The man is faced with a humanitarian crisis in the Middle East, and what does he do? He blames his predecessor and issues a statement blaming him for the gassing of innocent civilians. He doesn't
strongly condemn or blame the animals who committed this heinous act, he blames the former president. *shakes head*
This is a truly pathetic move by the gang who can't shoot straight. Now I wonder if former president Obama will continue biting his tongue or if he will finally break his silence,.
Mr. trump and his team better right the ship and fast. Just moments before I started writing this post, the North Koreans launched another ballistic missile. This is a dangerous world we live in, and you can't bullshit your way out of a crisis the way you bullshitted millions of unsuspecting Americans into voting for you. This is the real world.
The moon will be blue tonight, because I actually agree with Glen Beck about trump's nepotism jones. This is not normal. He is sending his son in-law all over the world like he is Henry freaking Kissinger, and we all know that he knows nothing about negotiating with world leaders on the world stage.
"Senior adviser to the U.S. president. Peace envoy in the Middle East. Top adviser on relations with Canada, China and Mexico. Head of White House bureaucratic "innovation." Why not add emissary to Iraq to the list?
It can be hard to keep track of all the sensitive jobs Jared Kushner has been given by his father-in-law, President Donald Trump. His latest mission involved a surprise visit to Baghdad, where the 36-year-old flew with the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in a covert trip to meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
Last week, Kushner, who is married to the president's eldest daughter, Ivanka, was named to head a new White House "innovation" task force to fix the way government runs by using private-sector methods.
Together with the Iraq deployment, experts on governance say, Kushner's sphere of influence has ballooned into something so vast that it could eclipse other portfolios in the Trump administration. It's already among the most complicated, said Mark Peterson, who chairs the department of public policy at UCLA's Luskin School of Public Affairs." [Source]
It's actually not that "complicated", he is his son-in- law.
*Pic courtesy of
Butt Trumpet just wants the Boy Wonder out of the way so he can have Ivanka all for himself ...
"Last week, Kushner, who is married to the president's eldest daughter, Ivanka, was named to head a new White House 'innovation' task force to fix the way government runs by using private-sector methods."
Ugh. The "run government like a business" canard again. That pernicious and wrong-headed idea that government should be more business-y is a big part of how we got stuck with this fiasco of a presidency.
And, as I've said before, if we're going to conduct this doomed experiment, why did we have to pick the slimiest businessman in America? Out of all the many possible CEO-as-president choices, we went with a mentally unstable, racist fraudster.
Wonder what's goingto happen when even the dumb hillbillies realize they've been conned and those coal jobs ain't coming back.
Coal jobs are already coming back.
You would know if you didn't live in a bubble.
He doesn't strongly condemn or blame the animals who committed this heinous act, he blames the former president. *shakes head*
Are you fucking serious? Obama blamed Bush for everything that went wrong for his entire 8 years in office.
Tell me how Obama isn't the one who started this whole Syria bullshit in the first place.
Russia elected him. With help from the FBI. ISIS did a half hour video calling Drumpf an idiot. I have to agree with them on that.
I believe Colin Powell may have had a bellyful of disturbed wingnut Potii.
"Wonder what's goingto happen when even the dumb hillbillies realize they've been conned and those coal jobs ain't coming back."
What I'm concerned will happen is that Trump will try to redirect their anger over all his failures and broken promises to blame scapegoats, and this country will get even angrier and more racist. Or else he'll start a pointless war as a distraction.
Uh sure, coal jobs are coming back. Even though coal extraction requires fewer not more labor. That makes sense.
Like Mike said above, even ISIS are now laughing at us:
"'There is no more evidence than the fact that you are being run by an idiot who does not know what Syria or Iraq or Islam is,' al-Muhajer said of the United States."
How are we supposed to respond to this? The evil bastards are right.
In other news, our US attorney general, Bull Connor, has his men "reviewing" all the consent decrees the Obama DOJ negotiated with police departments, on account of not letting cops be violent or racist really hurts their feelings.
Now progressives are directly allying themselves with ISIS.
Go figure.
Evidence now appears that Obama took ~$200 Billion out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to finance the sinking Obamacare outside of the budget process. He mis-classified over 11,000 documents to hide what he did.
The spying on Trump scandal is just the beginning.
The disaster for Obama is that HRC didn't win and continue the cover up.
This is going to be earth shaking.
Now conservatives are directly allying themselves with Russia.
Go figure.
This is going to be earth shaking
These trolls are trying really really hard to distract from Trump's disasters. Sad.
"Wonder what's goingto happen when even the dumb hillbillies realize they've been conned and those coal jobs ain't coming back."
