"I hereby offer my full-throated endorsement of Donald Trump for president.
After months of expressing disgust at the real-estate mogul and his xenophobic, distasteful campaign, something dawned on me: I'm a white guy.
What the heck do I have to lose in all this, aside from my self-respect, sense of morality, compassion, reputation, family and ability to ever look at myself in the mirror again?
By sacrificing those minor things, my America can be made great again! (I didn't actually think my America was that bad, to be honest, but apparently it is just awful, thanks mainly to people who look different than me. Who knew?)
At a rally in Florida on Saturday, Trump noted: "We have a terrible president who happens to be African-American."
That's an excellent point, and I'm glad Trump made it clear to his predominantly white audience — who held their right hands up and swore allegiance to Trump in a way that didn't seem at all Nazi-ish — that the president who is terrible happens to also be black.
Trump's not saying there's a connection, he's just saying. (Wink to all my fellow white guys.)
But if there's one thing we (white guys) can count on it's that a Trump presidency will make things better for all of us. There will be fewer Mexicans (wall); fewer Muslims (closing mosques, no refugees, general intolerance); fewer weak men with feelings (everything will be SO strong); and fewer women and minorities in the workplace thanks to political correctness being outlawed and everyone who's not a white guy wanting to move to Canada rather than deal with all the loud-mouthed white guys.
And why is it good to have fewer of all these people? Because we (white guys) all know that every out-of-work white guy is a victim of "others." It could be the fault of the president who happens to be black. Or it could be the Mexicans pouring across our Swiss-cheese border, as long as you ignore the fact that, according to a recent Pew Research Center study, there are more Mexicans leaving the United States than entering.
It's definitely not the fault of globalization and America's change to a more knowledge-based economy. It's the fault of us believing the politically correct myth that it's the fault of globalization and America's change to a more knowledge-based economy.
Trump will erase that myth and return all the high-paying manufacturing jobs by destroying political correctness, which is what's forcing us white guys to tolerate all these other people who have made white-guy America less great.
Consider what Rush Limbaugh said on his show last week: "Trump's speaking in ways that men today still speak, when they're not hounded by the modern eclipse of feminism and its supporters. Men speak this way to each other. They crack jokes this way to each other. It does not make them bad people. And I think there's a yearning for it among a whole segment of the population, women, men, they want this kind of gruff, fearless, tell-it-like-it-is persona."
Who among us — aside from women, blacks, Latinos, Asians, Muslims, gay men, lesbians, people with disabilities and people with a shred of human decency — isn't yearning to hear gruff men make racist jokes while slapping female co-workers on their butts?
Limbaugh continued to describe the ills of political correctness: "All kinds of horrible, rotten things happened, with just the advent of the modern era of feminism. And with all of these things like feminism and the other things that came along with it, political correctness was attached — and that was censorship. People had to shut up. They had to stop thinking the way they think. They certainly couldn't speak the way they could before, and all this is like a Champagne cork popping after years and years and years of being shaken up with all kinds of pressure building and no outlet for it. There is more anger and frustration subdued, contained over what the left has done to this country, to this culture, to our society, and it's just blowing."
I should be cork-poppingly angry! WHY DIDN'T ANYBODY TELL ME?!?!
Conservative radio host Michael Savage laid it out clearly in the very first words of his show last Wednesday: "We're fighting for our survival, of course."
Of course.
He continued: "Donald Trump represents the standard-bearer of America's future if we win. And I want you to think about who hates him and why they hate him, just think about this carefully. The deviants, the perverts, the intellectual haters of America, the losers who are jealous of anyone who has succeeded."
Damn deviant, perverted, intellectual success haters. They know nothing of the patriotism of off-color jokes and misogyny, or of the greatness America can again achieve if only we elect a loud white man who doesn't care how much he offends people who aren't loud white men.
I'm white. I'm a man. And I can be loud.
It's clearly time for me to uncork my anger and hop on the Trump train.
What do I have to lose? (Hint: everything.)" [Source]
Rex Huppke now labeled a race traitor in 5...4..3..
*Pic from slate.com
I will vote for Trump in November. I'm a minority, married to a minority, with minority kids.
Trump offers an alternative to the insanity of the left.
Those are some good questions.
-Doug in Oakland
Trump offers a different brand of insanity is all. Btw, if you are voting for Trump you certainly are a minority.
Good post Field, it's always refreshing when I talk to and read stuff from rational white men. I guess there are some out there.
