Anyway, I hope to see a spirited debate between Hillary and Bernie. (Sorry Martin, you have zero chance of winning this thing.) Apparently a lot of folks have been "feeling the Bern" ,and he is closing on Hillary. Maybe he will cut his Mr. Nice Guy act on the stage tonight. If he doesn't Hillary will chew him up and spit him out like she did a certain republican Benghazi panel.
The general consensus is that Bernie is a Socialist and therefore cannot be elected president of these divided states of America. Not! Let me say, as someone who should know, Bernie Sanders is not a Socialist. But I get it, he might be the closest thing to that particular political ideology on the American political scene these days.
Hillary, of course, is far from a Socialist. Hillary, I think it's safe to say, is someone who is a center/right politician when it comes to foreign policy and economics.
She is hated by the right, not really loved by the left, but is Bill's wife and has been in the public eye long enough for most of us to conclude that she is competent enough to hold the job as president.
I have some advice for Bernie, though, if you really want to beat Hillary you are going to have to find a way to get a large percentage of the black vote. Hillary, for now, has the Negro vote on lock, but that could change. Quite a few black folks feel like Katt did in this skit. "Wait a minute, b****, we don't know you like that; we liked your husband"
For now, though, it's still Hillary's race to lose. She is a professional politician so I don't expect her to self-destruct. Unless the FBI comes knocking on her door before the democratic primary vote, Hillary should come out on top.
Here is hoping that unlike those other folks we will get some answers tonight from the dems about how to solve some of the problems we have in this country, and that they will not just demagogue the other guys and their politics. I swear that when I listened to the republicans I thought Barack Obama was going to be on the ballot again in 2016.
It's less than 20 minutes before the start of the democratic debate. I am going to try and watch, but I am guessing that I will be sleeping before the second commercial break.
As I was with the republicans, I will keep an open mind. Hopefully between Martin, Bernie, and Hillary, there will be enough there to keep me up long enough to give me something to think about.
*Pic from
I hate white people so fucking much.
Field said...
It's less than 20 minutes before the start of the democratic debate. I am going to try and watch, but I am guessing that I will be sleeping before the second commercial break.
Ahahaha!Why? It'll be that boring and predictable? x*D
No but seriously, damn Field, I sure wish I could fall asleep as easily as that! God bless! I have such trouble sleeping! omg!
"No but seriously, damn Field, I sure wish I could fall asleep as easily as that! God bless! I have such trouble sleeping! omg!"
9:28 PM
I can help you sleep well with some good wine and quaaludes. All you have to do is join me on my yacht.
Dear Mr Field, fyi Bernie Sanders said tonight that he is a Socialist. This cancels your lie that he is not a Socialist.
Please try to be truthful about Bernie and Hillary and O'Malley. Thank you.
Let's be clear. Hillary wil NOT carry the black vote. It will be split.
"The dems will be debating tonight. I swear, it's as if these guys don't want folks watching their debate. They have these democratic debates at the strangest times."
The "Bernie bros" think DNC Chair Debbie Schultz did that intentionally, because she is in the bag for Hillary, who started out with huge name-recognition and cash advantages over Sanders, and so has nothing to gain and everything to lose by debating him. You've got to admit that having not many debates and burying them all on days when people are unlikely to watch, is the next best thing to just not having debates, from Hillary's perspective.
"Bring me the head of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz!" demand the Bernie bros. LOL
The general consensus is that Bernie is a Socialist and therefore cannot be elected president of these divided states of America. Not! Let me say, as someone who should know, Bernie Sanders is not a Socialist. But I get it, he might be the closest thing to that particular political ideology on the American political scene these days.
Yeah, not even close to a socialist. Bernie is a standard New Deal, center-left social democrat. (According to a guy who wrote a Sanders biography: Bernie Sanders is no socialist.)
I don't know why he insists on calling himself a socialist. It's weird. I guess he's just trying to distinguish himself from the Third Way, big-business, center-right politicians at the other end of his party -- people like ex-prez Bill Clinton, or Mayor Rahm Emanuel, or Sen. Diane Feinstein.
"Hillary, of course, is far from a Socialist. Hillary, I think it's safe to say, is someone who is a center/right politician when it comes to foreign policy and economics."
Definitely more on the hawkish side on foreign policy than Bernie, no doubt about it.
On the economic side ... it's unclear. She's trying hard to tack back to the left, but that could be just a pose to help her get nominated. She is awfully cozy with the rich donor types, though; she still gives off that shifty Third Way vibe. And Hill was even a Young Republican and a "Goldwater girl," way back in high school.
I'm sure that the leftward end of the party would much prefer Bernie's policies. But they'd also like to win, and it's not 100% clear that old Bern can make that happen. If Hillary is the nominee, and the GOP decides to pick a circus freak (increasingly likely), then the White House is probably a lock for the Democrats.
If the democrats want to nominate someone under FBI investigation (again) as their nominee, then say hello to President Trump.
