Take for instance one of the latest shockingly dumb things that he said. He actually visited a soldier to give him the Purple Heart and then told the man, "congratulations."
"I wanted to do it myself," Trump told Barrientos as he placed the Purple Heart on the soldier's lapel. “Congratulations … tremendous.” The medal is given to service members who were wounded or killed in battle. " [Source]
This is like sending someone a smiling face emoji after offering your condolences to them for losing a loved one. Only it's worse because we are talking about our president and commander in chief honoring one of our brave soldiers.
Of course we are not hearing much about this because it's Donald trump. The bar has been set so low for this guy that even missteps such as this one are pretty much ignored.
Can you imagine if President Obama had done this? FOX VIEWS would dedicate a day or two of programming to his faux pas. Pundits would be declaring him unfit to be president and they would be demanding that he be held accountable for his insensitive and clueless actions while acting as commander in chief.
Not Donald J. trump. He is our reality television star president, and we have to view everything that he does with a grain of salt. He has become somewhat of a running national joke, and everyone gets it except his loyal group of followers and sycophants. They are the 39% of the people in the country who view him in a favorable light. Were it not for them his historically low approval ratings would be even lower.
The thing is, there is nothing funny about being the most powerful person on earth and not having a clue about what you are doing. Leading the country now (especially in our current nuclear climate) is serious business.
John Cleese: ",,, the envy of the very qualities you need in a president is incredibly self destructive for the American nation..."
I don't think "envy" is the word he meant to use there, more like "scorn" or "outright hatred of".
You gotta remember that the pig people like what Trump does just fine. They are in fact ecstatic that someone is bumblefucking their way through the presidency doing stupid shit they can relate to instead of all that elitist complicated stuff that makes them cranky and constipated.
He may be an idiot, but he's on their team, and as long as he keeps pissing off liberals, they don't care if he takes away their health insurance, ruins the air and water, and starts a few wars (so long as it's brown people he bombs) and they'll cheerfully vote for him again in 2020 if they manage to live that long, and he manages to stay out of prison and in office.
-Doug in Oakland
I hope at least one week of the upcoming NFL season is played under the Trump administration.
"Can you imagine if President Obama had done this? FOX VIEWS would dedicate a day or two of programming to his faux pas. Pundits would be declaring him unfit to be president and they would be demanding that he be held accountable for his insensitive and clueless actions while acting as commander in chief."
I do remember that the wingnut-o-sphere made a real meal out of the dumb "Obama forgot to salute a Marine" story. (Just an FYI to anyone who doesn't know: It isn't actually military protocol for civilians to salute military personnel. The president, though commander-in-chief of the military, is still a civilian.)
The "OMG Obama bowed to a MOOSLUM!!" stories that allegedly proved Obama was unpatriotic or a traitor, et cetera, were practically limitless.
Don't forget the uproar over Obama's American flag lapel pin, not wearing it ( http://www.nbcnews.com/id/21138728/ns/politics-decision_08/t/obama-stops-wearing-american-flag-pin/#.WP2d0_nytYg ), or wearing it upside-down ( http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/flagpin.asp ).
24th April 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
Days Barack Obama has spent in jail= 0
Obama is highly visible in Chicago so one might think there are still problems with this administration knowing where anything or anywhere is.
96% of the shitmuffins that voted for Drumpf say they would do it again. 2% were undecided. That is scary considering how fucking moronic Drumpf is. Doesn't say much for his devotees.
That soldier lost a leg. I am surprised Drumpf didn't tell the world he has two good legs, the best legs money can buy. They are the best legs ever and weren't stoopid legs. No, they didn't get wounded in battle because they kept dodging the draft and stds. Best legs you ever saw.
Like a glass of poisoned warm milk, this should make you sleep better at night- http://crooksandliars.com/2017/04/dhs-secretary-doesnt-know-how-stop-home
The senate committee looking at Drumpf and Russia has no full time staff and none has investigative experience, none are lawyers and none have prosecutorial experience. The committee itself is not set up for investigations, either. This will go nowhere.
Chelsea Handler:
“Now I’m not a doctor, so I can’t claim Donald Trump has syphilis, because of laws,” she added. “But as the saying goes, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it probably fucked some questionable models in the ‘80s.”
-Doug in Oakland
4 confederate monuments being removed. Well, it's 2017 so I guess better late than never.
This blog has gone to the shitter since Josh left.
