The Donald: I started running for President little more than six months ago. Right from the start, the mass media pushed the theme that my appeal was limited to the angry weirdos in flyover country. Once my poll numbers started to climb, they stopped calling my voters weirdos, but stuck with the angry motif. Every discussion of me now includes at least a side bar on the “angry voter.”
Tony Montana: Mass media still has to sell crap so they try not to be too obvious when insulting their customers. The whole “angry voter” bit it just a polite version of “bitter white trash losers.” The reason the white trash losers are angry and bitter is they are stupid and did not go to college. Instead of having glorious self-actualizing careers like being wrong on TV, they are at home munching on oxy, watching Jerry Springer and bitching about foreigners. So the theory goes, least-ways.
The Donald: This made perfect sense as the mass media has always made its money off the middle-class. American news is 10% reporting and 90% proselytizing. That 90% gets old fast unless you have some bogeymen. For as long as I have been alive, working class whites have been treated as life’s losers. In a nutshell, the mass media is “buy this, say that, wear these, do this” so you are not one of those proletarian losers down at the Walmart.
Black Ben: The truth of the matter is there’s not much of a “working class” culture anymore. That died out in the 70’s when large scale factory work was replaced with service work. The people in my neighborhood are called the “working poor” but there’s not many of them working. In modern America, working class and working poor both mean not working. The life of a welder or car mechanic is nothing like what our betters imagine.
Tony Montana: None of that matters as the point of painting the Trump vote as angry, toothless peasants pissed off about losing at life is to try and scare the middle-class into going along with the bipartisan fusion party candidate. It is not an attempt to explain; it is an effort to frighten and stigmatize. “You don’t want to be lumped in with those people do you?” is what is supposed to be heard by the viewers, even when the presentation is less explicit.
Dr Carson: Time to get mine while it's time to get yours/I'll get my paws in those silky drawers/Take you to the cleaners and I got a trick/Cause all you're ever gonna get is a piece of my dee dee duh
Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is? Dr. Carson: Tell me do you know? Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is? Dr. Carson: Tell me do yo know Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is? Dr. Carson: Tell me do you know? Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is? Dr. Carson: Tell me do you know?
Dr. Carson: Put you Gucci watch on synchronize the time and lets rock.
Trump: Some girlies are pretty, some girlies are fine But most girlie girlies like to play with your mind They like sporting new gold and riding in cars And most of them, they, they don't care who you are
They're materialistic and unrealistic And to most of them you're nothing but another statistic Who's ever got the money, they're all on his Y'all can save it for David, 'cause I know what time it is
Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is? Dr. Carson: Tell me do you know? Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is? Dr. Carson: Tell me do yo know Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is? Dr. Carson: Tell me do you know? Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is? Dr. Carson: Tell me do you know?
Interesting article, thanks for that. No doubt capitalism like everything else needs checks and balances, without such it becomes like a game of Monopoly. No doubt we are gravitating towards the feudal system that Hutton implies with the gig economy building lavish underground basements, swimming pools, etc for the 1%. And like everything else, stating the problem is easy, solutions are a lot more difficult. Hutton's solution is world peace, constraining banks and financial markets, power to the people, which is all well and good. So why, when we have in Bernie Sanders at least one presidential candidate who no doubt embraces these principles (perhaps Clinton does as well), do you dismiss him as empty rhetoric?
"So why, when we have in Bernie Sanders at least one presidential candidate who no doubt embraces these principles (perhaps Clinton does as well)*, do you dismiss him as empty rhetoric?"
Simply put, I want to see more meat on the bones of what Bernie is saying. In principal you can;t argue with his analysis, but how exactly would he go about achieving what he wants to achieve when the vast majority of the nations' elected legislature (let alone the forces of capitalism) will be against him? Just saying you are going to give America back to Americans and revive the American dream is one thing, how is he going to do that in the real world? I think the last twenty years has shown us just how hard it is to get things done.
Even now it's not too late to save America, but does Bernie actually have the guts to do what really needs to be done? Nothing would make me happier if he does.
"You're just too dug in on this make-believe Josh-as-the-enemy persona you decided to create from day one to look cool as the Brit black to the American blacks y'all try so hard to emulate, bruv...."
