I told you folks that trump winning the republican primary would keep me at my computer, and the orange haired one has not disappointed.
I mean the hits just keep coming.
"Donald Trump told voters in drought-plagued California on Friday that he had a solution to the water crisis: Open up the water for farmers, because “there is no drought.”
“We’re going to solve your water problem. You have a water problem that is so insane,” the presumptive Republican presidential nominee told a crowd filled with farmers in Fresno. “It is so ridiculous where they’re taking the water and shoving it out to sea.”
California is now in its fifth year of drought, which has taken a heavy toll on agriculture in particular. Despite an El Niño event that saw an increase last year in snowpacks that supply about one-third of California’s water, 86 percent of the state is still considered to be in drought.
Trump insinuated that state officials are mismanaging water policy, at the cost of farmers and their crops. Farmers have sharply criticized the state’s irrigation policies, after cuts to water allotments forced them to leave more than a million acres of farmland uncultivated last year.
Water in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, which flows into the San Francisco Bay and onto the ocean, has been a particularly contentious issue. The delta is a key source of water to cities and farms in California’s fertile Central Valley region. Some farmers there claim politicians are bending to environmental interests and prioritizing the habitat of fish and wetlands over farmland, creating a “man-made drought.....
....“They don’t understand it,” Trump said. “There is no drought, they turn the water out into the ocean.”
He did not go into detail about how officials would open up the water, nor what science supports the claim that the drought is not real. But he did tout himself as a champion of the environment.
“I’ve received many, many environmental rewards, really. Rewards and awards,” Trump said. “I have done very well environmentally. I’m all for it.”
“My environmental standard is very simple, I’ve said it to everybody,” he added. “I want clean water. Clean air, clean water." [Source]
Vote for Donald and the amount of water you get will be "huuuuge". Just don't ask us how he is going to do it yet.
Then Donald knocked em dead in Washington.
"Donald Trump observed Memorial Day weekend on Sunday by speaking in front of the Lincoln Memorial at a rally of thousands of motorcyclists, where he praised veterans, called reporters “lowlifes,” thanked “the great Bobby Knight” for endorsing him and performed a derisive impression of a general he saw on television.
The presumptive Republican nominee took the occasion — the annual “Rolling Thunder” motorcycle rally, which raises awareness of unaccounted-for POWs and soldiers missing in action — to malign Hillary Clinton and tout his own electoral successes.
Event organizers say the rally draws hundreds of thousands of bikers annually, though police officers on hand for Trump’s address said they were unable to provide an official estimate of either the crowd gathered for the speech or the entire attendance of the weekend-long rally on behalf of veterans, which first took place in 1988 and includes a “First Amendment Demonstration Run” from the Pentagon to the National Mall.
Trump spoke at a stage set up at the end of the reflecting pool closest to the Lincoln Memorial to a relatively sedate crowd of hundreds of bikers and assorted tourists, who did not entirely fill the space between the pool and the memorial. The businessman said it was not the scene he expected to encounter.
“I thought this would be like Dr. Martin Luther King, where the people will be lined up from here all the way to the Washington Monument,” said Trump. King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to a quarter-million supporters in August 1963." [Source]
The guy compares himself to man who wanted to bring the country together, peacefully.
What a delusional low-life.
Sadly for us all, Dr. King's dream is turning into one long American nightmare.
*Pic from thegrio.com
Trump is going to solve every problem for every person, without telling anyone how he's going to do it. And people are going for the act, because Clinton says nothing the low comprehension people can understand. She's speaks above them, and Trump speaks to them at their level. Both are full of shit, but I'll take Clinton any day over that lemon chia head clown.
Baby Martin Luther King had a bigger dick than Trump's biggest boner ever.
Yeah, he's gonna fix the California water problem by selling it all to farmers, or having his billionaire friends in SoCal do it. The water wars in California have been going on my entire life, and I'm 55 years old. The river I fished for steelhead on as a kid is now so small that you can't navigate it with a flat bottom boat.
Also, my brother was a biker, so it doesn't surprise me that they support Trump. Anyone dumb enough to ride a Harley instead of a real motorcycle is in the target demo of the Trump campaign.
-Doug in Oakland
Trump conflated three things, California's ongoing drought, Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech, and his bid for the presidency.
Let's see: Had Trump's billionaire buddies shelved their carbon emission outputs, it's a possibility that California wouldn't be struggling with drought conditions and the remainder of the country finding itself ravaged by severe weather phenomenons.
Further, King's "I Have A Dream" speech, in the mouth of Trump, would only morph into "Make America Great Again," which is the antithesis of King's speech, as King saw a nation racially united and not as divided as Trump would "make" it.