Well, if it's any indication, the little MAGAts on Trump's own sub Reddit are all screaming "He's buggering me! He's buggering me! Make him stop!" over the law he signed in secret allowing ISPs to sell all of your internet data to whoever they want without so much as telling you about it. They are probably more engaged than your average MAGAt, but sooner or later the buggering will make its way to even the densest and farthest-removed from reality MAGAt. How they will react is anyone's guess. You'd think they wouldn't like it, but you'd think they wouldn't have voted for him in the first place; it's not like nobody knew what he would do.
His credibility about Syria is somewhat undermined by his repeated all-caps tweeting in 2013, the time he is now complaining about Obama's inaction being the cause of all evil, saying over and over that we should STAY OUT OF SYRIA!!! SYRIA IS NOT OUR WAR!!! and LET THEM SOLVE THEIR OWN PROBLEMS.
Meanwhile back at the clusterfuck, he just sent 500 more troops into Syria. What we need to watch for now is exactly what those troops do there. If they start killing Assad's enemies instead of ISIS, we know that not only did Putin steal the election, he has also stolen command of the US military.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug is twisted little fuck, isn't he?
Which neighbor are you, the biker who used to be a Marine, or the Asian family?
And I may be a twisted fuck, but I ain't little.
-Doug in Oakland
You know Field, Beck isn't entirely wrong on this, but I don't appreciate him bringing up HRC. Maybe you and I don't exactly see eye to eye on this. That's okay.
But anytime you link to pictures of Byanna Golodryga is okay by me. She is just a big, fine woman that any man would be happy to come home to! Yahoo, baby! She certainly seems to have no problems whatsoever keeping up with the average American intellect. She probably feels like she is doing kid's news.
Nothing on Susan Rice. No admitting folks were wrong about Obama wire tapping and Russia having nothing to do with nothing.
Typical morons.
Oh dear, Josh is drunk and delusional again.
5th April 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
Keep it up, PC! You are my hero.
However...once they build a foot of the wall, will you change your Gravatar off of that faggot cat/dog?
Sort of a little wager, you know.
Uh, what was wrong about Josh's comment,PC?
Susan Rice is a PROVEN Lying bitch already, before Congress, before this stuff ever happened. Why would you call that "delusional"?
Did she find Jesus?
The Susan Rice controversy: the latest twist in the Trump wiretapping saga, explained - Vox
Vox also links to Business Insider report further clarifying Ms. Rice would have been negligent in her duties as National Security Adviser had she stuck her head in the sand about mounting evidence of US officials and/or citizens being compromised to a foreign entity.
I'm going out on a limb here to the point of possibly agitating fellow commenters... Part of me does not believe Pres. Trump actively colluded with Russian operatives to sway the election in his favor.
However, it seems congressional and senate intelligence committees are close to uncovering that members of the president's campaign and transition teams engaged in questionable communications with Russia that could later bite them in the rear end in the form of blackmail or quid pro quo.
Will you please just tell me this?
#BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful
Jared Kushner: Another micro-dick white boy. Yawn.
"The Susan Rice controversy: the latest twist in the Trump wiretapping saga, explained - Vox"
It's the latest episode of the shouting and fingerpointing that ensues whenever Trump and associates are caught doing something bad -- he always starts shrieking that other people have obviously done things that are way worse and hopes to muddy the waters about his own misdeeds (which are many).
No idea whether an investigation will turn up any sort of quid-pro-quo deal with the Russians (dropping sanctions in return for helping Trump get elected, for example). But there's enough of a shady history there that such an investigation does look warranted. Republicans will do anything to block this, though. They couldn't care less whether foreign interference helped deliver them the White House. They just want to get on with passing their next legislative atrocities.
7:00 AM
I'd explain it to you, but you would not understand it. Just keep working on the theory of gravity by jumping off houses and landing on yer head.
Every Magat that voted for Drumpf has been recorded talking to Russian agents. They are all guilty of treason and all should be hung by the neck like Saddam Hussein and then we let kids poke their rotting corpses with pitchforks.
It will be so so satisfying when tr**p and his fellow morons lose bigly in 2020. I can't wait!
Josh, you are definitely a douchebag, but you are still by far my favorite commentator here.
Nothing on Susan Rice. No admitting folks were wrong about Obama wire tapping and Russia having nothing to do with nothing.
because there's nothing to the Susan Rice "story". You would know that if you didn't traffic in fake news bitch.
Where do you get your news o smart one?
Why is Josh so afraid to tell us where she gets her news.
Day whatever and the GOAT Potus Obama is still unindicted and roaming free. Long may he wave. Bwahahahahahahahaha!