"Y'all try so hard to emulate bruv...." He actually said that. Does that make sense even to him, do you think?
...and he wonders why I consider him the enemy??
Maybe you're right Josh, maybe you are not my enemy. Maybe the fact that - like most fascists these days - you call yourself a 'Libertarian', is not a reason to hate you. Maybe the fact that you are a racist who can only assert his manhood by coming here to call us " dumb motherfuckers" and " slow cunts" every single day is not reason enough to hate you.
@ the Purple Cow. If Bernie wins the Dem nomination and is elected, I think we'll have a better chance for change than with Hillary, whose compromised relations with Wall Street are well documented. His consistency of point of view, expressed over at least four years, will probably have some effect in educating our sorry electorate, and maybe enough so that the constituency of Congress changes over that period. I think we can rest assured that he will stay "on message" during his term and that his cabinet appointments etc. will reflect his point of view. Hillary is compromised re: Wall Street and is already hated by most leading Republicans, so she would hardly be able to break the insane partisanship. Either one in office may be able to make new appointments to the Supremes and turn around some of the worst court decisions in history.
anotherbozo, agreed Hilary is totally compromised, she's as much a machine politician as her lousy husband.
** "Obama's reckless mismanagement and massive cronyism is about to send the world into a depression. The next President will inherit a disaster."
Of course Obama is personally responsible for capitalism's innate contradictions and for the reckless fiscal policies of the Chinese government. Of course he is.
That makes total sense Brainiac, now why don't you go for a lie-down in that darkened room over there? And the nice young man in the white coat will be along with your medication shortly.
I've never threatened a thing (I don't expect to lift a finger personally). I'm predicting, based on historical precedents like Tulsa in 1921. But I never expected you to get a clue, I'm just entertaining myself. ---------------
Oh lookie, James Bitch is predicting race wars like back in 1921. Such a lovable loser.
That makes total sense Brainiac, now why don't you go for a lie-down in that darkened room over there? And the nice young man in the white coat will be along with your medication shortly. ------------------ Are you saying our friend suffers from ODS?
Ben Carson: I don't even need a watch! I look at my wrist and I know, it's dark outside...
x*D Ahahahaha! I know, I know, forgive me!
This is actually my sons joke. He's melanin enriched ;) so when ever I ask him what time it is, he looks at his wrist and says "Not sure but it's dark outside"! Ahahahaha! Well I think it's funny!
Then he adds, "Look what this sun has done to me, I was born blonde and white, and look at me now!"
To which I add "yeah and don't forget you had blue eyes!"
Then my other kids would chime in "and we had straight hair too!!!"
So what you are saying is that what is missing from Bernie's platform is how he can implement it when he is shoveling shit against the tide, as it were? Certainly a very defeatist perspective, the very response that the right wing has been conditioning in us for the past 8 years. Who other than a right winger can meet that criteria? Look, you can cast aspersions on the motives of any politician, but the real world is in fact a political one. Like I said before (here) I have not seen any evasiveness from Bernie (well at least until today, a bit, on gun control and details of funding his universal health care proposal). Certainly more meat on the bones than what Hillary has put forth. And off the charts compared with the "VOTE FOR ME I AM A MAGICAL MOTHERFUCKER" from Butt Trumpet or any other right winger.
Bernie Sanders Reverses Course on Gun Immunity Vote ... Sanders has said he was open to reconsidering the law, but said last week his vote was "not a mistake."
But in a statement Saturday night, Sanders said he would support legislation recently introduced by...
"not a mistake" until Hillary calls him a gun nut for supporting the second amendment and he has to react.
Hey FieldNegro, if gun companies can be help liable for what criminals do with their guns, can GM also be held liable for selling cars to drunks that kill innocent people?
"A flip-flop by another name is still a flip-flop."
As Bill Clinton correctly pointed out the electorate likes flip-flopers. The obsession with politicians never changing their minds is one only shared by political journalists.
Bill Clinton was the most corrupt President in history.
His wife has history of seamy, money grubbing scandals like no other politician in memory. She is possibly going to be under federal indictment at the time of the convention.
