“We’ve got cases moving in the very, very liberal Ninth Circuit, who, they’ve been hostile to the order,” Sessions said Tuesday in an interview with “The Mark Levin Show” on CNN. “We won a case in Virginia recently that was a nicely-written order that just demolished, I thought, all the arguments that some of the other people have been making. We are confident that the President will prevail on appeal and particularly in the Supreme Court, if not the Ninth Circuit. So this is a huge matter. I really am amazed that a judge sitting on an island in the Pacific can issue an order that stops the President of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and Constitutional power.”
Ahhm, here is the thing, Beauregard: That "island in the Pacific" is a part of the United States. And the last time I checked you represent the entire United States. If it's just some island in the Pacific why did we go to war with the Japanese after that infamous incident at a places called Pearl Harbor?
This administration has a we against them mindset that is seriously dividing the country. The scary thing is that Sessions really does believe that Hawaii is some insignificant place far away from the rest of America. (Must be all those brown people.)
But he wasn't the only member of this administration making dumb statements today. The leader of the pack tried to get one up on his AG in cluelessness when he declared, in no uncertain terms, that our neighbors to the North are "disgraceful" people. Canada!? Come on Donald, they are some of the nicest people on earth. (Where is Drake with a nice diss track when you need him?)
Those Russians are not nearly as nice as Canadians, and yet he (trump) refuses to diss Russia.
Hmmm, maybe there is something to those golden showers rumors after all.
More fake outrage by someone pretending to not know what Sessions meant.
The point is that the elected government of the United States should not be blocked from exercising their constitutionally mandated duty by far flung federal judges who are grossly exceeding their authority.
One way or another, this leftist tyranny will be broken.
"The point is that the elected government of the United States should not be blocked from exercising their constitutionally mandated duty by far flung federal judges who are grossly exceeding their authority."
Uh, no, this is exactly how the federal government is supposed to work. The judiciary enforces the Constitution. All the district courts have equal authority, which includes the one in Hawaii. If you don't like the ruling, you appeal.
Trump and fools like you who support him are just pissed because you want to pass policies that the Constitution does not allow. Tough shit - you can't have them.
I would kick a white boy's ass to get some of that sweet white pussy.
"But he wasn't the only member of this administration making dumb statements today. The leader of the pack tried to get one up on his AG in cluelessness when he declared, in no uncertain terms, that our neighbors to the North are "'disgraceful' people. Canada!? Come on Donald, they are some of the nicest people on earth. (Where is Drake with a nice diss track when you need him?)"
Oh, here we go. Now it's not only China and Mexico on the Enemies of America list, but our neighbors to the north, too. When you're in the blaming-everybody business, like Trump is, I guess it's inevitable you'd eventually Blame Canada, lol. When does the invasion of Quebec start?
♫ "Well, blame Canada, blame Canada
It seems that everything's gone wrong
Since Canada came along
Blame Canada, blame Canada
They're not even a real country anyway" ♫
It's sad when Trey Parker and Matt Stone are starting to look less like parodists and more like prophets.
Brigade Fifteen said...
"Uh, no, this is exactly how the federal government is supposed to work. The judiciary enforces the Constitution."
Uh, no, making ridiculous rulings based on a subjective reading of the President's motivation rather than on an objective determination of the legality of his actions is not enforcing the Constitution, it is trashing it.
Rightwingers continue to exploit the wave of Muslim terror in Europe to push conspiracies about a wave of Muslim terror in Europe. Shameful!
Trump sucks ass and so do all of you fuckers.
Hammer Time, you are nearly as stupid as Sessions and a great example of the infinitely reprogrammable pig-people who have done this to us.
There are how many co-equal branches of government? No, not the branch you have stuffed up your butt with your head, the branches of the US government. Hint: There are three. Second hint: When they don't agree with your stupid, stupid, ideology it doesn't make them wrong.
We tried to tell you morons that Trump was too fucked-in-the-head to run the government, and we knew you'd ramp up the stupid to try and cover for him because that's what Republicans always do, but this time you little creeps aren't gonna slink away and "distance" yourselves from the smoking ruins of the presidency like you did with W. No funny hats and Gadsden flags and newly minted independents who had never even heard of the despicable prick you voted for: This time you're gonna own the whole fucking disaster.
