So anyway, I am tired of being called a cynical black man who doesn't see the good in people.
Tonight my post will have nothing but good kind words and words of love.
Good, kindness, love. Good, kindness, love.
Good, kindness, love. Good, kindness, love.
Good, kindness, love. Good, kindness, love.
Good, kindness, love. Good, kindness, love.
Good, kindness, love. Good, kindness, love.
Good, kindness, love. Good, kindness, love.
Good, kindness, love. Good, kindness, love.
Good, kindness, love. Good, kindness, love.
Good, kindness, love. Good, kindness, love.
Good, kindness, love. Good, kindness, love.
Pope Francis, I hope that you feel nothing but love while you are here.
Heck I am feeling it already and you haven't even landed yet.
The end is near:
Conservative YouTube sensation CJ Pearson, a 13-year-old black middle schooler from Georgia, revealed today that he’s been blocked from following President Obama on Twitter. He’s also unable to view the president’s tweets.
Obama: Blocks a young Field Negro on Twitter and invites a Muslim kid who pulled a bomb hoax on his school to the White House.
Motherfuck this shit.
Peace brotha!
"Obama: Blocks a young Field Negro on Twitter and invites a Muslim kid who pulled a bomb hoax on his school to the White House."
No worries, Fox and other conservative media will make this kid a star. One kid is a science genius and one is a big mouth conservative talking shit. Guess which one the right will support.
That CJ Pearson kid? Ten years from now he's going to be looking back at his 13-year-old self, wondering, "What the f-ck was wrong with me?"
That's exactly what happened with Jonathan Krohn, who was speaking at CPAC about his deeply held conservative values at around the same age. Except that as a 13-year-old, you don't know jack; his deeply held conservative values were really just bunch of garbage the grown-ups had told him. So, naturally, after a while, puberty happened and also he discovered the grown-ups had been shamelessly lying to him (wingnuts down there in Georgia tend to do a lot of that).
And now, the right-wing pee-wee rock star ain't a conservative no more.
Adults shouldn't turn kids into sock puppets for their political views. It's not cute.|main5|dl3|sec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D444152474
Damn woman, get on with your job or leave it. If you are so "harmed" by issuing marriage licenses to gay couples which is the law of the land it may be time to look for a new line of work.
Adults shouldn't turn kids into sock puppets for their political views. It's not cute.
No, it is not.
It's hilarious watching conservatives try and claim the POPE doesn't understand Christianity.
Sorry, no. You guys are the ones getting it wrong. The Bible is not a manual on 1,001 ways to bash queers.
Most of the New Testament is taken up with discussion about compassion and justice and not being a greedy, heartless bastard -- commie stuff, basically.
"Except that as a 13-year-old, you don't know jack" the conservative world a 13 year old is probably the most mature person in the room. Ever read some of Sarah Palin's screeches? And she was the VP nominee. I'd take CJ Pearson over her.
Today in unintentional racism:
Chicago local news channel WGN wishes Jews a happy Yom Kippur ... with a graphic showing a badge from a Jewish concentration camp uniform.
Did they Nazi why this might be offensive?
When John Paul II visited the Bay Area in the '80s, the night of his visit a big party came in to the restaurant where I worked just before close. In the party were three girls wearing pope tour T-shirts, and one had a pope tour backstage pass around her neck on a lanyard.
I may be wrong, but somehow I don't see Francis selling himself to that degree...
Also I like his taste in hats a little better than the previous two popes.
-Doug in Oakland
"I may be wrong, but somehow I don't see Francis selling himself to that degree...
Also I like his taste in hats a little better than the previous two popes."
But he still rides around in the Popemobile. Which is awesome.
Doesn't he keep getting in trouble for driving around in a Fiat or something? Am I confused about this?
-Doug in Oakland
"Doesn't he keep getting in trouble for driving around in a Fiat or something? Am I confused about this?"
That's true. The current pope does take the whole vow of poverty thing seriously, and most of the time he drives an economy car.
But when he's blowing kisses at his adoring fans and they're throwing their panties at him (wait, no, sorry, that's not the pope I'm thinking of), he goes big and cruises in the Popemobile.
