I love the Koreans.
I love the Chinese.
I love the Indians.
I love the Cajuns.
I love the French.
I love the Jamaicans....wait, I am Jamaican.
And of course, like Donald trump, "I love Hispanics".
A few weeks ago I seriously thought about giving up blogging and focusing on other pursuits. But then, like manna from heaven, Donald trump ran for president and actually won his primary.
As a result, I have decided that this is just too much of a blogger rich environment for me to bail on at this point.
Thank you Donald.
You have been the most consistent blogger I know. I suspect that, if you decided to pack it in, we'll never hear from you again, at least not in this very personal way.
I urge you to stay, not for the racists who congregate here, or the detractors who would silence you with multi-hyper-displays of ignorance, but because you have a valuable viewpoint to share.
"What? I have to get more than 30% of them to vote for me or I lose?"
I'm glad you decided to hang in there, this blog is valuable and unique.
-Doug in Oakland
The Shadow Do... said...
"You have been the most consistent blogger I know."
And you've been the most consistently obtuse commenter I know. You remind me of that pompous idiot "Black Sage". You need to pack it in your ass.
"What? I have to get more than 30% of them to vote for me or I lose?"
Nope. Assuming the white turnout goes up 3%, black turnout remains the same (not likely) and Hispanic turnout goes up 5% (a stretch), Trump does 3% better among whites than Romney, 5% worse among "Asian and other" and gets 10% of the black vote (not a stretch) he only needs 26% of the Hispanic vote - 5% worse than Romney got.
If he gets 15% of the black vote - not inconceivable based on what I am hearing, especially from black men, he would win the election with only 18% of what would be a record turnout of the Hispanic vote:
People of all colors know who has their back, and it ain't Hillary.
See, The Donald did you some good already Field!!! Sheesh! Give the man a break already!
Thank you Donald from me too! xD
Several comedians put off retirement because of The Donald. I hear Dr. Ben is heading his VP search. Think he'll pull a Cheney and choose himself? Dear god please!
The onslaught of Trump-bashing begins. Hillary has released her first general campaign ad. It's a parade of prominent Republicans pointing out what a sack of garbage Trump is.
Get ready for months and months of absolutely everybody ripping Trump a new asshole, until in the end, there's nothing left of him but asshole.
Wait, that analogy didn't work -- he's already nothing but asshole. But you get the point.
Pajama boys like MoT, fake conservatives, parasitic immigrants, ugly feminists, corrupt business people and war mongers are all lining up to support a pathological liar with blood on her hands who is under criminal investigation by the FBI.
Trump is going to win in a motherfucking landslide.
@The Ministry of Truth "he's already nothing but asshole. But you get the point."
I certainly hope he (Trump) does, that is, "get the point," not by hearing it, but sitting on it.
Field, your self-restraint in allowing thoughtful readers and cockroaches alike the freedom to get anything off their chest, virtually uncensored in the face of the amount of shit you put up with is nothing short of admirable. Nothing wrong with this blog that a judicious amount of censorship wouldn't cure. And I say that as one who has been shitlisted on one well known right wing "forum".
"Pajama boys like MoT, fake conservatives, parasitic immigrants, ugly feminists, corrupt business people and war mongers are all lining up to support a pathological liar with blood on her hands who is under criminal investigation by the FBI."
Yeah, yeah, you Trumpkins have an endlessly long laundry list of "bad guys" that you want Trump to punish for you. Here's the thing, though: All those "bad guys" vote!
And unfortunately, your hopes for white people collectively rising up in some kind of enraged yet stupid bloc to support your lame vendetta against the "bad guys" -- pure delusion. Lots and lots and lots of white folks regard Trump as something they'd scrape off their shoe.
It's going to be a miserable day for you when the reality sinks in that most people despise your hero and everything he stands for.
"Trump is going to win in a motherfucking landslide."
Just like Romney?
Nothing like Romney.
The Ministry of Gayness said...
All those "bad guys" vote!
So do the good guys. White, black, brown and whatever kind of working people who don't use the government to screw the middle class and get their ass pounded daily like you do. There's a lot more of us than you think, and we are sick of being raped by Wall Street and having our sons sent to die in the desert in the place of sons of a foreign nation that wishes us ill.
You think this country is going to elect a hateful old woman who has left a 40 year trail of crimes and fuck ups worthy of a hanging and is running on a promise to divide and destroy America over a Man who promises to put the interests of the citizens first? You'd better hope you're wrong because this is the last chance to do this peacefully.
