
Me, on the other hand, can deal with it. Most people just want to make a little conversation because they are a bit nervous when it comes to flying, and I have no problem obliging them. I know it's hard for some of the folks who read this blog to believe, but I am really a nice guy.
So anyway, this all leads me to my blog post tonight, because apparently it started with a passenger, who, much like my wife, tends to ignore fellow passengers on a plane.
" Guido Menzio, an Italian University of Pennsylvania economics professor told The Washington Post that he was the suspect. His seatmate tried making small talk while the flight was boarding, but he wasn’t particularly talkative because he was trying to work out equations on a notepad, Menzio said."
The fact that he looked Middle Eastern and was writing something on a piece of paper that she didn't understand, made it even worse. She told the airline that her fellow passenger might be a terrorist, because the stuff he was scribbling on the paper looked a lot like Arabic.
Of course we all know now that the subject of the woman's angst was actually Italian (whoops), and the thing he was scribbling was a math problem. Turns out, as noted above, the man is an economics professor at the University of Pennsylvania, which happens to be a fine institution of higher learning here in Philadelphia.
The following post is from the school paper.
"Penn professor Guido Menzio was on an American Airlines flight when he was profiled as a terrorist — for working on a differential equation onboard.
Menzio was on a plane scheduled to make a short trip from Philadelphia to Syracuse on Thursday when the woman sitting beside him passed a flight attendant a note. The plane sat waiting to take off for half an hour, and then turned around and headed back to the gate. Menzio’s seatmate was escorted off the plane — the flight attendant indicated that she was sick — and then Menzio was also escorted off the plane. An agent subsequently informed him that the woman sitting next to him hadn’t actually been sick; instead, she had said that she suspected him of terrorism because of the suspicious letters that he was writing, the Washington Post reported.
In response, Menzio just laughed, and explained that what he was working on was a math problem. Eventually, he was deemed harmless and allowed to return to the plane, which finally took off two hours late.
Menzio is a world-renowned economist, and was on his first leg of his trip to Ontario, Canada to give a talk at Queen’s University about menu costs and price dispersion. Last year he won the Carlo Alberto Medal, awarded to the best Italian economist under 40. The dark curly hair and olive skin tone that his seatmate may have thought indicated Middle Eastern descent were actually marks of his Italian roots.
Menzio told the Washington Post in an email that the jumpiness of the woman who reported him could be related to rhetoric of the current presidential election cycle.
“What might prevent an epidemic of paranoia? It is hard not to recognize in this incident, the ethos of [Donald] Trump’s voting base,” he wrote to the Post." [Source]
That's a low blow blaming this all on her being a trump supporter. I mean how do we know she was a trump supporter? Because she mistook a math problem for someone writing in Arabic? Well...wait a minute... now that I think about it, I can't really blame the professor for coming to that conclusion. I mean some of these trump supporters.*shakes head*
Although it's not only the poor trump supporters. I have been known to be terrified at a math problem or two in my time. So I guess, in a way, this dude was a terrorist.
Anyway, no more Al-Gebra network jokes, please. We get it. Americans are not very proficient at math, and sometimes xenophobia can cause flight delays. Look for math sniffing dogs coming to an airport near you.
It must be tough looking Middle Eastern and trying to fly in peace these days. And it's always these Ivy League types from our finer institutions of higher learning that get the business. We Americans don't like our brown people looking or being too smart. It makes the rest of us look bad.
And I call bullshit on American Airlines for trying to say that they would have done the same for any two passengers that had a disagreement. The truth is that now that they have been embarrassed for being caught buying into xenophobic fears, they are trying to spin this the best way they can.
The next time that my wife travels alone I am going to insist that she acts nice to every stranger that she meets.
Because you never know, reading an Essence Magazine before take off might be perceived as some secret sign between terrorists.
*Pic from philly.com
Moral of the story: Women are stupid, can't do math, and should not be listened to on any matters of importance.
Women like this are the root of the pathology in the black community:
Holy shit, no wonder each generation gets more fucked up.
Hillary Clinton is consolidating her support among Wall Street donors:
Because...she's on your side.
The dark curly hair and olive skin tone that his seatmate may have thought indicated Middle Eastern descent were actually marks of his Italian roots.
I think you meant African roots, Field.
Diffeq brings back memories/long nights of being a Chemistry major!!! And my baby girl will be in the depths of diffeq come this fall!!
Another neocon goes back to the Democrat party:
Good riddance. Take all your warmongers back.
Somehow I knew you were going to post about this story. Unbelievable.
