What else was she going to do to stay relevant? She had no choice but to hook up with FOX VIEWS and become their house coon. The black person they call when they want to have a black person bash other black people. Kind of like Crystal Wright does over at CNN or whatever network calls her to give some face time to make her ignorant and ill-informed comments.
But back to the coon of the moment (her cousins' words, not mine), Stacey Dash.
Poor Stacey doesn't realize that she is being used by these white folks, and that she will never be accepted by them.
I suspect, though, that she doesn't care. As long as the checks don't bounce and she can stay in the public spotlight, she is fine with her current role as the black person who wishes that she was white.
“BET lies to American black people by telling them that the rest of America is racist, so stick close to your own kind,” she wrote in a blog post titled “How BET Lies To Black People” posed on Jan. 21. “My problem goes back to the notion that every area of life needs to break down exactly according to demographic ratios except in those areas in which black people have decided they want to have their own space. I don’t have a problem with black people having their own space. I have a problem with the folks at BET absolutely freaking out when other institutions don’t match up to what they think is best.” [Source]
"THEIR OWN SPACE"? Well we have to give it to Stacey, at least she has already accepted the fact that she is no longer black.
I guess "The Drop Squad" worked faster than I thought this time.
Finally, I am going to be stuck under at least 20 inches of snow this weekend. I need some suggestions for a good book to read just in case my power goes out.
*Pic from twitter.
“BET lies to American black people by telling them that the rest of America is racist, so stick close to your own kind,”
Hey, it sounds like BET stole the Field Negro's business model!
Can you remember the last time Philly was so white? I bet the crime rates in Philly will drop this weekend. Unfortunately, the snow will melt, the whiteness goes away and crime rates will rise.
Yisheng: cunt
lilac: cunt
Lance Cockstrong: retard
Ministry of Truth: retard
Wow! That's one heck of a storm you guys are getting! Hope it's not as bad as they forecast it.
Wish I was there! :( ...I love snowball fights...
and sledding....waaaaaaaaahhh!
Me wan go sledding...
I was just in DC recently and soooooooo glad that we no longer live there, LOL!! It was nice to visit though!!
Stay warm and dry Field!!
PR, I'll go sledding with you, but imma pass on the snow ball fight, ROTFL!!!
Blogger Yīshēng said...
I was just in DC recently and soooooooo glad that we no longer live there, LOL!! It was nice to visit though!!
You have moved? Where do you live? I thought you were at Georgetown and also at the National Institute of Health. What happened?
Are you still in school?
"I suspect, though, that she doesn't care. As long as the checks don't bounce and she can stay in the public spotlight, she is fine with her current role as the black person who wishes that she was white."
Field, do you know any Blacks who are glad they are Black?
Do you know of any Blacks who won't sell out their black brothers and sisters for the money?
Throughout the history of this nation the black race has had the dubious distinction of selling out their race...that includes Obama, Rev Sharpton, Michael Dyson, the CBC, Charles Barkley, and a host of black athletes.
So, why are you coming down on Stacey as though she is the "exception?" No brother Field, she is the "norm" in our race.
Just ask Cornel West and Tavis Smiley.
@10;50, I moved to Japan not long ago, and joined a Zen temple.
I chant all day these days.
Yīshēng said...
PR, I'll go sledding with you, but imma pass on the snow ball fight, ROTFL!!!
10:39 PM
Awww! Thanks! :) We'll go sledding, afterwards, just one, no, maybe just 2 little snowballs? Pretty pleeeeaassee! :D
Yisheng said...
@10;50, I moved to Japan not long ago, and joined a Zen temple.
I chant all day these days.
11:21 PM
Really? You have joined a Zen Temple and you chant all day? What type of Zen are you practicing?
What happened to Med School and becoming a doctor? Did you quit?
Stacey Dash is a mixed woman.
so, too, is Barack Obama a mixed person.
i get folk 'feel' Black. even those with two white parents, from time to time. however, this is NOT the fact. since WW/other strange women do not birth the Black nation. (strange used in the biblical sense. before folk rush to misunderstand + take needless offense.)
color/race doesn't matter.
the Truth does.
seems BM, everywhere, have gone sexist h.a.m behind this mixed woman behaving...strange.
i for one find it to be pure comedy.
at some point folk WILL learn.
while acting, it made sense to be Black. BM would support that.
now...she has moved on.
Barack Obama, who some Black folk STILL worship. will give millions after millions to the folk who say they are Hebrew but are not.
kanye shrug.
quite a few Black folk will STILL be proud and pretend all criticism = racism.
ps. kanye shrug because there will be NO reparations for the Real Hebrews, who fit ALL of the prophecies of Scripture.
the fake Hebrews who wish they were the Real deal, WILL continue to fleece america. esau will continue to focus on breathing life into white supremacy while pretending not to notice what the other gentiles are up to.
it is written that esau is the end of the world (where we are now, without a doubt.) and yacob is what follows...
so it all makes perfect sense really.
