Anyway, I honestly don't know what to think of this. Apparently quite a lot of you Negroes down in Mississippi have love for the old senator because he has "looked out" for you all in the past. But isn't this the same guy who refused to vote for a resolution apologizing for the senate not passing anti-lynching laws?
"I'm not in the business of apologizing for what someone else did or didn't do," he told me. "I deplore and regret that lynching occurred and that those committing them weren't punished, but I'm not culpable.."
Ok then, but this is from the same article:
"The trouble with that explanation is that Cochran did sign on as a co-sponsor of bills apologizing for the government's treatment of Native Americans and for the World War II internment of Japanese Americans.
Why did he find it so difficult to apologize for the Senate's failure to deal with the anti-lynching legislation passed by the House?"
Because we are talking about Negroes. The same Negroes who voted for him.
Still, as bad as Cochran is, his opponent might have been worse. This might explain why the Negroes down in Mississippi decided to make sure that he didn't go to Washington.
The irony of all of this is that the architect of the Cochran's victory was a disciple of none other than Lee Atwater who is a master of playing to the fears of Southern white voters to get their votes. This time Haley Barbour pulled a political switcheroo, and he played on the fears of the black voters to get his way.
Relying publicly on black folks might unexpectedly be his kiss of death.
You know for some white folks.. once you go black...
"Why did he find it so difficult to apologize for the Senate's failure to deal with the anti-lynching legislation passed by the House?"
Field, "Because we are talking about Negroes. The same Negroes who voted for him."
You are right brother Field. You see, this is why I am so depressed. Living in the South has left me paralyzed with depression and fear.
What I am afraid of is Klansmen lynching a few of us for the way we voted.
Don't say it won't happen, because I know it can.
Down in MS and surrounding other states, Negroes are in a catch 22. Damn if a Negro does, and damn if a Negro doesn't.
I hope some of you Negroes can wake up to this fact...It's depressing to be Black in America. Blacks have no where to turn to for support. NOWHERE!
I thinking about moving to Sweden where people are friendly and affirming of bm.
Gonna be some crosses burning in the Sip tonite. What else is new? Ha! Then again they always complain about us voting dem so now we vote rethug and they lose their minds. Geez, white folks are certainly hypocrites. Ha!
Anyhoo, you hear about the tanman suing Barack? Do you think he has standing or is this just going to be thrown out?
FN said...
This time Haley Barbour pulled a political switcheroo, and he played on the fears of the black voters to get his way.
Look how well scaring the blacks works for the democrats.
Republicans Are ‘Going to Put Y’all Back in Chains’
Biden even had to say "y'all" since he was pandering with the fear card.
Hell, FN is scared of cheney telling terrorists how to attack America even though democrats already gave the game plan away years ago.
Only some politicians giving tips to terrorists is scary to demcorats.
Dear Mr Field, Blacks are losing on all fronts in America. Even on FACEBOOK:
SAN FRANCISCO – "Facebook, the world's most popular social network, for the first time released statistics on the makeup of its workforce that do not reflect the demographics of its users around the globe.
The lopsided numbers are just the latest from a major Silicon Valley company to paint a stark picture of an industry sector dominated by white men and are sure to escalate an already heated debate over the lack of diversity in the tech industry.
Nearly 70% of Facebook employees are men and 57% are white. Asians make up 34% of employees.
But Hispanics represent just 4% and African Americans are just 2% of Facebook's workforce.
When it comes to technical employees, the numbers are even more grim. Eighty-five percent are male, 53% white and 41% Asian. Hispanics make up just 3% and African Americans just 1% of the workforce."
This shit is depressing. Hell, the Hispanics have now surpassed us. Once again, we are LAST. Now who in their right mind would be glad to be Black? Don't lie. At least the Blacks in MS are beginning to understand our sorry situation...which is why they voted Republican.
Brother Field, Bill, QLB, and KC, re: please take note, re: FACEBOOK:
"At the top of the company, the statistics are no better. Seventy-seven percent of senior level employees are men, 74% are white and 19% are Asian. Hispanics account for 4% and African Americans for 2% of employees in high level positions.