I don't think so, PilotX.
I have hope the minority/majority will vote for Trump. Hillary has never done a thing for the middle class.
rarely do I respond to some other responder to my comments. I contend that we (us Black males) are only 3 percent of the population and there are adjectives that are associated with our existence in America. Let me be up front- I talk about Black males because I am one. I have no concerns with the other races when they misbehave. I feel they- Orientals, whites, Arabs and others- have enough positive examples so that negative adjectives are not branded on them.
Yes, we too have some examples. So I did not infer that all Black males were labeled from my list of adjectives, I hear the first thing in the morning. Let it be known that my formative years of life was an era where the people that we knew and loved was not football players or entertainers. I grew up in an era when it was common to hear the words "store owner", "doctor", "dentist", "brick-layer", "nurse" and "nurse's aide" affixed to my people. So if I offended anyone that felt I was only placing the spotlight on us- I only write what I see as a situation that we must change.
If Donald so happen to be president, our needs- fresh water, safe living spaces, educational pursuits, employment and many other challenges will be continued to sit on the back burner. I hope this clear up the misunderstanding. Power to my People.
PS if you live in an area where the daily messages are that Blacks are peaceful, responsible (fathers abandon children-SMH))and employed...create a list, so we here can follow the formula. Please disregard that statement. It was a "Larry Wilmore moment"
"I have hope the minority/majority will vote for Trump. Hillary has never done a thing for the middle class."
I'm sure you do have that hope but I don't believe Trump has done anything to benefit the middle class or lower class for that matter. His rhetoric is divisive and his foreign policy is non-sensical. The majority of Americans can see through his gamesmanship.
Hillary's rhetoric is divisive. Her foreign policy got us into a war that is STILL going on.
Hey Field, you should have a "field trip" where you and all of your posters can hang out and meet face to face. Maybe have it in different cities and such. That would be a blast!
@ Black Panther Wannabee -
My brother, there is a place just across the ocean where a black man's needs will NEVER be put on the back burner ... Yes, my brothah, it's called AFRICA! All the fat-bottomed hos and jenkum and monkey meat and dirty river water you can handle, that's Africa. Where a black man can really be a black man, w/o evil YT's interference or stupid questions about your hair. And no racist-ass Trump, either! It's urgent that you leave as quickly as possible.
Mother Africa is calling you home .... will you heed her call?
George Will is leading the stop Trump movement. Even the old school conservatives are against the Trump. This will be an interesting election season.
Wow, you sound so SMART, Pilot-X! You're SO well-spoken, so witty, so droll! Your insights are so keen! In fact, you sound just like a white person!
Hey, Field -
You ought to do your next post about Dana Stubblefield, the black millionaire ex-feetsbawl playa who just couldn't resist raping a developmentally disabled woman.
What is it with you guys and rape? Don't you have any self-control?
Whoever wins the election this year will only be a one-term president anyway.
As a black man I highly recommend you vote for Trump this fall. I know I will. He will be honest with us.
I'm voting for "None of the Above"...I refuse to vote for a orange-faced, high-lighter yellow haired racist, misogynistic playground bully who is incapable of controlling his temper (or graduating college). He has no plans...only the words "trust me" (which I've heard before!!)...he judges on gender and color...and I am not ready to revert to the pre-Civil-Rights-America that he is trying to sell to the fellows who still fly Confederate flags at the lot where their house is parked.
@ Anon 2:33 -
@ Anonymous 2:40 -
Just couldn't resist the 'trailer trash' stereotype, huh? Stupid chimp, the average Trump voter doesn't live in a filthy, rundown, bullet-riddled ghetto hellhole like you, and doesn't want to. That's why we're voting for him: to get away from your black asses and the destruction you always bring.
Now go hit dat pipe again, nigga.
This country and its people deserve to have Trump elected in November. I hope it happens.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
"our needs- safe living spaces..."
Yet you don't see the irony that formerly-safe living spaces become unsafe when Blacks move in. Wherever you go, there you are. We only want to escape you; you cannot escape yourselves.
"educational pursuits, employment"
How many "yoots" would rather stand on their desks and twerk than try to learn? How many are unemployable because they had no interest in learning to read or do arithmetic? How many regard work as "oppression" (by "the man", of course)?
You are irredeemable.
Mmmm, that would be interesting.Although u and I might have to wear a bullet proof vest.:)
Why should he? He has more of a right to claim this country than u do.