It is clear to me that Bernie Sanders will WIN the Democratic Nomination and here's the rub: Sanders will beat any GOP candidate.
Bernie Sanders is our biggest hope for 'actual' change. And we badly need change...our survival depends on it.
Bernie Sanders is a stand up guy with moral principles to tell the truth and so the right thing. In addition, he is not beholden to PAC. He is not beholden to anyone.
"If the democrats want to nominate someone under FBI investigation (again) as their nominee, then say hello to President Trump."
Riiiight. You just go on believing that. Hillary's sinister emails are right up there with Benghazi, and the IRS victimizing the Tea Party, and the Planned Parenthood "baby parts-selling" farce, and all the rest of the endless Republican-manufactured scandals du jour that seem to instantly evaporate the moment anyone examines them too closely.
Anyway, with all your paranoid "Obama the Tyrant" fantasies, aren't you afraid the president will just order the FBI to assassinate whomever the Republican nominee turns out to be? :-D
Anonymous said...
I can help you sleep well with some good wine and quaaludes. All you have to do is join me on my yacht.
9:38 PM
:D You mean that leaky rowboat you go fishing in?
Thanks but no thanks, don't feel like drowning anytime soon xD
Is it me or does Bernie yell a lot? Dude is the DMX of politcians. I appreciate his passion, though.
Yeah he does yell a lot, but it kept you awake, so no doubt that is a good thing.
O'Malley did quite well given his limited attention. He called Trump a Fascist, which is a term that is vastly underutilized in describing right wingers. He also highlighted the raping of Puerto Rico by hedge funds, I don't know much about that, perhaps Lilac could enlighten us.
Clinton largely attached herself to Obama, which is all well and good. She hammered Sanders for encouraging a primary opponent against him in 2012, and for voting in favor of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which blocked regulation of credit default swaps. She also claimed support from prominent economists such as Paul Krugman for her plan to control shadow banking, whereas Sanders is more focused on breaking up the banks and reinstating Glass-Steagall.
Sanders stuck to his usual talking points, income inequality, overturning Citizens United, universal healthcare, his proposal would now increase taxes but he rebuts that by saying that it would be more than offset by the savings from not having to pay for insurance.
Overall, the primary difference appears to be, Clinton is dedicated, Sanders is driven. Sanders appears to be more able to control the conversation, whereas Clinton is more of a "counterpuncher".
I like Bernie's idea of a transaction tax. We need the same thing here in Chicago. Why should the citizens be on the hook for all of the tax burden while corporations get off scot free? I like it because it doesn't burden corporations too much and will raise billions. Some project if we did it in Illinois we would have a surplus and our pension crisis would be history.
On another note I could use the issue to make a good run for alderman in my ward. That would be my first step in ruling the world!!!!!
I wasn't able to watch it. What did I miss?
They really should've debated who is the biggest dumbass on this blog.
"I hate white people so fucking much."
Liberia is calling you. Feel free to leave America any time.
Democrats have made a financial mess of every major city they've run. Crime and corruption proliferates, taxes and cost of city services increase for working people, quality of life for citizens deteriorates with Democrat politicians in charge over the long haul.
Why do people continue to vote for Democrats? I'd love to hear some answers.
I think DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultzs wants a job in a Clinton Administration. Hillary is already well known. Schultz doesn't want Bernie getting exposure. I can't stand that woman. I once heard her talk about unemployment for half an hour without her even mentioning outsourcing. Wasserman Schultz is a corporate whore. I suppose that could be another motivation for her opposition to Sanders. Lester Holt seemed to be either trying to position himself for Clinton Administration interviews or he was kissing NBC's corporate sponsors' asses. He even went as far as to interrupt an interesting Sanders answer, to ask Sanders a stupids question. Holt is a disgrace. When Clinton tried to portray Sanders as anti Obama, I wish Sanders would have come back with some quotes from Hillary's presidential campaign against Obama. But Sanders probably doesn't even memorize things he could sling mud with. Clinton was obviously pandering to the black vote with her praise of Obama. Obama's coat tails worked for Rahm Emanuel after all. Think about that before you vote for someone who will send your kids to war.
"Democrats have made a financial mess of every major city they've run."
Portland and San Francisco are major cities, solidly blue and in very good shape. What they don't have is very many NAMs, especially Blacks.
Anonymous @ 8:00 AM.
Detroit is the most common example of Democrats destroying a major city. The Republicans took over and they gave the kids of Flint lead poisoning. It's not like people have a good choice to choose from.
In April 2014, Democrat Dayne Walling was the mayor of Flint when its water supply was switched from Lake Huron (via Detroit) to the Flint River.
The new mayor, Karen Weaver, was just sworn in two months ago in November 2015 so you can hardly blame her for the lead water fiasco!
And of the 9 people in the official Flint City Council photograph, 7 of them are Black. In other words, the Flint water fiasco was the result of Black people being stupid with money (probably so they could keep their relatives in their no-show jobs).
