I know I know, there is still a lot of racism to chase out there, but I will have get to that another night.
Let me start out in Los Angeles, where some of you Negroes have been apparently sniffing some fumes from the La Brea Tar Pits.
First your local chapter of the NAACP makes a mockery of themselves , and now this latest embarrassing episode.
I am referring to Rev. J. B. Hardwick, who thought that it would be cool to invite that racist jackass, Donald Sterling, to his church this past Sunday.
"This past weekend Donald Sterling accepted an invitation to a predominately African-American church service in South Central Los Angeles. The pastor, Rev. J. B. Hardwick, explained the invitation to Anderson saying, "I noticed this man carrying a load or burden and my heart went out to him." [Source]
“I look at the scriptures, The Bible and I have a great belief in the word of God. And I just can’t picture him as a person who carries hate continuously in [their] heart.” [Source]
Lord have mercy Rev., what kind of gospel are you teaching in your church?
If the pews aren't empty this Sunday morning every one of your members need to just slap themselves upside their own heads.
"At the end of the interview, Anderson asked Rev. Hardwick if Sterling discussed a monetary donation to him. Hardwick said no, only to acknowledge minutes later that Sterling did say to him, “Reverend, I would like to do something to help the community.”
I bet he would. Oh to be rich in America. You can be a racist and get absolution from the people you secretly despise by throwing money at the greedy corrupt people who lead them.
Finally, the next story would actually be funny if it wasn't so sad.
I love a nice wedding as much as the next guy, and if a couple wants to go all out and have a wonderful wedding so that they can enjoy the memories for years to come, well then so be it. But.....but.....
Let me just give you the story as the New York Daily News gave it to me:
"Shona Carter-Brooks, of Jackson, received online criticism after pictures from her wedding day showed her 1-month-old baby wrapped into her dress as she walked down the aisle. There are no reports of the child being injured. She wrote on her Facebook page the baby was awake and secured during the ceremony."
Hold up, can you run that by me again?
Shona Carter-Brooks, of Jackson, Tenn., secured her 1-month-old daughter on the train of her wedding dress as she walked down the aisle. Carter Brooks, who married Johnathan Brooks at the Elam Baptist Church in Ripley, Tenn., last weekend, walked down the aisle with her daughter dragging behind wrapped in the enormous amount of material on her David's Bridal dress by Vera Wang, according to her Facebook page.
A company spokeswoman told The News it was not actually a Vera Wang dress after a close review of the photographs." [Source and more pics]
Johnathan I know that you love your wife, but when she threw out this brilliant idea during the planning stage you should have stepped in and said: Honey, maybe we should just go to the Justice of the Peace and splurge on a really nice honeymoon.
Sorry, the Brooks belong in Rev. Hardwick's church. They deserve each other.
Bwahahaha. That has to be a joke, right? Dragging her baby down the aisle after her?!
I'll say one thing: Nobody will ever forget that wedding.
Awww, Sybil's sister is dragging her niece down the isle, LOL!!!
What a ghetto, lowlife thing to do!
God is all forgiving and has already forgiven Sterling for his racist heart!
Perhaps when he is engulfed by the love,warmth and worshipful people,he will change his racist ways.
Then again, you can't teach old dogs new tricks and I would watch the tithe plate.
Field said...
Let me start out in Los Angeles, where some of you Negroes have been apparently sniffing some fumes from the La Brea Tar Pits.
Ummmm...yeah and we know who else that would be!
My peeps are so sick. It's damn depressing.
Inviting Donald Sterling to your black church down in the hood... dragging your 1 month old baby behind you on your wedding day shows the insensitivity a mother has for her child...totally inhumane and abusive.
It depresses the hell out of me to know that I am part of a very sick race. I don't want to be Black. It's too damn hard and sickening.
Field, I wish you hadn't posted this shit about us. It only serves to Whites why they don't want our sick crazy asses around them. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of Blacks who don't want sick ass Blacks around them....that's 90% of us.
Anonymous9:44 PM
It only serves to Whites why they don't want our sick crazy asses around them. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of Blacks who don't want sick ass Blacks around them....that's 90% of us.
There's crazies in every race. You are white, have a beard, wear camouflage and shoot ducks right?
For those of you interested in what's going to happen regarding Sgt Bergdahl fiasco. It's not looking very good for the President.
In the middle ages in Europe, if people were married after children were born the children would hide under their mother's dress until after the ceremony then be "born" and baptized as legitimate children of the marriage.
"There's crazies in every race. You are white, have a beard, wear camouflage and shoot ducks right?"
9:54 PM
Nope. I am just an angry fed-up bm who is fed-up with a lot of his ignorant ass shameless people.
As far as crazies in other races--I don't care. That does not give us a pass on what was done by the Rev and that stupid ass mother who shouldn't be a mother in the first place.
Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
In the middle ages in Europe, if people were married after children were born the children would hide under their mother's dress until after the ceremony then be "born" and baptized as legitimate children of the marriage.
9:57 PM
Whitey, this is the 21st century. People don't do that anymore.
Oh, nothing ever looks good for the president on faux news Mr. a non. What else is new? Go ahead and turn this into this Bergdhal-gazi because the only place that either sounds remotely sane is on the rabid faux-newser right.
It looks like this (enter latest "scandal") looks bad for the President. No way he survives this.
This one might do what Fast and Furious, IRS and Been-gauzeee couldn't. Yawn.
WC, you know as well as I do that Field posted this today hoping to take the heat off the President by distracting us with a story of two black insensitive ignoramuses.
If he truly wanted to post about an insensitive Black, he should have talked about Obama and how he screwed up by freeing Sgt Bergdahl who is a traitor and a converted Muslim.
Have you noticed that damn near every week the President is doing some outrageous shit that bothers almost ALL Americans? I am sure you agree. But you will probably lie.
Too bad we couldn't have traded a passel of Tbaggers for Bergdhal.
Blogger PilotX said...
It looks like this (enter latest "scandal") looks bad for the President. No way he survives this.
This one might do what Fast and Furious, IRS and Been-gauzeee couldn't. Yawn.
10:16 PM
Brother PX, you need to watch the video link anon9:56pm provided. Afterwards, if you still want to yawn, go ahead. You are pretty much asleep most of the time anyway.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nope. I am just an angry fed-up bm who is fed-up with a lot of his ignorant ass shameless people.
10:00 PM
Okay, whatever you say redbeard.
Soldiers can't be Muslims? I did not know this.
Oh my! this Obama-Bergdahl situation is getting worse. Here's another troubling video where Bob Woodward slams the President. Even Diane Feinstein is up in arms about what happened...Obama has no defense whatsoever. He is in deep deep trouble:
Blogger PilotX said...
Soldiers can't be Muslims? I did not know this.
10:38 PM
Dear PX, Bergdahl deserted his unit as an American soldier. He joined the Muslim terrorists. Or if you like, the Taliban. While there, he was converted to a Muslim. This soldier was a Muslim terrorist sympathizer.
Get it? I know it is hard for you to understand but try anyway. If you are still confused, forget it and just comment on the recent post. That's why Field wrote the post....for people like you.
Listen to one of the mothers whose son was killed while looking for Bergdahl who went AWOL:
"Have you noticed that damn near every week the President is doing some outrageous shit that bothers almost ALL Americans? I am sure you agree. But you will probably lie."
No. You really need to unplug from whatever right-wing fantasy website you frequent and get back in touch with the real world. The people who are "bothered" about this stuff don't come close to being ALL Americans. They don't come anywhere close to MOST Americans.
The majority of Americans think the Rush Limbaugh crowd are a bunch of moronic knuckledraggers. I hate to break it to you, but you are deceiving yourself about what most of the country looks like and believes in the year 2014.
Field, what about turning the other cheek and forgiveness?
I thought the left was all about second chances and not judging.
Field, that's a novel concept. Don't hate that beautiful black woman.
Field, that Reverend looks like he saw some 'good old' Jim Crow days, he just has to know better. That Reverend found a good hustle trying to put his Church on the map, any map!
As for the child-endangering bride (and groom), I'm seeing this entire thing with so many symbolic gestures. Very disturbing.
Btw, did you see the look on a couple of faces as she cat-dragged the poor child down the aisle?
And Field, no where in that bride article did I read anything about a Sybil, her sister, a niece nor anything about an island. Did you switch a link? I would like to read that article please. Thank you.
um...maybe Sterling has forgotten that he hates Black folk?
he is at church with the true Hebrews, listening to them teach about Messiah, so he could be closer to his right mind, now. Yah is Good ALL the time!
rather than throwing that man some additional scorn i AM bound to send out some prayers in his direction. he doesn't really need any more hate right now.
it is clear there is some whale hunting going on with him. reveal his mistress then let his estranged wife broker the deal to take his stuff.
cold blooded.
then get the masses to throw him all the negative energy in the world that is promptly harnessed for spiritual wickedness in high places.
that won't make a lick of sense to most and that is ok. i felt compelled to say it nevertheless.
it is much more sinister to me that VS has adopted her some Black boys. wonder what she is teaching them 'bout their Black selves? being their first teacher and all...
side note: it is pure comedy for someone with a grip of alter egos to call anyone sybil. no doubt she gets anon with it then high fives herself after her altered comments.
low class + ghetto with a grip of degrees= still low class and ghetto, really.
double back, pick any thread and look for all the multiple personality, profane, gutter comments. just a hot ghetto mess as sure as the day is long.
jokes. i got 'em tonight;)
the lady with the baby in her dress is headed down the aisle. she will probably be somewhere here real shortly talking 'bout HE.PUT.A.RING.ON.IT!
