I feel compelled to write you this letter because of various developments in your presidency. A presidency, which for the record, has been declared officially "over" by some in the chattering class from the majority population.
I know that you officially have almost two years left to go, but let's face it, most of these folks in America have already made up their minds about you, and, for whatever reason, they are not feeling you anymore.
Your approval rating stands at 41% and your disapproval ratings stand at 52%. Then there is this number: 54%. That's the amount of people here in America who do not believe that you can do the job you were elected to do.
But enough of that. I am sure that you are well aware of these numbers and the mood of the country.
Personally, (with all due respect to my friend Bruce Dixon) I don't think that you have been any worse than all of the other presidents that led this country. The Dow is at record levels; unemployment is down; OBL is dead, home values are going up; you brought back an economy that was in the tank; we are finally closer to having a better health care system; and you pulled the troops out of Iraq as promised. (Please don't go back.)
But all of this means nothing to the typical American, the narrative has already been painted of you by your political enemies , and most (not all) of the masses are buying it.
But here is the good news: Your approval rating is not below 13%. Why is this good news? Because that is approximately the percentage of black folks in this country, and I am pretty sure that if you were to poll blacks folks, your approval ratings would still be in the eighties nineties. This is in spite of the fact that you have pretty much ignored black folks and tried to be the president for ALL Americans. That was an honorable and well meaning pursuit, but as I am sure that you have learned by now, some people are just never satisfied.
Sadly, you have surrounded yourself with Ivy League sycophants and Washington politicians, whose lives are lived in the political fishbowl in and around Washington. These people don't care about the things that you should be caring about. They are there to enhance their careers and move on to the next cushy job, so they would never tell you what I am going to tell you now.
Again, the good news: You have almost two years left to work on issues that primarily concern black folks. This is the time to do it. Forget the rest of America, they have already moved on from you. Time to serve the people who are pushing your approval ratings to 41%. And as bad as that seems, trust me when I tell you, it could be worse.
Mr. President, I need you to start using the bully pulpit to talk about things such as an unfair justice system as it relates to minorities in this country. Heck Rand Paul of all people is talking about it; it's time you do the same.
I need you to start talking about the high unemployment rate for black folks, and the need to focus on job training in inner city communities as well as investment dollars to start small businesses that can hire some of these folks once they get the proper training.
You can't just give lip service to helping black folks and have token meetings with the CBC to address these issues.
I need you to go on inner city tours and spend time in places like Detroit, Cleveland, Houston, New Orleans, and Memphis. Walk the streets of these cities (Trust me, you will be safe. Gangbangers will assist the Secret Service if they need them to.) And let the main stream media follow you every step of the way.
They need to see that there are parts of this country that could be mistaken for *pick a city* in a Third World country. (I have seen Richard Engel in every war torn country in the Middle East. I have never seen him in Chicago's Auburn Gresham neighborhood on a Saturday night.)
It's time to start talking about gun violence and the killing of young black men by other young black men. It's not enough to get on television every time there is a school shooting in the majority population and wag your finger at the NRA and remain quiet at the carnage in the streets of our cities on any given weekend.
I have a lot more, but I will stop now, because I know that you don't have the time to read everything that I want to stay. Let's face it; you have been a little busy these days.
Just think about what I said.
These folks can't hate you anymore, and no matter what you do for them they won't be satisfied.
Besides, what are they going to do if you go black? Impeach you?
The Field Negro
FN said...
Personally, (with all due respect to my friend Bruce Dixon) I don't think that you have been any worse than all of the other presidents that led this country.
I'll agree.
Except Obama campaigned and promised Change. Most transparent, etc., etc.
He gave people higher expectations.
He turned out to be another lying politician.
Hell you can't get a Black to run a city much less a country. Birmingham, East. St Louis, Gary, Detroit, etc,it's always the same.
FN said...
the narrative has already been painted of you by your political enemies , and most (not all) of the masses are buying it.