Many in the Democratic Party are sickened by the Clintons, and Sanders offers a clear choice of a principled and uncompromised candidate.
Lance, I guess one man's defeatism is another man's realism.
To clarify my position, what Bernie is seeking is not particularly difficult thing to achieve in of itself, most of Western Europe already operates successfully along those lines. His views and policies are not exactly radical either, he is well to the Right of me politically - he is a box-standard social democrat, of a type that can be found behind every bush and under every rock in Western Europe.
However, trying to achieve what he wants to achieve in America is a very different thing indeed. Not only will he have a majority against him in both houses, he will have the might of the American menia against him doing the will of its billionaire owners. There are a 1001 vested interests in America, (think military-indistrial complex, think health care insurance companies, to name but a few) who will not sit idly by and watch America become a fairer and more decent society because it is not in their financial interest for that to happen.*
So to achieve what he wants, Bernie is going to need to radicalise the citizenry, he will need to get them on the streets demanding (as Lenin said) "the bakery, not just the crumbs on the table". He will need to forge alliances with other interested groups - the trade union movement, public service workers, government workers, health care workers, students, the unemployed, pensioners etc. All these things he will need to do, I want to hear him talk about that.
Of course all of that is prefaced on the promise that America can be reformed. It might be too late, it could be that America has to be dismantled and re-built in a new culture and a new structure.
*Though as an aside, I think it is in their long term financial interests, but the problem lies in the phrase 'long-term'. Too many companies in the Anglo-Saxon world are in thrall to shareholders, who will always demand a short term return on their investments. The post-war economic miracle that happened in Germany and Japan both took place in societies where there was very little public shareholding. This allowed German and Japanese companies to take a long-term view of what was good for their organizations at the expense of short-term profits. It was only when Germany and (in particular) Japan started to adopt the Anglo-Saxon model that things started to go wrong for them.
It might interest Field Negro readers to know that there are not only dumbasses of the Caucasian persuasion currently camped out in that wildlife refuge out in Oregon; there are also apparently dumbasses of color, too.
Brandon says he was motivated to join their militia movement by the inspirational example of Ammon's father, Cliven. (Was it Cliven's eloquent "one thing I know about the Negro" speech?)
Brandon is outraged about the feds' violation of his "right" to privacy -- in a very un-private park in which he and his like-minded (no-minded?) group are illegally trespassing.
He also thinks stealing land from taxpayers and "common law grand juries" (aka kangaroo courts with no legal authority, convened to announce phony charges against people one dislikes) are quite reasonable political proposals the rest of us should seriously consider. We should all give a hearing to the backwoods "constitutional lawyers" (*chortle*) he's been hanging out with.
He also says the Oregon crew has some useful things to teach Black Lives Matter.
Dear Mr Field, I don't know if you FN folks are aware but there is a Democratic debate tonight. I noticed you were on top of the Republican debate, but not the Dems....Why?
Fyi, Bernie Sanders is in the lead and probably will be our next President. As a bm, I feel Bernie is our best choice. Hillary is corrupt, lies and not trustworthy.
Anyway, thought I'd let you FN Negroes, Black and White, there is something important going on tonight.
We used to have laws that forbade upper management from being compensated in stock and they had to have the public and corporate interests in mind when making decisions. I think these laws were weakened sometime during the reagan administration and now they have a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders and not the corporation or community. Seems a simple tweak to this law would help corporations take a longer term view and possibly even slow outsourcing. Who knows?
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***The views expressed on this site are the field's and the field's alone. They do not reflect the views of his employer, or any professional or legal organization with which he is affiliated.***
This is a commercial free blog.
Money is nice, but being able to speak my mind is better.
"Real talk: Daniel Rubin has a great little piece up wherein he chats with The Field Negro, the Philly-based blogger who sharply ponders all things black on a daily basis. (Seriously, if you’ve never checked in with TFN, you should: Its author, Wayne Bennett, is a fantastic read who can cut through bullshit like a hot knife through butter, which is a far grosser analogy than I wanted to make, but there you have it.)" ~Philebrity~
"One of the most precocious and hilarious Black political minds on the net. Ive been a long-time fan!" ~Asad Malik~
"..While most of what he writes is tongue-in-cheek, his space is a safe house for candid discussions about race, especially in the comments section, where people of all colors meet." ~~Daniel Rubin, "The Philadelphia Inquirer"~~
"To white people, Bennett's musings are like kitchen-table talk from a kitchen they may otherwise never set foot in. To African Americans, he is part of a growing army of black Internet amateurs who have taken up the work once reserved for ministers and professional activists: the work of setting a black agenda, shaping black opinion and calling attention to the state of the nation's racial affairs."