"We build products to connect the world, and this means we need a team that understands and reflects many different communities, backgrounds and cultures," Maxine Williams, Facebook's global head of diversity, said in a blog post.
Technology is a key driver of the U.S. economy. It makes the products from iPhones to Google search that Americans use every day. Yet the companies that make these products do not mirror the demographics of the United States in race, gender or age.
The pressure is especially high for Facebook. Its users span races and cultures around the globe, and the majority of Facebook users are women, making it crucial for Facebook to have a diverse workforce, said Stanford fellow Vivek Wadhwa, author of the upcoming book Innovating Women.
Facebook finds itself in a bigger and brighter spotlight because its No. 2 executive is Sheryl Sandberg, one of Silicon Valley's most prominent female leaders and the author of the best seller Lean In.
She told USA TODAY earlier this month that the lack of diversity in male-dominated corporate America is "pretty depressing.""---USA Today
Please note that depressed Negro has been way ahead of the country in admitting that Blacks have a depression problem.
See-this is what i mean. Field can't give this white man his due without tearing him down. White men just can't win anymore.
Even Rush Limbaugh realizes it's over. Rush agrees with field and pilotx-blacks who support Republicans are uncle toms.
White men are running Facebook and all of the rest of computer technology. So wm don't have it bad at all. Kinky is full of shit.
Hell, it's the kind easy going bm who is getting screwed in getting ahead.
Read what anon said about how Blacks are losing out in the tech fields. Bill and KC never mentions this. White men are deliberately NOT hiring Blacks in the computer industry...the scoundrels!
Rich white liberals talk the talk and fall face first when walking the walk.
Facebook diversity statistics show mostly white, male workforce
Google concedes in diversity data that employees mainly male and white
Yahoo latest tech icon to reveal lack of diversity
I'll let FN explain why these rich white liberals that donate to Obama aren't hiring black people to work for them.
Good old negroes, always doing what they're told to do.
Bet some Preachers got their pockets stuff with cash to get out the vote.
Anon @8:39 AKA Field Negro and BurgundyTrollanononymous said: "I hope some of you Negroes can wake up to this fact...It's depressing to be Black in America. Blacks have no where to turn to for support. NOWHERE! I thinking about moving to Sweden where people are friendly and affirming of bm."
You may as well cancel your itinerary buddy, they're whipping the black man's ass in Stockholm as well. Why don't you go back to Jamaica?
Scrolling down these comments, and not one comment about the fact that these Negroes in Mississippi actually got out and voted; not one comment gives them any credit. Give them their just dues, their "props"; somebod(ies) there remember the sacrifices made on their behalf 50 years ago. At least give them credit for holding their noses and voting for the lesser of two evils. Any Negro, period, who does not vote is despicable. And, don't let me get started about how today's bla..., (no, I mean - nig..s) continue to desecrate what little Black dignity remains.
Anonymous@10:55 PM
Given the fact that a majority of people committing crimes in Sweden are immigrants, are you shocked that native Swedes are fighting back?
There are no surprises here, quite a few blacks are in search of good white men and will settle for even an inkling of affirmation to this end. This holds true even when the white person they’re voting for has a questionable pattern of loyalty to blacks or none at all. Oh well, I guess this is what happens when a group of people have been colonized for a few centuries.
Through long term, strategic programming, by way of Lee Atwater’s Southern Strategy, thorough discombobulation has settled within the mindset of too many black Americans. Really sad!
“If you can control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his action.” – Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro
I wonder how Obamacare is working out for young people?
USC says tuition hike will help cover unfunded state mandates, Obamacare costs
...In the second paragraph of a press release published Friday, the university pointed its finger at the Affordable Care Act, as well as the rising cost of state-mandated employee pay raises, health insurance and retirement benefits. These combined expenses are expected to cost USC $17.7 million, spokesman Wes Hickman said.
