If you are a hard working field Negro and you have achieved some success in your life, I believe that you can relate to what she is writing about.
"We all know that in America they way whites obtain success and black people obtain success are two different things. Hard work, nepotism, social class, and white privilege are keys to white success. For black people it is hard work, advanced education, more experience, few or no mistakes in their career, and sheer luck.
Some blacks manage to get ahead. Some do it by assimilating into "mainstream culture", some manage to just work hard and move ahead, but for every black that manages to get ahead, there are others who never seem to make it. Lack of opportunities due to social class, educational opportunities, and the realization that to make it is almost impossible in some instances, keep many from succeeding.
When you do succeed, you still fail, because for all your hard work, and your ability to make it, there is going to be some who didn't make it who feel you turned your back on them. Black people are the only race of people who expect a person to become successful to "keep it real". The problem is that sometimes "keeping it real" goes wrong.
You can't expect someone to leave the ghetto to go to school, and then come back to the same damn ghetto and succeed. If you surrounded yourself with people in high school whose ambition in life it was to sling dope on the streets, you can't go back to that and do well. If your neighborhood was filled with men who hang out in front of the liquor store all day, you can't come back to that and do well. St. Ides is not going to help keep your brain cells in tact. So you can't kick it with the boys who drink St. Ides all day long. The only thing you can do is help those who don't do that. You can show a high school student the steps needed to take to get into college or vocational school, because their school won't or their parents just don't know. You can tell a elementary and middle school students the importance of an education, and what to do and where to go if they are struggling, or their parents can't or won't help them. You can tell some of those liquor store men about Job Corps and how to apply. You can tell families about resources available to them to help them get their loved one out of in front of the liquor store, but you cannot save everyone. You can only save those who want to be saved. To succeed, you cannot surround yourself with failure and negativity on a constant basis.
I hate to say this, but in this country we can't be exactly like white people and isolate ourselves into our own community. We need those white corporations, companies, and employers to get ahead until we can start our own businesses. I am not an advocate of isolation, but I do understand that in order to rebuild black communities, we need to look at forming successful black businesses, and right now we need to model ourselves after the traditional business model, and the only way to do that is to work for those companies, learn how they work, and then bring that back to the community. So yeah, we are going to have to "sell out" and go work for the white man so we can learn.
Another thing that irks me is if white people like a black person, that black person is automatically an Uncle Tom. Oprah can't help that white women love her. They like her because she doesn't seem like a threat. I think Oprah knows this, and she is knowing it all the way to the bank. One thing I will say is that Oprah sticks to her guns. She decided a long time ago she wasn't going to continue with the tabloid spin of her talk show when she first came out. Remember Oprah was the momma of the talk shows as we know them today, even Jerry Springer. Oprah used to be on par with the other talk shows. She used to have the KKK on her show spouting "white power". She had the black militants on her show as well. Did she let them duke it out on her show, let's keep it real, she still had some standards, but needless to say, she kept it a little trashy to keep up ratings. She hasn't had to go Jerry to keep her viewers, and the white woman loved has only recently waned, but think about it, we are 20 something years of the same show. She doesn't do a show to necessarily to appease them, if that was the case she would have had Sarah Palin on her show, instead she does shows that interest her, and let's face it over 20 years and several billions dollars more in worth, her interests have changed. I don't think Oprah has become a mammy to white woman, she is now showing her elevation in class, and sometimes she is out of touch. If I were a billionaire, I would dare say I might be a clad out of touch with the reality of the middle class on occasion as well. She has mammified the white women who love her, not become a mammy to them.
Living in the suburbs, the way you talk, managing to get out of a low income area, or never living in a low income area, becoming successful, and having white friends does not make you a sell out. What makes you a sell out is the mentality of thinking that you are somehow better than another person because you got lucky. Yes some people live in the ghetto because they are lazy, but take into consideration many or most aren't, and those that are lazy are dealing with generations of a mentality and surroundings that give them a sense of hopelessness. If you lose touch with humanity, that makes you a sell out.
