"On Monday evening, California's secretary of state published a list of delegates chosen by the Trump campaign for the upcoming Republican presidential primary in the state. Trump's slate includes William Johnson, one of the country's most prominent white nationalists.
Johnson applied to the Trump campaign to be a delegate. He was accepted on Monday. In order to be approved he had to sign this pledge sent to him by the campaign: "I, William Johnson, endorse Donald J. Trump for the office of President of the United States. I pledge to cast ALL of my ballots to elect Donald J. Trump on every round of balloting at the 2016 Republican National Convention so that we can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" After he signed, the Trump campaign added his name to the list of 169 delegates it forwarded to the secretary of state.
Johnson leads the American Freedom Party, a group that "exists to represent the political interests of White Americans" and aims to preserve "the customs and heritage of the European American people." The AFP has never elected a candidate of its own and possesses at most a few thousand members, but it is "arguably the most important white nationalist group in the country," according to Mark Potok, a senior fellow for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which tracks hate groups.
Johnson got the news that he had been selected by Trump in a congratulatory email sent to him by the campaign's California delegate coordinator, Katie Lagomarsino. "I just hope to show how I can be mainstream and have these views," Johnson tells Mother Jones. "I can be a white nationalist and be a strong supporter of Donald Trump and be a good example to everybody."
Johnson says that in his application to be a delegate for Trump he disclosed multiple details about his background and activism, though he did not specifically use the term "white nationalist." The Trump campaign and Lagomarsino did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Whether or not Johnson was vetted by the Trump campaign, the GOP front-runner would have a hard time claiming ignorance of Johnson's extreme views: Johnson has gained notice during the presidential primary for funding pro-Trump robocalls that convey a white nationalist message. "The white race is dying out in America and Europe because we are afraid to be called 'racist,'" Johnson says in one robocall pushed out to residential landlines in Vermont and Minnesota. "Donald Trump is not racist, but Donald Trump is not afraid. Don't vote for a Cuban. Vote for Donald Trump."
Armed with cash from affluent donors and staffed by what the movement considers to be its top thinkers, the AFP now dedicates most of its resources to supporting Trump. Johnson claims that the AFP's pro-Trump robocalls, which have delivered Johnson's personal cellphone number to voters in seven states, have helped the party find hundreds of new members. "[Trump] is allowing us to talk about things we've not been able to talk about," Johnson says. "So even if he is not elected, he has achieved great things."[Source]
Fair enough. I mean white nationalist vote too, and they also have political viewpoints which they want represented. I get it.
But what I don't get is why Donald trump is turning off a substantial portion of his base by blaming the selection of this delegate on a database error. Now they (the campaign) are saying that our poor racist friend will not be a trump delegate after all.
I guess we can blame it all on political correctness. I mean you can't even be a racist in peace anymore. God forbid you get in some "libtard's" safe space.
So, in an attempt to pivot to the middle and appeal to the general electorate, Donald trump seems to be turning his back on the people who brought him to this point in the first place.
It's a delicate dance, but given the level of intelligence of some of our fellow Americans, he just might be able to pull it off.
Still, I am not sure why this William Johnson guy couldn't have made the cut. I mean people like David Horowitz are openly supporting trump for crying out loud. The same David Horowitz that called Nancy Pelosi a "bitch" and Barack Obama a racist.
"Horowitz has urged the Republican Party to embrace this message, a dream that seems to have come true with the rise of Trump. He said in February that Trump has “hit a note that is absolutely necessary” on race. “Republicans and conservatives lose the battle,” he said, “because they won’t take the bull by the horns, they won’t call the Democrats liars, they won’t say that they’re treasonous, which they are, they won’t say that they’re racist, which they are.” “I mean, it’s just unbelievable to me when you see how racist the Democratic Party is,” he said. “Everything is about race and everything is an attack on white people and anybody who’s not black or Latino.” Horowitz frequently claims that Obama “hates America” and discriminates against white people by showing a preference for people with “a darker shade of skin” and supporting anti-white “lynch mobs.” He has said that Obama “would never be president if he weren’t black” because “part of the racism of our society is if you’re black you can get away with murder.” He has also speculated that Obama is secretly Muslim because he is “anti-American radical” and “wants the terrorists to win.”' -
Sadly, if his candidate wins come November, the terrorist will have won.