Does the cost of tuition really matter?
If you can get student loans and Obama will excuse the loans, does it rally matter what college costs?
I wonder how many times the "N" word was uttered back at Pee party headquarters after the election results came in, ROTFLMBO!!!
Well, if Dr.Nǚwáng was there, it would have been many times.
Dr.Nǚwáng- Pee on me nigga.
Pee on me nigga.
Yo turn nigga.
Pee on me nigga.
Yo turn nigga.
I'm happy that the old warrior Charlie Rangel has fended off the most serious primary challenge of his career. Now he needs to think about retirement; before he ends up like Adam Clayton Powell. As for which cracker represents Mississippi in the Senate, I'm glad that the black folks of 'ol Miss finally have found a way to at least have some say in it for once. The talking cracker head explosion all over faux news and radio right wing are just delicious extras.
When will my brothers realize (blacks) that voting in Amerika literally means nothing. We should be fighting for our own country, f% ck voting for these crackas!
In th words of Frederick Douglas: A man (or group of people) without force doesn't deserve the respect of others if he's not willing to fight for himself (paraphrased).
Fuck voting!
Ms.Nǚwáng said...
I wonder how many times the "N" word was uttered back at Pee party headquarters after the election results came in, ROTFLMBO!!!
Probably none, as there is no Tea Party headquarters and the Tea Party movement has nothing to do with race.
You may as well cancel your itinerary buddy, they're whipping the black man's ass in Stockholm as well. Why don't you go back to Jamaica?
10:53 PM
That's depressing. Are you Swedish? I don't have any interest in Jamaica. They are whipping up on bm as well. Damn, there must be someplace I can go?
"After two recent “knockout games” left several people in Baltimore injured, the city’s mayor has decided to speak out."
Wow, a whole TWO knock out game incidents! That's as many shark attacks in the U.S. So you have just as good a chance of being attacked by a shark as being a knock out game victim! Quick, call Sean Hannity, he may want to run stories about good wite folk getting attacked by sharks! Oh lordy!
Rush Limbaugh knows Uncle Toms when he sees them, he's a good friend of Clarence Thomas. I'm sorry, uncle Clarence Thomas.
Wait, how come I haven't heard about these knock out games on Fox? I thought O'Reilly and Hannity were looking out for us? Oh god, we're doomed! Even Bill and Sean have been convinced the knock out game isn't a thing anymore. Like parachute pants and skinny ties.
I wouldn't mind if FN did a little selective removing of comments.
Of course none of mine.
Yeah, I'm a hypocrite.
I really hope Granny will step up to the plate for her relatives in Mississippi. I understand she has quite a few in that state.:)
"before he ends up like Adam Clayton Powell"
Oh he'll end up like him. The resemblance is uncanny and their stories are eerily similar and both are my frat brothers. It's the only fitting end.
Bill said...
I wouldn't mind if FN did a little selective removing of comments.
Of course none of mine.
Wassa' matter Billy, your alter ego starting to get to you?
Dr.Nǚwáng said...
Wassa' matter Billy, your alter ego starting to get to you?
I think you've confusing me with someone else.
My name is Bill, not Bruce Wayne.
A lot of people make that mistake.
Bill said: "My name is Bill, not Bruce Wayne."
However, you certainly look and smell like him.
Bill said, "yeah I'm a hypocrite."rolurati and
We know this already, dim witted Bill.
Quote Cuntmuppet
"Which explains why you said "But you're right, the writing is excellent." instead of everything is deleted."
Yes Bill, it was what we here in the civilised world refer to as "a joke".
You dim-witted, humourless twunt.
The cross over voters should be proud. They faced intimidation to vote for the lesser of evils.I don't know how many poll watchers actually came out, but the threats that they would was intimidation.