Didn't I agree with you that ABC, NBC, CBS nightly news had 20 times fox's viewership?
Where are these "masses" getting this narrative?
Good post. Barack comes from the Chicago Black political machine which took many lessons from Harold Washington's experience as mayor. His first term was very similar to Barack's in which the city council opposed everything he attempted to do but he built coalitions and everybody got a piece of the pie. Because of entrenched patronage our community was locked out of contracts and goodies. When he opened up bidding to everyone all communities benefitted. This is probably the lesson Barack took away because when Harold was running many whites were concerned he'd just be a mayor for blah folks but Harold made it fair for everyone and our communities thrived.
I totally agree that he needs to help blah folks and since Hillary is already running away from him this would just be one more issue she can use to move further away.
I'm also waiting for card check and my white slaves, two years B! Get er done!
field wrote,
I need you to go on inner city tours and spend time in places like Detroit, Cleveland, Houston, New Orleans, and Memphis. Walk the streets of these cities (Trust me, you will be safe. Gangbangers will assist the Secret Service if they need them to.)
Simply classic, a LMFAO statement if there ever was one. Money says that for two buckets of chicken, a case of 40's and a baggie of weed, the bangers would have a chimp out and shoot each other.
FN said...
Sadly, you have surrounded yourself with Ivy League sycophants and Washington politicians, whose lives are lived in the political fishbowl in and around Washington. These people don't care about the things that you should be caring about.
Isn't Obama one of those ivy league sycophants you write about?
GREAT post Field!
"Money says that for two buckets of chicken, a case of 40's and a baggie of weed, the bangers would have a chimp out and shoot each other."
Or in a white trailer park for a bag of meth, a can of Skoal and a case of Bud the rednecks would shoot and stab each other. This after screwing their mother/cousin.
Red Neck said
Or in a white trailer park for a bag of meth, a can of Skoal and a case of Bud the rednecks would shoot and stab each other. This after screwing their mother/cousin.
But they don't do that. It's only in your nog fantasy where that happens. Evidence clearly shows that the violence doesn't follow White poverty. You see there is no White equivalent to Baltimore, Camden, Philly or Chicago.
Pilot X is right about Mayor Washington. Back in his time, Chi-Town was the cleanest that I've ever seen it. Once he died only certain parts of the city remained that way.
Obama made some mistakes like giving the banksters money without charging interest. But one of his main problems is despite being able to make a good speech, he's not a good communicator day in and day out. The Right Wing knows it so their talkers set the agenda of what's going to be 'reported' and the so called mainstream media follows along with them.
Good plan, Field. Obama has destroyed the economy, decimated the military, squandered whatever credibility we had left with our allies, emboldened our enemies, ruined our healthcare system, shredded our Constitution, and set everyone in the country against each other.
Definitely, the best thing to do now is go full negro. Empty the prisons. Exempt black people from taxes. Confiscate white America's 401K's. That should really help his legacy, and pave the way for future advancements for black Americans.
You are a political genius. I almost believe you really graduated from an accredited law school.
Word to black people in America: 1) stop having children out of wedlock; 2) stop having children you do not have the means to provide for, whether you are married or not. That is what birth control is for.
It's that simple. There is NO NEED for special programs for black people, if you do the above things.
Word to white people in America: 1) stop having children out of wedlock; 2) stop having children you do not have the means to provide for, whether you are married or not. That is what birth control is for.
There, fixed it for ya.
"Word to black people in America: 1) stop having children out of wedlock; 2) stop having children you do not have the means to provide for, whether you are married or not. That is what birth control is for."
Word to ignorant racist trolls, stop watching Bill O'Reilly for your insight into the blah community.
Bill O'Reilly said
Word to ignorant racist trolls, stop watching Bill O'Reilly for your insight into the blah community.
No we only need to look at Camden, Gary, Baltimore etc. Looking at the Black community is like a cross between Planet of the Apes and I Bought a Zoo.