Why is the blonde handbag maker a senior advisor?
It's abundantly clear in America why Hillary had to win and why media and the left are still perpetuating these Russia lies (that you morons sap up like big mama's gravy): We would find out just how criminal the Obama Admin was. Holy shit. These people's tiniest scandals are light years beyond anything Nixon ever did.
Really Josh? Care to give an example of an Obama "scandal"? You had 8 years to find one but you couldn't. I get it, The Donald is having problems and has communications with Russia all over his staff but uh Obama bad. Thanks genius. Care to give us a link to this supposed Obama criminality or are you just pulling this shit out of your pussy?
The diversity hire you lot worship as some demigod was/is a fucking criminal scumbag.
Ah, here's the big reveal. Shocker huh? Josh doesn't like Obama because she is kinda a racist. Well except when she craves BBC then it's a whole different story. Ya see, she and James love to role play and James is the cuckhold and Josh gets a negro guy've seen how it goes.
Not to give grown women advice but if you would provide a link to your sources Josh we could take you more seriously. What are you hiding?
Why is the blonde handbag maker a senior advisor?
Haven't you heard? Government is supposed to be run like a business now.
National security and handbags: same thing.
"Every Magat that voted for Drumpf has been recorded talking to Russian agents."
"Former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell... said he had learned that the former officer, Christopher Steele, paid his key Russian sources, and interviewed them through intermediaries.
"On the question of the Trump campaign conspiring with the Russians here, there is smoke, but there is no fire, at all," Morell said at an event sponsored by the Cipher Brief, an intelligence web site.
"There's no little campfire, there's no little candle, there's no spark. And there's a lot of people looking for it.""
5th April 2017. Articles of impeachment filed: 0.
Black people cannot understand facts. Black people are unfit for civilization. Black people need to stop appropriating White culture like multi-story buildings, firearms, motor vehicles, computers and the English language and go home.
h/t to the Twitter account of @DarthPutinKGB
"Flynn flipped
Sessions recused
Carter met spy
Mercenary as secret back channel
FBI investigation
Dead diplomats
Trump: 'It's fake news'"
Another overweight, male racist is OUT!!!! BANNON IS OUT!!!!!!!
"Another overweight, male racist is OUT!!!! BANNON IS OUT!!!!!!!"
He's only off the National Security Council. He's not leaving the White House; he'll still be doing his main job of advising the president on how to be more evil and racist.
Banning leaving the NSC is still good news, of course, but it's not worth uncorking any champagne over.
Damn autocorrect.
Poor little Bannon. He still has issues from how mean they were to him at Goldman Sachs, and now he's been kicked off of the principals committee? I can just see him shuffling slowly out the door, kicking the floor, and muttering to himself "All I need is this remote control, and this paddle game..."
-Doug in Oakland
EVERY step toward victory is a success.
Or death by 1000 cuts, EVERY cut counts!
Bannon was put on the principals committee to keep an eye on Flynn ... Who keeps an eye on Bannon? ... Perhaps the Boy Wonder could do that in his spare time ...
Herez my pleasant thought for the day for all you helpless and hopeless Drumpf devotees-
"Today in 1951 Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were sentenced to die for treason for passing secrets to the USSR. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!
Baldy it is up to wingnuts to get the impeachment ball rolling and right now they value party control more than their country.
Had HRC been rightfully installed as Potus, wingnuts would have impeached her for treason if she wore red nail polish instead of liberal blue. There is not a crime a wingnut can commit that will bring impeachment charges from wingnuts. That is a given.
Keep clicking those heels, Toto and someday you may find you are not in Kansas basement anymore.
The white supremacist is still in the WH white supremacing all around.
"Every Magat that voted for Drumpf has been recorded talking to Russian agents."
and at least 5 of them have lied about it after they got caught. Next you need to check how many WH personnel have been receiving money from Citizens United. The Drumpf dump swamp is wriggling with magats.
Send in the clowns. GoSuck is a plagiarizer.
Wingnuts can't do anything right. Fucking morons. Bwahahahahahahaha!
Black people cannot understand facts. Black people are unfit for civilization. Black people need to stop appropriating White culture like multi-story buildings, firearms, motor vehicles, computers and the English language and go home.
------------ a
I understand facts, I'm pretty fit for civilization, I didn't know white people feel people of other races shouldn't live in certain structures and use specific devices and as far as home I am at least a 5th generation American soooooooooooo. James adds so much intellectually to this blog and I can't wait to read his book which I hope is either in English or Waloof. I hope it's in Waloof because obviously James has a problem with us speaking English for some weird reason. I also wonder how many generations James' family has been here.