Your birds are screwed, Field.
Just a 27%chance of making the playoffs.
I am digging the Fiat.
Anon, thanks for that story about the wingnut boy wonder.I was wondering what happened to him.
PC, guess what the Pope's first order of business will be once he gets here? Yep, change that 27% to 57%.
PilotX said...
"One kid is a science genius"
Really? Maybe you could tell us what he has he done to merit that description.
Field said...
Pope Francis, I hope that you feel nothing but love while you are here.
Heck I am feeling it already and you haven't even landed yet.
Yes,indeed! This Pope is a good guy type Pope. I mean I'll be honest, I don't believe to much in this 'Il Papa' business, but, different tokes for different folks right?
But, as a person I like his style. He's smart,nice,cool,and talks a good game. Me likes.
So yeah, love and happiness he brings and that's always a good thing!
I notice one of the Pope's four American heroes mentioned was Abraham Lincoln, of whom FN is "not a fan." Lincoln was a little late for the abolitionist train. The Pope might have cited Henry Ward Beecher, Harriet Beecher Stowe, lots of others.
Oh well. Nobody's perfect.
anotherbozo said...
I notice one of the Pope's four American heroes mentioned was Abraham Lincoln, of whom FN is "not a fan." Lincoln was a little late for the abolitionist train. The Pope might have cited Henry Ward Beecher, Harriet Beecher Stowe, lots of others.
Oh well. Nobody's perfect.
11:24 AM
Who the heck are all those people? I mean, I dunno either! LOL! I gotta go Google that ish now hahaha!
He has to go with the popular ones that everybody's heard about! 'cos otherwise, no one will know what the hey he's talking about!
Come on, give the guy a break will ya! :) He's trying to give the church a new look! So everybody will kinda forget about the Inquisition and that last koo koo Pope lolol!
PilotX said...
One kid is a science genius
Taking apart a radioshack clock is considered genius in 2015?
If people had higher expectation for Muslims would they believe taking apart a manufactured clock was science?
Anonymous Bill said...
If people had higher expectation for Muslims would they believe taking apart a manufactured clock was science?
I think the Democrat/Muslim union has to do with old-fashioned relativism. Democrats don't actually believe that women's rights and gay rights apply to everyone; white people: sure. Arabs? Well, who am I to judge? And Muslims know this.
PilotX is not a fool. He knows this is not "science". He supports the narrative on Ahmed because it advances the anti-white/Christian/Southern cultural agenda.
When clueless conservatives are dumbfounded as to why all these Muslims support the party of abortion on demand and gay marriage, the answer seems pretty clear to me: They're supporting the party of abortion on demand and gay marriage for infidels. They know liberalism is a cultural cancer, and they wish cancer on the infidel society.
In Dearborn, a local white dyke has the right to get married to another woman; but if Fatimah thinks she does, too, then her cousin Mohammed will disabuse her of that idea very quickly.
Arabs have an old saying: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". They will support liberals until their mutual enemy is dead, then it's off with their heads.
Anonymous Limpbaugh said...
Anonymous @ 10:48 PM (and 11:15 PM) The constant SF killing Fox coverage came after Trump made his statements about Mexicans and before the Megan Kelly flap.
9:48 PM
That's because the killing didn't happen til after Trump made his statements about Mexicons and before the Megan Kelly flap.......
Fox News continues to live rent free in the minds of the paranoid left...
Anonymous B. Hussein Obama said...
Conservative YouTube sensation CJ Pearson, a 13-year-old black middle schooler from Georgia, revealed today that he’s been blocked from following President Obama on Twitter. He’s also unable to view the president’s tweets.
Obama: Blocks a young Field Negro on Twitter and invites a Muslim kid who pulled a bomb hoax on his school to the White House.
Motherfuck this shit.
One decides to leave the Democrat plantation and be a free thinker, the other takes apart a Radio Shack clock and makes it look like a bomb, has a sister who wants to blow up and kill Americans and whose father wants sharia law in Amerikkka.
Guess which one the left calls a genius and hero?
