Still, I would like to have an open thread regarding a subject that we are all interested in: Who will win the republican presidential primary?
My money is now on Marco Rubio, but Trump (warts and all) is still the leader, Carly is rising, and Dr. Ben is, well....he still has to learn the Constitution.
Your thoughts?
Well the cow'gals' won because women rock! :) and can beat you men by a mile!
As for the P-O-T-U-S, that would be T-R-U-M-P- yessir!
And since it's an open thread, just want to say to the ladies of The View, shame on you! For making fun of a woman, a woman who was trying to change that silly pageant and give it some class and substance, a professional woman, a nurse. That's tantamount to an angel!
Shame on your ignorant commentary!
Hmmmmm...Field you've never done an open thread on a Sunday...
My thoughts? Hey, why should Dr. Ben be left out of all the exciting bigotry? Just because he's a minority himself, why can't he join in the good, old-fashioned Republican hatefest? Everyone's doing it. Whee!!!!
As to who will win ... no idea, at this point. Trump will get knocked out of the race somehow, there's little doubt about that. It's really only a matter of when or how the GOP elites claim his combed-over scalp. But which of his lackluster competitors will seize the moment after the Trumpster exits? That's anyone's guess. They're all pretty horrid.
Santorum, Pataki, Gilmore, Jindal, and Graham will all crash out in the very near future. They aren't going to make it off the "JV team." Nobody likes any of those guys.
Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Mike Huckabee don't have a snowball's chance either, but they'll manage to hang on longer.
Scott Walker is doing surprisingly badly. I guess his wealthy donor and punditry support can't make up for the fact he's just not too bright.
That's about all I know.
Field, "My money is now on Marco Rubio, but Trump (warts and all) is still the leader, Carly is rising, and Dr. Ben is, well....he still has to learn the Constitution."
Marco Rubio? You are some nut political follower. Marco Rubio isn't even going to come close. Trump will continue to dominate followed by Fiorino.
Dr Ben Carson is too 'honest' to be President. Americans want a liar for President so they can throw stones at him for being a liar....Like Obama...he's a good liar and nobody believes him. As the old saying goes, "If his lips are moving he is lying."
Ben Carson just doesn't fit that bill. He is honest, reads and studies Proverbs and tries to live by Christian values of truth. He is also smart and does what he says he will do.
I agree with Carson: No Muslim should be President of America. That would be putting America's life in the hands of Jihadists. I am sure he has a lot of support from the majority of Americans at this time.
But we won't have to worry about that for this election.
Lilac, "Hmmmmm...Field you've never done an open thread on a Sunday..."
9:12 PM
He's doing it now because he is more atheist than ever. He is sending a nasty message to Christians. Thanks for noticing his change of behavior. That man needs Jesus and therapy and meds from Woody Allen's psychiatrist.
"He's doing it now because he is more atheist than ever. He is sending a nasty message to Christians. Thanks for noticing his change of behavior. That man needs Jesus and therapy and meds from Woody Allen's psychiatrist."
Soooo ...
Muslims can't be president and that's totally fine because they're all jihadis? (No injustice, there, no siree).
But no detailed blog post on Sunday means Christians everywhere are being persecuted?
Someone might need to explain to you how that whole 1st Amendment freedom of religion thing is actually supposed to work. You appear to have gotten it wrong.
I've been reading some stuff about how the gop effort to avoid a repeat of 2012 at all costs is sort of backfiring on them, especially the party establishment. With 16 candidates, most of whom have their own pet billionaire, odds are good that many of them will make it at least to the convention, dividing the delegates in small enough slices that it's possible nobody gets enough to pass their self-imposed threshold and allowing the party establishment to engineer the coronation of the establishment candidate, whoever that happens to be by then. I don't know how much stock to put in this scenario, but the fact that they are gaming it out shows how frightened the party establishment is of Trump actually getting nominated.
I mean, whoda thunk it? They built this monster to win elections, and now there it is, shambling around in the light of day WINNING AN ELECTION, and now they're freaking out about it? Sorry, guys, but us disreputable hippies over here on the left have been trying to tell you it was a bad idea to build the monster THE WHOLE TIME, so have fun while we try our dead level best to make sure the damn thing doesn't actually get elected and trash the country even worse than the last time.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous 9:21 PM
According to you then, that leaves Bush for the win! and actually that's prolly exactly what's going to happen.
Kings always leave the throne to the sons.
and that's how it's always been. Power $ stays in the family.