BET lies? The videos or is it 106 and Park. Stacey is pretty but dumb as a rock. Just refer to her as the star of Clueless.
Field, regarding the reading materials - 'A Brief History Of Seven Killings' by Marlon James.
The finest Yawdie novel of this generation.
if you haven't already.
Is she the one that went full nude in that movie, Blue something? I might have to put her back in the spank bank.
Read "Between the World and Me" by Ta Nehisi Coates. It is eloquently written (a little over 150 pages).
Coates is considered by Toni Morrison as the man who fills the void of James Baldwin. I agree.
That fine piece of caramel that would melt so warm in your mouth Stacey Dash is speaking uncomfortable truths blacks would much rather leave unspoken. For that she must be punished by the left.
Because this black woman has a different opinion than you she is an "aging actress" and expressing her opinion and being paid for it is "trying to stay relevant"?
Are you saying diversity of views is verboten if one has dark skin pigmentation and deserves a personal attacks?
Book: A Star Called Henry (Roddy Doyle). Irish struggle for independence. Superbly written.
Thanks for the readi suggestions. I already read the book PC mentioned (Yes, James is a fine writer) as well as the one by Coates mentioned by Aon. Haven't read A Star Called Henry, though. I might have to check that out.
Field, have you read Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again by our soon to be new president Donald J. Trump? Donald J. Trump is a great writer who lays out his plan to make America great again.
I will pass. I would rather read grafiti on the walls of an abandoned building.
@12:05 AM, I moved to Japan not long ago, and joined a Zen temple.
I chant all day these days.
Did you not understand what I wrote the first time?
BTW, the next 200 times you ask me this question, my answer is going to be the same.
When ThinkProgress.com admits Bernie is ignorant about the constitution...
Why Bernie Sanders’ Misinformed Supreme Court Tweet Matters
The problem with this tweet, however, is that it betrays a serious misunderstanding of how the Supreme Court operates.
No surprise since ThinkProgress is in the Clinton camp.
Field said...
I need some suggestions for a good book to read just in case my power goes out.
'The Joy Of Sex' might be of help if your "power"goes out. Oh...you mean the electricity :)?
Oops xD
State Dept says this weekend's snow storm will delay the January 29 release of next batch of Hillary Clinton emails by a month (cough), past the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries.
They really aren't even trying anymore when it comes to plausibility, are they?
I suggest my book, Time Experiments by Dave Bell. You'd have to order it online or at a book store, so you won't have it in time for this storm. but the first 50 pages are online in previews.
Field you sure know how to hurt a guy! Mixing up me with that Noxious Nazi?! Ouch! Not a peep out of him for awhile now so hopefully we have heard the last of him and his bullshit. My daughter has been after me to read A People's History Of The United States by Howard Zinn, recalls America's history from various points of view, African Americans, Native Americans, immigrants, women, etc. Still snowing here in Bucks County, but no power outage yet, hope same in Philly!
I wonder, does the fact that the "conservative" media (as represented by Fox News and National Review) are so stridently anti-Trump make any "liberals" consider taking a second look at him?
"A People's History Of The United States by Howard Zinn"
If you like a heavy leftist anti-American slant to your history, you'll love it. It was designed to indoctrinate students into the leftist narrative, something you already subscribe to, so it may not be the best use of your time.
At first glance Stacy Dash catering to the conservatives' notion that they aren't racist seems deplorable. Beyond house. Slave catcher behavior. But then there is the consideration of how white conservatives like Stacy Dash types like Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Allen West, and Alan Keyes, etc. Maybe that's why they think they aren't racist. They like the "good ones". How often do you hear them say something like, "Im not racist, but...". When Barack Obama ran against Alan Keyes for the senate, there was no drop off in the number of people voting. Conservatards voted for Alan Keyes. I have a friend who gets mistaken for one of the "good ones" and he has some interesting stories to tell. White racists have complained about black people to him until he speaks up about it. I do think conservatives will gladly vote for a slave catcher over a white person, all other things being equal. Maybe that's their brand of white guilt. They think they aren't racist because they do like two per cent of the black people. They like the slave catchers.
The Shadow Speaker, by Nnedi Okorafor. She has a series of books.
Someone messing with your meds again limpdick??? Or did your tin foild hat stop working? That's a rambling mess even for you.
Lance, I apologize, and yes, u must read Zinn's book. It's a bible of sorts. :)
Limpbaugh, I will check out your book online.
Lilac@12:36 u so bad.
Anon@3:06, TY for that suggestion.
Why do blacks only read black authors?