Doing math makes you a terrorist now? This female passenger makes the foolish school administrators and cops in the case of the Texas "clock bomb kid" look like freaking geniuses. She must walk around terrified of literally everything.
@Field: And I call bullshit on American Airlines for trying to say that they would have done the same for any two passengers that had a disagreement. The truth is that now that they have been embarrassed for being caught buying into xenophobic fears, they are trying to spin this the best way they can.
No surprise here. The name of the Airline is AMERICAN Airlines.
Paper, pencils, chalk and dry-erase markers are instruments of terrorism.
They're weapons of math instruction.
Philly to Syracuse may be operated by their express partner. I know we get blamed for mistakes by our express carriers.
Well, in a certain sense (not the one she was worried about) the woman was right. She was seeing him writing Arabic because the numbers we use when we write them are Arabic numerals (actually Hindu Arabic). And the joke about the Al Gebra network? Algebra (from Arabic "al-jabr" meaning "reunion of broken parts") Scary concepts to some, I'm sure, but not worth disrupting a flight over. We need to do something about how scared of nothing we are, there are plenty of real, scary, things out there to be frightened of without inventing extra ones which are bullshit anyway.
-Doug in Oakland
Another mic drop moment again for President Obama:
President Obama’s Commencement Address to Howard University (Full Transcript) - The Root
I sometimes jump to conclusions about people too. That lady is a Replublican and a Fox News viewer.
Pilot, sometimes those local carriers give u big boys a bad name. :)
Captain Pecker, can u send me one of those Make America Great Again, hats?
Judging from your comment I am sure u are high up in the campaign, and I would like to give one of them to a friend as a gift :).
A saw snippets of the President's commencement address yesterday. I just think it's a damn shame he had to wait until late in his second term to show the world just how pro Black he really is.
But being that America is "great again".........
Show the world just how pro blah he is?
Yisheng said...
A saw snippets of the President's commencement address yesterday. I just think it's a damn shame he had to wait until late in his second term to show the world just how pro Black he really is.
Everyone knew he was racist all along.
Be confident in your Blackness.
He leaves behind a country more divided and dysfunctional reeling from the hate he has spewed for over seven years. I hope he pays his due someday.
How, exactly, do u want him to "pays his due"?
The sad thing is that Dr. Menzio's fellow passenger may hate the very idea of a Trump presidency, may have no intention of voting for him, yet have been affected by his rhetoric and the paranoia it has roiled.
That paranoia had been throwing people off planes long before Trump came along to capitalize on it.
Any bets this guy is now on the 'interrogate before flying' list -- for life?
anotherbozo said...
The sad thing is that Dr. Menzio's fellow passenger may hate the very idea of a Trump presidency, may have no intention of voting for him, yet have been affected by his rhetoric and the paranoia it has roiled.
Wow. This woman's ignorance of mathematics, culture, and social interactions and her consequent overreaction to a perceived threat are Donald Trump's fault.
We've already learned from the NYT and CNN that the paid leftists who disrupt rallies and attack Trump supporters are Donald Trump's fault. Now apparently everything that happens that can be twisted into supporting the leftist narrative is Donald Trump's fault.
And this bozo accuses others of being paranoid?
In the picture, he has wavy not curly hair and doesn’t seem to have olive skin. The story sounds fishy to me.
More propaganda. All day, every day.
I think, though it’s not been widely acknowledged much, there’s been a cultural devolution gaining momentum in the former black working class and below that’s been slowly occurring since blacks left the Republican party, that black elites, and especially white Democrats willfully ignore, and the “black lives matter” constituency are too feeble-minded to be aware of.
Black Republicans were moral, family-centered, community-minded people.
Black Democrats are licentious, neglectful of their children, and anti-social.
The most important lesson black folks must learn is, when American white culture devolves, American black culture devolve even lower.
Trying to lower white people’s status is an exercise in cultural self-annihilation.
Blacks don't like rules being enforced. That's one major difference between blacks & whites thus any political movement that panders to them is advocating for chaos.
Racists wypipo need to get used to the idea that the days of the foot shuffling, uncle Tom negro is OVER. So enjoy the likes of Clarence Thomas while you can, once his generation of ass kissers dies off, Black folks are gonna' show you some REAL hope and change!
I have flown quite a bit. I'm not there for conversation.
Be polite, but keep your mouth and opinions to your self.
field says:
"The next time that my wife travels alone I am going to insist that she acts nice to every stranger that she meets."
Wow. That's quite a damn lot to ask!