Racists wingnuts just don't know how to act. Even when they are trolling.
To the delete button we go.
"If people had higher expectation for Muslims would they believe taking apart a manufactured clock was science?"
Surprise, surprise, Bill is an Islamophobe as well.
Is there no prejudice on Earth that Bill does not co-sign with?
So far we have discovered he hates blacks, democrats, atheists, poor people, gays and Latinos, and probably a few more I've forgotten.
I wonder how he feels about read-headed people?
Or how about left handed folks?
Whooooo, scary siniister....
How to make a clock that will get PilotX to call you a "genius" in only 20 seconds!:
Now to get the most out this project, you also need to bring the repurposed clock to school as a fake bomb, and of course you need to be a dark-skinned Muslim. It may be useful to have an older sister with experience in making bomb threats at the same school, so as to guarantee that officials react with alarm.
The Purple Cow said...
"If people had higher expectation for Muslims would they believe taking apart a manufactured clock was science?"
Surprise, surprise, Bill is an Islamophobe as well
Pointing out a truth about liberals means Bill is afraid of Muslims.
Purple Cow is consistently confused.
When you are repeatedly out dueled in a battle of wits with Bill, well, you know you're a complete dumbass.
Congratulations, Cow.
"I think the Democrat/Muslim union has to do with old-fashioned relativism. "Democrats don't actually believe that women's rights and gay rights apply to everyone; white people: sure. Arabs? Well, who am I to judge? And Muslims know this."
No, liberals support women's rights and gay rights for everyone. Muslims living in the U.S. have to follow our laws -- they don't get any kind of special opt-out.
What you're referring to is the neoconservative argument that because there are some ultra-conservative Muslim countries where the rights of women and gays are not respected, we should bomb them until they develop some respect for civil liberties. And that's stupid. Values like gender equality and respect for sexual minorities are important, but not at ANY cost. (Not to mention, the neocons' concerns about civil liberties are mostly phony anyway. They just want to turn these countries into a smoking crater and are looking for an ethical-sounding justification for doing it.)
"When clueless conservatives are dumbfounded as to why all these Muslims support the party of abortion on demand and gay marriage, the answer seems pretty clear to me: They're supporting the party of abortion on demand and gay marriage for infidels. They know liberalism is a cultural cancer, and they wish cancer on the infidel society."
Muslims support Democrats because the Republicans are constantly threatening to "get rid" of Muslims. If I knew a political party was anti-ME, I'd vote for the other guys without hesitation.
Which is why I vote Republican.
The Purple Cow said...
"If people had higher expectation for Muslims would they believe taking apart a manufactured clock was science?"
People who do tech know that no one, not even a ninth grader, would think he did anything of value here, unless he were mentally slow, which this kid is not said to be. A good analogy is to call it simple "plagiarism." It would be like a ninth grader simply xeroxing "The Old Man and the Sea" and then telling people "Look at my story."
No one who is not mentally slow would think that mere act of photocopying made it "his story," and no ninth grader who was not mentally slow would imagine that taking a mass produced clock out of its case and putting it into another case constituted making an "invention" or even "building" a clock.
"...and no ninth grader who was not mentally slow would imagine that taking a mass produced clock out of its case and putting it into another case constituted making an "invention" or even "building" a clock."
He never claimed that he had. He said he had put the clock together in about 20 minutes on Sunday night. He was;t claiming a Nobel prize, it was just a kid who wanted to show how teacher what he had made.
He didn't make anything. The "clock" wasn't made from scratch but just the guts of a mass-manufactured digital clock, complete with AC cord and 9-volt backup battery connection.
There was no "school project" or science assignment to justify Mohamed bringing the device to school.
Just three weeks into his freshman year, Mohamed was no "science whiz well-known by high school teachers for tinkering."
With its exposed wires and lack of a face, the gutted clock looked like a bomb. It also sounded like a bomb: The alarm was set to go off during English class; the beeping startled the teacher who called police.
When police questioned Mohamed, he wasn't cooperative and was described as "disrespectful."
