That's Donald trump talking about his relationship with "the blacks". I know it all sounds like a script from a bad Mel Brooks movie, but it's not. It's really the leading republican candidate for president talking about his relationship with "the blacks" America as if they are some kind of alien entity.
Of course nothing trump says to us will surprise us anymore, and nothing he says will change the minds of his supporters about what a great president he will be.
Hey, he said so himself.
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters,"
Yes you could Mr. trump. You could rape his wife, commit an act of bestiality with his dog, and kidnap his children, and they would still vote for you. You have that kind of effect on them. And hey, there are no doubt a few black folks who support you as well. I found one of them right here. I am sure that there are more Omarosa Manigault types out there, which no doubt gives Donald trump his sense of cockiness when it comes to getting the support of "the blacks".
"Kurtz asked Trump if he seriously just said black people will like him more than they do the first black president. Trump admitted President Obama has a “slight advantage,” but promised when he’s completed his term of office, African-Americans will love him so much." [Source]
Wait a minute now Donald, you might be getting a little ahead of yourself.
If you do, however, happen to get elected, I think I speak for all "the blacks" when I say that at this point, we will just be glad to be able to vote at the end of your term.
*Pic from
"'Look, the African-Americans love me because they know I'm going to bring back jobs,' Trump said.
The billionaire pointed out the high unemployment rate for African-American youth as well as black workers in their 30s through 50s.
'Look at African-American people in their prime,' Trump said. 'They want jobs.'
'They're going to like me better than they like Obama,' he continued. 'Obama has done nothing for them. He's African-American and he's done nothing for them.'"
Read more:
Trump is making big promises, lots of them, with no specifics about how he will accomplish his goal of more jobs. I'd think that would be your beef with the candidate. So what noun or adjective would you have preferred Trump use to refer to blacks in the above quote?
Barack will be the most loved president of the blahs by far. Remember back in the day when all the old folks had three pictures on their walls, Kennedy, Dr. King and Jesus. Now all the old folks will have Barack, Dr. King and Hey-Zeus. He's young too so he'll inspire a couple of generations. The Donald, not so much.
When 'The Blacks' do what Brother Malcolm taught over 50 years ago and quit looking to the Government to solve their problems is when we will thrive as a collective. When we pool our money like we used to back in the day, is the day when the politicians will take us seriously.
Go Cam!!
"The truth is Obama has done nothing for them.”
true statement.
reportedly from someone who is called the donald.
I think Danny Devito in the video below has overstated the race problem in America.
I am in agreement with Donald. Obama has done nothing for us. In fact, Obama has set us back a few decades. Now if he will be loved by Blacks then it's the Blacks who deserve to be at the bottom with no jobs and no money.
Trump will do much better for Blacks than Obama. Although that's not saying much. The fact is ANYONE in office can do better than Obama. BO actually tried and succeeded in devastating the black community. I have no love for him.
"'The African-Americans love me...because they know I’m gonna bring back jobs......They’re gonna like me better than they like Obama. The truth is Obama has done nothing for them.'
That's Donald trump talking about his relationship with 'the blacks'. I know it all sounds like a script from a bad Mel Brooks movie, but it's not."
Perhaps Trump, like Governor William Le Petomane in "Blazing Saddles," plans to hand out "Make America Great"-themed paddle-balls to "the blacks" to make them love him. That does sound like something he might actually attempt in real life.
This is, after all, the guy deluded enough to believe he can build a wall on our southern border and make Mexico pay for it.
Trump has no actual policies to create jobs for anyone, unless they are jobs working for peanuts scrubbing the toilets in his hotels and casinos. In fact, he's barely got any policies at all -- just vague patriotic platitudes, bellicose sabre-rattling and dick-waving at China and the Middle East, and hate speech.
Donald will carry the black vote if Hillary is the Democratic candidate for President.
In all sincerity, Donald will do more for Blacks than any other candidate, Republican or Democrat.
I wouldn't vote for Hillary if my life depended on it. She is a liar and high risk security for America. Besides, can anyone honestly say they feel Hillary can run the country, let alone globally? She just isn't Presidential material.
The fertile mind of a racist on display. White supremacy is a myth.
Hey PX, check out this story about the sista' in the Coast Guard:
That's Donald talking about "the blacks." Of course nothing he says surprises you anymore...
'Cept 'n that he didn't say that at all, did he? He said "African Americans." LMFAO
Really, homes; you're too long out the clock. Just my humble opinion, and in no way and I trying to brush up against relative privation, but maybe your ire would be better directed at, say, 13-year-old girls being kidnapped and raped by Islamic migrants and the police forcing the little girl to sign a letter saying she made it all up so that nutty fucking Americans won't call Germans racists for arresting Muslims.
