The abortion debate is one that I never like to jump into, because, quite frankly, I have no stake in it.
Jason Chaffetz (and other men) would do well to follow my lead, especially after he made a complete fool of himself today while trying to grandstand and dress down (no pun intended) the head of Planned Parenthood in Washington. (I loved the part where he rolled out the chart *see above* to show that abortions went up and other health services went down under Planned Parenthood, only to be told that the chart was prepared by a popular anti-abortion group. )
They are not paying me so I am going to give my republican friends some free advice: Tread softly on this Planed Parenthood issue. Sometimes when you live in an echo camber--- like some of my wingnut friends do---- your views of the real world tends to get a little skewed. Most Americans have no problem with women making their own decisions about what to do with their bodies.
Carly Fiorina might be rising in the polls but her grand sermonis was built on a lie, and she knows it. At this point she and her campaign is just scrambling to find a video (any video) to justify the lies she told under the bright lights of that CNN stage. They will find none. But she will continue to dig herself deeper into a hole and her supporters will continue to back her.
This includes powerful male friends in Congress.
"Chaffetz, who took the gavel for this often politically contentious committee at the start of the new Congress in January, put up a chart that purported to show Planned Parenthood's breast cancer screenings going down over time as the number of its abortions spiked.
Richards appeared flummoxed, saying she didn't know where those numbers came from.
"You're going to deny?" Chaffetz incredulously replied.
Richards said she would deny those numbers because she'd never seen them.
With every exchange, Richards and Chaffetz raised their voices until both were practically yelling over each other.
Chaffetz told her he pulled them from her corporate reports. "Oh," Richards said, appearing deflated.
Then staff behind Richards leaned over to whisper into her ear. She interrupted Chaffetz.
"Excuse me, my lawyer is informing me that the source of this is actually Americans United for Life, which is an antiabortion group," she said. "So, I would check your source."
It was Chaffetz's turn to appear deflated. "Then we will get to the bottom of the truth of that," he said."
Another lie.
*Pic from
I was appalled at how poorly the planned parenthood president was treated and I'm anti abortion except in cases of incest, rape, or the life of the mother being in danger.
However, she was woefully unprepared for the shillacking she received, but it was no doubt worse because she is a woman.
Planned Parenthood kills black babies!!!!!!
And that's why I donate to them every year. :)
Crackerz be trine 2 kill black People's wit tha Planne'd Paret Hood, U know what im sayin. That shit racists cause it kill Black Chidren ever day. We got 2 stop The Kiling.
-Malik Shabaaz X
Cecile Richards is Ann Richards' daughter, and it's generally not a good idea to mess with her.
-Doug in Oakland
Field, "The abortion debate is one that I never like to jump into, because, quite frankly, I have no stake in it."
Of course you have no stake in it. For you, it doesn't matter who dies or lives. Your conscience could care less.
Ever here of "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country?"
Killing of fetuses is everybody's business. It's taking of vulnerable lives who cannot defend themselves. Being a defense lawyer, you ought to know this.
"Most Americans have no problem with women making their own decisions about what to do with their bodies."
Yes women have the choice to care for their bodies or even to disfigure it. So do men. But women don't have the moral right to kill another life.
" But women don't have the moral right to kill another life."
A woman was executed in a Georgia prison yesterday, would a woman executioner have the right to do that?
The Purple Cow said...
" But women don't have the moral right to kill another life."
A woman was executed in a Georgia prison yesterday, would a woman executioner have the right to do that?
False equivalence. The women executed her husband. Innocent babies can't defend themselves.
I have no stake in it...but I'll lie my uneducated ass off anyway.
Forensic Analysis: Planned Parenthood Videos Are ‘Authentic’
Planned Parenthood Ghoul Cecile Richards Claims The PP Videos Were ‘Entrapment’
Well. Now that they can't lie they were faked, now it's entrapment.
The Daily Signal, aka the Heritage Foundation? That's your credible source for this information?
Sorry, no. Try again.
I don't really buy the feminist argument that men have no stake in this issue.
Women certainly have significantly more of a stake, given that pregnancy takes place in their bodies. But even if we leave religion out of it (which we should, because the 1st Amendment exists and religion isn't fact, from a legal perspective), the law still has to grapple with the issue of fetal personhood.
Even using rational, evidence-based criteria, I don't see any way of avoiding the fact that at some stage of pregnancy, the fetus is sufficiently developed to qualify as a person by any reasonable non-faith-based definition, and must have some rights that society is bound to consider. It doesn't seem to me that, for example, elective termination of a 32-week fetus would be an ethical thing to do, no matter what your faith. Men are no more or less able than women to speak for that fetus.
The congressman made some nutso political points during this discussion. He contended that the federal money granted to Planned Parenthood would be better spent on cancer research.
Talk about penny-wise-dollar-foolish thinking. Take away Planned Parenthood's funds, and the government won't come out ahead. The result will be poor women having more unwanted children, which means more federal spending on:
Food stamps
Section 8
And that's just for starters. There will definitely be no windfall in federal funds to divert to cancer research or anything else.
Why do Republicans suck at math?
Fiorina lost a very winnable election in '10 because of her lies about her time at HP. No one here would have blamed her for her mistakes; we all lived through the tech crash, but her lies about how it happened caught up with her. In the weeks before abortion gate, she & her surrogates were peddling an old agribusiness lie about Democrats opposing water infrastructure being the reason for the drought's severe impacts when everyone here knows that northern Californians across political lines oppose water transfers South, that every suitable Sierra watershed dam sight has an existing dam on it, and that the water "washing out to sea" is necessary to protect water I transfer infrastructure and the Delta, the most productive farmland in the world, from damaging salt-water intrusion. Today she was caught, by tbaggrrs, lying about her acceptance of gay marriage as the law of the land.