Well Brother Field... if you retire now you will soon be with the ranks of other newly retired information specialist. Rush. Hannity, Fox News and Mr. Savage will soon be in the ranks... why? There will no longer be any need to energize "base" any longer. I guess after November elections there will be clarity about how this country will return to a period in time whereby the vigor of the old will be reconstituted. I am looking forward to those days whereby we can once again adhere to a pecking order.
I think I will write the newly lost jobs crew my condolences. They serve as an example of how to work yourself out of a job. Be careful what they wished for.
Seriously, you have provided some many others and myself with a new form of releasing energy. I have truly enjoyed this last new decade in following you. You have been like a best friend that I newly acquired. This is not your requiem only my being proactive. Thank for the moments. StillaPanther2
PS... what are the trolls and haters gonna (write like they do) do? They too got to be careful for what they hope for. Why, because the rich and powerful has never claim them as their own. Just a step above a ... (fill in the blank).
Nothing like Romney.
Actually a lot like me. Ever poll had me behind just like Trump and no one believed them. Romney in a landslide they said. Harrumph.
" Lots and lots and lots of white folks regard Trump as something they'd scrape off their shoe."
Actually, I'd toss the shoes. You can't get them clean after that.
This blog is extremely valuable and for me personally, has been one of the amazing learning resources about everyday race(-ism). For someone who is new to this country ... it was really amazing to see things from a black perspective, I've learnt a lot and am still learning. Please keep writing.
"... a Man who promises to put the interests of the citizens first?"
But the Man is lying, that's the point.
The Man's only interest is in himself, the Man is a narcissist and a psychopath.
The Purple Cow said...
"... a Man who promises to put the interests of the citizens first?"
"But the Man is lying, that's the point.
The Man's only interest is in himself, the Man is a narcissist and a psychopath."
But they all lie to us. They are all narcissists and psychopaths. They tell us that we can spend our way out of debt, that we can keep our doctors, and that it was all because of WMD's or a YouTube video. They tell us that we need to go fight Muslims in the desert because everyone's security is our responsibility. They tell us that shipping our factories overseas and our replacements into our neighborhoods is good for the economy. They tell us that we have to let a creepy dude wearing a dress go to bathroom with our daughters because Civil Rights. They tell us we are racist for wanting to leave our children some semblance of the country and culture our parents left to us.
Trump tells us that we will still have a place in America's future. It's an existential question that trumps all other issues. Yes he is everything you say he is, but he is the only politician in decades who even fakes that he cares about the interests of people outside of the donor class. If you won't vote for the one man offering you a lifeline, you might as well hang it up now.
Trump is a reset on the insanity of the American political system. I'm all in.
" They tell us that we can spend our way out of debt..."
You can and you should. See my post of yesterday.
Other than that, you appear to be saying "Vote for Trump even though he is probably lying just on the off-chance that he might not be."
Not a very inspiring message is it? You can see why so many people are disillusioned with politics.
Thanks for all the nice words posted above.
Now to trump. How exactly is he the "reset on the insanity of the American political system" when he is himself insane?
Shouldn't u hit "reset" with a rational sane person who knows what he or she is doing?
"Shouldn't u hit "reset" with a rational sane person who knows what he or she is doing?"
Who might that be?
Can totally relate, Mr. Field, about the need to pursue other interests.
Also very much in agreement with posters citing your invaluable contribution to the political and social conversation.
Not to mention, the FN Blog has brought together a variety of thought-provoking perspectives. And equally enlightening (when engaged in respected discourse) is the contrast between conservative and progressive viewpoints.
On a humorous note, it eventually seems Anon et al will be in need of new stomping grounds. Whatever will they do once the lights are out...
First there was Jonathan Gruber admitting all the lies told to sell America obamacare.
Now meet Ben Rhodes-
Obama Advisor Openly Brags About Lying to Public, Media Yawns
Good thing field isn't worried about the lies massa tells.
"Trump tells us that we will still have a place in America's future. It's an existential question that trumps all other issues. Yes he is everything you say he is, but he is the only politician in decades who even fakes that he cares about the interests of people outside of the donor class. If you won't vote for the one man offering you a lifeline, you might as well hang it up now."
Except he isn't the "one man" offering you a lifeline, is he? If what you wanted was the person least likely to start a war that your kids will fight in, you could have voted for Bernie. (Trump says he'll nuke countries that piss him off.)
If you wanted someone with a long, proven track record in fighting for the little guy on economic issues, again, you could have voted for Bernie. Hell, Hillary, whom you hate, is still demonstrably better than Trump on this account. But instead, you want an unethical billionaire who's never, ever shown any interest in his entire life in anyone outside his own little cliche of fellow greedy bastards. Suddenly he's had a come-to-Jesus moment and cares so very, very much about you? Fuck off. He doesn't.