if that don't sound like somebody that appears rather obsessed...i would think it their twin sister. real ghetto women don't really bother too much with the going down the aisle business. and that's between them and the Almighty of their Understanding really. thought folk over here were "educated"? come on now. ya'll don't know?
ok. all jokes aside, i gotta get back to work. needed a little comic relief and without fail the brilliant minds at FN came right on through.
thank you kindly folk. your contributions to increasing the LOL factor is greatly appreciated;) For Real. laughter being Good for the soul and all.
ps. if i had to guess, the folk in cali are slightly off from the nonstop sunshine + smog. don't quote me though;)
keep up the Good work FN. i.see.you. oh, and it should be noted that it is usually outsiders giving to the Black community. as Sterling pointed out, those with the most in the Black community don't really try to assist. Sterling wouldn't be the first to make this solid observation.
Much Love and Blessings all!
for Real. THAT'S not a joke;)
All this doesn't change the fact Obama is getting impeached.
Hang the mofo I say!
FP said: "it is clear there is some whale hunting going on with him [Sterling]. reveal his mistress then let his estranged wife broker the deal to take his stuff."
I agree. The venom came down so swift, it had its own agenda. Some people seem to forget, the man was having a "private" conversation. He is no different than most within the company of like minds.
And sis, stop cracking me up with the comedy! It's my bedtime over here. LOL
"This soldier was a Muslim terrorist sympathizer."
Oh, so that's what Bill O'Reilly told you huh? I'll just wait for the facts to come out. I know that's a foreign concept to righties.
hey girlie!
it is hilarity folk calling folk sybil. THAT made me almost fall off my chair cracking up.
say what, now?
let me stop before she starts cussing, fussing + growing me in spiritual fruit...
as i resist the pit/doberman/rott mix throat lock you 'bout to stop flip the script;( none of that biz is pleasing in His sight.
so if she comes for me for laughing + making jokes at the irony, i will have richly earned it + will meekly silent treatment the antics.
YOU are hilarious, my sister. your dead pan, dry wit tickles me. i always get a kick out of your comments. we disagree though- the pastor indicating that his heart felt heavy at the suffering Sterling must be feeling made my heart squish. THIS is why we are the Blessed Blacks. we have His heart. our pitiful, byword, astonishment, mad antics are a direct result of the sin we are in.
folk look at a spiritual condition without enough Knowledge then allow the enemy to our souls to make US feel bad about ourselves.
peep the Law below, then know that what the enemy meant to destroy US will be turned for our Good.
who are these people? are they those that call themselves Semites/Jews? the folk that cornered+ profited mightily from the slave trade, while making sure to finger point what they call white goyim? themselves being the other white folk. or do the enslaved fit the Torah description for His Chosen people? Chosen not for their color but to perform a certain task. give His Law to ALL the nations. those that call themselves Semites/Jews do NOT go out to the nations bringing His Word. will tell you in a heartbeat they have no desire nor intention. just wanna be Chosen just because. that's NOT in keeping with Scriptures.
notice the cause of the condition and that it has all of NOTHING to do with skin color. those that know Torah know this already. they are just SSSHHHH! Psalm 83 with it.
Sterling is being spanked for saying out his mouth that Blessed Blacks are "the enemy". add a gov't mandate to make sure there is NO rise of a Black Messiah.
yep, i AM 'bout to pray for that man that let the cat out the bag to his mingled mistress who sold him out when she saw the financial cut off was eminent. kicking it with Blessed Black men- to Sterling's displeasure- 'cause separating Blessed Black men from their $ is SUPER simple for a mingled exotical woman. LOL. then when the Blessed Black women call it...
we be "jealous". LOL!
literally LAUGH OUT LOUD at the simplicity of the game that i have seen run up close + personal with Bl women that hate their Black daddies, half of themselves + Blessed Black folk in general...
KJV Deuteronomy 28:15-
28 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Sovereign thy Almighty, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:
Set the fields on fire FP.
I see. PX wants to wait for the facts to come out. When its Zimmerman, Fox News, Republicans or the Duke hoax-he rushes like Barry Sanders to judgement.
"All this doesn't change the fact Obama is getting impeached."
from the producers of Romney in a Landslide bring you The Impeachment of Obama! Coming to a theater near you.
"When its Zimmerman, Fox News, Republicans or the Duke hoax-he rushes like Barry Sanders to judgement."