The Ministry of Truth said...
"Riiiight. You just go on believing that. Hillary's sinister emails are right up there with Benghazi, and the IRS victimizing the Tea Party, and the Planned Parenthood "baby parts-selling" farce"
These are all real scandals, indicative of the dishonest and corrupt nature of the democrats, yet the "Ministry of Truth" is here to tell us that war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.
So dedicated he is.
Among the many things Obama mocked in his SOTU address was anyone who denies that he led a national economic resurgence.
“Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction,” he said. He shamelessly went on to embellish statistics, claiming 14 million new jobs, including 900,000 manufacturing jobs.
Afterward, FactCheck.orgshowed that it's more like 9 million jobs, many of them lower-paying service jobs. And, over Obama's time in office, manufacturing jobs have plummeted by 230,000.
In short, if you “made” something in the Obama economy, you lost your job; if you “served” someone, you got a job — but probably needed two, so you could make ends meet.
In the Obama economy, wages have not improved; in fact, they have created great unease and not inspired the confidence Americans once had in work — which is why the president has responded by pushing higher wages for service jobs once meant to be temporary bridges from high school and college to adult life.
He needed a straw man for his climate-change regulations that closed manufacturing industries, nearly made coal production extinct and clobbered the shale industry. So he blames companies like McDonald's for not doubling the hourly pay for entry-level jobs to mask his inability to address the economic setbacks caused by his politics.
The economy is dismal not just in the old Rust Belt but nationwide. On Tuesday, the National Association of Counties released its gold-standard study that shows, six years after the economic expansion began, 93 percent of U.S. counties have failed to fully recover from the devastating contraction they suffered during the recession.
Only 7 percent, or 214 out of 3,069 counties nationwide, recovered by 2015 to their pre-2008 numbers on total employment, economic expansion, home values and unemployment.
Mr. President, the only person peddling fiction appears to be you.
Field Negro: "As I was with the republicans, I will keep an open mind"
HAHAHAHAHA! You're slayin' me Field!
Fortunately, the full program is available via NBC/YouTube which hosted last night's live coverage of the democratic debate.
The FieldNegro jokingly said...
I swear that when I listened to the republicans I thought Barack Obama was going to be on the ballot again in 2016.
Sounds like the right-wingnuts pointing out how much time Obama spends blaming bush and rethugs.
Limpbaugh @8:44am said: "When Clinton tried to portray Sanders as anti Obama, I wish Sanders would have come back with some quotes from Hillary's presidential campaign against Obama. But Sanders probably doesn't even memorize things he could sling mud with. Clinton was obviously pandering to the black vote with her praise of Obama. Obama's coat tails worked for Rahm Emanuel after all. Think about that before you vote for someone who will send your kids to war."
In a recent edition of TheRoot online, it's reported one of the primary challenges for Hillary Clinton amongst people of color was the malice directed toward Barack Obama during the the 2008 South Carolina Caucus.
But note by the last debate prior to the 2008 Democratic National Convention, then Sen. Clinton ended up reluctantly conceding then Sen. Obama indeed displayed the proper qualifications and character for the presidency.
So yes, Sec. Clinton must walk the distance conveying the message her candidacy will never take the black vote for granted. Not to mention, having several years to observe the president up close and personal certainly presents opportunities for Sec. Clinton to discuss Pres. Obama's administration in a way that I can understand Sen. Sanders would be reluctant rehashing the mean-spiritedness of the 2008 campaign.
Finally, even the military strategy Sec. Clinton outlines in her foreign policy proposal says nothing about actively engaging US ground troups. In fact, Gov. O'Malley points out in the debate how the three remaining democratic candidates are opposed to troops on the ground or "sending our sons and daughters to war."
The FieldNegro said...
It's less than 20 minutes before the start of the democratic debate. I am going to try and watch, but I am guessing that I will be sleeping before the second commercial break.
Your party needed to schedule debates for the lowest possible viewership. Sounds bizarre.
What is your party trying to hide?
Hillary, for now, has the Negro vote on lock, but that could change.
Because ALL Black people think alike?
Thanks James Bold. The progressive media once again lies to us about the Flint water system scandal in order to maintain the Black People are Always Innocent Victims narrative, when in fact it is just another confirmation of the reality of what happens when blacks are in charge.
field negro said...
Is it me or does Bernie yell a lot?
Anger issues.
Didn't howard dean also have some yelling issues?
As I was with the republicans, I will keep an open mind.
Name a rethug you have given a free pass to like you are to rahm.
Faith_and_Fairness said...
"So yes, Sec. Clinton must walk the distance conveying the message her candidacy will never take the black vote for granted."
"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee"
Bill Clinton in 2008, as quoted in Game Change, by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin.
"A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags."