I'm all for getting the two best candidates we can. I've cross over voted before. Obama didn't need my primary vote in Illinois where he ran unopposed, so I voted in the Republican primary for Ron Paul. At least he's against war. When Ted Kennedy ran against Jimmy Carter, I liked them both. But I hated Reagan, so I voted for John Anderson. I'm white and there was no organized cross over vote effort or threats against one, so it didn't take any courage. The last organized cross over vote effort, before this one in Mississippi, that I can think of was Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos. He wanted to keep Hillary campaigning against Obama. Fox News followed his lead and Hillary was suddenly wonderful to them for awhile.
"Rush Limbaugh is calling you all Uncle Toms and the right wingnuts are shocked that Negroes could actually vote for a republican."
Shocking indeed. I mean, who would have believed that black people could actually tell the difference between a bad Republican and a truly horrendous Republican?
And then ... whaddya know ... they'll be back voting for Democrats in November.
Why, it's almost like black people actually know how to vote strategically in their own interests! Rush Limbaugh and his dopey followers will be wrestling with this difficult concept for a while, I'm sure.
I'm quite concerned that all the Teabilly Chris McDaniel disciples may get tuckered out from all their infantile tantrum-pitching, and then they won't be able to think up any new profanity-laced insults to hurl at dastardly RINOs and The Establishment. And that would be tragic! Who will defend the Republic?!
Well, it pleases me to announce that there's now a helpful web app that can do all that vitally important work for them.
Behold: The Tea Party Insult Generator!
My favorite Tea Party insult that I've generated thus far:
Fuckheaded big government devil.
That one just strikes my funny bone.
In 1964, Brother Malcolm X delivered a speech titled: “The Ballot or the Bullet.” Here we are some 50 years later talking about how great it is to be able to vote, namly that Field Negro. Don’t you understand, voting will get us nowhere? If voting meant anything to blacks, we would be much further along in terms of economics, politically, socially and all likelihood, have our own damn country. Personally, voting merely legitimizes the workings of this demonic country. Therefore, you can take your voting rights and place it where the sun doesn’t shine. Next time, choose the bullet when given the opportunity to do so!
Sorry brother, I believe in voting. In 2014 u are not going to change things with the "bullet".That's what the far right wants to do, and it will not end well for them.
"Knockout games"?. Ok then, and I thought I saw "Bigfoot" the other day.*eye roll*
Anon said,
Next time, choose the bullet when given the opportunity to do so!
Just remember it might not go the way you planned.
Field said,
Sorry brother, I believe in voting. In 2014 u are not going to change things with the "bullet".That's what the far right wants to do, and it will not end well for them.
See the above, What makes you think so? Your people are 13% and mainly isolated in contained urban groups without the skill sets necessary for a major league bongo party.
Whitey's Conspiracy using racial slurs?
This is the same guy that pisses and moans about the way Obama is treated.
Do as i say not as i do is the motto of the left.
The Purple Cow said...
Yes Bill, it was what we here in the civilised world refer to as "a joke".
The joke started when I said your writing was excellent.
field negro said...
Ok then, and I thought I saw "Bigfoot" the other day.*eye roll*
Do you think Bigfoot was responsible for the irs emails and the backups to go missing?
To suddenly "lose" so many emails from different sources smells like a coordinated bigfoot or chupacabra attack.
To imply a computer crash deleted backups on other computers is so yellowcake.
Yes Bill, as it did under W. You remember those millions of e-mails, right?
Never mistake incompetence for a conspiracy.
Was it bigfoot or Reagan that spread crack throughout the black community?
I think it was bigfoot. I never trusted that racist mofo.
field negro said...
Yes Bill, as it did under W. You remember those millions of e-mails, right?
I remember. I didn't believe a computer crash was capable of destroying backups on other computers then either.
I'm just wondering why democrats have flip-flopped on caring about missing emails.
I understand why right-wingers only care when it's the "other" team deleting emails.
It appears the left is exactly the same as the right.
Selective outrage about missing emails depending on the party hiding the truth.
Never mistake incompetence for a conspiracy.
I agree. Obama is proving himself to be an incompetent leader.
Obama allows his minions to use the irs as a political tool against Obama's enemies.
