Tonight I cut and paste an excellent article from Huffington Post.
"Why has the Black Lives Matter movement not been classified as a hate group? Elisabeth Hasselbeck on Fox and Friends
Bill O'Reilly, in another conversation, answered this question in the affirmative and swore he would "shut them down." But how does one shut down the legitimate, organic forces of social change? In a modern democracy is the goal really silent, hands- folded conformity? Is this not a vision straight out of some futuristic, dystopian novel like Brave New World?
After all, racism in not a relic of the past to be found in a museum, gawked at and then largely forgotten in one's race to the cafeteria to enjoy a latte, as Fox news tries to peddle.
Racism still thrives. For example, between 2002 and 2014, consistently about 90% of people stopped and frisked in New York City by police were black or Latino, according to data by the New York Civil Liberties Union gleaned from police reports themselves.
Even white felons are more trusted by employers than blacks with no criminal record. According to a recent study that attempted to measure racial discrimination in hiring practices: "Among those with no criminal record, white applicants were more than twice as likely to receive a callback relative to equally qualified black applicants. Even more troubling, whites with a felony conviction fared just as well, if not better, than a black applicant with a clean background."
Obviously, contemporary racism takes more insidious and subtler forms than its virulent predecessors. In the South in the 1950's, black people could not vote because of literacy tests, poll taxes, and threats of violence. Today Republicans cloak the denial of the right to vote in the subterfuge of countering voting fraud, even if it is so rare that it is virtually non-existent. For example, one can vote in Texas with a gun permit, but not with a college identification. A party that wants to deny people the right to vote is a moribund political party.
Therefore, movements, such as Black Lives Matter, besides being integral to developing the next generation of political leaders fighting for racial justice, are an extension of the civil right's struggle rooted in the 1960's. Now, today's activists may be angrier than the iconic civil rights leaders of the '60's, but this anger can not be dismissed as illegitimate; for doing so would be a direct denial of the black experience in America, as the data on "stop and frisk" patterns suggests.
In a recent march in St. Paul, Minnesota, Black Lives Matters leaders shouted in unison "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon" one day after a policeman was gunned down in cold blood in Houston. Such demonstrations of questionable behavior will draw animus even from whites and others of good will. But shouting irresponsible, juvenile refrains is not the same as cold blooded murder of a police officer and trying to connect the two, like O'Reilly does, is largely the work of someone who has not looked in his own heart to pry himself free of racial bigotries.
If the realities Black Lives Matters activists did not exist or were imagined, then Eric Garner would still be alive and not killed by a police officer in Staten Island who put him in an illegal chokehold for the shocking crime of selling loose cigarettes. With his dying breath, he repeated "I can't breath" eleven times before succumbing.
When Fox news sycophants deny racism and condemn Black Live's Matters they are disrespecting the death of Eric Garner and many others who died in police custody for no apparent reason. They are throwing dirt on the grave of Trayvon Martin who was killed for walking down the street eating Skittles by a man-child who readily used as a defense the wide latitude given by Stand Your Ground laws to justify cold-blooded murder.
The white hegemony that conservatives are trying to protect no longer exists and they are the only ones who can't see it. No, the vision that O'Reilly and other conservatives have is largely one very reminiscent of a 1950's television drama where blacks were largely seen, but not heard. It is an anachronism as dated as any Norman Rockwell portrayal of Americana.
Whether it is Black Lives Matter who demand to be heard or others, Fox News will attempt to shout down the movement to protect their cherished vision of a monochrome America, instead of the messy, rigidly stratified America that so many face." [Source]
I am glad I am not the only one to see it.
*Pic from
"But how does one shut down the legitimate, organic forces of social change?"
Well, in the case of the Tea Party, in coordination with the Democratic party, you orchestrate a mainstream media campaign to falsely impugn the movement as racist.
"Racism still thrives. For example, between 2002 and 2014, consistently about 90% of people stopped and frisked in New York City by police were black or Latino, according to data by the New York Civil Liberties Union gleaned from police reports themselves."