Bill Clinton in 2008 to Senator Ted Kennedy as he tried to convince the liberal to endorse his wife, Hillary Clinton, Mr Obama's rival, for the Democratic nomination, according to The New Yorker.
Anonymous said...
“Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction,” he said. He shamelessly went on to embellish statistics, claiming 14 million new jobs, including 900,000 manufacturing jobs.
Afterward, FactCheck.orgshowed that it's more like 9 million jobs, many of them lower-paying service jobs. And, over Obama's time in office, manufacturing jobs have plummeted by 230,000
Pesky things those facts.
Good thing FieldNegro is willing to "peddle fiction" for his party.
And of the 9 people in the official Flint City Council photograph, 7 of them are Black. In other words, the Flint water fiasco was the result of Black people being stupid with money (probably so they could keep their relatives in their no-show jobs).
More dindunuffin from clueless white people. Blame the nigger huh James Biatch? You're nothing if not predictable just like all other ignorant white racists. Shouldn't you be somewhere burning crosses or anonymously threatening "race traitors" or something?
Thanks James Bold. The progressive media once again lies to us about the Flint water system scandal in order to maintain the Black People are Always Innocent Victims narrative, when in fact it is just another confirmation of the reality of what happens when blacks are in charge.
Uh, the governor who is responsible for this mess is a white man. Oh that's right, nothing is ever the white man's fault, he has to blame the man. Pathetic.
@Bell Boy: Very clever... However, what a difference four years make, per's "The Odd Couple: What Clinton Adds For Obama : It's All Politics."
And I recall Bill Clinton's awesome speech at 2012 Democratic National Convention.
Now mind you, the bell/coffee boy remark was mostly the former president's frustration with his wife's campaign taking an unexpected turn.
At the time, who could even imagine the message of "Hope and Change" trumping traditional political experience or the status quo, so to speak.
Let's not forget then Sen. Joe Biden, who once remarked how the phenomenon of the Obama candidacy was due in part to a black man being so clean cut and articulate, as though such qualities are anomalies in black people.
Yet by the 2012 national primaries and election, both former Pres. Clinton and current VP Biden became Pres. Obama's staunchest advocates and supporters.
Time and again, it's Bill Clinton humbly offering, "May I get you a cup of coffee, Mr. Pres..."
The Flint water scandal would never have occurred under a Democratic governor. Only gop governors can wreak so much havoc on a state. Elections have consequences.
Robbery suspect fatally shot by officer at St. Louis fast food restaurant
A St. Louis police sergeant shot and killed a robbery suspect at a fast food restaurant Sunday night after a witness flagged him down and reported the holdup, authorities said.
The officer had been assigned to a special detail working a Martin Luther King Jr. memorial march in the area, sources said. Someone waved him over and told him about a robbery at the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant on Grand Boulevard near Gravois Avenue about 6 p.m.
A large area, including both directions of Grand Boulevard, was blocked off by police tape after the shooting. A crowd of about 40 onlookers gathered for about two hours at a gas station across the street. Some had been part of the King memorial march earlier in the evening. Marchers had blocked the intersection at Grand and Gravois for about 12 minutes before filing into the Metro Christian Worship Center for a King memorial, and to reflect on the future of the Black Lives Matter movement, which gained momentum following the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson.
Of the fact that the shooting came during a weekend of King memorials, Kennedy said: “I think it’s a message.”
She did not elaborate.
Some protesters at the scene were chanting, “Police are the enemy,” and “No justice, no peace.”
Faith_and_Fairness said...
Let's not forget then Sen. Joe Biden, who once remarked how the phenomenon of the Obama candidacy was due in part to a black man being so clean cut and articulate, as though such qualities are anomalies in black people.
"They're going to put y'all back in chains!"
Joe Biden, August 14, 2012
"I don't feel noways tired!"
Hillary Clinton, 2007 campaign speech in Selma.
Uh, the governor who is responsible for this mess is a white man.
Governors are responsible for municipal water departments?
Maybe this should this go all the way up to the President. Nah.
The only thing we know for sure in BRA, is that blacks are never responsible.
I wonder what James Biatch and Dindu had to say when the water in West Virginia got contaminated. Oh that's right, nothing. I wonder why.
Governors are responsible for municipal water departments?
No dumbass, they are responsible for appointing emergency managers that usurp the authority of local officials. White racists are soooooo fucking stooooopid.
"We’ve got an unpopular set of presidential candidates this year–Bernie Sanders is the only candidate in either party with a net-positive favorability rating — but Trump is the most unpopular of all. His favorability rating is 33 percent, as compared with an unfavorable rating of 58 percent, for a net rating of -25 percentage points. By comparison Hillary Clinton, whose favorability ratings are notoriously poor, has a 42 percent favorable rating against a 50 percent unfavorable rating, for a net of -8 points. Those are bad numbers, but nowhere near as bad as Trump’s."
(source: )
Trump will be the next President.