Ultimately to become a success as a black person is almost a curse because you never ever truly fit in with your white co-workers and neighbors (they never forget about your blackness, and when they do, they actually notice it) and you don't fit in with the "down" black folk. You are on your own, hoping for the best. " [Source]
Well of course "keeping it real" does not have to mean keeping it stupid.
You should work hard and aspire for all the finer things in life, but you should never lose sight of who you are in the world and what it took for you to get where you are.
*Pic from youtube.com.
She left some keys off the black success key ring. Affirmative action, racial quotas,set asides, unfair business advantages, lower testing/physical standards are also keys to success for black folks.
And white folks can't isolate themselves into they communities anymore. Obama put a stop to that shit years ago.
"We all know that in America they way whites obtain success and black people obtain success are two different things. Hard work, nepotism, social class, and white privilege are keys to white success. For black people it is hard work, advanced education, more experience, few or no mistakes in their career, and sheer luck."
Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!
You a funny negro!
"Some blacks manage to get ahead. Some do it by assimilating into "mainstream culture"
a.k.a. Showing up on time, not stealing, actually doing your job.
@koo koo you left off tenacity, ignoring slights EVERYDAY, working 5X as hard for 1/10000000th the credit, and my all time favorite as a former fed, having a Masters' degree while your white (usually female), 2 year degree having colleague not only makes more money than you with less time in, they get promoted to a position that requires a Bachelors' degree without having one.
Another thing that irks me is if white people like a black person, that black person is automatically an Uncle Tom.
Or as we say around here, a House Negro. It's kind of the theme of this blog, "Keep it Real" by being shiftless and surly. If you actually want to get along with white people and be productive, you're a race traitor.
"And white folks can't isolate themselves into they communities anymore. Obama put a stop to that shit years ago."
Obama passed the federal Fair Housing Act of 1968? At the age of seven? I did not know that. That's quite an accomplishment for an elementary-schooler!
People say Republicans give Obama no credit, but I defend you guys. You clearly believe the president is really, really powerful, based on all your "OBAMA RUINED EVERYTHING!!" whining.
Yīshēng said...
ignoring slights EVERYDAY, working 5X as hard for 1/10000000th the credit,
Oh please, you've been coddled your whole life. White folks can't go to college for 40 years on someone else's dime, we have to work.
"Ultimately to become a success as a black person is almost a curse because you never ever truly fit in with your white co-workers and neighbors"
It's a two-way street. White Americans desperately want the validation that comes from blacks buying in to mainstream society. The door is open. Blacks need to decide whether they want to remain a bitter separatist minority or join the rest of America and live by the same rules. Hyper-racialism is a prison you build for yourself.
TMoT, you have to remember that to right wingers history began on January 20, 2009. To admit any more time into history would risk the admission that we on the left have been right about them all along.
Not being black, I don't know whether I can really have an informed view on this subject, but I do feel confident in saying that there are many ways to measure success, and not all of them require working for white people. That said, there are definitely socioeconomic positions that require participation in what are mostly white dominated areas, so perhaps some of it comes down to individual ambition.
I have seen the phenomenon described above with my own eyes, mostly in very young (school age) black kids who worried about their actions "looking white", and as someone who actually was white, I didn't feel I had much to say to them about it. Those particular kids have done alright for themselves, but I will admit to finding it troubling at the time.
-Doug in Oakland
Yīshēng said...
@koo koo you left off tenacity, ignoring slights EVERYDAY, working 5X as hard for 1/10000000th the credit, and my all time favorite as a former fed, having a Masters' degree while your white (usually female), 2 year degree having colleague not only makes more money than you with less time in, they get promoted to a position that requires a Bachelors' degree without having one.
Don't you think taking 40 years to get your masters, was a little unusual and you might just not be very bright?
I am so so happy that Kinky Con is back.
Yisheng is the black female version of Donald Trump.
"Shiftless and surly"? Hmmm, methinks someone has been watching too much old seventies movies.😎
"Bitter separatist minority"?
Not bitter; not living separately;and won't be a minority much longer.
Don't be obtuse Ministry of Truth. The Obama Administration has written rules and regulations that punish white communities. Let me know when the Obama Administration starts moving poor whites into field's hood.