Here's the rest of the data that your HuffPo piece omits: blacks committed 66 percent of all violent crimes in the first half of 2009 (though they were only 55 percent of all stops and only 23 percent of the city’s population). Blacks committed 80 percent of all shootings in the first half of 2009. Together, blacks and Hispanics committed 98 percent of all shootings. Blacks committed nearly 70 percent of all robberies. Whites, by contrast, committed 5 percent of all violent crimes in the first half of 2009, though they are 35 percent of the city’s population (and were 10 percent of all stops). They committed 1.8 percent of all shootings and less than 5 percent of all robberies. The face of violent crime in New York, in other words, like in every other large American city, is almost exclusively black and brown.
So if blacks or Latinos made up 90% of stops but accounted for 98% of all shootings, they were actually being frisked less than they merited. This is not an example of racism. Whites being stopped at twice their percentage of the offender population is.
The racism you chase really is a relic of the past. Stop living in a museum.
Now, today's activists may be angrier than the iconic civil rights leaders of the '60's
Which is weird because the civil rights leaders of the '60's had legitimate grievances while today's negroes have spent their whole lives having things handed to them just because they are black. These BLM protesters are like spoiled children. Giving into their demands will just make them more entitled and angrier. A spanking is in order.
Usually, I have a black movement first thing in the morning. However, these past few days have been rough. Does someone know a good Black Reverend I could call to get this movement started again?
Damn. These 3 million fox news viewers must be the most powerful people the way the left acts.
Yet not enough powerful to keep Obama from being elected.
But they have a lot of power for other stuff.
Portsmouth, VA policeman indicted first degree murder in the shooting death of 18 y.o. Black male in parking lot. Police said murdered man "lunged" at him. What sane person will lunge at a man with a taser, night-stick and gun? Think of all the years that this one excuse was used to shoot a man.
Newport News,VA policeman said a Black man raised a shotgun at him. He was summarily executed. Needless to say the bullets were all in the Blackman's back(head) and back. Both cities now have Black DAs. Although the Newport News DA has been around about 20 years, so he is a part of the police matrix.
The mothers of the young men were celebrating the charges. My motto has been; save the celebrating until the verdict is in. As of today the DA that is in bed with the (Newport News) police department has not requested a grand jury. I guess now is the time to construct their side of events. The Black man's side went to the grave with him. StillaPanther2
According to Whoopi Goldberg, Elizabeth Hasselbeck is a friend and not a racist. Whoopi made it a point on the View a few months ago.
Therefore, Brother Field you are dead wrong about Hasselbeck. Whoopi has given her a pass.
This reminds me of how WRONG you have been about Whites on FOX News. You should be ashamed of yourself. All you do is stir up trouble.
As a bm you make me ashamed.
This blog is the worst blog ever! Whoever started this blog obviously is uneducated and is non-white.
BLM is long overdue and well received in the right circles. I guess we can keep an eye on the Bill O shutdown progress or will it fizzle out like Hannity's knock out game watch?
BLM is about 400 years late.
Still A Panther, I am aware of that story. I guess this particular black life did not matter to this officer.
"Hate fact", I promise I will stop chasing racism when folks like u stop giving me much to chase.
In the spirit of the cut and paste post above, I cut and paste a response I read in The Economist that is appropriate:
Andros, Aug 17th
"Those who adhere to #blacklivesmatter are the last people to be swayed by reasoned discussion. They are relatively few in number and are self-hypnotized by their own rhetoric. Why are they worth national coverage? As a social phenomenon they are part of the same litter that includes our supposed national angst over Cecil the Beloved Lion or the manufactured outrage over Donald Trump's remarks about Meagyn Kelley.
Black Panthers . . . the Weatherman . . . the Aryan Brotherhood . . . the Branch Davidians . . . who believes that a calm exchange of views and evidence would mean a thing to such bowls of nuts?
IF one were to gather together the gang members and career criminals of a given city and patiently explain to them why the rule of law is beneficial to all of us and that we benefit as well from eschewing violence, would one expect to be greeted with nodding heads and murmurings of "I never looked at it that way before?"
Bernie Sanders was right the first time. Then, like all Democrats and liberals, he folded like a tent when dealing with 1) endless white guilt and 2) the dependence of the Democratic Party on the black vote.
Yes, we can cite at length statistics on the thousands of blacks murdered each year by other blacks, draw attention to the disaster Baltimore has become and demonstrate that in the overwhelming majority of black deaths due to police action that the dead were armed -- and almost certainly looking for trouble. It is just so much lost labor.
