Which brings me to our friend, Ted Cruz. Ted is the closest presidential contender on the republican side to Donald trump, and now it seems that Ted, like president Obama before him, has come under some birther fire from the orange colored one. Let's call this Birther II.
“Republicans are going to have to ask themselves the question: ‘Do we want a candidate who could be tied up in court for two years?’ That’d be a big problem,” Trump said when asked about the topic. “It’d be a very precarious one for Republicans because he’d be running and the courts may take a long time to make a decision. You don’t want to be running and have that kind of thing over your head.”
This is a hell of a time for Donald to go birther. Just when Cruz is gaining some ground on him in the polls. Although I must say that I was wondering when this would happen. Trump made no bones about believing that our current president is not legitimate. But if you objectively compare Obama to Cruz you will have to say that the president checks off way more boxes when it comes to qualifications to be president than Cruz. Born on American soil? Check. Parents are citizens? Check. (At least one of them.) 35 Years old? Check. Resident of the United States for 14 years. Check. Lived Let's examine Mr. Cruz. Born to American citizens. Check. (At least one of them.) 35 years old? Check. Resident of the Unites States for 14 years? Check. Born on American soil? Nope. Can't check this one. In fact, Ted Cruz just renounced his Canadian citizenship a couple of years ago. Canada is a nice country, and we share a lot of things, but it isn't America.
Let's be clear, legal experts have pretty much said that there should be no problem with Ted Cruz becoming president, but the courts have not ruled on the case of ted Cruz, and while we can assume that the courts will say that he is a "natural born citizen; we just can't say for sure.
The case of President Obama is different. The facts are beyond dispute: He is a "natural born citizen".
Anyway, Ted Cruz, like president Obama before him, will probably have to deal with some birhter questions from trump for the foreseeable future. This of course will be a harder sell to trump's rabid base. Because, let's face it, to them president Obama just looks a lot more foreign than Ted Cruz.
*Pic from salon.com
Yeah but Cruz's last name is "Cruz" and that is not an American name by any means!
So to them he was born in Cuba, is a commie,and is related to Fidel :)
Mr Negro
1) Are you a citizen?
2) Are you natural born?
Well, there you go.
You're welcome, Mr President
Boring topic.
"Yeah but Cruz's last name is "Cruz" and that is not an American name by any means!
So to them he was born in Cuba, is a commie,and is related to Fidel :)"
Yes, and that is the point of Trump's latest attack: to "Hispanicize" Cruz.
Ted Cruz is a very atypical Latino-American (entirely European ancestry; only one parent is even from Latin America; speaks little to no Spanish; evangelical, not Catholic -- I can go on ...). And most Americans don't view the Cubans who immigrated here as commies, because those guys were mostly the greedy-ass capitalists Fidel drove out after seizing their assets (would that make them "cappies"?). The Republican base largely see Cruz as a standard-issue white Texan -- in other words, one of their sort -- which is an important part of his appeal.
Trump aims to fix that, by suggesting Cruz is really a suspicious, untrustworthy foreign traitor who'd probably side with the "dirty Mexicans" who are stealing all the jobs, when they're not drug-dealing and raping, according to Trump. If Cruz continues to nip at his heels in the polls, you can expect a lot more of this nastiness. The birth certificate business is just the beginning.
Well Truth, he better whip that certificate out real quick then :)
But Cruz could never win an election, both he and Rubio are just dumb! They look dumb,they talk dumb, and they act dumb.
And you just know they're gonna be helping those boats and tires filled with Cubans,up on to the shores of Florida! Hahaha! I'm convinced of it xD
Since December, I count 12 articles about Republicans (13 if you count the one about Scalia), 8 of those being specifically about Butt Trumpet. Contrast with the 2 articles (this week) about the President, NADA about Clinton or Sanders. Media saturation is the right wing game. Field, I would respectfully suggest to you that like most of the media you are taking the bait, supporting the illusion that the right wing is attempting to create that they are the dominant force, the only party that counts. No doubt you have some thoughts about the Democratic candidates, and I would urge you to give them equal time.
Islamophobia update:
Right-wing Christian school Wheaton College has decided to fire Professor Larycia Hawkins for wearing a hijab and having the audacity to say something nice about Muslims. I hope she wins her lawsuit against them, and cleans them out financially.
Christian college begins process to remove professor who wore a hijab
"But Cruz could never win an election, both he and Rubio are just dumb! They look dumb,they talk dumb, and they act dumb.