And thanks LA Rams.....
"Not bitter; not living separately;and won't be a minority much longer."
It's pretty obvious where the population surge is going to come from. A few Asians and a whole bunch of Hispanics. How the US black population benefits from that is a mystery to me. I can't say that revenge on The Man is much of a political movement, but if it's all you've got I say go with it.
It's a win-win situation. Too damn many people and too much squabbling about their share of the pie. As long as I can stay in my little peaceful white bread town, it'll make for interesting news cycles from here on.
when blacks are successful or act "too white" they are uncle toms?
HouseAnglo said...
...A few Asians and a whole bunch of Hispanics...
9:48 AM
Heeeeyyyy! Whaddayamean "bunch of Hispanics"?
FYI Hispanics have been coming here since the early 40's! It's 2016,and now you notice? Sheeesh!
Whom do you think manned all those sweatshops of the 40's,50's,60's and 70's and created the wealth of all of the owners? This country was built by immigrants, AND I might add, they are the ones that put food on your table son!!! 'Cos immigrants are still doing all the hard labor on the meat and produce end of the food chain! While y'all white boys been sitting back studying coding and techy stuff.
I can tell you commenters on here are city boys! Y'all think food comes from the supermarket trees and bushes! Yeah right!!!
field negro said...
"Not bitter; not living separately;and won't be a minority much longer."
You'll be a minority in America forever, just not a protected one. The non-white growth will be primarily Hispanic and Asian. Once whites are no longer a majority, things are going to get very hard for black Americans.
lilacpr2000 said...
"'Cos immigrants are still doing all the hard labor on the meat and produce end of the food chain! While y'all white boys been sitting back studying coding and techy stuff."
That's what great about this country. Everybody pitches in by doing what they do best. Mexicans pluck chickens and pick lettuce, white guys invent technological innovations and build things, and black people complain and cause mayhem in the streets.
The beautiful mosaic of America.
Oh Potato shut up! x( That's not what I meant!
Potato I'll bet you're one of those that think stuff grows on supermarket shelves! Weak little city boi!
Jose "Willie Lynch" Wang said...
You'll be a minority in America forever, just not a protected one.
The ONLY people Blacks have EVER needed protection from are whooteemoos, so we'll be in GREAT shape once whooteemoos die off.
Whooteemoos ran the slave trade, passed Jim Crow laws, and run the current legal slavery system known as prison.
Minorities EVERYWHERE will tap dance on your graves and thrown in a bottle of Jim Beam for good measure.
But who will support people like Yisheng?
I look forward to the day when white Americans are no longer the majority population in the U.S. We have screwed up for so long that it'll be a relief. The opportunities for revenge will increase exponentially, but we fucking deserve it. l
Mystere has internalized the hatred of her enemies. I would assume there is no man in her life to balance her feelings of resentment and betrayal toward the society she lives in. She obviously does not have children, or if she does, she does not care what happens to them.
She believes white Americans have "screwed up for so long" it will be a relief to lose the country. America is the most free, the most prosperous, the most egalitarian, and the most powerful country the world has ever known. This is entirely a result of white culture and white values. The non-whites who flock here live better lives than in any of their countries of origin not burdened by white rule. They risk life, limb, and jail to come here to be oppressed by the white man.
When America is no longer white, it will be like the home countries of those who inherit it. It will not be a relief to live in a poorer, more corrupt, less free country, with an oppressive statist regime ruling over a population deeply divided on racial, ethnic, and religious fault lines. The ever more strident anti-white rhetoric of today will lead to calls for genocide tomorrow. The result will be war and destruction.
Maybe you deserve it, but I and my children don't and I am going to do whatever I can to prevent it from happening.
"Heeeeyyyy! Whaddayamean "bunch of Hispanics"?
Obviously I was talking about from here on out, but admittedly the whole camel is in the tent, not just the nose.
The Reconquista (well, maybe it's a Conquista given that Navajo and Cherokee don't think of themselves as Mexicans or Guatemalans) is really only about 35 years old. There's a sharp upwards trend that is from right around that time.