Drumpf Dump South being advertised on government sites. Except the part that Drumpf turned into an exclusive club. Anybody seen my emoluments clause?
Whole lot less hate showing since 2 Smart left.
Let's smoke the rats out.
Akin to Bush calling Africa a country. Sub moronic rich boys!!!
Anonymous Facts of Life said...
This blog has gone to the shitter since Josh left.
5:14 PM
This blog went to the shitter as soon as Obama declared. Instead of being thoughtful, insightful commentary (which drew me to the blog originally, pre-2008) it has become a decades long shameful drooling slobber fest.
There was lots to call the Obots out about yet it never happened here.
I check in once and a while just to take the temperature, hoping for a realignment with reality.
Yep, still steaming pile.
And you wonder why you're living in a hyper polarized post negro period. Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted.
It sure didn't take Trump long to bend over for the Deep State. First he attacks Syria. Not only did he not wait for an investigation, he blocked one. A week or so later people were exposed to mustard gas in Iraq. They said ISIS did that after telling us that ISIS doesn't have chemical weapons in Syria. Guess which country hasn't been overtrown yet? Trump didn't care about the children ISIS lured to come by an evacuation bus before they blew it up. Now he is working on getting Julian Assange arrested.
The racist blog commenters on this site went to the shitter as soon as Obama was declared president. Instead of these racist commenters being thoughtful, insightful and delivering respectful and civil commentary (which drew me to the blog originally, pre-2008) it has become a decades long shameful drooling slobber fest of white racist sentiment.
There was lots to call the racists out about yet it never happened here.
I check in once and a while just to take the temperature, hoping for a realignment with reality, but white racists are still allowed to rant and make racist comments.
Yep, still steaming pile.
And you wonder why you're living in a hyper polarized (often claimed, but never borne out) post racist period.
-Doug in Oakland
State Department took down ads for Drumpf Dump South. How many laws does Drumpf get to break before he gets his ass busted? I know-there isn't a law he can break that will get wingnuts to do their duty and impeach his ass. It just ain't ever gonna happen to law and order crooks.
More good news for Fake Noize. They are being sued for racial discrimination. Life is good.
What is the best way to commit suicide?
That has to be one of the dumbest, if not the dumbest ? ever asked in public. I can't believe someone would actually utter those words on the internet. We be doomed!
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Just wondering, if Donnie prefers people who weren't captured as heros, does he prefer people who weren't shot too? Perhaps in future the Purple Heart will come with a hospital bill.
"What is the best way to commit suicide?"
Relax, it's not even been 100 days yet.
Just tell him to Google it.
Exactly, crakkas would rather run this country into the abyss rather than be fair to very people that were forced to build this hell hole of a country from the GROUND UP.
Black people from around the world are trying to get INTO this "hell hole of a country".
You wouldn't know (because wherever YOU go, there YOU are), but the parts of this country which don't have NAMs (non-asian minorities) are generally quite nice. Yes, even some of the ones run by Demonrats. And no, you built exactly none of it. You shitskins were prohibited by law from living in Oregon for decades.
White people from around the world are trying to get INTO this "hell hole of a country".
You wouldn't know (because wherever YOU go, there THEY are), but the parts of this country which don't have WEMPS (White European Minority Population Settlements [as the land still belongs to the indigenes]) are generally quite nice. Yes, even some of the ones run by Repugnicants. And no, WEMPS didn't exactly build all of it, but that hasn't stopped them for taking credit for all of it. The white shitskins who prohibited by law blacks from living in Oregon for decades, are now wishing they had, as white shitskins need blacks to make themselves feel superior, as they're born with a severe, profound, inferiority complex.
"White people from around the world are trying to get INTO this "hell hole of a country"."
You are such a noopid stigger. A full 7% of the population of Ghana has applied for the diversity visa lottery to get into the USA. That is the highest proportion of any country on earth.
What we should be doing is sending every last one of you to countries like Ghana. You hate America and appreciate none of it, so you should not be allowed to live in it.
"White people from around the world are trying to get INTO this "hell hole of a country"."
You are such a noopid straka. A full 7% of the population of Ghana has applied for the diversity visa lottery to get into the USA, although it should be a full 100% given the degree to which this nation, sitting on stolen land, stole generations of Africa's labor, creating in its place a labor drain and a brain drain. Too bad, that is the highest proportion of any country on earth, as the proportion should be higher than a measly 7%.