Abortion gate lies won't hurt her in the primary. California water issues won't either; not outside of California at least. Her lies about her HP record & this new gay marriage lie though, they have the potential to define her as a liar. And if they don't, something else will. Her propensity for inventing false narratives, her instinctive doubling down on them when caught, and similar instinctive denial of her now troublesome past statements will eventually do so.
"I love how some people "care" about unborn children"
I love how some people will lecture us about caring about the unborn and born while remaining silent has fetuses are flush down toilets and babies being killed when they are born alive.
Remember your boy Kermit Gosnell, don't you field?
Jason Chaffetz was well within his right in questioning the head of Planned Parenthood. When you agree to go in front of Congress, you don't get to filibusterer. And the fact field links to a moonbat site shows he is reaching and how effective Chaffetz was.
Field has to link to another moonbat site to make everyone believe Carly lied. Problem is, the video exits and has been released. Don't believe me. Google and watch the tape.
Speaking of another lie(s), when is field going to start posting about Hillary's lies about her server,emails and what devices she has used.
And the lies Hillary continues to tell about her record at state and the Clinton Foundation?
I know. I known. Field can't upset massa. And blahs are going to vote for Hillary no matter what. At this point, it doesn't matter how much or how often Hillary lies...
CNN is reporting "russians told U.S. not to fly warplanes in syria."
Will Obama follow orders?
Left leaning washington post does a story about the lack of trust in the media.
"Trust in media by party"
Dumbocrats 55%
rethugs 32%
Independents 33%
Even Independents see the bias in the media and don't trust it.
Meanwhile 55% of dumbocrats are still drinking the kool-aid.
I find Planned Parenthood to be evil. Any organization that kills the vulnerable and harvests the kill to sell to other companies is just plain evil. And IF our government is funding such an evil, it is evil itself.
Yīshēng said...
...I'm anti abortion except in cases of incest, rape, or the life of the mother being in danger
Why is the life of the baby less valuable because of the father?
Hillary Supporters Like Trump's Tax Plan
Jimmy Kimmel is now punking hillary supporters.
Asking if they support her new tax plan and then turning the tables and telling them it was trumps tax plan they supported.
Black killing other Blacks
States' killings
Imprisonment during fertile periods
Lifestyle alterations
Say goodbye to the Black male race as I have known them.
"Sometimes when you live in an echo camber--- like some of my wingnut friends do---- your views of the real world tends to get a little skewed."
Very precise statement. With so much alternative media today it's easy to get tunnel vision. The right is very susceptible to this as there is a huge conservative media influence that only supports their worldviews. Barack is a Muslim, global warming is a hoax, the new blah panthers are intimidating white voters ect. Some people are just easily influenced I guess.
So sayeth those living on the Democrat plantation who believe Obama is the messiah.
Bill said...
CNN is reporting "russians told U.S. not to fly warplanes in syria."
Will Obama follow orders?
Obama will follow whatever the leader of the free world wants to do.
"False equivalence. The women executed her husband. Innocent babies can't defend themselves."
Not a false equivalence at all.
The phrase I was responding to was..."" But women don't have the moral right to kill another life."
You see that? Women DO NOT have the moral right to kill another life. That's pretty unequivocal statement
... and yet executing people who may or may not be murderers is OK???
PC, do not try to get into the mind of a wingnut, it will make your head explode.
Anonymous Bill said...
Why is the life of the baby less valuable because of the father?
Bill, I know you may have a STRONG urge to defend your existence of that of your family.
But interbreeding among close relatives increases the probably of numerous conditions including Down's syndrome..........Ah damn, did you understand what I've just written here???
URGH damn autocorrect, ROTFL!!!!!
Well, Russia went after the US backed Rebels instead of ISIS. Hmmmmm. Do you think that Russia is itching for a fight with us? How about China? They are close buddies with Russia.
Wonder if we are headed for war? what it would take for our yellow-backed-striped President to stand up and defend America?
We need a Republican President ASAP. Hillary can't handle what's going on in the world.
Yīshēng said...
Why is the life of the baby less valuable because of the father?
Bill, I know you may have a STRONG urge to defend your existence of that of your family.
I wasn't trolling this time.
I've asked my sister in law the same question, she gets flustered and changes the subject. I don't get it. I understand the pro life and pro choice viewpoints.
I don't understand how the actions of the sperm donor makes the child's life less important.
"Wonder if we are headed for war? what it would take for our yellow-backed-striped President to stand up and defend America?
We need a Republican President ASAP. Hillary can't handle what's going on in the world."
Are you in the military? If not, please sign up ASAP.
"I don't understand how the actions of the sperm donor makes the child's life less important."
You don't? Maybe if you were carrying what the rapist/"sperm donor" gave you for nine months it would clarify things for you.
Brother Field, I agree with Bill. There can be NO reason that one fetus is more important than another. That is outright discrimination on the lives of fetuses. It is 'obvious' that this should not be.
You being Black like me, I would think you would understand. Apparently not.
"So sayeth those living on the Democrat plantation who believe Obama is the messiah."
here we go with the plantation theme again. And no Barack isn't the messiah but he is definitely a better President than Romney or McCain would have been so there is that.
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