This is not surprising, since animals have always been a little higher in the American pecking order than black males.
I tweeted about this earlier, and I was only half joking when I wrote that maybe we should start an organization called PETN (People for the ethical treatment of Negroes). I mean if only we could be as outraged over the killings of humans as we are the killing of poor Cecil. (And, for the record, it's not only black males who are catching the business from law enforcement.)
Anyway, props to the prosecutor in Cincinnati for charging Ray Tensing with murder in the shooting death of Samuel DuBose. And you have to wonder, after seeing this latest killing and the murder of Walter Scott, just how much of these types of incidents went unreported before body cameras and cell phone videos became a thing.
"I've been doing this for over 30 years. This is the most asinine act I've ever seen a police officer make -- totally unwarranted," said Deters. "It's an absolute tragedy in the year 2015 that anyone would behave in this manner. It was senseless."
"People want to believe that Mr. DuBose had done something violent towards the officer -- he did not. He did not at all. I feel so sorry for his family and what they lost, and I feel sorry for the community, too," Deters said. [Source]
Nope. The killing of Cecil was an "asinine act". The killing of Samuel DuBose, on the other hand, was something far more sinister.
*Pics from
Field, "This is not surprising, since animals have always been a little higher in the American pecking order than black males."
Brother Field, you know that is not true. What puts bm like us on the bottom is the way we act. I mean, we tend not to be as accommodating and behaving as nicely as some animals. Take Cecil, for example. He was a big teddy bear and some evil white as mf shot him for fun.
The police don't shoot bm for fun. They shoot bm because they hate them for doing something wrong. Now that is a big difference, brother. As a bm, we need to change our behaviors in order to move up in the pecking order.
If only blahs could be as outraged at blahs killing blahs has they are at cops/whites killing blahs.
Before something like PETN is created, blahs must learn to respect themsleves and each other first.
"Before something like PETN is created, blahs must learn to respect themsleves and each other first.
You MF! How dare you talk about Blacks disrespecting each other. You have no respect for the bm, you racist jackass.
Brother Field, when are you going to do the right thing and post about the murders of millions of babies and fetuses by Planned Parenthood? These folks need to go to jail!
And I am saying this as a concerned bm.
How disheartening it must be for blahs to see white libprogs care more about some lion than they do about them.
Contrast that to how Republicans are reacting. Republicans are like daffy duck, flat footed and don't give a fuck about that lion. Republicans are talking about Samuel. They want that cop convicted.
Bush,Walker and Paul have all expressed sorrow and are praying for the family and his 10 kids. God fearing Republicans are like that. Hillary will respond when she wakes from her nap. Notice Hillary expressed outrage over that lion first.
Brother Kinky, I want to apologize for the unintentional name I called you. I did not mean to call you a mf. That was a slip on my part and it will never happen again.
You are a good white man and did not deserve such words. Please accept my apology.
As a bm, I sometimes get caught in the storms of emotions when it comes to bm being killed by Whites. Surely a good wm like you can understand?
Anonymous KINKY.CON said...
How disheartening it must be for blahs to see white libprogs care more about some lion than they do about them.
Contrast that to how Republicans are reacting. Republicans are like daffy duck, flat footed and don't give a fuck about that lion. Republicans are talking about Samuel. They want that cop convicted.
Brother Kinky Con, as a bm I have always secretly believed Repubs cared more about Blacks than Dems. I mean, it has always been obvious that Dems love pets more than they love humans. And if you are Black, you don't even count to them.
I too noticed that Hillary responded immediately to the killing of Cecil, the Lion. But she hasn't said a damn thing about the murders of bm.
Lions and negroes are both dangerous, but at least lions can feed themselves.
No worries. I understand how you can feel the way you do. There are a lot of good white men and nice white ladies who are bffs with blacks. It's imporant you don't hold an entire race of people accountable for the actions of a few. We may have different skin tones,live in different countries and have different lifestyles, but we are all equal in the eys of God.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Lions and negroes are both dangerous, but at least lions can feed themselves.
9:41 PM
Anon, to quote Mr Field, "u are not black."
Too, ya blog spellchecking IDIOTS!!
well duh, yishiting. people who commit crimes are criminals.
smart one you are. i got my good eye on you.
