly believe that you are severely retarded
and you are late too
"Again, the Rethugs shape their own reality..."
We on the right were laughin our asses off at Obama.Its funny has hell.Its you on the left that was losing your minds and tryin to defend Obama.i.e. posters at this site.
ABC,MSNBC,and the rest of the state run media tried to defend Obama.Studying every sec.,frame by frame until you found a good defense.
Its sooo funny to watch.
i just went back to check that "alicia banks" post
it sounds a lot like you!!!...
illiterate/retarded/insane etc
stop playing boy!
you look foolish enough solo
no need to pretend to be me
All I need to say is that I lol'd when I saw his O-ness checking that woman out, only thinking "Who wouldn't have?"
MrR... you on the right can keep on laughin.... while we on the left will keep smiling that THIS is the best you can do today to attack Obama....
Go ahead with your silly selves.... End of the day President Obama, yes President Obama is still in charge.
And to Mr. R.
Do you see this? The rude gestures I'm giving you now? No? Imagine them then. And fuggoff.
Mr R:
Same thing make you laugh will make you cry. Remember that when it happens, okay.
ab, i am wondering, if you didn't say that shit about "rich jews" than how did they get your picture? i can't figure that out,
plus, i actually do trust Kid's opinions so i don't understand why you call him names,like "severely retarded", is that jacked too?
Jody said...
Go ahead with your silly selves.... End of the day President Obama, yes President Obama is still in charge.
You are so right Jody.Now when is Obama gonna pay my rent;)
Have a great weekend everyone.
Oops, and I forgot to add concerning that picture if you look at real close you'll noticed that he is not gazing at her butt, his glance is aimed more at the ground.<<
Granny, I agree. I thought that was the case when I was heading out the door to work this morning. It was on GMA, and I really didn't get a look at the picture they were showing. But looking at the picture again, his glance is towards the ground. His neck isn't even turned, as Sarkozy's is.
"BTW, why not delete AB 's anti-semetic post? It is silly that black folks are ranting about racism on sentence while spewing it out the next"
I do not delete comments made by people here. That is a long standing policy.
Take on AB in your comments to her, and expose her if you think she needs exposing but don't expect me to delete her comments.
"Re Obama ogling: I guess I'm in the minority cuz I think he ogled and I think that's alright. It makes him human."
j, I am in that minority with you.:)
"...are very dissapointing field, but i am not surprised as i have found out that most americans prefer hyperbole to honesty."
Yep, you are right, thus the Ohio story.
'Pre-med, As, g'daddy millionaire, parents MDs. . . . SON! Mi casa es su casa!"
Now that's funny.:)
"many cannot believe that there really are bros who love black women/women their own age etc
The black men that do are not heard. There are none out there defending the Black Woman's dignity.
We hear mostly those who don't appreciate the Black woman and they shape the perception. These same men are shocked when they see Michelle attacked yet they are part of the problem by letting society at large abuse the BW.
"many cannot believe that there really are bros who love black women/women their own age etc
actually, AB said that women were leaving men in droves for other women, i think she might be right about that.
but i am getting confused.
Blogger alicia banks said...
i truly believe that you are severely retarded
and you are late too
I seen that your name was jacked and I apologize for that.I can take insults. People at Gretawire called me the N-word all the time.The thing that pisses me off the most is when someone calls someone a dumb N-word or retarded.I have a relative that is mentally challenged. That wasn't cool .You can go on and hate men ,I don't care.The word retarded is about as bad as the N-word. If you work around kids like you say you should know damn well not to say it.
I do think there might be a problem uploading comments. Tonight is the fifth time I've lost a comment in the past week.
OpenID emptysuit said...
What is being said about the incident in Akron, Ohio where whites were attacked by blacks saying 'this is a black world.' June 27, 2009
Are these blacks that wouldn't let the Marshall swim the reverse of the Valley Club. I guess world is silent when blacks discriminate.