I don't think there is a GOP "War On Women" - but nothing I, or anyone else, can offer as evidence will make a bit of difference to the True Believers.
I don't think that there is any cognitive difference between the "races" but there is nothing I can point to that will convince a racist otherwise.
There are any numbers of us who, if given a chance, could limn reasons why Islam as a "religion of peace" is betrayed by random atrocities against women and children. But, if any of us offered this information to members of ISIS our heads would be on stakes.
It is a fool's errand to try and "win over," argue with or seek reconciliation with the #blacklivesmatter crowd -- and politicians who seek to do so are just playing their game.
As a movement, #blacklivesmatters is vicious, full of lies and innuendos, arrogant and deceitful. If I sought national office I would no more meet with its "representatives" than with the Grand Kleagle and Exalted Potentate of the KKK of the Greater Mosquito Control District of Chewtobbaco, Mississippi.
It is a media-phenomenon: knaves reported in the press by willing tools.
The Flat-Earth Society of race relations."
Are we really comparing mothers who lost their children to police violence to the KKK and the Aryran Brotherhood?
Sorry, you lost me at hello.
Good Brotha Field,
You know these boot-licking negroes and scared of change crackers will make #BLM look like the Klan and Neo_Nazis if they are not checked. All this is about is that white people do not want Black people EVER checking police or their power!
Yes, #BLM cannot let people at their events chant death to pigs or anything like that because it takes away from the goal of the mission. History has shown us that whites will try to associate them with any criminal element they can. Example -> Crazy Brotha kills a cop, it was #BLM. White boys kill a cop like in Louisiana, nothing said!!!
And when you coming back to DC?
The FieldNegro said...
'Black Lives Matters leaders shouted in unison "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon"
Does that make all of #BLM bad, of course not.
The tea party doesn't out their extremists either.
Here's a thought, there is an over policing and underpricing of black and lower-income communities. Stop and frisk is that form of over policing, but underpricing when more serious crimes against black people. I had a cousin's relative was shot and killed by her husband she left due to abuse. This incident happened in the 1950s in Virgina. What makes the story more poignant is he took his shotgun and shot her through a window while she held their infant child in her arms. No harm came to the baby, and nothing happened to the husband. No arrest, therefore, no conviction or prison time for him.
It's convenient to blame minority groups for the country's problems because this means one would have put thought into solutions.
Not comparing them to mothers, Field, comparing them to #blacklivesmatter.
As a lawyer, I would have thought you had better reading comprehension skills.
"You know these boot-licking negroes and scared of change crackers will make #BLM look like the Klan and Neo_Nazis if they are not checked"
You know what the difference between the BLM and Klan is?
The BLM's racism is supported by those in power and the Klan's racism is not.
The BLM can chant kill whitey and the media will make excuses for them. The Klan on the other hand is constantly invoked as a menace decades after it has been made completely irrelevant.
Please give me one example of a representative of the BLM chanting "kill whitey ".
Take all the time you need. I will wait.........
And yes, some motherswho lost their sons to police violence ARE a part of the BLM.
So when u compare the BLM movement to the Klan and neo nazis, u are lumping them in with the group as well.
Do u see how that works? .
Bill said...
The tea party doesn't out their extremists either.
What extremists did the Tea Party have? Did any Tea Party gathering chant death threats or cause a riot? What's racist about limited government and adherence to the Constitution?
The bigger question for you is why would you repeat a false slander against a legitimate mainstream political movement just to ingratiate yourself to people who despise you? You come here every day and try to curry favor with black leftists with your pathetic "democrats are hypocrites" schtick, as if every one of these communists did not know that already.
You're a "cuckservative", Bill, someone who pushes ostensibly conservative ideas but does so solidly within the narrative boundary defined by liberalism.
One of the most common and expected of cuckservative memes is the notion that – say it along with me, kids – the Democrats are the real racists! There really is no statement in the whole world more cuckservative than this. This is the gist, Bill – even if it’s true, it doesn’t matter and nobody cares. The left doesn’t care. They don’t give a damn about your signaling and it’s not going to persuade them of anything because they aren’t even listening to it. They’re not going to stop calling you a racist no matter how much you countersignal, and they’re not going to stop calling you a racist no matter how much you bend over backwards (or forwards) to white knight for blacks. In this matter, you’re going to do the time no matter what, so you might as well do the crime.