And you just know they're gonna be helping those boats and tires filled with Cubans,up on to the shores of Florida! Hahaha! I'm convinced of it xD"
I think Rubio could potentially win a general election. It's not out of the question. I don't think he's a great politician, but he's a tad less ridiculous than a lot of the rest of the Republican field. I don't believe he'll be the nominee, however, because the GOP racists won't allow it. He was for "amnesty," before he was against it, to paraphrase the charge against John Kerry on the Iraq War authorization in '04. The Trumpites will never, ever trust Rubio on immigration. Deport! Fence! Foreigners out!
I don't think Ted Cruz has much of a shot. He's too much of a froot loop and not at all a team player within the Republican Party. Ted Cruz serves his own self-interests at all times, never anyone else's. President Cruz is a scary thought, though. I shudder to imagine it. We'd be looking back at the reign of Dubya as the good old days.
And since relations with Cuba are rapidly improving, they may not need to come here anymore floating on an old tire -- they'll just be able to hop on a plane from Havana. Which makes me wonder what will happen with that "wet foot, dry foot" policy we've got for Cubans. They are the only nationality that can get instant green cards just by crossing the border into the U.S. If they can now come here easily, will Congress legislate to remove that special privilege, or will we suddenly be seeing a huge influx of new Cuban-Americans?
"The case of President Obama is different. The facts are beyond dispute: He is a "natural born citizen"
The facts were never revealed. Obama ran out the clock.
lilacpr2000 said...
But Cruz could never win an election, both he and Rubio are just dumb!
Neither of them could credibly be called "dumb". Rubio did get played by Schumer in the Gang of Eight trap, but Cruz is the smartest person to run for President in a couple of generations.
The Ministry of Truth said...
Ted Cruz serves his own self-interests at all times, never anyone else's. President Cruz is a scary thought, though. I shudder to imagine it. We'd be looking back at the reign of Dubya as the good old days.
And since relations with Cuba are rapidly improving, they may not need to come here anymore floating on an old tire
10:00 PM
"I shudder to imagine it. We'd be looking back at the reign of Dubya as the good old days."
and I could just see Cruz calling his daddy for advice on how to run the country! Ahahaha! He gets that self-interest aspect from his ancestors ya know! Bunch of corrupt crooks! Ugh!
Call me skeptical but I don't think the Cuba-America relations are improving at all. I think it was just a ploy, they were just trying to get Assata out of there to trial her here. But the Cubans ain't giving her up! Not just yet anyway :)
Anyway I like trump, 'cos he's not afraid to be politically incorrect, and while he may be mistaken at times, he owns up to it and rectifies, and he doesn't back down in the face of adversity!
That's admirable in a politician! No matter what!
Blas Gomez said...
Neither of them could credibly be called "dumb". Rubio did get played by Schumer in the Gang of Eight trap, but Cruz is the smartest person to run for President in a couple of generations.
10:49 PM
I don't like the way Cruz walks when he gets out of that campaign bus he's traveling on...the Idaho or Iowa video for example, he was dressed like them!!! With jeans and a little leather jacket! All he needed was the cowboy hat and string bow tie they wear! C'mon...gimmeabreak! So hypocritical! That's so old school politics!
I'm thinking will Cruz wear that at the White House? I think NOT!
No,no,no. Gimme an honest man like Trump! He wears what he ALWAYS wears! A suit!!! Honesty is the best policy in my book!!!
Back in 2008 when John McCain was running, Congress passed something to clarify the rule on "natural born." McCaini was born in Panama. But I'm not sure whether that just applied to McCain or whether it was something that could actually be helpful in eliminating theese mind-numbing controversies in the future...
"Call me skeptical but I don't think the Cuba-America relations are improving at all. I think it was just a ploy, they were just trying to get Assata out of there to trial her here. But the Cubans ain't giving her up! Not just yet anyway :)"
Nah. Assata Shakur isn't that important. I mean, the cops in New Jersey do definitely want her extradited. They're furious she's evaded punishment for her cop-killing conviction. But she's not that big a deal to anyone else here.
If it were really only about capturing her, then our government wouldn't go to all the complicated effort to make nice with the Castro brothers. Keep in mind that we already tried unsuccessfully to murder Fidel multiple times (with exploding cigars and whatnot!), plus there was that whole failed Bay of Pigs attempt to invade Cuba and overthrow them. So it's clear that historically, we have had pretty limited respect for that country's laws and sovereignty.
If the feds really wanted Assata Shakur that strongly and didn't actually care at all about improving U.S.-Cuban relations, the CIA would just snatch her and dump her at Gitmo. She'd be hogtied and flown back to Jersey the next day.