Saudi prince named by "20th hijacker" as funder of Al Qaeda for 9/11 attack joins NeverTrump:
Al Qaeda, neocons, and Wall Street all agree: Never Trump!
Keep America obscenely profitable for the 0.1% and keep our boys fighting in the Middle East! Vote for Hillary!
"The next time that my wife travels alone I am going to insist that she acts nice to every stranger that she meets."
She's always real nice to me whenever she travels alone.
Whites don't like rules being enforced. That's one major difference between blacks & whites thus any political movement that panders to them is advocating for chaos.
He leaves behind a country more divided and dysfunctional reeling from the hate he has spewed for over seven years. I hope he pays his due someday.
Because this was such a united and well functioning nation after W left office. Amazing lack of awareness. Hmmmmmmm, I wonder if B.O. Has a higher approval number than W did at this point in his presidency?
"Anonymous said...
Whites don't like rules being enforced. That's one major difference between blacks & whites thus any political movement that panders to them is advocating for chaos.
2:24 PM"
I swear to God, this is retardation.
Show me some video of black hoochies dancing and destroying a fast food restaurant. If you could, I can show you ten more.
"I wonder if B.O. Has a higher approval number than W did at this point in his presidency?"
Haters love Obama.
Haters love Obama.
And dumbasses and racists hate him.
Show me some video of black hoochies dancing and destroying a fast food restaurant. If you could, I can show you ten more.
Show me some videos of stupid white people shooting themselves accidently and I can show you 100 more.
"We should raise taxes on the wealthy"
Donald Trump
"Be confident in your Blackness."
In a multi-ethnic Empire, either nobody gets to play the Race Pride Game, or everybody gets to play the Race Pride Game. Them's the rules.
In a multi-ethnic Empire, either nobody gets to play the Race Pride Game, or everybody gets to play the Race Pride Game. Them's the rules.
I agree, and who has been playing that game longer than whites?
Anonymous Stop the racist shit already said...
"Be confident in your Blackness."
Are you fucking kidding me? Everyday we have to endure white assholes telling us how inferior we are and how great whites are and this asshole thinks WE'RE the fucking problem? Holy fuck white people are some arrogant and clueless fucks! Jesus!
"Everyday we have to endure white assholes telling us how inferior we are and how great whites are"
Do you live under a rock?
Have you not watched any of the movies, TV shows or advertisements of the last 50 years? Do you not listen to your government who proclaims "black is good, white is bad" over and over and over again? Open your eyes man.
If you want to stop the racist shit talk to James Bitch, Lt. Commander Asshole and all the others who believe it's their mission to degrade and harass us negroes 24/7. You can't go anywhere without seeing posts from racists whites denigrating us. Been that way for 300 years but yet simply asserting we should be proud of ourselves despite relentless messages to the contrary is the worst display of racism? My how times don't seem to change. It ain't never their fault, it's (uppity negras, northern agitators, yankee interlopers, NAACP). Hell we wouldn't have to lynch em if they just knew their place! Ain't that right Mr. Stop The Racism?
Have you not watched any of the movies, TV shows or advertisements of the last 50 years? Do you not listen to your government who proclaims "black is good, white is bad" over and over and over again? Open your eyes man.
Clueless huh? TV is bullshit. I live in the real fucking world while you watch fucking tv. How many whites have ever been given the death penalty for killing a negro? Open my eye? Really? Go to ANY fucking internet story about a darker individual and read the comments section. Hell, read the comments section here. Search for sites denigrating negroes and see what you get. Open YOUR fucking eyes. You must be a white person. Boo hoo, it's sooooooooo fucking hard to be white huh? Such fucking arrogance.
Do you live under a rock?
Obviously you do.
Do you see Black folks sitting and posting on white sites 24/7 to denigrate whites? Nope. Funny that.
Hmmmmmmm. I guess this isn't racist. I guess we can blame tv and the government.
Apparently everyone's paranoid ....
"simply asserting we should be proud of ourselves despite relentless messages to the contrary is the worst display of racism? "
At least when you assert pride in your heritage no one calls you a Nazi.
I think it's fine that black people have "confidence in their blackness". White people should be allowed to honor their heritage in peace, or at minimum not to be constantly attacked over it.
The President is supposed to be everyone's president, not to place certain groups above others. He is supposed to rise above differences and bring people together, not exploit divisions for political gain. His presidency could have been a new beginning for America, instead he has worked to hasten its end.
Huh. I think we should honor the law, let the boys/men go into the girl's bathroom, piss all over the seats, and let the girls deal with it.