The leading cause of government computer crashes are investigations and subpoenas.
Ok Bill, if u want to blame the president for a computer crash in a huge government agency being led by a Bush appointee knock yourself out. Whatever gets u through the night big guy.
Actually I'm pretty sure it's little guy.
He has definite 'little man syndrome' tendencies.
field negro said...
Ok Bill, if u want to blame the president for a computer crash in a huge government agency being led by a Bush appointee knock yourself out.
As long as you take the same position with the missing bush emails that it was just government incompetence and had nothing to do with bush.
I just don';t want you to be forced to play those double standard excuse games all day.
To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?
Actually I take it back.
Bill is actually even more tedious than QLB.
Can't imagine he gets invited to many parties.
"I think it was bigfoot. I never trusted that racist mofo."
And now he's playing the knockout game. I hear he's quite good at it. Oh lordy!!!!!!!!!
Silly ass cracks, you MOFOs are hyped about everything because you've been accorded things throughout the history of this country that were improvidently granted in the first instance.
Meanwhile, you strategically target the black man for lifelong deprivationsn F@CK YOU MOFOs!
Our ruling class has once again motivated negroes to attack the ruling class's enemies by convincing them they are "racist", thus stifling a true populist movement to secure the freedom and prosperity that everyone deserves, including those very same negroes.
A great victory for the Bolshevik billionaire/Neocon alliance. Soon there will be not even token resistance to demographic and cultural annihilation and eternal war to secure Israel.
Good work negroes. Another nickel is in the mail.
Whitey's Conspiracy using racial slurs?
I know that subtlty escapes you kkkY.con, but even you have to admit that self deprecation's the common exception to the use of racial/ethnic slurs. Besides, I when I say "cracker" I mean it it in its full socio-etho-eco-historicity. It's a slur particular to a certain type of (primarily) southern white man.
"Good work negroes. Another nickel is in the mail."
I am sure I won't get it because you sent it to the wrong address.
Looks like Anon at 7:11 has eyes WIDE open ..and can no longer condone voting just because with no method of holding any politician accountable ...Voting for Dems or Republican mean nothing... especially if your black....
Symbolism with a splash of "Feel Good" might as well have a shot of liquor....You'll actually notice a "Change"
When white people start hating, belittling other white people-it's over.
We whites need to accept our minority status in the world and in this country- and hope to hell we are treated better than we have treated the new majority.
"and hope to hell we are treated better than we have treated the new majority."
What, you mean beyond free food and housing, preferential treatment in hiring and school admissions, and special protected class status under the law?
Man, I can't wait!
field negro said...
"Good work negroes. Another nickel is in the mail."
I am sure I won't get it because you sent it to the wrong address.
I'm sure you'll dutifully continue to do our bidding whether or not that promised nickel ever shows up, am I right?
Of course I'm right.
Besides, I should probably just hold it for you in case some racist decides to sneak up and snatch it out of your hand. You can thank me later, or not. It doesn't matter. Now go back to work please, there are still some racists to chase.
Operative word being"work", something I am sure that u have never done much of.
You are right my proud brown friend. I don't need to dirty my hands, work is for the goyem.
Not your "friend", wingnut. If u need a friend get a dog.
No thanks, I got you. "Friend" doesn't mean the same to you as it does to me. I just thought it would be better to use than the real word we use for your kind.
I don't like dogs, but they have their uses.
My "kind" doesn't eat dogs, but knock yourself out.
Anonymous said...
Silly ass cracks, you MOFOs are hyped about everything because you've been accorded things throughout the history of this country that were improvidently granted in the first instance.
Meanwhile, you strategically target the black man for lifelong deprivationsn F@CK YOU MOFOs!
1:14 PM
Brother you might be right about Whites. But you also need to 'recognize' that we are 'hyped' about everything too. Hell, we are so hyper-vigilant we can't tell night from day and good from bad.
Oh great, a choice between arsenic and strycnine. All Republikkklans suck!
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