Well, Obama is responsible for appointing the head of the EPA which according to the Detroit News KNEW about the contaminated water in Flint early last year and did nothing.
"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s top Midwest official said her department knew as early as April about the lack of corrosion controls in Flint’s water supply — a situation that likely put residents at risk for lead contamination — but said her hands were tied in bringing the information to the public.
Starting with inquiries made in February, the federal agency battled Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality behind the scenes for at least six months over whether Flint needed to use chemical treatments to keep lead lines and plumbing connections from leaching into drinking water. The EPA did not publicize its concern that Flint residents’ health was jeopardized by the state’s insistence that such controls were not required by law.
Instead of moving quickly to verify the concerns or take preventative measures, federal officials opted to prod the DEQ to act, EPA Region 5 Administrator Susan Hedman told The Detroit News this week. Hedman said she sought a legal opinion on whether the EPA could force action, but it wasn’t completed until November."
This treatment of citizens is a despicable situation, regardless. How can the EPA continue to let children get poisoned by lead? I truly feel sorry for the Flint residents. They were treated horribly by everyone who should have had their children's best interests at heart. Shame on all of those bureaucrats.
White Lies Matter said...
I wonder what James Biatch and Dindu had to say when the water in West Virginia got contaminate
Nothing, because white people don't blame others for their problems, they fix them.
Nothing, because white people don't blame others for their problems, they fix them.
Uh yeah, right. They certainly steal (ahem).
Let's not forget then Sen. Joe Biden, who once remarked how the phenomenon of the Obama candidacy was due in part to a black man being so clean cut and articulate, as though such qualities are anomalies in black people.
His drug laws did more damage to the Black community than all his words put together.
Nothing, because white people don't blame others for their problems, they fix them.
LOL! They just blame one negro.
"Nothing, because white people don't blame others for their problems...
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Comedy gold. Pure comedy gold.
Cause we dindu nuffin!
The Purple Cow said...
"Comedy gold. Pure comedy gold."
You know what's real comedy gold? Watching black people hold "Stop the Violence" rallies where someone gets shot, or watching the black community come together to help each other out during natural disasters, like Katrina, or watching a horde of blacks burn down their own neighborhood in protest of a cop defending himself from a criminal bent on killing him.
Now THAT'S funny!
@Chain Gang: I agree when clarifying the potential harm with enacting GOP plans to repeal financial regulations "shackling the middle class" would have been a far more effective metaphor than VP Biden inadvertently suggesting a return to slave chains.
Interestingly, the Tasha Cobb gospel song "Break Every Chain" comes to mind, whereby the 47% heard the chains falling during the re-election of Pres. Obama.
The GOP said...
"they are responsible for appointing emergency managers that usurp the authority of local officials."
Uh, the governor did appoint emergency managers to come in and address the "emergency" caused by black people trying to run a water treatment plant.
Faith_and_Fairness said...
@Chain Gang: I agree when clarifying the potential harm with enacting GOP plans to repeal financial regulations "shackling the middle class" would have been a far more effective metaphor than VP Biden inadvertently suggesting a return to slave chains
So, reducing government overreach is "shackling the middle class"? Less oppression makes you more free?
Black people want to be chained, apparently, as long as the white man is chained too.
I prefer everyone's right to liberty to be unchained.
In agreement with you, Bill: However, let's be honest about what became a bipartisan effort regarding these drug laws. Hence the reason activists across the country are demanding greater accountability from candidates seeking our votes. All we can do as a nation, moving forward, is display better prudence selecting public officials with workable solutions to dismantle decades of draconian policies.
"You know what's real comedy gold? Watching black people hold "Stop the Violence" rallies where someone gets shblah blah blah, fucking blah."
Mr. White, you're clearly a dim-witted little man with no past and no future. I don't think you are in a position to lecture your intellectual and emotional superiors on what qualifies as 'funny' to someone as stupid as you. I don't care what you consider funny, because nothing that springs forward from your putrid, puss-filled little brain could ever be of consequence.
Now instead of wasting the time of smart people here, why don't you fuck off back to your Stormfront buddies, or better still go outside and try to find yourself a brain.
Now run along and stop wasting our time, there's a good little boy.
What do you think about this article? What can possible be done to change poor black children's lives when educators have low expectations of students because they are unable to enforce discipline for terrible behavior? And what about those students who really want to learn but can't because of other students?
Why don't you ever address serious issues like these outlined in the referenced article in your blog?
Isn't it already being addressed since you linked it from a newspaper in the affected area? Is it on YOUR blog? Thanks for playing the concern troll game.
"Why don't you ever address serious issues like these outlined in the referenced article in your blog?"
Because it's so much easier just to say "racist".
PilotX said...
Isn't it already being addressed since you linked it from a newspaper in the affected area? Is it on YOUR blog? Thanks for playing the concern troll game.
You know, you are absolutely right. My kids are grown, educated, employed. I no longer teach and education, or lack thereof, in this country is no longer my concern.