*Pic from mediamatters.org
Negroes are so scared of white people banding together, it's hilarious. You all dread the day whites finally tire of your monkeyshines and demand separation. Then you's fucked.
My advice? Enjoy electricity and clean running water while you can, homies. ;)
Trump should just put on the white sheet and get it over with. When you've got so many skinheads and assorted creepy-crawlies popping out of the woodwork to endorse you, it's pretty hard to hide which team you're playing for.
While I'm not a Trump supporter, the full MotherJones article is a somewhat balanced read in terms clarifying why Mr. Trump is not too keen on the more controversial segment of the electorate supporting his candidacy. To do so definitely undermines his ability to win the general election.
Ironically, I also suspect the white nationalist groups and the klan may not withhold their support due the policies they believe a President Trump can enact to turn the tables on what they perceive as PC movements hellbent on destroying the pure Euro American heritage.
Thanks, Anon: And you enjoy the obvious moonshine that sustains your version of reality.
You won't vote for Trump, FN. OK. I'm sure you never intended to vote for him. Why keep beating a dead horse with your five followers? Those few people won't vote for him either. The rest of us might not, but it won't be because of your inane Trump posts. You focus on the dumbest points in the campaign.
The hilarious part to me is the claim the Barack is so horrible but his popularity numbers are far superior to W's at this point in his term. Barack is at 52%, W was at 29%. It seems that America seems to like the secret mooslim. If he is tearing the country apart then W was doing some Armegeddon type shit. Ha!
"You focus on the dumbest points in the campaign."
What are you focusing on in your blog? How many followers do you have?
I am not so insecure that I that need a blog to feel important, even if nobody reads it, Wayne.
Oooh...Bitch fight!
That Johnson bozo is an idiot. He is the author of the so-called "Pace Amendment" which advocates deportation of all non white-European descended Americans, including (get this) Native Americans. Uh, deport them to where, exactly?
-Doug in Oakland
You seem to be reading it.
"Johnson leads the American Freedom Party, a group that "exists to represent the political interests of White Americans" and aims to preserve "the customs and heritage of the European American people."
How horrible! Representing white interests! Preserving the customs and heritage of the European American people! Nazi! Kill him! Kill White babies!
"That Johnson bozo is an idiot. He is the author of the so-called 'Pace Amendment' which advocates deportation of all non white-European descended Americans, including (get this) Native Americans. Uh, deport them to where, exactly?"
Deport them to New Delhi? They're Indians, right?
This is about the level of thoughtfulness you'll get out of the White Grievance Brigade. They're only about wallowing in their free-floating anger, not thinking through the real causes of our nation's problems or devising any practical solutions to them.
"according to Mark Potok, a senior fellow for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which tracks hate groups."
The Southern Poverty Law Center is the biggest, best funded hate group in America.
What was slavery like, for the slave? It depended on the quality of your master.
What is government like for the governed?
In California, Blacks win some short-term fights against Mexicans. But Mexicans win long term. There just aren't enough Blacks. It's a numbers game.
It's a brains game, too. Blacks are the dumbest race on the planet, and Latinos have the balls to tell Blackie what's what.
Viva La Raza!
Por La Raza, todo! Por los mayates, nada!
The Ministry of Truth said...
"They're only about wallowing in their free-floating anger, not thinking through the real causes of our nation's problems or devising any practical solutions to them."
People interpret criticisms of democracy as saying it can't bring about real change, but of course it can! Things can always get worse. We now live in a post-Constitution, post-America world where Iran has a nuclear bomb, illegals have better benefits and protections in Western nations than the citizens of said countries, and radical Muslim extremism is used to exterminate Western values. Through various “social justice” measures such as “climate change”, the “gay agenda” and “islamophobia”, the men behind the progressive agenda have secured the means by which the 1% globalists will rule the world and the majority of its wealth as they lord over the rest of us through the UN while claiming to be supporters of “democracy” and “human rights”. Hitler and Goebbels would be proud of what today's progressives have accomplished in such a short period of time.