But I sure hope not!
Viola Davis' Emmy Award Winner's speech as ALL THAT!!!
Open thread...
Does judging people by which beats of music they clap on make one a music snob?
Yes, Bill it does make them a snob. You should know this.
"Who will win the republican presidential primary?"
Ronald Reagan. He's the only one running.
Brother Field, as a bm, I can't take this blog anymore. It's not black enough.
Does anyone know much about blogs? Are they growing or declining?
It seems pretty clear that The Billionaires will not allow Trump to prevail simply because his combination of hate and stupidity would guarantee that anyone the Democrats can nominate, including Bernie Sanders, would beat him. Nobody has mentioned the possibility of assassinating him yet, but I'm certain that it has crossed someone's mind. I'm thinking Carla, because we already fought a war over monarchy in the USA.
I did not post this Sunday because I was in mourning.
If u are a Christian and u pray for my Eagles will it help?
Not to minimize your pain, Mr. Field... The season is early and the Birds have just as much a chance as any team to overcome the early losses. A prayer for the Eagles and fans for the kind of faith and perseverance that showcases a championship spirit: AMEN...
Field is a big baby!
Football is a dangerous sport! and I will pray for them (the team) to get Jesus and leave that silly game! and for Field to follow some other less violent sport! Something that no one can get so hurt in. and that goes for boxing too. But of course men love that ish!!! x(
Footballand boxing causes many serious injuries and I do not approve.
So Faith, don't be taken in by Fields complaining! We must be the stronger sex! We must do what's right!
Faith, listen to me, men don't know anything!!! Nothing!!! We, the women must lead and guide them! Beeeleeeiiivvee meee! ;)
So let's boycott football,boxing, (and The View) x*D
Field, "If u are a Christian and u pray for my Eagles will it help?"
7:35 AM
I never thought of praying for the Eagles even when I lived in Philly, which was over 40 years ago. Come to think of it, they were losers then, also.
Brother Field, prayer can't help your birds. They are such losers that even God can't help them.
My advice to you is find another team. But don't pick the 'Oakland Raiders' because God can't help them either. Come to think of it, nothing in Oakland is worth praying for. Even the weather stinks now,
May I suggest the Dallas Cowboys or the NY Giants? With either one, you won't be crying as much. If you stay with the Eagles you will be crying every week. That's a lot of Kleenex.
The View is my favorite show. Those women know what they are doing. Why would you boycott the View?
I'm looking forward to President Elmo. He's the same color as the Trumpet and much cuter.
Dear Mr Field, God is on the side of the Green Bay Packers this season. Aaron Rodgers said so after the Packers handed the Seahawks their second loss. Hence, I would go with the Packers instead of Dallas or the Giants.
Hell, you might as well pick the winner who is partnered with God. Those Eagles will never be annointed by God. Philadelphia fans are the cause of God not caring for the Eagles. He views Eagle fans as evil and devoted followers of Satan...
Sorry about that....You really ought to move. 'Anywhere' would be better than Philly. Hell, move to Jamaica. At least they have some good weed there to keep you happy and mellow.
"So let's boycott football,boxing, (and The View) x*D"
Good point. Watching the View can cause brain injuries almost as severe as those in football and boxing.
"I'm looking forward to President Elmo. He's the same color as the Trumpet and much cuter."
Has anyone seen Trump and Elmo in the same room together? Well, have they? Could they be the same guy?
I smell a conspiracy ...
God is an Eagle's fan. One of our greatest players of all time was a preacher. (Reggie White)
He wants to teach us about suffering before we can enter the Kingdom of Super Bowls.
Seriously, though, doesn't Carly Fiorina look like Shrek's wife, Fiona?
Fiorinna looks like your average woman, not Shrek's wife.
"If u are a Christian and u pray for my Eagles will it help?"
1. Not a Christian.
2. We have our own problems with Bears in these parts.
lilacpr2000 said...
just want to say to the ladies of The View, shame on you
Rich white women see nurses as a right-wingnut occupation.
The GOP primaries are getting interesting and not in a good way. None of these clowns, with the exception of the brotha of course, is remotely qualified mentally to run a pet store no less the free world. My favorite part of the debate was when the smart Bush said he wanted to put a Brit on the ten dollar bill. What a moron, he;s running for president of the good old US of A and he wants to put a foreigner on out money. Even W. wouldn't have said something so monumentally stupid. He even had other candidates to follow, they suggested good red blooded Americanas such as Rosa Parks. He could have easily said Harriett Tubman, Ida B. Wells or even Coretta King.