What we should be doing is sending every last one of you noopid strakas to countries like Ghana to work as retribution for the African labor you stole. You hate Africa and appreciate none of it, so you should not be allowed to live in any place that benefited from stolen African labor.
I found about a hundred of those recently in a field using my metal detector. Oddly, they we buried in these big boxed along with some bones. Let me tell you. That was one strange field. Not sure I want to go back to that place. Too many stones and some guy kept screaming at me the entire time.
"A full 7% of the population of Ghana has applied for the diversity visa lottery to get into the USA, although it should be a full 100% given the degree to which this nation, sitting on stolen land, stole generations of Africa's labor, creating in its place a labor drain and a brain drain."
Typical google. You think you should get everything for nothing. You even think you should get the land that Europeans took from conquered "Native Americans" (who weren't the first Americans, not by far) instead of going home.
"What we should be doing is sending every last one of you noopid strakas to countries like Ghana to work as retribution for the African labor you stole."
Thank you for admitting that you LOVE slavery. It is inherent in your souls. You have NO objection to the Arabs who took the vast majority of the slaves from east Africa and sold them in markets across the Maghreb and into Asia Minor... because you know they're as worthless as you are, and you're not bright enough to keep anyone other than Africans as involuntary slaves and you know it.
No, you think you can make a living on White guilt. Sorry, but that's going to end really soon. You're fucked now, and your best bet is to get out before the race war goes from one-sided and cold to two-sided and very, VERY hot.
"You hate Africa and appreciate none of it, so you should not be allowed to live in any place that benefited from stolen African labor."
My ancestors, both American and European, never held or benefitted from slavery. Now, since you're holding people responsible for the acts of their ancestors to infinity, how many of YOURS came from the large fraction of free Blacks in America who owned slaves themselves? Blacks like Anthony Johnson, whose lawsuit established chattel slavery in Virginia in the first place? Fess up.
Africa is a continent of slaves. It's where you belong.
Oh, a little something I found elsewhere:
"Vibrants are willing participants in genocide and deserve no mercy or quarter whatsoever. Most will leave on their own when the welfare spigot gets turned off. They need to go home or die. We don't care which."
I don't care which either.
"A full 7% of the population of Ghana has applied for the diversity visa lottery to get into the USA, although it should be a full 100% given the degree to which this nation, sitting on stolen land, stole generations of Africa's labor, creating in its place a labor drain and a brain drain."
Typical white foogle. We think we should get everything for nothing. We even think the land that we Europeans stole from conquered "Native Americans" belongs to us, (although we lie and insist that they weren't the first Americans, not by far), but the were, in fact, indigenes forced into a country not their own, one that we forced on them) instead of us going back home, to EU-ROPE, and leaving them in peace.
"What we should be doing is sending every last one of you noopid strakas to countries like Ghana to work as retribution for the African labor you stole."
Regrettably, I must admit that we whites LOVE slavery, that we would enslave the whole world if we could, not just Africans. It is inherent in our white souls, and part of our white DNA. We say we have NO objection to the Arabs who took the vast majority of the slaves from east Africa and sold them in markets across the Maghreb and into Asia Minor, but we do, as they did better what would have been our wet dream had the opportunity presented itself... because we know we're as worthless as they were, and were not bright enough to keep anyone other than Africans as involuntary slaves and we know it.
No, we think we can make a living by depriving blacks of their lives, and their livelihoods. Sorry, but that's going to end really soon. We're fucked now, and our best bet is to get out and return to EU-ROPE before the race war goes from one-sided and cold to two-sided and very, VERY hot.
"You hate Africa and appreciate none of it, so you should not be allowed to live in any place that benefited from stolen African labor."
My ancestors, both American and European, never held but benefited from slavery. With that benefit, I should be holding my white self, and my white people responsible for the acts of our ancestors to infinity. True, not many of YOURS came from the large fraction of free Blacks in America who owned slaves themselves. Blacks, like Anthony Johnson, whose lawsuit, in a white court, using white laws, supposedly establishing chattel slavery in Virginia in the first place, was a lie promulgated by my white people to make a black person guilty of their sin. For that, I must Fess up.
Africa is a continent that we whites saw as the home of slaves. It's where we now belong, to be slaves to blacks as a way to recompense for the sins of our forefathers.
Oh, a little something I found elsewhere:
"Unfortunately, we see Vibrants as willing participants in their genocide and deserve no mercy or quarter whatsoever. What we fail to understand is that their genocide will be our white genocide, and what befalls them will befall us. Most will leave on their own, carrying their labor pool of cheap labor with them, forcing many whites to ask that the welfare spigot gets turned on full force. If they go home, we whites will die. We should care which--welfare or death."