Boners in the girl's shower, too.
Hmmmmmmm. I guess this isn't racist. I guess we can blame tv and the government."
You should get on there and fight with them for a bit. It would improve the quality of your arguments I'll bet.
Ignoring the foolish bomb throwers on this site or SBPDL, the tricky thing will be to explain away the various statistics out there for things like IQ, crime, athletic ability, etc. It's an interesting topic and hits the perfect dissonance between science and peoples' emotions.
I've never heard a convincing case to be made for assigning 100% of race-based differences to purely social issues, but there's no harm in trying. Truth is, the bioscience people are making such huge strides right now in understanding how people are screwed together that any opinions a person might presently have are probably wrong. Dunno what they're going to do when a cheek swab will tell you that a particular individual is 10x as likely to be a criminal as another.
"I've never heard a convincing case to be made for assigning 100% of race-based differences to purely social issues...."
Is that you Jamie Bold? Sneak attacks suit your disposition and your unsavory character.
Yeah, whites can't blame their racist tendencies to "purely social issues." It's in their DNA.
Urban Academy, 100% college placement rate for the SEVENTH year in a row:
Got a future Georgetown Alum in that group too!
C'mon man, we just had the Polish Pride parade in Chicago. The Irish have a parade, there are so many demonstrations of pride I lost count. You're right, when I express pride in my Blackness I'm called a racist not a nazi. Anytime you white guys want to change social status let me know, I'm sure I would find it a little easier to move through america on a day to day basis. Sometimes the grass isn't greener dude.
Also Stop the Racism the President has done an outstanding job of bring America together IMHO. Can you give a specific example of Barack dividing America along racial lines? He has in no way hastened the end of this nation by any means, such hyperbolic pronunciations makes me think you have a racial axe to grind. Also, can you give me an example of what you mean by expressing pride in your heritage? To be honest, when white use the term "pride in my heritage" that is usually code speak for some kind of racism. BTW, there are many sites that celebrate white heritage why do you post here? Kind of ineresting that you post your grievences about white cultural persecution on a blog called The Field Negro.
So. Pilot X.
Are you OK with a person with a penis walking into a restroom while your daughter is trying to take a leak?
He won't answer this. Piss-ant.
Or, he has no female children.
"Are you OK with a person with a penis walking into a restroom while your daughter is trying to take a leak?"
Mrs. X and I discussed this and that argument against anti-discrimination laws is bogus. First, if someone is a child molestor they aren't just sitting around waiting for this law to pass so they can do their thing. Very weak argument. Secondly, it is our duty to protect our kids against ANY danger. Why would I allow my kid to be in any situation in which they could be harmed? My wife would accompany her and if it were just she and I we would have to find a family restroom. This ain't rocket science. Child molestors have been around forever and guess what, there have been virtually no cases of them being transgendered. How do you know someone is transfer anyway? Do you check the goods? There are so many other things to be paranoid about than transgenders pissing.
BTW, now that I answered you have to admit you were wrong about me. :-P
PilotX said...
Also Stop the Racism the President has done an outstanding job of bring America together IMHO. Can you give a specific example of Barack dividing America along racial lines?
Typical white person...
Bitter clingers...
The police acted stupidly...
If I had a son...
Punish your enemies...
Be confident in your blackness...
PilotX said...
"when white use the term "pride in my heritage" that is usually code speak for some kind of racism."
Bingo. You proved the dude's point straight up.
Bitter clingers could be anyone, the police DID act stupidly, if he had a son he probably would look like Trayvon, the typical white person comment I believe was after the Rev. Wright fiasco, not sure about the punishing enemies comment but being confident in your Blackness is good advice in a nation that looks down on Blackness. If those are the worst comments you can find after 8 years he's doing pretty good. In fact his poll numbers are higher than W's at this point in his Presidency sooooooo that would mean W was more divisive than Barack.
This should help explain "white pride" anon @2317.
To be specific Barack's approval rating is 52% while at the same point in his presidency W's was 29%. And you want to say Barack has the country more divided? Facts say otherwise.
"Mrs. X and I discussed this and that argument against anti-discrimination laws is bogus. First, if someone is a child molestor they aren't just sitting around waiting for this law to pass so they can do their thing. Very weak argument. Secondly, it is our duty to protect our kids against ANY danger. Why would I allow my kid to be in any situation in which they could be harmed? My wife would accompany her and if it were just she and I we would have to find a family restroom. This ain't rocket science. Child molestors have been around forever and guess what, there have been virtually no cases of them being transgendered. How do you know someone is transfer anyway? Do you check the goods? There are so many other things to be paranoid about than transgenders pissing.