And it's gone. Wish more people could have seen it. The racist delusional mind at work.
I agree, Mr Field. It makes me ashamed to be White. Why do you allow him to spew his skunky words all over your blog. Clearly he hates Blacks, blames them for everything, and degrades them. I suppose he thinks he is helping.
BTW, what did it look like before it was 'gone'? Was it much better?
Yeah, that's sweet. I know a couple of sistas who are Coasties. I believe there are 7 of them.
So what noun or adjective would you have preferred Trump use to refer to blacks in the above quote?
Black people, Black Americans, African-Americans.
Calling us "the Blacks" is pretty damned disrespectful although you'd never know that from American media.
Increasingly enamoured by this blog from Marxist economist Michael Roberts.
Here is his latest post on the failure of Obamanomics, the idiocy of Trump's economic policies (such as they are) and Krugman's bizarre defence of Hilary Clinton.
I think I speak for all "the blacks"
Nobody speaks for all blacks.
Why are there so many fine-as-hell white women, but the vast majority of white men, like Josh, are ugly as shit? How can white women even be attracted to your average grotesque white man?
PilotX said...
Barack will be the most loved president of the blahs by far
That's because Barack has done so much for ''blahs'' by far. Look at the poverty, homeless and incarnation rates for ''blahs''. Look at how much incomes have grown for poor and middle class ''blahs''. Look at how the ''blah'' middle class has grown under the Obama regime.
How could black people not love the messiah?
Blacks will continue to love Obama because they don't know any better.
Calling us "the Blacks" is pretty damned disrespectful although you'd never know that from American media.
1:38 PM
"the Blacks" isn't as disrespectful as "blahs". Why haven't you spoken out about that? Let me answer it for you: Because you don't really care, but you are against Trump but offensive Negroes who keep spreading and inventing filthy ugly nasty names about us, you are 'ok' with. SMH
The blacks will love Donald J. Trump because he will be what the Obama promise was suppose to be.
Anon@3:08, tell that to the MSM, not me.
The Affirmative Action mindset of blacks in America will be their downfall.
So now yet another right-wing conspiracy theory has hilariously imploded.
The "Center for Medical Progress," otherwise known as the assholes who cooked up the "baby parts" stunt to falsely accuse Planned Parenthood of selling organs, have been indicted for selling organs.
That's right, Planned Parenthood broke no laws, but the people trying to frame them DID break laws, including both selling organs and, more seriously, tampering with government documents, a felony.
Enjoy jail, lying wingnuts!
Funny ministries of truth are never about the truth.PP did sell organs. If PP broke no laws, why did they apologize and agree to change?
"The Affirmative Action mindset of blacks in America will be their downfall."
From the looks of your comment it's too late to save your mind.
"Funny ministries of truth are never about the truth.PP did sell organs. If PP broke no laws, why did they apologize and agree to change?"
PP never admitted selling organs. You might be unclear on this if you only ingest wingnut media.
@Purple Cow 2:30 PM -
Obamanomics hasn't failed if you compare it with your side of the pond.
The Not So Bad Economy. As Krugman points out, "Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, the European Central Bank gave in to inflation panic, raising interest rates twice in 2011 — and in so doing helped push the euro area into a double-dip recession. ... Unfortunately, the U.S. ended up doing a fair bit of austerity too, partly driven by conservative state governments, partly imposed by Republicans in Congress via blackmail over the federal debt ceiling. But the Obama administration at least tried to limit the damage."
As for Roberts, and his graph of %Change in US Manufacturing Production, month over month production looks pretty good while year over year production looks rather pitiful in comparison, that is until you observe that while the 2 plots overlay each other, the zero points do not coincide, the year over year being at the bottom, not the middle, which is a common statistical trick used by con artists.
Where I differ with Krugman (and his fellow NYT columnist Charles Blow, and make no mistake I am an admirer of both these gentlemen) is in their portrayal of Sanders as not pragmatic, quixotic, unelectable, will be decimated by the attack machine as an avowed socialist. What they fail to take into account is that thinking outside the box and ambitious goals does not constitute being doctrinaire and irrational. Sanders support for Medicare for all does not mean he will dismantle Obamacare. And the attack machine will have a field day with Clinton, Benghazi, her emails, her foundation, her husband's amorous adventures. If the best she can do in response to hecklers is "My New Years resolution is not to respond to Trump" (translation "I CAN'T HEAR YOU LALALALA") she will get creamed.
Trumpet, I'll like ya if you send a few million over here from your stash. Other than that, I can't stand looking atcha!!!! Mr. Hitleresque!!!!
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