What the hell's a whooteemoo? Is it related to the schmoo?
More on the killing of babies in America:
In the US cops are criminals IDIOT!!!
Yishit said...
Actually, black cops are more likely to shoot black suspects than white cops are.
Your ignorance is boundless.
the whooteemoo is an native american tribe. the whooteemoo people are a loving, peaceful people. for that we have been pretty much killed off by the negro.
negros escaping racism left the south in search of a better life. they moved near our lands. we whooteemoos befriended these negros and helped them survive . they repayed our act of kindness by raping and murdering our men. they killed our women. negro women like yishiting scaped our women and wore their hair like weave.
even today negro women wear the hair they stole from our women.
Samuel Dubose did not deserve to be shot for having a missing front license plate. But Mr. Dubose contributed greatly to the outcome of his encounter with law enforcement through his lack of cooperation and basic civil rules of engagement. It should also be kept in mind that without a black population, Cincinnati would be virtually violent crime-free and 80 percent of the police force would be unnecessary.
More to the point, the private University of Cincinnati police force would be unnecessary, with the students free of the fear of being victimized by the local black population. Officer Tensing's primary function was to keep the university's students from being victimized by local negroes.
Mr. Dubose was in fact a 43 year old negro with 60+ prior arrests and no valid drivers license or job, and 13-20 illegitimate children (who will be looked after by your tax dollars) who was shot and killed while attempting to flee arrest in a moving and potentially dangerous vehicle, in a routine traffic stop. The video looks inconclusive, but the UC Campus police officer appeared polite and professional. Incidentally, The UC campus is surrounded by one giant ghetto full of violent criminals, and just uphill from the famed Over The Rhine ghetto, Avondale and Walnut Hills to the East.
In this case, Mr. Dubose:
1. Did not or refused to show ID- (This is elementary folks) (Dubose had No Drivers license, it was suspended).
2. Refused to exit the car when commanded, and had a bottle of alcohol with him in the afternoon that wasn't in a bag, making him a DUI suspect, and with possible firearm in the car.
3. Fled the scene in a deadly weapon (car itself) after trying to reach for something that caused the officer to react, the fleeing is potentially a cause of serious possible injury to the police officer, dragging him severely..or hitting and killing a pedestrian while fleeing.
Once again negroes, in encounters with police it pays to be cooperative, polite, respectful and to resist the urge to flee or attack the police officer.
Broken Record, why did the prosecutor find the officer guilty of murder if your account of the incident is right?
Could it be you don't know what the hell you are talking about? Could it be you want every bm shot dead by Whites without consequences? Yeah, I thought so.
The prosecutor can't find anyone guilty - that is up to the jury.
I've had a few encounters with police officers (both white and black), and in each of them I've instinctively understood they held the power in the equation and it was only my job to cooperate with them unless I wanted to further exacerbate the problem.
What's so strange about this situation is Dubose did try and drive off, after refusing to answer a direct question (asked repeatedly) by Officer Tensing. If he wasn't trying to drive off, the car would have stayed in park after Tensing fired the single shot.
It didn't.
America doesn't have a problem of rogue police officers looking to shoot black people; America has a problem of overburdened police officers having to coddle a violent black population that is increasingly protected by the state to get away with doing whatever they want.
In the case of Dubose, the Prosecutor Deters admitted he should have simply driven off instead of listening to Officer Tensing.
Welcome to Black-Run America (BRA).
You think the po-leese are bad? Wait until the law enforcement in this country is handled by private contractors. They know how to deal with your chimpouts and monkeyshines, and they only answer to their shareholders. They will get the job done.
"In the case of Dubose, the Prosecutor Deters admitted he should have simply driven off instead of listening to Officer Tensing."
The prosecutor said nothing of the kind.
He did not say Dubose should have driven off. That was obviously a dumb thing to do (although it is probably explained by intoxication).
He said that, given Dubose did drive off, Tensing should have let him do so (and presumably called for backup to intercept Dubose).
In other words, Dubose's foolish behavior did not justify the officer's use of lethal force, given that the video showed the officer was not actually in danger. Therefore, Officer Tensing is likely guilty of either manslaughter or murder.
Dear Mr Field, I want to express my gratitude to you for FN blog. There is no other blog like it. It's quite unique and shows the creativity of a great mind.