"Why do blacks only read black authors?"
Karl Marx was black???
Who knew?????
The Purple Cow said...
Karl Marx was black???
Who knew?????
I guess Nietzsche, Jung, Lao Tzu, and Shakespeare were Black too....... actually, Shakespeare WAS Black!!! Ha ha!!
Why don't Whooteemoos READ??
Yīshēng said...
"I was just in DC recently and soooooooo glad that we no longer live there"
So are we.
Yīshēng said...
I guess Nietzsche, Jung, Lao Tzu, and Shakespeare were Black too....... actually, Shakespeare WAS Black!!! Ha ha!!
They will be in the next movie about them.
Not like you ever a read thing by any of those authors.
Stacey Dash is entitled to her opinion. However, she touches the painful wound of being Black that the race has carried for a long time. That wound is the shame of being Black and generally rejected by the majority, including some Blacks. I am well into my 80's, and I know the wound runs deep. Stacey, like so many Blacks, wants to suppress the impact of being Black by wiping out BET, and anything else that's black related. In other words, we must ignore our hearts, depressions and PTSD'S that are the result of inequality and racism. We must pretend that NONE of what happened in the past, or happens to us today is because of our black skin.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work. That's why racism is a continuing painful 'shameful' thing in America that nobody wants to deal with at its core. It has us in its grips.
Blogger Yīshēng said...
@12:05 AM, I moved to Japan not long ago, and joined a Zen temple.
I chant all day these days.
Did you not understand what I wrote the first time?
BTW, the next 200 times you ask me this question, my answer is going to be the same.
12:15 PM
Apparently I did not understand. I'm doing my best to become a better reader and a better communicator. I am just not as good at it as you are.
The reason I asked about what kind of Zen you are practicing because I have interest in Zen myself. In the past, the Zen I practiced was meditation and metta practice more than anything else.
Anyway, it was not my intention to aggravate you. Enjoy your stay in Japan.
Read "Seven Eves" by the great sci-fi writer Neal Stephenson...
"Poor Stacey doesn't realize that she is being used by these white folks, and that she will never be accepted by them."
I think she realizes she will never be accepted as White. Nevertheless, she can hope, can't she? I mean, OJ used to have special white privileges before he got into trouble.
Look at Barkley, Whites love him.
Look at Whoopi, remember your post about her tommin?
And what about Raven Symonne? Lord have mercy.
I could list a whole lot more, but I just don't have the time. Besides, it's too damn depressing.
And let's not forget America's wholesome father model Mr Bill Cosby who told the black race they need to get their shit together.
depressed negro
@Anonymous 2:46PM -
Have you read it?
Anonymous said...
Anyway, it was not my intention to aggravate you. Enjoy your stay in Japan.
There are FAR too many ill intended racists that post as anonymous on this site for me to respond legitimately (all the time) with the details of my life.
Suffice it to say, that you'll know when I'm done with my training when I start posting as Dr. Yisheng.
Lance Cockstrong said...
@Anonymous 2:46PM -
Have you read it?
Only because I was forced to.
HA! When you posted has dr. queen you claimed to be done. You not smart like Asians so you better off thinking it takes a smaret person like you to serve us coffee.
Chief Whooteemoo, I am surprised that you doubt Yisheng's honesty. You sound more like a Native Indian who is jealous of her education.
Are you?
Late to the party a usual, some reading suggeations:
The Sell-out by Paul Beatty. screamingly funny satire
The Flight to Canada by Ishmael Reed. loopy, more timeless, satire
So Long, See You Tomorrow by William Maxwell. poor white farmers. powerful.
Again, thanks for all the suggestions.
I actually read "Flight to Canada" by Reed, and it was a very good read.
(Read/reed. I swear I didn't mean to do that)
Bozo, I knew you had great taste. :)
Thanks for giving Time Experiments a look, Field!
Anonymous @ 3:09 PM What you have is called cognitive dissonance. You've watched too much corporate news. They can tell you anything.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwnnnn, @8:19!!
It continues to creates lies to disparage me because it's insecure about the fact that I have MORE education and is in a prestigious career, and it isn't.
It also fails to realize that no matter how many lies it tells, it will NEVER amount to anything, much like it's pathetic excuse of a life.
Take some community college classes while you continue your now 8 year trolling/stalking of my posts. In another 10 years, you may even have an associate's degree. LOL!!!
@Anonymous 7:38PM -
Forced to? Nevermind, I don't want to know. Fair enough, lack of objectivity seems to be a common criticism. But that should come as no surprise, given the title "People's History", and that it purports "to tell America's story from the point of view of -- and in the words of -- America's women, factory workers, African-Americans, Native Americans, working poor, and immigrant laborers.". Perhaps the perspective of a billionaire or 2 should have been included for balance.
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