~~Richard Fausset, "L.A. Times"~~~
"That's why I love the blog "Field Negro" so much. Field, as he's known to his fans, has the sense of reality that it takes to call out the (CowPuckey) of blame beating by those who are in positions of power and their lackeys. Because of his handle and his unabashed way of writing about racial issues, Field is often cited as a "Black blogger." What he is, however, is a first-class detector of blame deflection and an excellent student of history. If you want to write about the past and future of repression there's really no other perspective to take - which is why everyone should read Field."
Raised in the house, but field certified. Jamaica is the land of my birth, but I consider myself a citizen of the world. I currently practice law in the city of "brotherly love".
"Half a century after Little Rock, the Montgomery bus boycott and the tumultuous dawn of the modern civil rights era, the new face of the movement is Facebook, MySpace and some 150 black blogs united in an Internet alliance they call the AfroSpear.
Older, familiar leaders such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, are under challenge by a younger generation of bloggers known by such provocative screen names as Field Negro, thefreeslave and African American Political Pundit. And many of the newest struggles are being waged online." ~Howard Witt-The Chicago Tribune~
"I had no idea, for example, of the extent of the African-American blogging world out there and its collective powers of dissemination.But now, after reading thousands of anguished, thoughtful comments posted on these blogs reflecting on issues of persistent racial discrimination in the nation's schools and courtrooms, what's clear to me is that there's a new, "virtual" civil rights movement out there on the Internet that can reach more people in a few hours than all the protest marches, sit-ins and boycotts of the 1950s and 60s put together." ~Chicago Tribune Reporter, Howard Witt~
"Three men with Ivy League degrees and no idea what time it is."
Trump: Where the hell is Rubio?
Carson: He's putting on his high heel boots.
Trump: Shouldn't Field have his post up by now?
Carson: Well, you never know. Field operates on BPT.
All three run on CPT.
The Donald: I started running for President little more than six months ago. Right from the start, the mass media pushed the theme that my appeal was limited to the angry weirdos in flyover country. Once my poll numbers started to climb, they stopped calling my voters weirdos, but stuck with the angry motif. Every discussion of me now includes at least a side bar on the “angry voter.”
Tony Montana: Mass media still has to sell crap so they try not to be too obvious when insulting their customers. The whole “angry voter” bit it just a polite version of “bitter white trash losers.” The reason the white trash losers are angry and bitter is they are stupid and did not go to college. Instead of having glorious self-actualizing careers like being wrong on TV, they are at home munching on oxy, watching Jerry Springer and bitching about foreigners. So the theory goes, least-ways.
The Donald: This made perfect sense as the mass media has always made its money off the middle-class. American news is 10% reporting and 90% proselytizing. That 90% gets old fast unless you have some bogeymen. For as long as I have been alive, working class whites have been treated as life’s losers. In a nutshell, the mass media is “buy this, say that, wear these, do this” so you are not one of those proletarian losers down at the Walmart.
Black Ben: The truth of the matter is there’s not much of a “working class” culture anymore. That died out in the 70’s when large scale factory work was replaced with service work. The people in my neighborhood are called the “working poor” but there’s not many of them working. In modern America, working class and working poor both mean not working. The life of a welder or car mechanic is nothing like what our betters imagine.
Tony Montana: None of that matters as the point of painting the Trump vote as angry, toothless peasants pissed off about losing at life is to try and scare the middle-class into going along with the bipartisan fusion party candidate. It is not an attempt to explain; it is an effort to frighten and stigmatize. “You don’t want to be lumped in with those people do you?” is what is supposed to be heard by the viewers, even when the presentation is less explicit.
Black Ben: Motherfuckers.