Wanna show facts to back that up? I know you like to defend whites who molest/kill blah people but c'mon dude.
laughing too hard, trying to stay on schedule. was out before i saw my girl LA.
i pray no Blessed Black men take offense at my laughter/comment(s). folk can stop the game at any point, though.
i am NOT a screw face Blessed Black woman when i see the nonstop Black man with everybody else. things go far beyond Black and White for me. if Blessed Black men like it...
i Love it. just don't get mad when bold folk call it. to my horror i am watching Blessed Black follow the head out into the madness with a special disdain for other Blessed Black women. if she got a wm...other Blessed Black women= the enemy to the 10th power;(
LA, i saw your subsequent comment. yep. folk can go with the be led + fed poison flow if they want to. those that thumb their noses at forgiveness must be here in Messiah's place. all perfect not in need of forgiveness. which had better be the case. 'cause it is CLEARLY written if you don't give it...you can't get it. so i hope for their sakes they are purrrrrrrfect;)
correction on the Law:
KJV Deuteronomy 28:15
15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Sovereign thy Almighty, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:
KJV Deuteronomy 28: 28-30
28 The Sovereign shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart.
29 And thou shalt grope at noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways: and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save thee.
30 Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man shall lie with her: thou shalt build an house, and thou shalt not dwell therein: thou shalt plant a vineyard, and shalt not gather the grapes thereof.
sounds exactly like the uber prosperous Semites/Jews, huh?
The Duke lacrosse case wasn't a hoax. The case never went to court. There's a book written about the case if you care to know facts but we all know conservatives aren't too concerned about such.
Zimmermann shot a blah teenager, did I miss something? Fox News is the propaganda arm for the gop. The Republican Party has been taken over by religious nutcases and oligarchs. Where's the rush to judgement on any of that? I know I know, you have to make a comment about everything whether it makes sense or not.
She did what?!
That's so awful my senses are confused. People saw a 1 month old baby attached to the train of a dress and did nothing?!!
Rev.. saw an opportunity huh..
His heart went out to him huh..
My Lord! After reading these comments tonight, including mine, I have concluded that the internet and blogging is leading us all to hell.
PilotX said...
The Duke lacrosse case wasn't a hoax.
Of course it wasn't.
It ruined the lives of innocent men.
@ KC- can't.stop.won't.stop...
'til He tells me to;)
souls hang in the balance and there is a soul snatch on tap.
correction for last comment:
i am watching Blessed Black women follow the head...
back to the Law He led me to leave here tonight for whoever He sends me to speak to. it won't come back to Him void so i AM bound to do as He instructs.
KJV Deuteronomy 28:32-34, 36-37, 41, 43-44
32 Thy sons and daughters shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long: and there shall be no might in thine hand.
33 The fruit of thy land, and all thy labours, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway:
34 So that thou shalt be mad for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see.
36 The Sovereign shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other g-ds, wood and stone.
37 And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the Sovereign shall lead thee.
41 Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, but thou shalt not enjoy them; for they shall go into captivity.
43 The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low.
44 He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail.
WHO are these people?
WHO does this describe to a tee?
WHAT if i told ya that the Blessings for Obedience to Him/His Word are ALSO written? that we would have His Favor if we would only look to Him/His Word rather than the do what thou wilt own way path many are on?
WHAT if i told ya that THIS is why reading Scriptures in particular + reading in general for the lost Hebrews was outlawed in this land of bondage aka Egypt aka USA?
what if i told ya that these folk wrote down their awe at the Blessed Blacks that brought 'em civilization, who were now their slaves?
their offspring running through today are too far removed from the Truth to be able to even comprehend this solid historical Truth. the babes REALLY believe that all flows from...
when folk know that ALL flows from Black. those sitting at the top KNOW this. but SSSHHH! only the "illuminated" ones must know. only they deserve to be so enlightened + walking in Power from the Real Knowledge.
WE are the Ancients. THIS is why the land of bondage/egypt HATES us. IF we knew who we are...
it would be a wrap on this madness.
well, folk best believe i intend to keep telling it. 'cause He told me to and is with me.
and IF He be for US...
WHO is 'bout to successfully be against US?
answer: no one.
mis-education breeds learned helplessness + hopelessness + fear.
the miseducation of the greek word for dead, negro is no.joke.
why did i just have a supa ghetto drops mic moment there?;) LOL!
He takes the simple to confound the so called worldly + wise.
so He sent little 'ole me, sans degreee, from TN to let.folk. know.
may all in this church of Philadelphia with an ear to hear...
Galatians 3:28-29. no color lines. no isms. His Spirit. Sterling is alright by me.
back to work.
Much Love, Blessings and His Protection to all, in Messiah's Mighty Name.
Those guys werent all innocent Bill. There was more to the story than we were told.
At any rate this is the first time I commented on this case so WTF is Kinky talking about? Is he just throwing out things willy nilly? Hmmmmm.
focusedpurpose said...
souls hang in the balance and there is a soul snatch on tap.
back to the Law He led me to leave here tonight for whoever He sends me to speak to. it won't come back to Him void so i AM bound to do as He instructs.
1:10 AM
Preeeaaach iiitttttt!
Saaaaave all those heeeeeaaathen souls on this blog tonight!