"People interpret criticisms of democracy as saying it can't bring about real change, but of course it can! Things can always get worse. We now live in a post-Constitution, post-America world where Iran has a nuclear bomb, illegals have better benefits and protections in Western nations than the citizens of said countries, and radical Muslim extremism is used to exterminate Western values..."
Hey, another Alex Jones fruitcake! Or maybe you're more a demented frequenter of WorldNetDaily?
It seems this blog needs a "tinfoil hat" alert as badly as the regular "digital blackface" alarms. Numerous commenters live entirely in their own realities, completely disconnected from anything remotely resembling a fact.
If you're spouting off about how everything is a sinister conspiracy by the "globalist elite," you might as well go all-in and blame the lizard people. Just know that everyone who reads your comments is laughing at you.
This place is a barrel full of laughs.
In reply to previous FN comment @Eric, All Lives Matter, for which you are absolutely correct...
Nor does BLM remotely negate a basic human principle, which time and again has not been extended to black communities whose lives were deemed either an afterthought or essentially expendable.
Here's another perspective: As a black woman also a part of the human race, it's not lost on me the disparity impacting non-black communities. As such, when news surfaced several months ago about a white young man whose death was eerily similar to black lives lost, most people of color expressed the same outrage because it was never our position to refute All Lives Matter.
It's within the context of this philosophy that all lives -- including black people, as members of the human race, are afforded dignity and respectful consideration. Case in point, black communities unmercifully used as a source of revenue in Ferguson, MO and the yet to be fully determined impact of the deplorable water quality in Flint, MI.
In both situations, how exactly would these short-sighted policies lead anyone with a semblance of rational thought and compassion to conclude in such instances that All Lives Matter?
Oh lawdy,lawdy. trump be trying to be putting a white racist man on his election teams. Please don't bees asking trumps to put a sheet over his head. That be too scary for us negros.
Funny field didn't take issue with obama having black separatists and cop killers on his delegate team.
Without double standards, the left would have no standards at all.
The hilarious part to me is the claim the Barack is so horrible but his popularity numbers are far superior to W's at this point in his term. Barack is at 52%, W was at 29%. It seems that America seems to like the secret mooslim. If he is tearing the country apart then W was doing some Armegeddon type shit. Ha!
Funnie PX doesn't mention the polls that show obama is the most divisive, polarizing president in our nations history.
"Funny field didn't take issue with obama having black separatists and cop killers on his delegate team."
I can't say that there's any point in expecting a neutral POV on a website that promotes a strong tribal identity among it's own people and the devil take everyone else. You are probably wasting your breath here.
A thing I was just thinking about is the seeming inverse relationship between self-esteem and the accomplishments of a race of people (there's tons of studies out there). Besides being ironic, it might well explain the boosterism you run into, it's baked into the cake. The sad thing is that you end up with the smartest people (Ashkenazi Jews, Northeast Asians) thinking the least of themselves.
Anonymous said...
The sad thing is that you end up with the smartest people (Ashkenazi Jews, Northeast Asians) thinking the least of themselves.
9:58 AM
WTF! what have they ever done that's so smart??? Their countries are shit piles! "smartest people" nah!!!
"The sad thing is that you end up with the smartest people (Ashkenazi Jews, Northeast Asians) thinking the least of themselves."
The Chosen People think less of themselves? The people that invented ethno-nationalism? Did you really say that?
And most Asians I have known, whatever they think of themselves, think much less of everyone else.
The problem will all this racist shit today is people thinking in terms of their group instead of in terms of who they are individually. Group differences are real, are interesting, and are relevant to determining whether differences in group outcomes are due to discrimination or to the different distributions of talents between those groups, but they say nothing about us as individuals. Just because black men can jump doesn't mean Neil Tyson can dunk but can't do math; just because Asians are good at math doesn't mean Yao Ming can do differential equations but can't dunk.
Take pride in your people but have some humility when it comes to yourself and your place within all of humanity. This obsession with racial grievance and tribal spoils keeps us divided and is used to further the aims of those who profit by our division.
"The Chosen People think less of themselves? The people that invented ethno-nationalism? Did you really say that?"
Absolutely. This is the kind of thing that Psychology journals are filled with.