"Looking at the Black community is like a cross between Planet of the Apes and I Bought a Zoo."
Says the banjo player from Deliverance.
Squeal like a pig boy!
Hey Field, just saw an interview with Laura Ingrahm and Raul Labrador and she tried to get him to sign some no immigration reform under Obama pledge. Have you heard anything about this? These guys are really not interested in governing at all now. ODS is strong.
Red Neck says
Says the banjo player from Deliverance.
Squeal like a pig boy!
Wow, the monkey can speak. Bet someone threw some watermelon in his cage.
Red Neck said: “"Looking at the Black community is like a cross between Planet of the Apes and I Bought a Zoo."
No, … you moron, what you watched was actually a spinoff of new pilot shows titled: “Incestuously Inclined White Fathers and Billy Jean, Get Off of Your Knees While Facing Your Dad’s Crotch!
Well, Mr Field, judging from the comments your post missed its mark. I would hope Blacks on FN would take the conditions and unemployment situation of Blacks very seriously. Instead they are busy having a pissing contest with white racists....Amazing!
It's depressing to be Black in America...not so much because of white racists but because of Negroes without an ounce of dignity.
Field, "Personally, (with all due respect to my friend Bruce Dixon) I don't think that you have been any worse than all of the other presidents that led this country."
Brother Field, Obama has been the worse President in history for Blacks. There is no doubt about that. Everyone can see that plainly. Blacks have suffered immensely under this WH Administration--no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
So, as a bm, how can you conclude that Obama is no worse than any other President?
Blogger PilotX said...
"Barack comes from the Chicago Black political machine which took many lessons from Harold Washington's experience as mayor. His first term was very similar to Barack's in which the city council opposed everything he attempted to do but he built coalitions and everybody got a piece of the pie."
First of all, there is no Black political machine. Second, there is a vast difference between Harold Washington and Obama's attitude toward Blacks. Harold never, I mean never, turned his back on Blacks.
Harold was elected on coalitions from the beginning and he 'kept' his promises to the people who elected him. Obama has lied and lied and lied. He is a disgrace as a black President and to his race...Period..He is who he is and now the chickens are coming home to roost.
In addition, Harold was a strong man who had strong convictions and integrity to the extent he valued his words and did what he said he would....despite some opposing racist Alderman.
Harold Washington was a hero to Blacks and Whites. so please don't compare the two. Respect Harold Washington.
Great read.
Field, why do you pick the worst pics to post about us? You think like Whites.
There is a Black political coalition in Chicago. The Chi is the Black political capital of the country. Why do you think Barack chose Chicago as his starting point?
By coalition after Harold was elected I meant the idea that he brought others to his camp that were originally skeptical about him because they thought he would just work for Black folks.
Lastly I didn't compare Barack to Harold but they are similar in their governoring styles. Harold made things fair for everyone not just Black folk but we thrived under that level of equality.
"Harold Washington was a hero to Blacks and Whites."
So is Barack Obama.
Saw an interview with Dana Millbank. He says the atmosphere was even worse then the 9 minute clip. I bet he's right.
QLB, go back to your sandbox, the grown people are talking.
Good post regarding Bomber-O, it's about time!
"Definitely, the best thing to do now is go full negro. Empty the prisons. Exempt black people from taxes."
It has alway be a question to me: Government is obsessed with collecting racial statistics on everything....except when it comes to taxes. As in, what percentage of the Black population actually pays taxes compared to the White population.
Anon, do u really want to go there?
I think I hit a nerve.
Great letter, Field.
I hope you give POTUS credit, though - like Paul Krugman, who thinks with the ACA and new environmental regulations Obama will leave behind a substantive legacy (in spite of a worse than do-nothing Congress).
He has been bending over backwards Ignoring his black half, probably because he knows how the right nut jobs will scream "favoritism!" But he can't help "his" people without helping all of us; everyone benefits when real needs are met for some of us. He knows that, of course. It should be easy for him to remind everyone else of that truth.