Good, so we don't have to hear from you again?
Or maybe it's because we can't have discussions about issues without racists like you chiming in with insults?
We prefer our racists to be like PilotX.
@Free Man: The narrative regarding financial or even environmental regulations translating to government over-reach is a myth. American history shows liberty and prosperity are the result of government, social and private sectors spearheading the kind of policies that ensured saving for a rainy day, enjoying discretionary income, affording college or vocational schooling, and not worrying about extreme levels of contamination in our air and drinking water. Without Health Inspections or Consumer Protection Agency, our quality of life would be at the mercy of unscrupulous entities.
Quite frankly, I'm opposed to the over use of a slave and/or racists references. And I can understand concerns of miring financial and other industries in a nanny state.
Ultimately, resisting the urge to employ a one-size fits all mindset will go a long way in balancing proper government oversight with the freedom to facilitate a robust economy.
"Why don't you ever address serious issues like these outlined in the referenced article in your blog?"
Translated: Why don't you do more posts blaming poor black people for their own problems?
Also @Mr. Free Man, suggesting black people want all white people to be in chains, too... Seriously?? And may I suggest a listen to the song by En Vogue called "Free Your Mind."
Faith_and_Fairness said...
American history shows liberty and prosperity are the result of government, social and private sectors spearheading the kind of policies that ensured saving for a rainy day, enjoying discretionary income, affording college or vocational schooling, and not worrying about extreme levels of contamination in our air and drinking water.
This is exactly wrong.
Government can increase security and equality, but only through reducing liberty and prosperity.
Liberty and prosperity result from the minimization of the role of government in regulated affairs between individuals.
Every law on the books by definition restricts liberty.
Every tax by necessity reduces prosperity.
The stagnation we have seen in American prosperity over the past 50 years correlates precisely with the erosion of personal liberties associated with expansion of the managerial state.
There are obviously social goods in increased security and egalitarianism, but they come with a high price tag. And that prices becomes ever higher the managerial state never stops expanding its power. Those chains are getting heavier every day.
Faith_and_Fairness said...
Also @Mr. Free Man, suggesting black people want all white people to be in chains, too... Seriously??
The metaphor is that black people apparently accept limits on their own freedom as long as whites have their freedoms restricted as well. They would rather live together in chains than take their chances free on their own.
Correction... We prefer the voice of reason in the form of PilotX. On the other hand, a matter of keeping the faith truly overcoming the racists that plague our nation and world.
By the way, for everyone observing the reflections of the civil rights movement, Happy Dr. M.L. King Day :-)
"By the way, for everyone observing the reflections of the civil rights movement, Happy Dr. M.L. King Day :-)"
The Martin Luther Kingiest celebration of the day:
Shooting at Martin Luther King Jr. DART Station near Fair Park Monday afternoon as crowds were clearing out from the nearby Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade.
DALLAS – Several shots were fired at the MLK DART Station near Fair Park Monday afternoon as crowds were clearing out from the nearby Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade.
One person was wounded after several shots were fired at the MLK DART Station near Fair Park Monday afternoon, just as crowds were clearing out from the nearby Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade.
DART officials say one person was shot in the hand and was taken to Baylor University Medical Center.
News 8 cameras saw one person arrested at an apartment complex near the scene.
Police have not released the identities of the wounded individual or the suspect.
DART police stopped all train movement to the MLK Station for two hours while they investigated. They reopened the station just before 5 p.m.
Fair Park was the site of a celebration Monday afternoon for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
@Free Man: Eloquently stated from the liberterian playbook. Please know I make this statement without malice due to the elephant in the room regarding tax reform
As such when replying to your post, I conceded the drawbacks of a nanny state that infringes upon freedom and vibrant markets.
But just as you can point out instances where government regulations resulted in dire effects or unintended consequences, there's an equal number of bipartisan efforts that enabled more Americans to share in an economy abounding in good paying jobs, safe communities and innovative schools of learning for our children.
To be clear, more government is no more effective than less government. Plus the metaphor alluding to groups of black people settling for limited freedoms is equally absurd. This is because regardless of color, gender, religion, etc., no citizen should be subjected to anything less than the full pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.
Case in point when discussing the standoff between the protesters and federal government in Oregon, most black people are not proposing the ranchers be treated with the same militarized over-reach and disdain the BLM protesters endured. Liberty and freedom of expression should be met with the same dignified response for all.
Anonymous wrote:
"Why don't you ever address serious issues like these outlined in the referenced article in your blog?"
Field Negro wrote:
Translated: Why don't you do more posts blaming poor black people for their own problems?
I say:
If I were on the minority side of the equation, I’d be insulted to think that there is a belief and an acceptance that we were not capable of behaving and learning as well as white students in school.
Excellent point Faith. Taxes are necessary for civilized society as are laws and regulations. Let's not mistake freedom for ignoring agreed upon limitations that help everyone live somewhat a dignified and healthy life.