Hey you weren't bullshiting ... Carly's face really can stop a clock
Dr Carson: Time to get mine while it's time to get yours/I'll get my paws in those silky drawers/Take you to the cleaners and I got a trick/Cause all you're ever gonna get is a piece of my dee dee duh
Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is?
Dr. Carson: Tell me do you know?
Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is?
Dr. Carson: Tell me do yo know
Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is?
Dr. Carson: Tell me do you know?
Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is?
Dr. Carson: Tell me do you know?
Dr. Carson: Put you Gucci watch on synchronize the time and lets rock.
Trump: Some girlies are pretty, some girlies are fine
But most girlie girlies like to play with your mind
They like sporting new gold and riding in cars
And most of them, they, they don't care who you are
They're materialistic and unrealistic
And to most of them you're nothing but another statistic
Who's ever got the money, they're all on his
Y'all can save it for David, 'cause I know what time it is
Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is?
Dr. Carson: Tell me do you know?
Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is?
Dr. Carson: Tell me do yo know
Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is?
Dr. Carson: Tell me do you know?
Trump and Cruz: Do you know what time it is?
Dr. Carson: Tell me do you know?
Cockstrong@9:24 #1 Anon@8:17 #2
The Real Rats in a Pack!
The Real Rats in a Pack!
Screw those losers, The NFL Playoffs were on.
Anybody hear what former Giants punter Steve Weatherford had to say about Philadelphia and Philadelphia fans?
Cruz says: "Mine seems to have stopped -- in 1950."
"Ok, it's agreed; at 8:15 we remove our human masks."
Those readers with a functioning brain would do well to read this piece on the upcoming global financial meltdown.
@Purple Cow 6:58AM
Interesting article, thanks for that. No doubt capitalism like everything else needs checks and balances, without such it becomes like a game of Monopoly. No doubt we are gravitating towards the feudal system that Hutton implies with the gig economy building lavish underground basements, swimming pools, etc for the 1%. And like everything else, stating the problem is easy, solutions are a lot more difficult. Hutton's solution is world peace, constraining banks and financial markets, power to the people, which is all well and good. So why, when we have in Bernie Sanders at least one presidential candidate who no doubt embraces these principles (perhaps Clinton does as well), do you dismiss him as empty rhetoric?
"So why, when we have in Bernie Sanders at least one presidential candidate who no doubt embraces these principles (perhaps Clinton does as well)*, do you dismiss him as empty rhetoric?"
Simply put, I want to see more meat on the bones of what Bernie is saying. In principal you can;t argue with his analysis, but how exactly would he go about achieving what he wants to achieve when the vast majority of the nations' elected legislature (let alone the forces of capitalism) will be against him? Just saying you are going to give America back to Americans and revive the American dream is one thing, how is he going to do that in the real world? I think the last twenty years has shown us just how hard it is to get things done.
Even now it's not too late to save America, but does Bernie actually have the guts to do what really needs to be done? Nothing would make me happier if he does.
PC, thanks for that read. Interesting.
WC@2:52, now in the lead, & anon@2:25 now in the running as well, :)
Quote Joshy
"You're just too dug in on this make-believe Josh-as-the-enemy persona you decided to create from day one to look cool as the Brit black to the American blacks y'all try so hard to emulate, bruv...."
"Y'all try so hard to emulate bruv...." He actually said that. Does that make sense even to him, do you think?
...and he wonders why I consider him the enemy??
Maybe you're right Josh, maybe you are not my enemy. Maybe the fact that - like most fascists these days - you call yourself a 'Libertarian', is not a reason to hate you. Maybe the fact that you are a racist who can only assert his manhood by coming here to call us " dumb motherfuckers" and " slow cunts" every single day is not reason enough to hate you.
I'll just have to think of some new ones.
Setting their watches to 1955.
But the Fiorina comment wins "hands" down.
@ the Purple Cow. If Bernie wins the Dem nomination and is elected, I think we'll have a better chance for change than with Hillary, whose compromised relations with Wall Street are well documented. His consistency of point of view, expressed over at least four years, will probably have some effect in educating our sorry electorate, and maybe enough so that the constituency of Congress changes over that period. I think we can rest assured that he will stay "on message" during his term and that his cabinet appointments etc. will reflect his point of view. Hillary is compromised re: Wall Street and is already hated by most leading Republicans, so she would hardly be able to break the insane partisanship. Either one in office may be able to make new appointments to the Supremes and turn around some of the worst court decisions in history.