"We're fighting for our survival, of course."
Fighting who? Fighting against what? When I hear tripe like this it reminds me of another psychological maneuver popular now with neanderpeons, "Reverse Racism." What is it with pastel people? There's always someone out to get them, some boogeyman under their bed. Wake up!
Neuropeonosis affects over 11 million people in the United States. If left untreated it can lead to severe paranoia, confusion and anxiety. Symptoms include difficulty in social interactions and aversion to change. If you or someone you know is experiencing Neuropeonosis encourage them to seek help.
Blah blah angry white guy blah blah Trump voter stupid white guy blah blah Trump is bad blah blah blah. Rex Huppke? What a moonbat. Of course that is why field copied and pasted his garbage.
Ahoy 1;01 learn your history. First of all I fought in a war (RVN) for the right to have full citenship in America. That is something you can't change. Second and foremost I joined the Panthers in the 60s and continue to this day to carry. Myself as one. The Panthers were also strong in Vietnam. Ask any Black vet how we had to fight two wars . 60-70 Cu Chi. *That was not for you... I still look for Vets who was there). So don't place the wannabe on me.
I get so tired of that same drivel about returning to Africa. I AM ALSO PART MEHARRIN INDIAN- Ahoskie, NC. So if anybody should leave, don't you think it should be you? We were here first.
Now to end. When you pay-back for all the free labor that a race of strong people provided for your ancestors. By the way I have been hearing that drivel for 65 years. Return from your origins. In my comment I nerve take personnel attacks because I am hoping that my people rise. Your people have used my energy so my whole adult-hood. So now in my senescent. I am rooting for my people to be agent of change in this society. By the way I don't see your elders giving grants and land to my people.
Anon when you learn your history. You would see that the West was one big give away and your historical path was paved with gold in comparison to that of the Blacks and Originals. PS I am not saying we are the only crew to have had struggles. I have never pulled petty snips at others, I truly enjoy seeing things from other people's perspective. So until I can charge America with kidnapping........ My people have an investment here. Like "my hero" Donald stating; China "rapes" America, I say America and Europe rapes/ed Africa. America would be dull without NFL,NBA, Beyoncé. Hell YOU MIGHT WANT TO MOVE TO AFRICA
Pastel People are beautiful!
Pastel Pride Worldwide!
@ Panther Pussy -
"I'm also part-Injun, hurr durr"
I'm part-Swiss, but I don't think they Switzerland wants me moving there. Probably because of all that Sicilian I have in me ...
"Pay us back fo' dat 400 years of free labor!"
We *have* paid you dummies back, many, many, many, many times over: trillions in welfare, food stamps, prison costs, free lunches, set aside jobs for which you were never qualified, not to mention the extraordinary violence you people have been committing for the past five decades against our people.
"Whitey's path is paved in gold"
Fuck you. My grandparents and parents worked their asses off to have what little they had; I've been working since I was a teenager myself. The envy your kind has toward us always cracks me up ...
"Amurka would be nothing w/o NFL, NBA, Beyoncé ..."
That, my burrheaded friend, is an opinion. You can take all the ghetto ball and rap noise shit with you to the Congo for all I care. I contend this country - hell, ANY country - would be much better off w/o black (cough) culture.
Now tell my how I live in a trailer and fuck my sister and about your big, black dick, LOL.
Anonymous said
I'm part-Swiss, but I don't think they Switzerland wants me moving there. Probably because of all that Sicilian I have in me.
So you're basically a n***a with a side of marinara sauce?
And NO, the Swiss don't want crackas with African blood living there.
Marinara said....
My grandparents and parents worked their asses off to have what little they had; I've been working since I was a teenager myself.
Working asses, huh. So that makes you what, a third generation ho?
Que "It's hard out here for a pimp", ROTFL!!!
It's just hard to believe the candidate who knows the job better than anyone else could possibly know it couldn't flatten that pompous windbag in a few seconds' worth of debate time. Hillary just needs to put on her Margaret Thatcher and choose the moment.
"I get so tired of that same drivel about returning to Africa. I AM ALSO PART MEHARRIN INDIAN- Ahoskie, NC. So if anybody should leave, don't you think it should be you? We were here first."
No, it should be you twice over. The first Americans were Europeans who came from what is now France, by canoe. They gave rise to Kennewick Man and the Clovis culture. So-called "Native Americans" are latecomers from Asia. Columbus merely began the process of taking the Americas back from you. Europeans own the Americas by both right of first occupation and right of conquest.