-Doug in Oakland
I am concerned about the language of some of our elected officials. Ted Cruz likes to talk about choosing a Supreme Court Justice that will drive liberals crazy and he was almost giddy about that fact. I guess we're now in a situation in which you just don't give f about people who didn't vote for you.
Ten years ago yesterday:
-Doug in Oakland
21st April 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
"Beauregard"? Wow, racist much?! Clearly you're letting your Francophobia out House. Your jigging for left knows no depths. Ya' know what House? I'm convinced that, after reading you for the better part of a decade, that you are a complete and unreconstructed racist. The only difference between you and the Klansman or skinhead is that they have the courage of their convictions to own their own their hatred. Your virulent racial hatred is cloaked in petulant, adolescent snark. You're so taken by your own seeming cleverness to see that you've spent your life jigging for your Marxist plantation owners. Pity a squandered life.
White men are despicable. White women, on the other hand, are fine.
Hussein? Racist much? Beauregard is Sessions given middle name. I personally believe it is incompetent because Sessions is incompetent. He is also a perjurer, but since he is a lily white, phony kristian, southern redneck klansman he gets a free pass.
Our judicial system deals with opinions. One side gives theirs, the other side gives theirs and the judge or judges render a decision based on their interpretations of the law- not on what Adolf Drumpf claims is the law.
Wingnuts didn't push this dispute too hard because a 4/4 Supreme court gave them a good chance to lose. Now they have a n hand picked rubber stamp they stole from Liberals sitting on the court they might be able to declare the constitution null and void and make the art of the deal the law of the land.
Sessions declares Hawaii's long form birth certificate unacceptable proof that Hawaii is in fact a state.
"Sessions declares Hawaii's long form birth certificate unacceptable proof that Hawaii is in fact a state."
Haha, good one.
That's a good point, BF. Hawaii's complicity in faking Obama's birth documents shows just what a banana republic it really is.
"I guess we're now in a situation in which you just don't give f about people who didn't vote for you."
Obama never did.
Why should anyone?
The Attorney General doesn't believe black people are human beings. He is lower than pond scum.
#BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful
All these crises in North Korea, Iran, and Syria are Obama's chickens coming home to roost.
Anon@11:00 did u really just post that?
I hope u don't drink. Alcohol does not mix with those psychiatric drugs that you're taking.
So the Third World HATES White people. But they DEMAND to be around them to gain access to the high standard of living that they create.
They break laws, climb walls, swim rivers, cross seas in inflatable rafts just to get near the people they HATE.
They'll do just about anything to get into a country that they immediately call OPPRESSIVE and in need of massive CHANGE.
The CHANGE they work toward is to replace the people they HATE who created the place they DEMAND to be in with people who created the awful places they FLED.
Sultan said...
All these crises in North Korea, Iran, and Syria are Obama's chickens coming home to roost.
11:56 AM
Pure, unadulterated BULL SHIT! Dumbass dubya is directly responsible for Iran and North Korea. Drumpf's stoopidity and a military led by officers that can't keep track of billion dollar Naval battle groups is exacerbating the mess in Syria.
Bush refused to open dialog with North Korea and sat and watched as they developed Nukes. Iran was a second rate power in the middle east dominated by Hussein in Iraq. So dubya decides to tilt the balance of power to Iran by taking out Saddam on the phony pretense he had massive amounts of WMDS. You wingnuts aren't going to be allowed to rewrite history to make Bushwhack look good.
Drumpfuck is so worried he will be ridiculed for getting nothing done in the first 100 days he is demanding wingnuts vote on and pass an amendment to make Drumpfcare even worse than the cluster that was recently pulled w/o a vote. Drumpfuck the Desperate Dildo.
@Sultan 11:56 AM:
Exactly! What a disaster the Obama years were for US interests! Just like Clinton's North Korea nuke deal and Carter's loss of Iran, Democrat failures reverberate for decades.
Thank God HRC will never be president.
Godspeed, President Trump!
Florida's drunk legislator who was dropping N-bombs resigned. Too bad, so sad.
Trump lovers and Trump haters are equally shit.
"Florida's drunk legislator who was dropping N-bombs resigned. Too bad, so sad."
First, O'Reilly and now this bottom-feeder. Hey, whaddaya know? It's turned out to be a good week for hateful wingnut reprobates getting fired.
Drumpf gave a shout out to his great, great friend Luciano Pavarotti during a press conference with Italian PM. He likes to converse with the dead. Maybe he thinks they will vote for him.