That is about as real as the so-called New Black Panther Party blocking a voting booth in Philly.The FBI will get down to it and arrest Marshall for filing a false report.50 people beating down six and they're white they call the National Guards.It's all bullshit.
"But think about this: Maybe some of those gang bangers in Akron were kicked out of a white swim club when they were younger."
This just proves the point made at stuff black people don't like...
I do think there might be a problem uploading comments. Tonight is the fifth time I've lost a comment in the past week.
You might be right, Hathor. Last week I lost a comment twice. I thought it was due to my computer.
GRANNY how did you know it was me? I read your BLOG and I LOVED it! oh, and you said something about DOODOO up above, I laughed! now that was FUNNY!!!!
Okay, FN, I can accept that you don't delete posts, my mistake. I saw a few posts deleted that stated "deleted by author" which I felt meant that you did delete stuff that was bellow the belt, unneceserily nasty.
i, black woman proud
i wear my dignity like a scarf
given to me by a black mysik
i breathe in my dignity
i breathe out my dignity
i sweat my dignity
i douche with dignity
i insert it like a tampon
i, black woman proud
wear my dignity wherever i go
whether the hallowed desert sahara
or the isles of Kmart
i, black woman proud
oh, f it, i will put my dignity down for a moment
there, i said it
now i pick my dignity back up
dust if off
off i go
wearing my scarf of dignity
through the deserts of the sahara
and the isles of Kmart
dedicated to Granny, by the way
Okay black folks, I said it before, and I'll say it again. White folks didn't start loving negroes just because they voted Obama into office. They voted for Obama because they had no other choice. All the other candidates both democrats and republican were "Dead On Arrival." White folks were desperate for anything that could save them after their own kind "white man Bush" led his own white American people down the river like chickens to a slaughter house. There's no such thing as a "non prejudice" white person. Their parents and surrounding community indoctrinate them into racism from the time they bring them home from the hospital as newborns. Haven't you ever noticed how even the most liberal white folks all live in "lilly white" neighborhoods without a negro anywhere to be found. Even liberal whites don't want to live next door to your black asses. Why the hell are you surprised about the Valley Swim Club. Negroes you need to give up the "Can't we all just get along?" mentality. STOP LOOKING FOR WHITE ACCEPTANCE AND START LOVING YOURSELVES AND BUILDING YOUR OWN BLACK EMPIRES...STARTING WITH THE PISS POOR EXAMPLES OF BLACK FATHERS AND THE BLACK WOMEN WHO CONTINUE TO GIVE BIRTH TO CHILDREN "OUT OF WEDLOCK" BY MEN WHO ALREADY HAVE 12+ CHILDREN BY COUNTLESS OTHER WOMEN! SELF HATRED IS KEEPING BLACKS A PERMANENT PART OF THE AMERICAN "SUB CULTURE."
Yeah, I know of one such negro brother that just gave birth to his 12th "out of wedlock" child with 6 different mommas. And you guessed it...he hasn't held a full time job in 25 years. In my next life I'm coming back as a black man. Then I won't have to work, I'll have free room and board from my girlfriend's welfare check, and in order to maintain my status in her household all I will need to do is "lay some heavy wood on her" and keep her "knocked up." The white folks at the Valley Swim club can't hurt those little black kids half as much as their own black community which worships welfare, single mothers, absentee thugs for fathers, and dropping out of school. Now why doesn't somebody devote a blog to addressing these issues?
Anonymous 3:47:
You must be white. Because you assume that all black women with children are all on welfare and all the absentee fathers are thugs and dropouts. No big deal, however, this is the mindset of most whites and why I'm assuming that you are white.
Let me let you in on something MSM and those who believe the Welfare Queens are all black. I know two people, one who work in the child support division and the other one who works as a social worker. People need to know this to be fair.
A lot of those fathers are paying their child support. The D.A. child support division collects the payments from them. However, the child and mother do not get the money. And if they do get some of it, they do not get the whole amount they get a small tiny fraction of it, not even enough to buy diapers for a whole month,and welfare keeps the rest.