The Republican Party spent a hundred years after the Civil War fighting for the rights of blacks, but as soon as the Democrats came along in 1965 and started bribing them with emoluments from the public fisk, blacks dropped the GOP like a hot rock, and now 95% of them vote for Democrats. Everyone has heard of LBJ’s remark that with his welfare programs, he’d “have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years”. Perhaps this is so. And yet from the Democrats’ perspective, so far so good.
It’s hard to argue with success, especially if, as cuckservatives have, you’ve spent the last half century losing just about every battle you’ve had to face.
So keep being a loser if you want to Bill, but the day of the cuckservative is coming to a close. Trying to suck up by indulging lies about fundamental issues in order to sneak in a truth about peripheral issues is a losing game. You will need to break free of the liberal narrative and engage blacks as equals if want to convince anyone of anything.
Are you actually saying a mother is excluded, by definition, from being a racist if she has a murdered son?
In the paranoid mind everything a blah person says comes out as "kill whitey". Maybe it's a karma thing?
field negro said...
Please give me one example of a representative of the BLM chanting "kill whitey ".
HAHAHA Isn't that what tea party supporters said, show me a "representative" of the tea party saying extremist stuff. Funny how you parrot tea party supporters when it fits your agenda.
Since you put "kill whitey " in quotes I guess that's the exact phrase you are looking for? Is that a lawyer trick?
Police: Man tweeting 'kill all the white people' charged
20-year-old man charged with threat of mass violence
Oh oh Bill, I think your peeps have had it with u. Someone told me that there was a big split in the wingnut party. Hmmmm.:)
Pilot, I think u might be right.
Another bad day for righties, Kim Davis goes to jail, unemployment is down as well as gas prices. Sad.
field negro said...
Oh oh Bill, I think your peeps have had it with u. Someone told me that there was a big split in the wingnut party. Hmmmm.:)
Getting called out again for not being a conservative. :)
Guess my pro choice pro gay marriage pro drugs positions as not are right-wingnut positions as you keep believing.
Thanks for noticing that right-wingnuts don;t support my positions.
field negro said...
Someone told me that there was a big split in the wingnut party.
There's a big split in the moonbat party too, as the old, smug white socialist leadership is getting steamrolled by the young, angry brown base.
We are at the beginning of a major political realignment. The Age of Peak Negro is over.
PilotX said...
Another bad day for righties, Kim Davis goes to jail, unemployment is down as well as gas prices.
Kim Davis the elected Democrat?
Bernie Sanders notices the real unemployment rate...
He also said the nation’s true unemployment rate is closer to 10 percent than 5 percent, because the federal rate excludes those who have given up on finding a job or have accepted a part-time job to make ends meet.
The federal rate excludes those who have given up looking for work.
Data supports Bernie Sander's position.
"unemployment is down as well as gas prices"
Despite what Obama has done, not because of his anti-growth, anti-energy policies.
"Kim Davis goes to jail"
Progressive fascists put their opponents in jail.
Meanwhile, democrat mayors and governors flout the law by establishing "sanctuary cities", and no one goes to jail.
Our President refuses to enforce immigration law, yet walks free.
Such injustice will lead to rough justice. I can't wait.
PilotX said...
"Another bad day for righties, Kim Davis goes to jail, unemployment is down as well as gas prices."
Kim Davis Shows That Breaking The Law Is Only Okay When Progressives Do It:
Davis’s arrest was met with cheers by same-sex marriage advocates who for some reason did not demand imprisonment of officials who lawlessly issued gay marriage licenses in clear contravention of state and federal laws. Take, for example, Democrat Gavin Newsom, who is currently the California lieutenant governor. Back in 2004, when gay marriage was banned under California state law, Newsom openly defied the law and used his power as the mayor of San Francisco to force taxpayer-funded government clerks to issue gay marriage licenses
Are you a law and order guy when it comes to Hillary's violation of national security rules? I though not.
VDH: How Illegal Immigration Finally Turned Off the Public
It is still common to find at immigration rallies thousands of Mexican flags, with far fewer - if any - American flags. Illegal aliens do not just root for visiting Mexican sports teams, but go the extra mile of booing the American opposition.