So I'd have to say the thaw in hostilities is genuine. There are a lot of people in the U.S., including in government, that realize the Cold War is over, our never-ending embargo of Cuba is dumb, and we shouldn't keep it up just to placate some angry Cuban exiles in Florida.
The Ministry of Truth said...
Islamophobia update:
Right-wing Christian school Wheaton College has decided to fire Professor Larycia Hawkins for wearing a hijab and having the audacity to say something nice about Muslims.
Do you ever get tired of lying?
She did not say something nice, she said something theologically wrong. She said Christians and Muslims worship the same God, which is not true. Christianity and Islam have quite different conceptions of God. She also chose to do this on the start of Advent, a very important day in the Christian calendar.
She is entitled to her own theological opinions, but she is a professor at a Christian College and is supposed to support the institutions theological interpretations. Being an attention seeking social justice warrior, she decided to make this announcement wearing a hijab and encouraging all the other women at the school to follow her lead. For Christmas.
The mistake Wheaton College made was in thinking the wider society would let a Christian institution decide what was appropriate behavior for their employees. Someone waving a cross and proclaiming there is no difference between God and Allah at a Muslim organization during Ramadan might not get the same level of support from the Left, you think?
The only correlation between Christianity and Islam is that both are monotheistic. Conceptions of right and wrong, and of grace and redemption are decidedly different. In fact, the professor could be subject to an "honor killing" in many Muslim circles for insulting Islam. Salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone is totally foreign and anathema to Muslims.
The professor is either willfully ignorant or intellectually dishonest. Respecting those of a different worldview is different from syncretism. The latter respects neither God of the Bible nor Allah of the Qur'an.
We have always been at war with Eastasia said...
but she is a professor at a Christian College and is supposed to support the institutions theological interpretations...
...Respecting those of a different worldview is different from syncretism. The latter respects neither God of the Bible nor Allah of the Qur'an.
11:26 PM
I agree. This is true.
The Ministry of Truth said...
So I'd have to say the thaw in hostilities is genuine. There are a lot of people in the U.S., including in government, that realize the Cold War is over, our never-ending embargo of Cuba is dumb, and we shouldn't keep it up just to placate some angry Cuban exiles in Florida.
11:21 PM
I dunno... the United States has to be getting something out of this. Because we never do anything if there's nothing to be gained monetarily.
Nasreen Iqbal said...
Back in 2008 when John McCain was running, Congress passed something to clarify the rule on "natural born." McCaini was born in Panama. But I'm not sure whether that just applied to McCain or whether it was something that could actually be helpful in eliminating theese mind-numbing controversies in the future...
11:12 PM
I think I remember that whole affair. But if McCain was born to American parents who were there with the government or military or like that, it could be different in Cruz's case. I don't know.
Dear Lilac, for the record, Cosby did not force those women those women to take any Ludes or any wine without their consent. During those days, damn near everybody tried Ludes. Hell, it was the zeitgeist of the times.
FYI, Cosby has been declared by law, "innocent" of any crimes. I am very happy about the outcome. Bill Cosby did not deserve all this bullshit by women who 'knew' better.
Cosby is now counter-suing some of those wretched evil bitches and I hope he wins. At 79years, he doesn't need this shit. I hope he wins.
"She did not say something nice, she said something theologically wrong. She said Christians and Muslims worship the same God, which is not true. Christianity and Islam have quite different conceptions of God. She also chose to do this on the start of Advent, a very important day in the Christian calendar."
No reasonable person could assume that her statement was implying that Christianity and Islam were identical in all points of theology. She clearly was only pointing out that the two religions have common historical roots and their adherents hold many values in common. It was colloquial speech, not a university lecture.
And the people who don't want to believe the above -- which, by the way, are facts -- are also known as bigots. That's what this is really about. There are undoubtedly people in that school, both students and faculty, who are uncomfortable hearing their religion being compared in any way with Islam, don't want their faith to even be mentioned in the same sentence with Islam, because they are convinced Islam is evil.
The school admins can attempt to hide behind some convoluted theological pretense for their actions, but that's what their motives come down to.
"FYI, Cosby has been declared by law, 'innocent' of any crimes. I am very happy about the outcome. Bill Cosby did not deserve all this bullshit by women who 'knew' better."
No, he hasn't been declared anything.
The judge decided the two most recent charges, like all the other allegations, were past the statute of limitations and had to be dropped. That's not an acquittal on those charges; he just ran out the clock and couldn't be tried on them because it happened too long ago.