The government funds welfare true enough but those deadbeat dads as everyone likes to label them funds the other part of welfare but they won't tell you that part. Why end the Welfare Myth and the myth that all black women with children are on welfare? After all it's only black people the main scapegoats of society. If you want to end any program just blame the black folks and that will end it quicker than you can say jackrabbit.
I'm sorry but granny had to play polly want a cracker on that BS because I'm sort of tired of hearing it and the truth needs to be told.
Oops, I meant to say
*Let me let you in on something MSM and those who believe the Welfare Queens are all black that they not telling the public.*
Why would someone want to believe that Obama would look at a young teenager in such an inappropriate manner?
The video shows what truly happened and that child was not even on his mind.
And a lot of those dead beat black dads make sure that they only work at "under the table" and "off the book" jobs. They take those "HUSTLING" jobs to make sure that they DON'T HAVE TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT! They don't give a damn about how many kids they bring into the world. Wearing a condom is not even in their vocabulary because they have never been taught by their parents (mom and dad) to be accountable and RESPONSIBLE for their actions. And the ignorant women look for any reason not to pop a birth control pill into their mouthes. And why should black men feel like they should be responsible. After all, in their minds it's the woman that's left "holding the bag." Every dead beat black dad knows that the welfare system and section 8 will raise and feed his 50 million illigetimate kids that he has with every black woman he lays down with and has unprotected sex with. Like "anonymous" said, negroes are damaging their own people WORSE than any Valley Swim club ever could. Graduating from high school and college, getting a decent job, marrying a woman, and BUYING the home that you live in isn't even on the minds of many black people. Look in your own backyard before you cry about not being able to swim in the "white man's" pool. How about if some of the rich black businessmen and entertainers from your urban ghettos come back and donate money and build you a decent swimming pool. There are many, many famous black people from just about every major urban city across America that can come back and donate money and build a swimming pool and then get a nice tax write off for doing it. Think about that!!!!!!
they did not post with my picture
they posted lies with just my name
but my pictures are all over the net...since 1986
no kathy
kid's illiteracy and insanity are glaring in ALL of his posts
i know you do not censor anyone
but is it really cool to let others post in my name????
i did not post any poem
i di not post anything about granny/ bashing jews/asians etc
i do not hate men or kids
i hate "kids" who disgrace men
i hate you
silence is consent
that is why i was so angry with bros like al s who attacked imus, but never bother to check "bros" like "kid"/lewd rappers etc...
The droves of Imus’ in this world have existed and will exist forever. Imus has many racist and sexist media clones that are still getting rich in media outlets all over Amerikkka. But, my "brothers" are not supposed to be stacking papers from the same toxic coffers. Yet, they are making even more millions than Imus has from the sales of their collective misogynistic “art” and souls. Still, there is no outcry against the media pimps who pay these black men to degrade us. Imus has been cut off of the stroll. But, these black male media whores stroll on…
to the moron who posted that ignorant and rabidly racist and sexist "poem" in my name
thank you for letting me know that my indelible pride enrages you
you will be enraged until the day you die....and then i will vex you with my pride in your next life
here is a real poem for you:
"Still I Rise"
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.
Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.
Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops?
Weakened by my soulful cries?
Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.
Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?
Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise.
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise.
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise.
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise.
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the
hope of the slave.
I rise.
I rise.
I rise.
~Maya Angelou
i did not post anything anti-semitic
i admire the unity and rebellion of all jewish people
i said rich jews teach their kids ALL of their history
many blacks DO NOT...especially elite blacks...that is why those babies at the pool were so very wounded...too many parents have taught them that racism is a relic and this they were unprepared for the racist abuse.....
all the fake abs i see here do not have my photo
all the fake ab posts i see only read:
"Alicia Banks"
"alicia banks"
please post the time stamp on the fake ab you saw with my photo...
maybe the cowardly stalker fool deleted it
what did it say?
we live in an anti intellectual country ruled by morons who really hate sanity and truth
i notice the fake abs and stalkers only wild herein when something intelligent agitates them...
they are fatally allergic to intellect
these are the drones who keep the world as is...they are the sheeple so easily controlled by the politico masses
please disreagrd that rant i posted
cc err...wrong blog!
i posted that to some "kid" clones
on another site...