Oh yeah, 150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
I recall Josh being in a tizzy about ad hominem attacks on her but as far as I can tell she hasn't added one confirmable story here only her opinion and then an attack. She called us idiots for not knowing the same information she knows but she has never given us her sources so we can educate ourselves, why is that? Why doesn't she link us to the sources of her information? Why does she never tell us her news sources or are we to just take her word for things? Any objective observer can see that the only "evidence" of Susan Rice wrongdoing come from conservative sites with dubious sources. Is that where Josh gets her information? I have to ask because she is being very tight lipped about her news sources.
So for the record Josh, what sources do you use to get your news?
Why was Steve Bannon removed from the NSC? Did Trump finally see he shouldn't have been there in the first place?
Hey James, where does a genius like yourself get your news? Just curious.
My Bama and Georgia people, be careful today and keep an eye on the weather, severe weather in your neck of the woods.
"So for the record Josh, what sources do you use to get your news?"
The sexually frustrated Gamergate loser section of Reddit.
"Hey James, where does a genius like yourself get your news?"
"Keep it up, PC! You are my hero."
Yes I know. I'm everybody's hero. It's a heavy burden I just have to carry.
"However...once they build a foot of the wall, will you change your Gravatar off of that faggot cat/dog?"
There's hole in your logic that you could drive a supertanker through. (Or your ass, whichever is bigger). Let me know when you work out what it is.
Rick "good hair' Perry replaces Bannon.Dumb and even stoopider. This will not end good.
"Had HRC been rightfully installed as Potus, wingnuts would have impeached her for treason if she wore red nail polish instead of liberal blue."
Man, do you clowns ever project. Zero's unilateral abrogation of immigration laws ALONE was impeachment-worthy, but the Washington Generals... excuse me, GOP establishment did the bidding of its corporate masters instead of the people it allegedly represents and refused to.
Trump tries to enforce the law as written, and your OOK OOKing is a sight to behold. It's like you're allergic to things actually being done per the law... oh, wait, you are.
"Hey James, where does a genius like yourself get your news?"
You're too dumb to follow the links I give you or you wouldn't need to ask.
Speaking of lying sacks of shit:
-Doug in Oakland
Baldy-yer sister and former fuck buddy Ann Coulter dumped you for some black meat-former actor Dy-No-Mite Jimmy Walker. God that has got to hurt.
As an aside...
“I will say this, that it’s unlikely that we will build a wall or physical barrier from sea to shining sea.”
Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly testifying to a Senate Committee 5 April 2017.
Ain't it amazing after 35 years of wingnut failures to convict HRC od a crime, it is still never due to wingnut incompetence. It is always the establishment or powers that be that save her from death. Poor pathetic baldy is still blaming everyone except himself and other wingnuts for their failures. Pathetic, to say the least.
Last I read is that Mr. Obama is resting and writing his book in the South Pacific on a nice cozy island paradise. I'm sure he isn't interested in taking pot shots at our new President. It is all very disconcerting. I'm much happier by not listening to so much news and depend on the PBS Newshour for my sanity now.
BTW is HRC in jail? Is ISIS destroyed? Did Obamacare get replaced and repealed? Did Drumpf forego vacations and golf as he promised? Iz America great again? Are we tired of winning?
You're too dumb to follow the links I give you or you wouldn't need to ask.
You mean the links to the guy who has been called the "dumbest man on the internet" or the one time you linked us to a tenth grader's term paper to prove one of your points? It's no surprise you have a low estimate of my intelligence but just for a second let's pretend I can comprehend one of your sentences and tell us what sources you frequent for news James. Thnx.
Sooooo, what was wrong with Bannon?
Quote: Little Jimmy Bold
"White people invented a wonderful thing. It's called "keeping your legs together".
No Jimmy, that's just what women do when they meet you.
Epic burn!
61% of the people polled by Kaiser will blame wingnuts if Obamacare explodes. People want the ACA fixed not destroyed. Wingers lose again. Tired of losing yet?
Bannon is a white supremacist and an anti- Semite plus other qualities wingnuts find so attractive in their leaders.
"I think therefore I am " - Descartes
"Do I think? ... Yes I think ... I think" - Butt Trumpet
I think not, therefore I am not- Bald Guy
Russia claims Syria gas attack is fake. Must be taking cues from Drumpfuck. Putin and Drumpf put their heads together and got concussed.
And the St. Petersburg subway bombing? Could that be fake news? ... Nyet ...
Fuck the gooks and chinks! شركة نقل عفش بالخرج شركة نقل عفش ببريدة شركة نقل عفش بخميس مشيط شركة نقل عفش بالقصيم شركة نقل عفش بتبوك
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