As for Trump's bid for the White House, it just goes to show how racially intolerant the base of the GOP has been for years that a race-divider in the form of Donald Trump is now the party's presumptive presidential candidate.
Now he's into "drought denialism." It's unbelievable that such a thing can exist.
I mean, climate denial is at least kind of understandable: The average person can't really see a couple degrees average global temperature rise in his daily life, so he has to trust climate scientists that the phenomenon really exists. Nonetheless, it's still rather arrogant/stupid to trust fat gasbag ignoramus Rush Limbaugh over the vast majority of actual scientific experts, or to say, "Duh, it snowed today, so there's obviously no global warming."
By contrast, how can a Californian deny a drought is happening when he can see the drought happening right in front of him?!! What's next, Trump demanding everyone believe him when he tells us the sky is green?
This is nothing new for Trump, of course. The man has never met a conspiracy theory he didn't like. The man is like a walking edition of the Weekly World News. Every wonder what's under Trump's ridiculous combover? I'm pretty sure it's a tinfoil hat. The Daily Show catalogued all of the many, many conspiracy theories that Trump has embraced over the years. After watching this, there is no other possible reaction a viewer can have, besides, "What the fuck is going on?!! How is the Republican base stupid enough to have nominated this farcicial jerkoff?!!"
As for the Rolling Thunder event, I cannot imagine a more favorable crowd for the Trumpster, with the possible exception of a Klan rally. Ultra-nationalist Harley-riding pinheads whose "social cause" is itself a laughable conspiracy theory: That there are huge numbers of living American MIAs still being held in Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries because the U.S. government abandoned them because liberals hate America. Or something.
POW-MIA conspiracy theory.
The worst part about this whole Donald candidacy is that he's given a big boost to the views and self-confidence of the very dumbest people in America.
"By contrast, how can a Californian deny a drought is happening when he can see the drought happening right in front of him?!!"
You can't, but the speech was delivered in Fresno, the hub of the Central Valley, where everyone is terrified because there already isn't enough water to farm all of the land, and this is some of the most high production farmland on the planet, so hearing that Trump was gonna irrigate it with unicorn piss would probably go over better than what is actually happening. He plays well to the delusional, apparently.
-Doug in Oakland
"... this is some of the most high production farmland on the planet, so hearing that Trump was gonna irrigate it with unicorn piss would probably go over better than what is actually happening. He plays well to the delusional, apparently."
The question is how many delusional people there are. Half of Trump's campaign is selling "magic beans" to fools, claiming he'll instantly solve all of their problems, in defiance of annoying impediments like economic theory or the laws of physics.
The other half of the campaign is straight-up racism.
Half lies, half hate is the recipe for the world's nastiest cocktail.
For the Obama lovers out there, a behind-the-scenes look at his time in office from the official White House photographer.
When is The Donald or any of his supporters going to tell us when America was great?
America was great when I could show my shlong to teenage girls on the street and not get arrested.
I kinda liked the Daily Beast headline "Draft Dodger Donald Trump Gets Hero's Welcome at Rolling Thunder."
-Doug in Oakland
"I kinda liked the Daily Beast headline 'Draft Dodger Donald Trump Gets Hero's Welcome at Rolling Thunder.'"
Doug, here is the take-away quote from one of the bikers in that article:
“'He’s an asshole, and that’s what we need,' Rick Lytton, 67, said. Lytton, a broad and towering figure surrounded by his fellow bikers, said he was a two-tour Vietnam vet. 'We need to retake America,' he said, 'because we’ve lost it.'”
There's the magic of Donald J. Trump in a nutshell. His followers know he's a vile scumbag, but he's a vile scumbag that is promising to punish the people they hate. This may be the first U.S. general election campaign fueled entirely by spite.
"Delusional low-life" is good. I'll add that to "demagogic dickhead."
The thing that bothers me about Trump's media coverage is that they don't do the same with Hillary. Trump is ignorant. Hillary is evil. Trump is a racist. Hillary is a war monger. The mainstream media tells us the Iraq War was a mistake. They don't tell us that the intelligence that Iraq had destroyed their WMD's came in while Bill was president. They don't tell us that real Benghazi scandal was supporting ISIS against Libya and Syria. Clinton will gladly send your kids to die killing whomever her Saudi, Israeli, and Wall Street donors want her to.
The comments above (except for one) are all terrific.
Donald Trump has conducted the most amazing campaign since POTUS 08. He has accidentally managed to stroke the vitriolic hate out of radical conservatives AND radical liberals in the most efficient manner we have ever seen. He places a bet that the radical conservatives will vote and radical liberals will not, because they include blacks and Hispanics, who historically do not turnout well. Thus, there is no consequence to the GOP for offending them. The final trick is convincing women. Appealing to the inner elitist of Republican white women is actually his most subtle move, because he uses pretty blond white women, Kayleigh McEnany, Scottie Nell Hughes, the Fox news Stepford wives; to debate less attractive commenters [Angela Rye excluded!!]. Their husbands are easily persuaded, then the GOP wives are compelled to watch, agree, compete with these angelic women or be subtly disregarded as less appealing, jealous or haters. What do the democrats counter with?