In the name of Jeeeza! and y'all heathens don't forget to pass the plate for FP AKA...too many to count lolol!
For further review.
Wow, a blah Ms. Israel.
And another thing Bill, those boys at Duke didn't have their lives ruined. They went onto high paying jobs in the finance industry. That is if you were referring to the boys and not the woman.
A former Bush administration official broke with Republicans on Tuesday to defend President Obama’s prisoner exchange, arguing that since “the war in Afghanistan is winding down,” the United States would be required to return prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay back to Afghanistan.
“I don’t see how these particular Taliban officials could ever have been tried in the southern district of New York,” John Bellinger, who served as an adviser to President George W. Bush explained during an appearance on Fox News Tuesday. “
"They’re certainly some Al Qaeda detainees who committed actual terrorist acts against Americans who perhaps could have been tried in a federal court because they committed federal crimes, but these particular Taliban detainees I think could never have been tried in federal court.” Although some of the released prisoners posed a danger to the United States when they were captured in 2002, especially toward soldiers serving in Afghanistan, several of the detainees did not commit crimes against Americans.
“I’m not saying this is clearly an easy choice but frankly I think a Republican, a president of either party, Republican or Democratic, confronted with this opportunity to get back Sgt. Bergdahl, who is apparently in failing health, would have taken this opportunity to do this,” he added. “I think we would have made the same decision in the Bush administration.”
(Source FoxNews Interview)
FP, "mis-education breeds learned helplessness + hopelessness + fear."
Yes, this is very true. This is what the human heart has been struggling with:
Helplessness, hopelessness and fear-- Those menacing threatening triplets that darken hearts in the black community.
Anger and rage are the consequential twins that result because of one's position in life that appears hopeless.
The consequences are visibly present in the comments of multiple personalities of Dr Nuwang, DQAE, Dr Queen, Flying in My Forties. ... and an angry anon who hates the Christian religion and the Bible and it's followers.
I shutter at where we as a people are headed.
"I shutter at where we as a people are headed..
Don't worry about it white boy, I'm sure our melanin-challenged brothers and sisters will be just fine.
Let us show you the way, reject god, reject capitalism, stop schilling for billionaires who hate you as much as they hate us, and embrace your enemies.
It's not too late even now for you white folks to turn your communities around.
@ Anon 4:52am-
He will always save a remnant.
there is a great awakening on tap- so i am prayerful that more will wake up.
the other Anon cracks me up. hates yet fixates on my every word. lol!
i am tempted to come over here and see if it is possible to type the whole Torah;) but then there is other Kingdom biz that requires my attention.
otherwise, i'd load 'em UP with His Word.
@ the funny Anon- i don't save anyone. my Call is to lift Him up and He will draw His People to Him.
i'll pray for ya;) you aren't dead so there's still hope for ya. considering i used to behave similar to ya when folk gave His Law...
all i can = i AM a witness. Much Love to ya. keep the jokes coming. i find them hilarious actually. the library on a sunday quip was an exercise in spiritual growth. otherwise you would've been lit up like the sky on the 4th of july...as i clowned ya. lol.
back to work, i go...
all i can say = i AM a witness.
PC, what are the Brits saying about their chances in the World Cup?
"Let us show you the way, reject god, reject capitalism,'
So we can turn into a socialist hell hole marked by extreme poverty, unemployment, racism, terrorism, slavery, restricted freedoms and filled with people like purple cow with inferiority complexes?
No thanks. I would much rather be a happy capitalist and the envy of people like purple cow.
The Duke lacrosse case was a hoax.
The players had their lives ruined by a liberal lynch mob made up of the NAACP,white liberals and the media.
Talk about rush to judgement.. But that's ok because they were white.
And the false accuser was black.
Right field?
No Tears For The Dukies
William D. Cohan's book is just the left's latest attempt at the "something must have happen" meme.
A closer look at the book and you will find a selective look at the evidence, spin and outright lies.
And purple cow, so what? You found a "former Bush administration official" who agrees with Obama's illegal action.
focusedpurpose said...
keep the jokes coming. i find them hilarious actually. the library on a sunday quip was an exercise in spiritual growth. otherwise you would've been lit up like the sky on the 4th of july...as i clowned ya. lol.
back to work, i go...
5:04 AM
Awwww, you really like them? Awww, I'm flattered!!! Well in that case I won't disappoint you, I will do my best to keep you loling! :D
That Torah thing sounds like fuuuun! I say do it!
You pretty funny yourself gurl!
PilotX said...
Those guys werent all innocent Bill. There was more to the story than we were told.
And Steven Pagones was responsible for Tawana.
Tell us PilotX, what's your next crazy conspiracy.
The Purple Cow said...
A former Bush administration official broke with Republicans on Tuesday to defend President Obama’s
What further proof do you need he committed a crime than republicans are defending him.