Did fucking morons really vote for this for president?
Yeah trump gave a shout out to the Italian tenor who has been dead for over 10 years.
He lies so much he just can't help himself.
And mike, to answer your question, yes they did. :)
"World Of Lies", I would explain colonialism and its history to you but it would take too much of my time. And besides, I am pretty sure that u are a lost cause and your kind won't be around much longer, so it's not even worth it.
Sessions needs sessions with a human being, a psychiatrist, a geographer and most every other professional you can think of.
Kate Bolduan asked if he would change anything he said about the judge or Hawaii and he couldn't think of anything. He still called Hawaii an island and then claims his Grand Daughter was born there. He still appears clueless as to how the judiciary works and the powers a bogus potus has. We are doomed.
Jefferson= Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederate States of America.
Beauregard= P.G.T. Beauregard, first prominent general in the Confederate States' Army.
That's who Sessions is named after.
He himself is a soldier in the army dedicated to transforming the party of Lincoln into the party of Jefferson Davis, a task he and they have been wildly successful at.
He is also an ignorant, racist, little punk, and the world at large would be a measurably better place were he to drown himself in a bucket of pig jizz.
-Doug in Oakland
Good points Doug, he should not be AG except our President is a troll who had to appease his base by nominating the guy deemed too racist to be a judge. I guess that was necessary after two negro AG's in a row.
dead Breitbrat claims HRC started Russia hacking story shortly after her defeat in the election. Breitbrat is not only dead, he is totally delusional- not a good thing to be when you are also dead.
Hillary lost because she was an awful person who would have made a terrible president.
We are all lucky that Trump is President.
HRC couldn't suck this bad if she was paid to suck this bad. The only reason Drumpfuck has advisers is so he has someone to blame when he makes the wrong decisions. And he always makes the wrong decisions.
Drumpf is the worst potus ever and he only has himself and his yoooge ego to blame.
The point is that the elected government of the United States should not be blocked from exercising their constitutionally mandated duty by far flung federal judges who are grossly exceeding their authority.
If the judge had exceeded his authority (he did not) this case would not have been lost on appeal and the Scotus would not have been brought into play. That judge had every legal and constitutional right to stop the bogus potus from doing unconstitutional deeds. That is what courts do. They are not supposed to rubber stamp anyone's agenda. That is something wingnuts refuse to believe. That is why wingnut justices get vetted to be sure they toe the korporate line or they don't get chosen.
Jefferson Beauregard's DOJ is sending out their official notice that they will punish "sanctuary cities" by blacking federal funds for policing they receive.
To add insult to injury, the notice includes the usual Trumpian bullshit about "CRIME IS UP EVERYWHERE CUZ OF IMMIGRANTS!" Never mind that this isn't remotely true; crime isn't up in a great many of these cities.
Also, the logic here is ridiculous: We, the DOJ, care so, so very much about the crime you are experiencing that we will help out by ... reducing your police funding.
Which makes it pretty clear that this move is not so much about crime, and more about R-A-C-I-S-M.
Crime goes down when illegal immigrants displace Black people.
That just moves the Black crime elsewhere (see the Atlantic article "American Murder Mystery") but it makes the particular cities look better.
Of course, the only reason this works is that Black people are the worst of the worst and displacing them with less-worse is a step up.
Because in the AG's mind, even though legally Hawaii is a state,it has no real say in legislation or policy. To him it's just a tourist destination for sun and fun. Just like P.R., we're not even a state, we're a 'possession'! xD yeah we're owned babay!
A fun in the sun destination where the man can indulge in much needed sun, casinos, and the rest of what comes along with that! You know, like a prostitute ;)
Sessions wants what the confederacy always wanted-- elite, racist, sexist oligarchs ruling over the nation. Trump and Sessions and their ilk do not believe in democracy, but will use the existing system to entrench their own power. They want big government-- as a corrupt method of funneling taxpayers money into their pockets, with 99% of those taxpayers not represented. Apparently, the Confederates and their Northern sympathizers won the civil war.
Spam is very popular in Hawaii. Coincidence?
"Golden Showers".
Remember that the next time you put an R Kelley DVD in....pissing on a child's head? Why isn't he in prison?
Even Chapelle made a point of it.
Anon's should be shot, skewered, basted, and then thrown in the trash.
Let their fellow monkeys eat them.
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