Seeing how much taxes I pay, you most certainly did" hit a nerve."
I should have said "when anything is done to make this a Slightly more JUST society, everybody benefits."
It's because he DOESN'T Care about about Black America. He played the marxist playbook to the letter, sowing seeds of division and false hopes to get HIS. He'll be laughing all the way to retirement on the backs of the minorities who served his purposes.
anotherbozo, "He has been bending over backwards Ignoring his black half, probably because he knows how the right nut jobs will scream "favoritism!" But he can't help "his" people without helping all of us; everyone benefits when real needs are met for some of us. He knows that, of course. It should be easy for him to remind everyone else of that truth."
8:07 AM
Bullshit. Obama has been bending over backwards to NOT do a damn thing for Blacks.
You may be right that he is doing it because of what the right wing will say. If that is true, it doesn't change the fact that he is ignoring Blacks because of it.
As far as I am concerned, the GOP is NOT a good reason for Obama to ignore us. On the contrary it is doing the racist bidding of right-wingers.
If he is that scared of the GOP, he should not be President. In addition, he has allowed himself to be bullied by those scoundrels--which has been our pattern for centuries. At what point do Blacks stop acting powerless and grow a pair of balls? It looks like NEVER.
I have only known ONE Black politician who was strong and proud to be Black. It was Harold Washington.
And let me make it clear: Obama is NO Harold Washington...Obama can't even come close to Harold. Harold was a lion...very skillful and courageous and "outspoken". Obama is bambi...weak and cowardly and most of the time has no clue to what's going on with his government and the world. I have never in my lifetime seen such a WH that is caught so often by surprise.
field negro said...
Seeing how much taxes I pay, you most certainly did" hit a nerve."
Wow, spoken like a true greedy right-wingnut.
What about helping the poor, why don;t you want to pay your fair share?
Look how much you've got, some high priced law degree that is out of the financial realm of soooo many people today.
I guess this is another example of white privilege.
Damm Field how many times do u have to be told that O bomber ain't the BLACK President ...and hes not gonna devote the last two years to us... Its obvious that the LGBT community and the Latino community get executive orders passed...nothing for Black folks but "Stop Whining " speeches for black graduates at HBCUs... I don't even know why your asking for the last two years..when you've been trying to tell everybody for the last 6yrs..that Black people should just be happy with the symbolism......Just be happy with the symbolism Field ....
Asking for the Last two years...and he's been shitting on us for the last 6 LOL....
U sure u didn't fire up some good Jamaican ganja this morning.??? Unbelievable
Everyone is tip-toeing around it, I'll say it.
Democrats won't do shit for black people because they know that no matter what, black people will vote democrat.
See how hard the democrat party is working to pander to gays and illegals?
Any time a democrat fears that maybe some blacks will be walking off the democrat plantation, you have a high ranking democrat like biden working to create fear in black people-
"VP Biden Says Republicans Are ‘Going to Put Y’all Back in Chains’"
Back in chains? What crazy talk. But it worked, scared black people.
I noticed that FN is only whining about Obama not doing anything.
Why not call out all the rich white democrats that are doing nothing? You have no problem calling out rich white republicans for not doing anything to pander to black people?
Why the double standard Field Negro?
Why is Field Negro giving the rich white democrats a free pass?
Politically, blacks are taken advantage of by democrats because of their monolithic blind allegiance to the democrat party.
I guarantee, 10% of blacks leave the democrat plantation and the democrats will all of the sudden find a good reason to actually help (pander to) black people for a change. That would be true democrat CHANGE.
But black people have been programmed to be scared that rich white republicans will "Going to Put Y’all Back in Chains" that blacks will vote for more and more and more of the same.
(I've always wondered why rich white people like biden start saying "y'all" when talking to black people. Oops, I forgot, Obama is the first clean bright articulate african american. That explains it)
anonymous @ 8:07:
"Bullshit. Obama has been bending over backwards to NOT do a damn thing for Blacks."