By the way, Cosby is still charged with assaulting a woman in Pennsylvania. It was only the two L.A. charges that got dropped.
I don't know Desert, Cruz has been called highly intelligent by numerous people who know him well. He did well as an undergraduate and law student at top Ivy League schools and was a formitable debator. He argued cases in front of the SC so he has to be a sharp cookie. Now, I agree he is a phony beyond the W playing cowboy level but it's working so I can't hate the player. On another note it seems anyone who meets him hates him so that won't help much.
Also, there may be a federal investigation into the Snider administration over the lead in the water scandal.
And in other news the officer that arrested Sandra Bland has been indicted for perjury and proceedings have begun to fire his ass. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
Anonymous The Ministry of Truth said...
By the way, Cosby is still charged with assaulting a woman in Pennsylvania. It was only the two L.A. charges that got dropped.
12:47 AM
The ruling in LA is an indicator what will happen with other cases. I have always known that he was innocent. Some folks wanted to destroy him with lies.
What has bothered me the most are the so-called Field Negroes who have joined all those lying women to wrongfully condemn Cosby, a 79 year old man soon to die.
My peeps are so uncle-tommish. That includes Yisheng and Field.
Let the games begin.
What was that about the arc of the universe bending towards justice?
My peeps are so uncle-tommish. That includes Yisheng and Field.
You mean "BIRTHER VII"? The dishonest left always forgets they are the original birthers and played the birther card against 5 Republican candidates for president before they got the birther card played on them.
"Yeah but Cruz's last name is "Cruz" and that is not an American name by any means!"
Well just what is an American name?
"You mean "BIRTHER VII"? The dishonest left always forgets they are the original birthers and played the birther card against 5 Republican candidates for president before they got the birther card played on them."
Bullshit. Who? And provide evidence.
"No reasonable person could assume that her statement was implying that Christianity and Islam were identical in all points of theology."
No person at Wheaton College, reasonable or otherwise, has ever maintained that was the implication of Professor Hawkins' statement. The college's position is that she made a false statement as to the nature of deities of both religions, and she did so at the start of the college's celebration of Advent, wearing a hijab. This was a stunt that sought a reaction, which it got.
You can stop kicking that straw man now.
Hillary serves the interests of billionaires who want cheap labor.
Ted Cruz will save the jobs of the working class:
uptownsteve said...
"Yeah but Cruz's last name is "Cruz" and that is not an American name by any means!"
Well just what is an American name?
9:52 AM
Hahaha! Tecumseh! xD Well it should be,but we all know what happened there :)
So the 'American' names became Smith,Jones,etc. The "Tecumseh" names were forced onto reservations.
What I mean is that to the White population 'Cruz' is a Spanish surname and it will be equated with Spanish speaking immigrants,which most of them want no part of and see as a threat to their existence. Besides which he's got such lying hypocritical eyes and smirk! He reeks of mendacity!
Cruz status has actually been an issue on the constitutionally confused right since he started sending out presidential feelers about 2 years ago. The Cruz birthers are the ones who exposed his dual citizenship 18 months ago when he was forced to renounce his Canadian citizenship. Only the foil hatters take the issue seriously; mainstream Republicans like McCaine are just signaling their deep general opposition to a Cruz nomination. It's not hyperbolic to say that the institutional Republican Party would rather lose with Trump than win with Cruz. They really do hate him that much.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
"It's not hyperbolic to say that the institutional Republican Party would rather lose with Trump than win with Cruz. They really do hate him that much."
Because they are in league with the elites who run the Democratic Party. They really would defend their relationship as the outer party to the Democrat inner party rather than lose their sinecures. Being a fake opposition pays very well.
You may, for racial and class reasons, hate the people involved, but the Republican revolt(s) that are underway, most notably with the Cruz and Trump campaigns, are the only serious challenge to the ruling oligarchy on the horizon.
Per-capita murders in the U.S. are the lowest in recorded history. So are firearms accidents. So why are the Democrats obsessed with gun control?
The political class serves to grow government, not to protect individual liberties. They view liberties as a challenge to be overcome.
The left wing of the Democrats are hell-bent on exceeding the power our Constitution allows government, and fear that the citizenry may very well take up arms against a tyrannical government, as the Founders always knew we must.
Most progressives--those more obsessed with central planning than others politicians--view the 2nd Amendment as their greatest threat.
This explains their opposition to a core individual right at a time when per-capita murder is at an all-time low.