So clearly, it isn't about those things for you. What really matters to you is kicking the "parasites" you imagine are somehow harming you by having the audacity to look different from you or follow a different religion from you. That is what makes you both vile and stupid.
Frank Vick is a free thinking black man who left the plantation years ago. How shocking is that to leftwing mouthpieces?
The Ministry of Truth said...
What really matters to you is kicking the "parasites" you imagine are somehow harming you by having the audacity to look different from you or follow a different religion from you.
You project your own twisted fantasies on those you hate. Unlike you, some of us aren't motivated by a compulsion to decide what's best for everyone else, just insistent on the right to pursue what's best for ourselves. You don't have to look or worship differently to be a parasite, just as people who contribute positively come in all varieties. Today's situation is only positive for the oligarchs. What is happening is not organic, it is the result of purposeful and malevolent policy. Our rulers have decided to create a New People more amenable to their agenda and dispense with the old. When the marginalized masses raise an objection, you call them vile and stupid. And racist.
Fuck you. Enough is enough.
I can certainly appreciate the political commentary Field provides even if I have to sift through a mountain of bullshit and ignorance in the comments section to get to it, LOL!!
Besides, in due time I'll wrap up the research side of my academic endeavors to focus strictly on the clinical side which won't leave time for sleeping much less, taking time to take out to read Field's brilliant posts. Or be constantly reminded by my haters of how absolutely fabulous I am!!
"Frank Vick is a free thinking black man who left the plantation years ago. How shocking is that to leftwing mouthpieces?"
Given that I've never heard of him - not at all.
Doug, looks like Hillary will be in your town. If you go to her event let us know how it goes.
Yishengcow is thriving in the field of toilet bowl techology. Not only does she clean toilet, she soon will be able to repair them!!!
Normal Dude I have to agree with TMOT. Don't u think it's rather funny that all this angst and and anger over the "rulers" and the "oligarchs" started when a certain brown man became president?
America, all of a sudden, stopped being great.
Off to mi Bday events. Got to see Iron Man first and then off to do some music into the wee hours of the night. Best part about having a bday is that everybody has to sing and play all the songs I want to do, no compromising! This is great! Like being Rafael Cruz. Ha! I'll let you guys know later if I survive.
PC, that makes 2 of us.
Is he my current HNOTD?
Why did the brown man want to take his country back? Did he succeed?
Normal Dude I have to agree with TMOT. Don't u think it's rather funny that all this angst and and anger over the "rulers" and the "oligarchs" started when a certain brown man became president?
America, all of a sudden, stopped being great.
I don't remember the left thinking America was great during the Bush years. In fact, field use to call America "Amerikkka" during the Bush years. He stopped when a certain brown man moved into the house.
In fact, wasn't the brown man elected because of the left's angst and anger over the "rulers" and the "oligarchs"?
I believe so.
Epic fail on your race card playing WB.
PilotX said...
Off to mi Bday events. Got to see Iron Man first and then off to do some music into the wee hours of the night. Best part about having a bday is that everybody has to sing and play all the songs I want to do, no compromising! This is great! Like being Rafael Cruz. Ha! I'll let you guys know later if I survive.
2:46 PM
Have a happy and blessed birthday Pilot! Lucky you it fell on a Friday!!! Yaaay! Party time! Enjoy! Don't do anything I wouldn't do, which means you can do anything xD So you won't get bored!
"In fact, wasn't the brown man elected because of the left's angst and anger over the "rulers" and the "oligarchs"?"
Well, like Lee Kuan Yew said: In multiracial societies, you don't vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.
It would be asking a lot for FN to do otherwise, the imperative is quite strong with this one.
Well, Lucky Pilot gets a birthday weekend celebration!! Do have a blast, dear sir :-) You deserve it...
@Yisheng: Proud of you, Ms. Scientist, a woman of color successfully thriving in a STEM career. Quite a hoot observing the fortitude required to keep the troll-i-garks at bay :-)
Yīshēng said...
"Besides, in due time I'll wrap up the research side of my academic endeavors to focus strictly on the clinical side which won't leave time for sleeping much less, taking time to take out to read Field's brilliant posts"
Aren't you nearly at retirement age? What a waste of time and resources.
Hey Faith thanks for the encouragement, I'm presenting at 2 meetings later this year so all my hard work is coming to fruition! :)
And they say $hit can be used for fuel, so I get plenty enough from here to propel me forward! ;)
And a HAPPY HAPPY B'Day to my favorite Pilot, PX!! Just remember that the liver can only take sl much 'til you get to the point of NO return! Let's make this a no alcohol induced cirrhosis weekend! :)
Nah,dont go anywhere,Pittsburgh,America,& the world needs your wisdom!!
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