I do care which.
Total lack of originality, as well as zero connection to truth.
"We think we should get everything for nothing."
We got it by fighting for it.
"We even think the land that we Europeans stole from conquered "Native Americans" belongs to us, (although we lie and insist that they weren't the first Americans, not by far), but the were, in fact, indigenes forced into a country not their own, one that we forced on them)"
The "Native Americans" (descended from Siberians) fought each other for it after taking it from the First Americans who came from what's now France. We out-fought them, so it's ours by right of conquest.
"I must admit that we whites LOVE slavery"
So much so that we were first in the world to legally abolish it, and in the USA fought a bloody war to accomplish that end for the sake of freeing your worthless asses. But damn are you stupid.
"that we would enslave the whole world if we could, not just Africans."
In the real world there's not one single European colony in Africa or the Far East, while slavery runs rampant where civilization withdrew to its homelands leaving savagery to reign once more.
Moral inversion, thy name is Nigger. These facts are known to most people, and when they start putting them together they realize just how deeply and thoroughly they've been lied to. You are already getting blowback on your insanity. It is only going to get worse, so get out while you can.
"Africa is a continent that we whites saw as the home of slaves. It's where we now belong, to be slaves to blacks as a way to recompense for the sins of our forefathers."
And that is TRULY what you believe: you want slaves. It's in your blood. White people wanted to be free and wanted YOU to be free too. What you want and what we want are completely incompatible. You're going to go. You don't have to go back, but you're not going to stay here. I learned a bit about how to use a backhoe. Don't get on the wrong end of one.
To live conscience free, and to suffice for our total lack of originality, as well as zero connection to truth, we whites project these characteristics on all those who stand in the way of our insatiable greed and stupidity.
We got it by fighting for it, which is tantamount to getting everything for nothing of real value, just the blood and guts of those we deemed enemies.
For that I repent.
We whites have to justify our brutality, and inhumanity towards "Native Americans," so we
have hypothesize a justification, saying that they were descended from Siberians, a new hypothesis, and not a fact, and that They fought each other for it after taking it from the First Americans who came from what's now France (another hypothesis). We out-fought them, so it's ours by right of conquest, a standard that's is as uncivilized as those we claimed to have conquered.
To indicate otherwise, we made it appear that we were the first in the world to legally abolish slavery, although in the USA, we fought a bloody war to keep slavery intact, and to spread it into the new territories taken from Mexico by spilling Mexican blood. We whites said our civil war was fought for the sake of freeing blacks, when in reality it was done for political reasons, and to raise the general reputation of our unrepentant, worthless asses. Damn we whites are stupid, even to consider slavery, and to participate in it for 245 years, an uncivilized and soul-destroying practice.
In the real world there's not one single European colony in Africa or the Far East, leaving behind the remnants of its white savagery, after Africa was raped and pillaged and its people severely brutalized by those who called themselves civilized, but were the real savages, hiding behind the veneer of civilization where, following our white example, slavery still runs rampant where our pretend white civilization, wanting to believe ourselves superior to the natives we conquered, withdrew to our homelands leaving a legacy of our savagery to reign once more.
Moral inversion, our name should be Nigger, as our actions bespeak an evil that we will bear for centuries, overturning any good we may have grudgingly extended to humanity. These facts are known to most people, and when they start putting them together they will realize just how deeply and thoroughly they've been lied to by most whites, especially the greedy and stupid among us. We are already getting blowback on our white insanity. It is only going to get worse, as our numbers dwindled, so we whites should get out while we can.
And that is TRULY what we whites should believe: we should want to be slaves to compensate for the crime of slavery against a people who didn't asked to be slaves, and who were brought to a New World to be enslaved. I know it's in our white blood, but we should have resisted. White people wanted to be free, but they didn't want BLACKS to be free too, hence slavery, and the death of thousands, if not millions, in the transportation of slaves along what was termed the Middle Passage. What whites wanted, cheap labor, and what blacks wanted, to be left along, are completely incompatible. We Whites are going to go, soon or late, as we will soon be outnumbered. We don't have to go back, but if we stay here. we'll be outnumbered, and overwhelmed by those we have spent years hating, brutalizing, and ruling over. I learned a bit about how to use a backhoe. I'm afraid we whites will soon be on the wrong end of one.
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