It also explains their obsession on controlling in particular rifles, magazines, and ammunition useful for militia service but so rarely used in crime that the FBI doesn't even track them as a weapon type, but as a small subset of rifles.
Let's be perfectly clear: The Democrats are focused on those guns they fear could topple corrupt government, not those used in crime.
My advice to my fellow citizens is to ask themselves some simple questions. They are:
Why are politicians (especially the progressive/socialist/communist wing of the Democrats) so obsessed with firearms in 2016?
Why are the The Democrats focused with laser-like intensity on firearms/magazines/ammunition rarely used in crime but absolutely essential as "modern muskets" for citizens who may feel compelled to protect liberty against government?
I'd strongly advise my fellow citizens, regardless of party, to ask themselves those questions.
Chester A. Arthur-
Chester Arthur rumor still lingers in Vermont
Nearly 123 years after his death, doubts about his US citizenship linger, thanks to lack of documentation and a political foe’s assertion that Arthur was really born in Canada – and was therefore ineligible for the White House, where he served from 1881 to 1885….
Democrats, meanwhile, hired a lawyer named Arthur Hinman who sought to discredit Arthur, alleging that he was born in Dunham, Quebec, about 47 miles north of Fairfield. Hinman traveled to Vermont and Canada to research Arthur’s past, eventually concluding that Arthur was born in Canada but appropriated the birth records of a baby brother who was born in Fairfield, but died as an infant.
John McCain
McCain's citizenship called into question
The Situation Room: Is McCain Eligible To Be President?
And there's this from the New York Times
"The question has nagged at the parents of Americans born outside the continental United States for generations: Dare their children aspire to grow up and become president? In the case of Senator John McCain of Arizona, the issue is becoming more than a matter of parental daydreaming….
Mr. McCain is not the first person to find himself in these circumstances. The last Arizona Republican to be a presidential nominee, Barry Goldwater, faced the issue. He was born in the Arizona territory in 1909, three years before it became a state. But Goldwater did not win, and the view at the time was that since he was born in a continental territory that later became a state, he probably met the standard.
It also surfaced in the 1968 candidacy of George Romney, who was born in Mexico, but again was not tested. The former Connecticut politician Lowell P. Weicker Jr., born in Paris, sought a legal analysis when considering the presidency, an aide said, and was assured he was eligible. Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. was once viewed as a potential successor to his father, but was seen by some as ineligible since he had been born on Campobello Island in Canada. The 21st president, Chester A. Arthur, whose birthplace is Vermont, was rumored to have actually been born in Canada, prompting some to question his eligibility."
The rest of the list.
George Romney
Lowell Weicker, Jr.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr.
George H.W. Bush
"When the race card narrative does not fit, you must acquit."-LI
Why is this called "A Great Nation" when no one can stand anyone living in it? Makes no damn sense. "Insane Nation" would be more like it.
Oh Trump is just reminding the good white folks and that Ted Cruz is an other. He is also telling Cruz that you might think your one of us but your not. We will let you do our bidding but don't think your in the club!!!!!!
And "Unknown" is reminding us all that white folks are the "other".
Thanks, bigot.
John McCain WAS born in another nation as was George Romney while Barrack was born in Hawaii. Apples to oranges.
What would be interesting is if our constitution loving conservatives will support the Wheaton college professor's First Amendment rights as vocally as they support the Second Amendment. What do ya'll think?
As a black man, I hate that people like Lance Cockstrong and The Ministry of Truth are speaking for me. They don't deserve that honor. Can we get some better commentators in here please?
That's not a flattering picture of Mr. Cruz, but he still looks sexy as heck!
So much for the birther bit being anti-black racism, huh?
In Montessori, a recent law was passed that labeled sex between lobbyists and lawmakers as "gifts". Now I know some folks on FN will consider this a brilliant law, esp folks like Lilac, Yisheng and a few others "anonymous".
However, as a good Christian who obeys the Commandments and strives for purity, I find this law morally bankrupt and against the tenets of the Bible.
CORRECTION: "In the state of Missouri,"
We know from another Missouri congressman who famously declared rape to be a gift from God. Gives him a defense when he gets caught with a young boy in a men's room. "He was a lobbyist!"
Trump & Cruz challenging the oligarchy would be like Lenin & Stalin challanging the Bolsheviks.
An orange face, a little round mouth that's shaped like a circle when wide opened, a yellow squirrel upon head for hair, makes one look like they're employed by Barnum and Bailey Circus. Whoever told whites they're the best looking race above all others lied like rugs. They weren't telling the truth white people, they were kidding.
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