The message is incoherent: "I will salute the country that drove me out but less so the one that welcomed me in." In fact, the entire narrative of illegal immigration has become unhinged. The vocabulary of protest is never aimed against the nation that forced them out, only against the one that most generously welcomed them in.
Nowhere is this disconnect more evident than in the university, where two antitheses are promulgated. Even as the various Chicano and Ethnic Studies departments indoctrinate students with the supposedly sinister history of the United States, they simultaneously champion the rights of the illegal aliens to enter, reside, and stay in the odious country they have just damned. The message makes little sense. Millions of Americans have finally caught on to the incoherence, and feel that ingratitude is among the worst of all sins.
Let me guess, "James Crow" wants the president in jail along with this lying hypocrite who refuses to obey the law.
Silly people these wingnuts.
Gotta love the latest wingnut hero.
field negro said...
Let me guess, "James Crow" wants the president in jail along with this lying hypocrite who refuses to obey the law
If we are jailing lying hypocrites, Obama would be first in line.
Hidden mites cm
.McKinney nnm
If you automatically assume that Kentucky clerk is a wingnut hero, you gotta love the Black Lives Matter nutjob in Maryland Carlos Hollins.
field negro said...
...this lying hypocrite who refuses to obey the law.
Here is the marriage law of the commonwealth for which Ms. Davis works:
Section 233A: Valid or recognized marriage — Legal status of unmarried individuals.
Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized.
This a result of Kentucky Constitutional Amendment 1 which was barely passed on a 75% yes vote. That is the official law of her state and employer, as decided by a super-majority of Kentucky voters. So she is presently in jail not for having broken a law, but for refusing to do so.
But since Anthony Kennedy said different, the people of the State of Kentucky no longer have the power to decide what their constitution permits.
The Supreme Court was not chartered as a legislative body, though that is now its unchallenged function. A nine-member tribunal decides what the public will and will not be permitted, and then issues a bald edict under the auspices of an inanimate object. The Constitution may not say what we assure it intends, but we in our wisdom can sense the hidden interpretations that are "right". Lowly citizens wait nervously every supreme court session to learn what will be the latest of their founding traditions to be gutted.
This is tyranny. You cheer it because you see those on the receiving end as your enemy. But rest assured, no one needs the protection of the rule of law like minorities do, and when your turn comes, you'll regret ceding all power to the whims of an institution that is bound at some point to be hostile or at least indifferent to your welfare.
Kim Davis did not have to go to jail, all she had to do was comply with the federal law but she chose to answer to "god's law". As a public employee she cannot discriminate based on her religious beliefs. Her husband says this is like living in Russia but the opposite is true, it is lawful to discriminate against gays in Russia. There is no religious persecution going on, she and her husband are free to practice their beliefs but she just can't do it while working in the official capacity as county clerk. I suggest she find employment in a more suitable arena such as the clergy.
PilotX said...
Kim Davis did not have to go to jail, all she had to do was comply with the federal law but she chose to answer to "god's law". As a public employee she cannot discriminate based on her religious beliefs.
Why not? Obama refused to enforce immigration law based on his beliefs.
Jerry Brown ignored federal law as regards "sanctuary cities", as have the mayors and elected officials of those cities.
Lots of people in Ms. Davis' position issued marriage certificates for same-sex marriages when that was against the law, and not one of them went to jail.
The only difference is the relative power of the believers. So STFU about complying with federal law.
"They are throwing dirt on the grave of Trayvon Martin who was killed for walking down the street eating Skittles by a man-child who readily used as a defense the wide latitude given by Stand Your Ground laws to justify cold-blooded murder."
Trayvon Martin was shot in the act of attempting to murder George Zimmerman by bashing his head into a concrete sidewalk. If Martin was not a violent thug, Zimmerman would not have had a broken nose and injuries to the back of his head. Further, Martin was not "walking down the street eating Skittles", he was "walking around looking about" casing homes for burglary (at which he was already a pro).
To defend Trayvon Martin as an "innocent" or call his death "murder" is to completely deny reality in deference to tribal loyalty. This is why Blacks are unfit for membership in any society with Whites.
"What sane person will lunge at a man with a taser, night-stick and gun?"
Michael Brown did it. Maybe he wasn't sane; schizophrenia is about 3x as common in Blacks vs. Whites.