Don't conflate the notion of self image with group identity. Certainly you've heard of self hate among Jews as a kind of trope.
It's really a pretty interesting issue, here's one on Chinese people vs the baseline of (as usual) whites:
Here's my own guess, but it's an uneducated one. Low self-esteem cultures/races (choose yer poison here) have a strong need for approval from *others* while high self-esteem people are more self contained. The latter makes for a healthier kind of psychology for the individual, but the former makes for stronger and more organized group behavior. A gross example might be the self-organization you see in China over millenia vs. the lack of it in sub-Saharan Africa.
"but they say nothing about us as individuals. Just because black men can jump doesn't mean Neil Tyson can dunk but can't do math; just because Asians are good at math doesn't mean Yao Ming can do differential equations but can't dunk."
Of course not, (practically) no one would suggest that. Where the rubber hits the road is when people believe that there is no such thing as measurable tendencies in groups. It's impossible to ignore the abilities that Jews, at least the European variety, bring to the academic table. Heck, we might even find out why that is pretty soon given the super fast advancements in biological sciences going on right now.
People are pattern-noticing machines, and not all of them are untrue.
"Of course not, (practically) no one would suggest that."
It is the precisely the fear of such misuse that prevents discussing group differences. The people cannot be trusted with the truth, therefore we have to suffer under radical equalitarian concepts such as "disparate impact" that defy all logic and promote injustice in pursuit of a false reality.
So instead of rationally discussing how different peoples or even men and women are different and how that might affect what they do and how well they do it, we have to pretend that any differences in outcomes across groups are because of racist or sexist discrimination - unless those outcomes favor a privileged group, which then makes them natural.
There is no such thing as Social Justice. The concept of justice only applies to individual circumstances. Any attempt to extend this concept to groups means some individuals will experience injustice. Groups can be discriminated against, but only the effects on each and every one of us as an individual can be legitimately remedied.
"It is the precisely the fear of such misuse that prevents discussing group differences. etc."
It would be nice if it didn't matter. We could certainly all be better at treating individuals as such rather than as members of tribes.
Where it gets sticky is the matter of making public policy. If definable groups really are different, how should laws be different or should they? Should schooling be altered depending on the population being served (and should high achievers be brought down by the low achievers)?
The US is going through some growing pains as so-called diversity kicks in. Where it used to be blacks vs. everyone else, now you get various warring factions all after a piece of the pie. The more people, the more warring you get. At least if all the cards are on the table, and self-identifying groups can negotiate, there may well be some middle ground. You can argue that the Trump movement (that Trump is surfing on) is mostly just a coalition of pink people who will end up achieving that equilibrium, especially if the Spanish speaking population ramps up as expected.
I'm going to miss the world that was, but there's a sell-by date on nations.
"Funnie PX doesn't mention the polls that show obama is the most divisive, polarizing president in our nations history."
And yet he is still more popular than W was by a large margin. Does that mean Barack is that charismatic or W was just that god awful?
No wonder our trolls like Trump, he is one of them. Makes sense. ha!
"And yet he is still more popular than W was by a large margin. Does that mean Barack is that charismatic or W was just that god awful?"
W = goddawful
Obama = not enough testosterone to be charismatic
"And yet he is still more popular than W was by a large margin. Does that mean Barack is that charismatic or W was just that god awful?"
It's not just a comparison with the previous president. It's also a comparison with a next potential president, the steaming pile of shit that is Trump.
The more of Trump we see, the better Obama looks by contrast and the more his approval ratings rise. This election campaign is reminding everyone of just how worthless the opposition party really is, in case they've forgotten after eight years away from Bush.
More likely it's the comparison to the steaming pile of shit that is hillary clinton. Hillary is the most well known candidate in presidential election history. And yet she is going to lose at least 23 states on the way to her nomination. And almost half of her support is based on hatred of Donald J. Trump.
I know it gives you thrill up your leg to find a poll that shows obama above 50% since most of his term he has been below 45%.
Still doesn't change the fact that he is one of the worst presidents of all time. Along with being the most polarizing president of all time.
Donald J. Trump will make America great again. I know that scares you leftwingers.
Doesn't scare me. More material foe my blog.