I remember when Obama was elected the promise was CHANGE.
And we got more of the same.
FP/Trolly/Sybil the Librarian,
You so damn "smart" but can't figure out for the life of you, who that VERY funny Anon is that get's in 'dat WIDE a$$ of yours everyday?
The Purple Cow said...
Let us show you the way, reject god, reject capitalism, stop schilling for billionaires who hate you as much as they hate us, and embrace your enemies.
Which explains why you're not living in venezuela.
Actions speak louder than words.
Your words are empty PurpleCow.
It had to happen.
Hillary has to distance herself from Obama to have any chance of being president.
While still secretary of state, Hillary Clinton was skeptical of early plans to trade five Guantanamo prisoners for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, former officials involved in the process told CNN on Tuesday.
Making it plain and keeping it in ya face:
Field i am a bit late but here is my comment fair or unfair it is what it is
No hay nada como una casa negro y la negación que posee el racismo más que DIOS? ¿Qué es este hombre que busca para recibir su apoyo? ..o mejor aún lo que ha sido prometido?
There is nothing like a house negro in denial who holds racism higher than GOD? What is this man looking to receive for his support?..Or better still what has he been promised?
The worsening conditions at the VA under Obama.
*Democrats support the troops
Sam old Bill posting the same old story with different datres and different names.
(Reuters) - The former mayor of Charlotte pleaded guilty on Tuesday to a federal public corruption charge that brought his arrest and resignation after a brief stint as the elected leader of North Carolina's largest city.
"PC, what are the Brits saying about their chances in the World Cup?"
They are saying we've got zero chance. The only area of debate is if we will get out of the group stage or not. Most think we won't, most likely Uruguay and Italy will go through.
No European team has ever won a South American World Cup, (incidentally, only once has a South American team won in Europe - Brazil in Sweden 1958) so even Spain are not going to win this one.
Smart money is on Brazil of course, not a great Brazil team, but home advantage counts for a lot. Argentina have the best players, but they don't often have a good team. Dark horses might just be Uruguay if Luis Suarez recovers from his knee op in time.
"Tell us PilotX, what's your next crazy conspiracy."
Did you know the case never went to trial? If so then you know there are some facts that never came out. Or do facts matter to you Bill?
"The Duke lacrosse case was a hoax."
And nobody really gives a fuck. You outright lied about me "rushing" to judgement in this case. Why is that? Until yesterday I never gave an opinion but you accused me of having done so. Why? And why does this case stand out for you? Oh that's right, it's white guys being accused. Interesting. Very telling Kinky, very telling.
PilotX said...
"Tell us PilotX, what's your next crazy conspiracy."
Did you know the case never went to trial?
Facts say the District Attorney was disbarred from practicing law because of this incident.
Poor PX is cussing and he is very upset.
Yes, the Duke LaCrosse incident was a mess of false accusations by the District Attorney, who in the end looked like a fool, was biased and was "disbarred" from practicing law.
For a lawyer to be "DISBARRED" is a very serious charge and wrong doing. Obviously, PilotX is unfamiliar with what happened or he is in denial or frankly 'deluded' about the incident that made national news.
"Facts say the District Attorney was disbarred from practicing law because of this incident."
Yes but does that change the fact that there is much more we don't know about the case because it didn't go to trial?
My granddaughters, 11, 12 & 13 tell me that they have been over Justin Bieber for a while now (though the middle 1 was always way more into Bruno Mars, and the oldest less fan-ish in general) but they're done with him over these racist videos and are tossing their posters & other collected paraphernalia. The youngest, with the most invested, is leading the charge. I think the kid shot his career in the foot.
PX, "Yes but does that change the fact that there is much more we don't know about the case because it didn't go to trial?
4:05 PM
The 'fact' was he was disbarred because his attempt to prosecute the team members as guilty turned out to be wrong. In other words, they were innocent and wrongly accused. The woman lied... Case closed.
It is clear your prejudice against Whites makes them guilty in your mind 'regardless' of the facts. You always have a counter to the facts with "yes, but....".
Your emotional prejudice against Whites blinds you to the truth and causes you to make up stuff that's not there. You would be a much better person if you could have a clear head. Unfortunately, you are too old to change.
Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
My granddaughters, 11, 12 & 13 tell me that they have been over Justin Bieber for a while now (though the middle 1 was always way more into Bruno Mars, and the oldest less fan-ish in general) but they're done with him over these racist videos and are tossing their posters & other collected paraphernalia. The youngest, with the most invested, is leading the charge. I think the kid shot his career in the foot.
4:10 PM
Floyd Mayweather has gone on record as saying "Justin Bieber is not a racist." So has Bieber's ex-body guard who is Black...other black celebrities continue to stand by Bieber as not racist.