With regard to less government, want to clarify the longterm objective should be a balanced government focused on policy needs that ensure proper oversight and fiscal stewardship, including national security.
They really should have been debating who is the bigger cunt: Yisheng or lilac?
field negro said...
Translated: Why don't you do more posts blaming poor black people for their own problems?
Blaming the victims of dumbocrat polices isn't going to fix the problem.
From the "un-fucking-believable" department:
"Uh, the governor who is responsible for this mess is a white man."
So, to recap:
1. Flint starts out buying water from Detroit (which actually comes from Lake Huron).
2. In 2013, Black-run Flint decides that Detroit charges too much and votes to join the Karegnondi Water Authority.
3. The city of Detroit (also Black-run) decides to stop selling water to Flint before the Karegnondi pipeline is ready. The Flint city council votes 7-1 to get water from the Flint river.
4. Flint cheaps out and fails to do the necessary anti-corrosion treatment of the river water to prevent lead from leaching out of its ancient piping.
5. Kids wind up with lead poisoning. (Who saw THAT coming?)
And from this, the NAPAs conclude that responsibility for the mess doesn't fall onto Black-run Flint, or Black-run Detroit, but a White guy in Lansing. You can't make this up.
If there's any White responsibility for this, it belongs to the people who wrote and passed the 14th Amendment and the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Those with the minds of children in adult bodies should not be allowed to vote, and those who cannot maintain civilization should not be considered citizens of a civilized country. Part of civilization is taking responsibility for your own screwups, which NAPAs manifestly cannot do.
"They're going to put y'all back in chains!"
Obsolete farm equipment is obsolete. It needs to go back to Africa where it can feed the lions, leopards and hyenas. That is the only socially responsible use it has left.
"they are responsible for appointing emergency managers that usurp the authority of local officials"
The city council decided on the policy; the EM only approved it. What was the EM supposed to do, command Detroit to keep supplying water to Flint?
"Why don't you do more posts blaming poor black people for their own problems?"
Because if, you know, you blamed poor Black people FOR THE PROBLEMS THEY ACTUALLY CAUSE THEMSELVES, they might CHANGE WHAT THEY'RE DOING and fix the problems? Because blaming Whitey for problems caused by Black behavior DOESN'T HELP?
You'd rather amp up racial animosity than improve people's lives. Un-fucking-believable. Or rather, all too typical... and incompatible with civilization.
You'd rather amp up racial animosity than improve people's lives. Un-fucking-believable. Or rather, all too typical... and incompatible with civilization.
Says the asshole who spends every second of his miserable life amping up racial animosity. Why don't you choke on your hypocrisy?
"Immediate complaints about the taste, appearance and smell of the water were largely ignored by the state, which also dismissed early concerns about tests showing a spike in lead levels in the blood of Flint children. It wasn't until early October -- months after outgoing Snyder chief of staff Dennis Muchmore raised concerns in a July 2015 e-mail that the legitimate concerns of Flint residents were being "blown off" -- that Snyder and other state officials acknowledged a major problem."
The incompetent white governor failed at his job to protect the people of his state. Just another example of white incompetence. Maybe this is why James Bitch is unemployed or is it his B.O.?
"The incompetent white governor failed at his job to protect the people of his state"
Yes, it his fault. He never should have allowed black people to try and run a water department.
In fact, all black dysfunction is white people's fault. We never should have given blacks the right to vote or run anything. It's like letting your five year old drive a car - completely irresponsible.
Making decisions for black people is the White Man's Burden, and it's time we started doing our job.
"Says the asshole who spends every second of his miserable life amping up racial animosity."
As if you could hate White people any more than you already do. Besides, it's fun to throw narrative-breaking facts at you and watch your heads asplode.
"The incompetent white governor failed at his job to protect the people of his state."
The incompetent Black governments of Flint and Detroit created the problem, but BLAME WHITEY! Of course, you have to blame Whitey because Black people can't fix anything.
"Just another example of white incompetence."
Another example of the fear of "rayciss!" for stepping in where Black people have failed. I don't like stupid violent fuckups regardless of what they look like. If you want to call me "racist" because that description fits so many Blacks, go right ahead. The word no longer means anything.
"Making decisions for black people is the White Man's Burden, and it's time we started doing our job."
Ah, someone from SBPDL. I agree, and one of those decisions should be whether to reproduce. I vote "no".
As if you could hate White people any more than you already do. Besides, it's fun to throw narrative-breaking facts at you and watch your heads asplode.
You've never thrown any facts. When you do it will be the first. No one hates white people, we hate white racists like you who come here to stir up shit. Admit it.
The incompetent Black governments of Flint and Detroit created the problem, but BLAME WHITEY! Of course, you have to blame Whitey because Black people can't fix anything.
Because whites are perfect. Yeah. Check.
Ah, someone from SBPDL. I agree, and one of those decisions should be whether to reproduce. I vote "no".