Anon@11:35, is that why James Bold is always bragging about how much money he has?
"Donald J. Trump will make America great again. I know that scares you leftwingers."
Au contraire mon stupide petit ami, Donald J. Trump would fuck America good and proper for all time.
1. Trump doesn't care about America, he only cares about himself.
2. He's got the I.Q. of a chicken.
3. He hates his own supporters.
4. He doesn't understand macroeconomics
5. He doesn't understand foreign affairs
Don't get me wrong, nothing would make the rest of the World happier than watching Trump fuck up the USA, but sadly for them, and luckily for you, he will never be President.
There are not enough stupid and angry old white men around.
James Bold brags about his money for the same reason yisheng is always bragging about her alleged accomplishments.
''Don't get me wrong, nothing would make the rest of the World happier than watching Trump fuck up the USA, but sadly for them, and luckily for you, he will never be President.
There are not enough stupid and angry old white men around.''
That's why the rest of the world loves Obama. He has fucked the USA royally. Sadly, democrats have made sure there are enough stupid and angry minorities around to keep the fucking going for decades.
"Sadly, democrats have made sure there are enough stupid and angry minorities around to keep the fucking going for decades."
You say that as if it where a bad thing.
"Sadly, democrats have made sure there are enough stupid and angry minorities around to keep the fucking going for decades."
And republicans depend on stupid, poor, overy-religious whites. Stalemate.
Donald J. Trump will make America great again.
Again? When was it great? Why isn't it great now?
James Bold brags about his money for the same reason yisheng is always bragging about her alleged accomplishments.
And you brag about nothing because you're a nobody with no money or accomplishments.
"Don't get me wrong, nothing would make the rest of the World happier than watching Trump fuck up the USA, but sadly for them, and luckily for you, he will never be President."
Er, I'm confident that the rest of the world would very UNhappy to see President Trump in the White House. There is no reason to believe that such an ultra-nationalist idiot will confine his "fucking up" activities within US borders. In fact, he's pretty much promised not to.
See his comments about nuking hostile countries, and torturing terrorists for fun, and murdering their families, and defaulting on paying US government bonds, and punishing China for their trade policy, and taxing Mexico to build his fabled wall ... you get the point. Our State Department is already fielding worried questions from various foreign embassies, and the madman hasn't even gotten elected yet.
"Where it gets sticky is the matter of making public policy. If definable groups really are different, how should laws be different or should they?"
Down syndrome kids really are different. They're not expected to achieve what normal children can. Other genetic variations should alter expectations similarly.
"Should schooling be altered depending on the population being served"
Of course. Do you expect to teach calculus to people who have failed to learn long division? Should you even think about trying to use the same readers and spelling programs on illiterate 5th graders and those already reading at college level?
"(and should high achievers be brought down by the low achievers)?"
Diana Moon Glampers, call your office.
"The US is going through some growing pains as so-called diversity kicks in. Where it used to be blacks vs. everyone else, now you get various warring factions all after a piece of the pie. The more people, the more warring you get."
Growing pains? More like pains from cancerous bone tumors. Diversity plus proximity equals war; the current state of diversity is grossly unnatural and will not endure.
"is that why James Bold is always bragging about how much money he has?"
Not bragging. You clowns claim I'm penniless and live in a trailer park. I'm only too happy to bet you're wrong and win.
"You say that as if it where a bad thing."
So you admit that the purpose of minorities is to fuck over the USA? That is what the KGB wanted to do with them. Guess what? The outcome will be war. Not that Russia doesn't have its own massive minority problem... only its most troublesome ones are moose-limbs.
The Butt-Sucking Socialist Bovine says"
The Purple Cow said...
"Donald J. Trump will make America great again. I know that scares you leftwingers."
Au contraire mon stupide petit ami, Donald J. Trump would fuck America good and proper for all time.
1. Trump doesn't care about America, he only cares about himself.
2. He's got the I.Q. of a chicken.
3. He hates his own supporters.
4. He doesn't understand macroeconomics
5. He doesn't understand foreign affairs"
Please explain your points one through five.
You can't, so you won't.
Generalizations are fine. Unless you can back them up, you're just pissing in the wind.
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