The Purple Cow said...
Those readers with a functioning brain would do well to read this piece on the upcoming global financial meltdown.
Obama's reckless mismanagement and massive cronyism is about to send the world into a depression. The next President will inherit a disaster.
What needs to be done is to clear out the crony capitalist democrats and business serving establishment Republicans from power.
Vote Trump 2016!
anotherbozo, agreed Hilary is totally compromised, she's as much a machine politician as her lousy husband.
"Obama's reckless mismanagement and massive cronyism is about to send the world into a depression. The next President will inherit a disaster."
Of course Obama is personally responsible for capitalism's innate contradictions and for the reckless fiscal policies of the Chinese government. Of course he is.
That makes total sense Brainiac, now why don't you go for a lie-down in that darkened room over there? And the nice young man in the white coat will be along with your medication shortly.
Anonymous James Bold said...
I've never threatened a thing (I don't expect to lift a finger personally). I'm predicting, based on historical precedents like Tulsa in 1921. But I never expected you to get a clue, I'm just entertaining myself.
Oh lookie, James Bitch is predicting race wars like back in 1921. Such a lovable loser.
That makes total sense Brainiac, now why don't you go for a lie-down in that darkened room over there? And the nice young man in the white coat will be along with your medication shortly.
Are you saying our friend suffers from ODS?
Brainiac, it can't be worse than the one we inherited in 2008.
You mean the one caused by the Democrat slush funds of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae?
What has Obama done to fix what he inherited from Bush?
Did you know he has instituted new sub prime lending incentives for mortgages and car loans?
anotherbozo said...
"If Bernie wins the Dem nomination and is elected"
If Berine wins? EHHHHHEHAHAHHHA! Cackle, cackle cackle.
Ben Carson: I don't even need a watch! I look at my wrist and I know, it's dark outside...
x*D Ahahahaha! I know, I know, forgive me!
This is actually my sons joke. He's melanin enriched ;) so when ever I ask him what time it is, he looks at his wrist and says "Not sure but it's dark outside"!
Ahahahaha! Well I think it's funny!
Then he adds, "Look what this sun has done to me, I was born blonde and white, and look at me now!"
To which I add "yeah and don't forget you had blue eyes!"
Then my other kids would chime in "and we had straight hair too!!!"
Ahahahaha! xD Yeah thas how we do...;)
@Purple Cow 9:18AM
So what you are saying is that what is missing from Bernie's platform is how he can implement it when he is shoveling shit against the tide, as it were? Certainly a very defeatist perspective, the very response that the right wing has been conditioning in us for the past 8 years. Who other than a right winger can meet that criteria? Look, you can cast aspersions on the motives of any politician, but the real world is in fact a political one. Like I said before (here) I have not seen any evasiveness from Bernie (well at least until today, a bit, on gun control and details of funding his universal health care proposal). Certainly more meat on the bones than what Hillary has put forth. And off the charts compared with the "VOTE FOR ME I AM A MAGICAL MOTHERFUCKER" from Butt Trumpet or any other right winger.
A flip-flop by another name is still a flip-flop
Bernie Sanders Reverses Course on Gun Immunity Vote
Sanders has said he was open to reconsidering the law, but said last week his vote was "not a mistake."
But in a statement Saturday night, Sanders said he would support legislation recently introduced by...
"not a mistake" until Hillary calls him a gun nut for supporting the second amendment and he has to react.
Hey FieldNegro, if gun companies can be help liable for what criminals do with their guns, can GM also be held liable for selling cars to drunks that kill innocent people?
"A flip-flop by another name is still a flip-flop."
As Bill Clinton correctly pointed out the electorate likes flip-flopers. The obsession with politicians never changing their minds is one only shared by political journalists.
Bill Clinton was the most corrupt President in history.
His wife has history of seamy, money grubbing scandals like no other politician in memory. She is possibly going to be under federal indictment at the time of the convention.