That's exactly what I said! You misread my first line.
Haven't heard the name Harold Washington in years. But lissen, there are a few black Congressmen who are fighting the fight: James Clyburn, Elijah Cummings, Sheila Jackson Lee, JOHN LEWIS, Eleanor Holmes Norton, and Maxine Waters, to name a few.
When Rand Paul is saying what the President should be saying, you know it's about time for him...
anotherbozo said...
But lissen, there are a few black Congressmen who are fighting the fight: James Clyburn, Elijah Cummings, Sheila Jackson Lee, JOHN LEWIS, Eleanor Holmes Norton, and Maxine Waters, to name a few.
What fight?
The fight to cover for Obama?
Look, as the chair of the Black Caucus I've got to tell you, we are always hesitant to criticize the president. With 14 percent [black] unemployment (PDF) if we had a white president we'd be marching around the White House.
Sounds like the people you are praising are okay with high black unemployment as long as the president is a black democrat.
If high black unemployment isn't a problem for the Congressional Black Caucus, why are you complaining about it?
But then, the Congressional Black Caucus knows that blacks will vote democrat no matter what so high black unemployment is not a problem that needs addressing by black democrat politicians.
I'm pretty sure the Congressional Black Caucus takes the gloves off when they meet with Obama privately.
As I say maybe RAND F*ing PAUL will shame Obama into at least addressing the crimes of the criminal justice system, for one example.
Obama has recently discovered the joy of Executive Orders. Maybe it'll become a habit, and he can dodge this Parliament of Whores to get more done unilaterally.
“If you were just a regular person, you turned on the TV, and you saw Eric Cantor talking, I would say—and I'm fine with gay people, that's all right—but my gaydar is 60-70 percent,”
I wonder how the liberal media is going to deal with this democrat?
As if I have to ask.
"I have never in my lifetime seen such a WH that is caught so often by surprise."
Except when the Berlin wall fell and 9-11 happened. Other than that.......
Well your post brought out all the Obama Haters.....perhaps that was your intent...Pity...
Sorry Sheba, doesn't take a post from me to bring them out. They work 23/7, it's like a job with them.
Did u read the part where I said that he is mo worse than thw others who came before him and outlined all of his accomplishments?
Bill, u are misrepresenting facts again. I never said that I don't believe in paying my fair share of taxes. I might not like it, but it's my duty as a citizen.
I just wish that your wingnut friends felt the same way.
Sorry about the bad word placements. Tough to type on the move.
How is Barack any different than any other President when it comes to campaign promises? Remember somebody told me to read his lips about taxes and he raised them anyway? Well, actually I'm not upset that a sitting President responds correctly to changing circumstances.
PilotX said...
How is Barack any different than any other President when it comes to campaign promises?
He raised people's hopes.
Just like FN thinks a black president should do more for black people.
Remember somebody told me to read his lips about taxes and he raised them anyway?
Comparing obama to bush? Is that what defending obama has it has come to?
Well, actually I'm not upset that a sitting President responds correctly to changing circumstances.
Regarding his campaign promise to fix the VA, what changed that things actually got worse under Obama?
Millions of taxpayer $ to government employees in the form of bonuses for falsified records. Dead veterans.
Any employees fired yet?
Obama did promise that there would not be anything incriminating in the emails between him and the IRS. The emails being deleted and the hard drives being recycled guaranteed this promise being kept.
Imagine the lefty outrage if bush said the hard drive with the proof of yellowcake got destroyed so take his word for it.
Good thing not all destruction of evidence is equal.
Your post today is very disturbing Field..sounds like an abused housewife praying hubby won't beat her again....Stockholm syndrome ...
So now we are sending in advisors to Iraq now?? Green beret advisors ....LOL
BIB, since u like analogies I will give u one: How about a scorned lover who is obsessed with his ex? Sounds familiar?
Only problem with your analogy is...