"And a lot of those dead beat black dads make sure that they only work at "under the table" and "off the book" jobs. They take those "HUSTLING" jobs to make sure that they DON'T HAVE TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT!"
Are you really sure that it is the black dads making sure that they only work under the table or is it because they can't get a job? There have been many and I do many young black men that have looked and applied for jobs over and over and they weren't hired and got frustrated. Why is it that part of the story is never told. I got it, it's all black people's fault just like everything else in America is. Black people do these things on purpose because they are these bad bad people. smh!
Alicia says "rich jews teach their kids ALL of their history
many blacks DO NOT...especially elite blacks...that is why those babies at the pool were so very wounded...too many parents have taught them that racism is a relic and this they were unprepared for the racist abuse....."
Actually no one taught me that anit-semitism still exists and is more prevenlent (and condoned) among Afrian Americans. I was not "prepared" to be called a kike (a black store clerk apon learning my last name), the first time someone praised Hitler(a black co worker), the first time I heard Louis FarraKKKhan and Malcolm X scapegoating my people while playing the race card. Unfortunaly this lives on through Jerimiah Wright, Nikki Tinker and so many others who are part of the black elite.
No Alicia, no one prepared me for anti-semitism and no one told me that while I was fighting against anti-black racism afircan americans were treating my people the way whites had treated you. These things I learned from life experience.
ab-"many blacks DO NOT...especially elite blacks...that is why those babies at the pool were so very wounded...too many parents have taught them that racism is a relic and this they were unprepared for the racist abuse....."
AB, if these kids were from Philly, then they know about discrimination against Blacks. Do you think they have been living in a vacuum? But even if their parents prepared them, it would still hurt, no matter what.
BTW, your assumption about black elites are wrong. I don't know where some of you folks get your information. Out of your ass?
Black is black, in America. And if you are a black elite, you get it from Blacks and Whites. It sucks to be Black.
Will the person posting under ab's name stop? If you have a problem with her then email or comment directly to her. Don't cause confusion. You must really hate her. It's a nasty thing you are doing.
Hatred is very poisonous to the one who has it.
jewish anon:
let me tell you my own experiences at uiuc:
i often saw many rich jewish kids move into elite jewish only dorms while their black maids carried their bags from bentleys...and these kids were politically aware and experts in the holocaust
i also saw many black elites who knew nothing about bayard rustin or malcolm x...but wanted to become good americans like oj who were not as "racial/militant" as me and my afrocentric elite peers
my parents were buppies in chicago in 1963 when i was born...they taught me that my elite life protected me from NO racism
and that racist whites who saw me in our rich enclave looked at me PRECISELY the same way they sneered at any poor pregnant girl on the southside...just another nigger
i refuse to apologize for any black parent who ever taught their child that racism was a relic
just as i refuse to apologize for never meeting a jew who was deluded about/ignorant of their holocaust/anti-semitic realities...
our african-american holocaust is
still ONGOING!!!...and most of our worst nazis today look just like obama/ourselves!
I moved from Detroit to Pa,from murder city to killerdelphia ! just great!Anyway the Ohio thang pissed me off also! But when I read about Valley swim pool! It just made me sick to my stomach !f@&king people
Just F%&king STOP IT!all of US !F*^KING STOP IT!!!THESE ARE KID'S.
P.S leave Obama alone, that was some fine ...!
you should see your own reflection in your lovers face! No matter what their color is.Anonymous said black players,with white asian,light skinned.Truth is many a white man would love to marry a black woman!I like women who are Gracie Jones black.But a lot of black women are all about black men it said above.That's ashame!
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