BTW, now that I answered you have to admit you were wrong about me. :-P"
Well sir, you are still wrong. My apologies to you and your wife.
However...how do if you know if they are trannies or not? To find your point, if I were to be a child molester, wouldn't I flash my "trangender" Card? It's coming, just like the handicap parking signs.
Yeah, it certainly isn't Rocket Science. I can sit in an airport, watch my daughter enter a restroom, depending on her needs, time her, and make sure some guy who thinks he's a girl, follows her in.
I ain't stupid. Just careful of the things I love.
To find your point, if I were to be a child molester, wouldn't I flash my "trangender" Card? It's coming, just like the handicap parking signs.
Dumbest statement ever. Who would you flash your card to?
Yeah, it certainly isn't Rocket Science. I can sit in an airport, watch my daughter enter a restroom, depending on her needs, time her, and make sure some guy who thinks he's a girl, follows her in.
Reread what you just wrote carefully.
"Well sir, you are still wrong. My apologies to you and your wife."
What am I wrong about? I told you that my daughter would not be out of our sight at any time so what the hell would it matter if there's a tranny in the restroom or not?
"Yeah, it certainly isn't Rocket Science. I can sit in an airport, watch my daughter enter a restroom, depending on her needs, time her, and make sure some guy who thinks he's a girl, follows her in."
I am one step ahead of you here, from ages 0-5 she would not go alone! After age 6 I would take her to a family restroom, check it our first to make sure it is empty and then allow her to go in to use the facilities. No muss no fuss. There have always been child molestors and a gender equality law won't change that not will it change the fact there have been no known instances of a trandgender molesting a child. Go worry about something that is a real problem sir.
I guess George W Bush must be relieved by this 'racist' plane incident. Obama and the progressives have blamed every single problem in this country for the last 8 years on him. Now, Trump has been given that moniker. smh
"Anonymous said...
Yeah, it certainly isn't Rocket Science. I can sit in an airport, watch my daughter enter a restroom, depending on her needs, time her, and make sure some guy who thinks he's a girl, follows her in.
Reread what you just wrote carefully.
12:31 AM"
OK. I did. What of it?
Are you referring to the part about "time her"?
If so, I don't believe you've ever had a kid. If she just needed to take a tinkle...hell, I've seen women who could take a piss faster than I could...taking into account what they are wearing, of course.
If she needs a bit more time, she would drop a hint.
If that's not your point...what is?
BTW...just as an aside....My Godmother taught me how to whistle, and I'm talking about LOUD. It will damn carry across the wind. My daughter was instructed how to do the same. We could talk across stores, even Malls....(ie..where are you?)
It might scare the crap out of some folks who were near you But, if she didn't whistle back, I went looking.
And no, you don't have to stick your damn fingers in your mouth to whistle that loud. It's all in the tongue, and the roof of your mouth.
Go ahead a a crude joke....or, ten.
Gob Bless my Aunt Patsy.
I know all about whistling, screaming, biting, kicking and requiring my daughter to have at least two black belts (one in a primarily stand up fighting style and one in a primarily grappling style).
My point about the law is child molestors aren't sitting around waiting for a transgender law to pass and if it is shot down I'm still protecting mine like the Secret Service.
Btw, you missed what you wrote. Re read it again a bit more carefully. Also, I don't let her out of my sight no matter how loudly she can whistle. Can't out paranoid a blah man.
OH. OK Pilot X.
I see what you mean. I should have posted "DOESN'T" follow her in.
Good grief, you knew what I meant.
I can spell. I just can't type what I spell, sumtimes.
I can't do either but I'm trying.
X, we've had our disageemnants, but I respect you for what you do.
Good nite, and God Bless
BTW, X....if you're still awake...since this is Federal Law we're talking about...
Wouldn't / shouldn't it make all the showers and other bathroom restrictions be abolished in the US Military? I mean rip-out all the privacy stalls? No separate "women's" facilities?
If X is napping, anyone else feel free to comment?
I don't think it goes that far. The way I understand it it only applies to those who identify as a member of a certain sex.
X, you know as well as I do how that plays out.
Once the foot is in the door, shower, or stall, we get the court rulings. Then, appeals, then the SCOTUS.
It's a bad situation, for our daughter's and our grand kids.
math is easy if you know the system behind it. stay away from math fear and try to learn about it online. Like learn about factorization, algebra, factors numbers, etc and you will be ok with it after some time.
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