Im not asking for the last two years as SCRAPS off the table.
Im saying you shouldnt be doing it eiether.....
The other groups got what they wanted , and here you are begging for the scraps....
Im telling you we can do SO much better than begging from a man that cares ABSOLUTELY nothing for us...
field negro said...
Seeing how much taxes I pay, you most certainly did" hit a nerve."
Yes, you certainly did.
A majority of black people pay no net taxes, that is, they receive more back from the government than they pay in taxes.
Blacks are an expense, not an asset.
Field wants Obama on his way out to help blacks loot what's left after he has bankrupted the country. TNB.
The chickenhawk tbaggers are going to be out in force again tonight. Dick Cheney & his daughter, Lipps, are sure to slither out and accuse President Obama of all of the Bush administration's disasters in Iraq. Again. The same neo-con cabal who stood up a pro-Iran Shia strong-man government under the occupation will be all over FAUX News alternately accusing him of turning Iraq over to Iran and urging him to run air-cover for the Al-Quds led push back into into Mosul. John McCaine and his "admirer" will be incensed (or having the vapors) that we're not at least bombing if not redeploying ground forces already because the "surge" worked even if it didn't. And you know what? President Obama is smart enough to see them for exactly what they are and mature enough to brush them off as irrelevant distractions.
"But all of this means nothing to the typical American, the narrative has already been painted of you by your political enemies , and most (not all) of the masses are buying it. Your approval rating stands at 41% and your disapproval ratings stand at 52%."
Yeah, but if you delve into the numbers, a sizeable chunk of the disapproving people aren't mad at Obama's policies -- they're really liberals that are mostly mad at Republicans for blocking Obama. And they've transferred some of their frustration onto Obama himself for not being able to wave a magic wand and somehow "make" Republicans do what he wants. This is not a rational point of view. (The foremost annoying magical thinker is probably Ron Fournier, who seems to believe that if Obama just gives the right well-crafted speech, the House's angry Tea Party crowd will all instantly morph into Birkenstock-wearing hippies. But that's not how our federal government works. Sorry, Ron.)
So there's not a great deal that Obama can do about this situation. As it is, conservatives get all red-faced and crap their drawers and run around shouting "Tyranny!" whenever they discover they cannot block Obama on some issue -- because, as president, it turns out he has some executive power that can be used unilaterally. (Usually, this is some relatively minor policy of his, like re-prioritizing which illegal immigrants get deported, or issuing an executive order that federal contractors can't discriminate against gay employees.)
Obama can definitely make himself into Promoter-in-Chief for various causes he still believes in, as you recommend. And I think he is doing that, on things like global warming, or gun control, or "black issues," as he has done with that My Brother's Keeper program.
Still, the "bully pulpit" is a pretty limited power of the presidency. It's meaningful, but people need to manage their expectations here; no one should expect any major social changes to come out of Obama's speeches alone.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
"The chickenhawk tbaggers are going to be out in force again tonight. Dick Cheney & his daughter, Lipps, are sure to slither out and accuse"
Mind you this is the same guy who pisses and moans about the way President Obama is treated and talked about.
Everyone should take a look at this re: Iraq and immigration. What is Obama doing?
What is Obama doing?
Haven't you heeeeerd?
Obama killed Bin Laden.
After that, Obama went all Col. James Braddock and got Bergdahl.
In between that, he kicked some terrorist ass and gots then hiding .
Hell, he even got white women naming their babies after him.
What else can a black man do?
Dear Kinky Con, please give the following quote your undivided attention AND open heart:
“In the past few years, I have had the good fortune to speak before thousands of people all across the country about racism. Some audiences respond favorably, others not so much. But the fundamental message I deliver is always the same: whites have a special obligation to fight racism, far beyond that which exists simply because we are human, and this is because it is our problem, created by others like us, for the purpose of commanding power over resources and opportunities at the expense of people of color. Furthermore, all whites irrespective of liberal attitudes and their "tolerance" for others must address the internalized beliefs about white superiority from which we all suffer. No one is innocent. No one is unaffected by the daily socialization to which we're all subjected, specifically the way we're taught to think about persons of color in this society: their behaviors, intelligence, beauty, and so on.” Tim Wise
Please pass this information on to Mr. Bill. I am sure he will be interested.