Many in the Democratic Party are sickened by the Clintons, and Sanders offers a clear choice of a principled and uncompromised candidate.
Lance, I guess one man's defeatism is another man's realism.
To clarify my position, what Bernie is seeking is not particularly difficult thing to achieve in of itself, most of Western Europe already operates successfully along those lines. His views and policies are not exactly radical either, he is well to the Right of me politically - he is a box-standard social democrat, of a type that can be found behind every bush and under every rock in Western Europe.
However, trying to achieve what he wants to achieve in America is a very different thing indeed. Not only will he have a majority against him in both houses, he will have the might of the American menia against him doing the will of its billionaire owners. There are a 1001 vested interests in America, (think military-indistrial complex, think health care insurance companies, to name but a few) who will not sit idly by and watch America become a fairer and more decent society because it is not in their financial interest for that to happen.*
So to achieve what he wants, Bernie is going to need to radicalise the citizenry, he will need to get them on the streets demanding (as Lenin said) "the bakery, not just the crumbs on the table". He will need to forge alliances with other interested groups - the trade union movement, public service workers, government workers, health care workers, students, the unemployed, pensioners etc. All these things he will need to do, I want to hear him talk about that.
Of course all of that is prefaced on the promise that America can be reformed. It might be too late, it could be that America has to be dismantled and re-built in a new culture and a new structure.
*Though as an aside, I think it is in their long term financial interests, but the problem lies in the phrase 'long-term'. Too many companies in the Anglo-Saxon world are in thrall to shareholders, who will always demand a short term return on their investments. The post-war economic miracle that happened in Germany and Japan both took place in societies where there was very little public shareholding. This allowed German and Japanese companies to take a long-term view of what was good for their organizations at the expense of short-term profits. It was only when Germany and (in particular) Japan started to adopt the Anglo-Saxon model that things started to go wrong for them.
Madia not menia in paragraph 2.
Didn't have time to proof-read. That'll teach me.
Crazy wingnut update:
It might interest Field Negro readers to know that there are not only dumbasses of the Caucasian persuasion currently camped out in that wildlife refuge out in Oregon; there are also apparently dumbasses of color, too.
Meet Brandon Dowd, Ammon Bundy's black friend.
Brandon says he was motivated to join their militia movement by the inspirational example of Ammon's father, Cliven. (Was it Cliven's eloquent "one thing I know about the Negro" speech?)
Brandon is outraged about the feds' violation of his "right" to privacy -- in a very un-private park in which he and his like-minded (no-minded?) group are illegally trespassing.
He also thinks stealing land from taxpayers and "common law grand juries" (aka kangaroo courts with no legal authority, convened to announce phony charges against people one dislikes) are quite reasonable political proposals the rest of us should seriously consider. We should all give a hearing to the backwoods "constitutional lawyers" (*chortle*) he's been hanging out with.
He also says the Oregon crew has some useful things to teach Black Lives Matter.
The Purple Cow said...
As Bill Clinton correctly pointed out the electorate likes flip-flopers.
Changing one's mind as facts change is not flip flopping.
To change positions because of political reasons is flip flopping.
Hope that helped you.
"To change positions because of political reasons is flip flopping."
Doesn't matter. To change positions for political reasons is a sign of political maturity.
The Purple Cow said...
"To change positions for political reasons is a sign of political maturity."
So when are you going to grow up?
Dear Mr Field, I don't know if you FN folks are aware but there is a Democratic debate tonight. I noticed you were on top of the Republican debate, but not the Dems....Why?
Fyi, Bernie Sanders is in the lead and probably will be our next President. As a bm, I feel Bernie is our best choice. Hillary is corrupt, lies and not trustworthy.
Anyway, thought I'd let you FN Negroes, Black and White, there is something important going on tonight.
We used to have laws that forbade upper management from being compensated in stock and they had to have the public and corporate interests in mind when making decisions. I think these laws were weakened sometime during the reagan administration and now they have a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders and not the corporation or community. Seems a simple tweak to this law would help corporations take a longer term view and possibly even slow outsourcing. Who knows?
Shit! Nobody thought my joke was funny??? You guys have NO sense of humor, WHATSOEVER!!!
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