"When you pay-back for all the free labor that a race of strong people provided for your ancestors."
The strongest men in the world are Europeans. You weren't brought here for your muscle, you were brought here for your resistance to tropical diseases. Other than that you've always been more trouble than you're worth... and you've been replaced by superior models.
"Your people have used my energy so my whole adult-hood. So now in my senescent. I am rooting for my people to be agent of change in this society."
It's working. You're helping turn the tide against unassimilable immigrants. You're also doing yeoman work getting the White populace fed up with TNB. You and the Mexicans are going to fight it out and the prize for the survivors is to all go home.
About that racial hoax field tried to blame on Donald J.Trump and white people-
N.Y. college students accused of fabricating racially motivated attack
But university police said an investigation revealed that no one used racial epithets against the women. Instead, they assaulted another passenger and falsely reported the incident.
"What happened on the bus was not a 'hate crime,'" University Police Chief Frank Wiley said in February. "The only person we heard uttering racial epithets was one of the defendants."
Just wow. It wasn't racist Trump supporting, Fox News watching whites who used racial epithets and started the attack. It wasn't whites who were trying to teach blacks about the proper pecking order like field suggested. It was obama's daughters who were the violent racists trying to teach the proper pecking order to whites !!!
Don't expect field to be issuing any corrections or apologies anytime soon. He never does. Being part of the racial grievance industry means you never have to hold yourself to any standards
Credibility be damned.
"It's just hard to believe the candidate who knows the job better than anyone else could possibly know it couldn't flatten that pompous windbag in a few seconds' worth of debate time. Hillary just needs to put on her Margaret Thatcher and choose the moment."
Hillary doesn't even have to do that. She can effectively skip debating him.
All she has to do is flood the airwaves for 5 months solid with video footage of Trump being Trump. Her campaign doesn't even have to caption it to make it an effective attack ad -- his disgusting history speaks for itself. At the end of the day, only the racists will vote for him, and the racist vote alone ain't gonna get Trump across the finish line.
Field isn't the only that should be apologizing for blaming Donald J. Trump and white people. Of course racists never apologize for rushing to judgement.
"No, it should be you twice over. The first Americans were Europeans who came from what is now France, by canoe. They gave rise to Kennewick Man and the Clovis culture. So-called "Native Americans" are latecomers from Asia. Columbus merely began the process of taking the Americas back from you. Europeans own the Americas by both right of first occupation and right of conquest."
Bwahaha. French Native Americans. Funniest thing I've heard all week. You fail history class, again.
Every time I think you racist trolls have already hit the apex of craziness, it turns out there is a whole 'nother level for you to attain.
The Ministry of Truth said...
"It's just hard to believe the candidate who knows the job better than anyone else could possibly know it couldn't flatten that pompous windbag in a few seconds' worth of debate time. Hillary just needs to put on her Margaret Thatcher and choose the moment."
Hillary doesn't even have to do that. She can effectively skip debating him.
Hillary isn't that strong of a candidate. If she was, she would be over 50% and leading an electoral landslide. Which she is not.
The only reason to suggested Hillary skip the debate is you're scared she will either fall on her face or have a bad coughing spell she couldn't recover from.
I think a few other may have to wear vests, not us. Philly by way of Kingston and Chicago don't sweat anybody.
There's always someone out to get them, some boogeyman under their bed. Wake up!
This is very true! I can't even find out if the knockout game is still a thing. Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me. This is Obama's last few months in office so he has no problem unleashing his black panther/blm army on us whites. I'm so scared!
Out of just curiosity...why do you think Public Schools have gone to shit.
When did this happen? Could it have coincidental with integration of the schools?
Look at Detroit, for example. They fail in EVERYTHING. Name ONE DAMN THING that city has accomplished since the white tax base moved out.
Now, it's because they don't have enough money to pay the teachers, who can't spell "kat".
Explain it. Smokes me some crack....spread my legs to get me sum. Sorry-assed parents don't count for shit.
I was in Public Schools when integration hit.
It's been a downhill ride ever since.
You want to call me names?
Fine. That's all you can do.
Be like field...call me a racist because I might say something that is embarrassing to you. Don't just call me names...explain to me why I'm wrong.
And, Lord knows, let's not get into the issue as to how you got here.
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