I really can't say that assimilation is ever going to happen, the numbers are just too great. It's one of those cases where immigration works like affirmative action. You start out giving a group a break because they are not powerful, and you end up never rescinding it because they are too powerful.
"The ONLY people Blacks have EVER needed protection from are whooteemoos, so we'll be in GREAT shape once whooteemoos die off."
Check out prison politics in Southern California or Texas sometime and get back to us on that. It's not a bad Petri dish for life on the streets generally.
I can't help but wonder how long the electricity will keep running in your dream world.
Admin, if not okay please remove!
Our facebook group “selfless” is spending this month spreading awareness on prostate cancer & research with a custom t-shirt design. Purchase proceeds will go to cancer.org, as listed on the shirt and shirt design.
PR2000 lila, los blancos deben enseñar a sus hijos cómo hablar español, ya que será la lengua mayoritaria hablada en este país en un futuro próximo.
Kinky I'm not so sure about that, I think that's just media hype,in order to ramp up viewership and generate interest in the news as a whole. They also said/wrote that Chinese would be the language of the future...I dunno...I guess I just don't believe anything I read these days...although of course it's always good to know other languages,why not? Where ya been all this time? :)
The whole China thing was fear spread by American politicians and businesses.
My theory is based on our migration and multiplication.
Yeah, why but limits on yourself? I'm just chillin like a villain. Been getting me some more edumacation....Just got to wait for the gubmit to spend some coin on infrastructure. Then i'll be making the big bucks!!!
How you been lilacpr? I hear things are getting tougher on the rock...
Esto es América, habla español !!!!HA!
lilacpr2000 said...
I just don't believe anything I read these days
That's probably the wisest course of action.
"When America is no longer white, it will be like the home countries of those who inherit it. It will not be a relief to live in a poorer, more corrupt, less free country, with an oppressive statist regime ruling over a population deeply divided on racial, ethnic, and religious fault lines. The ever more strident anti-white rhetoric of today will lead to calls for genocide tomorrow. The result will be war and destruction."
So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot.
George Orwell
What Chinese think of black people:
White nationalism doesn't make sense. How can you take credit fro the accomplishments of your ancestors?
Also, you should apologize for slavery.
Liliacpr, at least you can read.
Well actually fraud thinker, you should apologize for slavery.
FIELDDDD!!! A course I can read! xD I dunno quite how to take that! xD lol!
At least??? Like I can't do much of anything else???
I'm just gonna make out like I didn't read that!!! xD lol Field!
@ Kinky, edumacation is always good. Hope you get what you want :) and yeah things are bad here, actually I think half the island is over there, 'cos there's not much happening here. If I were younger I'd prolly go back over there too...as the saying goes: "No hay mal que dure cien a~os, o cuerpo que lo soporte"
Translation: "There's no badness that will last a hundred years, or body that will bear it that long"
Ah! it loses everything in the translation, but you get the picture ;)
Blacks get into college with much less grades and scores than any other races. Blacks get hired because of quotas and everyone who works with them knows it. There are exceptions and those smart people with brown skin pay for this asinine policy. I must say, however, I've only worked with one black person in 30 years I thought deserved their position by merit.
Mystery solved: That's what they said about the Irish and the Italians too. Still don't see any chunks of sky on the ground over it. And that's the real fear in the hearts of the anti-immigration shoutycrackers: that everything will just keep on slowly getting better like it has for a long-ass time, and their bigotry will be exposed for the tantrum it is, not some world ending crisis.
=Doug in Oaklkand
I wonder what the future will be like as whites dwindle out. Does the world become a utopia?
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
"10:23 PM
Blogger Yīshēng said...
@koo koo you left off tenacity, ignoring slights EVERYDAY, working 5X as hard for 1/10000000th the credit, and my all time favorite as a former fed, having a Masters' degree while your white (usually female), 2 year degree having colleague not only makes more money than you with less time in, they get promoted to a position that requires a Bachelors' degree without having one.
10:24 PM"
OK. That's a bit too much. You will regret this.
Not bitter; not living separately;and won't be a minority much longer.
Negroes don't count so well, do they?
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