So, maybe your granddaughters are jumping the gun? I mean, even Field has remained mute about Bieber as a racist. Now that in itself says a lot, loud and clear:
"Justin Bieber is not a racist." Whitey, fyi-- Bieber is a progressive Democrat without boundaries, not a conservative Republican with boundaries.
As the esteemed historian John Henrik Clark said"Better to be right and march into hell,than follow a bunch of fools into heaven"! Everyday I read something unexplainable going on in the Afrikan community.When will it cease!
PilotX said...
Yes but does that change the fact that there is much more we don't know about the case because it didn't go to trial
Of course there is much much more I don't know about.
Does my lack of knowledge change the DNA evidence?
No DNA from any of the white members of the team.
Thank you Tamir for that bit of wisdom. It really says the dilemma that is oppressing the black community. So many of us stay in denial and pretend we are going to heaven. I bet Rev J. B. Hardwick feels that way about his deeds and interpretation of the Bible. Who knows, maybe he's right. However, his actions and behavior toward Sterling IS strange and hurts many Blacks.
Anyway, John Henrik Clark's quote reminded me of another quote that I am very found of:
“The devil is no fool. He can get people feeling about 'heaven' the way they ought to feel about 'hell'. He can make them fear the means of grace the way they do not fear sin. And he does so, not by light but by obscurity, not by realities but by shadows; not by clarity and substance, but by dreams and the 'creatures of psychosis'.
And men are so poor in intellect that a few cold chills down their spine will be enough to keep them from ever finding out the 'truth' about anything.”
― Thomas Merton
"Shona Carter-Brooks, of Jackson, received online criticism after pictures from her wedding day showed her 1-month-old baby wrapped into her dress as she walked down the aisle. There are no reports of the child being injured. She wrote on her Facebook page the baby was awake and secured during the ceremony."
This is an irresponsible crazy woman who thinks she is a responsible loving mother. Another black dumb ass who mistakes hell for heaven.
I swear. My peeps can be sooo disgustingly ignorant. I find it hard to believe we are the 'chosen people'. Is the prerequisite to be insensitive There just isn't any evidence of it in our community or the world.
"You outright lied about me
"Yes but does that change the fact that there is much more we don't know about the case because it didn't go to trial?"
They were innocent. No need for trial. And btw, all the evidence and facts about the case is online. That was a big lie in Cohan's book.
"rushing" to judgement in this case.
Why is that?"
Because i knew you would take the bait. I knew you would refuse to acknowledge they were falsely accused. You wouldn't admit they were charged because they were white.
Yes i lied.
Does the ends justify the means?
In this case? Yes.
Article Re: 1 month old baby attached to the train of mother's wedding dress while mother walked down the isle. This angers the hell out of me and I hope this child abuser will receive negative comments of epic proportions about her irresponsibility and stupidity as a mother:
"With this picture and the video of the bridal party from yesterday, it’s clear that we’re living in a time of disorder and disarray.
Today, I was scrolling down my Facbook feed when I saw just the top of this picture and the caption one of my friends had included, “What is going on?”
Like I said, I had only seen the top of the picture so I didn’t immediately see the problem until I looked a it further down.
Honey, your eyes do no deceive you that is a baby, an infant at the very bottom on the train of her dress and she is dragging that poor child down the aisle on what appears to be her wedding day.
Shame on it all!
I don’t have to tell y’all this is all types of inappropriate/borderline abusive. Aside form that I just don’t understand it. I can understand how one person might have thought this was ok but who were the people who cosigned and let her walk down the aisle like this? What gives?
My only hope that this was somehow photoshopped.
But tell me what you think of this picture? If you have a caption, feel free to include it. FYI, “No Child Left Behind” has already been taken."
They were innocent. No need for trial. And btw, all the evidence and facts about the case is online. That was a big lie in Cohan's book.
"rushing" to judgement in this case.
Why is that?"
Because i knew you would take the bait. I knew you would refuse to acknowledge they were falsely accused. You wouldn't admit they were charged because they were white.
Yes i lied.
Does the ends justify the means?
In this case? Yes.
5:40 PM
KC, please see Anon's comment@ 4:14pm. I think both Blacks and Whites are on the same page as you and Bill. Those kids were innocent and DNA evidence proved it. That's why there was no trial. That's why the District Attorney looked like a fool and was barred.
It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. But if you are PX, that's another story. I bet the mother who dragged her 1 month old baby on the train of her wedding dress is related to PX. They seem to operate at similar intellectual levels...if you can call it that.
I guess you know PX is going blast you for making him look like a fool? Brothers don't like that. You have taken his pride down=humiliation....Yep. a lot cuss words, black style, are coming your way...lol...I love it.
Here's what we KNOW about the Duke case.
A bunch of drunk,rich, entitled white boys got it on with a couple Black prostitutes. When the prostitues got short changed on their prices ( among other things), the White boys got mad and started calling them n*gga b*tches. The rest is history.