"I don't think that there is any cognitive difference between the "races""
Yet every metric ever devised shows such differences. Again, you deny reality. The truth must hurt too much for you to bear.
"Are we really comparing mothers who lost their children to police violence"
And we see that the only violence that matters is "police violence", regardless of justification; the mothers who lost their children to Black violence don't matter. You cannot be reasoned with. Educated you may be, but when it comes to drawing conclusions from facts you fail totally when the outcome clashes with your tribal loyalty.
"What's racist about limited government and adherence to the Constitution?"
Limited government means the fake Black middle class created via big workforces hired by Affirmative Action preferences falls apart. Adherence to the Constitution means freedom of association for Whites, and they'll freely stop associating with Blacks. It means an end to the gravy train and charade of equality both. Refusing to give Blacks what they want is "racism", because there is no actual reason not to deny them anything they have not earned.
You have excellent points, I am the state. Perhaps our host can educate us on the difference between Ms. Davis' refusal to follow the federal law and these legal transgressions you sited?
I'm on the fence about Davis as I also have some conservative views when it comes to many things like abortion (except in the case of incest, rape, or health of mom). And while I do believe gay couples should be afforded the same "couple's rights" as heterosexuals, I don't believe their union should be called marriage.
That said, I have no problem that Davis felt compelled to stand behind her religious convictions, because I stand behind mine too. Where I differ with her is that I believe that if your religious and/or personal convictions are contrary to the law, then you need to find a job where they don't conflict. I do think she should have resigned from her position.
I have the opposite issue. I believe any adult should be able to marry another adult and all taxpayers deserve the rights and benefits under the marriage laws.
But, why is this Kentucky clerk jailed for not following the federal laws, while police in the Bay Area released an illegal alien, contrary to ICE, who then killed an innocent woman with no repercussions?
Yīshēng said...
I'm on the fence about Davis as I also have some conservative views when it comes to many things like abortion (except in the case of incest, rape, or health of mom). And while I do believe gay couples should be afforded the same "couple's rights" as heterosexuals, I don't believe their union should be called marriage.
That said, I have no problem that Davis felt compelled to stand behind her religious convictions, because I stand behind mine too. Where I differ with her is that I believe that if your religious and/or personal convictions are contrary to the law, then you need to find a job where they don't conflict. I do think she should have resigned from her position
A reasoned and morally coherent opinion from Yisheng.
Mark this date in history - September 4, 2015. The world really is changing.
Yīshēng said... abortion (except in the case of incest, rape, or health of mom).
If you don't mind me asking, how is the value of the baby's life less because of the father (rape/incest)?
I do think she should have resigned from her position.
How does resigning bring attention to her cause?
Anonymous Bill said...
How does resigning bring attention to her cause?
I don't give a rat's ass about her 'cause' Bill, I'm just stating MY opinion here.
@7:27, don't bother sucking up to me now, you can pretty much STILL kiss my Black a$$ for all the hateful $hit you usually say.
Where is FP? We really need some information from the Bible re: marriage and homosexuals.
Since WHEN did man-made laws transcend GOD'S LAW? I am glad Kim Davis is proving her commitment to GOD. It looks like GOD may be testing her, much like so many other Christians.
Ms. Davis is right: it is the difference between heaven and hell for Christians to turn their backs on GOD. It will be interesting to see what the next move Bunning and state make against GOD and his devoted follower, Kim Davis.
Religion is THE most important thing to a devoted Christian or to any other follower of a religion.
I wonder what would happen if a Muslim had refused to marry same sex-couples? Let me answer that for you sinning anti-GOd Negroes: NOTHING.
Somebody call FP.
I don't give a rat's ass about her 'cause' Bill, I'm just stating MY opinion here.
7:32 PM
Sometimes "MY" opinion is better left unsaid if you don't want anyone of Bill's stature to comment on it. YOu know you can't take his comments because they bother you to no end. So why make a comment when you know he is going hand you your ass?
You really need to check yourself. Pray. That should help.
White liberals at whole foods not happy with a Black guy with an ebt card?
Violent "Altercation" at Oakland Whole Foods; Witness Says Black Customer Bloodied After Attempting to "Buy Groceries with his EBT Card"
Couple different links and not even a mention of what he allegedly did wrong.
Anonymous said...
YOu know you can't take his comments because they bother you to no end.