Hillary or Bernie? I am a lifelong democrat, we are bringing fact checking to a psychological AR-15 gun fight!
"and this is some of the most high production farmland on the planet,"
meh, most of California farm land will likely turn into salt pan soon enough. It's not a sustainable situation. Trump, of course, is just feeding a helping of red meat to his constituents, it's rather like free college in Bernie-space.
In my mind, the state is not in a drought, it's just returning to weather patterns that have happened before and will again. We are capable of having 1000 year droughts here (ie. it's normal).
The state is, simply put, overpopulated. Mass importation of people from Mexico and Central America certainly isn't going to help much. There's that school of thought that says more people = economic prosperity, but the endgame in that case is not a pretty one.
"Simply put", California, is not overtaxed by Hispanic immigrants; It is overtaxed by incompetent, greedy Republican leadership and an electorate so consumed by hate, they would rather , literally, be robbed by a Republican than fight for equality.
Case in point - San Francisco Bay Bridge - $6.5B; estimated 100,000 middle income, welding and construction jobs, outsourced to Chinese Workers at ZPMC,by Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenagger, oversight by a California Republican oversight committee.
This is all fact. This project has had cost overrun, defect, modification and risk time and time again. American Steel Workers Union, complained bitterly, but partisan anti union rhetoric wasnt heard by the so-called disenfranchised white male brethren. Blaming Mexicans was in style, while the jobs that paid $30/hour, no college degree required, went exactly where the Republican leadership wanted them to go - to China. My white male brethren fell for the GOP we want jobs for you- banana-in-the-tailpipe BS again.
Trump is not as savvy as Schwarzenagger, how many times will My white male brethren fall for the GOP we want jobs for you- banana-in-the-tailpipe BS?
I know, I know, its the minimum wage Mexican landscaper, chicken plant worker and housekeeper that's the real problem.
OptimusPrimeX said...
"Simply put", California, is not overtaxed by Hispanic immigrants; It is overtaxed by incompetent, greedy Republican leadership
I nominate this for the most idiotic comment of the day. California is a one-party state, and that one party is not the Republicans.
If Obama could stop the rise of the oceans and heal the planet, Trump can stop California's drought and Make America Great Again!
In the end, I predict America will consider Donald Trump to be even greater than Martin Luther King.
MAGA said...
If Obama could stop the rise of the oceans and heal the planet, Trump can stop California's drought and Make America Great Again!
This is a good point, and also illustrates a fundamental difference in each man's priorities. Obama spent too much time worrying about the rest of the world while Trump will take care of Americans.
Hey Butt Trumpet lovers ... never forget that your fearless leader was challenged to debate Sanders and PUNKED OUT. Also that he offered to suck Little Kim's cock over nookuler weapons and was told to FUCK OFF. Never forget that either.
"I nominate this for the most idiotic comment of the day. California is a one-party state, and that one party is not the Republicans."
If you look really really hard, you can always find some sort of (R) county supervisor or mayor to blame things on, it's all part of the Great Game. To me, it's like listening to arguments about the WWF. Faces and Heels, depending on your taste.
It would surprise me to ever see a high degree of morality in government spending in the US, it's just not in the national DNA. A big pile of cash has it's own gravity and the rats always find the cheese. All races and cultures seem able to abuse the system, whether it's funneling money to some Republican road builder (or keeping the Republican car dealer oligopoly in place) or to an utter waste of money like the California African American Museum or the UC Davis Chicana Studies program.
I suppose it's the human condition. You're either a hustler or the hustled, and most of us are in the latter group.
The question is how many delusional people there are. Half of Trump's campaign is selling "magic beans" to fools, claiming he'll instantly solve all of their problems, in defiance of annoying impediments like economic theory or the laws of physics.
The other half of the campaign is straight-up racism.
Half lies, half hate is the recipe for the world's nastiest cocktail.
Thank you for perfectly summing up the Obama candidacy and administration.
Thank G-d the nightmare will be over soon, but not soon enough!!
Martin Luther King asked for "equal opportunity".
Instead what we got was demands for equal outcomes, with no effort on the part of blacks, just gibsmedats because I'm black. From "disparate impact" lies to "affirmative action" quotas, the nightmare rolls on.
I wonder how Malanie feels about Trump's tiny pecker?
"meh, most of California farm land will likely turn into salt pan soon enough. It's not a sustainable situation. Trump, of course, is just feeding a helping of red meat to his constituents, it's rather like free college in Bernie-space."