The police chief said the device was "intended to create a level of alarm; in other words, a hoax bomb."
Mohamed's Sudanese father — a Muslim political activist involved in previous Muslim grievances — reportedly asked the cops to re-handcuff his son — so his daughter could take the photo that went viral.
Still, the Mohamed family is headed not only to the White House, but also the United Nations, where Ahmed will be held up as the poster boy of "Islamophobia." A vacation in Saudi Arabia will follow after the family collects some $10,000 in crowdfunding.
Given Mohamed's suspicious behavior and his father's agenda, Obama's expression of support is premature and inappropriate.
@Anon 4:45:
On top of all that, the kid's sister was involved in a earlier bomb threat at the same school:
The Purple Cow said...
just a kid who wanted to show how teacher what he had made.
What he took apart.
Unless you still believe he made something.
What the hell is wrong with you people?
This kid assembles a clock for a school project and you're getting pissed because he didn't cure cancer, didn't solve cold nuclear fusion? He's a 14-year-old, so what the hell do you expect?
Now the wing-nut-o-sphere has gone up its own anus in analyzing the kid's science project: "It's not even that hard! I coulda built that! Obama should be giving meeeee a hug!"
How is any of that relevant to this story? You guys are such strange, sorry-ass losers.
What the hell is wrong with you people?
This kid assembles a clock for a school project and you're getting pissed because he didn't cure cancer, didn't solve cold nuclear fusion?
Are you really that dense, or are you pretending?
The criticism is not that the kid's project lacked credibility - this is pointed out merely to highlight the fact that it was not ever intended to be a real project.
The problem is that this was a staged provocation of the school officials and local police for the purpose of promoting a false narrative of Muslim victimhood and nativist intolerance.
It is such obvious and crude propaganda stunt perpetrated by a family who has done similar things before that the liberal media's embrace of the story shows just how biased against reality they are. As are you.
Think, dude.
"How is any of that relevant to this story? You guys are such strange, sorry-ass losers."
Nothing "strange" about them. They are quite normal as right wingnuts go.
"Or how about left handed folks?
Whooooo, scary siniister...."
*hands raised* Lefties are no joke.
The Field Negro is a Fool.
The Field Negro is a Fool.
Yeah, right!
Am here to testify what this great spell caster done for me. i never believe in spell casting, until when i was was tempted to try it. i and my husband have been having a lot of problem living together, he will always not make me happy because he have fallen in love with another lady outside our relationship, i tried my best to make sure that my husband leave this woman but the more i talk to him the more he makes me fell sad, so my marriage is now leading to divorce because he no longer gives me attention. so with all this pain and agony, i decided to contact this spell caster to see if things can work out between me and my husband again. this spell caster who was a woman told me that my husband is really under a great spell that he have been charm by some magic, so she told me that she was going to make all things normal back. she did the spell on my husband and after 5 days my husband changed completely he even apologize with the way he treated me that he was not him self, i really thank this woman her name is Dr Aluta she have bring back my husband back to me i want you all to contact her who are having any problem related to marriage issue and relationship problem she will solve it for you. her email is she is a woman and she is great. wish you good time.
He cast spells for different purposes
Am here to testify what this great spell caster done for me. i never believe in spell casting, until when i was was tempted to try it. i and my husband have been having a lot of problem living together, he will always not make me happy because he have fallen in love with another lady outside our relationship, i tried my best to make sure that my husband leave this woman but the more i talk to him the more he makes me fell sad, so my marriage is now leading to divorce because he no longer gives me attention. so with all this pain and agony, i decided to contact this spell caster to see if things can work out between me and my husband again. this spell caster who was a woman told me that my husband is really under a great spell that he have been charm by some magic, so she told me that she was going to make all things normal back. she did the spell on my husband and after 5 days my husband changed completely he even apologize with the way he treated me that he was not him self, i really thank this woman her name is Dr Aluta she have bring back my husband back to me i want you all to contact her who are having any problem related to marriage issue and relationship problem she will solve it for you. her email is she is a woman and she is great. wish you good time.
He cast spells for different purposes
Yisheng ain't shit.
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