I think you have my life confused with yours that doesn't even warrant a username.
But for clarity, here's what bothers me to no end:
1) Non compliant patients.
2) Black women with breast cancer that won't loose weight as a first step to battling the disease.
3) People who lie about "serving the greater good" to get into med school, then make a b-line to fields like Dermatology after graduation.
4) Cops who make target practice of Black men.
5) White men who dislike Hillary, but love Chump for displaying the exact SAME behavior.
6) Chris Evert's commentary on ANY match that Serena Williams plays in. Dat' b*tch has a REAL problem!!!
In other words, I have a life that isn't centered around comments on a blog.
5) White men who dislike Hillary, but love Chump for displaying the exact SAME behavior.
Because her behavior benefits a different group of rich white men.
Bill, I honestly don't feel like Hillary can win the White male vote from EITHER party, misogyny is to ingrained in US society.
too, opps!
Yisheng said, "2) Black women with breast cancer that won't loose weight as a first step to battling the disease."
This is an insult to bw because you are calling them fat. That is not PC, plus it's racist against your own kind.
I smell an uncle tom.
"This is tyranny. You cheer it because you see those on the receiving end as your enemy. But rest assured, no one needs the protection of the rule of law like minorities do, and when your turn comes, you'll regret ceding all power to the whims of an institution that is bound at some point to be hostile or at least indifferent to your welfare."
Oh puleeeze, you have been the beneficiary of the power that these "institutions" you cry about bring for a couple of hundred years. Stop your whining.
And no, I am not worried about "ceding power" to anything. These institutions have been "hostile" to the "welfare" of folks who look like I do from day one. So why should I worry now?
When, if ever, are Africans going to be classified as human bona fide citizens of this joint??
Anonymous said...
I smell an uncle tom.
Actually that's YOUR funky a$$ you're smelling, go take a damn bath TROLL!!!!
field negro said...
"And no, I am not worried about "ceding power" to anything. These institutions have been "hostile" to the "welfare" of folks who look like I do from day one. So why should I worry now?"
You are a fool. The Constitution is what took your chains off. Shred it at your own peril.
Yīshēng said...
Bill, I honestly don't feel like Hillary can win the White male vote from EITHER party, misogyny is to ingrained in US society.
Yes there is misogyny. Hillary also has a lot baggage.
Bill said...
Yes there is misogyny. Hillary also has a lot baggage.
Agreed and she doesn't seem to handle her baggage well at all either. wiping the computer with a cloth? REALLY?!?!?!?!?
If Biden enters the race, he's getting my vote!
I'm also still kinda hot about the way she handled Obama back in the day, I found out about a LOT of the dirt that went down, AFTER the fact. And I was none too pleased!
"The Constitution is what took your chains off. Shred it at your own peril."
Never had "chains", I am a descendant of Maroons. So there is that.
Besides, there are about 600,000 dead Union soldiers who would tend to disagree.
Exactly Field. Not having equal protection under the law is nothing new to us. This guy must be new to this country.
PilotX said...
Exactly Field. Not having equal protection under the law is nothing new to us
Yes, you've had special protection your whole lives.
No Pilot, I suspect that he has been here a very long time, if u know what I mean. (Hint hint, FOX viewer.)
"Yes, you've had special protection your whole lives."
Well as Dr. King said paraphrased of course "when special things have been done TO the negro then special things have to be done FOR the negro". And yes, you too have had special protection anon but you would never admit to such.
"schizophrenia is about 3x as common in Blacks vs. Whites."
Really James Bold? Got any evidence to back this up or did you pull this out of the same place you got the BS about Emmitt Till? Stormfront isn't a good source for information just to let you know.
here's an article for you James Bold. Presented by Dr. William Lawson to the AMA in 2012 about the over diagnosis of schizophrenia for blah people. My guess is you aren't a PhD nor have you ever given a presentation to the AMA or maybe you have. Have you?
Police being killed by criminals is down police being criminals and killing innocent people or those charged with petty violations way up. I know the arrogance and audacity of white people requires them to feel including in all things. So fear not white people you to are being oppressed it's just done y other white people more merciless and demonic than yourselves.
I am being censored quite thoroughly tonight. I'll try to re-post tomorrow.
The gatekeeper is very thorough. 3 posts have all been deleted within minutes or seconds of posting.