I just hope that any woman (or man) that ever has sex with ANY of those boys uses 3 condoms. FOREVER.
"Yes i lied."
I see.
"Because i knew you would take the bait. I knew you would refuse to acknowledge they were falsely accused. You wouldn't admit they were charged because they were white."
You are a dishonest individual and race baiter in the truest sense of the word. No need to communicate with me in the future. I dislike people who lie.
DQAE was one of the prosties the duke boys tag-teamed.
So yeah, they need 3 jimmies forever......
Anonymous@6:13pm, you are right.
I'm glad most of us could come to together and realize "injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere"-MLK
But posters like PX (and field) refuse to acknowledge their own prejudices and angry towards their white brothers.
I hope one day we can start a dialogue. And maybe have a beer summit.
I can only hope.
"A bunch of drunk,rich, entitled white boys got it on with a couple Black prostitutes. When the prostitues got short changed on their prices ( among other things), the White boys got mad and started calling them n*gga b*tches. The rest is history."
It was exactly as you described Doc but the Limbaugh type white guys want to use this case as an example of how white men are soooooooo persecuted. Yawn. These rich white guys had the best of attorneys and got no jail time but what about the Central Park 5? They can save that shit, no wonder I never commented on this case, it bores me.
Yep. Thanks for proving me right...
Oh look everybody, conservatives are lying and demonstrating double standards again.
"Oh look everybody, conservatives are lying and demonstrating double standards again."
Say it ain't true! Where's Bill when you need him?
PilotX, "..They can save that shit, no wonder I never commented on this case, it bores me."
6:33 PM
Liar. You have commented 'plenty' about this in 'one' thread, this one. You are such a pathetic self-pitying liar who blames 'everything' on the wm.
In this case, it's KC and to some extent Bill. But, as a brother, you and I know it's not about the Duke case at all that has you steaming. It's the humiliation you have suffered DUE to your own deep-seated prejudice toward Whites....much like the racist Whites who live in trailer parks who are prejudiced against Blacks. It's too bad you can't rise above that level. of prejudice because it sets you up to be humiliated every time by Whites with brains.
Anyway, I have enjoyed the laugh today between you, KC and Bill. FN is truly a stand up comedy blog. Field is to be commended. Or maybe outlandish prejudice is to be commended? Keep 'em coming Pilot!
And don't give me that crap you will never speak to KC again. As a brother you have too much pride to let this public humiliation by KC go unpunished. You MUST retaliate no matter what! Racists are like that.
It's amazing when PX suffers a loss, here comes DQAE and PC. You three are emotionally joined at the hip, aren't you?
Three times the fire power for KC and Bill? Yep. I can see it coming...KC, prepare yourself, the ban of three are here.
\So yeah, they need 3 jimmies forever.....
Yuk, yuk, yuk, I bet other racists where you come from think that's pretty funny too, huh?
What's even funnier is that there's not a condom in the world small enough to fit you ANY of you. And that's why your ancestors castrated the Black men they hung back in the day.
It's amazing when PX suffers a loss, here comes DQAE and PC. You three are emotionally joined at the hip, aren't you?
A Pilot, an Engineer, and a Scientist.
Yeah, that's a damn good hip to be joined to. :)
No dr. nuwang. The nappy dugout isn't a hip place to be.
No dr. nuwang. The nappy dugout isn't a hip place to be.
So your dildo MUST like yours just fine, because I'm certain nothing human could get past the "aquatic/Seaworld" aroma.
You go Shamu!
PilotX said...
I dislike people who lie.
Did you vote for Mr. "You can keep your healthcare?"
Not all liars are equal.
PilotX said...
"Oh look everybody, conservatives are lying and demonstrating double standards again."
Say it ain't true! Where's Bill when you need him?
I thought PurpleCow was doing a fine job. You didn't see me disagree did you?
Tell me...
Why do you think PurpleCow needed my help?
Have you watched too many of those rich white liberal hollywood movies where the white man comes to the rescue?
"It's amazing when PX suffers a loss.."
I thought PX did quite well.
I would call exposing PX'S prejudices a good first step on the road of racial recovery.
DAQE, "A Pilot, an Engineer, and a Scientist.
Yeah, that's a damn good hip to be joined to. :)"
8:04 PM
Yeah, you three Negroes are same mind, same opinion, and same hatred of Whites. You are all one joined at the hip. lol
FP sis, I enjoyed the comic relief as well. LOL. Stay blessed.
"Yahushua Messiah...known around the world as Jesus Christ...
in whose image and likeness, in all ways, i seek to be. though i fail, it seems...
yet i keep pressing and pushing forward asking Him to show me. i truly seek to See Daily"
Dear FP, many thanks for this. I have been going through same experience. But I continue to get back up, brush the dust off, and keep moving toward HIM. As far as I am concerned, there is nothing that matters more.:)
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