I want to thank you and to say more anons, PX, PC and Yisheng should ALL thank you. Without FN we would all-both Blacks and Whites- be lost. FN has helped me to find myself. It is such a blessing that I no longer have to pretend to be someone I'm not. Brother Field, not too many people can say that.
Also, let me thank you on behalf of all the ungrateful anons and regular ids who have never thanked you.
You deserve a trophy.
why can't they let the officer go but give him a 'warning' not to do it again"
Let's see how this one turns out. The cops obviously lied but thankfully since the use of bodycams we can see the truth for ourselves. It is funny to see such outrage over Cecil but not for blah folks. Doughboy put it correctly "they either don't know, don't show or don't care what goes on......" 24 years later still the same.
Interesting NYT article about the assault on voting rights.
If these cops were eliminating dogs in the manner they're eliminating black men, they'd be serving life sentences right now.
"If these cops were eliminating dogs in the manner they're eliminating black men, they'd be serving life sentences right now."
Let's not get too carried away with this black men versus animals meme.
A lot of this Cecil the lion mania has nothing to do with racial prejudice, but is really just about the absolute lunacy of the animal rights movement. Let's be clear. These folks don't think animals are more important than black men. They think animals are more important than all humans.
I'd have to say that PETA is easily one of the craziest activist organizations going right now, and then of course you've also got eco-terrorist types like the Animal Liberation Front (swear to God, they're a real thing) that are yet crazier.
Though they are very obnoxious, the rest of the public, left-wing or right-wing, aren't really on board with their agenda and do their level best to ignore their demands. So no, the world wouldn't come to an end if some cuddly pet-type animals got killed.
Don't believe me? Feral cats can eventually become a menace and need to be culled. No matter how cuddly they are, they've got to go. Here is a truckload of "murdered" kitties resulting from such a cull:
So this happened, and yet, no police officers received life sentences for this cat-trocity -- because most white people aren't raving animal rights nutjobs.
PilotX said...
It is funny to see such outrage over Cecil but not for blah folks.
Why are white libs more outraged over Cecil than over the murder by cop of a blah man, Pilotx?
"BroKen Record", I saw the video, and charging this cop was the right thing to do.
You must have been watching something else. But hey,"what a fool believes he sees", right?
Cecil was magnificent! The black all pimped out in red, not so much. Support Planned Parenthood!
field negro said...
"BroKen Record", I saw the video, and charging this cop was the right thing to do.
I think the cop should have to make his case in court.
The point was that many police today are being put in extremely difficult situations every day in which they have to risk their lives dealing with a very dangerous population under conditions where dealing with that population could cause a riot.
If they don't react quickly enough, they're dead. If they do react, they could wind up losing their careers, homes, and will spend their lives looking over their shoulders.
This is because of the horrific level of violent crime committed by blacks and because of the political agenda being advanced by the narrative of black victimhood. Black anger is very useful to powerful interests.
Which is why these cases are never looked at on their own merits, but always hijacked for service in a greater cause.
Carlton Jones
"Actually, black cops are more likely to shoot black suspects than white cops are."
Prove this.
The FieldNegro said...
I have been hearing and reading a lot about Cecil the lion, but not much about Samuel the man.
Your media gets to pick and choose what is newsworthy.
(And, for the record, it's not only black males who are catching the business from law enforcement.)
Are you sure? Your media doesn't do a lot of reporting on whites being killed by the police, you usually have to look at the right-wing media for those stories.
start an organization called PETN
If it's anything like PETA, they will be putting the bodies of dead Blacks in a dumpster behind some store while pretending to be helping.
If it's anything like the NAACP they will be giving out lifetime achievement awards to donald sterling.
More proof big government trickle down Obamanomics is working!!!
Worst Expansion Since World War II Was Even Weaker
The economic expansion—already the worst on record since World War II—is weaker than previously thought, according to newly revised data.
From 2012 through 2014, the economy grew at an all-too-familiar rate of 2% annually, according to three years of revised figures the Commerce Department released Thursday. That’s a 0.3 percentage point downgrade from prior estimates.
The revisions were released concurrently with the government’s first estimate of second-quarter output.