Except that Bernie's plan for free college is actually possible in the real world. It might not be politically achievable -- voters might not be willing to tax wealthy people heavily enough to make it happen -- but it is at least theoretically achievable, assuming the public wanted it. There are countries where college is free.
Whereas Trump providing water for California farmers is literally impossible, unless you believe Trump is magical.
It takes world-class mendacity to make campaign promises that violate laws of nature. It also shows exactly what Trump believes about the intelligence level of his followers. That's red meat for red meatheads.
Lance Cockstrong said...
Hey Butt Trumpet lovers ... never forget that your fearless leader was challenged to debate Sanders and PUNKED OUT
Nope, party rules forbid inter-party debates prior to the conventions.
Live your fantasy Lance, but Bernie is just plain lucky he wasn't allowed to be exposed by Trump.
The Ministry of Truth said...
It takes world-class mendacity to make campaign promises that violate laws of nature
Barack Obama on his election to President:
"this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"
I think he'll end the drought...why not? He explained it...
Trump is the real-life version of Greg Stillson from the Stephen King novel THE DEAD ZONE. Martin Sheen played Stillson in the excellent film adaptation directed by David Cronenberg.
In the book, Stillson is clearly nuts, but he keeps spouting out these insane thoughts and ideas and people believe him. Even the media cuts him a lot of slack.
Trump is dangerous, to be sure. The fact that some who claim that they are progressive would want him in the WH instead of Hillary because of some nebulous idea that there will be some "revolution" and we will rebuild the world from the ashes of that revolution into a utopia is...well, it's just plain insane.
re: Trump's speeches.
It's pretty amazing that he can just stand there and pound out an essentially unpracticed bit of speechifying for an hour or more with no notes I'd love to see the other candidates give that a shot, it would be an interesting exercise.
Compared to Nixon, LBJ, Eisenhower, all of these people are incredible lightweights, but that's probably just the nature of the internet age.
The things that people get outraged about, The Drought, Mexican Rapists, and the like can either be explained away (the lack of a drought = Central Valley farmers should get a bigger water portion, Mexican Rapists = Mexico doesn't send it's best people and too many are criminals) or viewed as some sort of HitlerNaziFacistRacistSpeak. Choose yer poison.
I'm not going to get my bowels in an uproar about any of this since my guess is that neither Hillary or Trump are at all qualified for the office...people that are are incapable of running and winning a campaign.
It's not at all a bad thing since you get (a) the ability for bloggers to generate material with little intellectual cost, kind of like '10 best' lists, and (b) under all this is the great question of the age, internationalism+corporatism+open borders vs. ethnonationalism. Both are strong positions and have a lot of adherents. It's been fun watching Black America get in bed with the Koch brothers.
From The Ministry of Truth2:17 AM
For the Obama lovers out there, a behind-the-scenes look at his time in office from the official White House photographer.
Several photos featured in the Guardian article are indeed timeless classics of the Obama Presidency.
Two notable takeaways, in my opinion, embody President Obama's spirit of humility, compassion and respect for his fellow citizens and the global community.
First takeaway is President Obama's warmth and humor transcend generations from the 5-year-old boy who was permitted to touch and discover the president's head of hair was just like his own to the White House visit celebrating Ms. Virginia McLaurin - the 107-year-long time community activist who was as tickled pink as any school girl dancing with the president and his pretty black wife, Michelle.
Second takeaway relates to classism in which no matter the setting, President Obama remains down to earth. From the fist bump exchange with one of the custodial workers to diplomacy engagements with other leaders of nations, the photos showcase a president who harbors no illusions about putting his pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us.
Despite any number of missteps these last 8 years, President Obama "totally gets it"; and the Obama Family will be greatly missed.
Thank you for the link, TMOT :-)
Obama is a narcissistic dick who "gets" nothing except how easy it is to command the unconditional love of the white liberal class who created him. He hates America and he hates Americans, which is why he works so hard to "Change" them. He takes no responsibility for his failures while never hesitating to take credit for the accomplishments of others. He has shown zero respect for dissenting opinions and will go down in history as the man who fractured this country beyond repair.
Party Rules? Only a spineless dickless little shit would hide behind "Party Rules". Bernie says Fuck Party Rules and fuck you. Pull your empty head out your ass and get it thru that Butt Trumpet PUNKED OUT like the gutless little puke he is.
Sorry, but there can be no inter-party debates prior to the nominees being selected. Bernie can't even hang with Hillary, he would be destroyed by Trump.
Fuck the rules. The challenge was put forth. Butt Trumpet PUNKED OUT. The entire country can now see Butt Trumpet for the sniveling coward that he is.
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