No asshole, you're not a bit racist. We could point out white fails such as the entire fucking state of West Virginia but we don't sit around searching for stories of failures and attribute race to them like you. Get a life.
Besides, it's fun to throw narrative-breaking facts at you and watch your heads asplode.
You mean like the time you linked us to a ninth grader's term paper as evidence of something? Or how about your repeated plagiarizing of Jared Taylor's work as your own? You are a not so bright individual who constantly takes swipes at people who are more intelligent and successful that you will ever be. You probably have never been with a woman outside of your family and need to find a vent for your frustrations. Sad little fuck you are James Bitch. The only way out of your sad existence is to kill yourself. Bye bitch!
"You've never thrown any facts. When you do it will be the first."
You see the facts, but your weak African brain cannot process them or admit they exist. That is part of what makes you pathetic and worthless.
"No one hates white people, we hate white racists like you who come here to stir up shit."
Any White who contradicts your insane narrative is "racist" according to that same narrative.
I come here to stir you up because (a) I'm curious about the delusions being passed off as reality in the coonmunity, (b) I enjoy doing research, and (c) the head asplosions are so damn funny.
"Because whites are perfect."
Really. Can you link to anyplace where I said that? Of course not. You just don't have anything significant to say.
White people don't have to be perfect, we just have to be better at government and society than you. Which we are. You prove it every time one of you leaves a Black ghetto for a place that's more White. You hate Whiteness, but you need it. And you hate needing it.
"No asshole, you're not a bit racist. We could point out white fails such as the entire fucking state of West Virginia"
Except West Virginians are rousing successes compared to you. A much larger fraction of them are employed compared to the 'hood, even where the chief employers have shut down. Their levels of property and violent crime are a fraction of ghetto levels, even though they are poorer in absolute terms.
I do put this down to race. Poor West Virginians do better than you for the simple reason that they are not Africans. Go ahead and call me "racist". Yell the word all you want; your problem is that I'm right.
"You mean like the time you linked us to a ninth grader's term paper as evidence of something?"
Citation needed. (That's the Wikipedia way of calling you a liar.)
"Or how about your repeated plagiarizing of Jared Taylor's work as your own?"
How nice that you know the work of Jared Taylor. List where I have appropriated it without attribution. Specific comment URLs, please.
"You are a not so bright individual who constantly takes swipes at people who are more intelligent and successful that you will ever be."
You wish one of those people was you. All I can say is that none of you FNers has risen to any of my challenges regarding my accomplishments or anything else.
"You probably have never been with a woman outside of your family and need to find a vent for your frustrations."
I have been with more women than I can count, and none of them were inside my family. But do keep up with the psychological projection. Coming from the race that turned "motherfucker" into a stock insult, it is most revealing of the very things you hate having revealed.
I have been with more women than I can count, and none of them were inside my family.
Because you can't fucking count hillbilly! You just keep sucking your mom's cootch you inbred.
It amuses me to see how quickly you exhaust your supply of facts and reason and descend to throwing old, worn-out insults. It's the on-line equivalent of the monkey flinging his poo.... typical of the North American Pavement Ape.
Typical dumb ass inbred hillbilly has no idea of what irony means.
It amuses me to see how quickly you exhaust your supply of facts and reason and descend to throwing old, worn-out insults. It's the on-line equivalent of the monkey flinging his poo.... typical of the North American Inbred Hillbilly.
Poor West Virginians do better than you for the simple reason that they are not Africans.
Uh no. The trailer park, shotgun shack living hillbillies live better that YOU but don't project your pathetic life on me. Unlike the toothless, uneducated, smelly losers i.e. your family, I am educated and live in a nice area without rejects like you. I guess compared to you overdosing on heroine, having no teeth, having no job but just happy to be white is not doing better than me. A hovel in West Virginia would be a step up for you and your family.
"A hovel in West Virginia would be a step up for you and your family."
Do you believe that firmly enough to put money on it? I'll give you 2:1 odds if you'll wager $100k or more.
Of course, we've all seen that you don't actually believe it; you won't risk one penny. Your mouth writes checks you can't cash.
James, you are the fucking dumbest individual who ever walked the earth. Typical of retarded racists. Must be the inbreeding.
It amuses me to see how quickly you exhaust your supply of facts and reason and descend to throwing old, worn-out insults. It's the on-line equivalent of the monkey flinging his poo.... typical of the North American Pavement Ape.
Because you are the fucking paragon of reasoned thought. Quick question. Has ANYONE EEVR taken you up on your idiotic idea if betting 100K with complete strangers online? Ever?
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the ass.
"Quick question. Has ANYONE EEVR taken you up on your idiotic idea if betting 100K with complete strangers online? Ever?"
They've taken themselves up on the idiotic idea of asserting claims they cannot support, so why shouldn't I bet them that they're totally wrong? Either they refuse to bet me and I win the verbal contest, or they bet me and I win money.
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