Since the recession ended in June 2009, the economy has advanced at a 2.2% annual pace through the end of last year. That’s more than a half-percentage point worse than the next-weakest expansion of the past 70 years, the one from 2001 through 2007.
Yet blahs/white libprogs will continue to tell us Obama is the greatest president everrrrr!
I want to see if the cop who "corroborated" Tensing's lies about what happened is prosecuted for perjury. Surely it's perjury to file a false police report? Or at least grounds for dismissal? Field, you would know about that...
But that lying cop needs to be made an example.
I think it was the sister of Samuel DuBose who had the presence of mind in front of the TV cameras to express sympathy for all those victimss' survivors who did NOT have the benefit of video. Who had to hear the cops' cover-up lies without being able to refute them.
The FieldNegro said...
I have been hearing and reading a lot about Cecil the lion, but not much about Samuel the man.
Jimmy kimmel, a rich white dumbocrat was choking up thinking about this poor lion.
Your media has priorities.
Feds Indict Pennsylvania US Rep. Fattah in Racketeering Case
Using his "educational foundation" to pay his own bills.
Meanwhile, the poor Black children waiting for a chance at an education got screwed again by dumbocrats.
If only right-wings voted to increase educational funding, then this dumbocrat could have afforded a bigger house.
Blogger PilotX said...
Let's see how this one turns out. The cops obviously lied but thankfully since the use of bodycams we can see the truth for ourselves. It is funny to see such outrage over Cecil but not for blah folks. Doughboy put it correctly "they either don't know, don't show or don't care what goes on......" 24 years later still the same.
2:17 AM
Who is "Doughboy"?
"Broken Record", if u are a lawyer u should Pro hac vice into Ohio and represent that police officer. Sounds like u are preparing a legal argument and justification for him killing poor Mr. DuBose.
Fortunately for society,though, a jury of his
peers will determine the fate of that officer.
There was a huge protest in front of the dentist's home who killed Cecil. All were Whites, of course. One woman in the video said she was embarrassed that Cecil's killer was a Minnesotan.
Protesters carried signs. Two noticeable signs were: 1. "KILLER" and 2. "We are Cecil".
As a bm, I could not help thinking, "I've never seen such signs by Whites when a bm has been killed".(yeah, yeah, I know. Field says I am not Black.)
The truth is, Whites can't afford to have feelings for Blacks. They had to shut down their hearts in order for the evil of slavery and Jim Crow to be born. They CANNOT feel anything for Blacks because the spiritual consequences to their hearts, minds and souls would be too damning.
They now must keep white racism and hatred toward Blacks going by accusing the victim of being wrong. They have no other choice. Unless they want to surrender to the light of truth---to "Retribution, Confession, and Absolution".
But maybe that's how Whites 'absolve' themselves from centuries of murdering, raping, stealing, terrorizing, and lynching of protesting and fighting for the lives of animals like Cecil?
Field said, "Fortunately for society,though, a jury of his
peers will determine the fate of that officer."
1:04 PM
Yeah, it was most fortunate for Zimmerman, Wilson, Pantaleo, and others who murdered Blacks....I can tell you have 'complete' confidence in a jury's ability to administer justice for the murder of bm.
field negro said...
Fortunately for society,though, a jury of his
peers will determine the fate of that officer.
His peers, other white racist cops?
Sounds like the trial is going to be in Simi valley.
The link below is Jimmy Kimmel standup for Cecil the lion. He is so disturbed by the killing of Cecil that he chokes up and has to pause before continuing.
Kimmel asks the question: "Why would you shoot a lion? Do you get an erection from doing that?"
I have never seen nor heard Jimmy Kimmel get choked up over the killing of a bm. But again, such is the character of Whites and their effort to absolve themselves of centuries of killing Blacks.
However, absolution does not work by substituting animals for the murder of humans.
Yeah, it was most fortunate for Zimmerman, Wilson, Pantaleo, and others who murdered Blacks....
....because they were innocent.
That's why we have a court system instead of just lynch mobs.
"Why would you shoot a lion? Do you get an erection from doing that?"
No, that's what I kill hookers for.
Officer Tensing has that "look" about him. You know, the Adam Lanza, Colorado and Louisiana theater shooters look.
Sammy has that "look" about him too. You know, the 10 kids (which he doesn't support), 50 plus arrest, on drugs and welfare black male look.