And a fifth post also deleted within a minute. Maybe if I break it into pieces...
"here's an article for you James Bold. Presented by Dr. William Lawson to the AMA in 2012 about the over diagnosis of schizophrenia for blah people."
How do you know that schizophrenia is over-diagnosed? Because the author assumes a priori that Blacks and Whites must have the same rate of incidence? That article is behind an access wall; YOU tell ME what the methodology is.
This article is open to the public and find a 6:1 to 9:1 incidence rate ratio of Blacks vs. Whites, depending on area of origin:
(so far so good)
To call this "overdiagnosis" you would have to prove that the same or similar symptoms are being diagnosed differently based on race. You have not done so.
My reference has this to say about methodology:
"Potential cases of schizophrenia and other schizophrenia spectrum disorders in the PDS cohort were identified through screening of computerized registries of treatments provided by or paid for by the Health Plan. Screening in the hospitalization registry identified PDS cohort members with any of several diagnoses that might be used for a non-affective or affective psychotic disorder (ICD-9 295, 296, 297, 298 and 299). Supplementary screening in outpatient and pharmacy registries was used to identify cohort members who may have been treated for psychosis without being hospitalized....
"Face-to-face assessments were completed on 107 of the 183 targeted. Assessments were conducted by clinicians with a minimum of a master's degree in a mental health related field using the Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS)16 and trained to reliability. A DSM-IV17 diagnosis was assigned by consensus of three psychiatrists who reviewed the interview materials and charts. The remaining 76 of the 183 could not be interviewed...."
If your researcher claiming "over-diagnosis" is not at least as painstaking as the ones I cite, it demonstrates precisely nothing. Nothing, that is, except that there are people who will make excuses for Blacks and claim "there are no differences above the neck" no matter what.
My Wife divorce me for no reason, Thanks to Dr Brave for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again, My name is James Mack. i live in Italy, I`m happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my wife so terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she did not love me anymore So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.(}, So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day what an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who did not call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same web site:,if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. So thanks to Dr Brave for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again ( ), Thanks you Dr Brave, i will always be testifying about your good work.and for any questions call me {James Mack} on +393279282206.This spell is a 100% Guarantee for your situation.
My Name is Carol Williams ..I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster when i contact this man called Execute some business..He is really powerful..My wife divorce me with no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have her back cos i really love her so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and she woke up one morning and she told me she’s going on a divorce..i thought it was a joke and when she came back from work she tender to me a divorce letter and she packed all her loads from my house..i ran mad and i tried all i could to have her back but all did not work out..i was lonely for almost 4 years...So when i told the spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for her full name and her picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos have tried so many spell casters and there is no when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that she’s with a man and that man is the reason why she left me...The spell caster said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring her back.but i never believe all this...he told me i will see a positive result within 3 days..3 days later,she called me herself and came to me apologizing and she told me she will come back to me..I cant believe this,it was like a dream cos i never believe this will work out after trying many spell casters and there is no solution..The spell caster is so powerful and after that he helped me with a pregnancy spell and my wife got pregnant a month later..we are now happy been together again and with lovely kid..This spell caster has really changed my life and i will forever thankful to him..he has helped many friends too with similar problem too and they are happy and thankful to him..This man is indeed the most powerful spell caster have ever experienced in life..Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way can reach him CONTACT THIS GREAT AND POWERFUL SPELL CASTER CALLED ...HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS HIM NOW AND BE FAST ABOUT IT SO HE CAN ALSO ATTEND TO YOU BECAUSE THE EARLIER YOU CONTACT HIM NOW THE BETTER FOR YOU TO GET QUICK SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS.
Good news. my testimony is about the powerful spell caster called Dr babaoda who helped me to restored me to bring back my wife after she saw me hugging a lady, and she took it hard that i am having affair with the lady and she left home. i tried all my best to get her back but all to no avail. and it so frustrating but i head on getting back no matter what. did all i could but i was still couldn't until i saw a so much comment on how Dr babaoda has restored Ex back and many broken home. i mail him and he told me to relax that my wife will come back to me after he has cast the love spell in 48hours. my wife will call and first apologize and then come back home and apologize again. so i gave in and he did the spell and after 48hours my wife did as he has said. today my family is back as an happy family. All to Dr babaoda. Email
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