Brother Field, the title of your post depressed the hell out of me. It sure sounds like you are begging Obama on our behalf to give the 'last' two years of his eight years in office.
Field that is shameful and it's degrading us as a people. I am so depressed that an educated person like you would grovel at the feet of a man who doesn't give a damn about us.
Anon@5:48, I loved your comments.
depressed Negro, you might be depressed, but you are not a Negro.
I think we all know that. ;)
Field, you know damn well I am Black. You just can't stand the depression which you yourself has as a bm in America.
What is this the movie 300 ??
We are not sending Troops back to Iraq , but we will send 300 Green Berets to Train Iraqi's to NOT drop their weapons and RUN??
Advisers is the new name for 300 boots on the ground.
Brother Glen Ford sums it up nicely...
"It is true that the U.S. has been the great enabler of ISIS (the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria), its al Qaida-inspired rival Jabhat al-Nusra, and the smaller Islamist outfits that have been arrayed against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for the last three years.
(As even the New York Times admits, all of the significant armed opposition in Syria consider themselves Islamist warriors of one kind or another.)
But, too often, western leftists assume the jihadists are merely wind-me-up robots that can be pointed at designated targets, and then turned on or off or put on hold at the CIA’s whim, as if they have no ideology and agency of their own, but exist for the convenience of Empire."
BIB, "We are not sending Troops back to Iraq , but we will send 300 Green Berets to Train Iraqi's to NOT drop their weapons and RUN??
Advisers is the new name for 300 boots on the ground."
These 300 men will die in Iraq. I am disgusted with Obama. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. At first, he would not send 'any' troops to Iraq. Then, it was 275 American advisors. Now it's 300.
Obama proves once again, that a bm should not be President. He is about as bad in what he says and does as brother Field.
This is so damn depressing. Obama is ruining everything for the next bm who wants to run for President.
"Obama proves once again, that a bm should not be President."
WTF is that BullSHiiiiTT??
You need some White Supremacy DE-Programming...
I dont know what can be done for folks like you...
Almost as bad as Field...
I know Field desperately wants to change the topic...
Its extremely frustrating to see Black men argue from such weak stand points..
Thats depressing...
Well, Obama is the black face of white capitalism and oppression.
I have no problems with a bm president. Long has he represents.
BIB, "I dont know what can be done for folks like you...
Almost as bad as Field... "
Ouch, that really hurts. To be almost as bad as Field is really cutting down to the bone.
Well, as least your race detector is working. I can tell you know I am not White. But Field doesn't. There is something wrong with Field.lol
Btw, I have lost damn near all of my money, including my house, on those damn Cannabis stocks. I thought you were prescient. But I forgot. Negroes ain't never been able to predict much with any accuracy. I mean, look at Obama and we folks predicted he would be the greatest President ever. That has turned out to be a joke. And you don't think it hurt the next bm chances of becoming President? Get real.
Those stocks dropped so fast they look like a fire trail falling out of the sky.
This is a sure sign Cannabis companies are not going to make it.
BIB, "You need some White Supremacy DE-Programming."
There is no DE-Programming from white superiority in America. I have looked and looked all over America. No one offers anything having to do with race.
Hey, maybe I could start a business freeing brothers from White Privilege? Nah..no one would be interested.
Those stocks dropped so fast they look like a fire trail falling out of the sky....
Thats when you should be purchasing...but Oh well... It seems that you havent gotten a grasp of stock trading yet..
Dont wait till July to buy is all Im saying... Do ya research
Something else for the "to do" list: Prosecute the Bush Administration war crimes.
Don't leave the door open for us to be lied into war again.
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