Samuel Dubose had that "look" about him. You know, the 43 year-old unemployed negro in pimp garb with 60+ prior arrests, 13-20 illegitimate children, a suspended driver's license, and an open bottle of gin in his hand. He looked a lot like the type of person responsible for almost all of the violent crime in the area around the University of Cincinnati.
Cecil was wrongfully killed, his life taken.... Cecil was a part of me...
If i had a lion, my lion would look like Cecil.
I want everyone to know that Carlton Jones and ANON 9:41 are actually FIELD NEGRO doing stupid shit AGAIN on his own blog!! You are certainly one silly ass negro. So much so, you deserve an award of some sort!
KinkyPorn said:
Sorry "bout that KinkyPorn, Dr. Palmer got the drop on him. Hoooray, the Doctor is now my hero!
This guy has got to be stopped:
The American dentist who killed and beheaded a protected lion in Zimbabwe reportedly has struck again, according to a former worker at the National Zoo who was hired to help Dr. Walter Palmer in his latest kill.
Rashad Allen, who assisted Palmer in slaying a panda, pleaded not guilty in a Washington DC court on Thursday for "failing to prevent an unlawful hunt." Today he spoke to The Telegraph, and gave a detailed account of the killing.
We set off after the zoo closed, with the sun down, with a large bundle of freshly cut bamboo which we dragged and moved into the enclosure and used for bait,” he said. “We then established the ‘tree blind’ [a camouflaged hide made of tree branches and grass].
Once we were established, and it was quiet, we first saw a female panda go past. And then a huge male – Tian Tian – came into view behind her. He was a magnificent animal.
The client then fired using a bow and arrow, and the panda went away into the long grass. This was about 10 pm.
He goes on to say that they didn't see the GPS collar attached to Tian Tian's neck the next morning, when they found the wounded animal and shot him once more, killing him. They "took the head and skin" and hung the collar on a tree.
Then, Allen, alleges, Palmer wanted more.
We then went back to my place near Georgetown. The client asked if we would find him an bald eagle with wingspan larger than 7 feet, which is a very large eagle, but I told him I would not be able to find one so big, so the client left the next day and went to Buffalo for the night and then flew out Milwaukee midday the following day.
That's the last anyone involved in the hunt heard from Palmer, and he hasn't been seen since — a U.S. government agency looking into the panda's killing reportedly can't find the dentist.
This is a big fat lie. Sam Dobose's killing has been all over the news
& the cop who was charged in the killing. There was live coverage of the press coverage and discussion on local and national/cable news. #blacklivesmatters is an important movement and the bitching about 2 days of dead lion coverage cheapens it. #blacklivesmatters and police killings have been in the news daily since last year. Black people come off looking like childish whiners over this.
The same trophy hunter who kills animals and mounts their heads on walls trophy hunted Native Americans' scalps and put our black asses in chains. Just a reminder to the history challenged the French introduced scalping then lied and blamed it on Indians. Entitled, privileged, rich white men who kill exotic animals in Third World countries ought to have negroes upset but instead we're pissed someone knocked us off the front page. Perfect example of churlish behavior that keeps us slaves.
Sorry "bout that KinkyPorn, Dr. Palmer got the drop on him. Hoooray, the Doctor is now my hero!
6:04 PM
You low-down heartless mf. How could you cheer the killing of an unarmed innocent lion? Some of you people ought to be shot.
Youre an idiot. What a retarded braindead fool thing to say.
White folks kidnap Africa's people, assassinate Africa's animals. Can't differentiate from the two. It's not even about racism anymore. It's how did you people become so bat shit crazy?? No need to worry about your racism. It's how long are we going to be able to live along side your cadaver-looking butts? There are no words to describe the situation we're all surrounded by. Hard to live where hatred abounds.
"White folks kidnap Africa's people, assassinate Africa's animals"
Yeah, so?
I wondered how the citizens of Zimbabwe thought of all this and found an op ed piece in a Zimbabweian news paper
Apparently they are not crying in the streets of Harare over Cecil's untimely demise.
Now I too want to know who named that lion.
Kidnapped Africa's people, killing Africa's exotic animals. White people should be banned throughout the continent forever. They have Human Blackness Disease and it's killing everything black that's breathing.
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