As far as Carly, she shows she is dimwitted and has the ability to lie convincingly but as I predicted she is being promoted so she can fight the accusation of the GOP being sexist. Her downfall will come the same way as the other candidates and the gop as a whole, the fight against Planned Parenthood. They let ideology trump reality. PP performs many health services for poor women, which most people know, but they want to paint them as some kind of subversive communist group that kills babies. The everyday person sees through the BS they promote. Same thing with Obamacare. The more people helped by OC the stranger it will be when the gop keeps trying to get rid of it. I guess they need another presidential drubbing to maybe figure it out.
"Rich white women see nurses as a right-wingnut occupation."
Wow, Bill. You are truly obsessed with this conservative victimization thing. How do you take the comments about nurses on the view and make into some kind of partisan dispute?
And it seems like this is mostly over-inflated outrage anyway. The chicks on the View weren't really making fun of nursing as a profession. They just thought it was weird that this beauty pageant contestant decided to use her job as a nurse as the talent portion of the competition, since the talent is usually understood to mean some kind of artistic or other performing talent.
Maybe their comments were in poor taste, but they weren't saying the vocation of nursing does not require talents or skills, nor suggesting in any way that nurses aren't extremely valuable members of society.
Some people are taking this show, which is mostly just chatter and gossip, a little too seriously.
"As far as Carly, she shows she is dimwitted and has the ability to lie convincingly but as I predicted she is being promoted so she can fight the accusation of the GOP being sexist. Her downfall will come the same way as the other candidates and the gop as a whole, the fight against Planned Parenthood. They let ideology trump reality. PP performs many health services for poor women, which most people know, but they want to paint them as some kind of subversive communist group that kills babies."
I don't think Carly is dimwitted, but I do think she's quite dishonest. She's running on this old, dumb conservative canard that the government should be run "like a business," even though government is nothing like a business and serves a completely different purpose. But even if you accepted that wrongful premise ... Carly doesn't know how to run a business like a business. Her record as an executive is not all that good, which other candidates have already called her on.
As for Planned Parenthood, conservatives have always hated it because PP provides contraception and abortion services to poor women and conservatives hate poor people and they hate sex (or at least people other than them having sex). And PP accept public funding, although their abortion services are NOT publicly funded (another fact which conservatives refuse to accept, because they hate reality, too).
Their current plan is to get rid of Planned Parenthood in the same way they got rid of the equally hated Acorn -- through a blitzkrieg of defamation. Acorn registered black people to vote and held banks accountable for providing proper banking services to black neighborhoods, both of which enraged Republicans. So they mounted a disinformation campaign against them, and by the time all the damaging lies were debunked, it was too late: Acorn had been successfully defunded and destroyed.
There is that famous quote from Winston Churchill:
A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.
That's basically their plan.
Works for Obama.
Hahaha! You guys are all funny and witty tonight! :)
AND no God does not like football either,she as an Earth mother wants her babies safe from harm and violence!!!
"field negro said...
Seriously, though, doesn't Carly Fiorina look like Shrek's wife, Fiona?
1:43 PM"
FIELD!!! You're becoming quite the incorrigible!!!
All women are beautiful. All of us! In one way or another but yes we are sir!!!
Including Shreks mean the..Ms Fiorina.
Obama wins elections and is in a party that correctly thought Sarah Palin was a bad idea to put one lack of a heartbeat away from the oval office. Now the gop is at it again, nominating a woman, any woman, to try to muddy the water and deflect from the fact that the gop is dominated by white males. It works for the not so bright and yes anon, Carly is as smart as Palin.
Bill said...
Rich white women see nurses as a right-wingnut occupation.
2:29 PM
Seems these particular rich ladies have not had to deal with a hospital stay where a nurses intervention was needed.
Seems these particular rich white women haven't had to deal with a hospital situation where they need a nurses intervention.
Because the doctor prescribes ('scribes' from the Latin to write) But the nurse,there 24/7, implements and administers,monitors outcomes,evaluates and re-evaluates, develops and implements care plans,charts progress,initiates resuscitation and life saving procedures. Are the eyes,ears and hands of a doctor.
And of course the very often seen scenario where the older,experienced nurses have to suggest the meds and procedures to implement to young, inexperienced resident doctors, who may find themselves at s loss in a particular situation.
Tell me about it x*D
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